A Swan Song (4/6)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#4 of A Swan Song

An alien species drifted through space on one of the few life preservers that his species had created, but before he could recover completely a malfunction forces the creature to find the nearest populated planet. Thus sets off a series of events in a desperate bid to not only survive but also try and thrive as the last of his species.

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With the assimilation of his roommate it allowed Noah to expand his reach to the entirety of the dorm room, no long needing to hide in his bedroom now that Nate was his mate. It was a good thing for him since he had expended much of his energy in the transformation process; he had to take a few days off of school feigning sickness in order to shift back to his human form, and even after the first day of rest he found that he still had certain appendages such as his tail hanging out or his feet continuing to look draconic in nature. Eventually he did manage to get the hang of it and with the help of his new mate he was able to get back to Noah's previously human schedule before too many people got suspicious. After about a week everything was back to normal as far as appearances went, though things were far from that way inside the dorm room of the two alien creatures.

With the addition of Nate the adult fan site account that Noah had set up in order to rake in money while waiting to take over more had exploded with growth. The two of them together had tripled their income... but it was also starting to garner more attention with them. They attempted to be careful by hanging up sheets in order to try and disguise their location but it was clear that some people had already figured out that they were either high school seniors or college students. Thanks to Nate however they managed to hide their location digitally as well as install some additional security software to make sure that they weren't discovered quite yet.

Once more the weekend rolled around and Noah was laying sprawled out on their couch, completely naked and in his alien form while Nate was in a similar situation rubbing his huge clawed feet. "Now that I have recovered," Noah stated. "I think it's time we think about expanding our ranks. You're a good mate for helping with all this but you shouldn't have to, not when we have all these drones and servants buzzing around. Perhaps its time we start expanding our influence to the rest of this floor, especially with one or two already talking about taking the early graduation option and leaving early."

"I think that's a wonderful idea," Nate said with a grin. "There are a couple of people on my team that I wouldn't mind sinking my claws into that live on a few floors below us, so being able to snag them would help increase our presence in two different areas."

Noah nodded and leaned back as Nate's rubbery fingers pressed against his arch, thinking about the track team that he was on. Almost the entirety of the varsity squad was made up of seniors as well and while some were also in this building there were quite a few that weren't. Once he had gotten them they could start spreading through their neighborhoods, droning and converting others that were there in order to produce more of their kind. There were also a few on his list that would be turned into full aliens like him and Nate so that they wouldn't be in charge of everything. This wasn't just about taking over the planet, Noah reminded himself, he was revitalizing his very species so that they could rebuild their empire that was so cruelly taken from him.

As the two continued to discuss what was going to happen next there was a knock at the door that caused them both to freeze and look at one another. While they were thinking about ordering food neither had done so and they also hadn't ordered anything recently with the additional funds they had acquired. That meant this was an entirely unexpected guest and as the two quickly got up and scrambled around to both shift back into their human forms and get their clothing on. By the time they had gotten back to presentable states the door had knocked for a second time before Noah went over and opened it.

"Hey there," the man on the other side of the door said. "My name is Stephen, I'm with the IT department just doing some testing on the network. There's been some unusual activity coming from this floor and I just need to make sure that its not a hardware issue."

"Of course," Noah said as he stepped aside, allowing the other man entrance as Nate watched from the kitchen while pretending to make food. "Did you need to plug into any particular place?"

Stephen just shook his head and said that he would be starting in the living room and moving their way from there. As Noah moved over to the kitchen where Nate was in order to let the man do his work he tried to keep the snarl from forming on his face. Except for his new computer there was nothing in the entire dorm that would have signaled that they were alien creatures and not just ordinary high school seniors, but that didn't stop him from feeling angry in allowing this human in. As he watched the IT guy however he did have to say that while the intrusion wasn't wanted he didn't mind the view as the guy bent over in order to plug into one of their outlets.

Judging from the human's memories this particular person was probably only a few years older than them, maybe around the early twenties mark to their eighteen. He also clearly took care of himself as Noah eyed him up, seeing glimpses of his musculature from the way he moved. It wasn't until he stood up and turned towards them did the alien realize he was staring and quickly moved his eyes down towards the sink. He moved his head back up when Stephen said he was done with the living room and wanted to test their bedrooms quick before moving on to the next one.

