A Bag of Mixed Emotions

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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A game of cat and mouse is played between a dragon and a hybrid, but when one surprises the other by stealing their identity in a quite literal fashion the thief is then surprised when his is taken by an unknown third player.

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Talen walked on the path through the park, hearing the sound of snow crunching underneath his feet as more flakes began to drift down onto him. It had been the first snow of the season and though the blizzard that had dumped the initial amount had passed there was still enough wind and cold that most people were staying inside their houses today. For the dragon however necessity forced his hand and he had to go out and get a few much-needed supplies before the additional snows that were promised for the rest of the night came. Fortunately the store that he needed to go into was still open despite the weather and he was able to get what he needed.

As he stepped out of the small park in the middle of the city and was about to head to the shop he noticed something peculiar out of the corner of his eye. It was a hybrid creature of a rather exotic nature; black with silver striped fur adorned most of his body save for what little of his stomach fur he could see that was a bright purple. He also seemed to have blue scales on his hands and muzzle as well as he left the noodle shop carrying several bags. Most striking however was the sabertooth fangs and green eyes of the creature as he began to walk down the street in the opposite direction of Talen, unaware of the dragon looking at him with eager eyes.

...he had to have it, Talen thought as he licked his lips. Such an unusual form was something that he was always looking after and suddenly the original purpose for his trip fell to the wayside. He found himself continuing past the store he was supposed to go into and following the intriguing creature home, the snow already starting to pick up as he started to walk a few paces behind him. Part of him wished that they were going through the park, though it was small it would have been secluded enough for him to make proper introductions, but most of these buildings that they were heading towards were either apartment complexes or lofted buildings above businesses. If it was the former he could just follow the hybrid into the building where they could be alone, if it was one of the lofts then he would just find himself being more creative.

After a few blocks Talen found that the one he was following lived in the later, watching him open the door to a building and step inside. He waited about a minute before stepping up to it himself and looked inside the glass. There was only a stairwell that likely led up to the second floor, and given the nature of these buildings the sabrewolf probably had the entire thing to himself. The creature could no longer be seen either and likely had gone up in order to eat whatever he had gotten at the noodle store. On a whim he decided to try the door, only to be slightly surprised when it opened and allowed him access. Not one to press his luck the dragon quickly stepped inside and carefully made his way upstairs.

As he had guessed when Talen got to the top of the stairs he saw that it led to only one door, moving his way forward towards it. When he approached he saw that it was slightly ajar, hearing the hybrid inside talking. At first the dragon thought that he might have been talking to someone else that made him pause in his tracks but as he continued to listen it was clear that he was just talking to himself. The grin on Talen's muzzle grew as he slowly walked over to the door and opened it wider so he could poke his muzzle through and look around.

It was a typical loft space; there were no real walls dividing anything as he could see the kitchen, bedroom, and living room all in one scan of the area. Strangely the hybrid himself was nowhere to be found but as he saw the take-out on the table sitting there it was likely that he had just gone to the bathroom or something. That was the perfect time to set up a little ambush for the hybrid, he thought to himself as he looked around for a place to hide. As he carefully walked in he saw the only other door that led to the bathroom closed on his left, and considering he would go back to his food first Talen began to move towards the kitchen area to see about setting up his trap...

As soon as Talen took a few steps inside however the draconic sabrewolf that had been hanging from one of the ceiling rafters let go of his foothold and pounced on the dragon. The dragon let out a surprised shout as he lost his footing and fell to the floor, feeling his back suddenly hitting the cool wood floor as he was staring into the green eyes of the grinning sabrewolf. "Hello there," Serathin said, Talen looking up in slight shock still as he was pinned to the ground. "You know, most people knock before they enter into someone's place."

"The door was uh... open already..." Talen replied, finding himself suddenly at a disadvantage. "I just concerned and wanted to see if everything was alright."

"Well I can certainly appreciate the concern," Serathin stated, Talen finding himself swallowing hard as he saw that the other man had the same predatory grin that he had just a minute ago as the sabrewolf leaned in and whispered into his ear. "Especially since I could sense you following me ever since I left that noodle shop, the feeling of being hunted like prey. Plus I don't even mind you coming in, I did invite you by leaving the door open after all..."

This was definitely not what Talen was expecting as the dragon tried to wiggle out of the grasp of the other creature, only to stop when he suddenly felt the other creature's muzzle press against his own and a tongue slide into his maw. This one had known that he was being followed, being essentially hunted, and yet he still allowed him to come inside his home. Either the dragon had greatly underestimated his target or he just enjoyed the rush, either way he could feel both their hearts pounding in their chests as they pressed together. Though the draconic sabrewolf was currently the one in control Talen wasn't one to let that stand, especially since now it was clear he could have much more fun than what he originally intended as a simple snatch and grab.

The two continued to make out on the floor for a while longer before Talen was finally able to break the kiss, both of them panting slightly as the dragon gave him a slight grin. "It appears you have me slightly at a disadvantage," the dragon stated as he gestured with his head down towards the jacket he was wearing that covered his blue and white scales. "Perhaps you'll allow me to take this off since you are already in such a state?"

The draconic sabrewolf smirked and sat back on Talen's legs, showing off his bare chest as the dragon started to wiggle out of his winter coat. It was clear now that he wasn't staring directly at the other's muzzle that he had been prepared for his arrival as the hybrid was stripped down to a bright purple jockstrap that was definitely bulging. "My name is Serathin by the way," the draconic sabrewolf said as Talen took off his coat and undershirt along with it. "Just thought it would be good for you to now whose going to be mrrrffff!"

