Do the Twist

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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Reynard finds himself as a special guest on Jerkah's new cooking show, where the chocodile decides to whip up a delicious pastry dish with the help of a few of his ingredient minions.

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Jerkah looked around as the crew on his cooking show scurried around trying to make sure that everything was ready for their next episode. After their first episode aired they had seen a massive ratings spike among the Nexus and it made him amped for the next one. It had taken a little while until he found his next willing victim and the dish that they would be made into, and since the first time he had gone with a delicious cinnamon roll he decided to continue with the pastry angle. That just left his special guest... which when he went back into the kitchen he realized that they weren't there.

The chocolate crocodile continued to wander around for a bit as he looked for where they had ran off too, and as he glanced over at the crew that was setting up they could see them snickering to one another. It was clear they had either done something or knew what had happened that caused the nexus creature to frown slightly. Just when he was about to go and see if they were still back in the green room they had created for the less aware he heard something shift like a lid. He stopped and glanced over to the left as he saw something move on one of the counters.

"All right all of you," Jerkah said as he opened the lid of the large crock-pot and pulled out the cross fox man that was inside of it. "Which one of you put my guest inside here? We're not even going to be using this side of the kitchen for this episode!"

There was a lot of chuckles as one of the synth avians who had stuck around to help Jerkah with the electrical spoke up. "No one put him there," he stated. "I think he just found his way in himself."

As Jerkah looked at the smaller male the vulpine just gave him a sheepish grin as he was lowered back down onto the floor. "Anyway," the chocolate crocodile stated as he put on his chef's hat and apron. "Have you already been briefed on why you're here Reynard?"

"Well, sort of," the fox replied as he looked around. "When your producer yanked me from my own kitchen he said that he had a wonderful opportunity to be on some sort of cooking show that would draw in more eyeballs then I could possibly imagine, and might result in permanent employment. From the looks of it I'm going to be your... assistant?"

"Something like that," Jerkah said with a chuckle as he guided the fox over towards the front countertop with a number of cameras overlooking it. "I think it would be best if we just left things as a surprise, so all you need to do for the moment is to stand there and look pretty. Just go with the flow."

"Right, I can do that," Reynard replied before looking down at himself. "Wait, do I get my clothes back or at least an apron?"

"No," Jerkah answered pointedly before suddenly turning up towards the main camera with a big smile on his face. "Hello everyone out there in the nexusverse, on today with Cooking with Jerkah we have a simple treat that you can make with only a few ingredients! Or if you happen to be in this realm there's only two, which let's go ahead and give our first one a round of applause for being here!"

Reynard looked around in confusion as he heard clapping with no real audience, but what really surprised him was the pale dragon that walked out onto the set waving his hand in the air. To the fox chef the guy looked like he was made out of dough as he walked over and stood next to him. While the crocodile began to rattle off how to make the actual dough in the recipe he couldn't help but take a finger and poke the side of the other naked creature. Much to his surprise it sank in several inches and felt a lot like real dough too, and as he looked up he could see the draconic figure smirking down at him.

"So as you can see I've gone ahead and called on one of my ingredient creatures to basically make the batch for me," Jerkah stated as he walked over and put a hand on both of the creatures in front of him. "This will be the base for our delicious chocolate twist."

"We're making chocolate twists?" Reynard said, Jerkah nodding. "I love those..."

"I know," Jerkah said as he began to guide the two towards a rather large black refrigerator that next to an even larger oven while addressing the camera once more. "Our dough creature will do all the necessary kneading and mixing to our volunteer while it's being chilled. This part is very important, you must make sure your dough is properly cold before you do the final shaping and baking."

Before Reynard could ask what that meant he suddenly felt himself get lifted up once more and put into the refrigerator, feeling the cold coming from it as he was dropped inside while the dragon stepped in himself. "We'll give these two a little time to get to know one another," Jerkah said to the camera once more. "Don't worry though, I'm sure that my minion will get a proper rise out of our dough before we move on to the next step."

The fox and the dragon looked at one another before the drawer was closed, leaving the two in the chilled environment of the refrigerator. "So..." Reynard said after a few seconds of silence had passed. "What's your name?"

"Puff," the dragon replied with a smirk. "Shall we get started? I don't want to make Master Jerkah have to wait between takes."

