Secrets of Peaceful Negotiations (3/3)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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When the unprecedented happened and aliens finally land on the surface of the planet humans quickly mobilize in order to figure out what their intentions are.

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As night fell on the campus the students of NCU lined up on their streets in order to march to save endangered species, forming up into a large group before making their way down onto the streets. Among them was Sam and Frank, the two looking around nervously as they were glad in only the briefs that could still contain them and otherwise being completely exposed. "Hey man!" a voice called out next to Sam, looking to see another student wearing an orca mask. "I love the costume, did you guys make them yourselves or did you get them online?"

"We're actually visual effect artists," Sam said as he gestured to the hyena-furred man next to him before shaking his paw-like feet a bit. "We were working on these as a final project and when we saw this had come up we decided to put them to good use."

The student cheered and thanked them again before he broke off and joined several others, causing the two to breathe a sigh of relief. Just like the picture had showed there were a number of people who had opted to go in all manner of costume to represent the endangered species that they wanted to save, some going in full mascot outfits while others opted to just wear a mask. They weren't even the least clothed as one person ran around in a leopard-print thong and a matching Halloween mask. The two made sure to distance themselves from that once since they were likely going to attract the most attention and because more than once Frank caught Sam staring while licking his lips.

The hyena had also taken the precaution of putting ear plugs in to make sure he didn't hear anything funny, which meant that Sam was taking care of all the talking for them. Though the march wouldn't get them entirely where they needed to go it would get them close, and after that it was up to them to run and disappear into the woods. Both males complained of butterflies in their stomach as they felt the warm asphalt against the pads of their feet, which was surprisingly pleasant as the college campus disappeared from sight. They continued on for about a mile before the turn-off to the city, which was where Frank and Sam prepared to break away from the crowd and move into the woods.

Suddenly the entire group came to a dead stop though and caused a lot of confusion as no one seemed to have any idea why. Sam and Frank began to see flashing red and blue lights however and they quickly gathered what was happening. It was always possible their ruse wasn't going to work and it appeared that those they used to work for had either figured out they weren't in the dorm or were attempting to make contact with the aliens again, either way it prompted both of them to start pushing their way towards the back of the march. Unfortunately for them when everything had come to a stop it compressed everyone together and they had a hard time wiggling their way through without causing a scene, especially for Sam whose every brush up against another person stimulated them. By the time they got to the edge of the march they stopped when they saw soldiers moving their way down the line to surround them.

"What are we going to do?" Sam asked, Frank looking down at him in question before he tapped the other man's ears to tell him to get rid of the plugs. "If we run they'll see us, and you don't exactly blend in to a crowd if they know what happened to us."

"We're going to have to risk it," Frank replied. "Even if they don't know that we look like this it's unlikely they stopped this group just for marching down a road. C'mon, before they get too close!"

The two gave one another a nod and after taking a deep breath they bolted, pushing away from the group in order to try and make it towards the tree line. They could hear the shouts of the military personnel walking down the line and the area around them was illuminated with several flashlights. Before they could properly react however they were both hoping down into the culvert before climbing back up, using their new digits to claw into the earth to propel themselves forward. They heard the sound of several guns going off as they scrambled into the woods but by the time they had started firing at them they were about to disappear into the shadows.

Just when they thought they had gotten away though the entire forest they stood in was illuminated with flood lights, the two putting their hands in front of their faces as they could just see the outlines of several soldiers with guns pointed directly at them. They were shouted at to get down on the ground and put their hands behind their back, and with no other way to escape the trap they did what they were told. They could hear the soldiers commenting on their looks as they went over and cuffed them, Frank and Sam looking at one another as they did so. Once they were properly manacled, Frank needing two sets to link together due to his broad shoulders and thick arms, they were promptly escorted away from the road and towards another exit to the woods.

In the nearby field another black car sat on a small dirt road that had been created at the tree line, except that this one was a limousine that they were brought to. Once they were alongside it the door it opened to reveal their senior agent inside along with a man they only recognized from pictures they had seen hung up on the wall. "Hello you two," he said as he poked his head out. "My name is Director Brandon Lee, I think that you two and I need to have a little chat."