Noah and Nate looked at one another before Noah volunteered to go first, showing him towards his room where everything was messy but still well-kept enough. "Whew, that's quite a rig you got there," Stephen whistled as he saw the computer sitting on the desk. "Are you a videographer or something that needs all that juice?"

Noah tried not to swallow hard as he saw the IT guy continue to look over his computer, clearly recognizing the components within. "Nate is going into computer engineering and I've been thinking about doing photography," Noah bluffed. "We pooled our money into buying this computer since we're going to be living together after school ends."

"Sounds like you and Nate are thick as thieves," Stephen replied with a chuckle as he went over and sat on the bed, surprising Noah slightly at the sudden change in the human's demeanor. "I suppose you would have to be in order to trust one another to share a computer like that, though I can tell that's not the only thing that you two like to do together." Noah felt his blood freeze in his veins when the IT guy laid back and began to unbutton his shirt, revealing his bare chest. "Imagine my surprise when I was monitoring the networks and I saw you two posting quite the illicit content to that site, and thankfully I found out exactly where it was before you got your boy toy in the next room involved who was better at hiding things than you."

Noah cursed mentally as he realized that his fear had come to life; Stephen not only knew about what they were doing but also that it was them. As the human exposed his admittedly nice chest and gave him a smug grin the alien figured that at least the IT guy didn't seem to know their true natures... something that would give him at least some advantage as he narrowed his eyes at the other man. "I guess there's really no reason to deny it at this point," Noah said, watching the grin get wider on the other man. "So what is it that you want exactly?"

"Nothing much... just thirty percent of your revenue to keep quiet," Stephen said, catching Noah by surprise as he heard himself gasp audibly. "Plus I think a private show every once in a while would be nice. While I'm not really into that whole rubber cosplay thing that you two do I am certainly curious enough to have you two give me the full treatment, and I have to say that the costumes are great ways to keep your identities secret... which is something I'm sure you want to continue, right?"

"So, it's blackmail then," Noah replied, trying not to growl before he gave Stephen a smile. "Let me talk to my partner and see about your terms."

"Just so you know they're non-negotiable," Stephen replied as Noah began to leave the room. "If you two don't want the entire town to know what you freaks have been doing here you'll say yes. Think of it as a strategic business move."

As Noah glanced back he could see that the human had made himself right at home, his shirt completely off and rubbing the growing bulge in his pants. The alien tried not to slam the door as he went over to the kitchen, his purple eyes flashing as his inhuman features began to emerge from his disguise. "I take it that we're not just being checked on," Nate said as he watched Noah strip out of his clothes, watching him shake his head. "Ah, so he knows then."

"Only half the story," Noah replied with a growl, the corners of his emerging muzzle turning up into an evil grin as Nate began to revert back to his alien form as well. "Luckily for him I'm in the mood to finish the tale, if you don't mind helping me I think we can turn this into a win-win for us and our new friend in there..."

Meanwhile Stephen whistled to himself as he waited for the two to return, undoubtedly to accept his offer as he waited there on the bed with only his jockstrap. It had been a bold move for him to just go right in and blackmail the two but after seeing what those two did to each other in those movies it was less the monetary incentive and more wanting to have these two men as his playthings. He wanted to make sure that they knew he meant business though and the extra money would mean that he could quit his second job. From the number of views and posts on their shared adult account, not to mention the computer he found that sealed his assumptions, he would be enjoying the benefits from this new arrangement for a long time.

Just as he was about to take out his phone out of the pants he had discarded in order to pass the time he suddenly heard the door open, looking up to see two creatures walking in. His smirk widened as he saw that both Noah and Nate had changed into the costumes they used for the movie, the rubber shining in the light as they slowly approached him with lustful grins on their faces. "So I take it that's a yes then?" Stephen said as he propped himself up with his arms, watching the two nod in response. "Smart move."

"Well we wouldn't want our secret getting out," Noah said as he ran a clawed finger along the bare side of the human, watching him shiver slightly. "At least not yet. Plus you are a rather handsome specimen even if your personality is... lacking."

