Christmas at the Raven's

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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A collaborative effort between myself and ravensflock, this time its a Christmas Tour of the Factory! Had a lot of fun with this one and was happy to have gotten it done for all those involved. Normally I break this up into chapters but figured that this would be good just to go as it. Hope you enjoy!

The related picture and inspiration for the story is here:

Chapter 1:

Outside the snow swirled around people who were attempting to get home, the cold driving them forward with their coats and packages that they had bought. For those that passed by the rather large industrial building that sat near the edge of the commercial district most people tended to give it little thought, and for its part the building did seem to blend in with everything around it. Garland and lights were hung up and the landscape was decorated with various trees that were also glowing as soon as the sun went down. But while it was just as festive as everyone else there was little that was going on in and out of the building... at least for those who didn't care to look.

But for those that knew exactly what went on in this place, or were at least aware of the products that were being offered, the Factory was the place to go in order to get all manner of kinky gifts. The presents that could be gotten there would not be found in any other store or on any other shelf. It was a wonderland for anyone with an affinity for rubber with people flocking far and wide to see what the enigmatic owner had to sell for the holiday season. But those who managed to walk inside only got a glimpse of the showroom where they could find their presents, whether for themselves or a particularly like-minded individual, and even that wasn't open all the time.

In fact, it was nearing the end of the Christmas season shopping rush and as such the Factory was bustling with all sorts of activity. The showroom was filled with those that were looking for a last second gift for those on their lists that had a love for bondage and rubber while the factory floor was bustling with production of orders that were to be packed and shipped before Christmas. In all the areas a clock slowly counted down the minutes until the Factory closed for the holiday weekend with the bird in charge announcing every hour or so of the impending closure. There would be no hanging around for anyone both customer or worker and even many of the guards would vacate the premises once they had made their last sweep of the massive complex.

On a perch in his office Raven watched through the cameras as the last of those that were milling about in the showroom were ushered out before the last of the guards that would still remain locked the door the second the timer hit zero. There was a reason that the Raven wanted to be sure that there was no one else besides those that were invited in by this point, and already he could see a shadow moving around in the cameras even as they flicked around. Though someone had taken great care to make sure they couldn't be seen and while normally that was cause for the bird to sound the alarm and call for the guards to detain such a creature his feet remained off the button. It was because he knew who was there causing mischief and was there on the invitation of the bird himself to do so.

Something that Raven did push on his perch though was his intercom button, watching his door pop open to reveal a buxom vulpine completely in rubber from head to toe. "Could you please make sure that everything is prepared for our guests that have arrived?" Raven asked as he continued to watch the cameras catching movement out of the corner of his eye. "Also that we're prepared for the crowds that will be coming in tomorrow, the last thing we need is for everyone to go on a break and then come back completely ill-informed of the work that needs to be done."

"Yes sir, Mr. Raven," the rubber secretary replied. "Is there anything else that I can do for you while I update the schedules?"

"Just make sure to hold down the fort here," Raven replied with a small nod of his beak. "I'll be gone for a few hours to give the tour but I'm going to assume that no one will be knocking down my door when it comes to anything, especially not on Christmas. Oh, and do leave my door open so that my final guest can walk in when he's finished bandying about the factory floor."

The secretary nodded and left, the door remaining slightly open as Raven got back to work making sure that the Factory would be secure after everything was said and done considering the tour setup. With his attention about to be fixated on his guests he wanted to make sure that no one else would be tempted to wander around, especially with the ideas that he had gotten from his co-sponsor for this little project. The last thing he needed when he only had a few guards around was someone coming in and mucking things up, or getting caught somewhere they shouldn't be, so as he watched the shadow go from room to room he set up the security measures right behind him. After a few minutes he had everything ready to go save for the administration office, which with his secretary dismissed until the tour is complete he was the only one left in the entire wing.

Which made it slightly creepy as he heard the door creak when he was still looking down at the monitor, though when he brought his head up he saw that he was no longer alone. "Merry Christmas," Raven said as he hopped down onto his desk and pressed the button on his desk that activated the security measures, the audible sounds of all the lockdown bolts and other features coming to life echoing throughout the factory. "I suppose this means that it's officially time to celebrate."

"That it is," a voice said, the bird not the only one in his office as the figure that had been sitting in the chair on the opposite side of the desk leaned forward with a grin on his sabertoothed muzzle. "I brought the five that won your factory tour into the waiting room before everything closed down and then have made necessary preparations in a few areas that I think will spice up the typical tour. Of course they already seem particularly eager to get an up close and personal look at how certain parts of your factory operate."

"I'm sure they are Serathin," Raven replied with a smirk on his beak as he finished the lockdown procedures and tidied up his desk. "Do they have any idea of what's waiting for them at the end of their tour?"

"Of course not," the draconic-sabrewolf stated as he chuckled. "At least not entirely, what would be the fun in that?"

"Excellent," Raven said as he pushed another button on his desk and the door to his office opened. "Let us visit my personal lounge and have ourselves a quick drink before meeting those that are about to tour my factory." The hybrid nodded and together the two made their way out of the office and through the factory. Since the avian had given most of his staff the day off he flew down the hallways himself instead of having someone act as his perch while Serathin walked behind him.

Eventually the two walked into a rather posh lounge area, something that would look more at home in an upscale club or restaurant rather then a factory. One thing that definitely made it stand out was the fact that many of the amenities from the furniture to the pool table were made out of rubber, much of the room glistening with the synthetic substance as they walked and flew over towards the bar. It became clear that not everyone had been given the day off either as the latex-clad muscular horse man gave his boss and guest a small nod before asking what they wanted. After giving him their drink orders Raven motioned with his wings for Serathin to join him over to a pair of overstuffed rubber chairs with a similarly padded perch in between them.

"You got yourself quite the setup Raven," Serathin commented as he sat down, wiggling his body in the seat in order to get himself comfortable. "I know quite a few that would be envious of your position, including myself."

"Oh I am more than knowledgeable of your love of all things shiny," Raven replied with a smirk on his beak. "I know that one of your other selves is currently walking around my garden, which is one of the reasons you can't guide this tour yourself... at least not in your current state."

"Eh, I've met myself before," Serathin stated with a shrug, his concentration broken by being eye level with the shiny bulge of the stallion that came over with their drinks. "I was also there when Tana and I managed to get ourselves into that deal in the first place. Speaking of such things I see that he's also here as part of the group, so you don't have any worries about him meeting his rubber mushroom self then?"

"From the itinerary you gave me there should be no problem with that," Raven replied. "Speaking of such, I do believe our first tour is going to be going through the garden?"

Serathin quickly pulled a tablet out of the satchel that he had on him and tapped on the screen, bringing it to life and showing the profile picture of a gorilla on it. "Yeah, this one is Kern," Serathin said as he briefly turned the screen so the Raven could see it. "Got him going through the garden section with a few little surprises for him along with the grand finale. I saw the design that you had created for him and I have to say that I really like it, are they all going to be themed in that manner?"

"I thought it would be fitting," Raven stated. "Who is next then?"

Serathin swiped on the screen and the gorilla's picture disappeared before it was replaced by a snow leopard in a rubber suit. "This is Newlyn," Serathin said as he brought up the information. "He wanted to check out the processing facility... which is strange, because I feel like he's already been there before? In any case we have a few interactive displays for him before he gets his goodies at the end."

"Then we have Xavier going through the inner machinations of your showroom," Serathin continued on as the picture changed to that of a fox. "Then there's Juan that gets the sneak peek in your testing area, which I'm sure he's going to have fun with." Raven continued to watch intently as the fox was replaced with a golden dragon, before finally getting to the end where the familiar face of a cobra showed up. "Finally we have Tana heading into your secret laboratory, which will be filled with science and such."

"Indeed it is," Raven replied with a chuckle. "I'll inform the guards to escort each of our tour recipients to their intended destinations, and as that is happening perhaps you would like to get something more comfortable to wear yourself? Given your location there are plenty of things that I think you wouldn't mind having one on and that will give my subjects time to prep everyone, plus you can properly disguise yourself to avoid anyone noticing who you are."

"Really?" Serathin said excitedly as he looked over to where Raven gestured with his head and saw that there was a rubber-covered man in a gimp suit on holding a rack with a number of shiny items on it. "I mean, if you don't mind I certainly can. Be a shame to hide the saberteeth but given that I know that there are those that have interacted with some version of myself that might not be a bad idea... so yeah, I'll go change now!"

Raven just nodded and watched the hybrid practically bounce out of his chair, then sipped his drink with his beak before activating the radio on his perch. Even though there was no response he knew he connected with the guards that he wanted to talk to and informed them that it was time to get his guests ready for their arrival once they had finished their drinks. There was a grunting noise that meant they had received his orders and as soon as he heard it he switched the controls of his perch for the television in front of him. The smile on his beak grew wider as he cycled through the camera feeds until it got to the one where he saw five people milling about...

That room was the green room where Raven usually had VIP clients, and for the five that were inside of it they found themselves getting similar treatment as holiday music played in the background. A fox and gorilla man were talking to one another over drinks while the snow leopard continued to scan the table of treats to find one that might satisfy his appetite. In a corner of the room where there were a number of comfy chairs and a table full of magazines the blue-scaled cobra flipped idly through one of the catalogues that had been left there which pictured the gear that the Factory offered. The only one that stood near the door that came into the room was a gold-scaled dragon that munched on the plate of food he had picked out for himself while anxiously awaiting what was about to happen next.

"Hey Juan, why don't you come over here and relax?" Tana called out as he noticed the eager dragon out of the corner of his eye. "I'm sure that as soon as our private tours start they'll come in and get each of us."

"Do you think that it's going to be one at a time or all at once?" Newlyn said as he joined in on the conversation after grabbing a bunch of shrimp onto his plate. "I remember something on the sign-up sheet about having a preference in which part of the factory we wanted to see in particular."

"Beats me," Tana stated. "I'm already full up on appetizers though so hopefully we're not waiting too much longer."

As though in response to the declaration the door slid open a few seconds later and one of Raven's guards shuffled his way in. The sudden presence of the imposing feature not only caused the dragon to take a few steps back but also caused Xavier and Kern to stop their conversation as the guard was suddenly joined by four others. Each of them had a stack of paperwork that they either handed to or set in front of each member, which when asked the guards all made a gesture that they were to read and sign it. The pile of papers was impressive and the five soon found themselves reading through it as they squinted at the print on it.

"I was wondering if we were going to have to sign some sort of NDA or something," the fox said as he flipped through the first few pages. "I didn't think it was going to be quite this... extensive."

"That's one way to describe it," Kern said as he also scanned through the all the papers before looking up at the guard that had given it to him. "I'm not giving away one of my kidneys or something, right? I feel like Raven is doing a little more than just covering himself in the case of some sort of slip and fall."

The guard remained silent as did the others and it was clear that they weren't going to respond to anything except for the occasional reminder that they were to sign the papers. Newlyn was the first to give up the ghost in reading everything and impatiently sign the last page with Juan not too far behind him, and though the others did look through the thick document to try and figure out exactly all the details both Tana and Xavier gave up halfway through and did the same. The only one to really read it all was Kern and though his eyebrows rose up when it came to certain areas it wasn't enough to deter him from also adding his name to the last page of the contract. When the others asked if he found anything in particular he told them that it just looked like there were a number of indemnity clauses just in case they ran afoul of things inside the factory as the guards took the signed contracts and walked out of the door with them.

With Tana joking that they probably just signed their lives away the door opened once more, except this time it wasn't a guard that had come in. The cobra stood up quickly as the others migrated forward when they saw the factory owner himself flap in, Raven landing on one of the perches that were scattered about the room and giving them all a big smile. "Welcome to my factory," Raven proclaimed as the others gathered around him. "You five are in for quite the treat, we've arranged for an extensive tour that we'll be taking so that you can see the inner workings of what happens around here."

"So we're all going together?" Juan asked.

"That we are Juan," Raven replied. "My guards have informed me that you have all signed the release waivers and such, so there is nothing stopping us from starting right now unless anyone has some last second appetizers that they may want to partake of." Every one of the five quickly shook their heads, Raven seeing the gleams of eagerness in their eyes to see what was about to happen next. "Very good then, there is one thing that we do have to do before we begin is the removal of your garments."

"Our clothes?" Newlyn said. "Why?"

"There are a lot of substances within the factory that might... stain," Raven explained. "So in order to make sure that everyone doesn't have to buy a new wardrobe we're going to have you change out of your clothes and get into a jumpsuit instead. That way if anything spills on it we can just get rid of it, no harm done."

The five looked at one another before they gave various shrugs and nods to one another before getting disrobed, turning away from one another as they got undressed for some modicum of privacy. Given the nature of the factory and what it produced none of them had the notion of modesty that prevented them from getting naked, and it wasn't long before they were all standing there in their birthday suits looking back at the Raven. "Alright then," Newlyn said as the gorilla and fox covered themselves with their hands while the others stood there. "Where are these suits?"

"They're with my ride," Raven said with a slight smirk on his beak before he let out a whistle. "A special guest that will be co-hosting this tour with me."

The five looked past the perched bird as the door opened once more, this time revealing someone that caused all their eyes to widen slightly. The black synthetic skin of the muscular male glinted in the light as he walked forward, the coloration broken up by the golden straps that were worn around his ankles and wrists as well as several other areas on his limbs. He also had a harness in a similar metallic gold that went around his chest and led up to a collar around his neck, which framed the hard rubber jackal mask that the creature wore. As it let out a deep breath the hoses connected to the gas mask vibrated slightly while he looked at them all with the golden lenses that covered his eyes.

"Well hello Anubis," Newlyn said as he went up to him, licking his lips slightly. "Got something for me?"

A chuckle left the suited male as he took one of the jumpsuits that were around his arm and handed it to him. "There will be plenty of that on the tour, I assure you," the deep, slightly modulated voice said as he went to hand the rest of the suits to the others, which at that point allowed several of them to cover their growing arousals. "I'm just here to assist Raven and give him a shoulder to ride on."

"I see..." Tana said as he glanced around the rubber jackal and saw the long, heavy rubber tail hanging there. "Interesting tail for a jackal."

The rubber creature stiffened slightly at that and quickly turned towards the cobra. "Well... there was a bit of a mix-up when it came to that," the jackal said as the others also looked at his backside. "Most of the suit is Anubis, just happened to also have the tail of Sobek instead. I thought that I had fixed that little issue though, give me a second here..."

The five watched as the tail shrank before their eyes, going from the reptilian tail that hung out until it became a thinner, shorter jackal tail that no longer covered his shiny rear end while the mass redistributed itself and made him even beefier than before. Before anyone could ask anything further he handed out the last one and went over to Raven where the avian fluttered onto his shoulder. "You forgot about the tail Serathin?" Raven whispered as the five got into the simple one-piece suit that would cover their naked forms. "That suit is supposed to automatically shift you into the appearance of the jackal god, how did that even happen?"

"Don't look at me," Serathin replied in his normal voice, using his rubber-covered hands to adjust the mask that was adhered to his face and had transformed his canine muzzle into something a little sleeker while still looking very much like a gas mask. "It was a tight fit to begin with, and don't get me started on my wings. Fortunately it seems to have all equaled itself out now... though I'm not too sure about one feature in particular."

Both the bird and the rubber jackal looked down as Serathin's hands traveled down to his groin where there was a bulge with a golden lock that appeared on it. "Oh, that was me," Raven said with a slight chuckle. "This tour is meant for the guests and the last thing I need is a horny sabrewolf, or in this case rubber jackal, getting into trouble of his own that is meant for our guests. I'm sure you're not going to mind though, right?"

Though the jackal mask hid any emotion it was clear that the draconic sabrewolf was enjoying the predicament, which was enough for Raven to move on to the care of their guests as he fluttered up and landed on Serathin's shoulder. The hybrid wasn't the only one that was getting a surprise with the outfit they had been given, the two of them watching as they saw the zippers on the suits starting to melt away and the rough-looking black fabric start to become smoother. The loose-fitting garment was also starting to become tighter on the five as they finished adjusting it on themselves. When they became aware that such a thing was happening the suits had already sealed up completely to the point where when they stretched the collar of the suit it merely snapped back.

As Raven informed them that surprises such as this one would be common on their tour those looking at the rubber that was suctioning on their bodies were rightfully a bit distracted in what was happening to them. With the smooth material quickly pushing up against their skin they could all see that their groins were stretching out the rubber, the outlines of their cocks becoming apparent as the material suctioned around their shafts. They glanced at one another before several of them reached down and stroked their shafts, which immediately caused them to shudder as their forms were becoming more highlighted by the suits every second.

Just as they all began to get into the rhythm however they began to feel a tugging sensation on their members that caused them to pause. Much like with the jackal that stood watching them they watched as the black rubber thickened around their groins, eventually feeling their erections soften and get pulled in until they only had a smooth bulge between their legs. Despite the disappearance they could all still feel the sensation of their throbbing members as their bodies started to get used to the low level of stimulation that came from their entire bodies being encased except for their heads, hands, and feet. They also began to feel something start to push up around their tailholes, all of them either turning around or looking at another to see the synthetic material push up inside them and make their cheeks even more pronounced.

"Well... that was something..." Tana hissed as he continued to rub his hand against the bulge between his legs. Unlike the jackal there was no lock symbol on theirs and as the snake continued to stroke he began to see that his tapered cock was starting to emerge once more. As the others began to follow suit they were quickly interrupted by Raven, who fluttered his wings and got their attention in order to prevent them from going any further with their own ministrations.

"I assure you that there will be plenty of opportunities to have fun with that later," Raven announced, the five quickly cooling down as they looked at the avian creature and the one whose shoulder he rested on. "For now let my companion and I guide you to the first leg of our tour, which is the garden room."

Both Serathin and Raven looked at one another as they saw a note of recognition on the face of the cobra, but it quickly disappeared as Raven got their attention and drew them into the next room. The sound of rubber squeaking filled the hallway as they made their way down, though a number of them were watching the rubber jackal in front of them instead of where they were going. Before they could let their lusts take hold of them once more he began to point out certain sections of the factory that they were going through on the way. The complex that they were touring was extensive and thanks to the technology the raven had it was even more sprawling then what appeared on the outside.

Eventually things settled in and it began to feel like an actual tour, though most of the machinery was shut down due to the holiday season. It didn't stop the group from asking questions on what things were or the applications for certain machinery. There were also some rubber drones that walked about which held their attention as they passed by, even stopping once or twice to talk to one and see how they worked. Though they all had some semblance of an idea of what happened inside of Raven's factory being able to see such things up close and personal made them gasp or stare wide eyed in wonder.

After taking a few minutes to examine one of the larger drones that walked the opposite direction of where they were going the group stopped when they came up to a large steel door that looked like a combination of a bank vault and a steel bulkhead. "I would like to remind you all that from here on in the tour is going to take a far more... interactive approach to things," Raven said as he and the disguised Serathin turned around to look at them. "Just be weary and make sure to pay attention to the tour, there are plenty of things at this point forward that are going to be tempting to try. As per the contract you signed myself and the Factory are not responsible for any precarious situations that you might get into, and with that being said let's continue on, shall we?"

The others just looked at one another in slight concern as well as excitement as they watched Raven fly from the rubber jackal to the door, perching on the lip that protruded out with one leg while typing on the console screen with the other. In a matter of seconds there was a loud beep followed by the sounds of machinery as Raven hopped back and landed on Serathin's shoulder once more. "Welcome to the first real part of the tour," Serathin announced with his modulated voice as he gestured into the synthetic jungle that laid beyond the opening door. "The Gardens."

Chapter 2:

The members of the tour group let out a series of sounds in awe as they walked inside the Garden section of Raven's factory, feeling like they had just walked outside as the door slid down behind them. Raven began to talk to them about how plant-based suits and gear were quickly becoming a very popular commodity to for them, to the point where he had to get additional help in order to maintain this section of his factory. While they walked Raven told them to feel free to test any of the interactive exhibits they might find while walking, though he warned them to point them out first before they did. When they reached a more open clearing of the garden the group spread out a bit, with several going over to pitcher plants that the avian owner explained would act like a vac-rack while others tested out some of the vines by having them wrap around his skin.

"This one is a fan favorite by those who enjoy such things," Raven said as he gestured over to a number of pods that were hanging from a very thick, sturdy latex branch. "For some they use this particular plant as a means of expanding their territory, taking those that might venture a little too close and turning them into spreaders, while others just use it as a means of capturing said trespassers. These are the latter version, now would anyone want to volunteer and try them out?"

Though many of the group enthusiastically raised their hands Raven decided that Kern would be the one that would try it, the gorilla raising his hands in triumph before moving towards the spot that the avian told him to. Once he was just underneath the pod he was told to look up, and when he did he could see that the plant was already reacting to his presence. The others watched in awe at the demonstration as Raven told Kern to raise up his arm and not to be shy, and when he did so he saw a shiny green vine start to lower itself down towards him. As soon as they were close enough to touch it coiled around his wrist and continued to slither down his large arm until it had gotten all the way to his rubber covered shoulder.

Kern braced himself to be lifted up by it, but when it didn't he looked over at Raven and said that wasn't how this particular plant worked. The gorilla looked back up at it and was surprised to find that the opening of the plant getting closer to him and as he felt a pulling sensation on his arm he realized that it was using him to pull itself down. While Raven explained to the others that this was going intentionally slower than normal so they could see what was happening Kern could only watch as several more rubber vines began to emerge from the opening with one of them significantly larger than the others. When that one got to his face he let out a slight gasp before the tip of it pushed down over his head, completely enveloping him before it suctioned against his face just like the suit had done with his body. His other hand instinctively went up to try and remove the vine that had just enveloped his entire head down to his neck, but all he could feel was the rubberized head of a gorilla as something slithered past his lips and pushed into his mouth while two more entered his nostrils.

Any panic he might have had about breathing was quickly rectified as he felt fresh air enter into his nostrils, though it was tinted with a sweet scent that caused his body to shudder. The hand that had attempted to liberate his head from the vine soon was pulled up and joined by the other where they were wrapped together above his head. With his mouth full of rubber there was little he could do but let out muffled grunts and moans as he felt his feet lift off the ground while the edges of the pod slipped around his fists. He could only imagine what he looked like squirming around from the intense sensations as more vines slid down his rubber-covered form in order to stimulate him further as well as draw him up into the plant itself.

It was becoming harder for Kern to hear what was being said as he was drawn up into the plant, feeling the rubber pod pressing against his arms as the opening slid down them. With his body being pulled further up into the plant the latex vines were growing more down his body until finally they had reached between his legs. The suit he wore at this point had given up the ghost when it came to containing his erection and as soon as it pushed out one of the plant tentacles pushed its hollow body over it just like the other one had done with his head. His legs began to kick out as the stimulation to the sensitive flesh of his cock was even more pronounced with the rubber coating it while something began to push up into his tailhole. His thick rear end was being penetrated and all he could do was squirm as it quickly lubed him up before wiggling the tip inside of him while the mouth of the pod pushed over his thick chest.

When it got to his gut Kern was swimming in lust that came from the plant as it continued to milk his cock while stimulating him from the inside. This was exactly what he was hoping for when he had signed up for the tour, the ability to enjoy the creations of the raven in the garden as it enveloped him past his stomach. His hips began to thrust forward from sheer need as more vines continued to coil around his rubber-covered body, feeling the thick skin of the pod press against more of him with every second. When his tailhole and cock were enveloped as well he could no longer move as much as he wanted and all he could do was allow the vines to continue to penetrate inside of him as he was pulled further up.

Meanwhile outside of the pod the others watched in awe and amusement as the outline of the gorilla continued to stretch out the green plant, seeing him shifting and moving as his still exposed feet continued to flex even with tendrils wrapping around them. "So what's going to happen to him now?" Xavier asked as they watched the outlines of several more vines began to slither down towards the gorilla's already stretched hole. "Is he going to turn into some sort of rubber plant creature?"

"Oh, nothing of the sort," Raven said with a small laugh as they watched the pod finally encase the gorilla fully as his outline became even more prevalent in the shiny material that was further tightening against him and the vines around him. "Everything that I have on the tour that I wish to show you will not turn you into something, though the rumors that are out there would have you believe otherwise. No no, Kern here will enjoying himself for a few more minutes and as soon as he orgasms he will be let go once more."

The others nodded and watched as the bucking and shifting of the male inside grew more frantic by the second until finally they could see the muscles in Kern's body tense for a few seconds before relaxing. It was clearly the climax the plant was waiting for as a few seconds later the gorilla began to remerge as the vines that kept him there slowly slithered off of his body. True to Raven's word he appeared to be completely unchanged and only the softening cock that was retreating back into the suit and the look of pure pleasure on his face were indicators that anything happened. The rubber Anubis moved over and helped Kern to his feet while Raven asked if he was feeling alright, to which the gorilla responded with a goofy grin and a thumbs up.

