Secrets of Peaceful Negotiations (2/3)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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When the unprecedented happened and aliens finally land on the surface of the planet humans quickly mobilize in order to figure out what their intentions are.

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The next few days passed by uneventfully, both Frank and Sam had relegated themselves to the routine of getting up, going to the base of operations, finding the aliens hadn't done anything, and then going back to their dorm to sleep. With most of their time being spent in the shed the only time they really interacted with one another when it wasn't work related was during the mornings when they got up and before they got to bed. For Frank it was just a quick hello before he ran off to the gym in order to work out before their assigned shifts while Sam stayed back and opted to do stretches and such while in the room. As the week came to a close however their time at the shed was cut short as the weekend crew came in to monitor and told them that they had the rest of the night off.

"So this is probably the time when the aliens are going to do their attack," Sam said as they walked back into the dorm room. "Leave it to those assholes to do it during the weekend when we normally have off." Once more Frank laughed at the joke, something that caused the other agent to chuckle himself as he had been able to get his partner to do so more frequently as the days went on, before he noticed something that caused both of them to pause. "Finally!"

There were two items that sat on Sam's desk; the first was a window air conditioner they had requisitioned the first night they were there and the second was a small television they could put on the dresser. "Looks like this is why they gave us the rest of the night off, I think it's time for a traditional college celebration. Well... no booze, but take-out should be good enough, you want in on this?"

"Yes," Frank replied. "I'm starving... which is crazy because I had two sandwiches from the mess hall at lunch and an entire bag of chips."

"Probably from all that muscles you're putting on," Sam replied as he pulled up his laptop to make the order, Frank looking at him in slight surprise. "What, you think I wouldn't notice even though we're living in a five by five box together? I'm just glad that you took the bottom bunk otherwise you probably would have broke the frame already."

Frank just laughed once more as he installed the air conditioner, but as he did so he looked down at himself and realized that his clothing had been fitting him tighter recently. He also had found himself pouring on more weight as his workouts progressed and had already nearly gotten to three-hundred pounds on certain machines without breaking a sweat. Perhaps there was something to this dorm life, he thought to himself with a loud laugh as he finished with the window. The second that he plugged it in both he and Sam let out a sigh of relief from the cool air coming in.

"That is much better," Sam stated as he unbuttoned his pants, pulling them down to reveal the exercise briefs he wore. "I know that we usually bear the heat and wear clothes around each other but since tonight is a celebration I'm going without, I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all," Frank replied with a grin. "Might just join you in that, our first day here not drowning in our own sweat." Sam looked over in slight surprise at the declaration, though his eyes widened even more when he saw a familiar looking pair of spandex briefs hugging the other man's hips when he brought down his shorts. "Oh, I had borrowed a pair of yours when my underwear ripped and found it to be very comfortable, so I went out and got a few pairs of my own."

"They... uh, look really good on you," Sam said as he continued to stare at the bulge in the front of them that rivaled his own until he realized what he was doing and looked away. "So I found a site that delivers to dorms and already placed my order, you want to finalize everything while I go take a shower?"

"I can do that," Frank replied. "Didn't you already take one this morning though?"

"I just... really need one at the moment," Sam replied, his hands moving up his shirt before quickly turning around. Frank just shrugged and looked through the food items while the other man went into the bathroom and quickly closed the bathroom door behind him...

About an hour later both agents were leaning back in their chairs, open food boxes next to them that they ate from as they watched their new television. Normally if they wanted to watch something they would be hunched over their laptops, but with no longer needing head phones in their ears they were able to talk to one another while they ate and watched. Both had also opted out of shirts as well and allowed the increasingly cool air to blow across their nearly-naked forms while they conversed. Most of their topic of conversation went to the aliens that had went completely dark after their initial contact but still show no signs of leaving.

"Do you think that maybe it is just that they landed here because of a problem with their ships?" Sam asked after slurping up the last of his noodles, Frank just shrugging in response. "And if that was the case then why not land somewhere not inhabited to get it sorted out? If it were up to some of the top brass those ships would be a smoking crater in the ground by now."

"Don't look at me," Frank responded. "For all we know they're going to just take off and that will be the last we ever see of them, becoming one of those unexplained mysteries."

"That would be the lousiest first contact ever," Sam replied, causing Frank to nearly choke on his drink before spitting it out in laughter. "Speaking of unexplained mysteries, there's one thing that I have to ask..." Frank looked over at Sam in concern and watched as he pointed towards his bare feet. "How in the hell do you manage to keep those monstrosities hidden away?"

