Secrets of Peaceful Negotiations (1/3)
When the unprecedented happened and aliens finally land on the surface of the planet humans quickly mobilize in order to figure out what their intentions are.
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The alarms at Fort Bragg had been going off for nearly an hour as military personnel ran from one place to the other. Everyone was on high alert for good reason; NORAD had picked up on two different kinds of unidentified aircraft that were making their way down towards the surface of the planet. While other bases were likely mobilizing as well the reason that everyone at this particular one were activated was because their projected landing site was in a stretch of field just outside of North Carolina University. No one knew what the intentions of those coming down to the earth were and any attempts to communicate with them had failed so far even after they had broken through the atmosphere and were approaching the surface.
When both craft finally landed without incident the military continued to remain on guard, but when there was no other communication or movement from the ships those in power decided to try and use a soft touch. After hours had passed and nothing more happened they determined that they would send someone to them and see if perhaps the aliens were peaceful and for some reason couldn't find the means to send a message to them. Though most of the general public had been made unaware of the landing, the government blacking out the area the aliens were landing in to make sure that no footage was found, the black car that passed by the university saw that a number of students were partying and holding up signs that were saying they had seen the craft land. The older man in the passenger seat sighed and rubbed his temples before looking back at the two men occupying the back seat.
"You two understand what your mission is, right?" the older gentleman said.
"Attempt to make first contact with the aliens in the craft," one of the agents said. "If we manage to make first contact and the aliens seem peaceful enough we are to extend a hand of peace and attempt to find out more information. If they are here for ill intent then we try to broker peace talks with them, and failing that we extract ourselves from the situation and head over to the college where we have set up a base of operations."
"Very good Frank," the older man said. "You and Sam were chosen because you were the top of your class in negotiation tactics and spot observation, you are going to need both on this mission in order to potentially protect the entirety of the human race. As I'm sure you are aware there is also the possibility that you will not leave this area alive, have you made your preparations in case this happens?"
Both men nodded and the older man left their briefing on that dour note as they drove into the woods. The alien craft had parked themselves in an empty field surrounded by trees, which meant that they would hopefully be given privacy while talking with the aliens. This also meant however that if things went wrong there was no immediate back-up for them without it looking like a hostile action. Once the car had driven within a few hundred feet they were let out and given one last good luck before it drove back to maintain distance from the ships. The two men watched the headlights slowly disappear before they sighed and started to walk the rest of the way down the dirt road to their destination.
"Kind of a pain that they landed all the way out here," Sam said as the warmth of the late summer air began to cause them to perspire. "If they had just landed in Washington like the movies then they could just speak to someone in power directly instead of making us do it."
"I'm pretty sure these aliens don't have a good working knowledge of our government structure," Frank replied stone-faced. "You're just mad that they are out here and you had to get recalled in while on leave."
"It was just a joke man," Sam replied while rolling his eyes. "Anyway we're here, time to put on our game faces."
As they passed the tree line and walked into the field the two ships were clearly visible in the night sky. While they were both clearly alien in nature they noticed that the designs were completely different from one another, one was a sleek, shiny craft that was very streamlined while the other was more like a glowing red box that didn't look like it would move much less fly. They also noticed that the two had set up their ships on the opposite ends of the field and it made them wonder if perhaps this wasn't two ships of one alien species, but rather two different alien species landing at the same time. Perhaps they were in some sort of intergalactic race to meet humans first, Sam speculated as they noticed a smaller, tent-like structure had been set up in the middle of the field between the two ships.
They decided to walk towards the one in the middle and as they get close they see something moving in the tall grass that separated them, stopping dead in their tracks when something mechanical popped up and pointed itself at them. Though it was alien in design the two didn't have to be told that it was some sort of weapon as they put their hands up and started to shout not to attack. As they stood there with their hands up they were relieved that the gun didn't just fire, but they remained like that for several minutes with nothing they could do but wait. Finally the turret disengaged from them and they saw a figure move up over the small hill of grass they were about to move over themselves before they had been stopped.