Kern took a few moments to get his head back on right after the experience he had just gone through, his mind still slightly fogged by the feelings he had gotten while in the pod. With his senses except for touch cut off the only thing he could do was get as much of it as possible to get off. The plant knew what it was doing though and several times he thought he would blow the one in his backside would stop or he wouldn't feel anything happening around his cock. When he finally did cum all he saw was white light as the sensation was so blissful that he thought he might pass out. Best of all the plant continued to give him tiny ripples of pleasure even as he calmed down that helped ride it out until the very end.

With the demonstration over, despite the protests of several asking if they could have a shot, Raven and Serathin motioned for them to continue on with the tour so they could see more of the garden area. Eventually they were led to a wide open space that had a number of different plants that grew on the edges, a place that the avian creature said was essentially the nursery. New inventions of his were here to be tested and the reason for the clearing was so they didn't accidently cross-breed and become something that would be unexpected to him or his workers. After giving his brief explanation he allowed his tour guests to go out and explore the various creatures that were on display in the area.

For Kern his attention was brought more towards the glowing bushes that grew over in one section of the clearing they were in. As he looked back to ask Raven what they were he could see that he was currently talking to the fox guy that was suspended upside down with several rubber vines wrapped around him. Not wanting to interrupt the gorilla decided to take a look himself and see if perhaps he could figure out what was going on with these glowing bushes. As he went over to investigate them further he found that they were actually berry bushes, bunches of them hanging like grapes on their synthetic branches as he looked them over.

The gorilla wondered if they were edible before remembering what Raven had said about checking in before looking into anything, though this time as he turned back he saw that the bird and jackal were helping the cobra into one of the pitcher plants to experience it. Once again he felt that there was no need to bother them and instead just looked around for something that might warn him about what he was thinking of doing. Even though he had eaten at the party the sight of the juicy, shiny red fruit had caused his stomach to rumble as he pressed his hands against his rubber-covered gut. With nothing indicating otherwise he went up on a small square stone next to the bushes and gently plucked one of the fruits before carefully popping it into his mouth.

The first thing Kern felt was relieved as he didn't taste rubber like he had thought he might, instead it popped in his mouth and as the juices ran down his throat he got a sweet treat that caused him to lick his lips. He picked another one, and then another one before finally just grabbing the entire bushel and shoving it into his mouth. The explosion of flavor was enough to cause him pause from his berry-eating rampage and savor the sweetness that was filling his belly. It wasn't long though before the hunger returned but as he reached for another bunch he felt a gurgle that caused him to stop.

As his hands went to his stomach once more he saw the rubber visibly jiggle, causing the rumble to grow even more intense as his throat and tongue began to feel tingly. Something was definitely not right with those berries, Kern thought to himself, and as he looked over and saw that Raven was talking to the cobra he knew that he couldn't put off talking to him anymore. As he tried to move over towards him though he found that his feet were stuck like they had sunk into mud, though when he looked back he didn't see anything that was holding him down... until he caught a glimpse of something wrapping around his toes. The gorilla's eyes widened in shock as he saw tiny red vines start to wrap around his feet before merging together!

Kern felt his heart race as he began to feel his feet not only being bound together but also starting to warp and shift, becoming something other than his simian feet as his fingers began to turn as shiny as his toes. "Um, Mr. Raven!" Kern called out, though it was also becoming increasingly hard to speak as his tongue felt like it was going numb. "I hink I half a proflmn..."

Hearing the slurring words Raven, Serathin, and the others that weren't indisposed looked over to see that the tongue of the gorilla was not only a shiny red color at the tip that turned green at the root but had also flopped several inches out past his lips. "It appears we have someone that didn't quite read the rules," Raven said as he motioned for Serathin to move over to Kern as black rubber began to spread over his lips and up against his muzzle. "Got into my augmented mistletoe, though as you can see it's for more than just kissing. Didn't you see the sign that said under no circumstances are you to eat the berries?"

Kern shook his head, feeling his ears starting to stretch out as rubber leaked from his ears. His entire body was starting to swell as the black rubber of his body suit began to shift and warp with the additional corruptive substance adding to it. He watched as Raven and Serathin were about to point out the sign for him to see, only for their heads to look around when they saw it wasn't in the immediate area. As the transforming gorilla had attempted to say I told you so the only thing that came out of his mouth was a loud groan as the pleasure that was centered in his stomach began to radiate outwards.

"Looks like the berries have already started to seed," Raven said as he stopped what he was doing and looked at the increasingly rubber covered gorilla, though it was clear he wouldn't be that for long as his black latex face began to stretch and push out. "Even without the sign you should have told me silly boy, but I suppose there's nothing that can be done now. Just how many bunches of berries did you eat anyway?"

When Kern rose his hands up since he found himself unable to talk he gasped slightly when he raised his hands only to find his fingers had not only become a golden rubber color but had merged together. Instead of his five fingers he had two hooves on his arms, which matched what had become of his thick feet as the red rubber spread upwards along his palms. As he continued to squirm in pleasure from something tickling him on the inside he could see the red rubber turn green before it hit the edge of his bodysuit. Instead of merging with it though they watched as synthetic leaves began to sprout out from the cuffs, making him look like he was wearing some sort of rubber hoof mitts as his belly continued to swell while the rest of his body followed suit.

"Whoa... what's happening to him?" Xavier asked as he saw the already bulky body of the gorilla begin to fill out even more while every so often something pushed up his rubber skin that looked like a snake slithering along his insides.

"The berries are sprouting into mistletoe plants," Raven explained as Serathin stood there with his arms folded across his chest. "Something that I was developing for Christmas as such creatures could not only inspire the act of kissing by causing one of their vines to dangle over their heads but also dispense with Christmas themed punch. Given the way that he's growing he's probably filling with juice and vines as we speak, which means the transformation is reaching its peak."

Kern found it hard to process anything that Raven was saying, partially because he was experiencing so much pleasure it was hard for him to think of anything and mostly because his transformation seemed to be kicking into another gear with most of his body becoming rubberized. His tongue slowly retracted back into his maw as tendrils that had were slithering around his neck and up into his head pushed out of holes that had appeared on his face. As leaves grew from his jaw and back of his head he realized his entire face was becoming a gas-mask, seeing everything become tinted with a red hue as his eyes became lenses. Between his growing legs and bulging stomach he could feel his cock getting bigger too... and as the rubber flesh continued to grow out he could feel it starting to twitch and move of its own accord.

"Well he's not going to be able to accompany the tour anymore," Raven said as he watched the hardening black plastic become cervine in nature as vines began to emerge from the glove-like rubber hooves that covered Kern's feet and hands. "Nevertheless the tour must go on. My dear Anubis drone, would you please make sure that our former gorilla friend is taken care of while I escort the others to the rest of the garden?"

Serathin nodded and Raven hopped off of his shoulder, flying around before informing the others that they would be moving on with their tour. "We are?" Newlyn asked as he looked over at Kern, whose body was practically quivering as the vines that were wrapping around his body had started to sprout berries similar to the ones that he had eaten. "What about Kern?"

"Kern will be just fine," Raven reassured before flying to another section of the garden. "Now let us hurry along, if we don't then we'll still be on this tour by the time the new year started."

Though the others continue to look at the transforming rubber male in concern they were quickly told to move along with a gesture from the Anubis creature that stood next to him. By this point Kern was on all fours with his biceps bulging as the vines tightened around the synthetic muscle just like the cuffs on Serathin's body, the former gorilla huffing deeply. He could feel something on his recently rubberized skull like a pressure point, or rather two pressure points as his cock continued to throb heavily between his legs. Just as the others left the clearing and disappeared from Kern's sight his face froze completely into a gas mask with a hole for his tongue as a pair of wooden-like antlers pushed their way out of his head.

With his transformation nearing completion and the two alone Serathin shook his head slightly to allow his mane to form and the gas mask that was his own face to split. "Ahhh... much better," Serathin said as he allowed his teeth to grow out, though he kept the rest of his body as it was in order to make it easier to change back as he patted Kern on the head. "Look at you Kern, I guess eating from those bushes wasn't berry smart, now was it..."

Kern groaned but his mind was already starting to feel fuzzy, feeling like he was getting drunk as he felt the contents of his body sloshing around while he moved. "I know that it's probably hard for you to understand this," Serathin continued on as he ran his hands down the thick back of the former gorilla, watching his stout body shift and tense where their rubbery bodies met. "But you were destined for the garden, and the fact that you became a berry reindeer even more so. Of course all this could have been prevented had you just read the sign, though it is missing... ah, here it is!"

Serathin moved the rubber berry reindeer back a few feet before pulling up the square that Kern had thought was stone back up. Even though it wasn't facing him Kern could see in the reflection of Serathin's chest that it read Do Not Eat the Berries in bold font on it, a late warning as Kern continued to feel his body warping under the corruption of the juices inside of him. The vines that were growing over his form and wrapping up his new antlers sprouted more fruit that Serathin grabbed, chuckling as he took a bunch and nibbled on them.

"Mmm, I could see why you were so tempted," Serathin said as he took the rest of the bunch and tossed them aside. "Too bad someone knocked down that sign so you could realize what was going on... might need something to prop it up. Oh wait, I know just the thing..."

Despite his growth and new size the rubber reindeer found himself hefted up with ease before his hooved hands fell onto the sign in order to keep himself propped up. At the same time two of the vines that were growing from his own body pushed into his tailhole, keeping him stimulated and freezing his muscles up with pleasure so that he couldn't move. Even if he wanted to try and get away from the sign he found himself unable to, and as the jackal reached down and stroked his cock he found his lips moving until they formed into a smile as vines continued to push around inside of him that occasionally poked out of his ears and nostril holes.

"Looks like you're all set here," Serathin said as he slid his fingers all the way down his prehensile rubber cock. "Although... since Raven is taking care of our guests I do have a few minutes, and even though he locked up my cock I think I know how to make sure you acclimate quickly to your new form."

Serathin could see that Kern's body wasn't quite done changing, especially as he pressed his fingers against the chest of the other rubber male and felt something squirming about within. As he spread his legs apart to allow the red vine cock of the male inside of him the jackal slowly rubbed his fingertips against the nipples of the heavy chest of the new reindeer. As expected he watched Kern's entire body tense in pleasure as the rubber blossomed out into a pair of flowers that adorned his pectorals. The sight of the latex pedals shuddering slightly as he grew them out caused the sabrejackal to smirk, but before he could say anything his mouth was suddenly filled with the vine tongue of the rubber berry reindeer.

Fill... consume... it was all Kern could fixate on besides the continuous pleasure that was being fed to him as the rubber jackal was suddenly stuffed from both ends. As his cock pushed inside of him he could still see through the lenses of his reindeer gas mask that had become his face that his tongue was stretching out the throat of the other male. It was hard to tell what Serathin thought of that but from the way he was groping himself he knew that he was doing something right, and the act of filling the rubber jackal was almost as intense in sensation as pushing more of his cock into him. Soon the jackal's belly began to swell from the prehensile member inside of him, though all Kern could think of was to deliver the berry goodness to Serathin as his belly jiggled and quivered.

The jackal let out a gurgle before suddenly starting to swallow, the throat that had bene stretched by the vine tongue of the creature bulging even more with the liquid that had been percolating inside of him. The sweet substance was what he had been created for, or at least that's all that Kern's vine infested brain could focus on as he also humped his hips downwards to continue to impale the other creature. As he did more berries began to grow on the vines that looped around his arms and legs as their unnatural kiss continued. Finally Serathin was able to slide out by impaling himself to the root of Kern's new cock, feeling the latex leaves that had sprouted out of his groin tickling against him before he managed to roll away.

"Now that's what I call a drink," Serathin said as he watched the vines that were stretching Kern's tailhole pushed in deeper in order to reward the new rubber reindeer for doing what the plant wanted him. "Thankfully the suit I'm wearing and a little something that Raven gave me before hand will make sure that I don't become the same as you. Anyway I have to get going, I'm sure there will be someone along that you can properly convert if Raven wants you too."

Kern could see that even though he didn't transform the jackal he had given the other rubber creature a sizable belly, though as the latex abs of the other male gurgled and shifted it quickly deflated until it was completely gone. Serathin gave the reindeer a wink and morphed his features back to their Anubian state while leaving the other man to prop up the sign to make sure that others don't befall the same fate and eat the berries, though for some such a warning was an invitation. Soon Serathin lost sight of Kern completely and left the garden entirely, joining up with the others just as they were about to open another sizable security door.

"Ah, there you are," Raven said as he flapped forward and landed on Serathin's shoulder once more before moving his wing to direct the attention of the other four. "Now as you can see this next room is the heart of our production facilities where we create all manner of suits and other gear."

"Uh, question," Newlyn asked, the snow leopard raising his hand. "Are you sure that we should be leaving Kern behind like this? I don't mind waiting for a bit or possibly exploring more of the garden."

"I assure you that Kern is in very good hands," Raven said. "The berries he ate do pack quite the Christmas punch, but then again he should have asked before indulging in them. I trust that the same thing won't happen for you four as we enter into the Processing Wing..."

Chapter 3:

The door opened to the processing room and as they stepped inside the rubber Anubis gave them each a hard hat that the bird told them to wear while they were inside. "Now this area is highly automated," Raven explained once they had all gotten a helmet on. "Naturally things aren't running right now because we have shut down for Christmas, but I have left a few things still in standby mode so you can see how we do thing like create non-entity drones that are essentially rubberized robots. I want to stress to everyone to make sure you keep clear of the machinery and only remain in the designated zones we don't have ourselves any accidents."

The others nodded and Raven once more had Serathin walk him over to the next door that allowed them access to the factory floor while the others remained a few steps behind. "I still feel kind of weird leaving Kern out of this," Juan whispered to the others as they stepped out. "Plus I don't know if you guys saw it but after he ate those berries I think he was actually turning into some sort of creature."

"Well the Factory does have gear and suits that can alter one's form," Tana replied. "I mean, look at the jumpsuits that turned into these rubber bodysuits after we had put them on. Not to mention if Kern wasn't supposed to eat those berries then whatever transformation happened to him was well-deserved."

"It kind of sounds like he became a living punch dispenser," Xavier remarked, which caused them to chuckle. As the other three continued to have a conversation the only one that didn't participate was Newlyn, his eyes looking over all the mechanical operations that surrounded and hung above them. Even though the lines weren't moving and there wasn't any product on them the snow leopard could only imagine what it would look like when everything was moving at full speed. He remembered the rubber drones that they had interacted with earlier and couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to be one of them as Raven began to tell them how things worked and the organizational structure of all the conveyors.

As they reached the autonomous drone assembly are the group was stopped and Raven turned on the machines in the area to show them how one of their new Christmas drones were created. The group watched in fascination as a metallic skeleton came down from one conveyor and was put on the floor, then was picked up by a crane and dropped into a tank where it was completely coated in rubber. As that happened Raven walked them around to the other side where they saw the actual body being formed around it until it looked like an actual humanoid, and then was plucked out and put on a final assembly platform where the bird instructed that lights, sounds, and programming would be put into it if there were any drones up there. Instead Raven explained they would just leave there for when they would come back and fix it up at that point.

"I'm actually wondering something," Newlyn said once the bird had asked if there were any questions. "I remember seeing that there was a service you offered where you could turn actual people into rubber drones, even ones for the holiday season, is that what you do here too?"

"Oh no, that's a far more complex process," Raven replied as he gestured over towards another section of the building against the opposite wall. "Where these drones are made from robots and thus only have the intelligence and capabilities that we can put into them those made from real people require hypnotic training, body augmentation, and a number of other things. While it's far more in-depth the result is a more capable rubber drone and slave that actually has the ability to act on its own."

"Wow, that's really cool," Newlyn said, feeling his tail whip around slightly. "I don't suppose we could go and look?"

"I suppose we can," Raven replied as he gestured for them to all follow. "Unfortunately since its not running it looks somewhat similar to the one we just witnessed, and I don't have anyone that's supposed to be up for it right now where I can demonstrate. You're just going to have to use your imaginations for the moment before we had to the shipping and processing department where I'll let a few of you experience what it's like to be a rubber mummy."

The group laughed at that and they began to walk forward once more, but just as they were about to turn the corner Newlyn noticed something that caused him to pause. It had been hidden right up until that point but it looked like someone's rubberized arm was sticking out from underneath the operating platform of the drone processing plant. When he turned his head to tell Raven they had already disappeared to the next room and the snow leopard looked back and forth a few times before deciding to just take a look himself. If it was someone that was hurt or worse he could quickly go back and tell the others what he saw, and if it wasn't then he could save himself some embarrassment of overreacting.

It didn't take long before he walked up to it and found that it was the latter of the two, Newlyn feeling his cheeks go slightly flush when he saw that it was just a box of rejected Christmas robot drones that weren't able to be programmed. As he shoved the rubber arm deeper into the box he was able to see the factory line up close, his curiosity piquing as he figured that he probably still had time to take a quick look at the inner machinations of such a sophisticated process before heading back. As Raven had said it wasn't entirely impressive to see as it was, but just being able to see the giant machinery involved was enough to make the snow leopard's day. Part of him wondered what it would be like to be on that conveyor belt, slowly sliding along it as the gear inside turned him from snow leopard to some sort of rubber drone.

Just as Newlyn was about to double back to join up with the others however he suddenly found the machinery kicking on, all the lights above him flickering to life as the computer announced that the drone process was beginning. As he looked around to see what could have caused it to start up he noticed something that had not been seen before... a sign that said Loading Zone Only that had arrows pointing in his direction. His heart skipped a beat as he looked down and saw similar words painted out in big, bold letters that were right underneath his feet. Newlyn immediately began to make a sprint for the edge of the zone but only was able to take several steps before a rubbery claw wrapped around his midsection and scooped him right up in the air.

"Raven!" Newlyn shouted, though with the sound of all the machines next to him it was hard to even hear himself. "Raven! Anubis guy! Someone help!"

Whether the group was too far away or the machines were too loud Newlyn continued to move through the air without anyone coming back around the corner, leaving him to attempt to struggle out of its grip before it put him down on the conveyor belt that had started moving underneath him. The combination of the pincer's strength and the padding on it made it impossible for him to get out and as soon as he felt his feet touch the metal it conformed around them to keep him in place. With his feet completely encased there was nothing the snow leopard could do even when the pincers let go of him. He also found that the conveyor was also lined with plexiglass walls that he banged on to try and get anyone's attention as he suddenly started to move down the line.

Meanwhile the rest of the group looked down at a huge vat of liquid rubber that bubbled occasionally, Raven and Serathin standing there while the others looked over the edge. "This is where we make most of our suits," Raven explained. "Most of the time we don't just dip someone in, this is just the state that the rubber is before we start to program it to the wishes of the customer. Though there is no real sentience to it the rubber is semi-aware, so sometimes you can hear little snippets of conversation that had been programmed in another suit that might have been returned to the vat to be reworked."

The other three leaned in to try and hear anything, and as they did they all looked in confusion as their ears perked up. "Uh... is it supposed to sound like screaming?" Tana asked as the others gave him a look of confirmation that they heard the same thing, which caused Raven to frown slightly. "I mean, maybe it's something else, but I think we all agree it sounds like screaming."

Raven instructed the rubber Anubis to hold him down near the edge of the pool, the Raven pausing for a moment as the others watched. "There's nothing coming from the tank," Raven said as he was brought back up, though before he continued to talk he stopped again and listened. "But... I do seem to hear screaming too."

"Hey, has anyone seen Newlyn?" Xavier asked as they looked around for the source of the noise, and as they realized the snow leopard was not with them they all looked up just in time to see him slowly pass by. They watched as Newlyn banged against the glass and was shouting something that couldn't be heard as their heads slowly went from right to left following him. "Oh, there he is..."

"That's the drone production facility," Raven stated. "It turned on when I used the other section with the robot. Silly snep must have been standing somewhere he shouldn't have been."

"Soooo..." Juan said as they saw the snow leopard once more briefly before he disappeared down one of the turns. "Shouldn't we stop it before he becomes a Christmas drone?"

"I already said that the process is completely automated," Raven explained with a shrug of his wings. "It would be too dangerous to stop the line now, plus he happens to be going in the same direction we are. Now if you'll follow me, next I'll show you where we form our rubber gear for various species body types..."

Back on the conveyor belt Newlyn's jaw dropped when he saw Raven and the others go in the opposite direction of the line he was on. "Hey, what the hell?!" He shouted as he banged on the plexiglass. "I know you saw me, get back here right noooawwhhh!"

Newlyn had been so preoccupied watching the others leave that he failed to see that the conveyor suddenly went through a waterfall of black liquid latex, causing what fur was still exposed to be completely matted down by the gooey substance. He could feel it seeping into every crevice of his body and even in the skintight suit he wore, though as he put a hand to it he couldn't tell what was the liquid and what was the actual rubber. Just as he managed to scrape off the thick substance from his eyes he went under a second one that added another layer to it. By this point it was hard to even see the contours of his own body as the was moved to the next section of the process.

With his feline body completely dripping with rubber it was hard for him to see the panel behind him open up, the tube equipped with a thick dildo on the end that snaked its way up between his legs and into his tailhole. Before Newlyn even realized what was happening it had managed to push the head up between his cheeks, causing him to bend forward as the thick goo aided in its insertion. Whatever coated it made the stretching process entirely painless and caused a surge of pleasure to go through the snow leopard's body. But as his surprise wore off he tried to reach back in order to pull it out of him, only for a second set of tubes to come up and wrap themselves around his hands.

By this point Newlyn's body was buzzing; whatever was in the rubber seeping into his body had caused his euphoria and arousal to spike while he felt his cock pushing out from between his legs. The dildo inside of him was also massaging his prostate to the point where he was thrusting his hips forward, and with his hands at the whim of the tubes that hand engulfed them there was little he could do but continue to squirm. A heat was radiating in his body and he could feel something happening to him, something changing within him as the dildo between his legs continued to sink deeper inside. It was like he was becoming the rubber that had completely engulfed him, his feline form softening as another tube came up between the two holding his arms while a smaller one slid up from the same opening as the one thrusting into his tailhole.

Newlyn tried to say something but the mouth of the rubber tube opened up in front of him like a snake and completely engulfed his head, causing him to let out muffled grunts as several tendrils pushed into his nostrils, ears, and finally his mouth. The other tentacle predictably did the same to his cock and with his eyes completely blocked off he was unable to see anything else that was happening to him. Though the pleasure that was coming from his lower body was intense all his focus was on his head, feeling it molding and reshaping his skull like it was made out of something like rubber. It wasn't possible that this was happening to him, but in his mind's eye he remembered what happened to Kern and knew that he was being transformed in a similar fashion.

Suddenly the conveyor belt stopped and Newlyn found himself stopping his struggling just long enough to try and figure out what was happening to him. The rubber covered creature couldn't tell what was happening with his head covered and when he attempted to pull his feet out of the conveyor belt he found he was still stuck to the metal. Just when thought about attempting to pull himself out again he suddenly felt something spray against him and his entire body jumped when it was joined by several more jets of water that washed his body. Though he couldn't see it his only guess was that the goo that had been starting to solidify on his form was being washed off as the cascading liquid actually had a calming effect on him.

After a few minutes of feeling the water go from the top to the bottom of his body there was a loud pop and the tube around his head pulled away from it. Newlyn felt himself sway slightly back and forth and when he was able to steady himself he noticed that something was altering his vision. It also felt like his lips were frozen in place and he attempted to try and get rid of whatever was on his face was glued to him. There were several more pops and his arms were suddenly left exposed, though he could see that his normal furry fingers were replaced with a pair of hooved hands as he wiggled the two shiny digits back and forth.

When he looked down at himself he found his hands had not been the only thing that was assimilated by the shiny black material; the bodysuit had already showed off his lithe figure but his rubberized body looked... really good. His muscles had somehow become even more athletic and as he continued to breathe hard, even though he could tell that he didn't need to anymore, it sounded like he was sucking in air through a mask. With his mutated rubber hands free he brought them up to his face and it felt like he was wearing a gas mask, even tapping his distorted vision with his new hand hooves to find that there was some sort of glass there instead of his usual eyeballs. When he attempted to pull it off of his head he knew it would be futile and as it felt like he was pulling at his own skin in confirmed what had happened...

...he had been turned into a rubber drone.

Not just any rubber drone either, as Newlyn began to move forward on the conveyor belt once again he continued to examine his new head and found a pair of antlers that were sticking up from the gas mask he wore. He suddenly thought back to Kern and what had happened to him, was this some sort of punishment that Raven was giving him for sneaking off from the group? As he ran his hands down his supple, shiny body and rubbed his hand along his throbbing cock he had to admit there were definitely worse ways to be punished. As the conveyor belt neared the next pod however he felt the bindings against his feet release and looked down to see that his feet, which had become a set of heavy rubber hooves, had suddenly been released.

