An Ecological Disaster

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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What should be an ordinary tanker truck accident is anything but when it's Sibergon Labs that's hauling something, but while the focus is on the crash itself no one expects that effects have been carried downstream.

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Flares had been put up all around the tanker truck as it hung precariously over the river, the only thing keeping it on the bridge was the cab that was wedged into the guard rails where it had crashed. Flashing red and blue lights were everywhere and traffic was being redirected miles up the road as fire and tow trucks attempted to figure out the situation. "Looks like the oil tanker didn't realize that the cold weather had created ice on the bridge," the officer said to the dalmatian fire fighter that had just walked up to him and asked what the situation was. "Still looking for the driver, apparently fled the scene once he realized that he was about to go over the edge."

"Is it full?" the fire fighter asked as he looked over the edge, though the combination of it being night and snowy made it impossible to see anything but the swirling blackness of the water below. "If this thing tips over it's going to wash that crap all the way down into the nearby lake and we're going to have to evacuate the area."

"Without the driver it's impossible to say for certain, but from the logs it looks like they were fortunately pulling back an empty tank," the officer said. "We're waiting for dispatch to give us the green light so we can just pull it up, the strange thing is we still haven't figured out who it belongs too."

"That would be us," a third voice chimed in, the two turning to see a cheetah in a business suit approaching them from behind. "Agent Dawson, we're here to oversee the clean-up and help get things back on track. We apologize for any inconvenience that this crash caused."

Just as the officer was about to ask why there was no vehicle registration on the truck a bright light suddenly shined down on them and they looked up to see several helicopters coming down with chains attached to their undersides. In a matter of minutes they had managed to get the tanker back up on the road with a loud thud as the wheels bounced underneath it. Though the fire fighter asked just who the cheetah worked for he was already looking over the truck for damage. Though it appeared that the tanker had remained sealed there was significant damage to the walls where the metal was pushed out.

"Agent Dawson to Sibergon HQ," the cheetah said, holding up his finger to the two that were following him to get them to not speak. "I'm here at the crash site, looks like there was no breach... wait..." the agent knelt down, the other two following suit, and looked at the back end of the truck where the a jagged, twisted piece of pipe was all that remained of the filling valve. "Nevermind, I have a positive escape, going to need a clean-up team here as soon as possible..."

Meanwhile a few miles down the road from the crash site a wolf was walking by himself down one of the forest paths, making his way back home after a long day. Though it added half an hour to his walk time Night preferred it, especially during Winter when the only noises being made was the crunch of snow underneath his boots as he walked. At one point he thought he had heard sirens, but the further away he got from the road the more they faded away until the sound disappeared completely. Eventually though he did hear something else, the rushing of water from a small creek that fed into the lake that was another couple of miles down.

Though he had to cross the creek in order to get back to his house the creek was shallow enough that even if he had to walk through it the water only came up to the soles of his boots. There were also a number of rocks that he enjoyed hopping across as well, which was the preferred route as he got to the stream. He saw a little ice on the shore as he got ready to make his trek across but it was unlike that anything had formed on the rocks themselves as he jumped from the shore to the first rock, then to the second. When he got to the third and final one though he suddenly felt his foot slip out from the stone as it skidded on some sort of oily coating on it, causing him to fall and splash down into the shallow waters next to it.

Almost instantly Night was hit with the chill of the cold river water, but there was also a sensation that he had not expected either. It was almost slimy in nature and when he quickly got up he could feel it seeping into his clothes and starting to coat his fur. When he got up and raised his hands he saw that it was some sort of oil and when he looked further upstream more of it was drifting quickly towards him. All he could do was scramble up to the other shore and fall down on the snow. In his haste of splashing around some of the tainted water had gotten into his muzzle as well and as he spit it out he tried to shake out his clothes as much as possible.

With still a half a mile until he got to his house Night knew that he had an uncomfortable walk ahead of him, but as he started to walk again he could at least feel the movement starting to warm him up. The gooey substance could still be felt on his fur and the more he walked again the more he could feel it start to spread on him. There was no amount of washing these clothes that would take it off in one go, he thought to himself, and he would probably have to just throw them away. It was a real shame though as he started to walk up the hill since this was his favorite jacket.