"I've been called worse," Stephen replied with a chuckle, though he was becoming increasingly distracted as the one he believed was Nate had started to crawl up between his legs with a hand on his jock. "I was actually going to ask if we could do this without the wierdo costumes but considering I'm hard as a rock and you two seem to be into it I'll let it slide... this time. Maybe we can do some of that roleplay stuff you do and you can be my loyal alien slaves or something."

"Or something," Noah stated, sliding up and pressing against his chest. "Don't worry about it and just relax, we'll make sure that you enjoy yourself. I promise that you're going to get into this far more than you realize."

Stephen was about to say something else but his focus was suddenly pulled away by something licking against his shaft, which until that moment had been contained by the jock he wore until Nate had slid his tongue into it. The strange draconic muzzle of the suit seemed to do just fine pushing in and enveloping his cock, causing the human to let out a gasp of pleasure. It seemed like even the inside of the other man's mouth was coated in the smooth, slick material and it caused him to wiggle around from the sudden shock of pleasurable sensation coming form his groin. He was so distracted by it that he didn't even see Noah crawling up on the headboard, using his flexibility to hover over the human until he was right on top of him.

The human continued to buck his hips up as the tongue and muzzle continued to tease his cock inside of the jock, then covered it back up before that smooth rubber began to slide down between his legs. Even with Nate no longer sucking him off he still felt a suction against his groin like it was still there, but before he could reach down and investigate what was happening he suddenly felt a weight against his chest and saw the groin of the other rubber male right in front of his face complete with throbbing member a few inches away form his lips. "Hey, what the hell is this?" Stephen asked as he managed to crane his neck up to see Noah leering down at him. "You need to join your friend down there, and if you're lucky I might let you get off."

"I think I'm feeling plenty lucky," Noah replied, watching as the human's eyes went wide as the tongue that had been teasing his inner thighs suddenly started to push between the cheeks of his rear and past the ring of muscle. "You humans, foolishly thinking that you are the master's of the universe when you have no idea what's out there. And to come in here and try to take what is mine like a dog chasing a bone, and that's exactly what you're about to become... with a few adjustments of course."

Before Stephen could respond Noah took his rubber alien cock and pushed it into his maw as it opened from the sudden stimulation coming from Nate. With the human's mouth he could only fit in the head and a few inches, but that was more than enough for what he planned to do. With his flesh being assimilated inside and out from his groin Nate quickly finished what he was doing and moved to be more between the human's legs and spread them out with his chest. Already he could see that the black and silver substance had started to spread, not only engulfing his groin but also assimilating the jock he wore until there was only a smooth, featureless bulge that twitched on occasion.

"I was hoping that our first drone would be someone from this floor," Noah said as he felt the human squirming under his powerful legs as he heard muffled cursing come from the other male while he put his hands against the back of his head, leaning forward with his inhuman flexibility until his muzzle was against the human's ear. "But I think that you will do just fine dog. Let's see how well you learn orders."

As Noah opened his mouth and let his tongue slither out he could already see the changes happening to the male beneath him, hearing more grunts coming from Stephen as more of the alien cock continued to push past his rubberized lips. After two assimilations the alien knew what he was doing, pressing the tip against the opening and allowing the rubber to seep inside before going any further. There was no need to be gentle with this one, the alien thought to himself with a grin as he began to infiltrate the human's skull at the same time Nate had lined up his own cock to push between those rubberized cheeks. Once more having his hole spread open cause Stephen to lose track of the fact that an alien tongue was pushing into his head, though as shiny purple liquid began to leak out of his nostrils Noah watched as his eyes rolled back into his head the second he touched the human's brain.

Their first drone... the mere idea of finally having someone that would serve them caused Noah to get excited enough that his thrusting hips pushed into the changing human even deeper. He was not creating a mate or someone that would be his equal, this creature would be their servant as he began to pump his increasingly gooey mind with subservience and obedience. Though he wouldn't mind getting rid of the blackmailer's odious personality completely he needed to keep him intact so that he would be able to live his life without suspicion. It was a shame... but Noah knew that he could work more on him later as he watched the alien rubber creep over the human's face.

