Alien Attunement

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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A group of interns land on an alien planet where research is happening. This was another patreon exclusive that was voted on by the fine people that give me money.

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The research station on the planet Gideon IV had been in operation for nearly two years, and even with that time they had only documented about a tenth of the flora and fauna that were believed to be on the planet. It had become a biological gold mine as soon as it had been discovered during a routine scan of a new sector of space and thanks to the hard workers on the planet they had discovered not only new alien species to study but biochemical compounds that would aid in the advancement of medicine and other fields. After the first year scientists would fight for the chance to be positioned there, and for Allo he had been one of the lucky few that were chosen to be the replacements for some of first that had been stationed there.

When the shuttle he was in broke the atmosphere the wolf practically pushed his head against the window in order to see the planet below. It was almost picturesque in its beauty, most of scene splayed out like some sort of watercolor portrait with only a single metal dot that marred the landscape. That was where they were going, that shiny metal dome growing larger with every second until it was far bigger than the shuttle he was on. Eventually they flew right inside of it, seeing the contaminant shield deactivate for their approach before immediately going back on when they passed by it.

A few minutes later the ship docked and the final procedures were going on, Allo practically bouncing in his seat as he waited for the sign that told them to stay put to go off. Finally he was able to get out and into the base proper, the wolf getting out before anyone else did. As soon as he got off he was met by the head of security who checked his paperwork before directing him to a leopard in a lab coat who smiled as he approached.

"Well aren't we an eager one?" The leopard said, Allo nodding his head and telling her what his name was so she could check it off. "Looks like we have two others that are in micro besides you, we'll just wait for them and then we can get started on the nickel tour. Ah, I think that must be them now."

Allo looked behind him to see who was coming down behind him, his face falling slightly when he saw who they were. It was a bull and a lion, named Cedric and Khan respectively, and from the way they talked it was clear that they were not as interested in the science as he was. In fact he heard the lion slip more than once that they had gotten their rich parents to pull a few strings in order to get them to have this place on their resumes. Though Allo tried not to let it show on his face when he turned away from the two of them he could feel the disgust show on his face.

After a few minutes the four of them were joined by a snake man, whom the leopard introduced as a senior researcher named Guster, before the doctor started them on the tour. Since it was a small facility they didn't have long until they had gone through the entirety of the facility including where they were going to stay and the other facilities. Due to the cramped nature all four of them were going to be in the same room with four beds almost stacked on top of one another. That didn't matter much to Allo, who was there for the scientific opportunities, but he could hear the other two new arrivals letting out an audible groan. As the wolf picked his bunk he could only hope that they wouldn't be like that for the entirety of their six months at the station...

One week in however and Allo realized that the bull and lion had not realized just what being in a remote alien station was going to be like. More than once they had come back from their shift in the lab pissed off, often not only to his annoyance but also Guster as well. When it came to their first weekend off they were even angrier when they found out that they couldn't even get off-planet to have some fun at a more populated station. "I should have known that this was some sort of punishment," the bull said as he did a set of sit-ups while the lion sat on his bunk flipping through a magazine. "I have half a mind to call my dad..."

"And tell him what?" Khan replied. "You want to quit this like everything else? Last time he flipped his stack after you told him that you didn't want to go into business anymore."

"Because it was stupid!" Cedric said angrily.

"You're stupid," Khan shot back. "Why don't you just be like Allo and take extra shifts?"

"Pfft, like I'm going to do extra work," the bull snorted. "I can't believe they don't even have booze here!"

Just as Khan was about to reply they heard an angry hiss and saw Guster rise up from his bed and stare daggers at both of them. "Will you two shut up?!" he said. "You've been carrying on ever since you touched down and I can't take it anymore!"

"Hey... just because you're boring as hell doesn't mean we are," the bull said as he popped back up and put on his shirt. "Is there nothing fun to do here?"

The snake man opened his mouth as though to yell at him again, then stopped and grinned before saying there was something fun they were working on that they hadn't been introduced to yet. This piqued the interest of the other two and they followed the snake man towards the lab. With it being the weekend and getting close towards the night shift there was, but Guster told the other two to follow him and keep quiet as they went to a section of the lab they hadn't been to before. Once they were there the snake took out a keycard and slide it through the lock before opening the door.