Before either of the two could say anything they were pushed inside, stumbling slightly with their hands behind their back before they were put completely inside the car. The area with the muscular human-hyena hybrid sagged slightly, the shocks bouncing up and down as he adjusted himself while Sam was put in the opposite direction so that they faced one another. Once they were completely inside the doors were slammed shut and they sat there in silence for a moment as Director Lee lit up a cigar. They continued to wait for a few minutes before the man knocked against the window separating them from the driver and asked what the hold-up was, being informed that the march had to be dispersed before they could drive back on the road.

The man sighed and leaned back in the seat, Sam and Frank not even looking at him as he talked to their superior officer. They were discussing what to do with them like they weren't even there, discussing where their internment should be and what kind of security they needed around them. They were just property to them at this point, though for the two it was hard not to feel less than human around the other two. The difference was even more clear when Frank was sitting next to their supervising agent and made the other man look like a dwarf.

As Frank looked back at Sam they both gave one another a look that said that they had to get out of there and back to the alien ships, but with army personnel about and stuck with their hands restrained there wasn't much they could do. Sam could see the partially transformed hyena try to pull the restraints on his wrists apart as quietly as he could but they weren't budging an in inch. Though Frank's hands and forearms had grown thicker with his transformation his upper arms were still mostly human I nature, which meant the strength that showed in the lower part of his limbs wasn't translating higher. If only they had allowed the changes to spread a little further, Sam thought to himself before he was struck with a bolt of inspiration that caused his eyes to widen slightly before he felt a small smirk form on his pseudo-muzzle.

"Hey Frank," Sam said as he tried to contain himself, getting not only the hyena's attention but of the two humans that sat next to them. "Why did the chicken cross the road?"

"Ummm... I don't know," Frank said, tilting his head slightly in confusion. "Why?"

"To get to the idiot's house," Sam replied, his grin widening as he paused to let the silence fill the air before he turned towards the Director that was sitting next to him. "Hey Director Lee, knock knock."

Though the Director rolled his eyes Sam repeated the set-up once more before the man rolled his eyes and took a puff of his cigar. "Alright, fine," Director Lee finally replied. "Who's there?"

"The chicken." Sam was practically grinning from ear to ear as the two humans just scoffed and shook their heads, but he saw the true target of the joke snort slightly and watched as Frank's eyes lit up before he started to laugh. "See, someone thinks it's funny."

"Not very smart to make the one who's deciding your fate to be the punchline," Director Lee said.

"Oh, that wasn't the punchline," Sam replied as he nodded towards the increasingly hysterically laughing man. "That's coming up any minute now."

Frank's chest was practically heaving with laughter at this point as the entire car began to shake from it, and as the senior agent began to back away from him they could see that his entire body had begun to shift. The fit of noise coming from the man's mouth began to grow deeper as his entire body heaved forward, and when it did they heard the snapping and popping of his face as teeth pushed out past his gums that were extending outwards. By the time the two realized what was happening they heard a loud snap as Frank's arms bulged with new muscle and caused the handcuffs that were holding his hands behind his back to snap.

As their senior agent and the director were about to open the door and shout out to the guards that were somewhat nearby both were suddenly pinned back into their seat; Frank's growing hand pressing against the senior agent's face while one of his huge, still growing paws pushed against the head of the Director to keep them both muzzled. At the same Sam took his handcuffed hands and dexteriously pulled them under his feet and back up to his chest so they were in front of him, then held them out to Frank who snapped the chain between them with a twist of his muscular arm. Just as he was enjoying the freedom of being able to move his arms the divider between the front and back seat of the limo slid down and the surprised driver saw his boss and boss's boss pinned to their seats by a creature that was growing bigger by the second as his body rippled and swelled with new growth. As he reached down for his radio Sam quickly wrapped his arms around the man's throat, putting him into a sleeper hold that quickly caused him to pass out.

"Well Director, it's been fun," Sam stated as he patted the pinned man on the shoulder. "I think however Frank and I are going to be tendering our resignations effective immediately. If you don't want to find yourself or anyone else in a similar predicament you're in right now I would recommend not following us, otherwise I can't say for certain what will happen with that paw of his on your face."

Though Sam wanted to tease a little more, maybe even take the Director's phone for a photo op, the hyena's intense laughter was starting to draw attention to everyone else. He motioned for the other man to take care of the door and a few seconds later those slowly approaching the car watched in surprise as one of the doors to the limo flew off of its hinges and landed a few feet away in the grass. Though Frank was still transforming he was able to grab onto Sam and pull him out, using his new powerful legs to get them to the woods in no time. As they heard the military recover and try to shoot at them the hyena had gotten them past the tree line and deep into the woods where the sounds of sirens and gunfire quickly faded into the distance.