The last few words of the draconic sabrewolf were cut off as Talen suddenly reached up and stuck his fingers into the maw of the one on top of him, Serathin feeling the clawed hands slide into his maw before it suddenly pressed against... something else. As the hybrid was taken by surprise by the sudden insertion, hearing his voice becoming muffled as his other hand moved towards the purple-furred neck and began to slide around it. It was Talen's turn to be grinning as he watched the look of pure surprise on the face of the other creature slacken, then become completely blank as the fingers pressed against those saber teeth pushed further inside until he could see the bulges against the black-furred cheeks.

"I bet I know what you're thinking right now," Talen said with a chuckle, watching the draconic sabrewolf suddenly stiffen when his other hand slid underneath the purple fur of his neck and stretched it out. "Has the big bad sabrewolf underestimated his prey, and what was this dragon doing to him that has rendered him in such a state? Well, dear Serathin, I'm more than happy to show you right... now..."

Once Talen had worked his magic enough into the creature he spread his fingers and stretched the sabrewolf's maw well past what would be the normal limit, revealing something white and shiny within it. There was another muffled gasp as the featureless pseudo-muzzle was revealed, followed by the rest of his face as the actual maw of the draconic sabrewolf was pushed over it like some sort of Halloween mask. In a matter of a minute Serathin felt his horns and ears slide off his skull and when it was completely finished a blank white head was there with his neck sticking out of his former muzzle. Talen couldn't help but laugh as he watched what most creatures did when they were in that situation and start to feel their face, realizing that though they could see and hear what was going on they had no eyes and features similar to a store mannequin.

"I'll just go ahead and take that," Talen said as he took both hands and pulled the sabrewolf head off in the opposite direction just like a mask, the dragon putting the opening over one of his arms so that Serathin could see his own face staring back at him. "I have to say that I'm glad that you invited me in, this makes taking your form much easier than most. Of course I know that wasn't what you were expecting, but fortunately I think we can turn this into a win-win for us to both get what we wanted... oh, and my name is Talen, though it's not going to be that way for long."

It was clear that Serathin was still slightly confused on what had just happened to him, but while Talen wanted nothing more than to finish slipping the form off this creature there was still quite a bit of fun to be had. Luckily Talen was more than prepared for such a situation and took a rubber collar out from his discarded jacket and put it around the other man's neck, as well as a leash. Though Serathin could see just fine it was more fun for the dragon to lead him around, and as he started to walk towards the bed area he turned back to see the nearly naked hybrid meekly following him. It never ceased to amaze Talen how even the most confident and dominant of creatures become so timid after you remove their identities from them...

Once they had gotten to the bed Talen pushed Serathin down onto the bed, but before he joined in he knew he needed to do some stripping down himself. The other male just laid there from where he landed and watched the smirking dragon as he put his own fingers against his neck, watching them push in and slide underneath the scales. While he could have just put on the sabrewolf head and been done with it he had other plans for this one, feeling his face slacken as the scales were pushed over his head and he also felt himself become complete blank. Once the Talen mask he had created with taken off of him he put it to the side and showed Serathin his face again before starting to slide the furred opening over his face.

If Serathin had the ability to gasp he would have as the contours of the sabrewolf face slid down over the featureless head of the dragon. It didn't take long for Talen to completely get it over him, feeling the mouth aligning with his muzzle as the two merged together. He let out a short breath as he suddenly felt the weight of the saber teeth on his upper jaw and the horns graft to his head. In the matter of a minute Serathin was suddenly staring at his own face smirking down at him, watching the green eyes of the creature staring as some final adjustments were made.

"I'm very glad that I decided to take this form," Talen said, looking down and seeing the slight facial features in the faceless creature on the bed that he knew there was an intense shock at hearing his own voice coming out of the former dragon's mouth. "Now normally I just strip the rest of you down and that would be the end of it, but since you were so welcoming into your home, and considering what I think you were going to do to me if things had progressed as normal, I figure we could have that fun you thought I had come up here for initially. Of course if we want to start off things properly we're going to need to have you with a proper maw of your own, fortunately I have one right here you can use."

It was clear that Serathin was confused until Talen dangled the dragon hood he had just taken off his own form, then hopped onto the bed with the opening of it in his hands. The body of the draconic sabrewolf shuddered slightly as he suddenly felt scales sliding down over the smooth rubber of his faceless head until the lip of it was around his neck. It was just like putting on some sort of gas mask but as soon as the muzzle aligned with his own lips Serathin let out a gasp when he suddenly had a mouth again. Talen smirked once more and ran his scaly hands over the muzzle that had once been his own, looking down into his own eyes as he stroked over the new horns and white mane of the male beneath him before taking the collar and adjusting it so that it was the divider between scale and fur.

With one hand still stroking Serathin's newly draconic face his other one quickly pulled down his pants and underwear, revealing his throbbing cock already pushed out of his slit and fully erect. As he began to guide the head of the other male towards it he could already see what used to be his eyes starting to glaze over slightly, knowing that his thoughts and knowledge were seeping into the mind of the one wearing his face. The same thing was happening to him, seeing memories of the draconic sabrewolf as if they were his own while the name Serathin echoed in his mind. Unlike the one beneath him though he had already trained his mind to partition the new feelings and emotions, save for the lust that the other creature felt when he thought he was luring the dragon in, while the one below him was having a far harder time of it. He could even see the momentary look of confusion on the dragon's face when he saw his own cock staring at him in the face even though most of his body was still furred.

