A Swan Song (6/6)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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An alien species drifted through space on one of the few life preservers that his species had created, but before he could recover completely a malfunction forces the creature to find the nearest populated planet. Thus sets off a series of events in a desperate bid to not only survive but also try and thrive as the last of his species.

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As day turned to night for those that stayed in the dorm Sam was finishing off his dinner and starting to watch television, settling in for the night. Unlike his roommate there was nothing that he did between wrestling seasons other than work out in the gym and that allowed him to have much more free time. Normally that meant going out with friends, but it seemed that there was a lull in his social calendar as the texts he sent to others to see if there was something going on were either met with no response or a very quick text back saying they were busy. After not finding anyone to hang out with Sam sighed and wondered if there was just a lot of homework that people had, something that he didn't have to worry about since he was a wrestling superstar just like his roommate.

Just as he thought about seeing if he could score some liquor he heard the door open and turned to see Jake walking in with a big smile on his face. "You look pretty happy," Sam said as he watched Jake take off his coat. "You score the winning run or something?"

"It was just a practice," Jake replied. "And I happened to meet up with the wrestling coach who gave me a few new moves, something he learned a conference he went to."

"Ah, that's why you're so late," Sam replied as the other guy sat down on the couch. As he looked at Jake something seemed... off about him, and not just the fact that he was happy but the entire way he held himself. Though they both had the reputation of being meathead jocks from their size and sport he knew his roommate was actually rather shy and timid, but as Jake snatched the remote from the table and changed the channel his demeanor was cockier and more arrogant than before.

"Yeah, I think that they're pretty good ones too," Jake replied as he flipped through the channels, though his eyes kept flicking over towards Sam. "If you want I can give you a little demo, that way I won't kick your butt in front of the others when we start the season."

"Wow, someone's balls dropped today it seems," Sam shot back as he found himself sneering back as he suddenly found himself being challenged, something that usually didn't happen in their dorm as he was used to being the alpha male. "Alright then, let's do it. I'll have to go and get my singlet from the locker though."

"What, and give you a chance to prepare?" Jake stated as he surprised the other man by taking off his shirt. "We'll do this Roman style, old school."

Sam was stunned by the behavior of his roommate as he watched him quickly pull down his pants. "Whoa, let's take a second before we start oiling ourselves up here," he said quickly, stopping Jake in the middle of his disrobing. "I'm not sure what's suddenly gotten into you to be up for naked wrestling but I'm not going to get rug burns on my junk just so you can show me whatever moves you learned today."

"Sounds like someone is worried that I'll be able to pin them," Jake joked, smirking as he saw the look of indignant outrage on the other man. "Look, if you're worried about things flopping around we can keep on the jocks, but I want to practice these with someone and the gym is already locked for the night. So unless you want me to go around and tell others that you're a huge chicken you'll strip down and face me like a man."

At this point Sam thought more of his pride and taking down his challenger than anything else and stood up to take off his shirt. He was the team captain of the squad after all, and he was more than willing to take this newfound arrogance of his teammate and knock it down a peg or two. Though it happened occasionally Sam usually was the one that pinned Jake, though as he watched him take off his clothes it was clear that he had been working out. When he asked Jake if he had been taking steroids or something his roommate just continued to smirk at him before moving the couch out of the way to give them more space to work.

Once they were done the two muscular men stood in the empty space of their living room, both wearing only their jocks as Sam continued to feel slightly ill at ease about this. It appeared that Jake had no problem being nearly naked as he told him about the first move and told him to get into position to start the round. Once they were both in place the awkwardness for him continued to rise as he could feel their bare skin pressing against one another, trying not let it get to him as Jake counted it down. Once they reached zero both guys used their strength and the tactics that they learned over the years in order to pin the other.

To Sam's surprise he quickly found himself on his back with the other guy on top of him, Jake grinning even more at him as he looked down. "Seems like this move was more than you can handle," he said as he leaned in. "Maybe I shouldn't show you these, I like the feeling of you being underneath me."