Once they had gotten far enough away that it was unlikely they would be able to pursue on foot Sam felt himself get unceremoniously dropped onto the ground as Frank stumbled forward. He had not stopped laughing since he had told the joke to him and as Sam got a good look at him he let out a slight gasp. He could see the fur spreading to the last vestiges of his body as the hulking male stumbled forward from his new toes twisting and warping into feet paws. The spandex briefs that had been hardly containing them in the first place had snapped off of him at some point during their run into the woods and as the entire body of the other man quivered Sam could see a tail pulling itself down the already growing spine while Frank grabbed onto a nearby tree to steady his naked form.

As Sam wondered if it was even worth it to calm Frank at that point he was surprised to hear the deep, rumbling laughs of the other man slowly ebb away, turning to yips and snarls as his head contorted and molded into its new shape. The oversized teeth that had been pushed past his somewhat human lips were pulled forward and over the exposed gums to give him a proper muzzle, though Sam could still see the fangs of the transformed male as he began to pant. Though his posture was hunched over from the muscle still thickening on his back and chest it appeared that he could retain an upright posture, though he looked more like a monster creature like some sort of bestial werewolf as he slowly turned around. Sam felt himself swallowing hard and taking a step back as the last of the fur grew over the hyena alien creature while it slowly began to approach.

"Frank... I... I'm sorry," Sam said as he stared into the honey-yellow eyes that looked down at him since Frank had grown head and shoulders above him. "It was the only way to get us out, if we stayed then you would have probably turned anyway..."

When the hyena finally got close enough to where they were only a few inches apart Sam couldn't help but look down past the toothy maw of the hyena and down his mountainous pecs, eventually getting past the eight-pack the creature sported to the thick black cock pointing straight at him. He could feel his desire and lusts starting to rise as he watched it throbbing, but before he could do or say anything he felt a large clawed hand press against his shoulder. "You did the right thing," Frank said, his deep, rumbling voice practically reverberating through Sam's body as he saw the hyena smile slightly. "Even though that wasn't really a great joke."

"Best I could think of under the circumstances," Sam replied with a smile and sigh of relief that it appeared Frank was still himself even if he inhabited the body of an alien hyena creature. "I just feel bad that I had to push you the rest of the way so we could make our escape. I owe you my life and I don't know how I could ever possibly repay you."

"Well..." the hyena said as he grinned, the hands on the half-transformed male's shoulders slowly sliding down his arms and causing Sam to shiver. "It would be nice to not go through this alone."

"Hey, you know I'm not going to leave you," Sam replied, though as the hyena continued to stroke down his arms his thoughts went elsewhere as he bit his lips and found his teeth had grown sharper. "Unless... you're talking about..."

"Putting that flexible feline body of yours to good use," Frank replied as his hand finally drifted down lower, his claws pulling on the fabric that was stretched by Sam's erection before he sliced the hem and caused the stretched garment to fall away. "You brought out the hyena in me, it's time I return the favor and bring out the tiger in you. Plus I may have changed due to this laughter but I am still horny as fuck."

Sam smiled and ran a hand along the furred chest of the other man, marveling at the muscles underneath practically pulsating with strength as he felt the hyena shiver. "That's something that I can definitely help with," he said as he motioned for Frank to sit down next to one of the bigger trees, the bigger male nodding and doing so as his new tail wagged excitedly in the air. "You helped us get out, the least I can do is get you off."

Once the hyena was in position with his legs stretched out Sam slid down the furred, thick legs of the hyena while wagging his exposed rear in front of the other male. Never before had he thought he would do something like this but whatever alien concoction was changing him had given him such a concentrated need that it took all his power not to grab his own cock and start stroking. He did want to repay Frank for causing him to take the plunge first, and as he continued to back himself down until the tip of the fleshy alien rod was pressed up against his pucker. With his chest still pressed up against the legs of the hyena Sam could feel his partner's hands press against his half-furred hips, helping to guide him down as he was penetrated for the first time.