"It something wrong, Talen?" Talen replied, emphasizing a name and causing a shiver to go down the mostly draconic-sabrewolf's body. "This is what you wanted, isn't it Talen?"

"Talen..." Serathin said in the dragon's voice, his eyes glowing slightly as his mind became muddled not only by the intense desire he had been feeling before but also the strange memories of being a dragon... or was it a draconic sabrewolf. "I... I don't know, I feel like this isn't right." As he looked down and stroked his furry body it was with the caution that one had as though feeling something for the first time. "I don't have... where are my scales?"

"You'll get them soon enough," Talen replied, his grin widening as he took the increasingly confused creature and pointed his muzzle back towards his member. "You have to earn them, remember? Just open your maw and all will be made clear soon."

Serathin just nodded and slowly began to move forward, licking first along the sensitive flesh that caused Talen to growl. What made the sensations even more intense was feeling his own tongue doing it, which helped feed into the psychic impression of the face he wore that wanted this to happen in the first place. Though he normally didn't indulge in the other's identity so much it was clear that this creature was as two-sided as a coin; a timid and submissive side as he began to push his lips down on his cock and a fiercely powerful dominant side that was almost surprising. He let that latter side continue to filter through and drive his needs as he watched the scaled cheeks of the one pleasuring him bulge slightly with his shaft.

"That's it Talen," the real Talen said, continuing to mold the mind of the former draconic-sabrewolf with his own voice as he began to move his hips back and forth. "You remember how much you wanted this, how you were invited by me in order to take this sweet cock into your maw. Even before you got into the door you were practically begging for it inside you when I pounced on top of you."

Though Serathin just moaned in response the memories inside of him continued to clash. On one hand he remembered being pounced by the draconic-sabrewolf on top of him, walking in willingly in order to entertain the more powerful male, but then he got a glimpse of being the one in the rafters doing the waiting. As he felt a pair of hands grab his horns and the guy in front of him thrust his scaled hips forward though the pleasure was growing so powerfully that he was finding it hard to care enough to differentiate the two. Even with Talen's scaled abs and groin right in front of his face he couldn't help but super-impose it on his own body as he slurped up and down the ridged member pushing into his maw.

After a few minutes Talen decided to move onto the main act, sliding his cock out of the dragon maw and positioning Serathin on the bed. Though the mostly draconic creature mused about taking off the jock that the other man was wearing he decided to leave it be; it will come off with the rest of him anyway and still gave him access to the hybrid's tailhole. Though he couldn't wait to use the thick member that was encased in the cloth all he did for the moment was give it a squeeze as he slid up behind him. This one thought that he was going to be the one in charge, Talen thought with a grin, and though a draconic-sabrewolf would rut a dragon eventually he had to get everyone in their proper place first.

As Serathin felt the presence of the dragon behind him he suddenly felt two things happening at once; the cock of the dragon pressing against his furred checks and a pair of clawed hands taking the collar off of his neck. As soon as the rubber fell away though those fingers began to slide between the fur and the new body that had formed underneath it. It was like he had always just been a faceless, blank drone and was just wearing the guise of a dragon... or draconic-sabrewolf... either way as he felt the fur pull away from his shoulders it almost felt natural to him. As the black and silver fur fell away from his shoulders the dragon's maw opened suddenly in a surprised gasp as he suddenly felt his tailhole get stretched open, the head popping inside underneath his heavy tail while Talen continued to pull away his identity.

Talen let out a pure groan of pleasure as he felt the insides of the other male slide around his cock, prompting the dragon to push deeper inside while continuing to pull down Serathin's body. Gleaming white shoulders and a flat chest were exposed as the muscular curves of the creature were pulled off of him, making him once more look like he was merely wearing a suit as the fur bunched up around his midsection. From the way Serathin was reacting, pushing his hips back as Talen thrusted forward, the draconic-sabrewolf was clearly getting off on the dragon pulling away his identity as well. As the two continued to go Talen even reached forward and pulled his own face off of the other male, which nearly caused Serathin to flop to the floor as the dragon's identity that was leeching into him was suddenly gone as well as his own.

"It's quite the experience, isn't it," Talen said as he hilted his cock in to the base, only to pull completely out as he pulled the furred skin down and watched the wings flop as they were detached from the male beneath him. "To have no form, no identity, nothing that makes you what you are. Floating in a blissful void while waiting for your master to give you purpose..."

Once more the increasingly formless humanoid latex body in front of him shivered as Talen quickly pulled the tail and groin down away from his legs, creating a smooth bulge in front and shapely rear in back that he prompted pushed his dick back into. Though he could summon forth a shaft for Serathin he decided to keep this one null, delighting in the pleasure of the creature squirming underneath him with no means to release the mounting pleasure inside of him. A simple featureless drone... for some reason the idea was causing Talen to become more aroused than usual, though the dragon quickly shook his head and dismissed it as he pulled the suit down further while still thrusting into him. The dragon eventually pulled the suit off of Serathin's draconic feet, leaving them as smooth and shiny as the rest of his body, and gave a few more hard thrusts into the blank male beneath him before pulling out and standing up.