Just as he started to climb the final hill that separated him from the entrance to the park he stopped as he heard something that sounded like someone chuckling in his ear. As the lupine whipped his head around he found himself still alone, the only thing keeping him company being the trees that surrounded him and made outlines in the otherwise snowy ground. "Pssst, over here," this time Night jumped as a voice could clearly be heard that time, but when he looked to his other side he found himself still alone. "Heheh, you're getting warmer... literally..."

Though Night could clearly hear the somewhat sinister voice like it was whispering in his ear there was no one around him, but as he stood there he began to feel something else that gave him pause. The chill of the air that had come from being doused in the river hadn't bothered him for quite a few minutes and as he continued to stand there he actually started to feel uncomfortably warm. Though the weather wasn't freezing he knew it was cold enough for that to be strange, but soon he found himself panting and took off the coat that he had been lamenting about minutes before. Underneath it was a short-sleeved shirt and he could see that the oily substance had soaked through that as well, but what really surprised him was his arms as they looked like they were covered in a layer of rubber as he looked at them.

"What... what is this stuff?!" Night said as he tried to take his hand to scrape the strange shiny material off of his opposite upper arm, only to get a surprising tingle of pleasure as he felt his latex covered hand slide effortlessly along it. "It's not coming off..."

"That's because I don't want it to come off," the voice replied, returning to whisper back into his ear and causing the wolf to gasp. "You see, that's me right there, that shiny stuff you're trying so rudely to remove."

"Well get off me!" Night said, though as he tried once more to get the substance off of him. Before he could though a massive surge of pleasure caused him to drop to all fours, the wolf panting as he tried to get a hold of himself. "What... how..."

"I've already infiltrated this lovely little mind of yours," the voice replied, Night grunting as he could feel the rubbery substance that was on his arms start so spread over the patches of fur that hadn't been covered yet. "I can have you feel all sorts of interesting and exotic pleasures, but right now we have bigger things we need to do. It's been a long time since I had been given a body to play with and I intend on making full use out of it, including making a few adjustments... for instance..."

Night let out a loud moan that echoed through the forest as he suddenly fell backwards, his knees still buried in the snow as an intense surge of pleasure came straight for his groin. With his coat dropped to the side he could clearly see the front of his pants starting to tent, and as he could feel his member growing it wasn't the usual erection like he was used to. As the bulge in the fabric grew bigger with every beat of his heart he reached down with his hands in order to release it, but was shocked when he found that his hands had not only been covered by the black rubber but looked almost swollen. As he saw claws grow from the shiny digits they continued to fumble around the zipper as he could hear it start to strain, but the increasing tightness of his pants only made it harder for him to grab it until he finally had to put his hands back against the ground and thrust his hips in the air from the stimulation.

With a loud pop the groin of his pants finally gave up the ghost and what Night saw flop out onto his stomach caused his eyes to widen. His cock was not only a shiny black and about a foot long but had grown a series of ridges on it as it throbbed against his stomach, growing stiffer by the second. "Now that's something to be proud of," the voice said as Night continued to look in shock at it as the rubber spread over his groin. "I bet you can't wait to try it out."

The lust and arousal being fed to him while his body was changing made it hard for Night to even think of a response, especially as he felt one of his hands rise up on its own and start to stroke it. "What... what are you doing to me..." Night said, gritting his teeth and trying not to groan as he tried to pull away his hand only to find himself losing control of the other one. "Why... can't control..."

"Oh, these arms belong to me now," the creature said as Night felt one of them flex, watching the muscle thicken as he caused it to bulge. "Just like this delightful cock I made does, though as you can plainly see you will be able to enjoy the fruits of my labor. But for right now you need to stop talking and enjoy yourself, now if only there was something that we could put in that mouth of yours to keep quiet..."

Night groaned slightly as the fingers that had been stroking along the sensitive ridges of the rubber cock attached to him left it and went to his shirt. All the wolf could do was watch as it was pulled off of his body, revealing an increasingly muscular chest and abs. While he had been fit before whatever rubbery creature was on him was molding his body to be that of a professional athlete, maybe even more as he began to feel his spine stretch and pop. As he looked between his legs he could see that some of the change happening to his backside was his lupine tail lengthening to the point it could wrap around his legs, but as it did just that and pulled them backwards Night could feel that most of the transformation was giving him additional flexibility for the sole purpose of bringing his cock closer to his own muzzle.