Though Reynard was still a little fuzzy on what exactly they were doing his culinary curiosity was piqued by this creature and the bizarre recipe that the crocodile was using. The shelves of the fridge were actually padded instead of the normal plastic so when he was told to lie down on his back he was surprised by how comfortable it was. Once he was prone the dragon stretched his doughy fingers out as though he was simulating cracking his knuckles before starting to push them into the fox's fur. Though he was expecting it to be soft the digits were quite firm as they began to rug against his shoulders and chest with expect precision to loosen the muscles underneath.

"You're... quite good at this," Reynard replied, Puff just giving him a wink as he continued. "Are you a chef or a masseur... also, what are you?"

"I'm what Master Jerkah likes to call an ingredient minion," Puff replied. "In case the name or what we're making hadn't already given it away I'm made out of a rather delicious puff pastry of my own recipe. I help with making all sorts of pastry-based desserts as well as a few breads and the like. Considering my experience I've gotten quite good at perfectly kneading my dough to just the right consistency..."

As Reynard was about to ask another question he let out a loud groan as the puff pastry dragon made his way lower, stroking and massaging his stomach before going between his legs. Something was indeed rising, the fox thought to himself as one hand curled around his cock while the other continued to kneed his inner thighs. Looking down to watch though he was suddenly shocked by what his chest looked like; the fur that the dragon had been working on had seemingly disappeared and the flesh was a similar tone to the one that was working his cock. Reynard quickly realized that this creature was turning him into something else, especially as Puff released his grip on the fox's member to show that it was bigger than before and the same doughy color before the dragon engulfed it in his maw.

The sudden sensation of pleasure caused Reynard to arch his back, feeling his transformed shoulder blades squish against the bottom of the shelf as Puff started to bob up and down on his cock while continuing to massage his legs. Now being aware of what was happening he could feel the clawed fingers sinking in deeper with every stroke of his thighs and calves, turning them to puff pastry just like the rest of his body was. As the chill of the refrigerator seeped into his new form he could feel his cock pushing in deeper into the dragon, watching his mouth and throat stretch with it as he moved onto the toes. The feeling of him pressing against his vulpine feet and the blowjob was too much for Reynard and the fox found himself orgasming into the dragon as his toes were turned to pastry as well.

"That was... not a technique I was ever taught in making puff pastry," Reynard said, his doughy chest heaving up and down before he realized that he no longer needed to breathe. "Is that a secret technique of yours?"

"Helps keep the dough from having too much liquid," Puff replied with a chuckle. "Especially since we still have plenty more of your body to work on, while your front is pretty much complete I have your back to do. I'm going to also have to add a little salt to the mix as well."

Reynard could see the lewd grin on the dragon's face before he was suddenly turned over, feeling his chest and stomach flatten and sink a bit as he was completely flipped. It was a bizarre sensation to have such yielding flesh and had an idle thought of what he possibly tasted like. Besides being raw dough though the idea of nibbling on himself was nothing something he was willing to entertain at the moment as he felt a weight press against his shoulder blades. Even without being able to see what was going on anymore he could feel the dragon's hands sinking even more into his back until it felt like he was able to touch the shelf through his body.

This kneading session was much quicker than the first one and it wasn't long until it felt like his entire body had been turned to dough, save for his head that was pressed against his pillowy arms. It wouldn't be that way for long though as he felt Puff's hands quickly slide back up to his shoulders until they rested against his head. He could also feel the rest of his body pressing against his own and as he felt his doughy tail get moved out of the way there was something that was starting to push up between his legs. As the fingers began to slide up and down the remaining fur of his scalp the surprisingly firm, ridged pastry dough cock began to push in between his own soft cheeks until it started to slide inside of him.

With the increased elasticity of his new flesh Reynard found the tip spreading him open easily, causing him to groan once more as his neck and head were kneaded. This time he could definitely feel the changes happening to him, his skull softening along the rest of his head like it was turning into putty along with his neck. While the sensations were bizarre, especially when he got his head pressed down against the shelf briefly and his muzzle flattened completely against his face, it was almost as pleasurable as his insides being stretched by the thick cock inside of him. As the dragon finished with transforming his head he was just getting started with kneading the fox's insides with his maleness while Renyard felt his own growing and being smooshed against the shelf.