Once again Talen decided to opt for taking off his own body before putting on the one he newly acquired, allowing himself to calm down for a few seconds before sliding his fingers into his neck where fur met scale and pulling down his own scaled skin. Just like with Serathin his form slid off as easily as if it were merely some sort of bodysuit, also resulting in a white shapeless body with the draconic-sabrewolf's head on top. After a brief glance to look over at the completely blank body still squirming on the bed he sat down on the edge and pushed his feet into the furred form. It was just as easy as taking off his scales and in no time at all he was feeling the furred tail of the body suit attach to his backside as well as the wings while shifting the suit upwards.

As the last of the fur went up his neck Talen could feel the edges knit with the seam of the head he had put on earlier, and with the bodysuit complete he felt a familiar rush of pleasure. The draconic-sabrewolf was as well muscled as his own body and as he ran his scaled hands down the fur of his chest and shoulders it caused him to shiver slightly. It was certainly an exotic form, the former dragon thought to himself as he continued to feel memories and instincts pushing into his mind, his saber tooth muzzle beaming as he looked over himself. Since Serathin was part dragon most of the features felt the same, including the horns on his head, the wings and tail on his back, and the large feet as he bent down and picked up the blue and white scale suit. Talen definitely wanted Serathin to see what was in store for him as he took the dragon hood that had been discarded on the pillow and put it back on the faceless drone before leaning back and sliding the rest of the scaled body up him.

The second that Serathin felt his head morph back into the dragon that he had been before the feelings and memories that were attached to it flooded back with a vengeance, causing him to blink a few times in confusion before looking up and seeing the draconic-sabrewolf doing something to him. As the blue and white scales pushed up to his neck he definitely remembered being the one that had bene pounced on, especially seeing the green eyes of Serathin staring right at him. The sight of the creature on top of him caused him to shiver, though it was partially due to the seam disappearing between the head and body as the real Talen put the collar back around his neck. With their roles well and truly reversed the former dragon was ready to put this new body to use as he leaned in and kissed the other male.

Talen found himself hungrily making out with Serathin, feeling his own body responding in kind just like he would have if the draconic-sabrewolf had fully established himself in charge. They continued that was with their switched bodies grinding against one another until Talen leaned back and put his fingers in the jock that came with the form. "I think it's time we lose this," he said to the guy beneath him, the dragon swallowing hard. "What do you think."

"Y-yes," Serathin replied, watching the elastic band lowering slightly.

"Yes what?" Talen stated, feeling his smirk grow even bigger as he essentially dominated himself, knowing exactly what he would be thinking if he found himself in such a submissive state.

"Yes... yes Master Serathin," Serathin replied, both males shuddering slightly at the declaration. "I am your dragon, do with me as you please."

That was more than enough for the real Talen to hear to proceed, though as he slowly pulled the jock off and revealed the thick, ridged cock underneath he couldn't help but feel something else that was tied to it. Though he enjoyed dominating another like this, especially when they were wearing his body, there was another emotion that accompanied the pleasure. It was like something was triggered inside of him that he didn't recognize... but it was soon washed away with the lust he was feeling as he could sense this was exactly what the real Serathin wanted. What a naughty sabrewolf, Talen thought as he continued to stream the thoughts of the creature whose identity he stole, wanting to see if he could break the dragon and turn him into a rubber-loving pet.

Talen just grinned as he spread the legs of the dragon that Serathin had so wanted to dominate, finding his wish being fulfilled in a manner he wasn't expecting as he took the hybrid's cock and pushed it into the dragon's tailhole. At this point it was likely that Serathin didn't even remember he was originally the one staring down at him, the submissive Talen personality growing roots into his brain and taking over. Since he had the ability to reform his own body it was very likely that he would just leave the former hybrid as is, adding another Talen to his collection along with the body he wore. Yes, he thought to himself as he continued to thrust deep while watching the last vestiges of Serathin's personally melt away, this would be good enough for his rubber dragon.

Rubber dragon... as Talen continued to rock his hips back and forth to impale the dragon even deeper on his new cock the realization of just how into the stuff the other guy was had caused him to take notice. Even as the two muscular creatures continued to grind and thrust into one another his new green eyes scanned the place and confirmed what he had already gleaned from the sabrewolf's mind... that he didn't actually own any rubber gear. Yet strangely he felt an insistence to cover the dragon he was plowing into until his scales glistened unnaturally, the thought causing him to push even harder and causing both of them to gasp.

With such an intense pace it wasn't long until Talen couldn't hold back anymore and orgasmed in his new body, spurting jet after jet of seed into his former body as he felt the cock sandwiched between them go off as well. Both laid there panting heavily and though they engaged in a little more kissing it was clear that they were both exhausted from everything. Though he hadn't intended on it Talen decided to have Serathin spend one last night in his loft before he completely took over, laying down in the bed and snuggling to the scaled creature with his cock still deep between the cheeks of the dragon. A voice in Talen's mind told him that perhaps he should take off the Serathin form he had just acquired, but as he was dragged down into the bliss of sleep he knew he could just easily do as such later if he wanted too before drifting off completely...

When Talen awoke again it was with a snort and for the briefest of moments he was Serathin, a thought process added by the fact he saw the dragon that he had lured in sleeping next to him before he was able to realign himself. When he remembered that he was actually the dragon, just with a different body currently on, he was surprised at how strongly the hybrid's personality had manifested in himself. Normally even if he would wear someone else for days he was still just Talen with a different identity, but this time it was as pervasive as those that he turned into Talen servants. He began to think that perhaps it would be best to take it off and reform into his draconic self for a while... though there was one thing he wanted to do before that happened.

