A Swan Song (5/6)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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An alien species drifted through space on one of the few life preservers that his species had created, but before he could recover completely a malfunction forces the creature to find the nearest populated planet. Thus sets off a series of events in a desperate bid to not only survive but also try and thrive as the last of his species.

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With the integration of a drone in the IT department of their school it not only made it easier for the two aliens in the dorm to cover their tracks but they were also able to expand the scope of the little business they had going on. It also meant they had a playmate for their videos and their streams, and just like when Noah had added Nate the views and response had been incredible. Already their private e-mail for the site was exploding with requests for them to add more people to their roster, something that they were more than happy to accommodate. The one thing that Noah found particularly interesting was that one time when they were changing the rubber wolf so that he was no longer null bulged they had done so on camera, and instead of people freaking out they thought it was some sort of trick or special effect.

"It had never occurred to me until this moment how much lust blinds someone to the bizarre with this species," Noah said to Nate as the two lounged around their dorm in their alien forms, rubber bodies glistening in the light as the rubber wolf between them polished them with something they had found on the internet that seemed to work even with their alien physiology. "While I knew that it made those that I targeted more pliable the fact that this seems to be something that is ingrained in this species might make it easier when we take over this entire planet. I just wish the technology around here wasn't so primitive."

"To be fair, once you have taken over a few things you might find more advanced stuff," Nate replied, pausing and moaning slightly as their drone went between his legs. "But I can definitely see what you mean, perhaps we can use the channel as a recruitment tool, we already get quite a few requests to join in or expressing their desire to serve us."

Noah just nodded and sat there in silent contemplation, knowing that Nate was right but still trying to figure out how to utilize it. Ever since he had merged with the human and transformed his roommate he has grown in strength... but he didn't have the power or the thralls yet to take over the dorm, much less the entire city. He frowned slightly at that, was he starting to let the human part of his merged host start to get the better of him and be content with what he had? His mate and a single drone... though as he watched the rubber wolf and dragon start to get friskier with one another an idea suddenly came to mind and told them to stop and pay attention.

"You remember that thing you did where you tracked what dorm we were in," Noah said, the rubber wolf grinning sheepishly as he nodded. "Could you see if there were others in this dorm that might be logging onto that site, or something similar in nature? I want to put my theory to the test and I would like to try and find the most suitable test subject possible."

"Of course Master," the rubber wolf said as he stood up. "I'm supposed to be going in to work soon anyway, I will do what you ask and if I find anything I will text you immediately."

Noah nodded and the two continued to talk about what they were going to do next until eventually the wolf left. For the alien creatures they also had to revert back to their guise forms and get to work, continuing to live like they had as humans until it was no longer necessary. The ruse was starting to become tiresome but the last thing they needed was to rock the boat before they could get themselves into the position they wanted. As Noah became human once more and got dressed however he hoped that his plan to find others through their drone would be successful.

As the day progressed it did not take long for Noah to get the answer he was waiting for, his phone buzzing in the middle of practice with a text saying that he had found several that visited sites that entertained topics similar to their own channel... and there was one who had visited the channel itself. When the name came up on the screen the human part of the creature was surprised to find that it was one of the members of Nate's baseball team. When he identified who it was thanks to the names on the back of their jerseys he found that it was one of the outfielders standing there waiting for the ball to come to him. Like all the others on the team he was certainly athletic in nature, a bit bigger than the others too that made him wonder if this wasn't just something he played while waiting for something else like the wrestling or football season.

Noah had managed to get off practice early and though the need to convert others was starting to aggressively reassert itself the alien needed a little more info on his next prey. A human as big as that would not go down easy if they needed to use physical means to restrain him, and just like with the others a half-converted human running around screaming about aliens would not be good. They would have to go a similar route of corrupting his mental state... and fortunately they already knew a few things about him since they visited their channel such as being into rubber and likely gay or at least bisexual. Since it was extremely unlikely that their target would know that the two aliens he undoubtedly pleasured himself too were him and Nate they could go in and gather information without tipping their hand.

After texting Nate to meet up with him as soon as possible the alien creature waited inside the locker room. He had allowed the rest of his team to change and leave, going as slowly as he could and also taking a shower in order to stall for time. Though he was alone now Noah didn't want to appear suspicious, which if the baseball team took longer than normal to get back it would certainly seem that way. Fortunately it was only a few minutes after the last member of his team left that he heard the door to the fields open and the sound of people talking come in, including Nate who went and sat down next to Noah.