It wasn't long until the two dough creatures were enraptured with their own pleasure as their soft bodies pressed against one another. The dragon's hips grew more insistent as they moved back and forth, sliding his cock in and out of the tight tailhole of the puff pastry fox beneath him. All Reynard could do at this point was continued to let the pleasure wash over him, pressing his hands against the shelf as he found himself starting to hump back. Just as he could feel the dragon starting to become even more frantic in his thrusts he suddenly felt his head get bent to the side and his maw became filled with thick tongue.

Even though it was essentially raw puff pastry dough it tasted delicious, Reynard closing his eyes and letting Puff explore his mouth with it. There was a surprising amount of stretch to it, much like the draconic dough cock that was so deep inside of him that he swore it would be coming out of his mouth if it got any further. As the sounds of their passion filled the fridge the fox felt a hand come up behind his head and push their muzzles against one another, compressing both and causing the thick appendage to go all the way down his throat. Reynard began to think that they were going to merge together at this rate, but less than a minute later Puff suddenly pulled back as he reached his climax.

The two continued to lay there with the dragon on top of Reynard when suddenly the fridge opened, both heads turning to see the chocolate crocodile standing there smirking at them while cameras continued to roll behind him. "If I knew you two were going to get that hot and heavy I would have stuck you in the freezer," Jerkah joked as he motioned for the two of them to step out. "But it appears that Puff has done his job and has made quite the base for our chocolate twists."

Now that he was out of the darkness of the refrigerator Reynard had a second to examine himself properly, his eyes widened at what he saw. Though his overall shape was the same it was clear that he was no longer a flesh and blood creature, pushing his finger into his stomach several times just to watch the pale dough that made up his body spring back into place. It should have been impossible, but as Jerkah brought him back over towards the counters that they had started at everything felt surprisingly pleasant. It was like he was lighter, feeling his feet spring easily against the floor as he walked, and any of the concerns he had with his previous body were gone as he stood in front of the counter with the crocodile.

"Now that we have the dough, it's time to add in what makes a chocolate twist a chocolate twist," Jerkah stated. "With us today is one of my personal chocolatiers, everyone give a warm round of applause for Caco!"

Once again there was the sound of applause from nowhere as a second creature entered the same time Puff left, this one a naga with shiny milk chocolate scales that practically gleamed in the light as he moved forward. "Now that our dough has been properly prepared and chilled it's time to add in the chocolate," Jerkah said, taking the dough fox and picking him up which caused Reynard to yelp. "The secret to a good twist is to make sure that the chocolate is spread evenly throughout, and since we happen to be making a chocolate twist fox we're going to also be adding a gooey chocolate center as well."

Reynard was quickly deposited on the counter once more and as he laid there with his naked butt on the butcher block he suddenly felt a pair of hands reach around and grab behind him. "Looks like it's going to be you and me today," Caco said with a smirk as the fox watched him deftly slither up onto the counter and join him. "As Master Jerkah said I want to make sure to get an even coating on you, and that means inside and out. Don't worry though, unlike that doughy dragon I'm flexible enough that we can both have ourselves a great ride."

At this point Reynard was ready to just go with the flow and found himself leaning back as the chocolate creature moved forward and kissed him. Unlike the intense embrace shared by Puff this one was more tender as he felt a forked tongue flicker inside of his maw briefly. Soon the puff pastry fox found himself with his back completely on the counter as the naga positioned himself on top of him, asking Reynard to keep him steady. As the fox put his hands on the lower body of the naga he started to feel a sinking sensation, only it was the chocolate creature that was starting to push down into his own body as the weight caused his doughy flesh to compress.

As the two continued to make out on the counter, Reynard no longer caring that they were doing this in front of cameras, he let out a grunt of surprise when something once more began to push into his tailhole. This time the tip was tapered and the shaft was extremely smooth, the chocolate cock spreading him open as he began to feel something happening to his own member. At first he thought it was just his maleness being pushed more into his own body but as one of Caco's hands slid down between their chests he could feel it start to nudge towards something else. Both creatures squirmed in pleasure this time as Reynard suddenly felt his own cock pop into the anal vent of the naga, the walls clamping around his member in the same way his own were doing.

"I see what you mean by mutual pleasure," Reynard huffed once they had broken their kiss, feeling the snake's body begin to shift as more of his cock pushed up inside of him. "If we weren't both food items I would say that we're breaking some sort of cleanliness statute in the kitchen by having sex on the countertop."