Talen found it much easier to wash the identities he captured when he or another was wearing them, so he quickly went over to the bathroom of the loft in order to wash up before he sloughed off this identity. Already he was thinking about maybe getting one of the others he had captured in such a fashion to wear this one, or perhaps he would put it back on and the former owner could have some more fun with himself... either way he found himself getting excited as he turned on the water and started to lather up the thick fur. As he let the water cascade over his body Talen let out a soft sigh of contentment, enjoying how other bodies felt when they were showering. He felt himself relax as he washed the last of the fur shampoo out of his fur, but just as he was about to grab a towel he heard something that caused him to drop it to the ground.

It was a chuckle; low, deep, dark... sounding like Serathin but much more alien in nature as he quickly picked the towel back up and wrapped it around him. When Talen quickly poked his head back into the loft he saw the blue and white scaled dragon still snoozing away in the covers, though that made the situation even more worrisome to him as he carefully walked out into the loft itself while still dripping wet. As he looked around the loft more memories began to be shown to him, but unlike the initial ones that he saw when he first took the draconic-sabrewolf over these were new and very strange that involved a lot of creatures that were covered in rubber. Whether or not he had somehow tapped into the obsession with the latex material that he hadn't seen before Talen decided it was time to take the hybrid off as he reached up to form the seam that would allow him to take it off...

...only to find nothing but fur on his neck.

"Did you really think it would be that easy?" the voice said once more, causing Talen to suddenly turn his head only to find nothing. He quickly gathered that the source was nothing something outside, but rather attached to the skin he was wearing as he found himself swallowing hard when his powers failed to release him from Serathin's body. "I have to thank you though, having you do this greatly expedites that process that I had started with this one."

"Who are you?" Talen asked out loud, once more hearing that same sinister laugh. "Some sort of demon? An alien entity?"

The dragon could feel panic forming in his chest as the laughter continued for a bit before it finally died down. "Perhaps you should have done a little more homework on the psyche you decided to absorb," the voice replied. "Of course I can't blame you for not knowing, I am a rather... complicated individual, so to speak. To answer your question I am no external force, I suppose the best way to put it is I am the mental and physical manifestation of the corruption that is rooted deep inside the body you decided to steal."

That wasn't good, Talen thought to himself, especially as his entire body started to feel like it was tingling as he started to move over towards the bed. "Hey, I was just having some fun," Talen said as he tried to wake up the real Serathin. "If you're meaning to take over Serathin or something I would be more than happy to give him back to you, or yourself, or however this works. Just give me the ability to strip off this skin and you'll be back to corrupting yourself in no time."

"Now now now... where would the fun be in that?" the voice replied, Talen stopping his movement as he saw something shift underneath the black and silver-striped fur that covered his arms. It looked like a vein had pushed up or something, but as it happened again it looked more like a snake was slithering underneath his skin. "You have provided me a new and wonderful opportunity Talen, or perhaps I should start to say Serathin, and I want to see where this goes while exploring all the delightfully kinky thoughts that you have in this head of yours."

Talen found himself grimacing at the fact he had been once more drawn into a trap, though this time his opponent appeared to be much more powerful as he once more attempted to get the Serathin skin off of his body. It was his fault for being so hasty, he thought as he grabbed his stomach when he felt a similar slithering sensation slide between against his abs, had he dived deeper he might have seen how truly depraved this creature was that he allowed to mingle with his mind. Whether it was some sort of psychological deviation or just part of Serathin himself he could already feel it starting to corrupt him to his very core, starting with an intense love of rubber that was stacking on top of the fondness he already had for it. With time running out for him he needed to excise this entity enough he could pull off the suit that was his body, though as he moved forward he could feel the fur shifting around him like he was actually wearing a bodysuit instead of the normal bonding process.

"I find this ability of yours to be quite fascinating," the voice returned, growing stronger in Talen's mind as he felt his memories of being a dragon pushed aside and replaced with that of a rubber creature that looked somewhat like the body he wore. "When you came in here I was going to use the lust that Serathin was feeling in order to try and push him over the edge and turn you into a sabredrone, but since you have no defenses towards my power you're going to be much easier. In fact I think I'm going to do something different with you, normally I cover Serathin's body with rubber and corrupt him from the outside until we become one, but this time I think we're going to go in reverse."

"I will not be so easily corrupted," Talen replied in response, though he could already feel the furry skin of the draconic sabrewolf tightening around his form. As he reached down into the pockets of his coat for his phone he found his hands to hardly fit inside of them, and when he pulled them out he realized they were much bigger than before. As more tendrils began to push out the fur of his arms from coiling around inside his limbs he pressed a few fingers against his palm and found it to slide, like there was something slick and rubbery underneath it that caused him to shudder.

"You already are being corrupted," the voice of the creature replied, Talen groaning as he could feel his arm and leg muscles begin to swell and bulge. "There's actually not a lot that I have to tweak with you; you already have quite the desire to turn others into copies of yourselves, stealing their identities for their own, and while you enjoy watching others succumb to the will of your form you have a sneaking wish for the same to happen to you. Fortunately for you that's exactly what's going to happen, and you're going to enjoy every second of sinking down into my rubbery embrace... Overlord Serathin..."