Though both men attempted to hide their shock they couldn't help but gasp slightly at the hulking figure that came towards them. Though the alien was humanoid in nature it was covered in deep black fur and had a lupine-like face. It was also all muscle from the looks of it and wore strange armor that seemed to cling to his body rather than him wearing it. When they had recovered from their shock they attempted to greet the creature, but as it continued to approach it didn't seem to understand what they were saying. They continued to maintain their non-threatening posture and wait to see what would happen next, which was the wolven alien man holding out his hand to show them two small silver disks.
After it gestured for them to grab the objects the two humans looked at one another before they grabbed them from the alien. Once the objects were in hand the wolf alien leaned forward towards Frank, and though he pulled back slightly he managed to catch himself as it tapped a claw against the space at the back of his ear. Though they were very weary about putting alien technology anywhere near them they knew the creatures could have killed them several different ways by now and had chosen not to. The two took the disk and pressed them against the skin behind their ears and both let out a slight hiss of pain as it seemed to adhere to their flesh.
"Much better," the wolf suddenly said, taking the two men by surprise. "Now come with me, as ambassadors to your species I'm sure you want to see what's going on."
Despite the somewhat bestial nature of the alien the wolf was quite eloquent in his speech, throwing both of the agents off their game. When they were led into the tent they saw a second creature that was more humanoid then the first, the buff alien creature having leonine features including a thick mane that ran across his neck and head. "We were wondering when the humans would be curious enough to come here," the lion alien stated with a smirk. "And since you appear to understand me it means that you have taken our gifts willingly."
"Yes, that's right," Frank said. "On behalf of the human race and the United States government we were sent here to see if we could talk about your intentions on our planet and keeping the peace between our two species. We've been given limited authority in order to grant you certain requests but if things go well here then we can take you directly to people in power."
"Let's have you save your breath right there human," the wolf alien said suddenly, crossing his arms in front of his chest. "We have no intentions on talking to you or brokering any sort of alliance with your kind. I'm afraid that you made this trip for nothing more than a story to tell your children."
The two humans were stunned at the sudden rebuke that came at the hands of the wolf alien, but when they looked at his feline counterpart he could just see him nodding his head in agreement. It had been a surprising turn of events and when they had recovered they asked why, only to tell both of them that their presence here was none of their business. "I guess... that means there's nothing more here to talk about," Sam said. "If you wish to open lines of communication with us again then-"
"We've already figured out your primitive technology human," the lion alien said. "We will signal you should the need come around."
The two agents were at a loss for words and merely nodded, then pulled the metal disks from their necks when prompted and handed them back to the wolf alien before walking back. The two watched as they made their way over the grassy hill and back to the vehicle they knew was parked further into the woods, waiting until they were out of range before the wolf alien flipped the lion alien one of the disks. "One fresh set of human DNA," the wolf said. "I told you that if we waited long enough they would come to us instead of having to abduct one of them."
"Looks like you dog boys got something right for once," the lion alien said as he pressed on the middle of the small disk to see the vial of bright red liquid inside of it. "And did you leave behind our little gift for their contribution?"
"Of course," the wolf alien replied. "Soon you'll get to see that our genetics are going to be far more compatible with the human race and we're going to be the ones that conquer them. If there are any leftovers you can help yourself to them."
"Let's not forget who seeded this planet first," the lion alien growled in response. "Just because you happened upon it while we were waiting for this species to come to fruition doesn't mean you can just come down and take them for yourselves. The only reason that I didn't blow you out of the sky after I found out you were following me is because the war would be devastating to both sides and we have bigger fish to fry at the moment."
"Bigger... fish... to fry?" the wolf alien asked in confusion.
"It's a human saying they have down here!" the lion alien stated angrily. "Anyway... you know the deal, if your conversion doesn't work then you have to leave, got it?"
"Only when you leave when yours doesn't either," the wolf alien shot back. "Now that the farce is over I'm heading back to my ship, just being around you makes me sick and I have work to do to conquer my planet."