"Cloned this card after I first had access to this lab," Guster explained to the other two as they walked inside, the snake moving them to an area that was labeled as specimen containment. "Now this is something that was discovered even before I had gotten here." The other two watched as the senior researcher put down what appeared to be a vials of blue goo and one red one. "Apparently this blue goo can be found in small ponds throughout the planet, and when it needs to move to a new spot it hitches a ride inside the skull of one of the animals that inhabit this place."

"In their skulls?" the lion repeated as he watched Guster carefully remove the seal of one of the vials. "Does it kill them?"

"Surprisingly no," the snake stated. "Once the transfer is complete the animal just walks off as though nothing happened to it. When they did experiments on creatures that had the goo in their heads versus those who didn't they didn't notice something very interesting... the creatures with goo in their head appeared to be much more receptive to commands. From that they've been running a lot of tests on the substance, including one that I'm going to replicate with you right now that's going to make you see things in a whole new light."

The last statement of the snake got the two real excited as it indicated some sort of hallucinogenic or other kind of high, watching as he opened the container and pressed his finger against the goo. After he had done that he moved forward and put that same finger into the ear of the bull, causing him to flinch slightly when the wet digit pressed against him. As Cedric rubbed his own finger into his ear Guster put the lid back on and told Khan to watch, the bull asking what that was all about. When the feline asked if his bovine friend felt anything he started to shake his head, only to slow down as his face started to go slack.

Guster just smirked as he watched the bull's eyes grow glassy, the smug look that he had on his face falling away to a more passive look. Khan looked concerned as he snapped his fingers in front of Cedric, who slowly turned and looked at the snake. "What the hell did you do to him?" Khan asked as Cedric went back to staring blankly ahead.

"I told you, this goo has some very powerful hypnotic effects," Guster reiterated as he put his hand on the muzzle of the bull, shining a light into his eyes before doing the same to the ear he had put the goo inside. "This isn't even the full effect of the goo since we only use the secretions, but considering how powerful this stuff is we wouldn't dare put it in the brains of other technicians. Of course we have had a lot of fun with this stuff before once we figured out what it could do."

"So he's basically... you hypnotized him?" Khan asked, Guster nodding as the lion looked between the bull and the vials of goo. "So what does the red one do?"

"Not quite sure actually," Guster replied with a shrug. "We found it a few months after the blue stuff, but when we did get it the blue goo started its secretions that allows us to do what we do. We have to keep it around the blue goo so that we can access the mind control properties of the goo... for instance, Cedric, go ahead and jump on one foot."

To Khan's surprise the bull immediately started to do so, watching him bounce up and down on one foot. Guster told Khan to try out a few other commands, and the lion smirked as he began to make him do goofy things like break dance and squawk like a chicken. As he told him to start singing he heard some distortion in his voice, and looking closer he saw that a clear blue goo was leaking out of the corners of his mouth like saliva. When Khan asked Guster what was going on the snake explained that a side-effect of the goo was that those affected seemed to leak similar secretions to the goo, likely as a means for it to get out of its host, and that he would experience it first-hand before the lion felt a finger in his ear.

Khan pulled away and grabbed his feline ear, but as he looked at the snake in question he could already feel the secretion starting to take effect. He felt his entire face going slack just like his friend had as Guster grinned and went over to another cabinet, pulling out a recorder that was used for lab experiments. "You two are going to be pretty as a picture," the snake said as he turned it on and pointed at them. "Why don't you two give each other a nice, big hug."

Even though Khan still had some thoughts left in his head he found himself turning towards Cedric, feeling his mouth grow wet as the two approached one another. He felt himself drooling just like the bull as they embraced tightly and even rubbing up against one another when they were told. While Guster continued to record the two he told them to take it further and give one another a nice, friendly kiss. Khan and Cedric looked at one another with wide eyes as their heads seemed to quiver, trying to keep their muzzles pulled back even as they were inexorably drawn closer to one another. Eventually they couldn't overcome the order and found their lips pressing together for a few seconds before they backed away.

"I suppose that is good enough," Guster said with a grin as he downloaded the video while the two broke apart. "Now why don't you go ahead and get some sleep, and if you don't want me leaking to the community board you two had better come in there with better attitudes. Don't worry though, that hypnotic state you're in will go away in a few minutes."