"Got your text," Nate said in a low voice as the others filed in and started to change. "You're right that the one that our drone said visited our site, he's a wrestler that uses the baseball season to stay in shape and help improve his speed. His name is Jake."

Noah nodded and glanced over to see that Jake was standing there talking to one of the other outfielders, hoping to see some indicators that he would be sticking around to take a shower or something of that nature. "I don't suppose you know much else about him," Nate whispered back. "I would like to try and convert him now but it would be nice to know what sort of creature I'm creating here before I start getting in his head."

"Well... there might not be a whole lot there to work with," Nate replied. "He's one of those brawn over brain types, though he's at least smart enough to have passing grades so he can continue to play. Or... well, there's a rumor that his parents are well connected with the school so that he doesn't really have to do much in order to get by and that he's already got a college on lock with his wrestling."

"Doesn't sound like someone to bring into a fold as one of us," Noah said with a slight hiss in his voice, feeling his instincts starting to rise at all the potential converts around him even though he was only focused on one of us. "However... someone like that will definitely have their uses, especially as our drone gets us more information on people in the dorm on their viewing habits. Let's see if we can get Jake there all to ourselves..."

With baseball practice over most of the team was set to either go home or back to the dorms in the case of the senior players, which included Jake as he changed out of his uniform after talking to one of his teammates about potentially switching outfield positions. He was more than happy to accommodate since this wasn't really his sport, just something to pass the time until the next wrestling season. Part of him wanted to skip it and just work out for the off-season but his coach said that it would help him be more than just a walking tank, though it had helped him get third in the regional championship competition anyway. This year he was looking to win, so he would take any advice he was given as he took off his shirt and put it away.

"Hey there Jake," a voice said next to him, turning his head to see his teammate Nate standing there with a small smile on his face. The only reason he knew his name was because he had been posting incredible gains not only physically but also in practice, hitting home runs the last two times he was at bat. "I was wondering if we could talk for a second?"

"Uh... yeah, sure," Jake replied, putting his shirt down on the bench and sitting alongside Nate. "What's up?"

"I was wondering if I could possibly get some advice from you," Nate stated. "I've been trying to build muscle mass and have seem to hit a wall, I was wondering if perhaps you could give me some advice on how to get out of the plateau I'm in?"

It was at that point Jake noticed that the other man sitting next to him was completely naked, causing him to cough slightly so that he could look away after seeing it. Though such a thing wasn't unusual in a locker room it was something he had to be careful about, especially when it came to someone like Nate whose physique was almost as good as his own. He was thankful he was wearing his jockstrap as he began to go over routines that he did and his diet so that he could gain more muscle. As he continued to ramble on he didn't realize how much he was talking until he looked around and saw that they were the only two left that he could see.

"That's quite a bit of information," Nate said as he noticed Jake had saw they were the last ones there to turn his attention back to him. "Hey, I was just about to take a shower, do you mind if we continue this later? Or... you could join me if you want, plenty of showerheads available and we can keep talking."

Jake was slightly shocked at the not so subtle invitation that he had gotten, especially when the naked man got up and showed his half-hard cock before walking that way. With such a brazen display it was clear that Nate knew that he was gay, something that he had been keeping secret despite having an inkling that there were several in the dorm that were the same way. He even suspected his roommate, who was another wrestler that was bigger than him, when they were practicing moves and he felt something hard press against his back for a second before they both quickly disengaged. With the school wanting to maintain its image though warnings were clear on fraternization with the opposite sex, much less the same one, yet his baseball teammate seemed more than willing to skirt the rules as he walked inside.

Even with the clear signal however Jake wasn't sure if he wanted to take the chance, though he could feel his arousal building with every second he looked at the shower area as he heard the water turn on. This might be his one and only chance in his senior year to have sex though and with someone as handsome as Nate he found himself giving in to his lusts. When he pulled down his pants his own cock practically sprang into the air as he got naked in the locker room as well. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he moved towards the shower room, the scene like something out of his fantasy as he turned the corner and peeked inside the tiled area.

He saw that Nate was there actually taking a shower, the water running down his toned body. His maleness was completely erect just like his own and when Jake started to step forward he turned his head and gave him a smile. "I was hoping that you would join me," Nate stated. "This shower is already hot if you want to join in, could use someone to help me wash up too."

Jake could hear a pounding in his ears as he just nodded and walked up to the other guy, his brain not even registering the water hitting his bare skin as Nate turned to face him. He still couldn't believe this was happening, especially as he felt fingers pressing against his mountainous pecs. The contact caused a shiver to go down his spine and as they got closer he felt his cock bump against the other one. As their bodies continued to close the distance to one another their faces did the same, but at the last second he found himself pulling back slightly.