Though Night tried to resist whatever creature was controlling him it wasn't long before he felt the tip of it slide past his lips, and as soon as it did he could feel the rubber start to spread over his face. The gooey substance cascaded over his muzzle as he was penetrated by his own maleness, and as it quickly started to stretch out his maw he could feel his tongue start to lick across it. There was no denying that the pleasure was so intense that he was being fed, but he couldn't just let himself be taken over by something that he had encountered from an unfortunate fall in the river. As he began to feel foreign thoughts merging with his own mind as the creature crawled over his skull however he soon found that there had been no accident, seeing it sense his approach and intentionally use his own body to make the stone slick.

"Think of it as destiny..." the creature continued to say, teasing Night as he used their new tail to push the thick, throbbing cock even deeper inside the mutating rubber maw that was becoming more draconic by the second. "I needed a body, and you just happened to bring it to me. Trust me when I say we're going to have a lot of fun together..."

With his own shiny rubber thighs practically pressed against his ears, which stretched out and became finned, the rubber that had been covering his head suddenly went over his eyes and sealed them completely. With blackness all around him all Night could do was feel the sensations of sucking his own cock, which was joined by the feel of something pushing into his own tailhole. As first the transforming wolf wasn't even sure what that could be, but as he felt the prehensile tail tighten around his growing ankles he realized the tip he felt sliding inside of him was his tail. His new thicker hands clenched the earth as he was penetrated deep, feeling his insides were just as slick as the rubber skin tightening around his expanding muscles as the pleasure became so intense he was struggling to think straight.

After what felt like ages Night found himself able to see once more, but as his gaze shifted back and forth he realized that just like the rest of his body the strange goo was in control of them once more. They didn't even feel like he was looking out of his own, like the creature had created his own eyes on top of his as he slowly began to feel the tail that he could see pushing into his tailhole slowly pull out. The wolf began to wonder if perhaps the gooey creature that had taken over his body had gotten his fun but as he felt his new huge draconic feet hit the ground he could start to hear something else. It was a voice that was becoming increasingly clearer by the second and when it finally saw what was causing it the possessed wolf felt a glimmer of hope that he had been saved by whomever the goo creature was running from.

"Hey, you down there!" the park ranger said as both he and the creature watched the fox come down the hill. "The park's closed, you have to leave immediately!"

"Oh?" Night replied, though the wolf was shocked when it wasn't him that responded as he had attempted to shout he needed help. "I thought that the park was open all night."

"There's something going on up near the highway," the ranger replied as he finally got on level ground, shining the light on the rubber dragon for the first time and getting a confused look. "Hey, uh, little cold to be going out and about like that."

"Does it look like I'm cold?" the creature replied as he started to move forward, gesturing downwards and causing the fox to swallow hard. "If you think that I am though perhaps you can help me warm up, I can think of a few things we can do."

Night was stunned as the park ranger didn't seem to be able to do anything but look at the creature in front of him as he felt his body move forward. As he wondered how it was possible that a park ranger would ignore a clearly unusual creature walking around he began to get the explanation fed to him directly into his mind. This creature was created by a company called Sibergon Labs with the express purpose of luring others in and feeding on their desires, sort of like an incubus, and had given him the tools to do so easily. Part of that was enthralling others with a look and a word, and though he couldn't see himself Night got a mental picture of what they looked like now and he couldn't help but admit that they did look hot.

"So as you can see I didn't have to worry about this little bit of interference," the creature said as he took the park ranger's hat off and toss it aside while the vulpine just stood there completely transfixed. "In fact I think that fate has once more shined upon us; while I was contained in the clutches of that lab I had developed a skill that they hadn't realized, one that they probably would have put me in cold storage for or at the very least not allowed me to go unescorted on that tanker truck. I'm merely supposed to be some sort of love doll or brothel addition, but now that I have you I can try out my new trick."