Sam scoffed at that and pushed Jake off of him before getting up and asking what the next move was. Though his cheeks burned slightly in embarrassment it wasn't because he had gotten pinned, it was the manner in which it happened. Somehow the other man had definitely gotten stronger than before and the feel of those muscles bulging against his were pushing all types of buttons that he had tried to remain hidden from everyone. One thing he was grateful for was that he had insisted on wearing some type of underwear, especially as he went into the next position and felt the thick leg of the other male pressed against his bare backside briefly.

The second move went as well as the first and once more Sam was on his back, groaning as he was pinned to the ground in less time than before. This time Jake didn't say anything and merely helped him back to his feet so they could set up for the last move. As he settled on his hands and knees he began to worry if his top spot in the team was in danger, which would suck considering that this was the last year that he could do it before he would go on to college. Those thoughts suddenly became the least of his concerns though as he felt the other wrestler on top of him and instantly realized two things...

...Jake was no longer wearing his jockstrap...

...and his cock was huge as it pushed between his cheeks. His already incredibly aroused body shuddered in pure bliss as his hole was expertly stretched open, feeling it start to slide inside of him as his muscles remained locked in shock. "Just relax..." Sam heard Jake say as he let out short gasps of pleasure from the thick tool somehow sliding effortlessly inside of him. "Your new purpose will be given to you, my masters have decided you will join me."

Sam tried to buck the other guy off but found it impossible, as though somehow Jake was gaining even more mass and keeping him in his position as his insides were spread open. As he looked back down at the carpet he let out an even louder gasp as he saw the hands and forearms of the male on top of him bulged and swelled with more muscle while the skin itself started to become discolored. As more of the increasingly rubber cock began to push inside him, the growing length aiding in getting deeper into his already corrupted body, he saw one of those hands reach up and slide across his abs where a bulge was forming from where the maleness was in him. At first he thought that he was about to get his own erection freed, but instead the rubber palm pressed against the outside of the jock and felt it suction to his groin as the shiny material covered it completely!

As Sam opened his mouth to try and get some answers he saw something enter into his field of vision, hearing Jake's pants grow deeper and gravelly as his face began to swell. As it happened in his peripheral it was like someone was pushing out his mouth from the inside as his nose swelled as well, nostrils flaring as bright purple rubber leaked out of them. All the freaked out male could do was watch his roommate as the tongue of the transforming creature stretched out past his lips, lengthening and turning shiny before it suddenly arched back up. With Sam completely pinned by the mutating rubber creature all he could do was try to lean away before he began to feel something push into his ear.

Jake let out a large snort as the alien egg that had been inside him spread, his cock throbbing inside of his roommate as he began to feel another in his heavy sack start to make its journey. His already impressive musculature had been growing even before they got to the third position, his jock snapping off from his growing cock before he pushed it into the human beneath him. With his personality no longer needed it quickly dropped and the transforming alien rubber bull merely stared blankly ahead, his mind completely inundated with euphoria at performing his master's will as his rubber tongue tentacle pushed into Sam's ear. The slave egg that Noah had created would not be far behind as Jake felt a pair of horns pushing out of his head, adding to his new bovine features as his rubberized feet hardened into hooves while still pressing against the human legs of the one beneath him.

With Sam completely impaled by the thick rubber cock to the point where it was stretching out his washboard abs there was little he could do but writhe as he felt the tentacle sliding inside of him, unable to see the two bulges heading down them towards his own body. He definitely felt them though and his entire body went completely still as they pushed into him at the same time. By that point both his rear end and the ear with the tentacle in it had become completely rubberized, allowing the egg-like objects to pass by and only cause a burst of pleasure in the one they were being inserted into. The second that they left the appendages that delivered them the rubbery objects burst open, flooding Sam with the transformative alien DNA that caused his entire musculature to ripple as it began to flow through his blood stream.