"I... I don't know," Jake replied, seeing the surprisingly timid nature come from the human as he looked down. "I've never done anything like this before, and though it's clear you want me I... it's just too real for me. I think... I think I have to get going."

"I have to say that I'm a bit surprised," Nate stated, causing the other man to blush even more as he chuckled. "I thought that you would be all machismo and would take the first opportunity to bend someone over that was clearly throwing themselves at you, instead I think it's going to be the other way around. What do you think Noah?"

The sudden introduction of another name caused Jake's eyes to widen, and when he saw Nate's eyes looking past him he turned around and nearly pushed back into the other man at what he saw. "It is certainly unexpected," the rubber reptile said as he slowly moved forward towards the two of them. "But it's something that I can definitely work with, if he's willing, and I also think we can go straight to the point with this one."

Jake couldn't help but stare at a creature that he had only seen on his computer screen before, blinking several times in order to make sure that he wasn't seeing things. When he felt a pair of smooth, clawed hands on his shoulders he turned his head just in time to see Nate's face turn shiny and push out into a similar muzzle. "Before you even try to deny anything we already know that you happen to be a watcher of our work," Noah said, which caused the human standing between them to be even more shocked. "We're looking to expand our roster and knew that you would be the one for the job, however I had something specific in mind for you and what I'm seeing right now isn't going to work."

"I... what?" Jake replied, looking between the two as the scene before him was only causing his lust to build. "This... how did you... I..."

"Look, I'd tell you everything that's going on but that would be a waste of time and energy," Noah replied, his purple-scaled hands rubbing along his chest. "We know you want this and we're also willing to give you a live showing of something that you paid good money to see on your computer. Since we've shown our forms to you this will end with you becoming one of us, but give yourself to us completely and you will live in a constant state of blissful pleasure."

"Your body is already telling you what you want," Nate hissed as he reached around and wrapped his latex fingers around the human's cock, causing him to buck forward. "Just give in, don't even think about it..."

Noah couldn't help but smirk as he could see the human starting to relax, seeing his already soft mind starting to cave under their ministrations as he moved forward. "I can tell that you like the idea of someone taking control; whether it's your coaches or your teachers you've learned to rely on someone guiding you, right?" the alien creature asked as he stroked the cheek of the panting human, feeling him nod his head up and down. "You've come to crave direction from others, needing it to make your way through this life. Luckily for you along with all this intense pleasure in satisfying your deviant desires I will also take away the need for all that pesky thought, as well as give you a personality more fitting of what I'm about to mold you into."

The two alien creatures could see the human trying to say something, but as they both continued to stroke and grope his body they could see the thoughts dissolving in the haze of pleasure. That was just fine for Noah as he nodded to his mate to start the process, he had no intention of keeping this human's mind the way it was anyway. Since he was so keen to coast through life it would make it easy for this one to be his first slave, a warrior that would guard them and their drones as they went about their business. With the revelation that Jake was a gentle giant however he was going to have to make extensive changes to this one's mind, fortunately he was going to seed this one anyway as they brought Jake down to the wet floor of the shower with the water still cascading on the two of them.

Though the two intended on converting him completely they didn't want to do it in a place as public as the shower room, but this was the best place to get him started so he would be ready by the time they came calling to the dorms. They also knew that the roommate of Jake was on the list of those that their drone had found who would align with their interests, so they wanted to give him something to convert him as well. Normally only those like Noah or Nate could transform others while drones and slaves merely served them, but with both growing in strength they found they access to a different way of doing things. The two smiled at one another as Nate slid between the other alien's legs and used his prehensile tongue to quickly draw the rock-hard cock into his maw.

As the human let out a loud moan of pleasure from getting his cock sucked by an alien rubber creature Noah leaned in and licked his ear. Normally he would dive in with it so he could make changes but considering how little he needed of this one, and how little there was to work with anyway, there was no need for subtlety or precision, which caused him to smile as he watched the rubber saliva coat his ear and start to stretch out. With the alien substance also pushing inside as the shiny substance spread out and started to coat his face and hair Noah stroked his rigid cock a few times before standing back up and getting closer to the other male's head. With Nate's muzzle pushing against the skin of Jake's groin the human was so focused on the pleasure coming from his throbbing cock, which was starting to lengthen even more past his usual erection and slide into the other alien's throat, that he didn't even notice that there was something pressing against his rubber covered ear until it pushed inside.