A few hours later Cedric and Khan sat in the darkness of their shared room, hearing the snake sleeping soundly in his bunk as they slowly began get out of their beds. They had been waiting to hear him falling asleep ever since they had gotten back from the lab, the memory of their embarrassment still fresh in their minds. The second they had gotten themselves freed of the hypnotic effects of the goo that they were under and as they approached the snake the bull took a vial of blue goo from his pocket. He had swiped the samples after Khan had distracted Guster right after he had placed the vials back in the storage, keeping the door open just long enough to swipe the vials before closing it once more.

"Thinks he can make us kiss like..." Khan growled as he and Cedric moved so that they were standing on either side of the snake. "When does that brownnoser Allo get back?"

"Should be good for another hour,' Cedric whispered back. "Hurry up and do this, I want some payback on this bitch."

Khan nodded and took the vial of blue goo, unscrewing the cap and putting the opening right next to the ear-hole of the snake. While the secretions of the substance were enough to keep someone enthralled for a few minutes or so, what they wanted was something that was far longer. As the goo was brought up close they saw it form into tendrils, swirling upwards before pushing deep into the skull. The second that it started to slide in the snake's eyes snapped open, letting out a gasp as he tried to recover from his slumber to figure out what was going on.

The two smirked as they saw the goo continued to slide its way in, watching the perplexed nature of the cobra already begin to soften as he tried to form words that quickly slurred. Unlike the secretions that took a few seconds to kick in this seemed to have an immediate effect as a loud gargling noise came up from his throat. As his expression went blank Khan told the snake to pull off his covers while getting his video camera ready. Not only did the blue-tinted goo begin to practically pour out of his mouth but his nostrils and earholes as well. The bull looked at the leaking serpentine creature in slight shock before getting to the next act of revenge, telling Guster to strip down and begin to stroke himself.

"Say good-bye to your career bitch," Cedric said as he watched Guster methodically stroking himself, looking down to see that the same goo was coming out of his cock as well as other places. "Oh man, he's practically drowning in the stuff. We should have done this in the shower."

"Nothing says that we can't," Khan replied as he instructed the snake to stand up and walk to the shower as he deleted the video he was making. "Plus we're going to need him to be more convincing if we're going to accuse him of defying the depraved acts clause. Make him... I don't know, act gayer or something."

"Great..." Cedric said with a sigh as he grabbed the snake to guide him into the shower area, immediately grunting and stepping back as strands of the gooey substance connected his fingers to the slick scales. "Oh man, he is positively soaked! It's like trying to handle a slug."

The lion rolled his eyes and told the bull to wash up before ordering Guster to get into the shower and start stroking himself off. "Are you sure that is going to be enough?" Cedric asked after drying himself off. "I mean, people have done it before and just gotten a slap on the wrist."

"Well if you want to jump in there and fuck him then go right ahead," Khan replied, fiddling with his camera in order to make sure that he could get the best video to record the one they were trying to get fired. Just as he finished up and looked back to watch the snake he nearly dropped his recorder and gasped. "What the hell man?!"

The scene playing out before the lion was that his friend had done exactly what he had told him to do, his night clothes already on the floor as the naked, muscular bull had taken his erect cock and started to push into the tailhole of the other male. "The goo... it's lubed up his butt real good," Cedric said with a moan, feeling the heat of the tailhole clamping around his maleness accompanied by the cool sensation of the ooze that seemed to be completely dripping from his body. "Ungh! You got to try this!"

"Will you knock it off with that queer shit?" Khan said angrily as he went up to the bull and smacked him on the shoulder. "I can't record if you're... going to do... this..."

Khan paused when he felt something sticky, pulling back his hand and seeing that it was shiny with blue goo. When he turned back to the bull he saw that there was more of the goo already leaking out of his mouth and nostrils. When he looked down he saw that something was wiggling around just underneath the fur of the bovine's groin as it slapped against the cheeks of the other male. Those tendrils were clearly coming from the snake as his scales began to turn semi-translucent, the alien substance altering his physiology right before the lion's eyes as the forked tongue of the serpentine creature began to thicken and lengthen into a tentacle. The lion remained frozen in pure shock... though as the seconds ticked by he found that it was also growing harder to think as the bull continued to pump his thickening dick into the transforming snake.