The sensations was like lightning coursing through his body as the alien DNA they had been so desperately trying to avoid activating began to merge with whatever human DNA was left in his system. Almost immediately as the head of Frank's cock spread open his muscles and pushed inside he started to twitch and shudder, gasping as his transformation began anew. Had the hyena not been holding him up he would have probably slid down the entire length and impaled himself completely, and as those clawed hands pressed against the cheeks of the other male he could feel them swell and grow meatier while wrapping around his cock. Fur spread over the flesh like wildfire and Sam's body bobbed back and forth as his back arched from a tail pushing out just over where he was being stretched open.

Once he had managed to get about half-way down on the shaft Sam used his own hands to support himself, and as he leaned back and allowed more of the hyena's cock inside of him he groaned as his fingers twitched. They dug into the dirt as they finished the transformation started back in the dorm room, Sam's face contorted into a look of pure concentration not only from the pleasure coming from the hyena inside him but also from his changes. More fur spread up his back to meet the shaggy head fur that was growing down his head, Sam writhing back and forth as his face contorted and morphed into an even more feline shape. Soon his furred back was leaned against the chest of the other male and he pushed down the rest of the way, his stomach bulging upwards from the huge shaft he had just hilted as his own cock throbbed underneath.

Though Frank was in the throes of his own pleasure he decided to help speed the transforming tiger along. With his hands free he was able to reach up to a spot that he knew drove the feline wild, taking his fingers and pushing them against the nipples that had been expanding along with the growing pecs of the other male. Had Sam not been completely impaled on the cock beneath him he would have jumped up from the sudden jolt of pleasure that came from the hyena playing with them. His own member pulsed with need as the bigger man was practically salivating while he played with them, feeling every tweak cause the tailhole of the creature to clamp down on him and send tremors of pure estacy into his own body. Neither cared that they were no longer human anymore as the fur began to cover the last vestiges of his humanity, his groin surprisingly the last place where the changes were happening even though his maleness had grown in size during their dorm rendezvous.

With the changes nearly complete the hyena began to thrust upwards into the tiger sitting with his cock inside him, feeling his furry groin rub against similarly-textured cheeks of the male and watching the six-pack forming on Sam stretch with his length. Though Sam had grown and his physique became that of a professional athlete it was still dwarfed by the massive male behind him, though he found his flexibility increased even more as he reached back and returned the favor of playing with the hyena's nipples to get him to buck up even harder. Not to be outdone Frank managed to get his own legs to shift and as the tiger moaned loudly he got his huge paws around so that they could stroke his throbbing cock.

"Oh, you are a bastard," Sam hissed through his teeth. "I'm going to aarrgghh!" With the addition of those soft pads against his sensitive flesh the tiger came hard, spurting into the air as the last changes happened to his head. When his eyes opened again the already brilliant green had become full cat eyes as his ears stretched, both hearing his jaw pop and snap as it stretched into its final configuration. Sam's voice deepened by nearly an octave as his cries of bliss turned to snarls of pleasure as the skin warped around his new maw while white and black fur thickened around it.

Sam's belly bloated slightly as Frank wasn't too far behind, reaching his own orgasm and flooding the insides of the alien tiger wrapped around his cock with his new seed. The two males remained sitting there for a while after such an intense rutting session, the tiger resting against the large body of the man behind him. After a few minutes Sam shuddered when he felt the softening cock of the other male slide out of him, then fluidly twisted himself around so he could face the hyena. Though the two didn't say anything they didn't need to, and soon they found themselves using their muzzles to kiss one another as deeply as they could.

Eventually the two alien creatures stopped and turned their heads as their augmented hearing picked up on the sounds of movement starting to head towards their direction. "It appears that we might have been a little too loud," Sam said as he looked down to Frank, clamping his hands around the hyena's muzzle before he could start to laugh. "While I think your laugh is adorable now would definitely not be the time for that, why don't we go back to that clearing and see what the plan for us was all along with our new alien species?"

The hyena just nodded even though the tiger sitting on top of him could practically feel his body shaking with pent up laughter. After a few seconds Frank managed to get a hold of himself and he gave the motion that he was fine, and when Sam let go of him the two quickly got up and started to make their way deeper into the woods. Though they didn't have an idea of where they were they could sense where the alien craft was and ran towards it, leaving behind only a torn pair of spandex briefs and a pool of alien liquid. With their augmented bodies they were able to keep ahead of the search team looking for them and thankfully the canopy of the forest was thick enough that they could evade the helicopters that were looking for them as well, using their new senses to hide whenever it came close so they couldn't be detected.