Meanwhile back in the car the two agents had briefed their senior officer on the rather brief encounter that they had with the aliens that landed there. "It appears that their technology is definitely superior to ours from the footage you managed to gather," he said as he scrolled through the tablet that contained the pictures the two had secretly taken with the cameras imbedded in their tie pins. "I'm somewhat surprised they didn't pick your equipment up; either they didn't care about it or they were boasting, either way it's not the good news that we were hoping for. Either way we're going to have to more carefully monitor these two and the skies above for any reinforcements until we get a better idea of their intentions, until then we're going to be dropping you two off right there.
The two agents looked out and saw that they were once more in front of the NCU campus, which the partying was still going on in full force. "You want us to stay here?" Sam asked, the senior agent nodding. "But we're going to need to go back to Fort Bragg for our debrief."
"Top brass wants you guys to be as close to the ships as possible in case they decide to reach out again," the older man said. "Unfortunately with the school year just starting we had to opt for one of their smaller single room dorms, but we also set up the base of operations in an old building they used to use for equipment storage before it was all moved to one central location. I know its not exactly the Four Seasons but given the nature of the scenario we have here you two are just going to have to suck it up."
"A dorm room and an equipment shed," Sam scoffed. "We're really moving up here, pretty soon it'll be a studio apartment and some sort of abandoned factory." There was a snort next to him and he saw Frank with his hand over his mouth, causing him to smile. "Well would you look at that, I thought I would have to tell a joke on my death bed before getting this one to chuckle."
"Well you two have all the time you want to play patty cake," the senior agent said as he motioned for the two to get out. "Just make sure your phones are on at all times and if base command needs you for something you drop what you're doing and go over there. Good luck gentlemen, try not to overindulge in the ramen noodles."
As the two men once more got out of the car Frank couldn't help but chuckle again at their senior agent's joke even though he didn't find it particularly funny. He quickly restored his stoic demeanor though and the two made their way onto the campus, attempting to avoid the students that were out having a good time. Most were too concentrated on their drinking or the games they were playing that involved drinking to notice them but more than once they had someone asking what they were doing and if they were the police. It was clear that their suits were going to stand out in this place but there was nothing they could do about it until they got to the dorm that had been given to them to stay at.
With the adrenaline from their encounter with alien life wearing off quickly both men just wanted to get to bed, and when they got to the room assigned to them they both let out small groans of disappointment. The room was slightly bigger than a typical bedroom and had a set of bunk beds, two desks, and a bathroom that they could touch both sides with just by stretching out their hands. "I'm definitely demanding a raise after this," Frank said as he grabbed the cardboard box next to the wall marked with his name and opened it to find a few fresh sets of clothes.
"Just think of it as a trip down memory lane," Sam replied as he hopped up on the top bunk with his own box. "A lot of people wish they could go back to their college days."
"I'm sure those people wouldn't want to be crammed back into their dorm room with another grown man while still working," Frank replied, slowly looking up to find the other agent already taking off his shoes. "What do you think you're doing?"
"Going to sleep," Sam replied. "Why?"
"You just expected to take the top bunk?" Frank said, putting his hands against his hips.
"Well I am up here first," Sam stated with a sly grin. "Why, did you want to wrestle me for it or something?"
Frank opened his mouth to say something, but ended up just shaking his head and sliding down to the bottom on instead. The heat they encountered was not much better inside and though they had a window fan it did little to cool the room. Normally he slept in a shirt and boxers but as the minutes ticked away and he heard the guy above him tossing about, which in turn shook the frame of their connected beds slightly, he finally decided to bite the bullet and strip down completely. As he finished up he could once more hear Sam above him, causing him to pause before he took the thin blanket he had gotten and covered it over him.
The rest of the night passed by uneventfully and when the morning came around Frank woke up to see Sam filling a kettle up in the sink that was too big to fit in their bathroom. As he was about to get up himself his sweaty body rubbed up against the sheets that were practically imprinted with his shape in wetness and remembered that the material was the only thing between him and the air. He carefully reached out and moved out to grab the cardboard box that he had kept close, using the sheet like a curtain as he got dressed in a more informal pair of cargo shorts and t-shirt that fit in with the college aesthetic. Though he wasn't nearly as young as some of the students out there he was still within the age range where it didn't look strange, though Sam was younger than him and probably would have an easier time of it.