As the black rubber on his jock spread Sam could feel his cock become trapped, forming into a null bulge as his eyes went glassy. With the insertion complete the slave rubber bull bodyguard pulled out his cock, seeing the butt cheeks that had been clamped around them expand and inflate even more as a bulge formed just above it. As the thing that had been keeping him there pulled away Sam suddenly found himself free again, but all he could do was flop over to his back as his face began to stretch. He could see the blank eyes of the bull staring down at him as his toenails turned black before the rest followed suit, morphing into a pair of hooves similar to those of the one standing in front of him.

The transforming creature let out a loud groan of frustration as his hands went down to his groin, the intense desire and lust that had been implanted in him unable to be released as more alien rubber covered his body. As his hair lengthened and his ears stretched Sam quickly found any concern for that falling to the wayside. Even with his muscles growing bigger to the point where he would put a professional athlete to shame and a tail sprouting from his backside all he could think about was his cock and the need to stroke it. But even as he felt the shaft transforming within its shiny prison there was nothing he could do as he laid back while his face continued to contort.

Serve... the word came unbidden into Sam's mind but the potency of it caused his hips to thrust up into the air. Images of reptilian creatures came to mind, ones that his mind told him were his masters as the slave egg in his transformed brain began to spread. As his head warped into an equine shape his mind continued to tell him that he was a slave to these creatures, that they were the ones that thought for him, that he just needed to let such things go and he could get his release. As purple rubber leaked from his ears and his tongue pushed up into the air while becoming a tentacle he suddenly found every augmented muscle in his body tense as he was brought to the breaking point.

Suddenly the thick rubber cock of the new alien horse slave pushed out from its cocoon as Sam's psyche caved, the need to get off more important than anything else... even his free will. As the images of the aliens he would serve cemented in his mind he suddenly brought his rubber covered hands up to stroke the two-foot long shaft, causing him to nearly roll around on the floor. When that wasn't enough he looped his arms around his legs and used his new flexibility to push nearly a foot of it into his own muzzle. As his tentacle tongue wrapped around it the rest of the way to the base his eyes turned a solid purple while he continued to bob his head up and down while getting it down into his throat for even more stimulation.

It wasn't long before the new bodyguard slave came in his own mouth, and with it everything else in his mind washed away with it. The frantic nature of his self-sucking quickly ended and he allowed his body to stretch out once more, then wordlessly got to his feet. As his cock was pulled back up into his groin and once more covered with rubber he saw that the bull that had been watching him had the same thing between his legs, neither needing their tool unless their alien masters wished it. But at the moment they could feel that they were needed for something else and the two wordlessly transformed back to humans before getting dressed and answering the call.

Meanwhile Allen was making his way towards the same dorm room, except the call that he had gotten was from his teammate Nate. Both he and his roommate, who was the captain of the team that they were on, had gotten a message saying that they needed to meet for a very important reason. His roommate had gone up first with him following right behind and he even saw him as he got to the correct floor. He told him to wait up and ran to the door before sliding inside and letting it close behind him.

Much to both of their surprise they were not the only ones that were sitting in the living area of the dorm room; there were four others besides Nate and Noah, who also had someone that neither of them recognized standing near them. "Thank you guys for coming on short notice," Noah said as he gestured the two standing there to have a seat. "There are two others that will be coming shortly but they already know what's going on so we can start without them. For those of you who don't know this is Stephen, who works in the IT department of the school."

"I'm just going to get straight to it," the slightly older man said as he stepped forward. "The reason that you six are here right now is because we've been monitoring internet activity that's been coming from this dorm, including site traffic." Those that were sitting on the couch suddenly seemed to stiffen slightly, a few giving looks to one another before focusing back on Stephen. "Without needing to embarrass anyone that's here let's just say that the material you watch is... interesting, and though there are quite a few that look at similar material you six stood out because of the last link you all clicked mere hours before getting called here."