Unlike either of the two aliens the ear that had the tongue tentacle pushed deep inside didn't melt into his skull, instead it pushed its way to the top of the transforming human's head as they stretched out into points. Stephen's head had already been mostly converted from the cock pumping into his stretching face and the tongue inside his ear, the two appendages working together to feed more of the alien material into him as Noah shaped the muzzle into something more lupine in nature. Though he had said he would turn the human into a dog he decided to opt for something fiercer in nature... an alien wolf drone would do quite nicely. Stephen had mentioned that he wanted to protect the two of them, so that would be exactly his purpose as he pulled his tongue out after seeing more alien fluid leaking from his other ear.

With Stephen's mind still stewing in the commands that had been given to him Noah shifted his body so he was the one sitting down with his back against the wall, taking the increasingly rubber wolf head and sliding his cock deep into his throat. He didn't have to move his hips much as Nate began to pound deep into the rear end of the rubbery male, using his hand to keep the growing tail out of his while he thrusted into their new drone. Noah could sense the intense pleasure coming form his mate as the inner walls squeezed delightfully around his shaft, pushing the wolf drone down onto the cock in his maw until it was stretching out his throat. Even with the eyes of the changing human becoming increasingly purple he could see the look of the last vestiges of Stephen glaring at him before the rubber covered them too and left his face completely smooth.

As the two of them continued to spit-roast the former human they could see more changes happening as the alien rubber cascaded over and assimilated every aspect of him. Keeping with the theme Stephen's feet turned into large rubber paws while his fingers grew claws on them, the two watching him let out muffled grunts and groans that deepened as his already decent musculature began to swell. With his mind thoroughly under the control of the two aliens they were more than willing to grow out his body, watching his rubber pectorals swell and his hips and thighs expand while Nate continued to thrust his cock into the new tailhole. Other than the general body shape everything else remained completely smooth and featureless; there was no reason for the wolf drone to have any of that since he was merely there to serve them.

Once they had finished with his transformation, both draconian alien creatures growling deeply as they orgasmed deep into the creature they had created. They continued to keep themselves embedded inside the rubber wolf until they had completely recovered from their climax, Noah being the first to pull off as he ran his finger across the lips of the male to seal up his mouth as well. It didn't take long for Nate to do the same, allowing their creation to lay there on his stomach with his hips still up in the air as thought waiting to be bred. Once they were done with that Noah quickly checked Stephen's phone to make sure that there was nothing to be worried about as far as future appointments, only to find that today was actually his day off.

"Figures," Nate said when Noah showed him the schedule of the heavily muscular alien wolf drone that laid there in their bed. "Looks like he got what he came here for... at least part of it. I feel like we made quite the counter offer."

"One that he couldn't refuse," Noah replied, snapping his fingers and causing the rubber wolf to look up with his shiny blank face. "Let's see how well we brought this dog to heel. Drone, I want you to stand up and kneel before your new masters."

Without a moment of hesitation the creature got up and bowed down before them in one fell swoop, his body glistening in the light as he lowered his head before them. Though it was clear that they had created a loyal drone there was still a bit of work to be done, mainly making sure that the line between Stephen and Drone was created so that one didn't seep into the other at an inopportune time. At the moment though the alien thoughts dominating the mind of the male in front of them appeared to be iron clad, especially when the alien wolf began to nuzzle against their legs. Since the saw that just how thoroughly the former human had been mentally indoctrinated they wanted to see how their creation fared physically as they told Drone to stand up and face them.

"Look at this," Nate said as he immediately went to the jock that their drone was still wearing, though it appeared that it had integrated itself into the groin of the male to form a seamless bulge. "Didn't think that we could do something like that with clothing."

"Me neither," Noah stated as his hands were occupied running up and down the smooth washboard abs of the wolf and sliding under his thick pectorals. "Appears we may have learned a new trick. In fact this gives me a little bit of an idea, but first we have to see and make sure that we haven't permanently affected our new drone."

After getting the order to transform back into human form they watched as the lupine features and extra muscle mass receded, forming into the man that had walked into their room. His eyes were still completely purple though that indicated the alien's hold on them as they inspected his body. It was clear some of the muscle growth they had given to their new drone had carried over as he flexed his biceps for them and gave them a few poses. What they were most interested in was the jock strap that he wore, and as they investigated it was clear that everything was entirely back to normal except that the material of the jock itself had become shiny.