As he looked over at the other agent it appeared he had no such qualms about being exposed in the open, the only thing he wore was a pair of briefs that looked more like a spandex speedo as he put the kettle on their hot plate. "Welcome to your first day of dorm life," Sam said with a smirk. "I take it from the fact that it looked like I dumped water on you that you also weren't a fan of the heat?"
"You could say that," Frank said as he got up, hearing his back pop as he stretched it to get the kinks out. "I think I'm going to head out and see if I can't get an early start and find out if there were any new developments, maybe hit the gym before going there."
"Look at you," Sam said as he dumped the instant coffee inside, grinning at the other man just as he was about to leave. "First day of college life and already using the facilities, I'm so proud. You sure you don't need me to pack you a lunch or something before you go?"
Frank just shook his head and went out the door, though as soon as he got the door closed and started walking down the hallway towards the stairs the frown he had put on turned to a grin before he started to giggle. By the time he got to the stairs he was full-on laughing, his cackling causing those that were closest to the stairwell to poke their head out and see what was going on. It only lasted for a few seconds though before the agent got a hold of himself while going down the stairs. The agent had always prided himself on being the stoic one of any group he was in, he wasn't going to let the smart comments of his current partner get to him like that as he went towards the mess hall after his stomach grumbled.
Meanwhile Sam remained ignorant of his partner's fit of laughter he had caused as he waited for his coffee to be made, taking one of the towels they had been provided and wiping the sweat off of his face. The daytime did not help the heat levels in the room and he hoped that the shed they were about to spend their day at had some sort of air conditioning at least. While waiting for his drink to finish he decided it would be best to pop into the shower and cool off, or at least get the sweat off of him before he changed into his clothes. He went inside the tiny bathroom and immediately began to feel slightly claustrophobic as he turned on the water.
When he looked down at his exercise briefs he was surprised to see that he hadn't been the only one to waken up, the front of the spandex stretched out to contain his growing erection. He was pretty sure he didn't have that when Frank was up, or at least he hoped he didn't, and as he grabbed the bulge to give it a squeeze it caused him to moan slightly. He found himself biting his lip as he slowly peeled down the edge of it and caused the member to flop out, revealing himself to be fully erect as soon as it was exposed to the air. It was something that he had not expected to see while he was on assignment, but fortunately he had the best remedy for it as he hopped into the cold shower.
Though his body shivered as soon as he hit the water it didn't serve to lower his throbbing maleness at all, Sam grunting in frustration as he looked at the stubborn erection. "Alright then," he said as he wrapped a hand around it. "Just going to get rid of you the old-fashioned way."
Sam let out a huff of pleasure as he began to stroke himself, feeling his toes curl against the cheap plastic as he rubbed the sensitive flesh of his shaft. With one hand working it his other went up to his chest, rubbing up and down in order to provide extra stimulation in order to get himself off quicker. While he was enjoying himself immensely, he had to go to work soon as he worked himself harder. As his fingers brushed up against his nipples however he felt his cock surge and it nearly took his breath away.
That's a new one, the man thought to himself as he gave them a tweak with his fingers. The sudden pressure against the nub brought on another wave of pleasure and caused him to stroke faster, which only served to make him want more from the new erogenous zone. Eventually Sam pressed his back against the shower wall as he worked both areas hard, grunting and moaning as he worked himself up to climax. Soon his cum splattered against the wall before being washed down the drain as the man panted heavily while still holding onto his dribbling member.
"This is more like college then I thought," he said to himself as he shook off the last of the afterglow of his orgasm left him. He got out of the shower quickly and toweled himself off, going back out into the main room of the dorm to look at himself in the mirror. "Wait, what is that..."