Eventually the two broke through the brush and made their way into the clearing that they had walked through as humans a little more than a week ago. Everything still looked the same as it had before, the two ships were still parked as far apart from one another as they could and the tent in the middle was still up. As they walked forward through the tall grass they paused for a moment when they remembered the alien turret that popped up when they had gotten close, but after a few seconds and a couple of careful steps forward they realized that it no longer considered them a threat. With the security perimeter letting them through they made their way towards the tent and both of them poked their heads inside to find it was empty.

"They must be back on their respective ships," Sam said as they both walked in. "Look around for anything that might give us a clue on what happened to us. I'm still holding out hope that maybe this was some sort of accident and that they can reverse it."

"Well... I don't know about that second part," Frank said as he motioned for Sam to come towards him, the tiger's eyes widening when he got up next to the hyena and they both stared at a larger monitor screen that had their previous and present forms up on display. "But I don't think this was an accident."

"How right you are," a voice behind the two caused them to spin around and see both the wolf and lion alien standing there, each of them holding a glowing green canister. "We were wondering when you would find your way back home and it seems you came just in the nick of time. Ever since we were alerted that the alien DNA we had infiltrate your systems took effect we have been closing monitoring your progress and I have to say that we're both... very intrigued by the results."

Frank and Sam looked at one another, then back at the aliens as they felt themselves blush slightly. "When you say monitored..." Sam asked sheepishly. "Do you mean... you know..."

"Yes, the sex too," the wolf replied. "That was part of what had caused us some shock; normally when two of our kind meet up it is often met with sparks flying, but it appears since the two of you had known each other previously and also transformed at the same time you've entered into a type of bond that neither of our species have seen. While we're not at war our kinds are quite the rivals, yet here you two are showing just how fond of each other you are."

At firs the two weren't sure of what the alien creatures meant before the lion motioned down and they saw that they were actually holding hands without realizing it, something that caused both men to blush as they glanced at one another. "As I said, it's quite the unusual development," the lion stated. "As such we've decided that we would like to have a trial run where instead of one side claiming this planet as our own we have decided to take it over together and see what happens. If it works out the way we think it might then you two might have ushered in peaceful negotiations after all."

"Claim this planet together?" Frank asked, the two original aliens nodding with grins on their muzzles. "No wonder you didn't want us in your business, are you like the scout ships for some sort of invasion force?"

"No, we are the invasion force," the lion alien explained as he held up a canister. "As you have experienced for ourselves one of the things are species are particularly good at is genetic mutations; if a planet doesn't shoot us on sight we get the DNA of the dominant species and then alter it so that we can release an aerosol that gets dispersed into the atmosphere and transforms the population into us. It saves on the bloodshed of a traditional invasion and we gain a planet's worth of people to induct into our kingdom."

"As we mentioned normally its usually just one of our species that takes over a single planet for the reasons we previously mentioned," the wolf alien continued on. "But we happened to land here at the same time and decided to see which one of our species your kind would adapt to. Seeing how you both were pretty much transformed at the same rate and how close that brought you two we're going to launch both aerosols at the same time, which if our calculations are correct will produce a similar number of what you call canines and felines along with a few potential hybrid opportunities."

Both Frank and Sam were stunned at what they had just heard, finding out that not only had the aliens done this to them on purpose but also had facilitated the downfall of humanity. All they could do was stand there and watch as they took the canisters and loaded them into a device they hadn't seen the first time they were there before, watching as the spire of the machine rose up and pierced through the tent to go high into the air. The two looked at one another and they saw that they both had the same question for one another, which was what do they do to stop this from happening. They didn't know anything about what the two aliens were doing and eve if they somehow prevent them from releasing the mutagen they would still have to deal with the military coming in and likely separating them.

As the two silently contemplated their options their thoughts were interrupted by the aliens getting their attention. "The machine is primed and ready," the lion alien explained as he gestured towards two red buttons that were flashing on the console. "And since you two were the ones that inspired this we would like you to do the honors."

"Us?" Frank repeated. "Why?"

"Well part of is despite the fact that we're giving this a go I still hate his guts," the wolf said as he gestured towards the lion. "Part of our agreement is that once this activates we're going to leave, which means you two will be in charge. That means we're going to give you all of our knowledge by downloading it into your minds, but before we do that we have to make sure that you have the willingness to embrace your new life."