As the color drained from the faces of those that were sitting there Noah quickly stepped up and moved towards the front of the group, getting their attention once more. "I can tell you all that no one is going to be in trouble here," Noah stated. "In fact we want to reward you for being so curious, seeing as how we sent the link."

"Wait, that was you guys?" Allen spoke up as the others looked at one another in shock and confusion. "Why?"

"To see who would take the bait," Noah answered. "Not only did you six open the link but spent considerable time watching its contents. Since you seem to be quite interested we brought you all up here to join in."

"I knew those walls were familiar!" the team captain said. "That's you three, isn't it? You're the ones in the costumes!"

"Yes... and no," Noah stated with a grin as he looked over at Stephen. "Drone, why don't you demonstrate for them?"

The group looked in confusion as Noah took a step back and Stephen quickly shed his clothes save his jock, then looked at them all with a lustful grin as his body began to morph right in front of their eyes. In a matter of a minute the man standing there nearly naked was replaced with a rubber alien wolf creature that most of them had seen before. As Allen looked in awe at what he saw one of them jumped up and shouted as he made a beeline for the door. He only got a few steps however before he, and the others that turned to see what he was doing, saw that two incredibly muscular rubber creatures, the horse and bull slave standing there with their arms crossed.

"As you can see you six have a choice," Noah said, his voice deepening as rubber scales cascaded over his body while the same thing happened to Nate. "You can either accept our gift and be turned into drones, or you can try to leave here and be turned into slaves like the ones standing at the door. We're not offering this to everyone, so count yourselves as extremely lucky that you'll be able to choose how you exit your humanity."

It didn't take long for the first of them to make their choice, a rather scrawny man that Allen recognized in his electrical engineering class standing up and looking at the wolf drone before saying that he wanted to be like him. "Another one for the pack it seems," Noah said with a smirk. "Not surprising from you considering that you spent by far the longest time watching our streams and especially the ones that focused on him, so go ahead and take your prize since you certainly know how."

As the first stepped towards the rubber wolf the others continued to shift around uneasily, looking between the creatures that surrounded them. "I... have a question," Allen's roommate stated. "What's the difference between a drone and a slave? They kind of sound like the same thing to me."

"A drone is one that has autonomy and aside from following orders is able to do other things," Nate stepped forward to explain, going around the human that knelt in front of the wolf drone. "Slaves still have their wits about them, but their wills and thoughts are bound to us completely. Unless we tell them too they won't respond or think except for how to fulfill their duties to us... barring extenuating circumstances, and in return they feel constant pleasure for serving their masters."

"I see..." the team captain said. "I suppose that being a drone would be better, more like a servant."

"Actually..." Noah said, a smile forming on his and Nate's muzzle as he motioned for the human to stand up. "Due to your accomplishments we have a special offer for you and only you, and that is to become like us. Not just a drone or a slave, but a full-fledged alien capable of turning others since you have proven that you are quite the leader as well as other things."

There were quite a few shocked faces in the dorm, though for some it was the fact that the one infatuated with the wolf drone had taken the rubber cock of the creature into his mouth while the clawed hands of the alien creature pressed against the back of his head. As Allen looked over at his roommate he could see the wheels turning in his head, at the offer he had been given before finally shrugging his shoulders. "I suppose it would be silly of me to not take an offer like this," he said as he stood up. "What do I need to do?"

"Take a seat on the throne," Noah replied with a smirk, going to the empty armchair sitting down while gripping on his rubber member. "We can take care of you while the others try to make up their mind on what they would like to be."

As the team captain stood up Allen quickly grabbed him by the shirt to stop him from going forward. "Are you... are you sure about this?" he quickly said. "They're going to turn you into a monster."

"Going to happen regardless," the team captain said as he took off his shift so that Allen was just holding onto that, revealing his toned body as he gave a wry grin to him. "Why not become a drone yourself, I'm sure that these two are going to continue our late-night private practices whether we're aliens or not. Plus I'm already your captain, so it's not like you're suddenly going to find yourself on top."