Frank looked down and realized that he was talking about, wiggling his feet in the air. He hadn't noticed before but with Sam bringing his attention to them they looked almost swollen in nature, possibly due to all the time he had been working out. His toe nails had also turned blacker than he remembered and when he tried to move his toes his smallest two looked like they were almost stuck together. It was enough to cause concern for the two of them and when Frank stood up to try and move towards the door he found him nearly stumbling forward. Sam quickly darted forward and caught him, then took the other man and put him down on the bottom bed before checking them out himself.

With Sam able to get a closer look he could see that not only did it look like Frank had broken some toes but the skin at the bottom of his feet had darkened as well. It looked thicker as well, but when he moved the toes that looked stuck together it appeared that there was no pain that was coming from it. It seemed like quite the opposite, the man giggling slightly as Sam continued to examine them. By the time he looked at the heel Frank was practically in a fit of laughter, and when a brushing of his finger caused the pitch to intensify he realized that the formerly hardened, no-nonsense agent was quite ticklish down there.

Sam didn't know what came over him as he ran his fingers down the entire length of the other man's foot, but the effect it had was profound. Not only was Frank practically doubling over laughing but the material between his legs started to stretch as well. Not just ticklish it seems, Sam thought to himself as his eyes continued to stare down at the growing bulge while he gave the soles another stroke. Frank's laughter had become so loud that he started to worry the others in the dorm would hear him, but that quickly became the least of his problems as he heard a loud pop.

The sound had come from Frank's feet and when he looked down he gasped in shock as the one he was holding had started to quiver and stretch. It was like seeing something out of a werewolf movie as he watched the flesh expanding, new muscle and bone forming as the already dark nails turned black just like the skin of his feet. The sound of laughter continued to echo in his ears as Sam dropped the foot and backed away from it as the two toes that had been stuck together completely merged while the others grew and expanded. Despite Sam no longer touching the other man's transforming feet Frank didn't cease laughing, in fact it seemed to grow more intense as the hands covering his face began to pop and contort before growing longer.

"Frank!" Sam shouted, trying to grab onto the wrists of the agent who was practically convulsing at this point with how he was laughing. "Snap out of it man! Stop!" Though he could see a look of fear in Frank's eyes the man couldn't seem to stop, his hands moving down to his exposed chest as Sam literally saw his pectorals thickening. He was at a loss for what to do as he stood there while hearing the bed frame underneath the transforming man start to groan as his arms and legs bloated out like they were being filled with water.

He had to get him to stop laughing... but anything Sam could do to him would probably only make it worse. As his frantic gaze wandered lower however a last-ditch plan came to mind, something that at the very least might cause enough surprise to stop the almost manic laughter that was streaming out of Frank's mouth that was only interrupted by teeth getting pushed out and replaced with sharper versions. With the changing man's warped hands already tipped with claws Sam looped around and dove in from the bottom of the bed. As he crawled between the legs of the spasming male he couldn't help but glance at what used to be the human's feet being replaced with very large foot pads that looked like they belonged to some sort of canine creature.

Sam quickly pushed that to the back of his mind as he reached forward and grabbed onto the edge of the spandex that had already lifted up from the taut skin of his abs. It took a second to pull back but when he did he found that the other man's cock was at full mast, jutting upwards as it bounced up and down from the movement of the laughing male. As he looked further up he could see that the mountainous pectorals had started to grow a light dusting of fur that was rapidly thickening, and if he didn't do something soon the changes would only get worse. He wrapped his fingers around the shaft that he could feel thickening in his grasp and after a few strokes didn't seem to calm him down he leaned forward and engulfed the head of it with his mouth.

As predicted Frank's breath suddenly caught in his throat from the sudden and overwhelming pleasure that came from his groin, his mouth frozen open as he felt Sam's tongue lick up and down his cock before pushing it into his mouth once more. It was enough to break the uncontrollable fit of laughter that he had been experiencing, though with the clarity that came from the impromptu blow job he realized in horror on what had been happening to his body. Sam could see the look of horror in the man's eye as he looked at his enlarged fingers and the claws that tipped them, then looking down at the shredded physique of his chest to see cream fur had grown over it like a thick pelt. As he continued to push the thick cock as far inside his maw as he could he realized he needed more stimulation to prevent Frank from freaking out so much he started hysterically laughing, and as his eyes glanced over to the feet paws he reached back and grabbed one with his free hand while still keeping the throbbing member in his maw.