"I see..." Sam said as he stepped forward. "What if refuse to allow you to take over the planet?"

"Then we flip a coin and one of us gets to take it," the lion said with a coy smirk as he crossed his arms. "I didn't cross light years of space to leave with nothing, but I'd rather make sure that this experiment is left in the hands of someone willing to go through with it than to come back here and find out you tore one another apart. So you have two options, you either both press these buttons here and forsake your own race to create a better one, or you come with us and allow luck to determine whether the planet goes to the dogs or the cats."

Both Sam and Frank moved forward and looked down at the buttons, each putting a hand against it as they once more locked eyes as though to confirm to one another if this was really what they were going to do. Betraying humanity... and as both pointed out it boiled down to the two of them being able to stay together and keep the muscular, handsome alien bodies they had been given. Sam asked if great sex and studly bodies was really a reason to have aliens conquer an entire planet, and the two stood there stone-faced before Frank snorted and his lips quivered. The hyena alien started laughing, which caused the tiger to laugh as well which echoed through the clearing...

Meanwhile the search for the two escaped soldiers continued to comb the forest for them, and other than a few prints and the place where they had mated there was no sign of them. The Director sighed and tossed the cigar he had been chewing on ever since they freed themselves from his limo onto the ground. "Heads are going to roll for this," the Director told the senior agent that remained next to him. "Most likely they're already back at the landing site and if that's the case then until we decide to attack or send another envoy there's nothing we can do about it."

"We still have the footage that we recorded," the senior agent replied. "Our tech guys are analyzing it as we speak and once-"

The man was interrupted as a loud crack of thunder reverberated through the sky, everyone in the area looking up to see black clouds moving across the night sky. "A storm?" the Director said. "There's not supposed to be any storms today."

As a sheet of rain began to pour down over the forest the two decided to go into the damaged limo, closing the doors the best they could. The sudden storm caused the rain to come down in sheets and as they looked outside they could see the soldiers outside trying to make sure that any electronics were sheltered from the sudden deluge while one came over to the side of the limo with no door. "Sir, our men in the field are reporting strange things happening," the soldier stated as he wiped the water from his face. "We tried to get more information on what but their radios suddenly cut out, probably because of the storm."

"This has to be those aliens," the Director said as he grabbed his phone before pointing at the soldier. "Tell everyone to get out of this area and to evacuate to a safe distance, if something really is happening to our men in the woods then this is going to warrant a swift and devastating response." As he started to dial the number both him and the senior agent noted that the soldier wasn't moving save for his wet body shivering as his hands continued to hold onto the car. "Soldier, that is an order!"

When the soldier looked out they both gasped at seeing the man's face swelling, his clawed hands reaching up to it as thick fangs spread out his lips. The Director shouted at his driver to get the car started as the fatigues the soldier was wearing began to rip as he backed away, his shoes exploding at the seams as his face took on a more feline appearance. As the car started to drive off the two of them could see that the others caught in the rain were transforming just as drastically, some of them already ripping off their clothes to allow the thick cords of muscle bulging up their increasingly fur-covered skin to continue to expand. As the limo hit the road and began to speed off they saw the students that were there also experiencing similar changes, though most of them were having a different, more carnal reaction to being turned into alien creatures.

"Damnit!" the Director said angrily. "Get on the phone, we need to warn everyone about... this..." as the man looked over at the senior agent he saw the other male breathing heavily and scratching at his neck where black fur had begun to sprout while his ear was stretching. It seemed he had not escaped the rain entirely, the Director realized as he found himself scratching the back of his own hand where yellow fur with black spots grew while his fingernails turned to claws...

Secrets of Peaceful Negotiations (2/3)

The next few days passed by uneventfully, both Frank and Sam had relegated themselves to the routine of getting up, going to the base of operations, finding the aliens hadn't done anything, and then going back to their dorm to sleep. With most of...

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Secrets of Peaceful Negotiations (1/3)

The alarms at Fort Bragg had been going off for nearly an hour as military personnel ran from one place to the other. Everyone was on high alert for good reason; NORAD had picked up on two different kinds of unidentified aircraft that were making...

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Do the Twist

Jerkah looked around as the crew on his cooking show scurried around trying to make sure that everything was ready for their next episode. After their first episode aired they had seen a massive ratings spike among the Nexus and it made him amped...

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