Just as Khan finally had the urge to run he felt something grab the back of his mane, his wide eyes turning instantly to his friend who had grabbed him. He watched as the tongue of the mutating male pushed out, the flesh already turned to a bright blue, stretched forward and pushed into his maw. The lion felt the appendage pushing into his mouth as he was pulled into a kiss, flooding his throat with the thick saliva that it had created. He realized in the back of his mind that he had ordered his friend to do this accidently but with the appendage practically down his throat he wouldn't be able to give any more... not that he was able to do anything as he could feel a similar numbing sensation on his brain as the goo began to dribble out of his ears and nostrils.

The lion's body practically quivered as he remained in that corrupted kiss, more of the goo soaking his fur as the bull continued to thrust into the transforming snake creature. Guster's eyes had turned completely goo-like and just like the one inside the feline his tongue had also become a thick tentacle. His scaly body had also began to bulge and writhe unnaturally as the alien substance, unhindered by the evolution that the others on this planet had used in order to keep a similar change at bay, infiltrated all their muscles. As the fur of both the bull and the lion began to turn blue the ooze that had continued to leak off their bodies it caused it to bubble up from the drain...

Allo yawned loudly as he staggered back to his dorm after pulling another double shift with the leopard. He had been requesting as much time as possible, not only so that he could learn everything about this facility and potentially get a permanent position there but also because he was avoiding his insufferable roommates. While Guster wasn't too bad he couldn't stand the other two, and time he spent out of the dorm room they hung out in was time well spent. When he got to the door he took a deep breath and got ready to endure more complaining as he opened the door and walked inside.

"What the hell..." the wolf said as he looked around to see that there was some sort of thick ooze everywhere, especially where Guster usually slept. "I swear, if this was another prank like the shampoo I'm requesting a transfer."

Just as he was about to call in for cleaning detail he heard a noise in the bathroom, likely where at least one of the three were. Normally he just let things go but he was too tired and angry to care at the moment. He was ready to yell at someone and banged on the door before finding it was open. The breath he was going to use to scream turned into a sharp gasp as three goo-covered creatures suddenly barreled towards him.

"Wait!" Allo said as he fell backwards, holding up his hands defensively to try and fend off the impending attack. As he laid there on the floor the seconds ticked by until eventually he lowered his hands to see that they had stopped mere inches from him. "Whoa... that's... not what I expected."

As Allo looked over the three creatures, whom he told to stop when they started to move again and they did so, it quickly became apparent that they were his roommates. They still had some of their features even as the goo had smoothed their features over and turned them into a similar substance. He had remembered that he had seen something like this in the lab before, remembering the doctor saying that they had a goo-like substance that had influencing properties on those affected by their secretions. As he told the creatures to back away and found them doing so immediately he wondered if somehow the others had gotten transformed by it, a suspicion that was confirmed when he knocked over a nearby blanket and an empty vial tumbled onto the floor along with the one filled with red goo.

The wolf continued to try and figure out what was happening as he looked at the three blue creatures, watching them continuing to leer at his body with those gelatinous eyes. "Let's get one thing straight here guys," Allo said as he continued to watch the three infected creature. "No matter what you three will listen to me, and unless I say something you will not act without my authority. I want complete authority, you got it?"

The three nodded and seemed to get the idea, though none of them spoke at all. It was extremely unnerving to see those that he used to work with in such a state, completely transformed and in the grip of some sort of alien goo. It was unsure if they were even able to be redeemed or if they were going to be part of some research project later on, but either way it wasn't his call to make... it was the one that he was attempting to get on the facility comm system. "Hello?" the leopard on the other end of the line stated. "Allo, is that you?"

"Yeah, I know we just spoke but I have something really pressing here in my dorm," Allo said. "The situation is under control but I need-"

Allo let out a gasp as he felt a pressure against his ear, causing him to drop the comm link as something slid inside to his canal. Though there was a momentary stretching sensation it quickly became numb as he spun around to see the goo snake creature holding a vial with a faint red discoloration. The wolf felt his eyes widen as he could feel it wiggling inside his skull, in too far for him to possibly fish it. Was he... was he about to turn into one of them? How did they manage to get past his commands in the first place?