Whether it was from the machine or Raven had finally decided to help Newlyn wanted to take the chance in order to backtrack before any more changes happened to him. Just as he was about to try and throw his weight into the plexiglass wall however he suddenly heard a voice in his ears that caused him to stop as something appeared in the lenses. "It's time to instill some good will in cheer!" a cheery voice said through the microphones that had been placed in his transformed ears. "Soon you will be a good drone reindeer!"

Even though the voice ceased he could still hear voices singing something about being a drone and how good it was to obey, and though he attempted to try and shut them out there was nothing he could do as a mass of colors and swirls appeared in his vision. "Ngggh... get out of my head..." Newlyn said as he continued to the new pod, which was filled with mirrors that showed his reflection. "I'm not... I'm a drone deer."

"You're a Christmas drone deer!" the voice said once more, accompanied by the chorus of voices telling him to obey. "Look at yourself, how shiny and handsome your new body is."

Just like with the voices and the spirals he couldn't help but see himself, and what he found was not a snow leopard in a rubber suit. His hooved hands pressed against his antlers as he felt his arousal building, watching his throbbing black rubber cock continue to jut out from his shiny thighs. Even though he could have left the conveyor belt his focus was solely on the fact that he was a rubber reindeer... a rubber Christmas drone... a good, loyal, obedient drone... As he looked at himself and saw the swirling pattern not only in his vision but also the lenses of his reflection the more his mind was reprogrammed to believe that. The rubber reindeer in the mirror seemed to acknowledge that and gave him a nod, letting him know that succumbing to the voices he heard made a tremor of pleasure cascade through his new body.

The idea of escape had melted out of Newlyn's ears as he stood there, the struggle in his mind ceasing as his already pliable mind found a great well of joy in his predicament. He was a rubber reindeer drone and the idea excited him so much that he continued to try and stroke himself off as he stood there. The voice in his head though said that good drones couldn't pleasure themselves and it caused Newlyn to immediately stop. Following the orders of the voice pumped directly into his mind was just as good if not better and he almost climaxed right there from it.

Just as he thought that things couldn't get any hornier Newlyn saw something came up from behind him, seeing a tube just like the ones that had transformed him in the first place slithering up into the air. He wasn't sure what it would do but all the rubber reindeer could do was stand there as it came up behind him. Through the mirrors that were in the pod he watched the opening of the tube slide over someplace that he hadn't thought it would go, sliding over his rubberized tail and causing him to shiver in pleasure. There was nothing he could do but allow it to engulf it completely and his body suddenly stiffened when another smaller tentacle on the lip of the tube pushed into his vulcanized tailhole.

With his tail completely ensnared there was nothing that the new reindeer drone could do but stand there as the tentacle pushed inside of him until it poked up against his prostrate. As the intense pleasure grew from the insertion in his tailhole, feeling it stretch him open and provide even more stimulation. He expected it to go straight to his groin, but strangely it seemed to cascade back into the limb that was completely encased in the rubber tube. It had also started to suction against his long tail and as it did it gave him a sensation similar to something sucking on his cock.

The rubber reindeer continued to lean forward as he felt his tail continued to get stretched and sensitized. Newlyn continued to grunt and groan while he felt like he was being sucked off through his tail as he felt the tip getting morphed into something different. At some point his real cock pushed out and it was the same sensation as what was coming from his trapped appendage. Eventually the tentacle inside of him triggered his climax as the rubber lining of the tube slid along his newly morphed tail.

Newlyn found himself panting as he looked behind him and saw that not only had he retained the snow leopard patterning on the otherwise rubber appendage that also had a latex tip on it that made it look more phallic in nature. As he felt his tail continue to tingle he found that it had become even more prehensile as it wrapped around his own waist. As he petted it he felt a tremor of pleasure go up his spine and throughout his body. When he let go of it he was surprised to see it continue to hover there without him directing it, seeing the tip look at him like it was some sort of eye as he suddenly began to feel his body moving once more on the conveyor.

Newlyn was told to stand straight at attention and he did so, his increasingly malleable mind finding a great sense of pride from doing what he was told. He stood there stoically while his cock remained erect all the way until he got to the next pod. "What a sexy, horny deer," the voice said. "Now to fill you with some Christmas cheer!"

Christmas... cheer? Newlyn wasn't quite sure what that meant, but his already hypnotized self continued to stand there. When he got into the next pod he stood there just like the voice told him, and began to feel something settle onto his back. It wasn't very heavy but he still wasn't sure what it was... until he felt something attach to his muzzle. He could feel the pressure in his mask shift when the hose connected to the port in front of it and almost instinctively he took a deep breath in.

The second the gas from the tank hit his new body Newlyn began to feel incredibly good, his body slouching slightly as his mind began to feel like it was floating. He continued to remain standing straight however as he was moved from the pod to his next destination, but as his chest continued to heave up and down the thoughts that weren't the programming he received washed away from his mind. It was as if a fresh fallen snow was falling over the contours of his mind and made everything foggy, everything save for the voices he continued to hear tell him what to do. As the arctic breath continued to fill his lungs the snow of his mind blanketed over Newlyn's mind until only the drone was left.

Newlyn eventually found himself being deposited on the floor once more at the end of the conveyor belt, and as he did he was unaware of the several sets of eyes that looked at him as he stood there on his new feet. "It appears that we did get to see a demonstration of how a real Christmas drone was created," Raven said with a smirk as the others on the tour looked on in awe at the new rubber reindeer that was Newlyn. "Drone, how are we feeling right now."

"Drone is ready for his duties," Newlyn replied automatically, the drone that he had become responding instantly to the one he knew waws his master.

"That's... pretty incredible," Tana said as he went up to the former snow leopard and waves his hand in front only to get no response. "So what's going to happen to him now?"

"Well I'm afraid that I don't really have a use for a Christmas drone at the moment with it being so close to that time," Raven responded. "But I'm sure that we can find someone that would be more than happy to have such a handsome rubber reindeer. I think I'll have my cohort here wrap him up for someone to take home with them, the rest of us will continue on with the tour."

Though it looked like the other wanted to say something about leaving Newlyn behind like that but were quickly quelled by the avian motioning for them to move forward. Soon the four of them walked to the exit with only the rubber jackal left, and as soon as he was alone once more he allowed the smirk to return to his lips. "Oh Newlyn..." Serathin said as he went up to the reindeer drone, rubbing a rubber hand across his face. "Looks like you certainly got yourself wrapped up in all this."

Newlyn said nothing, all he could do was stand as he watched the face of the rubber Anubis morphed back into his draconic sabrewolf self. Though the reindeer drone was bogged down in the haze of the gas that continued to pump through his body there was something... familiar about him, but before he could think about it much he was told to come with him. It was a golden diamond bondage rack, and as he was brought up towards it Serathin took his wrists and brought them up to the point where there were two gold rings on it. The sabrewolf chuckled as he clasped them into place to restrain the new drone in place before going over to a nearby table.

"I have to say that this is fun," Serathin said with a chuckle as he could tell that who he really was had started to get through to him, but by this point it was already too late. After putting a red rubber sack up over Newlyn's legs he secured each one with another metal golden band with four in total. "Let's see, let's make sure that no one opens you until Christmas..."

The words started to appear on the metal bands and as he pressed up the one around the groin of the rubber reindeer that would keep his cock in its bulge he began to see the tail of the creature start to snake towards him. "Mmmm, does the drone want to play?" Serathin said as he pressed their latex bodies together. "Go on then, give it your best shot little drone..."

The disguised sabrewolf suddenly let out a grunt as the tail began to push up between his legs, snaking around his gold and black rubber thighs and pushing its way up into his tailhole. Serathin could see the way the trapped creature was squirming as it pushed inside of him and continued to spur him on even as they both felt his stomach start to get stretched out by the makeshift cock tail inside of him. As both males let out groans of pleasure Serathin continued to spur on Newlyn, running his hands up and down his lithe chest as well as play with the antlers that are on top of his head. With the disguised jackal having the same physiology it was easy for the drone to continue to spread open Serathin's cheeks even as the huge bulge pushed up towards his pectorals.

"I'm so glad on how curious you are," Serathin said, his body squirming against the trapped rubber reindeer as Newlyn felt his tail begin to thrust in and out of the other rubber man. "You know what they say, curiosity droned the cat. It's a shame I don't get to take you home with me this time, but I'll have to settle for our little meeting here which will need to end since I have the rest of the tour to get to. Enjoy your new owners!"

Serathin took the air tank that was attached to his back and removed it so the drone reindeer could get more comfortable in his new bindings, watching him wiggle in the sack that covered him up to his waist. The pleasure he was getting from his tail was no doubt intense, he thought to himself as he hung up the tank on the gold diamond and ramped the flow all the way to maximum, and it was starting to get to the point where it was pushing up against the back of his throat while his body squeezed around the several feet already embedded in him. The jackal squeezed his own bulge as he decided to see what both of their bodies could do and backed his rear end up until it pressed against the base of the tail of the reindeer and gurgled in pure bliss as the tail pushed out of his mouth.

The rubber jackal took about a minute of stroking the bulge that went through his entire body, coiling his long synthetic tongue around the tip, before he heard the muffled cry of Newlyn's orgasm. Almost immediately after that Serathin felt the phallic tail slide out from him and return back to its normal size and length. He patted his empty stomach and shivered from the sensation of being penetrated in such an intense matter before tucking the tail within one of the bindings and adding a button to the groin of the drone, along with a bit of writing that said to press in order to try out the tail. Once he was finished he patted the new reindeer drone on the head and left him to swim in his own blissful, empty mind before he readjusted the mask back to normal and went to the next section of the tour.

Chapter 4:

The group found themselves leaving the processing area of the Factory and entering into something a little more familiar, the product showroom. It was where most would go in order to try and find the latest in Raven gear, or at least something kinky they could afford to go home with. While there were a few models that were still there most of them had left for the night, though as they walked through the showroom Raven informed them this wasn't the area that they were going to be touring. The three looked on in excitement as they made their way to a door marked employees only where the rubber Anubis opened it to allow them through.

"Looks like due to the departure of our snow leopard friend I really must reiterate that you have to be careful when it comes to being in my Factory," Raven said as a hint of a smirk played on his beak. "That being said this area you are more than free to look around and touch things, and though you can put things on please be careful and make sure that you read the label first. Some things are reserved for models and made specifically for them."

Though the three nodded and mentioned they understood the fox's attention was elsewhere, looking over at the holiday display that had been up near the back of the store. Xavier knew there was a big promotion that was going on for the Factory, it was part of the reason how he had heard of the private tours being offered, and one of the things he wanted to do was get a really close look at all the gear that was offered for it. There was nothing quite like the feel of a harness against one's body or a pair of snug rubber cuffs against the wrists and ankles, and in truth this was the part of the tour he was most looking forward too. As Raven continued to lead them on through the various back areas they soon found themselves in the rather large fitting rooms were dozens of blank mannequins sat with gear on them.

"So if we have someone that is just coming in to put a piece of gear on display they can use this room to change and get into position," Raven explained as he gestured towards the brightly lit mirrors and racks of clothing and equipment that were on all hanging and stacked behind it. "Anyone who wants to do a little work for me can come in and take something that needs to be put on display to model it. Now there are some that have suits already and we have a separate area for them to be polished up, this is just for those who are coming in unchanged."

"Fascinating," Juan said as he and the others looked around, examining the gear as well as the various products used for its upkeep. "Is there someone in here that helps with putting such gear on? I've come in before and admittedly I'm unsure of how they get into such bindings without the help of someone."

"We have the means for anyone who doesn't have a partner to be able to get out there completely geared up," Raven said. "Anyone can come in and get dressed up to be one of our floor models if they want."

"Interesting..." Xavier said as he eyed up several articles of rubber gear that were on mannequin torsos. "Could we try a few things on?"

"I'm afraid we don't have time to play dress-up," Raven said as he motioned for the others to follow him out of the dressing room as the fox stood there with a slight frown on his face at being rebuked. "Now if you'll follow me I'll show you to where we keep the expensive inventory that we don't want anyone to steal... as well as suits that are made specifically for that purpose to catch would-be thieves."

Both Tana and Juan grinned at the Raven's comment and continued on, but Xavier found himself hanging back as he continued to investigate the rather elaborate harness that had jingling gold bells on it. While he assumed it would be a nightmare to have them constantly ringing every time that he moved he knew that the models in the showroom didn't move much, if at all, and he was curious on just how weighted such a piece would be. The fox decided to just quickly try it on before joining the others, pulling it off the mannequin as carefully as possible to not make any noise. He took the rubber straps once they were free of the dummy and carefully put them around his own chest, grinning slightly to himself as he heard the bells jingle slightly while he put the last of the straps into place.

Not bad, Xavier thought to himself as he went over to the mirror to see exactly how the harness looked as he adjusted the golden ring on the center of it. With the rubber of his bodysuit behind it the fox found himself to look quite attractive as his fingers ran down his lithe chest and watched his muscles gleam in the light. Perhaps he should be one of those models, he thought to himself with a chuckle, or at the very least if Raven would perhaps allow him to purchase this as long he didn't get caught trying it on without his permission. It would be a fitting souvenir, he thought to himself as he began to make his way out of the room while undoing the straps on the harness.

"Just what do you think you're doing?" a voice suddenly came out of nowhere, prompting Xavier to turn around to try and find who just spoke. When there was no one there he wondered if perhaps Raven or someone in his employment had saw him try and walk off with the harness as his head continued to swivel around for the source of the noise. "If you think you are leaving the room looking like that then you got another thing coming."

"Hey, look, I'll just put the harness back, alright?" Xavier said as he began to pull the rubber harness off of his body, only to feel a hand grab onto the ring and yank it back down onto his body.

When the fox looked around to try and see who had just done that he found himself once more staring at nothing but empty space. "Oh no, as you stated you look quite sexy with it on," the voice said, and as Xavier continued to stare something began to materialize in front of his vision that eventually took the form of a stag. "But you are incomplete, and there's no way I will let someone go out onto Master Raven's showroom floor without having the proper attire."

As the fox took a step back he saw the rest of the creature form right in front of him, becoming a semi-translucent glowing blue reindeer man that stood there with his arms crossed. "Are you... a ghost?" Xavier asked as he found himself reaching out, only to find that when he attempted to put his hand on the muzzle of the other man he actually felt an impossibly smooth surface underneath his fingers. "Wow, you feel so real."

"I can assure you that I am not a ghost," the stag replied with a small chuckle as he went over towards the outfits and beings to pick them up one by one. "While it is a bit hard to explain I suppose the best way to describe it is I'm a sentient projection that is here to make sure that the models that come through that door are well-taken care of and look their best before they hit the floor. But enough about me; that harness does a good job of showing off your figure but fur and latex mix is not going to fly, but I do like the red so I think we can do a good job of incorporating that."

Xavier found himself nodding along with what the stag was saying before he realized what was going on. The hologram or whatever the stag was had clearly mistook him for a model and as he realized the error he quickly went up and got the deer's attention. "Actually, I'm hate to have wasted your time," the fox said as the hologram looked back at him in question. "But I'm not actually a model, um, what's your name?"

"You can just call me Stag," the deer said with a small grin before putting his hands on Xavier's shoulders. "And I know that it can be touch to try something like this out, but if you're here that means that a large part of you wants to do this. Why don't I put on a little music so we can relax while I get your chair ready to finish off your look."

Xavier was about to protest to Stag once more that he wasn't actually a model and just part of a tour when music began to play that caused his vulpine ears to twitch. While it was holiday themed there was a beat to it that he couldn't quite describe and the more he listened to it the more he found himself doing what Stag said and relaxing. As his muscles untensed his inner voice told him that he was worthy of being out there in that showroom and there was nothing stopping him from showing his stuff. The very idea put a little grin on the face of the fox as he sat down in the chair that Stag motioned for him to sit in, missing the small smile on the cervine's face as he began to mix up a few things in jars.

Before the fox could ask what he was doing Stag told him to hold his hands out, and as soon as he did the projection began to brush something clear and sticking onto his fingers. It instantly matted his fur down to his fingers and hands and after a liberal application of the substance the hologram disappeared briefly from Xavier's sight, only to once more reappear holding a set of gloves. They were made of rubber and black like his suit, except that instead of fingers there were two red fingers that looked like hooves. That was going to make it much harder for him to work things, the fox thought to himself, and as he watched Stag start to slide the rubber gear onto his fingers he suddenly realized that it would give him the hands of a rubber reindeer just like Newlyn and Kern!

As Xavier was about to try and get out of the chair as the revelation came with sudden clear-headedness he found it was too late as the holographic deer deftly slid them onto his hands. "Wait, Stag," Xavier said as he held his new hands up in the air, his body shivering slightly as he felt his fingers get pushed together to the point that all he could feel was the hoof caps. "I'm on a tour, I'm not supposed to be actually modeling anything."

"Silly fox," Stag said as he got up close, his shimmering body climbing up on the chair so that he was practically sitting in the fox's lap. "Sounds like you still have a bit of the pre-presentation jitters. Why don't you just lie back and relax while I take care of you..."

Xavier wasn't sure what the hologram meant by that, all he did know was that his cock was starting to become more erect by the second as it pushed out of his suit. "I... wait..." the fox managed to say, though his words were punctuated by loud groans as the surprisingly firm hands of the spectral deer rubbed against his chest around his harness. "I'm... not a... rubber reindeer..."

"Well of course you're not!" Stag said with a chuckle as he pressed his fingers against the sides of the other male while leaning in with a leering grin on his face. "But once I'm done with you there will be no question that you'll be the greatest rubber reindeer of them all. That actually gives me an idea, but first things first..."

The deer leaned back and Xavier felt one of the hands that had been stroking his rubber-covered body move back towards his groin. The ministrations of the other creature had caused him to become fully aroused and as Stag leaned back he began to guide the tip of his maleness right between his cheeks. With the semi-translucent nature of the being on top of him he could actually see his cock being guided up towards his hole, as well as watch the shiny black head get pushed inside. Stag let out a groan one he had managed to pop it in and despite being a hologram his smooth walls squeezed around the sensitive flesh like he was real.

The thoughts that Xavier had about the process that he was going through had been washed away by the first few inches of his rubber-covered cock disappearing inside of the ghostly cervine. He tried to grab onto the hips of the other male but the hooves on his hands made it a bit awkward and eventually Stag just grabbed them and put them up against his chest. The hologram was clearly in control as he continued to lower himself down and drew out another moan from the fox beneath him. As the chair began to recline automatically Xavier found his hips starting to try and push upwards as Stag lowered his rear end down until he had engulfed the entirety of the rubber cock inside of him.

With the bigger man pinning him down all Xavier could do was rub the muscular chest of the deer as he slowly got his cock worked by Stag's tailhole. With his mind buzzing in pleasure he found it impossible to think of anything else as he locked eyes with the creature that stared down at him. There was something enticing about this mysterious hologram, and it wasn't just the fact that he was an incredibly handsome creature that was riding him. He could sense an intensity there before the pleasure was just too much for him and his thoughts sank down until he could only focus on one thing, and that was the intense sensations that were being milked from the sensitive flesh of his shaft as Stag began to bounce up and down.

Despite feeling the squeeze of those internal walls the rest of the deer's body only exerted a gentle pressure on him as his fluid squats became more pronounced. Xavier was so lost in lust that he had even forgot about his hands as he wrapped them around the body of the hologram and began to stroke his back. Stag leaned forward and the fox could feel the rather sizable cock of the creature press between them as he started to increase his pace. It didn't take long for the fox to climax after that and as he came inside of the hologram he arched his back and let out a drawn out cry as Stag did the same before collapsing on top of him.

The feel of the strange form on top of his own caused Xavier's body to buzz even through the rubber that covered him, but it wasn't long before Stag recovered and pulled himself off. "Well, now that we've gotten you completely relaxed," Stag commented, running a finger down the fox's sprawled out body which caused a tremor to go entirely though it. "Let's get to work on your look now."

Xavier just let out a slight nod and continued to lay there, which seemed to be what Stag wanted as he disappeared briefly once more before coming back with a pair of split-hoof boots that matched the ones he wore on his hands. The fox was so blissed out that he just laid there with a grin on his face as he felt the same clear goo get brushed onto his feet before the rubber was pushed onto them. As he felt the smooth material slide over his fur and press his toes together he realized he could no longer feel his fingers, and as he held up his hands to his face the seam that had been between the gloves and his suit was gone. With the afterglow of his orgasm starting to fade and his strength returning he rose his head up and saw that even before Stag had finished putting the other boot on the one on his other side had merged with the leggings of the suit as well.

A rubber reindeer... that's exactly what he looked like from the waist down with only his vulpine head remaining as Stag went to work massaging his rubber muscles. The hologram claimed that it was to make sure that everything fit right but as his hands slid up underneath his harness he knew that it was just to grope him. It was hard to find a reason to protest such a thing though as the deer lavished attention on him, especially his rubber cock that had remained erect and outside of his suit. Anytime it started to soften Stag would lean down and give it a lick, or sometimes envelop it entirely with his mouth in order to bring Xavier back up to a heightened level of arousal.

When the hologram announced that he was finished and suddenly disappeared before reappearing next to the side of the chair it took Xavier by surprise. He hadn't been aware that the other man was doing anything other than massaging his rubberized body, but as he was brought back up to his feet he saw that the deer had actually been very hard at work. While most of his body remained a shiny black color his inner thighs, chest, and a few other accents were a bright red with sea-foam green highlights. It highlighted his muscles perfectly and made him look like he was sculpted by some sort of artisan... until his eyes got up past his neck to his head. The red and white fur that adorned his vulpine features looked almost crude in comparison to the perfection that the rest of his body had.

"Don't worry my deer," Stag said as Xavier suddenly found the holographic creature standing behind him, his head pressed against his shoulder and his arms wrapped around his waist. "I'm not even close to finished with you yet, but I thought that I would give you a break so you can see your progress so far. But I can see that you're in a bit of distress while you are still incomplete, so why don't we go ahead and finish you up before we get to accessories."

Xavier found himself nodding as the promise of seeing himself fully encased in the shiny material was making him giddy, feeling his new feet clop on the floor as he was guided towards one section of the dressing room that had all manner of masks on it. Everything from simple gas masks to the complex animal patterns and even one that looked similar to the jackal that was touring with them could be found, but his eyes were immediately drawn to one in particular that had a pair of small horns on it and the muzzle similar to the one that stood behind him. He grabbed it and immediately started to put it on but was stopped by Stag before he could and was moved back to the mirror that he had been standing at.

Once the fox-headed rubber creature was standing back in front of the mirror Stag told him to wait for one more second before disappearing, leaving Xavier to stare at himself once more before coming back with a smirk and telling him to go ahead. As he put the mask up to his face he could see that there was a cock gag that was inside of it, the hologram whispering that models weren't supposed to talk as he inspected the rather girthy dildo. The front part of the muzzle did have a hole in it, the lips of the muzzle permanently opened by an o-ring in front, and given his transformation so far he had an idea of what will happen when he put it on. Xavier didn't hesitate for a second as he pulled the edges of the shiny mask over his head and felt it smoothly glide over his fur as the tip of the cock slid into his mouth.

Strangely as soon as the head of it past his lips and began to push into his mouth he began to feel something on his own rubber member. He quickly realized why the shape of the dildo looked familiar, it was a mold of his cock as he felt it throb between his legs. The deer chuckled behind him and informed him that part of Raven's masks for models was so that they could continue to display their goods no matter what as the fox's muzzle stretched over what was essentially his own member. He quickly got used to the sensation of sucking himself off as a pleasant buzz of lust settled over him, which combined with the music that he could hear in the mask as the rubber slid into his ears made it hard to form any cohesive thoughts. That was the point of a model though, Xavier managed to muse over the haze of pleasure, they were there to look pretty and show off the merchandise that was being given to them.

"Oh, you are looking simply marvelous," Stag said as he helped Xavier put the mask on by tugging it down the rest of the way, causing the fox within to gurgle slightly as the dildo gag was pushed down into his throat and caused a surge of pleasure to go with his body. "Now I have a couple of accessories for you to go with this, but I'm going to wait until we get to your podium. For now though I want to put on one piece that is going to really help you get into the mood."

Xavier was unable to say anything with the thick rubber cock inside his muzzle and when he did try to speak it just caused his throat muscles to squeeze around it and give himself a tremor from the unique sensation. When he looked at himself in the mirror it was the blank face of a reindeer that stared back at him, the red and black matching the rest of his patterning as he brought a hoof finger up to the mouth piece in front of the cervine muzzle. It didn't take long for him to find it was just as sensitive as his cock and though he couldn't explore much it was clear that it was there for one purpose. As he felt something slide around his neck he saw through the eyes of the mask as Stag added a heavy black rubber collar to hide the seam, though the former fox was sure that there wouldn't be one as he felt his ears stretching and morphing to fit the ones on the reindeer mask.

"Mmmm, I can see the changes are already starting to take effect on your face," Stag said as he pressed his fingers into the rubber face of the other man, Xavier feeling the touch like it was on his own smooth skin as his muzzle contorted to fit the form that was pressing around it. "Wouldn't want you to feel stuffy, but before it's completely done I have something to add to it."