The pleasure that came from the simple squeeze was so intense that Frank arched his hips up in the air so hard it nearly caused Sam to choke. He had never experienced such a sensation before and after the initial shock he was able to enjoy the feel of the leathery pads being rubbed against. It was so good that he angled his meaty legs and pressed them against the male between them, groaning loudly as he was swept away by the lust it created. Even though he had calmed down it appeared to Frank that the other guy was enjoying the experience enough to not stop, though as they locked eyes he noticed something that caused him to pause.

Though he had never paid attention really before he knew enough about Sam spending a week together with him that his eyes were brown, but as he continued to stretch out his lips and bob up and down on his cock they looked tinted... like someone had put colored contacts over them. As they continued to pleasure one another though they became increasingly brilliant until Frank was staring at irises that were pure green like emeralds glinting in the light. The light streaks that had been increasingly prevalent in his otherwise black hair became stark white and as he felt Sam's hands press against his sides he could feel them starting to shift.

...Sam was starting to transform too, and his lust was causing it.

Though Frank was immensely enjoying having the other man sucking on his cock he could already see the human ears swelling and growing, tufts of white fur growing as something began to push out the back of the spandex briefs he wore. Using flexibility he didn't know he had Frank was clear-headed enough to know that they had to stop and pushed the other man right off the bed, causing him to gasp loudly as he heard the changing man fall to the floor with a yelp. Fearing that he had accidently caused harm he looked over the side of the back of their bunks to find Sam sitting there rubbing the back of his head, his cock partially exposed and his own feet shifted to paws. It also appeared that he was starting to change in his chest area as well, his nipples appearing swollen with thick white fur growing around them.

"Sorry about that," Frank said as he rolled off the bed and went over towards him, pulling his own briefs back up when he saw the green eyes of the other man shoot straight towards his bulge. "You were going a little cock-crazy for a while and if you kept going I think you'd end up, well, like I was about to. Thanks for that by the way, you're a good partner."

"I think I would have rather taken the bullet," Sam said with a groan, his eyes widening as he looked up and saw that Frank had covered his mouth. "Wait, forget I said that, as much as it pains me we're going to have to stay straight-laced in order to make sure we don't change any further."

"I'm not sure how much that's going to help," Frank replied as he looked at himself, finding tufts of spotted fur that had crept over his increasingly muscular form. "What's happening to us? Did we pick up something from those aliens?"

"Might be the reason why they didn't want to talk," Sam replied as he slowly got up, shivering slightly and turning his back after the cool air from the air conditioner ruffled the fur of his chest. "Either way we're going to have to report this in, maybe they can take us back to Fort Bragg and figure out what's happening to us and how to stop it. We can't go though life with me not being able to even touch myself or you not being able to hear a joke."

Frank nodded slightly and went up to his mouth, feeling that several of his teeth had been replaced with sharper ones mostly near the back. "I was really cackling there... like..." as he looked over himself again he realized that while the fur wasn't the same as the wolf alien they encountered the posture was the same, especially when they stood next to each other and he realized he had gained several inches of height on the other man. "Oh my god... I'm turning into some sort of hyena alien!"

"A hyena alien, that means..." Sam looked at himself and noticed the fur growing on him was white, though he could see on his arms that there were thick black stripes just like the reverse happening on his head. "Crap, I'm a tiger alien."

"You don't like tigers?" Frank asked as he pressed his hands against his washboard abs, nodding in approval.

"No, it's just," Sam said with a sigh. "I suppose they're big and bad and all, but that one alien was the king of the jungle as a lion. I'll be lucky if I can sign on as some sort of cereal mascot."

As Sam realized what he had just said he covered his mouth, slowly looking over to see that Frank had plugged his semi-mutated ears with his fingers as he frowned deeply at him. "Sorry, I really am trying," Sam said as Frank put down his arms. "You know if we talk to the others on the base they're going to lock us in a room and do all sorts of experiments on us that may or may not end in full autopsy."

"Yeah, I know..." Frank said as a sudden rumble in his stomach had caused him to start woofing down the remaining food they had ordered, Sam watching him before quickly doing the same. "What we need to do is get back to those aliens; if this was some sort of accident by using their technology then maybe they have a way to undo it, or at the very least stop it from progressing. If it was on purpose... well, at least we'll know why before they do whatever it is they're going to do to us."