The last two words caused such an intense spike of pleasure for the former dragon that Talen dropped his phone on the ground before putting his hands against his head. That name... it was so intimately connected with this form that not only did it override the feelings of the actual Serathin of this skin but his own as well. Create more... he could use this body and create more just like him, just like he always wanted. As Talen let out another groan he heard his voice start to deepen, his green eyes starting to glow as something black and shiny dripped from his nostrils.

Serathin... as Talen reached down to try and pick up his phone he could feel the muscles of his abs and chest swelling with new growth, stretching out of the fur he wore as more shifting tendrils joined the ones that were already pleasuring his body. It started to feel like he was wearing some sort of costume over rubber, his feet expanding as the towel that had been clinging to his waist dropped to the floor. Talen gasped when he saw that his member had also been undergoing some changes, the shaft so thick that when he reached his mutated hand around it he couldn't even tough his fingers together while it continued to lengthen. Though everything caused him pleasure his body looked... bloated, like this wasn't his own anymore as the changes were starting to focus around his head.

"No... I am Talen..." Talen said as he felt the dark force pushing down on his thoughts, though his already augmented body was telling him the opposite as his muzzle and head began to push out and swell. His hand had never left his cock and he soon found himself on his back as his increasingly muscular form quivered in sheer pleasure as the corruption continued to take route, Talen squirming from the tentacles underneath the fur as his eyes glowed more and more. "I'm Talen! I'm... Talen... Talin...Tal...thin..."

"That's it," the voice said, which was starting to sound more and more like his own as Talen began to feel something pushing out of his muzzle. "Feel how powerful you are, how strong you can become if you embrace the rubber and corruption..."

"I... am... Serlen... Tarathin..." Talen could feel his grip loosening on his own identity as he suddenly felt something push out of his muzzle, seeing the shiny black tongue push out of his mouth before something else began to do so too. His eyes widened in surprise and his back arched in sheer ecstasy as he could feel a second pair of saber teeth push out between the first, his hand stroking faster and faster on his member as an entire new muzzle pushed out from his own briefly before it was pulled back in. "I am... Serathin..."

"You are Overlord Serathin," the voice corrected, the corrupted creature seeing scores of rubberized individual that looked mostly the same with saber teeth, wings, and other features that belonged to the one that had transformed him. Without realizing it Talen's need to take the identities of others was fused with the drone transformation of the creature within him... the creature that was a part of him...

The bloated draconic sabrewolf suddenly went limp, his hands falling to his sides as his eyes stared off into the distance. He remained that way for about a minute before there was movement once more, the head turning upwards though the eyes remained unblinking. The tentacles that had been slithering about could no longer be seen underneath the fur of the creature as he slowly stood up and got to his feet before making his way to the bathroom. Anyone that might have looked at him as he moved towards the mirror inside might have thought that he was in a trance, and as he looked at the reflection that showed the distorted head of the sabrewolf his face remained unmoving as one of his hands went to his neck.

As soon as the seam appeared the clawed fingers pushed their way underneath the neck of the Serathin mask, and as it was slowly pulled up it revealed black and purple latex underneath instead of the usual white. There were definitely other features underneath as well as the hood was fully peeled away to reveal the corrupted rubber sabrewolf underneath, his shiny teeth glinting in the light as he looked at himself in the mirror. The Overlord had returned, he thought to himself as he licked his latex lips with his new tongue, and as he continued to feel the memories and thoughts of both the psyches of Serathin and Talen he fused with all sorts of fun thoughts popped into his head. When he looked down at the draconic-sabrewolf mask he had been hiding under until that point he looked inside and saw a similar latex shine as well, ready for the next victim that would be unfortunate enough to wear it.

"It always feels so good to be back," Overlord Serathin said to himself as he quickly pulled down the rest of the furred bodysuit to reveal his muscular, rubbery body as well. "I really should thank Talen for his contribution to this timeline... this new power is going to make things way more interesting then the usual takeover. In any case I'm sure the others that are already out and about will appreciate the assimilated ability, maybe even create their own living rubber suits."

The new rubber creature took the suit that had been created and brought it back out to the loft, leaving it on the table for his usage later. Not only would he be able to use it to possibly blend back in and stalk areas where he could turn into sabredrone hives, but if he left it out anyone that wore it would turn into one as well. They wouldn't become an Overlord like Talen had, but it would possibly skip a few steps and create a Guardian or Assimilator right away. The possibilities were endless as he rubbed his latex fingers over his black arms, looking forward to getting some green stripes on his body as soon as possible.

That brought his attention back towards the dragon sleeping on the bed, the one that was formerly his initial target until the one whose skin he wore decided to step up and volunteer. The corrupted creature could feel a pang come from inside of him and the sabredrone leader realized that he had full access to Talen's personality just like he would with Serathin. Normally that meant merely finding friends to convert and give special treatment to, but since there was a dragon that had had never entered into his corrupted mind before he found that there was something buried down deep inside that aligned with his interests. Though his priority was making Sabredrones he could break the mold for this one as he slowly approached the sleeping creature.

The dragon that was sleeping in the bed suddenly awakened when he felt something shake his shoulder, the creature opening his eyes blearily. When the former draconic-sabrewolf looked down at himself and saw the body of a blue and white scaled dragon it was only natural for him to look this way, Talen wondering why he would even think of it otherwise. He remembered that Serathin had invited him up to his loft, though in a rather sneaky fashion, and the two had enjoyed a rather passionate night together. He was just thankful that he was allowed to stay the night after their impromptu meeting, looking up to see the one that waked him only to be shocked when he saw that it was not quite the hybrid he was expecting to be.