Xavier could only watch as Stag took a round rubber ball and put it on his nose, the rubber instantly adhering to the still changing face of the reindeer as Stag carefully put it into place. As the new latex creature looked at himself he couldn't find a single vulpine trait of his remaining, everything replaced with the black and red rubber reindeer that stood before him instead. The jingle of bells could be heard as he pressed his awkward fingers against the harness that started it all, the shiny material rubbing against his equally smooth skin and causing him to shudder. The entire time his cock was also still completely out in the air as every time it softened he seemed to instinctively suck on it which brought him back to full hardness.

While the rubber reindeer continued to admire his new form the holographic deer was hard at work putting the finishing touches on the rubber body in front of him. Along with the x-harness Stag took a rubber belt with a number of gold rings in a line and secured it to his waist, then took a number of cuffs and laid them out as well. With meticulous care Stag moved around Xavier's legs and could feel a slight pressure around his calves and thighs as they were cuffed, followed by his forearms and biceps. Though he could still move with them on as he flexed his new synthetic musculature he could feel them tighten around his body, which caused his cock to throb as Stag moved on with the last adornments he had grabbed.

For a moment Stag blocked the view of the mirror as he went up to Xavier and put something on the horns that had come with the mask, the reindeer instead looking into the eyes of the shimmering creature as he felt the metal objects slide down on them. Though he couldn't tell what they were it gave the same sense of completion feeling the weight on his antlers as Stag took a step back while holding one last golden ring. He had an idea of where it was about to go but it still didn't stop him from letting out a squeak of pleasure when it slipped around the head of his cock and seemed to tighten around the rubbery shaft to make sure that it wouldn't fall off. The hologram gave him a slight smirk as he took a cord and connected the cock ring to one on the belt with a small rubber string that caused his member to remain jutted out as the deer disappeared so he could see the modifications.

Though Xavier could have spent all day looking at himself in the mirror he knew the creature that he saw in the reflection wasn't supposed to be viewed just by him. When Stag told him to come along with him to the staging area there was a sense of excitement that was building as any trepidation he had about the process was gone. Whether it was Stag or something within the suit he suddenly felt extremely confident about himself, as well as very sexy as he began to walk better with his new feet. He needed to show the world what he looked like now and he knew the best way to do that was to follow the holographic deer as he was led out of the dressing room and back into the main hallway...

As the tour group moved out of the latest room they were in, the three creatures covered in rubber completely shined up and practically glistening, both Tana and Juan looked around the hallway to see if they could find their third companion anywhere. "Kind of strange that he would just leave to go to the bathroom without telling us," the cobra said as he scratched his head. "Are you sure that's what you heard?"

"Maybe, I wasn't really paying attention," the rubber jackal replied as Raven continued to ride on his shoulder to the next room. "Either way I'm sure that he heeded Raven's rules and made sure not to touch anything he wasn't supposed to, especially the stuff on the mannequins."

"Wait, we weren't supposed to touch anything on the mannequins in that one room?" Juan asked, causing the tour to come to a stop. "I didn't see any signs or anything about not doing that."

"Are you sure?" Raven asked, both Tana and Juan nodding which caused the bird to ruffle his feathers slightly before shrugging. "Well, I suppose that it should be implied that if something is on display like that it's for the models. I mean you two didn't put anything on from that, it would stand to reason that the third member of your party would be wise to do the same."

"You sure about that?" Tana asked as he pointed over towards the hallway that they had previously walked down, both Raven and Serathin turning just in time to see a red and black rubber reindeer move out from the dressing room and to another door.

"I see..." Raven said, a bemused smile appearing briefly on his face before he turned back to his other two guests. "It appears that I may need to warn people about that after all, but in a way it turns out to be a rather happy accident. If you two will follow me we can move on to the next part of the tour and have ourselves a little demonstration in the process."

The other two looked at one another before following the raven and rubber jackal the opposite direction of where they saw the transformed vulpine go. Once more they come up to a security door that Serathin unlocked for them, and when they were allowed inside both Juan and Tana were surprised to see an entire room filled with servers that were buzzing as they walked inside. "Whoa... this is a lot of processing power," Tana commented as the cool air in the room caused a shiver to go down his spine. "Is this all just to run the showroom?"

"In a manner of speaking," a new voice said as the four saw a form materialize in front of them in the form of a buff deer. "My name is Stag, the primary model liaison for the models here in the Factory showroom. Is there something that I might be of assistance with?"

"Yes, we've seemed to have lost yet another member of our little tour group here and we wanted to check with you and see if you scooped them up," Raven said. "A fox by the name of Xavier, would have entered into the preparation area a few minutes ago. Is he there?"

"There is no fox by that name in the showroom," Stag informed them with a smug grin on his muzzle as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. "I do happen to have a lovely rubber reindeer model with that designation that I was just about to get started putting on display before you called me. Could that be who you're talking about?"

"I'm assuming so," Raven replied with a smirk of his own. "Well then, let us go to the viewing room so we can watch Stag work. He really is quite good at his poses, we use him when we want to make the new catalog."

"Wait, we're not going to get him out?" Juan asked as they went through a door opposite of the server room and up as set of stairs. "He's not actually a model."

"He is now," Raven replied simply. "Once Stag gets you then you're going to end up on display in my showroom, and since our fox friend was silly enough to get ensnared by him there's really nothing we can do about it now. I'm sure he'll be just fine, as we'll soon see he is going to be in very good hands."

The dragon and cobra just looked at one another once more as they made their way to a room that was decked out to look like a lounge, complete with cushioned chairs that sat in front of a wall that was floor to ceiling windows. Raven asked his two remaining tour participants if they would like anything to eat or drink, and after having a holographic snake creature appear in order to take their orders the avian instructed them to have a seat. As the dragon and cobra sat down on the soft rubber chairs Raven explained to them that they were having quite the treat in coming up to a spot where only his exclusive clients go. The two could see why as they sat down as they not only had an unobstructed view of the entire showroom but also had a tablet that was connected to it as well.

As Tana grabbed the electronic device and began to tap on it he quickly found that it could control the models that were on the stage, likely to demonstrate the features of whatever Raven products they were wearing, but after a quick scroll down he could see that none of the platforms were active due to the models all being off their respective stages. He set it aside as the serpentine waiter came over and gave them their orders, Tana surprised when he was given a wink from the hologram before he disappeared after serving him. It was clearly a very advanced program, Raven mentioned when he saw the exchange took place, which they were about to see very shortly. As the bird motioned with his wing the two looked down at the floor in time to see their former third member slowly walking towards a poll that was in the middle of the holiday display.

Xavier's body was buzzing as he found himself getting moved up to the golden poll that Stag said would be his display base. He was so aroused he found himself sucking off the dildo just to keep himself completely stimulated as the hologram instructed him to hop onto the base and put his back against the display stand. When he felt the cool metal press against the rubber of his back his synthetic body shivered from the touch as Stag disappeared once more, suddenly feeling his presence at his back. As he began to feel his arms get moved into position, which was folded over themselves over the bar that his back was against, he could feel the muzzle of the other male press up against his ear.

"I think you should know that the others in the tour are currently in our VIP observation deck," Stag whispered as Xavier began to feel something tighten around his wrists that rendered his arms almost completely immobile. "They're here to watch you Xavier, to see you on full display just like the rest of the world. Their eyes are going to look over every inch of that body of yours to see what Raven has to offer and how handsomely you show it off."

If Xavier could he would have started to bite his lip as Stag continued to make him squirm with his words, the very thought of the others watching him down here like this turning him on more than he had imagined it could as the strap that was connecting his bound arms to the poll were also linked down through one of the loops of his rubber belt. As he felt the hologram making some adjustments to the length of the straps something began to feel strange in his recently bound limbs. A tingle began to radiate from where the cuffs and straps had been secured to him and at first he thought that they were starting to fall asleep, but the longer they were worked on the more it was hard to even move his hoof fingers as more of the rubber was secured between the pole and the harness on his back that caused the gold bells to jingle.

"I'm sure you're already starting to wonder what's going on with your arms," Stag said as he made one final adjustment to the rubber reindeer that would help show off his form while remaining secure to the pole no matter what. "We used to let models just come out here and hold still while being gawked at by customers, but as I'm sure you can imagine having to hold a pose for so long, especially if you're being restrained like you are, will cause even suit-assisted models to twitch and shift about. Since that broke the illusion Master Raven has included a few special features to his later suits and gear that would cause the rubber in any model to stiffen to the point of being a living mannequin, and I have to say that it was a brilliant move because we get quite a few that come in here and don't even realize they're staring at a real creature."

A... living mannequin... the idea thrilled Xavier as his inner voice told him that was the reason he had came to the Factory. To be a living display while wearing Raven's gear was a dream come true, and while he continued to become enraptured in his own manufactured fantasy Stag moved on to the next part of the installation. With the petrification of his arms spreading into his chest and the straps holding him in place the rubber reindeer didn't even move when one of his red-tipped latex hoof feet were grabbed and pulled up into the air. Xavier could only imagine the look on the face of the others that were watching him as he felt his leg get bent behind him and secured to the pole before the second one quickly followed suit.

Once more the latex straps attached to both his cuffs and the pole itself to help secure them into place and when Stag stepped away the rubber reindeer remained completely airborne with only the pole for support. The straps tugged slightly but with the additional pressure coming from his arms wrapped behind him as well as his thighs being pressed against the metal Xavier found himself unable to move an inch. Then just like with his arms he began to feel the sensation of losing control of his legs as they became even harder to move than when he had them brought up and bound. He let out a muffled groan and his entire body shook slightly when he found himself completely immobile from the shoulders down while still remaining sensitive in other areas.

With his new position Xavier was completely exposed, his shiny rubber body completely on display for everyone to look at with no ability to regain any sense of modesty he had... but Stag clearly wasn't finished yet as he felt those fingers press against his neck and gently bend him backwards. With everything else secured it was easy for the hologram to put the reindeer exactly where he wanted him before securing his collar into place. Even though he hadn't needed to breathe ever since the transformation to his body had started the reindeer found his breath catching in his throat as his head was tilted upwards, unable to move it from side to side as even the gold rings around his antlers were secured to it as well. When Stag was finished Xavier found himself with his back arched and his chest out in the air where the golden bell x-harness that he had put on in the first place was proudly on display against his shiny muscular chest.

Back up in the observation booth the four had been completely silent as they watched Xavier get put on display, the reindeer looking more like a lewd carousel animal that was upright. "Well you can tell he's clearly enjoying himself," Juan said as he finished the last of his drink before looking up at Raven. "Was he supposed to be a model this entire time or did he really just slide on that harness on accident and got wrapped up in all of this like Newlyn and Kern?"

"I can't help it that people don't listen to me when they see something they want," Raven scoffed as he held his head up in mock rebuke. "If those three had asked before they touched or kept their fingers to themselves then we would all be enjoying the lovely lunch we had instead of just you two. But as you said the others will be left to enjoy themselves even if they don't get to see the rest of the factory, like our dear Xavier here, I'm sure they don't mind it... though it is too bad they don't get to see what's next."

"Really?" Tana asked. "What's next on the tour?"

"Oh, we're getting to the very good stuff coming up next," Raven replied as he looked down at the rubber reindeer still being fiddled with by the holographic deer to make sure he was displayed properly. "While all the previous rooms before this have been seen by at least some aspect of the general public the next few are going to be rooms that only those who are either in my service or about to become a product themselves have ventured in. Of course given the nature of our tour so far it will be interesting to see if anyone ventures back out besides myself and my companion here, which if you could make sure our latest reindeer is taken care of I will lead the others to the next room."

The rubber Anubis jackal nodded and once more Raven flew off of his shoulder to lead the dragon and cobra out of the room and down the stairs towards their next destination. Serathin waited a few seconds as usual before the others left the room, then turned back towards the window where he saw Stag and Xavier still on the display floor. With no one around to observe him he made his way over to the chairs the others had been sitting in and flopped sideways on one of them. Once he had gotten himself comfortable he reached back and grabbed the tablet that Tana had been looking at, grinning as he saw that there was now one selection that could be made. But while it would have been fun to just mess with the new rubber reindeer from the comfort of the chair the draconic sabrewolf had other ideas as the screen on the tablet turned green while it switched to the AI database...

Down on the factory floor there was little that Xavier could do but hang there and bask in the pleasure given to him by his new lot in life, or at least temporarily as Stag finished the last of the preparations by moving his frozen tail so it curled out directly behind him. "Well it has certainly been fun," Stag said as he stood in front of the new model and padded him on the head. "As much as I would love to stick around I... oh... well, this feels... weird..."

Xavier watched as something began to happen to the hologram in front of him, watching his translucent form flicker and shift while he let out a small groan. The deer stumbled around for a few seconds as his bright blue body began to shift to green and as Stag's hands went up to his muzzle it was just in time to feel something push out of his muzzle. His groans became louder as he hunched forward and opened his jaws to allow the new saberteeth to grow in, and when they had completely filled out suddenly the hologram froze completely. At first the restrained reindeer thought that something might have glitched out in the program but when it suddenly stood back up it had a bright green cock that was completely erect as the altered deer looked looked at himself as though for the first time.

"Hmmm, not bad," Serathin said as he ran his hands down his muscular form before going up and fiddling with the antlers on his head. "First time I've taken on a deer form, at least I think it is, but it's certainly something I could get used to." When the new creature turned his head to Xavier the model knew that this definitely wasn't Stag as a mischievous grin formed on his face.

"Looks like someone wanted to try out a little bondage and got themselves all tied up," Serathin said as he went over and used his new form to press against the chest of the other man. "You definitely can't go on the tour anymore like this, especially since technically you were about to take something that doesn't belong to you. Raven has some pretty binding terms when it comes to those contracts that you sign."

Serathin turned away from Xavier as he chuckled a bit, then disappeared for a second before reappearing once more. "This sprite form definitely has some moves," the holographic saberdeer said as he reached down with one hand and gave his translucent cock a squeeze. "The fact that I have one of these again is a relief too, seeing you guys get transformed and controlled like that was getting me really hot and bothered and now I finally have a chance to try out Raven's latest display model. Of course I don't want this to seem like a one-way street so I got you a little something."

Xavier wasn't quite sure what Serathin was holding until the other hand that was clenching the item reached forward and placed it on his chest. Despite being frozen by the rubber that was his body the reindeer still managed a shiver as something could be felt on the sensitive synthetic flesh of his nipple. Though he couldn't look down Serathin snapped his fingers and one of the advertising displays came to life to show him the snowflake ornament that hung from his pectoral while the saberdeer brought up a virtual display and began to tinker on it. In a matter of seconds the rubber reindeer's attention was suddenly pulled away from the screen that showed off his body and was brought downwards as the pole behind him tilted forwards until he was almost parallel with the ground.

Even though ever since he had gotten the reindeer mask put on his head there have been commands subconsciously seeping into his mind about being a display model it didn't quite prepare the fox for being completely immobile while a customer wanted to try him out. His main purpose was to show off the bell harness he wore but anyone on the floor could be used in such a manner, though it often required a representative and the demonstration would be brought somewhere more private on the customer's request. Since the only creatures out there were Xavier and Serathin however the hologram decided that this was the perfect spot anyway as he brought up a few more menus. With the reindeer's suit directly connected to the interface that Serathin was playing with Xavier found a tingle of pleasure sweep through his body as the rubber of his own mouth began to shift while secreting something.

"Admittedly this is the first time that I've done this as a hologram," Serathin said as he set a timer on the program he just ran. "Now I know that you can't move or anything like that so if you're ready to go just, I don't know, stick out your tongue twice."

At first Xavier thought that he couldn't even do such a thing but as he tried to move his tongue he found that it was actually a part of his new mouth instead of just flattened by the dildo that he also realized had disappeared. He quickly gathered that the hologram that the hybrid was possessing had far more control over his body then he realized, including getting his restrained cock to start vibrating even without anything pressing against it. With a small shudder of pleasure the rubber reindeer found himself able to stick his tongue out twice, ready to experience yet another joy of becoming a display piece for the Factory. Just like with Stag the saberdeer found himself able to touch the other male as he lined up his new cock before pushing it inside.

With the gag and o-ring disabled on his body Xavier found himself pressing his maw down on the thick member even as it slid past his rubber lips. Their unnatural forms made it easy for the insertion to happen and the reindeer felt a pleasure unlike anything he had ever felt before as it slid into him. It reminded him somewhat of the sensations he got from his tailhole, except that he could feel his tongue sliding around his own synthetic maw as well as the shimmering member pushing inside. Though his muzzle was able to move the rest of his body had remained frozen like a mannequin, which allowed for Serathin to easily adjust him and push down deep until his throat started to stretch out just like his muzzle. It also seemed that the possessed hologram also had some semblance of control over his own form as even when the completely erect length was inside of him he began to feel it penetrating even deeper down until it was practically in his chest.

Xavier let out a muffled grunt as Serathin began to slide in and out of him, feeling his fingers wrap around his horns in order to get a better angle. The rubber reindeer's synthetic body responded by trying to suction down on the holographic cock, and from the groan that came from the saberdeer it was clear his ministrations were working. He could also feel his neck loosen slightly in order to start bobbing more even though the entirety of his throat had been stuffed full, but it wasn't long before he felt the entire length pull out of him. The second that the head of it left his maw with an audible pop the o-ring and gag reappeared in its place as his head stiffened once more before it was completely frozen.

"You didn't think that I was just going to be satisfied with a blowjob?" Serathin stated with a chuckle. "With the showroom closed for now I have to make sure we both make the most out of this arrangement, but... I have to figure out the logistics of it first. Stag went through so much work to make sure that you were out for everyone to see that I would hate to mess up his work, though with a little give I think we can actually make this work in our favor."

With the gag once more in place the only thing that Xavier could respond with was a small grunt as he once more felt his body being moved. The holographic saberdeer watched as the rubber reindeer was brought back completely upright, then adjusted the height of the pole so that he was a little higher than before. Once more the red and black reindeer felt a sort of pride at having so much attention lavished upon him, especially since he was able to show off the harness that he had been there to model. Though a small voice in his head tried to say something about a tour and a rubber jackal it was quickly lost once again as Serathin rubbed a hand against their chest and caused a cascade of pleasure from the mere touch of their smooth bodies.

Serathin stated that this part was going to be a little weird at first but should work out the way he envisioned it in his head as he got behind Xavier. With no ability to move he couldn't see what was happening, though out of the corner of his eye he could see that the screen the hologram had put on so he could see the snowflake decoration on his nipple was still active. As he watched the green glowing creature attempt to wiggle his way through the bindings so that he was between the pole and the reindeer he could feel his muscular chest press against his back. It was a delightful sensation and caused his lust to rise even if he was starting to share the stage with the other creature and messing up the display a bit.

It took about a minute before the hologram had completely slid himself in behind the restrained reindeer, feeling Serathin press against nearly his entire backside of his body while the muzzle of the saberdeer rested on his shoulder. "There, that wasn't so bad," Serathin said as he leaned to the left in order to bring up a small menu screen. "Since this is a bit of an awkward position I'm going to disable the mannequin effect so that we have a little more movement, plus I enjoy having you squirm against me anyway."

Xavier nodded in response and after a few seconds he suddenly felt the ability to move his muscles once more return to his body. With the restraints still on him though and the added tightness from the other man that stood behind him there was little that he could do besides shift about as the hologram began to put his hands on his chest. The sensation of rubber against the artificial skin of the other creature though was just as electrifying as when Stag had ridden him on the chair, except this time he'll be the one getting penetrated as he felt the cock of the other creature against his lower back. Though Serathin had shrank it back down to its normal size after their oral adventure together it was still quite long and thick as he reached down between their pressed together bodies to adjust the angle.

After shifting a few different ways to give him enough room Serathin eventually managed to wiggle the head to go between the shiny black cheeks of the male in front of him, Xavier letting out a loud snort as it quickly spread open the rubberized ring of muscle and allowed the hologram to push inside. Both males let out a loud groan as the reindeer synthetic walls were stretched open while the hands of the hologram gripped against his sides and looped a finger through the ring of his belt to push even deeper. With the restraints pulling the rubber reindeer back it didn't take long for the entirety of the shaft to push into him and their bodies to press against one another with the hologram deeply embedded inside of his tailhole.

Though he couldn't move much Xavier took advantage of his mobility to try and hump his hips out as Serathin pushed his open forward, causing his stomach to nearly stretch out as his own cock continued to throb there. Though the hologram remarked that it might be fun to just leave the living display completely needy while unable to do anything about it Serathin reached forward and unhooked the rubber cock of the reindeer, moving it in time with his thrusts to provide the maximum amount of pleasure that they could get. Both males stood there with their hooves scraping against the floor of the display as their bodies bounced against one another while the lack of movement made their rutting even more intense.

With everything that happened to him the rubber reindeer didn't last long with that level of intense sensation running through his augmented body. From the feeling inside of him the saberdeer wasn't too far behind and felt an almost electric jolt as the hologram orgasmed inside of him. The rush of pleasure made both grateful they were strapped in and for a brief moment Serathin disappeared, and when he flickered back he was suddenly on the other side of the rubber reindeer. As Xavier continued to recover from his own climax he realized that the deer no longer had the saber teeth on him and he was his normal blue coloration again.

"Well... that was certainly an interesting experience," Stag said as he looked over himself with the presence of the one that had possessed him completely purged from his system, then glanced over at Xavier before his jaw dropped in shock at the panting rubber reindeer. "What did he do to you?! You are in complete disarray; I'm going to have to readjust your straps, reshine your body, make sure that everything is aligned correctly..."

Up in the observer balcony Serathin looked down at the restored hologram doting on the living display, watching as Xavier became rigid once more before the deer started to put him back into place. As the sabrewolf once more found himself in his rubber Anubis form however he was thankful that he managed to orgasm before he had accidently shunted himself back into his own body, though he could still feel the ripples of pleasure coming from the bulge that his hand idly squeezed. He knew the rubber reindeer would be just fine in the hands of the hologram, for now though he had to go back and rejoin the group. The last thing he wanted to do was miss someone else getting tempted off the tour as he made his way towards the stairs himself and rejoined the group just as they were about to head into the testing labs.

Chapter 5 ( testing area, 10k):

As the remaining two in the tour continued to follow Raven, who stopped only to perch myself once more on the mysterious rubber Anubis that showed up a few minutes after they had left the observation balcony over the showroom, they looked about their surroundings a bit more wearily than before. Not only were they three down from when they had initially started but they could tell the tour was moving deeper into the heart of the Factory itself. As the avian had mentioned there were very few that would have even been down here in the first place and from the sound of it the experiences would be even more fantastical than what they had previously had in the tour. While that made the dragon and cobra giddy with excitement on what they'd find next there was also the very real possibility they may end up like the others.

"And here we have my product testing wing," Raven said as he fluttered over to a door that somehow looked even more secure than the ones they had previously went through. When he went over to one spot in the wall a perch automatically popped out of it and when he landed there the other three saw all manner of scans and inputs happening before the light on the doorframe turned green and the heavy metal began to slide back. "Naturally I want to make sure that any prototypes or custom suits that are going through the process to be hidden from view of the general public, not to mention those that see it fit to try and steal my technology for themselves."

"Does that happen a lot?" Tana asked as they walked through the open door, glancing up at the security camera that followed them while they went to the other side.

"More than you would expect," Raven responded. "Fortunately I have a top-notch security system that makes sure everything in here stays safe, as well as dole out repercussions for those foolish enough to try. And if they happened to get caught up in my web they have a chance to redeem themselves in my eyes, though for quite a few they seem to prefer the lot that I give them in exchange for their attempt."

Both Juan and Tana got a chuckle out of that as they heard the door close behind them, the hallway branching out into several others. As they passed by a few they saw that some of the walls had windows where you could see into them, Raven and Serathin pausing so that the two could watch some of the tests that were taking place. A few the avian stated were pretty standard stress-tests for things like drones and slave suits, the eyes of the two tourists widening slightly as they watched a rather large bull man in a shiny black suit suddenly get wrapped up in a number of rubber tentacles. They didn't linger long on the sight but even with the rooms being soundproof they could hear a noise of pleasure come from it as they moved on.

Eventually they left the individual testing rooms and moved on to a larger, more open room where bright white lights hung overhead. "This room we like to call The Gauntlet," Raven explained as they looked out over the seemingly innocuous area that was separated from them by a solid wall of clear security glass. "Not only do we test our products here but those who use them, especially if they're going to be tasked with things like heavy lifting, carrying large things, or... other such strenuous endeavors. Our suits can only do so much to augment someone so we have to make sure that anyone whose getting such a thing can not only meet the requirements but also handle themselves in the case of those who have restricted movement."

"So, it's what, a bunch of jumping jacks or something?" Tana asked as he pressed his nose against the glass to get inside. "Doesn't look like much."