Noah watched the eyes of the human widen and his entire body tense as the tapered tip of the alien rubber cock began to push into his head, his jaw dropping open as the surreal sensation of something that was supposed to be physically impossible was happening to him. Noah could already see what little willpower was in this human was being sapped away, the alien DNA seeping into his brain and converting it as he pushed inside. With the reptilian creature already leaking the potent transformative substance into the head of the human directly from the source he could already see it having an effect. The look of shock on Jake's face softened and turned into a dopey grin as his mutated ear was stretched even further by the shaft pushing into it, his humanity draining away in the form of purple rubber leaking out of his nostrils.

"That's it," Noah hissed as he pushed in a few more inches, trying to keep the changes as internal as possible even as he saw the human's face bulging out slightly. "You don't need anything but loyalty and service of what you had in your head, feel the rest of it draining away, leaving a blank, empty slate for me to write on. Let your new personality take root, the one that will make you strong, powerful... something fitting of your alien body."

Jake once more let out a moan, his mouth hanging open as more of the purple rubber drooled out of it. As the process continued Noah couldn't help but let out a hiss of sheer pleasure at finally being strong enough to do this, his hips starting to shift back and forth to get more pleasure as the transformed skin of the stretched ear hole grew more into an animalistic shape. It only served to make it easier to pump his cock into the head of the male as the whites of his eyes started to turn purple and become shiny. At the same time Nate's grunts became more muffled as his throat began to stretch out and he had to use his entire body to try and keep it contained within him before a lump had started to appear on his collarbone.

When Nate finally pulled back he revealed a glistening purple cock that was nearly twice the size of their own with a thick shaft and flared head. With the rest of his body still human it almost looked comically large jutting out from between Jake's legs, but that was what the alien wanted as he got into a kneeling position. With his head filled with Noah's cock that was now thrusting into him with a pair of hands on the other side of his skull Jake only noticed the intense surge of pleasure as Nate leaned forward and began to push his own cockhead into his own. Even with his head filling with transformative goo and his mental processes being rewritten Jake was still aware enough that his increasingly alien eyes practically bulged out of his head as the reptile's cock slid into his own alien member.

Had anyone came into the shower room at that point they would have likely ran at the sight of the two rubber aliens pushing their cocks into the mutated ear and shaft of the other, Jake's forehead and rubber member stretching as the two got ready for the final phase of their plan. Both Noah and Nate hissed deeply as the base of their shafts bulged, the alien egg they had formed sliding down their cocks to be inserted into the skull and balls of the semi-transformed human. They could see every inch of Jake's body quivering as another layer of pleasure was added on top of the lust he already felt as the egg slid from Nate's cock into his own, his sack bulging and pulsating as the flesh started to turn shiny and purple while expanding. Though they only needed one each from their plan the two continued to thrust into the male as several more followed suit, watching the ear and cock of the human get spread open with each one increasing the pleasure felt.

"That is enough for now," Noah finally said, slowly pulling himself out of the ear of the human he had just infested to make sure that everything stayed inside. The second that both aliens pulled out the rubber that was covering the muscular male slithered inside him as well, leaving him with only a significantly enlarged cock and balls that could still be hidden within his pants. "Let's shower him off and get him ready, we have a few more on this list that we need to visit."

A few minutes later Nate and Noah left the locker room in their disguised forms, looking around at the empty hallways before parting ways and heading out of the building. Shortly after that Jake did the same, the front of his pants bulging as he looked around in confusion with a slack-jawed expression on his face. As he stumbled to the corner though he suddenly went rigid as a rail, his eyes clearing as he blinked a few times as though in recognition. The confusion on his lips turned to a smirk as he began to walk normally once more, taking his sleeve and wiping the droplets of purple rubber that dripped from his ear as he made his way back to the dorm...

A Swan Song (6/6)

As day turned to night for those that stayed in the dorm Sam was finishing off his dinner and starting to watch television, settling in for the night. Unlike his roommate there was nothing that he did between wrestling seasons other than work out...

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A Swan Song (4/6)

With the assimilation of his roommate it allowed Noah to expand his reach to the entirety of the dorm room, no long needing to hide in his bedroom now that Nate was his mate. It was a good thing for him since he had expended much of his energy in...

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A Swan Song (3/6)

The next few days Noah planned while also continuing to recover; just like with the initial merging the transformation of the human vessel and sublimation of their consciousnesses had drained most of the new alien's energy. That combined with the...

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