"Hello there... Talen," the rubber creature said as Talen found himself staring directly into those glowing green eyes. "I'm sure that things might be a little bit confusing right now, but I'm happy to say that you're going to experience something that you rarely have before."

"Uh... I am?" Talen replied, looking around a bit in confusion before he suddenly found a large purple paw on his forehead.

"You are," The Overlord said as he began to distill Talen's psyche away from Serathin just like he had done in the body he was inhabiting. "You'll get to feel what it's like to become a sabredrone... well, a sabredrone with a few modifications."

Talen let out a gasp as the memories and thoughts that had been swirling around in his head were suddenly pushed aside, which allowed him to remember that he was actually the draconic sabrewolf. The Overlord also shared the memory of how he would normally take over his body and how the real Talen had stepped in his place after stealing his identity. "Oh... I see," Serathin said after he had been released from the mental link. "I was having dreams about you, and plus the increased dominance and lust... I should have guessed that a creature like you was behind it."

"Well to be fair this is a rather... extraordinary situation," Overlord Serathin replied with a chuckle. "Not often do we get to converse like this, at least not face to face. I'm rather tempted to put you back in your old body so that I could watch you, aka me, transform, but this body you currently have will certainly help with the new template."

"New template?" Serathin asked, looking down at the dragon body he had. "What do you mean by-"

The dragon suddenly found himself stifled as the hand that had been pressed against his forehead suddenly closed around his muzzle, causing the last few words to come out as muffled grunts as he suddenly felt something spreading over his lips. By the time the corrupted creature let go a thick band of black rubber had formed over his mouth, keeping his lips shut as the shiny material continued to spread. The rubber hybrid pulled the muzzled dragon up onto his feet and turned him around, moving him over towards the other mirror that was in the loft so that Serathin could watch his dragon body change while also having some fun.

The Overlord felt his smirk widen as already his corrupted rubber was having an effect, watching as the blue scales of his muzzle turn to black and become shiny as the substance coated over them. He could already see the mask of the sabredrone starting to form, which much like Talen would rob the identity of the one that it was transforming, but as saber teeth formed on the lips of the creature he decided to let the draconic influence do a bit of the changing. The horn that was between the nostrils of the dragon remained and instead of turning green the glowing lines became a bright blue, as well as the lenses that were forming over the wide eyes of the one transforming. A Talen sabredrone... it was certainly a concept that the Overlord was eager to experiment with as the increasingly synthetic mane turned black instead of purple.

The sensations of rubber spreading down his body was clearly turning Serathin on as his cock began to harden, watching Talen's shaft become erect as he felt something similar pressing against his backside. The Overlord knew that the intense love of rubber was still there and that it wouldn't be much to corrupt this one, though since he was looking for a non-traditional sabredrone he decided to make a few tweaks. As lettering appeared on the collar he still wore, which read Talen Sabredrone on it, Serathin let out a muffled moan as something pushed into his rubberized ear and stretched it open at the same time the corrupted sabrewolf's cock was doing the same to his tailhole. Even though Serathin would remain he allowed the Talen personality to come flooding back, only this time adding a few added lines of programming to ensure this drone would be good and compliant as the rubber cascaded down his neck and spread over his shoulders.

"Definitely going to be a little more muscular than the others at the start," The Overlord said as he sank his rubber cock in deeper, corrupting the insides of the dragon as he felt the muscles of the dragon in his embrace start to swell slightly. Though he would keep the usual stripe patterning on the arms he made sure to add another marking, putting a pattern on the rubber chest of the other male as his tongue continued to push inside his head. If his eyes of the converted drone could be seen through the lenses the solid blue orbs would be rolled back in bliss as he was turned into a plaything for the one behind him. With his insides quickly becoming rubberized the scales of his stomach bulged underneath his firming pectorals as his own cock turned black and rubbery.

"Yes... thank you Overlord..." The drone hissed, both Serathin and Talen being locked away by the programming being fed to him in order to make him into a compliant rubber being. "You are my master, my everything, mold my body to your whims. My pleasure is yours..."

"Such a good drone already," The Overlord said with a chuckle as he withdrew his tongue, taking his cock and pushing deeper inside the tailhole of the one in front of him. "I think this is a resounding success, only a few more things and I think this will be ready."

The rubber sabredrone let out a more audible groan and his feet quivered as he was lifted off his feet by it, and as he was the hands pressed against his chest went right down towards his groin. As he found himself wrapping his thicker legs against the muscular form behind him he could see that something was happening to the rubber of his groin. The drone realized that his master was being good to him as the pleasure he was feeling down there was suddenly dulled, his own rubberized hands quivering in the air as the latex around his cock was pulled over it until it formed into a large rubber bulge. Once the Overlord was done with it he gave it a squeeze and when he did a bright blue lock appeared on it to keep him locked in unless he was creating more Sabredrones or his master allowed it.

It didn't take long for the rest of Talen's body to follow suit, the drone that had been created panting loudly as a pair of wings grew from his back which flapped slightly as the cock buried deep inside of him kept him up in the air. "Go on," The Overlord said to the new Talen Sabredrone, one hand stroking against his neck to coerce him to look back int the reflection. "Admire the form that you master has given you."