When Night tried to ask what sort of trick was that the demonic rubber dragon just smiled and leaned forward, bringing the park ranger's chin up and having their muzzles meet in a kiss. With the fox still completely transfixed by whatever ability the incubus had it eagerly reciprocated the gesture, even opening his mouth to allow the insistent tongue inside. Night could feel that the appendage was becoming gooey in nature as it slithered around the fox's maw before diving in deeper, wiggling visibly in his throat as his eyes went wide. It seemed for a brief moment that the park ranger had regained his senses but by that point Night's arms had already wrapped around him and the tongue inside his muzzle had grown thicker and started to stretch out his lips.

After about a minute Night let go of the park ranger and took a step back, letting the fox stumble backwards as well while attempting to rub what he thought was thick saliva off of his mouth before shining his light on the creature. "You stay right there!" The park ranger shouted, his faculties seemingly completely back save for a tent in the front of his pants that he didn't seem to notice. "I don't know what sort of shenanigans you got going on burrb err... errt grrrnnggg..."

Though Night was surprised as the park ranger's words started to get increasingly garbled the rubber incubus just watched while crossing their arms with a smirk on their muzzle as a shiny black liquid began to drip out of his mouth. The shocked fox tried to wipe more of the substance away but as the seconds ticked by more of it began to leak out, then started to drip from his nose as the goo defied gravity and spread across his muzzle. As the rubber started to solidify it completely sealed the fox's face and with more of it coming out of his eyes and ears it didn't take long before his head was completely covered from the neck up.

The first panicked thought that Night had was the demonic creature had killed the park ranger, but that thought was quickly dismissed as the fox's hands moved up and started to slide over his mostly-featureless face. "That should keep him quite quiet for this next part," the demon said as he went over and gave a brief kiss on the rubberized head of the fox. "Now strip."

The park ranger seemed to briefly tilt his head in confusion but then immediately began to remove his clothing, which showed that the rest of his body seemed to remain its normal vulpine configuration. As the fox pulled down his underwear though Night could see that something was still causing his throat to stretch and as the incubus went down that bulging and swelling could be seen spreading through his body. With all his clothes off he could also see that patches of his red fur were starting to darken, the strands merging together as the demon turned him around. As Night saw the vulpine tail raise up and saw the rubber goo had gotten all the way through the other male it dawned on him what was about to happen.

The creature possessing Night was about to create another rubber goo incubus.

There was a dark chuckle deep in his mind that confirmed Night suspicions, but with the gooey rubber demon controlling his body there was little he could do but watch as the cock that had been in his own maw just a minute ago was being guided into the male in front of them. He could feel the absolute thrill that the demon was getting out of this and the lust being formed was infectious, though he wondered if he would feel more at home being the one about to be turned. As he thought that he felt the demon get an idea from that, though what it was it kept hidden as he pushed the head of his cock into the tailhole of the fox. The naked male only let out a slightly audible grunt as his hole, which had been coated in the rubber fed to him by the incubus, stretched open easily to allow him to pop the head inside.

The ease of the insertion and intense sensations coming from the sensitive flesh being rubbed against by the inner walls of this creature was causing a pleasurable overload in Night's already lust-fogged mind. The fox also seemed to be enjoying himself as well, though it was hard to tell with the rubber completely covering his face. As the incubus continued to push in however Night was able to see that the shiny hood that had formed over the park ranger was changing, shifting subtly as it seemed to tighten around him. It was clear that the demon was changing him to something, but what?

"I figured since I had removed one wolf from this world with my own body," Night answered as he continued to push forward, spreading the transforming fox open wide while also seeing more rubber covering the vulpine's form. "I may as well give it another. There will be a few modifications of course, can't have an incubus just running around without the proper equipment after all."

Night could see exactly what the incubus meant by that as he saw the fox's cock starting to grow longer with each throb caused by another inch thrusted inside of him. He could see ridges starting to form as it grew longer, forming into something similar to the one being pushed into the fox's tailhole. As the pleasure continued to build however Night could see he wasn't going to be a fox demon, watching the and muzzle shift to something more lupine in nature while the muscles of his neck stretched and grew. At the same time the demonic goo inside of the park ranger had started to manifest over his body, quickly spreading like wildfire over the red and white fur to turn it a shiny black while the muscles underneath grew bigger.

As the draconic incubus finally got enough inside the increasingly rubber creature in front of him to start thrusting in and out Night was surprised to hear a dark chuckle that hadn't come from the one that was possessing him. "Yesss..." the park ranger said as the rubber finally receded around his lips and allowed him to speak. "This... power..."