Allen could feel his cheeks turn red as the others looked over at him in mixed states of shock and bemusement. Since the two had found out about one another a few weeks after they had moved in they had been sleeping together off and on, mostly whenever the captain was horny. It was mostly due to how easy it was but over time Allen had developed feelings for him outside of the bedroom and wasn't sure how to deal with it. That appeared to be a moot point though as he stripped naked and began to lower himself down onto the chair with the cock of the alien creature sliding up inside of him.

There was a loud growl and they saw that the one that had been sucking off the alien wolf had started to sprout synthetic hair on his body that pushed out of the seams of his clothing that had started to tear. The man was practically shaking as new muscle grew on his body, causing his frame to expand to handle it as his shirt ripped down the back to expose the rubber on his back. The wolf changing him had started to thrust his hips forward and slide deeper into the other male as the human's ears could be seen creeping up his head while his face pushed out into a muzzle. It wasn't long after that the changing human pulled off and turned around, bending over and raising up the stub of his rubber tail to invite the other drone to mount him.

"Now it's really turning into a party," Nate said as he looked over at the remaining three humans as well as Allen. "What are your decisions? Better hurry, or I have some horny slaves that would be happy to make it for you."

"I'll... I'll be a drone," the one on the end said.

"Me too," the middle human also stated.

"So if I become a slave will I be as jacked as those two over there?" the last one asked.

"If you wish we can make that happen," Nate answered. "They are the bodyguard slaves responsible for our protection, as such we make them as strong as possible while also making them very... single-minded in their purpose."

"All that strength and no need to make bad life choices anymore?" The last human said as he got up from the couch. "Sign me up for that, I was going to drop out of here soon anyway."

"Then I'm sure they'll be more than willing to help," Nate said as he motioned for him to move over there before looking at the others. "As for you two I will be transforming you myself, and in a rare treat you'll be the ones having me. Now make some room and get naked before I change my mind."

The other two were more than happy to oblige the one that they had seen on their monitors only a few hours before, which left Allen sitting there. The draconic alien had not asked what his choice in the matter was and as he stat there the sounds of sex were starting to grow more prevalent with every second. As the bigger rubber alien wolf thrusted into the smaller one that was still transforming he could see that the team captain had managed to get himself hilted by the alien, his legs up in the air where he could see the toes merging and becoming rubbery as they morphed into something more draconic and alien in nature. Already Noah had started to thrust up into him as he stroked the human cock while it became rubbery and grew slightly more rigid...

"Why don't you go ahead and come on over instead of just staring at it?" Noah said as he looked around the one he was changing, who was panting loudly as he started to rise up and down on the alien rod that was transforming him. "If you want you can be his drone."

His drone... while he had never entertained the idea of such a thing the fact that Allen usually let the team captain take charge made such a thing more desirable. As he slowly got up from the couch he heard a loud snort and turned back to see the human that had gone over there was completely naked and up in the air, his back pressed against the bull that was riding him as the outline of the cock that had been pushed into him was clearly seen pushing out his stomach. The horse was leaning in and had his black tentacle tongue pushed into the ear of the other male as something could be seen traveling up the thick bull shaft, bulging out the human's stomach as the horse slave pushed an athletic cup onto his groin and sealed it with rubber. Allen could see his entire body ballooning with new muscle before his attention was once more brought back towards the ones that had prompted him in the first place to come over.

As Allen walked forward he was stopped briefly by the two humans that Nate had taken to converting, the human looking over to see that already they had started to thrust into the alien creature between them. Both were completely naked and as he walked by them he saw that when they pulled out their members were already completely shiny and black as synthetic alien scales spread out from their groins. Both were clearly lost in the pleasure of the one they were spit-roasting to the point they didn't notice their fingernails turning black and sharp, their spines lengthening as a tail pushed out from above their backsides, and teeth forming into fangs as their jaws pushed out into muzzles. He watched the two lizard drones forming for a few more seconds before finally moving over to where Noah and the team captain was, who was also almost completely covered in the alien rubber with far more draconic features.