The drone did exactly that, seeing his own glowing blue eyes behind the lenses of the sabredrone mask that was also molded with Talen features on it. Having his master's neck craning him up also allowed him to see the black rubber collar on his neck that marked him as this unique Sabredrone Overlord's property, something that caused him to shiver in bliss even more than the cock that was practically pushing out his stomach with how deep it was inside of him. The rest of his black rubber body was firm and muscular, fitting of a Talen sabredrone complete with wings and scales that looked mostly similar to the body that he had before he had been transformed into a drone. There was also the bright blue markings on his body, though he didn't have any stripes yet because he had not pleased the overloard with bringing in another.

With the transformation complete the corrupted sabrewolf tore the Talen sabredrone away from his reflection and put him back on the bed, who was just able to brace himself with his arms before the bigger rubber male began to thrust hard into him. The two let out cries of ecstasy as their former lives had long been forgotten to the mists of rubber-induced lust, the dominant creature behind him securing his role as the Overlord of the Talen Sabredrones while his first creation was moaning and wiggling while being pounded. Their latex forms rubbed and grinded together for what seemed like hours until finally it was more than enough for the corrupted male, pressing the drone he was spreading open into the bed before everything came crashing down in an intense orgasm. It was so intense that neither draconic creature could move for quite some time after that, and even when they finally could all the Overlord did was roll over onto his bed while pulling his new drone on top of him.

As the Overlord felt the drone settle against him the bigger rubber creature couldn't help but grin at the situation. He had corrupted a dragon that had stolen the body of the one he was trying to corrupt, which allowed him to turn his former self that normally was the one that he turned into a new type of sabredrone. This was definitely an interesting timeline for him, one that he was looking forward to exploring in the fullest. Between the dragon and the draconic sabrewolf that were now a part of him there was so much he could do, to the point where he wondered if it was going to even be fair for those in this city, and eventually the world, that were about to become Talen Sabredrones themselves.

Once they had a few moments to recover the Overlord stood back up from the bed and moved over to one of the windows the loft had, pulling aside the blackout curtain that Serathin had installed to keep light out and looked down at the road below. While the winds were still blowing it appeared that the snows had ceased, leaving a fresh layer of it on the cement. Since it was still basically the middle of the night there was no one out, not even a car driving by as a smirk once more crossed his muzzle. He knew that there were a number of Talens out there that were wearing their old identities as suits, believing that they were in fact the dragon just playing a part as he backed away form the window and went over to the phone that had been dropped.

The Overlord was able to unlock it with the information he has assimilated from the dragon and quickly found the folder with all of them in it, seeing a list that had dozens of numbers listed on it. "I see our dragon has been quite the busy boy," he said before looking over to where the Talen Sabredrone was still lying. "On your feet, we got work to do."

Almost instantly the Talen sabredrone got up and make his way over, catching the phone as it was tossed over to him while The Overlord was gathering up the Serathin skin that remained. "What are we doing master?" the Talen Sabredrone asked inquisitively. "Are you going to put that on so we can leave?"

"Well we are going to leave this place," The Overlord said as he took the skin and tucked it away in the coat that the dragon had come in with in order to keep it bundled up. "But I doubt that anyone is going to give us any fuss in the middle of the night unless we happen to catch the attention of the police. No, I'm going to save this so that I can do a little... experimentation with it later, admittedly I have never had the opportunity to do something like this before and I want to see what I can do with it."

"Of course Overlord," the Talen saberdrone replied, looking at his own sightly glowing blue body. "It is a shame that you did not do the same to me, I'm sure that it would please you to have a Talen suit as well to work with."

"Oh, I wouldn't worry about that," The Overlord replied with a chuckle. "We're going to have plenty of opportunities to have a Talen suit, especially since I want to try and do the same thing that I did with this body. If I can preserve their identities while turning them into Talen Saberdrones then I could take over this entire city without anyone realizing it, maybe even spread to every major city so that when we do launch the sabredrone assimilation everyone is taken by surprise."

The Talen Sabredrone nodded and together the two walked out of the loft and back down to the street. As the Overlord thought there was no one around, and though there was a chill in the air their rubberized bodies didn't feel it as they began to make the trip back towards the original Talen's house. "Oh, Overlord, one thing," the Talen Sabredrone set as he held up the phone. "Did you want me to do something with this?"

"Yes I did," the Overlord replied as they walked. "I want you to contact the other Talens and have them meet back at your place. I feel it's time to get very well aquatinted with Talen's stock."

"Of course Overlord," the Talen Sabredrone replied as he looked at the numbers. "Which ones should I invite first?"

The Overlord just stopped and turned back to his drone, giving him an evil smile. "All of them."

Secrets of Peaceful Negotiations (3/3)

As night fell on the campus the students of NCU lined up on their streets in order to march to save endangered species, forming up into a large group before making their way down onto the streets. Among them was Sam and Frank, the two looking...

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Secrets of Peaceful Negotiations (2/3)

The next few days passed by uneventfully, both Frank and Sam had relegated themselves to the routine of getting up, going to the base of operations, finding the aliens hadn't done anything, and then going back to their dorm to sleep. With most of...

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Secrets of Peaceful Negotiations (1/3)

The alarms at Fort Bragg had been going off for nearly an hour as military personnel ran from one place to the other. Everyone was on high alert for good reason; NORAD had picked up on two different kinds of unidentified aircraft that were making...

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