"It's all yours," The dragon incubus replied. "And just like me you can spread it to whomever you want."

There was another laugh from the rubber wolf demon before inhaling sharply as the dragon incubus pushed in deep, even Night finding himself exhaling despite not having control of his mouth. These two creatures were feeding off each other, gaining strength from their mutual lust and shared passion. Unlike Night though who was merely a passenger in all of this the one getting his rubberized tailhole pounded had been corrupted through and through. There was an evil grin on both incubi as they continued to mate, though they knew that there wouldn't be a lot of time to do that if they were going to stay ahead of the ones hunting them.

Unbeknownst to either of them the park ranger wasn't the only one that had changed. The snow that was around them had begun to get shinier and unseen underneath it the ground and grass turned a similar shiny black. Trees near the two rubber demons began to warp and twist as well, the branches growing soft and starting to sway softly in the wind. It appeared that the power of the entity was not just corruptive to those that were captivated by it, though none of them noticed with their focus on far more carnal pursuits.

Unfortunately for them there was one that had taken notice of the strange changes happening in the woods, the cheetah frowning as the satellite feed that was being displayed on his tablet showed warnings that there were significant mutations surfacing in the ecosystem of the forest. "At least he'll be easy to track," the cheetah muttered, zooming in just enough to take a glimpse of the two creatures that were clearly enjoying themselves, finding himself licking his lips and staring before he shook his head. "Where is that team..."

"We just arrived sir," Agent Dawson turned around to see a man in a full bodysuit and tinted helmet standing behind him, the logo of Sibergon Labs emblazoned on his shoulder. "We've already begun containment protocols and have started a sweep of the area. Did headquarters fill you in on the entity that we're supposed to be tracking?"

"Yeah, we got ourselves a great mix of goo and demon here with a sprinkle of rubber thrown in for good measure," Agent Dawson replied with a sigh. "I can send you the location right now but I'm not sure if we're going to be able to do anything about it, my guess is they were messing with forces that they weren't supposed to be toying with... again. It's supposed to be a benign symbiote but I can already tell you that it is neither, in any case do not engage with it until we get more information on what its abilities are."

"Yes sir," the armored creature gave him a nod and walked off, leaving the cheetah once more with his thoughts. Though they hadn't gotten the time of the initial infection he did manage to see the wolf that had been caught up in their creation, though by now it was likely that he would be just as corrupted as the park ranger that was unfortunate enough to stumble on the demonic entity. As he looked once more at the tablet the warning radius was getting wider, and with it being so close to the city it wouldn't be long before either the two demonic entities would move to it or the corruption would get there first.

It was not a call that he liked to make, but Agent Dawson knew what he had to do as he tapped his earpiece to call Headquarters again. "This is Agent Dawson," the cheetah stated after the usual greeting while rubbing his eyes. "Please get me in touch with the Damage Control division."

"This is Damage Control," another voice said on the line after a few seconds. "Ah, Agent Dawson, is this about the clean-up that you requested?"

"It is unfortunately," the cheetah replied. "They've gravely underestimated the intensity of this creature, at this point at minimum it's going to be an ecological disaster... but I have the feeling that the two involved aren't going to be satisfied with turning a few trees. I'm sending you the data now and asking for a recommendation of level five containment."

Meanwhile the police officer and fire fighter who had been on the accident first watched as all new personnel seemed to constantly roll in, something that they suspected was not just the Environmental Protection Agency. "I'm sick of being out of the loop," the officer grumbled. "Twenty years on the force and I have to play babysitter to a tanker truck?"

"Could be worse," the fire fighter said with a shrug.

"Doubt it," the police officer replied. "You know what, I'm going to go over there and demand to be a part of this, otherwise they can kiss my-"

"Gentlemen," the sudden appearance of the cheetah in front of them caused both to jump as he smiled at both of them. "I have great news; the tanker trunk was completely empty after all and there is no need for us to stick around. Keep up the great work."

"Oh... uh... thanks," the officer said as he shook the agent's hand. "Sorry for you coming out here for nothing." The cheetah just nodded and walked down the road while the two talked about how they were going to handle the situation as everyone else left the area. When they realized they didn't have contact information for the agent they turned to ask... only to find that he had completely vanished.

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