"I don't like this plan," Sam commented. "But it's all we got. What do we do about checking into base command though, we're not going to be able to put on any shoes and I'm pretty sure if I attempt to put on a shirt I'm going to lose it again."

"Well... checking in during the weekend is pretty much optional, so we can just say that we were busy if anyone asks," Frank said as he went back to his laptop. "If we're still not out of here by Monday we can try to call in sick, but given the hair trigger we're both on I don't know if we're going to make it that long. Just standing here now I can feel myself getting giggly and it doesn't help you that I want to bend you-"

There was a moment of pause as Frank looked down in embarrasement as Sam smirked and crossed his furry arms. "Now who's teasing who," he stated before he sighed and rubbed his shaggy hair. "Alright, let's start finding a way to get out of here... after bed, I am exhausted."

The two looked over at the bunk bed and could already see it tilting dangerously to the side from the cracks in the wood. They took off the thin bed mattresses and blankets to lay them on the floor, creating a makeshift sleeping place for the two bigger males. With part of their bodies covered in fur they only bothered with the thin sheet while facing away from one another. With the exhaustion of their transformations taking a toll on them it wasn't long before they drifted off to sleep...

When Sam awoke once more he felt something pressing against his back and felt a warmth on his skin and fur. At first he thought that perhaps Frank had backed up into him during the night until the large hand fell right in front of his line of sight and he heard a slight snoring. He sighed in frustration when he realized he was essentially pinned and shouting at him didn't seem to rouse him. As he felt the fur of the human hybrid press against his arm he began to wonder about something and slowly went over to where he could still see the nipple of the other male. He carefully reached over and gave it a tweak, then had to duck as Frank gasped awake with a loud moan.

"It appears you're sensitive there as well," Sam stated as Frank panted loudly, his eyes wide from the sudden and unexpected stimulation while his hands covered his chest. "Makes me wonder what else we share in common."

"Perhaps I should rub your feet paws and find out," Frank shot back, growling slightly as he stood up and looked at himself. "I was kind of hoping I would wake up and not look like this."

"Likewise," Sam said as he got up and stretched, finding himself able to put his foot up against his head while standing on the other one with incredible dexterity. "Anyway, let's get cracking, our escape route wasn't going to solve itself."

The two got on their laptops and began to look as best they could for a way to make it to the forest the aliens were still stationed at without being detected by those that were monitoring them. They already knew the camera angles and set-ups that were being fed into base command, which included at least one satellite that spied the area in case others showed up, but if there were additional guards on the ground they wouldn't have knowledge of that ahead of time. There was also the problem that the longer the two hung around one another the harder it was for them to control themselves. Even with the knowledge that indulging in such things Frank had found himself in fits of laughter that had to be controlled the only way Sam knew how, but then required him to get cooled down by either cold shower or just wrapping him up and keeping him from touching anything until the sensations passed.

As Sunday rolled around both Sam and Frank had grown more fur over their bodies and Frank found himself slightly hunched over from the mass that he had gained. Cartons of empty food boxes littered the floor as they had no means to toss them and they had been ordering out the entire time to keep their changing bodies fueled. As Sam sat in the cold shower for the seventh time that day he suddenly heard the other man let out a cry of success and a few seconds later he came into the bathroom with his laptop.

"I think I managed to figure out a way to at least get us off the campus," Frank said as he held up the screen so Sam could see. "Tonight there's going to be a big rally that is going to march for the environment or something, we can use that as our means to at least get close enough to the woods that if we make a break for it they can't catch us!"

"Uh, that's great and all," Sam replied as he leaned forward and brushed the wet fur out of his eyes to see better, his pupils contracting back into slits. "But the problem is still that we're going to be noticed." The grin on the hyena's face just grew and he scrolled down before tapping on one of the pictures, causing Sam's eyes to widen in realization. "Oh... that might just work..."

Secrets of Peaceful Negotiations (3/3)

As night fell on the campus the students of NCU lined up on their streets in order to march to save endangered species, forming up into a large group before making their way down onto the streets. Among them was Sam and Frank, the two looking...

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Secrets of Peaceful Negotiations (1/3)

The alarms at Fort Bragg had been going off for nearly an hour as military personnel ran from one place to the other. Everyone was on high alert for good reason; NORAD had picked up on two different kinds of unidentified aircraft that were making...

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Do the Twist

Jerkah looked around as the crew on his cooking show scurried around trying to make sure that everything was ready for their next episode. After their first episode aired they had seen a massive ratings spike among the Nexus and it made him amped...

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