At first Sam thought he had came so hard he had gotten some in his hair, but as he brushed the wet strands aside it appeared that some of them had just gone white in a streak. While he was too young to be going white-haired it seemed to only be affecting certain ones that created the line in his otherwise short, black hair. It was possibly just a sun streak from being outside, he thought to himself as he dried the rest of himself off before getting dressed. When he looked at his phone he found that he still had a few minutes before he was required to check into base command, and when he realized he had ruined his coffee by staying in the shower too long he sighed and resigned himself to get a cup of coffee as well as something to eat.
Meanwhile Frank had finished up his food and was looking around the athletic center of the college. As part of their cover for being there they had been given access to all the same amenities as students, and though the agent never fancied himself as someone who worked out a lot he found himself intrigued by it. As he looked at the college athletes that were working out he found that even with his training he had a long way to go before he looked like one of them. His thoughts also strangely went back to the wolf alien that they had encountered and realized that he was bigger than anyone in this gym, which made it even more fortunate that they hadn't gotten ripped limb from limb by it when they first encountered the two aliens.
It also made him wonder about the intentions that those two had as he wandered from equipment to equipment. If their purpose of coming down wasn't to interact with them, then why were they there in the first place? Was it some sort of intergalactic pit stop, the two of them pulling off to the side of some space highway so that they could work on something with their ships? Or did they have something possibly more nefarious in mind for the human species... but if that was what their plan was they clearly had superior technology, so what were they waiting for?
His thoughts were interrupted when he suddenly heard a voice next to him, turning to see a man slightly older than him with a badge that stated he was part of the faculty. "Couldn't help but notice that you were just kind of looking around like a deer caught in the headlights," the advisor said as he reached out and shook Frank's hand. "My name is Miles and I'm the athletic coordinator for the college. Are you here as part of a team or just looking to try and stave off the freshman fifteen?"
"Oh, I... um..." Frank replied, finding himself chuckling nervously. "I suppose I've been looking to work out a little bit while I'm here, just not sure where to start I guess. Hopefully I didn't freak anyone out with my thousand-yard stare but I just have a lot on my mind."
"I can certainly understand that," Miles replied with a chuckle. "Starting a routine can be daunting but I'm between appointments right now so I can help you out. Why don't we go ahead and establish a baseline for you first and then I can tell you what you should use in order to get into working out."
Frank found himself nodding despite the fact he knew he couldn't stay here long. The last thing he needed was to get yelled at by his senior agent for not checking in when he was supposed to but the thought of pumping iron here was becoming a much more intriguing prospect. The man eventually brought him to a machine that he stated would stimulate doing a bench press in a more controlled manner, Frank finding himself resting on a bench with the bar hanging above his head. Once the trainer had moved the weight into the correct position he told him to go ahead and do five reps.
The sound of metal clanging against one another filled the room as he did the five reps, feeling it easily go up and down. The trainer told him to wait for a second and he heard the weights get adjusted once more before told to go again. This repeated several more times before finally Frank felt the strain of the added wait and could only do four before he had to stop, breathing hard as he got up from the bench. He could feel the muscles in his arms burning as he went over and looked at the weight he had managed to lift before he had to stop.
"Not bad for a beginner, not bad at all," the trainer commented as he saw that the weight had been set to two hundred pounds. "Your form was a little clumsy but that will come with practice, I have a few exercises that you can do which will get you up to lifting double that weight within a year if you want. Just don't over-exert yourself, alright?"
Frank nodded as he continued to stare at the number on the weights, then down at his own arms. While he didn't feel like he was weak it was surprising to find out just how much of his strength training he had retained even after taking a few years off. Despite himself he flexed his arm and felt he muscle there, grinning slightly to himself. He hadn't even realized that he wasn't listening to the trainer until he felt a pat on his shoulder.
"Also don't forget a healthy diet too," Miles continued on. "You can't just get your iron from the gym, you also have to make sure college eating habits don't catch up with you."
For a second Frank just stood there until his eyes widened and he felt the laughter once more trickle out of his mouth. "Iron... at the gym..." he said as it grew more audible until most of the gym had looked over, the man continuing to chuckle until he finally died down and wiped a tear from his eye. "That's hilarious man!"