"That's because it's not active," Raven said as he motioned over to a control panel that was on the opposite side of the viewing room they were in. "We can control things up here but unless there's someone actually running it you don't get to see it in action. It's a shame really."

Both Tana and the jackal nodded at that, but for the gold dragon he found himself staring at the console that had been pointed out to them. Among the various knobs and dials there were was a large red button that was marked launch, and from the sound of what Raven was describing it sounded like an interesting challenge. "What if one of us wanted to run this gauntlet?" Juan asked as he continued to stare over at the console. "I mean, the way you hyped it I think that it would be interesting to at least see."

"Oh no, I wouldn't think of it," Raven replied with a dismissive wave of his wing. "Even someone of your stature I'm sure would find difficulty in such a gauntlet and I can't have my tour guests get discouraged like that, it'll set a bad tone for the whole rest of the tour. I think it would be best to let the professionals have their fun..."

"I can definitely handle it!" Juan stated as he made his way over to the console. "Just you watch, I'll probably get on the record board or something."

"No wait, don't, stop..." Raven said half-heartly, though the dragon just flashed them both a grin before pushing the red button to launch the program. To Juan's surprise the floor suddenly disappeared underneath him and he let out a shout that grew less the longer it went on until there was finally a soft thud before the trap door retracted. "Oh well, no turning back now."

"You totally did that on purpose," Tana commented, narrowing his eyes at Raven.

"I assure you I have no idea what you mean by that," Raven replied, his wing covering his beak in a sense of false modesty before he tapped on Serathin's shoulder to get him to turn towards the main area of the room. "Oh well, I suppose all we can do now is watch and see what happens to our dragon in The Gauntlet, the only thing is that I do wish he had at least waited so I could reset it from the current mode that it's on..."

Meanwhile Juan slowly got up from the mat that he had landed on after his surprise slide down the chute. It wasn't something he had expected since the room for the challenge appeared to be on the same level as the control box, but as he got to his feet he suddenly heard the loud whirring of machinery and began to feel the metal rumble underneath his feet. "Welcome to The Gauntlet," a computerized voice said as the screens in the small room he had landed in flickered to life to reveal the visage of Raven himself. "Before we begin, please verify the mode that you have selected."

"Verify the mode?" Juan repeated in slight confusion. "There's more than one?"

"Your mode has been verified," the Raven on the screen responded. "Please hold in the preparation room while your test chambers are being set up."

"Wait, hold on!" Juan said as he realized what he had done, but by that point the screen flickered and turned to a timer that was quickly counting down. "I didn't want to verify! Cancel mode! Return to main menu!"

Despite the protests of the dragon it appeared the computer hadn't recognized his latest voice commands as the screen continued its count down. As Juan tried to think back on any indicators on the console that might have indicated what was in store for him he couldn't think on anything that would have told him. Was he about to enter some sort of fighting arena, or maybe some sort of flying scenario where he didn't have wings? The only thing he even had on him was the rubber bodysuit that probably wouldn't do much protecting of his body as the number on the screen steadily counted down to zero.

After racking his brain to try and think of what he could do besides enter into this challenge blind there was eventually a loud thud and the walls that had surrounded him suddenly came down. What was revealed to him was a large metal room in a cube that had a door right in front of him. As he carefully walked inside he noticed that the ceiling was covered in some sort of glass and that other than the lights that were in the corners of his room the rest of the outlying area beyond the ceiling was pitch black. When he went into the middle of it however he saw that there was one point of light off in the corner behind him that had Tana, Raven, and Serathin all looking down at him from the sealed control room.

The gold-scaled dragon just gave them a sheepish grin and a thumbs up, though he still had no idea what he was doing as he went up to the first door. It was the only thing in this room and when he got close enough to it he jumped slightly as it automatically opened for him. He paused for a moment and it remained open for him, and when it was clear that nothing was about to jump out at him from the other side Juan carefully made his way to the next room. At first it was pitch dark but when he stepped foot into the floor on the other side it suddenly lit up the next area.

Unlike the first room this one actually had something other than the door in it, the larger space dominated by a pool of water that was in the middle of it. When Juan carefully looked down inside of it he saw that it went fairly deep and the bottom couldn't be seen in the shadows. There were also two doors that branched off, one of them able to be open while the other was locked. When he tapped on the keypad he saw that there was a five digit code that was needed and after Juan examined it closely he guessed that it was either in the other room or somewhere at the bottom of the pool.

Since he couldn't see any numbers and wouldn't be able to find anything down in the water Juan decided to try out the unlocked room instead, this time walking right through as the door slid open. As he walked inside the lights in the new area turned on while the others flickered off, which made the dragon wonder if there wasn't something lurking about in this potential maze. Nevertheless he continued to press forward and found that this room was taller than all the others and featured a climbing course with some sort of platform at the top. Juan found himself grinning as he found his physical challenge and went over to a climbing wall that was on the other side of the room.

Juan cracked his neck and made a running start before going to the first climbing obstacle, crawling up the handholds quickly before getting to the rope bridge that was connected to the top of it that went almost entirely to the other side of the room. Once he got there it was another matter of twisting himself around before he had to go up several more climbing walls that were arranged in a tower configuration. Those parts weren't too bad and the dragon found himself high above where he had started on a small platform that swayed slightly with his weight. He had made it to the final part of the challenge and it involved using handholds that would be above his head which would force him to free hang from it until he got to the middle of the room where arrows pointed to a platform that had a small dome right in the center.

After mapping out the best way to tackle the problem in his head the dragon reached up and grabbed the first handhold, then swung his body out so that he could use the momentum to reach the next one. As his feet dangled in the air he found himself looking down at the floor that was far below him and swallowed hard, then began to make his way towards the dome. While he was sure that Raven wouldn't let him get hurt by doing this he didn't want to fall and at the very least start over, so he carefully continued to make his way across until finally he managed to get to the spot that was indicated. As he hung there with the dome only a few inches away from his face however he wasn't sure what he had to do next... did he need to break it, or wait for something to happen?

As Juan readjusted himself he felt his horn graze against the half-sphere and when he looked up again he saw the surface ripple like it was made of water. He knew that it probably was something else given the nature of what he had seen in the Factory already, but with nothing else that he could see to do he decided to pull himself up and submerge his head in whatever substance hovered over him. The second that his scales made contact with the dome it caused it to burst, but instead of splashing down around him it oozed over his head and down his shoulders like a thick gel. When the dragon opened his muzzle in shock a tentacle of the goo formed and pushed its way inside, quickly slithering down into his maw and down his throat as his body was covered.

The ones in the viewing booth watched as the dragon quickly became completely covered with the strange substance, cascading slowly down his back and chest as another two tentacles began to form. "So... what exactly is this gauntlet trying to train for?" Tana asked as he saw Juan try to let go of the handholds only to find that the gel had covered them as well and practically suctioned his hands to them. "I mean I get the whole physical aspect, but what's with the goo?"

"Oh, that obstacle course is actually more of a mental play then a physical one," Raven explained with a slight grin. "The mode that our dragon friend is on is actually a test against the mental corruption of certain suits, those that prefer to build harems and things of that nature will often commission me for a suit that can turn others into rubber drones without realizing that such power has the ability to turn on the one that wields it. This course is designed to see just how ready those who want such a service can will themselves against it and not become a product of their own desires."

"I see," Tana said in response. "What happens if they fail?"

"I have plenty of space in my showroom then," Raven replied with a chuckle. "It can depend though given what the difficulty setting of the mode is at."

"Well then, that should be interesting," Tana stated, watching the dragon squirm in the increasingly thick goo that had gotten down to his waist. "Just out of my curiosity, what's the difficulty level at right now?"

"Maximum," The rubber Anubis replied as both he and Raven continued to stand and watch.

Back in the Gauntlet Juan continued to try and get out of the predicament he was in, but as the goo covered his body and he began to feel something prodding his way into his tailhole and wrap around his cock he realized there was nothing he could do. Whatever trap Raven had put into this had caught him, he could only hope that this didn't mean he already lost as he began to feel his body lower down towards the floor. It didn't take long though for his thoughts to focus on something else as he began to feel his throat tingle from the tentacle pushing down into it as well as his tailhole. Another one also wrapped around his growing member and had started to stroke it, causing him to tremble in his gel cocoon that was still thickening around him.

Despite the goo having reached his feet and feeling his legs get stuck together he attempted to kick free, only to once more find himself unable to do anything but dangle there while he felt his tailhole continue to get stretched. As he had thought would happen the only thing he felt as it continued to slither further into him was pleasure, especially when it nudged up against his prostate and caused his tentacle-coiled cock to practically jump. As he began to feel both of gel appendages pump inside his maw and tailhole he could feel them stretch and undulate, like it was pumping something inside of him as his arousal levels started to peak. In the back of his mind he wondered if part of the challenge was to not orgasm, but if that was true he was going to lose that challenge as well as his toes managed to curl in the rubbery substance around them from his impending climax.

As his entire body began to rock back and forth from the rubber coils squeezing around his cock he suddenly found his feet back on the ground, and the second he did the gel that had remained around him began to flow off of his body. The second that the tentacle in his mouth retracted he let out a gasp as the stimulation being fed to him tapered off just before he could peak, leaving him panting as he was gently lowered further until he was on all fours against the ground. His cock was still throbbing between his legs but as he got himself acclimated to being able to move again he also began to cool off as he watched it retreat back into the rubber bodysuit that he wore. As he got back to his feet he shuddered as he continued to feel the presence of the two tentacles inside of him even though they were no longer there, and when he looked down the gel had completely disappeared from around his feet while he attempted to figure out what just happened.

"Still haven't figured it out yet?" a voice said from behind Juan, the dragon turning around and gasping at what he saw. The gel that had encased his body was behind him, the clear substance turning a shiny opaque silvery-blue with a blue chest and inner thighs as it finished reforming itself. Juan found himself taking a step back as he saw what was essentially his own body looking back at him, except this one was completely rubberized and had clearly cervine features such as a pair of rubbery hooves for hands and feet as well as unmistakable ears.

"Haven't figured out what yet?" Juan asked as he continued to step back towards the door, unsure of what his synthetic doppelganger would do if he got close to him. "What are you?"

"I'm you," Juan replied, smirking as he ran his hands down his toned, muscular body. "Or at least I will be you in due time. Of course you can prevent this fate if you manage to get through the rest of this gauntlet, otherwise you're going to be joining the rest of the tour as a sexy rubber dragon-deer. Fortunately you have the pleasure of changing yourself... but in the interest of fairness I'll give you a little head start so that we can make this a little more fun."

Juan was still stunned at what he was seeing, but as his alternate self began to count down from twenty he knew he didn't have much time to think about it. Whatever trick Raven was playing would not deter him and he ran back into the central room, this time closing the door behind him to give himself a little more time to get away from the rubber creature. With his time suddenly limited he found himself looking around for other clues, but the only thing that was in this room was the large pool in the middle of it. He turned back to the door he had closed and knew that wouldn't be an option with the rubber reindeer Juan stalking him, so after taking a deep breath he dove into the water and swam down to the dark bottom.

Except when he got there he found himself able to see the bottom just fine, something that caused him to pause when the depths were revealed to him. As he continued to swim down he found the pool to be quite deep, deeper then he had originally imagined before, and as he continued to make his way down he felt something brush against his bodysuit. It was hard to see but with his ability to see clearly through the water he noticed the briefest hint of a shimmer that passed by him as another entity brushed against the back of his thigh. After a few seconds he finally managed to see what was in the water with him and he let out a mental groan when he saw that the sides of the wall had clear gel tentacles similar to the ones that he had just recently escaped.

Not wanting to be caught this time Juan decided to continue downward where there were less, and by the time he reached the bottom of the pool he looked up to see a small circle where he had come from. While he couldn't get a good reading on how deep he was he had to guess that it was a couple hundred meters, and when he continued to stare upwards he suddenly saw his own rubber-covered reindeer head appear from the edge. The surprise of seeing his transformed doppelganger standing there caused him to open his mouth and let out a stream of bubbles before he clamped his hands around his muzzle to stop himself from releasing anymore. As he did his fingers felt funny against his snout, but his focus was on the lip of the pool where he hoped the other creature wouldn't follow him down.

Juan wasn't sure how much time had passed before he no longer saw his own silhouette standing there over the pool's edge, and when he was gone a wave of relief crashed over him. At this point he realized he had long since passed the normal capacity he had for holding his breath and knew that whatever the gel had done while inside him somehow augmented his ability to breathe underwater. That meant that what happened in the climbing chamber had to happen, which likely included the formation of the rubber dragon reindeer creature that was coming after him. While he was heartened to learn that he hadn't lost the Gauntlet yet the fact that contained such twists and turns in the beginning meant there was likely much more ahead.

With the initial danger passed though the dragon looked around to try and see if he could find anything at the bottom of the pool that would allow him to go forward. If he was supposed to be down here then there had to be some sort of code or access panel that would allow him to continue on. As he swam around the bottom of the pool he could also start to feel the tendrils that were attached to the sides even down this far were starting to try and coil around him. He couldn't leave without the code though and when he got to the center of the dive chamber he managed to find five panels that had small numbers embedded in them from one to five.

On a hunch Juan pressed down on the number one, which caused the small plate of metal to slide back and reveal a different number at the base. It was the number seven and was likely the first number of the code for the door, but it also revealed something else in the form of a jet-black rubber tentacle that darted up and coiled around his wrist. The dragon managed to recoil back but it continued to go after him, and with the speed that it used he wouldn't be able to outmanuever it for long. It also seemed to rile up the others that were in the area and Juan finally let it wrap around him before swimming down and pressing the second panel.

With it came a second number and tentacle, this one aiming for his still free arm while the first one coiled so thoroughly around his limb that he could hardly see his scales or bodysuit underneath it. Juan managed to slice through the water with his hand and hit the third panel before his other arm followed suit but not only was his arms restrained completely but the one he had opened quickly slithered around his ankle and made its way up his calf and thigh. Not only was it becoming harder to move from the way the appendages were restraining him but as the shiny latex rubbed up against his body he was also finding it hard to concentrate with his growing arousal. He had already been a bit pent-up after he failed to be finished off in the cocoon, and with the tentacles shifting and wrapping around him it was once more becoming hard to even think.

That didn't stop Juan from wanting to complete his quest though as he reached down with the last limb that he had available to him, the tentacles keeping him close enough to the bottom of the diving tank that he could strain down with his foot and touch the number to open the panel. But as he saw the fourth number get revealed it was joined with yet another tentacle and that was when the dragon found himself fully restrained. Even when he attempted to kick them off it was already too late, and as he twisted his body around he saw the last panel that was in the middle of the five was directly beneath his body. When he attempted to move any of his hands or feet down to try and push at the button he was promptly pushed back up, and the more he tried the more they moved up his limbs until they were practically at his shoulders and waist where they would potentially envelop him completely.

Suddenly there was on idea that came to Juan's mind, though it wouldn't be easy as he attempted to turn his body so that he could see the panel as well as much of his backside as he could. There was still one thing on his body that was free and he swished his tail downwards in order to try and press the last remaining button. It only needed a light touch for it to emerge and as he continued to try and reach down towards it he could feel it stretch to try and touch it. As he strained to get the tip to press the small button he realized at that moment that the black rubber which had covered his tail had changed, the top part the same silver-blue as his doppelganger while the underside was deeper blue as well...

But before he look too closely into it the dragon managed to press the button, briefly seeing the last number he needed to get into the next room as well as a tentacle that was easily the thickest of the five. He attempted to swim away as quickly as he could but he found that the other four tentacles had quite the grip on him. When he tried to use his claws in order to slice his way free but his fingers just seemed to slide off the rubbery surface as the last one slid up and coiled around his tail. It was clear that it wasn't just going to stop there though as the tip once more began to push up between his scaled cheeks, ready to stretch him open just like the last one.

As Juan continued to try and swim upwards he had only gotten a few feet before it started to push up inside of him, causing the dragon's mouth to open in a silent gasp as his body jerked from the pleasure of the insertion. As it began to open the tight ring of muscle he realized that his sudden movement had managed to dislodge part of the tentacle on his right arm that was keeping him restrained, and with another hard shake had managed to pull it off of him completely. Instead of attempting to coil around him once again it seemed to retreat, and he realized this was his chance to try and make his escape. Even with the tentacle inside him continuing to spread open his sensitive inner walls he used his free hand to punch the tentacle that was around his other arm and got it to release him.

When the dragon looked down to see about his legs he felt another rush of pleasure throughout his entire body as he saw his own cock was completely erect and saw a bulge starting to stretch out his stomach. While he wasn't surprised from such a large insertion the fact that there was so much inside of him without feeling the slightest discomfort was concerning, especially when he ran a hand over his belly and it sent a shiver of pleasure down his spine. He could feel himself being pulled down, which also served to impale him further on the tentacle inside of him, and he focused instead on getting himself freed. With the two that he had freed himself from starting to make their way back up he quickly used the same technique to get the tentacles off of his legs so that he could swim up more quickly, though as he rose to the surface the one inside of him continued to keep pace while being deeply embedded inside of him.

As Juan broke through the surface of the water and flopped on the side of the pool it was the tentacle that had helped propel him upwards, causing his hips to rise up as it began to thrust inside of him to stimulate his prostrate and leave him a writhing mess. Before he could do anything about it the dragon suddenly found himself flipped over and was looking up at the rubber dragon reindeer who smirked down at him while stroking his own cock. "Looks like you made some new friends," the creature said as both he and Juan looked as his stretched, wiggling stomach that was causing the dragon's rubber-covered cock to throb. "Since you've already been caught there's no need to rush it, now let's see if you can remember that code after we get through with you."

We... as the dragon continued to lie on his back his doppleganger sat down on top of his stomach, feeling the tentacle that was in him writhe slightly from the pleasure before he slid back. "Did... did I lose?" Juan asked as he felt something against his legs, which were still hanging over the edge of the pool as something else began to slide up between his thighs. "Is this it?"

"Well, let's see..." the dragon reindeer said as he picked up one of Juan's gold-scaled hands and flopped it against the ground, then rubbed his latex hoof hands against his face. "Not quite yet, still have a bit of fight in you, but we're going to see how far you've come."

Juan wasn't quite sure what that mean but as the rubber creature leaned back and began to guide the dragon's cock to his own tailhole the tentacle inside of him began to push further up into him. His member surged with pleasure as it sank between the cheeks of the other male, but as his doppleganger slid down his shaft his hands were pressing against the lump that was slowly making its way up his chest. He let out a loud groan as the thing he felt between his thighs pushed into his tailhole as well, realizing it was one of the tentacles that had been previously holding his limbs. His flat stomach quickly showed the outline of the newest penetration as he felt the third one quickly slithering its way to his hole.

As the pleasure of multiple insertions caused his body to writhe Juan knew that this shouldn't be possible, especially as he saw the three tentacles that were inside of him all traveling up between his pecs. It was a trick of the gauntlet or something, nothing should be able to stretch him out like this... until he remembered where he was and what had happened to the others. His breathing stopped as he imagined that the goo had done much more to him then made him able to see and breathe underwater and create the creature that stared down at him with those silver rubber eyes while sliding up and down on his cock. That idea quickly became apparent when the fourth and fifth tentacles joined the first three, causing him to stretch his legs out as something began to tickle against the back of his throat.

"That's it," the dragon-reindeer said with a smirk as he watched Juan's eyes roll into the back of his head and his back arch slightly from the tentacles slithering through his body. "Give in to your desires, to me, to the pleasure. This body is yours, all you have to do is succumb..."

Though Juan wasn't out yet his brain could hardly hold a thought as he let out a loud series of gasps before finally his throat thickened and his muzzle stretched open. Along with his tongue came the tentacle that had gone completely threw him, pleasuring him all the way from muzzle to tailhole as the others slid up to emerge as well. His doppleganger continued to smirk at him as Juan bucked up into his tailhole from the intense pleasure he was getting from his synthetic insides being stimulated, though he knew that he had a ways to go yet before he realized completely what happened to him. That didn't stop the rubber reindeer Juan from wanting to enjoy himself as he leaned forward and took all those wiggling tentacles into his own maw before leaning forward and sharing a kiss with him as their cheeks bulged and stretched...

Meanwhile up in the viewing room the three continued watch with rapt interest, Raven glancing over at Tana to see that the cobra was shifting about slightly as he watched Juan get it on with a rubberized, hybridized version of himself. "I have to say, I did not see that coming," the cobra commented as he stared down. "This really is a tough challenge."

"All of his own invention," Raven explained as he fluttered his wings. "He is essentially corrupting himself, and I have to admit that he can take it like the best of them. I'm rather surprised that he didn't already give in, but that is what makes it fun."

"Too bad there aren't more people here," Serathin commented as he crossed his arms. "We could have taken bets on how long he lasts until he seems himself as he truly is."

"I don't think I would take that bet," Tana replied. "I'm also glad that he volunteered himself for this, I'm not sure if I would have had the will to keep going after what he just did to himself."

"Oh, I'm sure you would have been just fine," Raven said before motioning with his wing back to the Gauntlet. "Now let us divert our attention back down to our testing area guinea pig, I do believe he is ready for the next part of his little adventure."

Back down in the Gauntlet Juan was still lying back against the metal floor of the room, though the rubber reindeer that was riding his cock was no longer on top of him after he had reached orgasm. When the tentacles that had been slithering around his tongue finally retreated back inside of him enough he could pull his head up he found that the rubber man was gone, and what really caused his eyes to widen was that for a brief second he thought his maleness had disappeared too. He quickly realized that wasn't the case when he saw the large bulge between his legs, the shiny, smooth rubber encasing his cock completely so that there wasn't even an outline. That was made clear when he reached down to give it a squeeze and a surge of pleasure washed through him, causing him to splash the water as the tentacles left his stretched tailhole and went back down into the depths from which they came.

As Juan pulled his feet out of the water and began to walk towards the door with the code that he had hopefully remembered he found himself slipping slightly, like his draconic feet couldn't hold onto the ground. When he almost fell on his face he finally examined his feet more closely and was shocked to discover instead of the gold-scaled digits that were normally there they had been replaced with blue hoof feet with silver rubber around it. He reached down to see if he could try to pull them off but they were adhered to the legs of his bodysuit, which had also adopted the same pattern as his rubbery hybrid clone... although he realized if he continued to change like this they would become completely identical. Perhaps that's when the game would be over, the hoof-footed rubber dragon thought to himself as he refocused his efforts on the door and punched in the code.

Much to his relief Juan managed to get it right on the first try and the door opened, allowing him access to the other side. When he stepped over the threshold the lights came on and he found himself standing in front of a large table, and on the other side of it was his other self giving him a grin as he appeared. "I was wondering when you would get here," the other Juan said with a chuckle. "Enjoying the new footgear?"

"I don't think so," Juan replied, though he was finding the act of his movement being restricted to be strangely thrilling as he shook his head. "Now what, are you going to chase me?"

"I think at this point we can both say that wouldn't be very fair," the rubber reindeer replied, Juan frowning as the other creature laughed at him with what was essentially his own voice. "But instead of a chase we're going to have a race. If you beat me then you move on to the next stage of the Gauntlet, but if I win then you get to be my plaything for ten minutes."

While Juan wasn't sure how much he could trust the other creature, despite their appearance becoming more similar in nature with every transformation, he not only stood between him and the next doors on the opposite side of the room but also had a large table between them. As he carefully went up to the other side of the table he saw what was lying on the table that caused his eyes to widen slightly. Sitting there were two sets of rubber restraints, one that was clearly made for someone's arms while the other was for someone's legs. They were rather complex in nature with multiple straps and cuffs on them to make sure that whatever they bound was not going to move very easily.

"So since you didn't quite get out of that last room I'm going to give you a little handicap," the doppelganger said with a grin as he motioned to each set of gear. "Each of us will be wearing one piece for this next leg, and since I won that last little match of ours it's only fitting that you get to pick which piece I'll wear and which piece you'll wear."

Juan looked down at the gear once more as the words of the rubber dragon reindeer echoed in his mind. He got to pick what the other creature wore and if he won this leg of the Gauntlet he would be at an advantage, but he just had to decide which option would give him one in his more immediate future. As he thought back through their conversation he remembered that the other version of himself had mentioned this would be a race... which meant that if speed was key it would mean that he would need his legs free. With the blue and silver hooves that his feet had turned into it was already a slight struggle to keep moving on them and while it would be even harder with his arms bound together it would be a disaster if he had to hop from one end of the race track to the other.

After a quick second thought Juan took the leg bindings and handed them to his other self, who took the gear and pressed it against his shins. Almost immediately the straps came to life and bound his shiny legs together, leaving only about half an inch of room as they looped around until they reached past his knees. The process only took about a minute but it was clear from the way he looked that he was enjoying himself, Juan frowning slightly at seeing what was essentially his own face gasp in pleasure as the process finished. Once the leg bindings were in place the rubber doppelganger motioned for Juan to turn around and put his arms behind his back.