Once they had seen that they had Drone turn back into his new natural form a few more times, testing out things such as with the jock only part ways up his legs or not having it on at all. They found that just like with being able to allow the rubber wolf to see, hear, and speak, they could also use that integrated material and allow him to either be exposed or seal him up. For Noah it caused him to smile, it was a charming aesthetic for a drone and it caused him to smirk when he watched the drone paw at it with a hint of frustration. With their IT spy neutralized they went to their laptop to go online, this time for a completely different website after checking the balance in their account...

By Sunday the packages they had ordered came thanks to next day delivery, and as the two aliens lounged out in their furniture, they had the rubber wolf between them rubbing their feet and legs. "I can see why you wanted a drone so bad," Nate said as he let out a groan from the tongue of their plaything licking up his calf and thigh. "I'm finding it rather hard to share at this rate."

"Fortunately we don't have to wait very long to rectify that," Noah replied with a chuckle. "But for now you better not hog that mouth of his, otherwise I'll have you join him."

Nate just smirked and tossed the leash over to Noah, who used it to tug their new drone over in his direction. The lead was attached to a thick rubber collar that they put around his neck that was connected to a gas mask they had specifically modified, the rubber covering his head in a way that made him look more drone like than before with his tongue still able to push out the front. Since this was their first creation they had gone a little overboard with everything else, the body of the rubber wolf decked out in a harness and cuffs that went up his arms and legs. Considering what the former human had come in there though it was fitting that they made sure that even in his drone-minded state the rubber wolf knew exactly his place in their new world at their feet.

After spending a few minutes on Noah the alien instructed him to go and get them some drinks as they began to discuss their next plan of action, the wolf drone immediately and wordlessly getting up and moving over toward the kitchen. The counter was littered with boxes that they had gotten and as the wolf drone moved several of the opened boxes aside one of them spilled out its contents, revealing the extra collars, masks, and such that they had ordered. The wolf didn't even acknowledge them as they went back with the filled glasses and handed them to each of his alien masters, though as he was about to return to his position at Noah's feet he felt a tug and looked to see what was wrong. The alien just smirked and shook his head, then pointed down at his groin and then the wolf's exposed hole.

"So I've been thinking about where we want to go with this next," Nate said as he watched the wolf drone lower himself onto the lap of the other alien, the thick cock sliding up into his tailhole causing the drone to let out a muffled grunt of pleasure. "Aside from more drones and servants we will need more like us, right? I was thinking that we make a list of all those that are outstanding in one field or another and turn them into more of our kind while still making more servants, that way we can get more control over the situation as our numbers expand."

Noah nodded a bit, pausing as his cock was completely plunged into the other male as their rubbery groins met. "I've had a few targets in mind myself," Noah admitted, still looking at Nate even as he began to roll his hips upwards to get even deeper into his drone. "Not only to get more of us out there but as potential drones and servants as well. Now that we have wolf here as our loyal drone we have the ability to monitor the information that comes in and out of this dorm as he so expertly showed us, and if we can drone a few more in areas like that then soon we can spread beyond this building and start getting our tendrils into the town itself and eventually the world."

"An entire world," Nate said, his body shivering in pleasure as he stood up and moved in front of the wolf, taking his cock and pushing it into the mouth of the lupine. "I think I would like everywhere to be like this."

"As would I," Noah chuckled as he rubbed and squeezed the bulge of the wolf drone. "But first thing's first, we acclimate our new drone to his position and then figure out how to find others that are just as malleable as this one. They're not even going to know what hit them."

A Swan Song (5/6)

With the integration of a drone in the IT department of their school it not only made it easier for the two aliens in the dorm to cover their tracks but they were also able to expand the scope of the little business they had going on. It also...

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A Swan Song (3/6)

The next few days Noah planned while also continuing to recover; just like with the initial merging the transformation of the human vessel and sublimation of their consciousnesses had drained most of the new alien's energy. That combined with the...

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A Swan Song (2/6)

When Noah woke up again he found himself laying face down on the floor completely naked, his entire body feeling like he had just ran a marathon as he slowly got himself back up to his feet. The last thing he remembered was going to his bed in...

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