"Go on, he's already able to convert others," Noah said, hearing the male on top of him hissing as his tailhole squeezed the cock completely inside of him while his own was being teased by the alien. "You can go either way, whichever is comfortable for you."

Allen found himself swallowing hard as he did so, but as he started to get close he looked up at Noah who tilted his head in question. "I... have one small request," Allen stated. "Could I... be turned into a cheetah drone? I always wanted to run really fast..."

Noah chuckled and nodded, then once more motioned for Allen to get started. As he took the alien cock and brought his head down towards it he suddenly had a flash back to the first time he sucked off his roommate. This was a far different situation though and as the others continued to transform into alien drones and slaves behind him Allen found his focus completely on the writhing creature in front of him. He heard a deep voice tell him to hurry up and looked to see the solid purple eyes of the transformed male staring down at him with a lustful grin. That was all that it took as Allen leaned down and sealed his fate, feeling his lips start to tingle immediately as soon as the rubber from the tip of it made contact with his face.

Within a few hours everyone that Noah and Nate had brought up was completely converted, along with a campus security guard that was now another hulking alien rubber horse that laid between the two bull slaves with the tatters of his uniform still hanging on him. It was certainly a good start for their little hive, the progenitor alien thought as he shifted his position so he could slide out from the third alien they had created and the rubber cheetah drone that sat in his lap. As he went over to the kitchen he saw that Nate was already there, the two nearly identical lizardmen drones he had created sucking each other off on the couch after he had left.

"We have ourselves quite the start," Nate stated as he poured the two of them a drink. "The one we changed to be one of us can handle their floor and those drones or slaves on it while we continue to spread along here. Of course now that we have plucked most of the easy fruit from this tree things are going to get a little harder."

"This is very true," Noah replied after taking a sip, looking over at the two wolves pressed against one another. "I think it might be time that our IT person move on from campus, take a job somewhere with better access to things. For the rest of them we can put them on the channel, start showing them off to the world and make it look like we're building ourselves an actual company."

"We certainly have the resources for it now," Nate replied. "Perhaps we should think about cutting ties with this former life of our hosts? I'm not sure if you've checked the accounts recently but there are quite a few zeros in it and this place is going to quickly become cramped with all these new converts."

A new place... Noah knew that his mate was right, while it would be nice to just assimilate everyone in this place there will be those that actively resist the gifts they would want to give to them. Meanwhile they had a following in the tens of thousands of people who would probably freely give themselves up to become a part of this, especially if those that they had just changed were any indicator. It would be a bit messy to do it at this point, but there was only a few months left before their graduation and they would need to find a place to get things ready and also hold all their new converts at once. By the time they found something and got through all the complicated process that humans felt the need to put in for such a thing they would probably just have to do a few more weeks before leaving this place for good.

When he relayed all this information to Nate he just smiled and nodded, holding his glass in the air in front of Noah. "Then I think we can call this the official rebirth of our species," Nate stated with a smirk. "And with enough work we can put ourselves off the endangered species list."

"Far more than that," Noah said with a dark chuckle. "Eventually we're going to be the only species on this planet... and that will make for a good start."

A Swan Song (5/6)

With the integration of a drone in the IT department of their school it not only made it easier for the two aliens in the dorm to cover their tracks but they were also able to expand the scope of the little business they had going on. It also...

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A Swan Song (4/6)

With the assimilation of his roommate it allowed Noah to expand his reach to the entirety of the dorm room, no long needing to hide in his bedroom now that Nate was his mate. It was a good thing for him since he had expended much of his energy in...

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A Swan Song (3/6)

The next few days Noah planned while also continuing to recover; just like with the initial merging the transformation of the human vessel and sublimation of their consciousnesses had drained most of the new alien's energy. That combined with the...

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