Juan found himself swallowing hard as he thought that perhaps he could get away with leaving his arms in front of him, but that wasn't going to happen as the other creature shuffled over and helped him get into position. He found himself bending forward slightly in order for his shoulders to roll back properly but when they did his forearms were nearly touching one another. His entire body shuddered from the feel of rubber sliding over rubber as the arm bindings were applied to him, feeling them tighten immediately as the straps slithered up to his elbows and to his biceps. He found himself wiggling slightly as his arms were pulled back even more, to the point where he wondered how it was even possible to be bound so tightly without feeling and discomfort whatsoever as the straps cocooned his limbs.

"Now that is one sexy position for you," the doppelganger said as Juan felt himself blush slightly when he stood up straight and found his chest puffing out slightly due to the position of his arms. "Now that we're both ready it's time to get into position. The race begins when the doors open and it doesn't stop until the doors on the other side close behind you."

Juan nodded and made his way over to one of the two doors that were on the opposite wall, trying to quickly figure out his new center of balance with his arms behind his back. With the combination of the hooves that he had acquired on his feet it was hard to keep himself upright, and if he fell it would be hard to try and get himself back up. As he looked over at his other self continue to move by shifting his own rubber hooved feet back and forth he knew that he had a chance with this while waiting at his door. Once the other rubber creature got to his point they both looked up to see the light on the door go from red to yellow, and then finally to green before the metal retracted with a swoosh and allowed them access to the next room.

Both creatures started forward, Juan using his gait to both steady and propel himself forward while his doppelganger took large hops in order to make up the distance. As they made their way down the first long corridor it appeared to him that his gamble was paying off as he managed to make it to the first corner while the other man was still a little less than halfway. Their corridors were separated by a clear panel of glass just like on the ceiling so that he could see his progress and he could see that the hopping was causing the rubber creature to struggle a bit. There was no time to think about that though, Juan reminded himself as he turned the corner, he needed to put as much distance between them in case he fell down or something like that.

When he got to the next corridor Juan saw a steep incline, something that caused him to pause briefly. It wasn't a straightforward race after all, the rubbery dragon thought to himself, but even without his arms he just had to be careful. He could only imagine how hard it would be for his doppelganger to get up as he slowly used his hooved feet to brace himself with each step. It turned out the rubber was a blessing in disguise as it allowed him to grip more easily, pushing himself up while trying not to fall over. It was hard and allowed the other rubber creature to catch up a bit, but by the time the other Juan reached the base of the hill he had already gotten up the hill and on the platform to his next challenge...

...which caused Juan to stop dead in his tracks. It was a set of monkey bars suspended over a pit, a challenge that was impossible with his arms bound behind his back. Definitely not a race then, he thought with a slight sneer on his face as he looked at his predicament. As he looked back and saw the other version of himself about halfway up the hill he knew that the rubber creature would easily be able to pass this obstacle, and perhaps that was the trick all along. With no other option that he could see Juan began to do the only thing he could think of, try to loosen the bindings on his arms in order to at least get them so they were in front instead of behind.

The dragon moved to one of the walls and sat down, risking being stuck there in order to try and pull his arms forward by using his legs to stretch the bands enough so they could cross over one another. With his doppelganger making very little time on the hill he was still in the lead, but he was finding it hard to get his legs past the straps that were nearly halfway up his bicep. There was no way he would be able to do this, he thought angrily, he would need to be a contortionist to even try. But as he continued to pull his arms forward and his legs back he was surprised that he could start to feel his limbs start to shift.

Even though it should have been impossible for him Juan felt his legs bend nearly entirely forward and allow him to slide his arms over. Just like with his bindings he didn't feel an ounce of discomfort from being nearly bent in half, and with what happened earlier with the tentacle he began to realize that the rubber on his body was doing more than just covering him. It made sense with what had happened with the others that there would be the very real possibility he would become a rubber creature too, but perhaps if he managed to win the Gauntlet he could stop it from happening. As he brought his arms forward and managed to get back to his feet however there was a growing voice in his mind that made him wonder if he even wanted to.

When Juan managed to get back to a standing position he found that his doppelganger had almost managed to get to the top of the hill, which prompted him to get moving. Even with his arms in front of him there was the problem they were still bound together, which limited his movement significantly. But with his lead shortening to nothing he rushed forward and grabbed onto the first bar, wrapping his fingers around it and using the momentum to swing from one rung to the next. He felt his heart leap into his chest the first time but as he made it to the second and then third one he developed a rhythm to get across. As he took a glance back to see the rubber dragon reindeer starting his crossing he wondered if his hands being hooves would possibly slow him down.

Just then the normal grabbing rhythm that he had gotten suddenly stopped as Juan felt his hands slip, his grip not completely getting around the bar and causing him to fall to the ground. With the bottom padded in thick rubber all he did was bounce a few times before finally settling to a stop while looking up at the monkey bars he failed to cross completely. When he looked at his hands to try and figure out what happened he was shocked when he saw that instead of his draconic fingers they were replaced with rubber hooves similar to the ones on his feet. He tried to think of when that transformation possibly happened but as he continued to lay there he heard a buzzer that informed him that his doppelganger had reached the finish line and he had lost.

About a minute later Juan still found himself at the bottom of the pit, looking up to find the reindeer dragon's head poke out from the edge to smile down at him. It was reminiscent of when he was underwater, except this time he clearly saw him before he jumped down and bounced on the rubber material. "Looks like you lost," the doppelganger said with a smirk as he walked over to Juan, moving him back up against the wall. "As I'm sure you remember what the deal was we're going to have ourselves a little fun together my little reindeer."

Before Juan could protest that he wasn't actually a reindeer his doppelganger pressed against him and kissed him deeply while pinning his hoof hands to wall. The tongue that pushed into him was thick and almost squishy in nature, remining him of the gel that had first encased him, and as it explored every inch of his mouth it felt like it was stretching his muzzle out. At the same time he could feel the other man's cock press against his bulge, his own throbbing hard while still in the confines of the latex that surrounded it as their bodies slid against one another. Something was definitely happening to his body, though it was becoming harder to think about what it was or care as his arousal levels spiked. When the kiss was finally broken between them he felt the reindeer rub against him and heard a very distinctive squeak.

"Now you're finally starting to look the part," the other Juan said, though before the real one could ask he found himself getting pulled down to his knees by something that was around his chest. When he looked at what it was he was surprised to find that despite his arms still being bound together a harness had appeared on his rubbery body. The material had also changed colors too with the silvery blue on his chest glinting as well as the deeper blue on his sides. When he glanced between their bodies they were nearly identical save for their heads... but as he felt his doppelganger continue to rub against his face he could swear that hit was more cervine in nature.

Juan didn't have too much time to think about it though as he was brought down to his knees while his arms were able to just prop himself up. As he stared up at himself the image of how he looked flashed in his mind and even without seeing his head he felt like they could be clones of one another. The one that he was facing though was definitely more dominant however and his doppelganger was clearly going to make the most out of his ten minutes as he began to push his erection forward until the head pressed against the transformed creature's lips. As he found himself opening his maw his eyes widened as it slipped quickly inside, taking advantage of his augmented anatomy as Juan's eyes started to become half-lidded from the amount of blissful pleasure coming from his rubberized maw.

Back up in the observation booth Raven continued to grin down at what he was seeing as Tana looked on in awe as one rubber dragon reindeer began to pump his thick cock into his twin, though for the group they had always seen the two as identical the second that Juan had emerged from the gooey cocoon that had been wrapped around him. "Well then, not much left here," Raven said as he looked over at Tana. "Shall we continue on?"

"That's it?" Tana replied in slight shock before looking back down at the two rubber creatures. "What about the rest of the gauntlet?"

"Juan's mind has been corrupted to the point where he sees himself as he truly is," Raven explained. "A rubber creature in the service of others, in fact it probably won't be long before that becomes his identity and his time as a dragon dissolves away. Of course that knowledge will still be there, but it will be unlikely that he will want to access it anytime soon and break the pleasurable illusion that he has."

The cobra just found himself nodding and Raven once more looked to the rubber Anubis creature that he rode the shoulder of. "I'm sure you know the drill by now," Raven continued on, Serathin nodding his head silently. "Good, I'll bring our last tour guest here to the last room while you make sure that our newest rubber reindeer is taken well care of."

Serathin nodded and waiting for the two to get through the next door before heading over to the area next to the console and pressing the reset button. The walls and floors began to move back into place and the jackal flipped the switch to go back to standby mode before activating the trap door and allowing him access inside. By the time he got down there the walls and obstacles that had been set up for the run were gone, replaced with an empty room that had one rubber reindeer blowing another while on his hands and knees. When he approached he saw the copy that had been made looking up at him, the more dominant version of Juan giving him a smirk as he entered into his field of vision.

"So comes the jackal," the doppelganger said, pulling back the fingers that had been curled around Juan's rubber horns to push his cock deeper down into his throat so he could cross his arms. "I take it you're here to make sure that I go back to my proper place?"

"Why in the world would I do something like that?" Serathin replied with a smile as he went up and patted Juan on the head, who merely let out a grunt as the solid rubber orbs of his eyes continued to only focus on the creature whose member was in his maw. "Unless of course you're talking about going from front to back, I believe you've earned it and that way I can have a talk with my friend here."

The dragon reindeer appeared intrigued and gave Serathin a little nod before moving back around Juan, allowing the jackal to get in front of him and bring his head up. "Wha..." Juan said, his mind rising out of the fog of pleasure to recognize the scene in front of him had changed. "Oh, it's you..."

"Indeed it is," Serathin replied with a grin, letting the rubber shift back around him to reveal his true form as the jackal muzzle morphed into something more lupine in nature while his saberteeth grew out. "Looks like you bit off a little more than you could chew here, and they do say that pride comes before the fall. Now normally I wouldn't be able to do much with you but there's something that you have that I'm sure you won't mind me borrowing for a little bit."

Even with the haze of lust lifting enough for Juan to think he found it hard to make sense of what the creature was saying, but as the sabrewolf settled back into his rubber-covered form he reached down and began to massage between his groin while his clone began to press up underneath his tail. As the head of the other reindeer dragon's cock began to spread him own he felt something else happening in his groin, though it was hard to tell what with the radiating waves of pleasure coming from his backside. At the same time the rubber creature in front of him continued to stroke and grope with his own body while pressing his muzzle against the teardrop shaped ear that Juan had, gasping slightly when he felt something begin to slip inside. Almost immediately Juan felt himself slip back into his euphoric enthrallment, his tongue hanging out as his doppelganger continued to slide his cock into him.

While a bulge had formed in his latex stomach from the penetration the one just below that had started to shrink until it was completely smooth, and when it was Serathin pulled away slightly and withdrew his tongue before standing up. It took a second for Juan to respond to it by lifting his own head up a bit and when he did he found himself staring at an identical replica of his own member, which was also being used by his doppelganger to stretch out his backside. In the far recesses of his mind he realized what Serathin had just borrowed from him, especially since he saw the lock icon partially obscured by the thick length dangling in front of him. When the jackal sabrewolf stepped forward and placed a hand under his jaw though Juan immediately opened his muzzle, allowing the throbbing member to slide inside so he was spit-roasted by his own cock on both sides.

Both Serathin and the doppelganger let out loud moans as they grabbed onto the dragon reindeer, the sabrewolf making use of the horns on his head while the copy used straps that appeared around Juan's thighs to continue to buck in and out. All Juan could do was press his hooves down into the rubber that they stood on as the intense pleasure rushed from both ends of his body, causing him to quiver in his place. It didn't take long before his tailhole and his muzzle were completely stretched open, and as his throat and stomach became sleeves that clamped down on their shafts he got the surreal sensation of feeling like he was doing the penetrating at both ends too. In essence he was rutting himself and the combination of all those forms of arousal quickly brought him to climax, which in turn brought the other two to do the same as well. Serathin put his hands around Juan's reindeer muzzle and clamped it down to the point where it was affixed to him like a vice, and when he pulled away a few seconds later from the other orgasming male he had a new bit and bridle with his own cock being a gag.

"That's not going to last forever," Serathin said as he shifted back into his jackal form so he could rejoin the others, watching as the rubber creature buried balls deep in his clone looked up at him. "Even though you're probably going to have more than ten minutes of fun with him I'm not sure what's going to happen to you after that, probably get reabsorbed back into him, so get as much enjoyment as you can with playing by yourself."

"I certainly will," the doppelganger said with a smile as he used his shifting ability to make his cock surge with growth, causing the gagged male in front of him to squirm in pure pleasure as it went even deeper inside of him. "I think I might try that same trick the tentacle used on him once it did, but for now you go on ahead, I'll make sure that he's well taken care of."

Serathin nodded and went back to the trap door, activating the ladder so he could climb back up and get inside. He gave one more glance back and smiled when he saw that the reindeer had taken the idea to heart, watching as the real Juan continued to squirm from the rubber cock stretching him out. As he continued to watch though he began to wonder if that really was him, or if perhaps the doppelganger was the real Juan after all. There wasn't much that could be seen in that goo cocoon after all, and with both of them changed so profoundly it was possible that the switcharoo had been made, or possibly they were both Juan.

Either way it didn't matter much, Serathin thought to himself as he opened the door and began to move towards the door marked Research and Development Lab, there was still one last spot on the tour and one more guest to take care of...

Chapter 6:

When Serathin once more caught up with Raven and Tana the two were standing in front of yet another door, although this one definitely wasn't like any of the others that they had seen so far. Not only were there several cameras in the hallway that monitored the entire situation but also a small glass window where a guard sat and looked out. "Ah, now that we have the last of our group here it's time to progress on with the final part of our tour," Raven said as he pressed a few buttons that were on the dour before giving a little nod to the guard, who gave one back before starting to do something on his end. "Of course since we only have one person left here I suppose it's safe to drop the pretense of the traditional guide, don't you think?"

"Considering I've seen the other four turn into rubber reindeer," Tana said as he crossed his arms. "I would say so. Was you plan all along to have us become them?"

"Not necessarily," Serathin chimed in as Raven flew back to his shoulder. "However we believed that a traditional tour would neither be as entertaining as it could be nor really embody what the factory is all about, so we arranged for some more interactive displays to be had. Naturally anyone could have resisted the temptation to go off the guided path and join you here at the final stage, but since you're the only one here you get to have the prize."

"Prize?" Tana repeated in question. "What's that, running the factory or something?"

"Absolutely not," Raven replied as he ruffled his feathers slightly before coughing, motioning to go forward as the door to the lab opened up. "However we do have something just as fun, which is if you would like we have a number of products here that have just gone past the prototype stage that you will be the first to try out. There are plenty of different items in there that I've been tinkering with and whichever want you want to experience is yours for the trying."

Tana was about to ask something else but when the door finally opened completely and they were allowed inside the cobra found himself looking around in awe instead. All manner of machines were scattered about the very large room with the middle of it dominated by some sort of computer core. Spots where there wasn't metal was instead filled with latex that glistened and shined in the overhead lights as they took a small walk around. Raven explained as they did that normally there would be any number of his personal technicians working on things, all of them dressed in a special rubber suit that not only put them under his control but also manipulated their memories so they couldn't be harassed to know of the secrets they've seen.

When they got to one part where a small vat of bubbling latex was next to a machine Tana stopped and looked down into it, only to back away slightly when the surface started to stretch up to meet him. "That's my living rubber compound," Raven explained as he gestured for the cobra to take a few steps back. "It would be wise to not go near that even if you are interested in experiencing it, mainly because I don't think that our time would be best serve straining your consciousness out of the primordial goo."

"Yeah, I think I'll pass on that," Tana replied as he looked at it. "Is that the same as the stuff we saw on your factory floor?"

"In a manner of speaking," Raven stated as they moved on. "What you saw on the floor was already highly processed and ready to go into a certain type of suit, while this is rawer and more unrefined. It allows for greater flexibility on experimentation such as what we're about to come up to right now."

The three stopped in front of a rubber-lined glass case, the jet-black material glinting in the light that came from the wires that were connected to it as monitors that were next to it monitored various data. "Wow, even through the glass I can sense that there is some high technology at work," Serathin stated, his head quickly glancing over at Tana who gave him a look back before moving on. "I mean it looks very interesting, do you control it form within?"

"This is actually a chamber were a specialized, nanite-infused polymer gets pumped through to coat the individual," Raven said. "A completely uniform glossy coat that has the added benefit of translating electrical signals to the transformed touch receptors on the synthetic skin. In essence the creature becomes a living conduit where it can feel and touch things on that are digital in nature."

"Oh, so it's like the reverse of those holograms that you have in your showroom that have enough power to be able to touch things," Serathin stated while Tana continued to stare into the void that was the chamber, the Raven nodding in agreement. "This makes a lot of sense, I'm sure it takes a lot less energy to make someone receptive to a digital environment then to make the digital environment receptive to someone."

"Considering it doesn't take entire server bank for one hologram, I would say yes," Raven replied before motioning for Tana to continue on the tour. "Now this next machine is interesting in that-"

"I want this," Tana said suddenly, pointing at the chamber. "This along with anything and everything that goes along with it." When both Serathin and Raven looked at him the cobra grinned sheepishly but continued to gesture towards it. "I mean, unless there is some reason that I can't cash in my favor here this is where I would like it to be."

There was a moment where the rubber jackal and raven looked at one another before Raven turned back to him with a smile. "That particular invention with all the trimmings you say," Raven stated, Tana quickly nodding his head. "Well I don't see why we can't do that, why don't you go ahead and get inside while I get the machine running. My jackal friend here will be more than happy to assist I'm sure."

The cobra grinned and eagerly went to the chamber, opening the glass door and getting inside of it before letting it close behind him. The box was just big enough to accommodate him comfortably and as he wiggled around inside of it he could already feel the rubber starting to cling slightly to his bare scales. It was a sensation like static and with the glass door shut it only grew increasingly tingly the longer he laid there. Eventually he heard the sound of Raven's voice over speakers that were embedded in the case saying to lie still while the conversion process happens and to keep his mouth open.

While that last part was a little strange Tana let his jaw hang slightly as the rubber that was all around his body began to vibrate. The solid material he was resting his body against had started to turn soft and gooey and it began to pool around his ankles before rising up his legs with surprising speed. While he hadn't been sure on how the nanite-infused rubber was going to be introduced to his body he quickly gathered why they needed a case for it as the sensation of tiny electric jolts of stimulation could be felt in the areas where the goo had already covered them. When he attempted to adjust his submerged limbs he also found that despite looking very fluid in nature it was actually like trying to move through tar, to the point he couldn't even move them forward as the level of the liquid rubber rose up to his waist.

The second that he felt the rubber push up underneath his tailhole Tana found himself bucking forward, only to find that his hips were practically glued to the synthetic lining of the case. When he attempted to move his arms and shoulders he found the same situation happening and even felt some of the gooey substance leak over his shoulder and down the blue scales of his chest. He could feel it surging inside of him and as it tickled over his prostate his cock pushed its way out before it was coated as well. Though he already had a feeling that the rubber wouldn't just be a surface coating it still shocked him from the pleasure of his inner walls being spread open by the semi-solid tentacle of goo inside of him while his backside was completely engulfed.

With the viscous substance oozing up over his stomach and chest the cobra once more heard the reminder to keep his mouth open, no doubt to accommodate the goo that was flooding his insides as it began to reach his neck. Already Tana could feel a squeezing sensation happening in his lower body as well as the rubber that against the sensitive flesh of his shaft beginning to tingle, growing more potent as the level of the goo went up over his jaw. With the stimulation he didn't find it hard to keep himself from making sure his serpentine snout was open as the thick substance poured into it. While he hadn't been sure what it would taste like it was surprisingly fruity in nature as it poured down into his throat, finding his throat remaining open to practically gulp it down as it flowed into his nostrils as well.

Soon it pressed over the rest of his head and enveloped his hood, the two outside watching as the last of the cobra disappeared in the shiny black goo before it completely filled the chamber. "Well that was fun," Serathin stated as the Raven continued to press his foot on the touch pad that had been made flat for him. "What's next?"

"We'll give the rubber a little bit in order to make sure that it bonds and assimilates every inch of our guest," Raven explained as they could see the substance shift slightly, mostly down near the groin area where the cobra's cock was being constantly stimulated. "Once everything has been properly infused then we move on to the forming process. While that happens go ahead and get the rest of the equipment so we can make sure that we're ready to go as soon as he is done."

Back in the chamber Tana wasn't sure how long he had been standing there in the rubber goo, though he was practically floating in it with only the lining that had adhered to his flesh keeping him grounded. It didn't long for the floor of the substance to completely flood his system and from the way he felt his insides shifting it was likely he would get the same treatment as the others he had seen in the tour. He could feel even with his senses dulled that he no longer needed to breathe or had anything that would require the process. The tactile sensations of his skin only increased though and suddenly the rubber goo that had been pressed against his new latex skin felt like it was tightening around his body.

When Tana tried to move his mouth when he let out a groan he found himself unable to, feeling something stretch along his jaw like something had suctioned into his maw and kept his lips apart. He became vaguely aware that the liquid in the tube was starting to drain away from his body but when the cobra tried to move he found he was even more limited than before. It was as if the thick ooze had left another layer of rubber on his body that was being suctioned to the back and sides of the mechanism that he was in. What really caused him to squirm though was the stimulation; as his muscles tensed with every electric tingle that passed through his body and the feeling of pleasure radiating from his cock that was buzzing it he attempted to move himself only to find it impossible to shift even an inch.

Eventually the liquid completely drained away and though it was completely muffled Tana could hear voices talking as he remained completely still, bound by the rubber that had completely suctioned itself to every contour of his body. His muscles still twitched occasionally but with his eyes still completely covered there was no way that he could see what was happening to him as a pair of smooth hands pressed against his chest. It caused a shiver to go down his body and when the contact when down to his cock it practically jumped, his member the only thing that remained unrestrained as the sensation went down to his legs. His senses were so distracted that Tana didn't even realize something was being put on his head until something flexible was pushed into his maw and sealed his rubber lips around it.

There was a moment when Tana felt another pressure, this time against his ears, and suddenly he found himself able to hear even more clearly than before. A few seconds later his eyesight returned as well, though everything had a blue tint to it as he saw the faces of the jackal and raven staring directly at him. "It appears the mask is operating well with visual and audio cues," Raven said as he fluttered back towards one of the panels and began to press a series of buttons. "I know that right now you're a little tied up at the moment but if could please focus your attention on our jackal friend I want to see how the server feed is going."

Even with the tight rubber keeping his head pretty much immobile Tana was able to shift his vision enough to look over at the jackal that remained standing there, who had also moved slightly to get more in his range, and as soon as he did a number of windows popped up showing information on the schematics of the suit as well as the fact that it was owned by Raven. There were even a number of options to integrate with it but even if the cobra knew how to access them they appeared to be all greyed out anyway... except for one that was on the very bottom that was labeled lens camera. As soon as he noticed it Tana heard Raven say that the functionality of the mask was running smoothly and that he should attempt to access that one using mental commands. The cobra was a bit unsure of what that meant but when he tried to think about opening that menu option he saw that it got selected and suddenly his perception shifted.

It took a few seconds before Tana realized that he was looking through the jackal's eyes, or rather through a set of cameras that the lenses had, and as the vulcanized cobra looked at himself he couldn't help but be in awe at himself. Every contour of his body was perfectly sculpted in the shiny black rubber that covered him, save for his face that had a metal mask on it. There was a ring in the front of the muzzle that he had an idea of its use, especially since he could feel the small tube that aligned it with his own muzzle, but what fascinated him was the visor that was in front of his eyes. Instead of lenses or goggles there was a thin strip of LED lights that pulsated, which was odd for him because when he was looking out of the suit he could see everything without any obstruction.

"I can see that you're starting to get the hang of this," Raven said, Tana hearing his voice like his beak was right next to his ears. "The visor you're wearing not only allows you to see things in the physical world but the digital as well, not to mention several other spectrums that are normally not available. Instead of just letting your eyes see through, it scans the environment and then pumps all the relevant information through your rubber eyes and directly into your mind where it interacts with the server connection to translate it all for you."

When Tana tried to move his lips to speak he found that it was impossible to move them, which prompted the jackal to wave his own hand in front of his face to get his attention. "You speak through a digital voice modulator now like me," the jackal explained. "Instead of trying to vocalize your words you have to think them like an inner monologue, that way you can also easily speak to digital sprites that don't have audio receptors. Go on, give it a try while I help you out of there."

Once again it took a few seconds for Tana to get used to doing things differently, but as he felt the jackal close in and start to press against the rubber that had essentially vac-racked his body to the lining he quickly caught on. "Everything feels... very strange..." Tana said as the fingers of the other creature began to push around his back to separating him, feeling his arm start to move as the jackal slid his own hands up and down the limb to free it. "It still feels like everything is tingling, like I'm being covered in cling film or something."