"You said you wanted complete authority," Guster said, though Allo was surprised to see that the snout of the gooey snake didn't move and that the voice was in his head. "This is how you get it."

The wolf had lost track of where the alien goo was in his head, but he could already feel his nostrils and mouth starting to thicken in response to the substance that was likely already transforming him. As he continued to look at the three that were staring at him he began to... feel other things, sensing their thoughts and even their emotions. The three were still in there but they were being compelled by the same instincts that they had found in the alien creatures of the planet. There was also something else, a frown forming on his face as he saw the events that had transpired up until that point as a semi-translucent substance oozed out past his lips.

The image became very vivid of their bathroom shenanigans and also the fact that Cedric and Khan had attempted to get Guster kicked out of the program. He also saw what they had done together... and it appeared that the goo had imprinted more than just the alien need to spread itself. The wolf had known the snake was gay, mostly because he was as well, and it appeared that it had rubbed off on the two since they had continued their coupling even after all three of them had been infected. When he probed Khan and Cedric's mind he saw that they were ashamed since their minds had been linked just like he was with them.

Without speaking the wolf went over to his bunk and laid down, licking the red-tinted fur on his lips as he felt his tongue starting to thicken just like the ones that he was pointing at to join him. All couldn't explain it but as the seconds past he began to feel himself growing more in control, not only of himself but also of the three creatures that were still in the room with him. Not only that but the bull and lion, who normally wouldn't even listen to him, immediately sprang into action and got into the bed as well. As they began to rub their hands over him and slick down his already gooey fur he saw them go straight to his erect cock, the sensitive flesh of which was glistening as he could feel them actively seeking him out for what to do next.

Even with the pleasure that he was experiencing his analytical mind was racing with all the new information that he was getting, realizing that the red goo that was leaking out of his ears and even his tailhole was the controller of the blue. It was part of the reason that it was needed for the secretions to happen, though the goo itself could change others without it. He watched as the two tentacle tongues of the lion and bull licked his growing cock, his bed growing wet with the thick goo being secreted from their bodies. Though Allo knew that he should call it in he couldn't deny that both the power and pleasure he was getting from the two creatures was intoxicating as the snake slid in as well, taking on a different role as he snuggled up against the increasingly red wolf.

With their minds still intact and Allo now in control at least they wouldn't have to worry about things like containment, the wolf thinking about what might have happened if he hadn't come along and accidently fell into the role. As he suddenly felt something coming from Cedric as he looked over at the bull who had started to deep-throat his cock. When he mentally asked him what was wrong his attention was turned towards the empty vials on the floor. There were four of them, and from what he gathered the bull had an idea for how to use the other two before they visited the snake...

Meanwhile a small cargo frigate was coming from the alien planet to a nearby space station, the lizardman pilot punching in the coordinates while the tiger next to him took a long drink from his thermos. "Going into the auto docking process," the lizardman announced as he sat back. "What are you looking forward to doing once we get in here?"

The tiger just shrugged and shook his head, though as he tried to put the thermos full of coffee he had gotten from the station they had left he found himself dropping it to the floor instead. With the lizardman concentrating on the docking procedure he didn't notice as the feline sat back in his chair, a low gurgle coming from his throat as he found himself looking up at the ceiling. When the lizardman finally did look over to see what was going on with his co-pilot he saw him quivering slightly, and when he reached over to shake him on the shoulder the tiger slumped forward as a thick saliva-like substance poured out of his mouth.

The lizardman let out a gasp and went over to the radio to call it in, only to have his wrist suddenly grabbed. He could feel something oozing over his scales as he turned back towards the tiger to see that he had suddenly straightened up and looked at him with blue semi-translucent eyes. The pilot let out a scream before the tiger pounced on him, everything going silent in the ship as it docked into the station...

Safe Harbor (3/3)

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Safe Harbor (2/3)

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Safe Harbor (1/3)

The Nexus Realm... a vastly interconnected dimension of both space and time harboring a multitude of planets, species, and everything therein. On the edges of this universe were the ten realms of nexus creatures who seek to rule over it, kingdoms...

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