"You are adorable," Caco replied with a smirk, his body undulating in order to push his own cock in deeper while getting Reynard further inside his own body. "Now this next part is going to be a little strange, but just remember that you are essentially made up entirely of dough."

Reynard tilted his head to the side in question and the chocolate naga just smirked at him before he began to feel the snake's lower body began to shift even more. At first the fox thought that he was just about to coil around him to form the twist, but as his doughy form clung to the chocolate scales he realized that he was being twisted around as well! It was surreal to watch as his vulpine body began to stretch and distort as it was twisted around, but like the naga had told him before this started to happen there was no sensations other than a tingling of pleasure going through his body. When he tried to pull his hands away from the other male he found that his arms were just like the rest of him as they were slowly twisted together.

"Not a bad twist," Jerkah said with a chuckle as he stood over the two. "But I think it's time to show you how a crocodile does one." Before either of them could say anything the two suddenly felt themselves get completely contorted around one another as the chocolate crocodile used his hands to move their upper and lower bodies in two separate directions. The naga and fox's faces were practically pressed together as they both lost their definitions, though Reynard could still see the outline of his tail until the nexus creature moved down and did the same treatment to their lower body and legs.

"Now one of the fun things about puff pastry is the ability to mold and shape it," Jerkah explained as Reynard suddenly began to feel something pushing and prodding at his legs. "While the design might not be as apparent when you first bake it once it finished you'll be greeted with a tasty treat that no one is going to want to eat because it looks so good. While Caco will be helping with some things I will be having the pleasure of making a few adjustments."

While Reynard wasn't sure what that meant he couldn't see what the chocolate crocodile was doing, mainly because he could only stare up at the naga grinning down at him. What he did feel was something happening to his tail, Jerkah pressing and twisting it even more as he could feel the dough shift to other parts of his body. The same thing was happening to his hands and finally the fox could see the nexus creature staring down at him with a similar grin to the naga. Reynard let out a muffled grunt as he felt the chocolate fingers push down on his muzzle before sculpting and molding the rest of his face into something that he couldn't see.

With their bodies completely twisted around one another both found it nearly impossible to move, their combined formed wiggling on the countertop as Jerkah took a huge baking tray and rolled them onto it. "One of the things you want to ensure when you're making a creature like this is an even bake," Jerkah said as both Reynard and Caco looked over towards the oven as they were lifted up by the nexus creature. "Very important to not open the oven at all while this is going on, not only will you lose your heat but any steam as well that will be coming off your pastry. With these creatures you might also expect to find a little bit of the filling oozing out, but all things considered that's pretty standard when things get hot and heavy."

Though Reynard looked at the oven wearily Caco quickly whispered into his ear that just like the refrigerator everything will be just fine. Both could feel the heat rolling from the oven as Jerkah used his tail to open the door, then slid them inside before shutting it. Though the walls glowed with orange light the twisted-up fox found the heat to be surprisingly pleasant, like a warm sauna as he could feel his body starting to shift. At first he thought it was just him baking, but when he looked back at the face of the naga he gasped slightly at seeing the serpentine features starting to melt.

"Well it's definitely been fun," Caco replied. "Let's be sure to give Jerkah and the others a real good show before I have to move on and reform myself in one of the chocolate vats. If you find yourself sticking around and wander over to the dessert section Puff and I will be more than happy to create a few things with you, though you'll probably be the chef instead of the creation that time."

Reynard had been wondering what was going to happen to the naga even before they had gone into the oven, and it appeared from what the chocolate creature had said those in the chocolate crocodile's realm could just come back in any similar substance that their body was made out of. That actually put the fox more at ease and thanked the naga for experiencing this with him, and though Caco's mouth had fused together due to his increasingly gooey form he saw him nod in response. With the pleasantries out of the way it appeared that Caco was determined to make sure that the fox got his gooey chocolate filling, the pastry creature once more starting to feel the creature's body tightening around his own and his cock pushing deep into him. As Reynard opened his mouth to gasp in pleasure he suddenly found himself with a mouthful of melted chocolate as well, the thinning chocolate naga pushing his entire head inside the vulpine's muzzle and immediately flowing down into his throat.