"That would be the background noise caused by all the technology that's in here," Serathin explained, making sure to keep the connections between them locked save for the camera lenses so that he wouldn't be exposed quite yet. "You are more sensitive to it since your body can directly interact with digital matrices, which you'll see in a few minutes here. By the time we get you out you should be acclimated though that it will just be a slight buzz."

Tana tried to nod before remembering that he had been basically rendered immobile by the tight latex around his body, though as one of his limbs got released he could continue to feel the gentle squeeze of the material on him. When his other arm was freed he ran it down his body and could feel the smoothness of the rubber like his own scales, which were completely replaced with one what might look like one solid suit if it didn't move perfectly with every movement of his arms. The entire time he could see through the jackal's eyes as he moved down to his legs next, seeing his rubberized cock still completely erect as the black rubber glowed with a faint blue hue where it was touched. With the entire process and being restrained Tana was incredibly aroused, but other than the initial feel-up the other rubber creature seemed to deliberately avoid the area while also caressing other sensitive spots instead.

"I'm starting to think that you're doing this on purpose," Tana said, even hearing a slight hiss in his voice as the jackal traveled back up until they were standing eye to eye with their synthetic chests pressed together.

"Maybe I am," Serathin replied, grinning as he began to feel prompts for his suit as the black latex on the cobra's body continued to remain lit up from their bodies remaining pressed together. "Not much you can really do about it."

There was a cough from behind the jackal and Serathin pulled away slightly before working on releasing the remaining sections of Tana's body from the pod. "You'll have to excuse my cohort here," Raven said as the cobra felt the rest of his body get released from the rubber that had been holding him. "He has a rapt fascination with rubber and technology."

"I can see that," Tana replied as he continued to flip his vision back to looking through the jackal's eyes in order to see himself better once he was completely released. With his body completely exposed he was awestruck on how he looked like a sculpted statue of black rubber, every movement he made as he turned his muscular form around having a fluidity that his toned body didn't have moments ago as he tapped a finger to his mask. "You know, I have a friend that is obsessed with that as well..."

"In any case," Raven quickly interrupted, bringing both Tana and Serathin's attention back to him. "Why don't you have another look around and see what new features your new form is able to pick out while the jackal and I set up something else that you may enjoy. Just be wary, there is a reason that we don't always interact with sprites."

Tana nodded now that his head was free and switched his view back to his own visor, and when he looked around he was shocked to find that the empty lab was not so empty now. There were about half a dozen ethereal creatures that were either milling about the various machines or connected to them, and as the other two went over to another section of the lab the cobra made his way over to one that was a ghostly wolf man in a simulated lab coat. "Hey... can you understand me?" Tana asked, watching the guy look up from his readings and stare right at him. "My name is Tanakeah."

"Morris," the data sprite replied with a slight nod. "Looks like you got the tech upgrade, didn't think that prototype was ready yet. Nice to talk to someone that's not the other sprites or Master Raven, is there something that I can do for you?"

"I was just looking around actually," Tana explained as he watched several other sprites interacting with one another, sharing data through a touch on the fingers. "Trying to get used to this new way of looking at things."

"It's not just sight either," Morris said. "With the augmentations made to your body you can be changed by the data just like we can, either in this digital realm, the physical, or both. For instance if you wouldn't mind a little demonstration I can plug you into the project that I'm working on, and given your profile workup I think you'll be just right for a test."

With Raven and his companion still fiddling with something out of his field of vision the cobra decided to indulge in whatever program this AI was working on, watching the wolf smile as he turned to his virtual display and began to punch something in. After a few seconds Tana suddenly found himself transported from the lab to what appeared to be the inside of a log cabin and a few seconds later the wolf sprite appeared as well. Unlike before the research data sprite looked much more real, complete with a grey and white rubber body with blue latex orbs for eyes as he began to take off his lab coat.

"There are a number of ways that I can upload the program to that body of yours," Morris explained as he got completely naked, the surprisingly thick cock on his body jutting straight out from his groin. "But I figured that you would be up for something a little more personal. That's why I activated the privacy filter, I know the setting is a little corny but I haven't built a custom one for this program yet."

"That's fine," Tana replied with a grin as he went over and petted the synthetic chest of the lithe man. "After my conversion I've been so pent up I could probably put a hole through this wall. What should I do?"

"Just let me take the lead," Morris replied as he ran a hand along Tana's face and the cobra found that the mask he wore in the real world wasn't on his head, yet he could see everything as he was slowly turned around. "Once the program takes hold it's going to be quite the rush; it was normally intended to help the muscle growth of those in particular suits, but I added a little extra touch for those who enjoy the finer things."

The description alone caused a shiver to go down Tana's spine before he felt the rubber wolf press up against him, taking his cock and maneuvering it up underneath his own tailhole. There was no need for either of them to prep since this was all happening in the digital realm anyway and that resulted in the cobra feeling every inch slide into him at once, causing him to gasp as he felt his insides get stretched open with a tingling sensation that came with it. Almost immediately he began to feel something start to flow into him, causing him to grunt and groan slightly as it centered in the area where the sprite's cock was stretching him open and causing cascades of pleasure to go through his body. At first it was hard to see what was happening with his body being rocked back and forth but as more data flowed into his body he began to see ripples of rubber forming on his stomach.

Suddenly there was a surge of pleasure that caused Tana's eyes to widen as his flat stomach began to bulge and stretch which caused his hands to move to the churning area. As soon as he touched there however whatever was happening to his stomach moved to his fingers and he watched them thicken and grow out a set of hooves that puffed out more with every second. Muscle growth, more like monster growth, Tana thought to himself as his cock went from semi-soft to rock hard in seconds, then started to grow even more as his latex forearms thickened and grew from the transformation progressing down his limbs. With the focus on his arms the cobra nearly fell forward as his thighs began to balloon out while the wolf behind him continued to thrust upwards, keeping his cock embedded as deeply into his transforming body while still remaining the same height.

The changes reached his chest and shoulders both from traveling up the eight-pack abs that he had gotten and his hulking arms as he found himself falling forward and cracking the fake wooden floor. "I think you see the general purpose of my program now," the sprite said as he reached forward and stroked the foot-long cock that hung from between Tana's huge flanks. "The only thing is that when you have so many resources going to the physical it starts to take from... other sources."

Tana's serpentine head let out a slight snarl as the data was reaching his head, reconfiguring his snout into a bigger muzzle as his fangs stretched out past his lips. For some reason he could only recognize about half of what the sprite was saying, but as a pair of antlers grew from his head and his feet exploded with growth while mutating into a huge pair of hooved feet that stamped against the ground when the sprite pushed his cock in even deeper. There were more words coming from the mouth of the creature but they were even harder to figure out than before, and the snake-reindeer had other ideas on his mind. He felt his back muscles thicken and stretch to accommodate his new gate as the rest of his teeth began to push out and grow sharper as his jaw opened and his new tongue flopped out of his mouth.

Soon Tana became too big for the other sprite to reach around and stroke him, and the glowing eyes of the mutated rubber reindeer cobra snapped open when he no longer got the pleasure from it. With one sudden turn he nearly knocked Morris backwards with his huge tail as he turned and pinned the wolf against the wall, now nearly twice as big as him with muscles that belonged on some sort of behemoth monster from a video game. The sprite seemed unfazed by all this, even when Tana slid him down and began to push his long mammoth cock up into him. Though the sensation was strange the rubber creature didn't care, and as he pushed up into him it caused his entire mutated body to shudder in euphoria.

But the more that Tana thrusted up into the wolf and stretched out his entire gut the more his thoughts began to clear once again. As the cobra looked down he saw that the muscles he had just gained were shrinking back down and seemingly transferring to the sprite. The heard of the rubber wolf was thrown back in ecstasy as his body stretched and contorted with the new growth, his voice deepening with every inch of growth that was transferred from him to Tana. After a few minutes the rush of need that the cobra was experiencing was gone, though he continued to thrust into the other male in order to get off while the wolf's enlarged feet touched the ground despite still being pinned. Soon the cobra couldn't even hold up the sprite anymore, but it seemed that it would continue to allow him to spread him open with his cock even when the changes reached his head and he became a snarling beast instead.

After a few minutes though Tana stopped and stepped away from the thickly-muscled rubber wolf sprite, who merely went about pleasuring himself after they had stopped. Even though it was like he was ramming into his tailhole the cobra didn't really feel anything from it, like he was humping the air or his own hand as he looked around for some way to leave this place. As soon as he thought it he was back in the lab with the sprite nowhere to be found. When he looked down at his body he saw that despite the encounter taking place entirely in the digital realm he had slightly thicker muscle tone and his hands and feet were hooved just like the others that had become reindeer as well. It was something that he had secretly hoped that he would be able to try out himself and now that he had he wasn't disappointed, especially since it appeared the transformation had led to him being a hybrid of sorts.

As he looked around to see if Morris would come back he couldn't help but stare at the others and wonder what they could possibly to for him, and since he still hadn't seen Raven or his jackal companion around he decided to go and have a chat. Some of them appeared to be more simple versions of Morris and only gave canned answers, but eventually he stumbled upon one that was actually a remote worker. The two talked about the project that Tana was a part of and when he told the other guy about what had just happened to him he could see a look of slight surprise on his face.

"I'm just surprised that you managed to get out with just the hooves and extra bit of muscle," the rubber dragon said as he continued to focus his attention on the screen in front of him. "While Morris is in charge of trying to make that program into an integration to add muscle to rubber suits and those within them it originally started out as a virus, the program would come in and drain your intelligence while increasing your muscle mass. We called it the beast virus because that's what it would turn you into if you let it fester for too long."

"I see..." Tana said as he looked back at the core where he had met the wolf sprite. "Morris didn't tell me anything like that."

"Well Morris is a very limited AI when it comes to actual conversation," the dragon said with a slight chuckle. "He's got some personality traits in him but because of all the data that we funnel through that core it's hard to put in much more than a simple gestural greeting and curiosity node. You probably activated his testing cycle when you approached him and he thought that you were just another sprite to be corrupted."

"Oh... well when the test continued I ended up making him the beast instead," Tana said, which caused the dragon to stop what he was doing for the first time and look at him. "I... don't suppose that's bad, is it?"

There was a moment of pause and the dragon seemed to look around the lab for a second before turning to Tana with a sheepish grin on his face. "I assure you everything is fine," he stated simply before holding up a rubber-scaled finger. "Could you please excuse me for one second?"

Tana agreed and watched as the dragon disappeared as well, the rubber reindeer-cobra not sure what to do except wait and see if he came back. About a minute later though he saw the dragon reappear with the heavily muscled rubber wolf, his cock buried deep into another sprite that was also starting to snarl and inflate. His eyes widened slightly as he watched several very large sprites come in and put some sort of containment field cage around both sprites, which didn't prevent them from continuing to rut or for the infected sprite to keep growing, and then the entire group disappeared all at once. Despite the disturbance Tana looked around and saw that nothing else seemed to have been bothered by it, all the others still working diligently despite the very lewd scenario that just happened in front of them.

The scene also reminded Tana he was still very horny after that demonstration and had to actively resist touching himself just as he saw Raven and Serathin walk back towards him. "Ah, there you are," Raven said with a small grin. "I was wondering where you had run off to and imagined that one of my sprites here had given you a small tour of your own. What do you think?"

"I think that the technology is amazing," Tana said as he continued to touch the hooves of his hands. "The only thing is that when I was with the sprite something felt... strange, like I could tell that it wasn't real. Especially when it came to the heavy physical nature of the test that he showed me."

Raven nodded and gestured with his wing for the cobra to follow him over to the area where the two had came from. "Yes, the one problem with translating digital to physical is that the suit can do only so much to replicate physical signals," Raven stated. "That is why I have also developed a little... display model for those that are willing to submit themselves to the will of the digital realm. Not only does it help increase the sensations received but for those that are also interacting with you in the physical realm it gives them a few options for them as well."

Tana just nodded and went over to a small alcove where a long metal box sat. At first glance it looked like some sort of bench but it had a set of rungs on it where feet and hands could be placed. As they walked around it the cobra saw that the top part of the bench was adjustable with two buttons that were for forward and backwards movement of the metal platform and whomever happened to be on it. It was clear what the object was based off of and but as he moved closer to it he could also start to feel the rubber on his body tingling slightly. It was definitely much more than the standard bench used in such a nature and if he didn't have the mask in the way he would have licked his lips at the look of it.

Once more Raven took the controls of the nearby station that was connected to it while the jackal settled the rubber cobra reindeer onto his stomach. As soon as his abs and chest pressed against the metal he could feel a connection being made and data being absorbed, not unlike his encounter with the wolf sprite as his hands and feet were guided onto the rungs. Once they were properly placed Tana felt a bit like he was riding a motorcycle, except that the ones for his legs were too far up and had his butt raised up in the air. Raven explained that the position was necessary for what was about to happen next before pressing a button with his foot, which caused the rubber creature to feel something press up against his hooved hands and feet. Tana looked down to find that a pair of metal manacles had popped up from the rungs and clamped down around them, pinning them in place as the jackal moved around to his head and pushed the forward button with his toe.

There was the hum of machinery as Tana felt his chest and head get brought forward, which also caused his shiny hips and tail to be brought down as well. "Final piece is going to connect directly to your mask so that it can bring you information from the digital world more smoothly," the jackal explained to him as he held up a small plug. "Eventually you'll be able to switch back your view to the physical world but for the first few hours you'll find yourself somewhat stuck in that realm, you ready to get jacked in?"

"Ready when you are," Tana replied as his rubber muscles tensed, ready for whatever was about to happen when that cord connected to him. "Go ahead and plug me in... Serathin."

The jackal smirked at that and did so, the visor glowing brightly for a few seconds before it settled into another pulsating rhythm as Serathin got up and stretched his back. "It seems that your disguise was seen through after all," Raven stated as he looked down at the rubber reindeer cobra that twitched occasionally from all the data flowing through it. "I suppose that was bound to happen."

'Yeah, kind of figured myself given there aren't many technomancers out there that are also fond of rubber," Serathin stated as he looked at the jet-black rubber cobra reindeer, tilting his head slightly as his eyes wandered over his prone muscular form. "You know... other than the reindeer hooves this one kind of looks the least festive out of all of the drones. Do you think there's anyway that we could maybe introduce something to help it fit the theme?"

Raven tapped his beak with his foot for a few seconds before he straightened up, the avian having an idea as he flew over to the console that was still connected with the machine Tana was strapped too. "One second... here we go..." Raven said as he pushed a few buttons, Serathin's eyes widening when he suddenly saw the rubber hood the cobra still had light up with a blue light before the words Happy Holidays and a snowy background appeared. "What do you think of that?"

"Huh, interesting way to use nanite-infused rubber, I think it worked," Serathin replied before he pointed down to his groin and more specifically the golden lock that was on it. "Now that the tour is basically over do you think we can take care of this? I still have yet to play with this one and since he's in my realm it's fitting that I get to be the one that helps the tour come to a... happy end."

"I don't see why not," Raven said with a shrug, the icon of the lock on the rubber disappearing. "You have to set him up the rest of the way anyway, so go ahead and have fun with it. There are a few things that I need to look at concerning the testing that will come from this little experiment so feel free to go wild and meet up with me when you're done."

Serathin nodded and looked over at Tana as he once more manifested his cock, the rubber swelling out for the first time since he had put on the suit and letting out a sigh of relief as he wrapped his hand around the throbbing shaft. Though he wanted to stroke himself there would be better places to put it to use as he walked back over to the rubber cobra reindeer. He pushed the backwards button on the device and watched as Tana's hips once more were raised back into the air as he pressed a panel on the side of the machine. As soon as it was where he wanted it Serathin took out a silver tube with a number of wires on it and gently slid it halfway into the mask before connecting the wires to the machine, then stood back up and maneuvered his way into place as he made a mental connection with the stream of data that flowed through Tana's mind...

Meanwhile Tana stood in the middle of the room that had materialized all around him, the cobra reindeer standing in what looked like an ancient shrine to Anubis with black shiny walls lit up by torches. In the middle of the room was an altar with a familiar draconic sabrewolf strapped down to it on his back. "Huh, that was not what I was expecting to see," Tana said as he slowly walked over, feeling his hooves press against the rubber stone floor as he watched Serathin continue to squirm. "At least not right away."

"That's actually a computer-generated image of myself," Serathin's voice said right next to Tana, the reindeer cobra turning to see a rubber Anubis standing next to him. Unlike the one that he had been interacting with the entire tour this one was just a rubber creature with no gas mask and a distinctive set of saberteeth that came from his muzzle. "Naturally I can still feel what you do to it, but I'm going to admit that the acting is going to be a bit... hollow."

"Should have figured as much," Tana replied as he looked up and down the jackal's body and found it to be even more muscular than the one that was in the real world with his golden rubber cock hanging out. "Looks like the lock's off, does that mean what I think it means?"

"Means that I'm standing behind you right now in the real world," Serathin stated as Tana suddenly felt a pair of hands on his hips, which at first came from nowhere until the rubber jackal was suddenly behind him holding him there. "As you can see I can move the narrative forward as fast as I want, but all things considered I figured that it would be worth it to go at your pace and to give you a little something to slake your lusts with. I would like to think that I know you well enough that I could create a scenario that you would enjoy."

Tana just gave him a smirk and went over to the altar in order to play along with whatever the draconic sabrewolf had planned for him. As he got close he saw that there were chains that kept the wiggling guy from moving much, and as he looked at himself he noticed he was still in his reindeer hybrid body. It was a guess that they wanted to make the scene fit the real world as much as possible since he knew that it was unlikely he was just walking around after being strapped into the machine like that. The alter was about the same size as the bench too and the rubber creature knew that wasn't a coincidence either as he stepped up and crawled on top of the alter himself.

It was clear to Tana when the draconic sabrewolf looked at him and started rambling something about being the sacrifice to Anubis that the form was scripted, though that didn't make it feel any less real when he reached down and rubber his hooved hand through the thick purple fur of the hybrid's stomach down to his erect cock. He decided to just go with it and slid up over Serathin's body, eventually getting to where they were almost eye to eye. Even though this wasn't the real one there was something tantalizing about dominating the creature beneath him, especially when he wiggled his hips down between his legs and began to nudge up underneath his tailhole.

Back in the physical world Serathin had taken a second to pull himself back out, letting Tana enjoy his digital doppelganger while he prepared the rubber cobra-reindeer for the real means of his stimulation. The jackal-suited creature carefully slid his way down the thighs of the restrained male and gently grabbed hold of the throbbing cock between them at the head. When he glanced back into the virtual realm he saw that Tana had already started to impale his other form, the draconic-sabrewolf shiveringly slightly as he could feel it in his own tailhole as well. The augmentation on Tana's cock had spared no expense and it was quickly filling him out as he maneuvered the dangling rubber member into a hole in the bench that had opened. As soon as the head pushed inside the synthetic membrane that covered it Serathin could see it take hold, pulling it in as far as it could before a rubber ring appeared.

The physical form of the cobra-reindeer was practically quivering as the machine took over the role of stimulating the sensations coming from penetrating the virtual hybrid, Serathin watching in both realms as the hips of the rubber creature began to pump in rhythm with one another. In the virtual world he believed he was spreading open the tailhole of another man beneath him, feeling the fur against his stomach as well as the throbbing member trapped between them. As the movements became more grandiose in the digital the real version of the rubber snakedeer actually lessened and the movements of the pump on his cock became more assertive. The underside of Tana's suit was also shimmering as everywhere that was touched digitally on the cobra translated to light on the otherwise black latex, which was about to glow even more as Serathin made his back entirely into the digital shrine.

Tana had started to get a rhythm by this point and as he looked down at the one he was spreading the cheeks of he could start to see his body warp and his fur grow shiny. The digital doppelganger said something about the power of his lord filling him before gasping more as his increasingly synthetic stomach became stretched. When he attempted to alter his position and try to get Serathin's legs up higher he suddenly found that his hooved hands had sank down into the rubber of the alter itself, and when he looked back a similar thing had happened to his feet. He had been pulled down several inches and it was to the point where he couldn't pull out of the draconic sabrewolf if he wanted to and his attempts merely pushed him in deeper where the walls clamped around his cock more.

"The ritual is nearing completion," Serathin said as he emerged once more from the shadows as Anubis, adjusting his height in order to get right up behind the trapped cobra. "You have fallen for the bait it seems, and now you will serve as a conduit for never-ending pleasure. Time for the consummation!"

Tana wasn't quite sure what that meant but between his attempts to wiggle out from the alter and feeling the other man he was inadvertently thrusting into wiggle and grow he found himself unable to respond. The increasingly rubbery creature underneath him could be seen having something slithering around underneath the shiny black and purple skin. The cobra-reindeer had an idea of what was about to happen but couldn't do anything about it, especially as he began to feel something press against his back and shoulders. When he arched his neck he saw bright white rubber bands had stretched up from the base of the altar and had started to wrap over him, Tana shivering from the contact of the rubber on his back and groaning when one that went over his tailbase tightened and once more pushed his cock deeper into the other male.

As the altar continued to shift and reform, pulling Tana's arms and feet down to the sides and making it almost impossible to get himself more than a few inches out from the squirming rubberized creature underneath him, he felt something begin to push into his own tailhole. "Soon you will find your true position as the vessel of pleasure for Anubis," the real Serathin said as he took his gold rubber cock and began to push it under the tail of the reindeer-cobra, watching the black ring of muscle easily spread open to allow it entry. "Stare into the abyss of my vessel and realize your true place among my kind."

With his upper body and waist already completely restrained by the growing number of straps that were slithering around him and the one he was on top of there was little Tana could do but stare down at the other Serathin. He found himself gasping not only from the pleasure that was coming from his shallow thrusts of his already hilt-deep cock but also from the growing restraints that were forming on them. He already couldn't move his arms and legs and soon his body would be the same, save for his tail which continued to wave about in the air as the rubber jackal slowly spread open his scaled cheeks. If that wasn't enough stimulation the Serathin he was sandwiched against had started to sprout tentacles of his own and they were tickling up against the sides of his scales.

Tana had been trying to avoid eye contact with the fake sabrewolf ever since the real one made mention of it but something brushing against his latex cheek brought his attention downwards. The head of the creature beneath him, which had become completely engulfed in gooey rubber to the point it was hard to make out defining features, had glowing gold eyes that seemed to shift and swirl in the light. Almost immediately he knew that this was yet another layer of bondage that was being put on him, this time the straps being wrapped around his mind, but the second he affixed his eyes on them he couldn't look away. They were so enthralling and mesmerizing that combined with the pleasure that was coursing strongly throughout his entire body he could hardly think of anything else to do as his jaw started go slack.

Suddenly Tana found his open maw filled with something and snapped out of his trance long enough to see the rubber sabrewolf's throat had bulged and a long tentacle had merged with his tongue before pushing into him. When he attempted to pull away one of the shiny white wraps went around his head and forced him back downwards into an unnatural kiss that pushed the tentacle all the way into his own throat. Several more wrappings quickly followed suit and as they tightened around them the only thing Tana could do was let out a muffled grunt as he was not only filled from both ends but also felt the tentacles inside the rubber creature beneath him coiling around his body. It was almost an overwhelming amount of pure blissful sensation and when he opened his eyes again he found the only place he could look was those golden orbs that stared straight back at him.

Meanwhile the real Serathin smirked as he watched the wiggling reindeer cobra continued to get bound both by the latex mummification wrappings as well as having his limbs sink further into the altar. As they increased the pressure and formed into a cobra-shaped outline the only place that was still open was his tailhole, and that was where he had his own thick member providing the restrained rubber creature with more pleasure from stretching him open. But even though the scenario was going to last for a while he knew he wouldn't be able to stay there the entire time, even if he was enjoying the sensation of having the cobra's cock inside of him while also deepthroating Tana with his own tentacle tongue. The machine would take care of the physical aspects of setting things up, but he had to think of something that would help continue idea that he was still being penetrated...

Suddenly Tana's enthralled mind seemed to switch away from the swirling orbs that had been captivating him and instead he found himself looking from a completely different perspective. As the hypnotic power that he had been subjugated to tell him he was a toy and plaything faded into the creases of his mind he thought that he was looking through Serathin's eyes once more, only to find the rubber Anubis still pounding deep into his hole. It was a sight accompanied by the sensation of his inner walls being spread open and his insides being shifted by the thick cock but as he continued to float there above the scene he saw the creature start to get up on the alter himself. It appeared that they were fast approaching climax and from the combination of the wrappings, tentacles, and penetrations he knew he was about to pop as well. As Serathin's hips began to thrust harder and faster, making Tana feel like he was bouncing slightly, he began to notice that the muscular body of the rubber male was starting to become less defined.

Suddenly the bindings that were around Tana's body felt like they were being pushed in even tighter and sandwiching the rubber tentacles that slithered between them as the rubber jackal's body began to melt. The hips swaying back and forth grew less defined by the second and the cock inside of him felt like it was growing even bigger as the momentum pushed his own member into the monstrously tentacled male beneath him. As both approached their climax the jackal became increasingly gooey, laying his body over the mummified snake-reindeer before completely losing his form. When their shared climaxes came the jackal had become completely amorphous, but not only did Tana still feel the cock deep inside of him but when the rubber coated the alter and the two on top it suddenly turned solid again and began to tighten around them.

Even with the intense pleasure of his own orgasm crashing down around him Tana was shocked to see the shiny black and gold that had formed on top of him turn into the top of a sarcophagus which looked like it had his cobra-reindeer body carved on it. As it finished forming though his vision was suddenly shunted back to his own eyes and he found himself quickly falling to the hypnotic clutches of the tentacle monster that had started to engulf his own muzzle while the tentacle within it pushed further. Trapped... Tana had become completely entombed in this lustful embrace as he felt his mind faltering, losing himself to the will and the pleasure of the creature attempting to dominate him. An empty vessel... a plaything... a toy for the gods...

Back in the physical world Serathin panted heavily as he remained deep inside the tailhole of the restrained male in front of him, the black rubber skin rippling with blue light from the fact that he believed he was completely bound in several layers with a tentacle monster giving him pleasure. He could still hear the suction of the tube beneath him that had grown all the way up to the root of Tana's own cock, and as Serathin finished recovering he pulled his own cock out and replaced it with a rubber dildo that was hidden away in one of the machine's compartments. Once he had secured it and hooked it in, the dildo pumping itself in and out with the same frequency as the rubber Anubis still in the digital realm, he walked over to lower the shiny reindeer-cobra so that it was completely engulfed within the machine. There was no telling how long he would remain in that state before the illusion broke down, at least it wouldn't be anytime soon if the programming that he injected into the machine had anything to say about it.

"It wasn't exactly a Christmas scenario, I know," Serathin said to the enthralled naga even though he knew that not only was the muscular rubber reindeer-cobra trapped in a pleasure loop but also being reprogrammed to be a fitting drone for the machine that he was in. "But I found it rather hard to think of bondage scenarios for Christmas that didn't just involve reindeer, and since we already had you turn into a reindeer I figured that you would like something different. I feel like several layers of rubber with a tentacle creature continuously stimulating you while you were forced to keep having sex with said rubber monster would trip your trigger enough that you'll ignore the lack of holiday flair."

Serathin chuckled to himself imagining the fun Tana would have once the scenario ran its course. While he wasn't sure how much of the whole drone or sex toy programming would sink in it would hopefully make the cobra-reindeer a little more malleable to the fantasies of those that request him. The draconic-sabrewolf almost felt a pang of jealousy at all the potential scenes he might go through, especially if they all share the same clientele as those who normally shop Raven's wares. Perhaps it would be enough that once this entire experience was over he might opt to stay in permanently, though that would be something between him and the Raven as he stretched his back.

Once the machine had fully lowered Tana's body down so that it was nearly flat on the bench, the flexible rubber tube being pumped into the cervine snout, Serathin decided that it was time to leave. "As always I have to say that it's been a pleasure having you on one of these," Serathin said as he moved to the door, watching the lights turn off behind him save for the glowing hybrid creature that was a symbol of his continued euphoric state. "I would love to continue to play with you but there is other things to do and I have to make sure that I'm fair to everyone. But I'm sure that you're going to be a hot commodity at the Factory, even more so than your mushroom naga form."

With that Serathin walked out of the door and walked down the hallway to the end office area where Raven was, not seeing several shadows start to move about around the restrained rubber creature before it shut completely...

Chapter 7:

"And thus concludes the tour," Raven said as he turned around to see Serathin approach with no one behind them, a grin forming on the avian's face. "Ah, well, it seems that we have lost all our guests, can't imagine how a thing like that might have happened."

"Likewise," Serathin replied as Raven flew off his shoulder and allowed him to take the Anubis mask off, the seam appearing as he put his finger against his neck as the rubber stretched around him until he was able to pull it away and reveal his draconic sabrewolf head underneath. "Do you think that perhaps we went a little too overboard? I mean some of them were tempted rather easily by what was offered up to them that I think one or two of them still may not have realized that they were traps in the first place."

"I think the mere fact they wanted to come here in the first place put them at a disadvantage," Raven stated. "In any case shall we adjourn ourselves back to the lounge and check up on my guests? It's been a fair few seconds since we last made sure that they were enjoying themselves."

Serathin nodded and allowed Raven to land on him once more before the two made their way back to the lounge where it all started, the stallion bartender still there and waiting to take their drink orders now that the tour has concluded. Once they had put them in and Serathin had been given a chance to change out of the rubber Anubis suit, the disguise no longer needed since they weren't going to interact with anyone, they took their beverages and went over to the corner of the lounge with a large television in it. Raven fluttered onto the cushioned perch while Serathin took his seat, and once they were settled in the bird pushed a button on it that caused the television to turn on. The first scene they saw was a bulky rubber tree reindeer who had several others that surrounded him that were covered in rubber that was colored similar to the berries that grew on Kern's body.

"It appears that I may have to augment that sign to say to not eat OR drink the berries," Raven commented as they saw the bright red tongue of the creature waving out in the air waiting for someone to come and suck on it so it could fill them with holiday punch. "He's definitely going to be quite the hit for the Factory Christmas party, once I figure out how to keep that transformative aspect of his body under wraps."

"If you don't it would still be quite the party," Serathin commented with a grin. "Is that what your plans are for him then?"

"It's either that or keep him in the garden and allow him to roam about," Raven replied. "At least then he won't keep having people come up to him to sample his taste, I'll just get someone to repair the sign. But for being the first out of the tour it's good to see that he's quite enjoying himself, now let's move on to our dear Newlyn."

Raven pressed the button on his perch once more and the camera switched to show that the rubber reindeer with the snow leopard tail was still bound on the gold metal diamond where Serathin had left him. "You know, he would make for quite the ornament," Serathin said as they watched his feet continue to shift around the red rubber sock that he was partially wrapped up in. "I could easily see him squirming around on a large Christmas tree. Instead of selling him off you might want to make the drone a permanent part of your collection, at least for the holidays."

"Hm, you're right, he does look like a tree ornament," Raven said as he sipped his drink while looking over the restrained reindeer, specifically at the gas mask that was still flickering with hypnotic commands for the former snow leopard. "Then he could also come off of it when he's needed like the handy little drone that he is. I'll have to keep that noted, but for now let's go to someone who already knows where their place is."

The image shifted once more and the two found themselves looking at the naked rubber reindeer on display in the show room, his body quivering slightly as though he knew that he had eyes on him as the gold bell harness glinted on his lithe latex chest. "That one is a natural," Serathin said as they watched Stag suddenly appear and make a quick adjustment to the display model before disappearing once again. "You'll also have to make sure to thank Stag for me for allowing me to help with getting Xavier accommodated. That's quite the AI program you have there by the way, you going to tell anyone that you can make holograms that have tactile sensations?"

"You know how I feel about sharing company secrets," Raven said with a smirk. "Plus now I know what caused the momentary outage for Stag, I thought that you weren't going to directly interfere with our guests?"

"Only when it came to them getting caught in your net," Serathin quickly responded. "The second it was clear that they weren't going to get out of your clutches I felt that it was good to help make sure that they were properly comfortable before moving on, which is what you told me to do on more than one occasion."

Raven just shook his head with a grin and moved on with the next camera, which was that of Juan. "He was certainly the interesting one," Raven commented as they looked at the silver and blue dragon reindeer that was still being let around by his more dominant half as they made their way to the showroom themselves. "I thought that he would have gone down when we introduced the suit testing area, not the Gauntlet."

"Yeah, that one definitely through me for a loop too," Serathin replied after finishing his drink. "It's fun to think that the submissive one and the dominant one are essentially the same one, but out of curiosity which one is the real Juan?"

"It's still the submissive one we saw get transformed," Raven explained as he watched one of the two pull the other into a deep kiss. "The other is merely a gel replica with his memories and thoughts imprinted on it, when he changes back that other one is going to melt back into its memetic gel state and become one with the rubber again."

"Hmm, a bit of a shame," Serathin said. "I do have a thing for clones."

"I am aware," Raven replied, grinning as the draconic sabrewolf gave him a sheepish grin. "Perhaps you would like to pay for them then? I'm sure they would love going to a good home and you could keep them both up."

Serathin just shook his head with a smile of his own and they moved on to the final member of their tour, seeing the muscular cobra reindeer decked out in black rubber with a multi-hued visor still attached to his face. The display on the hood continued to flash through various holiday messages as the restrained creature wiggled slightly in his restraints. "Now that was quite the end to the tour." Serathin stated. "If you ever get that out of beta and into your showroom you're going to make a mint on people wanting to own drones like the cobra and wanting to be drones like the cobra. Hopefully Tana's tests turned out to be fruitful for you."

"They were very enlightening," Raven responded. "He is going to bring a lot of customers through my front door and be great for my new digital storefront. Who says you can't sample things on-line?"

The two chuckled at that and finished their drinks as Raven brought all five of them back on the same screen. "So I know that you didn't have any real long-term plans for them," Serathin asked as he swirled the ice around his empty glass. "But what about for when your store reopens? I know that the former fox is already on display but to be fair the others have a lot of potential as well."

"I'm actually glad you said that," Raven stated. "As you know I have that holiday display that's up currently in my showroom and those that were doing it previously have decided to bow out for the rest of the month, and it seems now I have a few reindeer to replace them."

Both Raven and Serathin stood up from their seats as the factory owner instructed the draconic sabrewolf on where to go, leading him back down to the showroom floor where they had previously been before. With the tour guests completely transformed the guards and others that had been waiting in the wings were out and about, the two seeing that a number of rubber-suited workers and drones had started to move things around for the display. The previous winter wonderland scene Raven had up was a large gingerbread house and various holiday themed bondage items, but that had already been replaced with a large sleigh complete with a giant shiny red bag that sat on the top of it. As Raven instructed the others to put trees and harnesses about Serathin happened to notice a face and hand stretch out from the large gift sack, but merely shrugged and when it returned to normal he focused on the task at hand.

Once Raven's workers had gotten everything where they wanted them to they began to bring in the actual rubber reindeer that were being put on display. The first one they brought in was Xavier, with Stag being the one to help guide them as they took the entire pole and moved it onto the fake snow before covering up the base with it. As they situated the living model there while continuing to keep him hung up they also moved in the ornament drone as well since it was relatively close to the showroom. They both could see the rubber creatures shifting and squirming slightly as they were put on display, leaving Newlyn to the back near the sled where he wouldn't obstruct anyone while Xavier was kept near the front.

Though it was hard to see with Newlyn with the button over his groin it was clear that the other reindeer was very much enjoying himself, especially as Stag appeared next to him once more and began to adjust the rubbery erection. There was a muffled moan but as soon as the reindeer whispered something in his ear Xavier froze, remaining completely still even when the hologram stroked him a few times before readjusting the cock ring on him. The only thing that made any noise whatsoever was the jingle of bells as the holographic deer continued to pleasure him for a while longer, turning to Raven and Serathin and stating that it helps keep them in ecstasy while he was hanging there. Before Serathin could ask how that worked they heard a groan and saw the bigger rubber deer walk in with berries hanging from his body.

"Those do look rather tantalizing," Serathin said as he watched several of Raven's workers brought in the reindeer before his eyes glanced down to what Kern was holding in his hands. "He's holding the sign..."

"It'll be a fun prop I suppose," Raven said with a grin as he prompted them to move over towards the front near Xavier. "Now I know you already sampled the goods but that was when you had the protection of that suit, this time you would find that taking a drink is going to change you just like the others that you saw. Unless of course you want to join them."

"I think I'll pass on that," Serathin replied with a chuckle. "Though it sounds like a fun time. Now that's three, where are the other two coming up from?"

"They both take some special considerations in order to bring up to the general showroom," Raven explained. "One of them is strapped to a rather large piece of machinery while the other needs to be pulled away from his doppelganger for the moment. Don't worry though, I'm sure that they'll be here fairly soon, and while we wait for them to come up I think it's time that we have a little gift exchange of our own."

The draconic sabrewolf tilt his head in question and as they saw the blue and silver rubber dragon reindeer getting let up by his harness the two made their way back towards the lounge once more. By that point they had also gotten Tana up as well and Serathin smiled a little more as he saw the VR integrated cobra all lit up and ready for a show. With the last two in the holiday display it definitely looked very interesting, the five rubber reindeer being posed with their shiny bodies glistening in the light. It was definitely a tempting sight and a fun result from a tour through Raven's Factory.

The two of them made their way back towards the lounge once again, but this time when they got back to it the stallion was in front of the bar instead of behind it. Serathin could see the shiny thong holding in the thick cock of the black rubber horse man as he leaned back and patted one of the boxes. "What's all this Raven?" Serathin asked as Raven motioned with his wing to have him sit town. "A gift? For me?"

"I thought that given the fact you set this up you deserve a little gift," Raven said as Serathin grabbed the box and began to open it. "It's not that Anubis suit that you were wearing but given your proclivity for bandying about in certain dimensions this might help make things a little easier for you, especially since I remember you saying that you can't move your physical self from one place to another without a little extra help."

Serathin opened the box and let out a little gasp as he opened the box to find a gas mask and rubber suit that both looked very technologically advanced and was in his usual black and purple color scheme. "Wow, this is amazing!" the draconic sabrewolf exclaimed as he looked over the suit. "Even without putting it on I can tell that this thing is completely decked out, is it normal rubber or something different?"

"Naturally I used the rubber for my special suits in this one," Raven explained with a ruffle of his feathers. "It's semi-aware and can sense your thoughts so that you it can be used in a utilitarian fashion or if you wish to have a little... extra fun there's a setting for that as well. Why don't you go ahead and try it on and see how it fits, even though we both know it's going to be perfect."

Serathin chuckled at that and took the box with him to go into the nearby changing room while Raven leaned to the bartender and told him to get another drink. When the draconic sabrewolf was inside the room he grabbed the suit and quickly found that it was a neck entry, the supple material easily giving way to allow his legs inside. The second that he got them into position he could feel the rubber suction around them, they bodysuit conforming perfectly to every contour of his body as he brought his arms in to get the suit up the rest of the way. Within no time at all he managed to get the neck of the suit up to his own and felt the rubber instantly shift so that his entire body was encased in the shiny material that made it look like he was a synthetic creature himself.

After making one last adjustment to the bulge between his legs Serathin moved to put on the gas mask, once again the rubber shifting slightly as he slid it over his head until everything was in place. For a few seconds everything seemed a bit stuffy before he felt the hoses that were attached to the muzzle snake around his shoulders and connect to something on his back. Though he couldn't see it when he craned his neck there were plenty of mirrors where he could check out the new addition to the suit. As he saw his backside in the reflection he noticed that the back of the suit between his wings had gained a small flexible cylinder that the draconic sabrewolf assumed was some sort of air supply.

With everything in place Serathin activated the gas mask and the lenses that were in front of his eyes lit up, the rubber of the suit tingling as he could see calibrations starting to be made on it. Since it appeared that it would take a while for the suit to grow acclimated to his form he decided to go out and show Raven how the new suit looked on him and as he walked he could feel the rubber making adjustments to better augment his abilities. Even just walking felt easier for him as he came back to the bar and blushed slightly when he heard the stallion let out a whistle of approval.

"So what do you think?" Raven asked as Serathin turned around to show off the suit on his body.

"Fits like a glove," Serathin replied with a slight chuckle. "I look forward to trying this out for the first time once everything is calibrated, and I don't have to go into an ABC suit when I don't have an appearance in a timeline I want to crash. This is definitely a great gift, and as such I think it's only fair that I return the favor."

"Oh?" Raven said before he saw the draconic sabrewolf pull a small box that he had been hiding behind his back and putting on the bar next to the bird. "Ah, it seems I was not the only one that sought to surprise you with something. I can only imagine what it could possibly be."

'Well open it and find out then," Serathin replied, the raven doing just that as he used his bird feet to unwrap the package and open it. When he finally popped the lid off what he found was slightly surprising; it was a formal suit that looked like a rubber tuxedo, though as watched it the material shimmered with a slightly unnatural quality. "I picked it up from someone that happens to also happens to have a fondness for latex, all you have to do it press your foot against it and will it to come on."

Raven did just that and almost instantly the suit turned to an amorphous rubber before swirling around the feathers of his body. Within a matter of seconds Raven had on a shiny black tux that still shimmered slightly as it fit perfectly around his form without misaligning a single feather. "This is certainly quite high-quality, almost matches up with my own product," Raven said, chuckling a bit before noticing that the bartender was staring at him. "What, is something wrong?"

"Huh?" the rubber horse said, quickly shaking his head before giving Raven a sheepish grin. "Oh, sorry boss, I was just thinking how good you look in that suit, couldn't take my eyes off of it. Did you want another drink sir?"

Raven looked between the horse and the hybrid before nodding to the eager bartender, then turned back to the hybrid. "I see that just being form-fitting and easy to put on are not the only features of this suit," Raven said. "Care to share?"

"The person I got it from actually has the ability to imbue rubber with certain abilities including a very powerful hypnotic patterning that can be put in," Serathin explained as they each got another drink. "That's where this material came from, and though it's definitely not as strong as the nagas themselves who made it you can see that it'll certainly turn heads. You'll find that people are more apt to do what you want when you want and they'll even see you more favorably while you have that suit on."

"Certainly useful in my line of work," Raven stated with a grin.

"I would think so," Serathin replied. "It also has the ability to shift into different kinds of suits, all you have to do is imagine what it would look like and it'll morph around you. Admittedly I didn't really get the chance to test it myself but at the very least it looks really good on you."

"Indeed it does," Raven said as he looked at himself, then back at the rubber-covered hybrid. "Yours does as well, in fact it appears that its already properly calibrated itself and is already starting to read your mind a little."

"Huh?" Serathin asked as he reached for his glass. "Why do you say-" before the hybrid could finish his sentence he heard a clink and saw the drink he had been reaching for slide a few inches away from him. When he attempted to grab it again he saw the reason why it had done it in the first place as he gasped when he saw his hands had turned to blue rubber hooves.

"It appears that our tour has given you a few ideas of your own," Raven said as he watched the draconic sabrewolf stumble back just in time to watch his draconic feet turn to similar two-toed hooves as well. "I told you the suit is aware of your desires, and from the way that you've been playing around with them all day it appears you have an itch to scratch on your other side. Fortunately my bartender that you've been eyeing up while we've been here will assuredly help you, I'm going to go to the office and make sure that everything is settled concerning our former tour guests."

Serathin was about to call out for him to wait but suddenly the gas mask he was wearing started to shift, warping his canine nose into something more familiar to him ever since the tour started. He also found himself effectively gagged by a rubber object that pushed its way into his mouth, the only sounds coming out of it were muffled grunts as he attempted to take the gas mask off only to find it completely sealed. He had already figured out what he was becoming but the point was definitely made when he felt the rubber horns on his head start to twist and morph into a pair of antlers as more rubber cuffs appeared on his arms and legs. His back stiffened as he suddenly felt someone behind him and turned his transforming head to see the big bartender behind him.

"Boss did tell me to take care of you," the stallion said as Serathin began to feel something poking against his inner thigh. "Looks like he's going to have another reindeer to add to his display..."

All the transforming hybrid could do was swallow hard as the bartender took his arms and pulled them back, taking the cuffs that had appeared on his wrists and merging them together. With his limbs locked behind his back he felt the other straps that were forming on his biceps and forearms continue to curl and twist around them until they were also completely bound together. With the cock gag still in his mouth there was nothing Serathin could say as he felt his rubberized tail shrink, giving the horse better access to the hole that he had started insistently prodding at. All the sabrereindeer could do was spread out his legs as the flared rubber head of the other man's member began to push up into his vulcanized hole, the bulge between his own legs twitching as a harness appeared on his chest and collar formed around his neck.

From his office Raven watched with a smug look on his face as his last guest was rutted by his rubber stallion, watching for a few seconds before turning off the feed and pressing a button on his intercom. He only had to wait a few seconds before his secretary came in, the shapely female sauntering in with her latex gear shining in the light before sitting down. "You wish to see me Mr. Raven?" she asked, the lips of her mask remaining still even as she spoke.

"Yes, I think that I would like to update the Christmas card that we send out to our clients," Raven said as he tapped his beak with his claw. "Let's see... I do believe might still have our in-house photographer here, if you can page him to the showroom I want to make sure that we can still get this done and shipped before the holidays are over. If he's not there then go ahead and hire out, though hopefully that won't be the case considering the time of year."

"Yes Mr. Raven," the secretary said before asking if she was dismissed, Raven nodding and waving his wing. She turned and he watched as she left the room as best she could in her restrictive clothing before surprising him by turning around. "I also wanted to just say that you seem different today."

"Oh?" Raven asked as he tilted his head in curiosity. "How so, my dear?"

"I'm not sure, more confident maybe if such a thing is possible," the rubber secretary said with a slight laugh. "Whatever your doing though keep it up, you are looking great."

The feathers that were still exposed from the material ruffled slightly at the compliment, giving her a smile and a nod before she left again. This suit definitely does wonders, he thought to himself as he flew off of his desk and started to head down to the showroom. As he did he remembered what the draconic sabrewolf had said to him and with the Christmas card in mind as well as the theme he concentrated on it while gliding through one of the halls. At first nothing seemed to happen but as he continued to make his way down he could feel the rubber shifting around him as the tuxedo pattern disappeared and the color shifted into a different hue.

Meanwhile the five reindeer were still in the positions where they had been left before, either tied up or too enthralled to move, while others began to set up everything in order to get the picture ready. Standing there among those that were working was the black and purple rubber sabertoothed reindeer, who still had on a number of cuffs but now had the stallion bartender reined in and standing next to him. "It appears that the tables have turned," Raven stated as he fluttered over and landed on the muzzled equine's shoulders. "I hope that you haven't gotten your heart set on him, since I do need him to continue to work the bar once this is over."

"Oh don't worry, I have no intention of asking for another gift after what you've already given me," Serathin replied. "But he got a little too cocky and I decided to show what someone in my position can do, plus its always fun to watch them go clapping about in restraints, almost as much as being the one in them. But enough of that, I was told that we're going to have ourselves a little group photo?"

"I thought it would be nice to memorialize the occasion," Raven replied as he stretched his wings to show off the changes he had made to his suit. Instead of the usual tuxedo he was wearing red with white trim, a more elegant version of a santa suit complete with a hat that hadn't been there before. "I figured that you would want to be in it now that you looked the part, maybe show off a little for your fellow rubber reindeer."

Serathin chuckled at that and released the reins on the stallion and walked with Raven onto the winter wonderland scene that was being made. "Just to be sure, I do have other places that I need to be," Serathin commented as he made his way through the transformed tour group, several of them doing double-takes in his direction before they were quickly brought back to their positions for the photo. "I'm a busy sabre...deer, and with this new suit of yours I can travel around much more easily."

"Don't worry, I don't intend on making you a part of the display," Raven replied with a small smirk on his muzzle. "Though I do hope you stick around for the party, it should be a lot of fun."

"That I can do," Serathin said. "Wouldn't miss it for the world."

The photographer suddenly shouted for all of them to take their places, though the only ones that were able to actually move were Raven and Serathin as they got into position on the sled. Raven perched himself at the seat and tossed down some reins to Serathin in order to hook himself up, and once he was finished they both struck a pose upon the photographer's request. They did a couple of different ones; a simple, clean version for Raven to send out in Christmas cards along with a lewder one for product catalogues, the last one being a full-on pick that showed everything for the private stash. Once that was all done the others on the display remained as the raven and sabrewolf walked back onto the showroom floor.

"I think that's going to turn out very nice," Serathin said. "Well it's been fun, but like I said I have other Christmas shenanigans that I have to take part in, but will definitely be back for the after party. Perhaps we're going to have to schedule another tour sometime with a fresh batch of volunteers."

"I think that could certainly be arranged," Raven replied. "Or if you would like to change the setting the Factory is well-equipped for parties of any sort, just give the time and location."

Serathin gave him a nod and activated the suit he wore, the HUD on the helmet showing him how to activate the ability to move between dimensions using his own natural abilities. After one last wave to the Raven the air shimmered around him and disappeared, leaving the Raven to his own devices once more. He quickly flew back up to his office and once more called in his secretary, informing her of the new cards that he wants made as well as prepping for reopening the Factory once again. The Christmas Factory tour was nice, he mused to himself as he gave one last look at the five on display through his camera, but soon it would be time to show off his new creations to the masses once more.

Venting your Problems

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Alien Attunement

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Safe Harbor (3/3)

Reynard wasn't sure for how long he ran, all the rubber fox knew was that the longer he moved the more the gurgling in his insides increased. Even with his rubber skin starting to shift and the occasional swell of the white and red latex that was...

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