Even with the naga liquifying Reynard found himself still unable to move his body, though as the chocolate cock continued to fill his backside he started to feel the pressure of the snake's form lifting from him. As his doughy body continued to bake he found himself able to push his hips up to slide in and out of the creature, though even Caco's insides were starting to lose their definitions to the heat of the oven. The more the chocolate became gooey though the more of it went inside Reynard, to the point where his throat was practically bulging out completely with a snake-headed shape as his stuffed muzzle tilted back in sheer pleasure. When his fingers and hands were finally able to move they immediately went to his stomach, which was swelling with chocolate filling as the naga's body essentially turned into tentacles that were causing extreme amounts of pleasure to flood the fox's form.

While the last of the chocolate creature was pushing into Reynard his doughy body was starting to firm up, the puff pastry turning a golden brown as his legs and arms returned to their normal configurations. Though his body was returning to normal it retained the swirl of chocolate that he had been twisted around, even his cock showing the same design as it throbbed hard in the air. As the last of the liquid chocolate that was left on his form stretched his muzzle and tailhole what was already inside of him began to disperse into his body, his stretched belly deflating as he could feel the gooey substance moving through his flaky form. As he watched his body continuing to morph from the chocolate inside of him he realized that it wasn't just a twist that Jerkah had given him.

When Reynard was able to completely lift up his arms he saw that the chocolate that had flowed down into them caused the pastry to bulge, giving him bigger, more athletic muscles as he saw the chocolate striping on his golden skin. That wasn't too strange in itself but when he was finally no longer being essentially penetrated by the tentacle that had disappeared inside him he looked down to see that his feet looked vaguely different. His toes looked more rounded and the striping that was on his body began to form into a pattern he couldn't see before the chocolate naga was no longer a part of him. It did look familiar though... and when he brough his hands up to his face he could feel the bulging dough bake out into a feline muzzle instead of the vulpine one he was used to.

"A... a tiger?" Reynard said as he felt up over his head to where the crocodile had molded them to be more rounded as well. The biggest indicator was the thick striped tail that was behind him, the feline appendage slightly bigger than most as he squeezed it to feel that it was also filled with chocolate. "A twist tiger... a chocolate twist tiger..."

Suddenly the door to the oven opened, causing Reynard to jump slightly as the glow of the oven walls ceased. "Why don't you come on out there and let everyone else see you as you look at yourself?" Jerkah asked, extending his hand out to help the new chocolate twist tiger out as he continued to look at the camera. "As you can see from the stripes there has been successful integration of the chocolate throughout the pastry, so even without the chocolate filling you will find yourself with a mouthful of chocolate and pastry with every bite. Caco had also made a few other adjustments as well which I'm sure Reynard is more than happy to show you."

Reynard could feel a heat rising in his cheeks that wasn't from the warm chocolate inside of him as he slowly turned around, exposing his golden pastry body to the camera. Just like with his arms the rest of his body had also become more muscular in nature, his pectorals filled out and a set of washboard abs beneath him. He still was quite a bit smaller than Jerkah, though he was closer to eye level then he was a as a fox as he swirled his tail around, and as he got back to his front the crocodile was quick to comment on the thicker, longer pastry cock that dangled between his legs. Just like with the bake he had received his body was evenly toned all around and the chocolate stripes all over his body certainly aided in his new tiger appearance.

Before Reynard even realized it Jerkah was giving his goodbyes and waving at the camera, prompting him to do the same before they saw the synth bird yell that it was a wrap. "What a delightful show," Jerkah stated as he patted Reynard on the shoulder. "This chocolate twist tiger recipe will be the talk of the town I'm sure, and if you would like you can keep that form as well as work for me. Before we get down to that though I always let the cast have a little nibble of my latest creation, so go ahead and have fun with that."

As the new confectionary creature was about to ask what that meant he suddenly felt a presence next to him, turning to see the metal bird that had called the take reach out and hold up his hand. "Look, it's like a bear claw, except it's a tiger paw," he said with a chuckle, turning it over to see the chocolate pads on the palm of the feline. "I bet it tastes divine."

Jerkah watched with a bemused expression his face as Reynard's body suddenly went stock stiff as the bird chomped off the entire pastry hand with one bite, seeing the moment of terror on the fox's face before the golden flaky dough quickly reformed. It was always fun to see when someone takes the first bite out of one of his creations, he thought to himself as he left while other crew members began to gather around the tiger, and he would have plenty of time to see what that new form was capable of. As he took the taping and filed it away next to his cinnamon bun naga one he knew that this was only the beginning of filling his shelf. He was definitely going to need to find more volunteers...

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