Eleven Tentacles Coils

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#11 of Twelve Kinks of Christmas

Christmas Bal'Kar!

The kink for this day was tentacles

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For the Christmas holiday Chaos and Jet had been holed up in their little home for nearly a week as a blizzard raged about outside. Though it wasn't snowing hard the icy temperatures and swirling winds made going out next to impossible, though the wolf and husky didn't mind that at all as they had more than enough supplies to wait out the storm itself. For one of the two males however there was something else that was starting to make him anxious, something that he had been meaning to do ever since they heard something come out of the other male's mouth. But after a week of not being able to leave the house it soon drove both of them practically up the wall waiting.

When the storm did subside and the moon could be seen peeking out beyond the clouds Chaos immediately suggested that they go outside and that he had something to show the wolf. Though Jet was curious on what this could possibly be he suspended his curiosity in order to allow the excited husky to surprise him. As the week had gone on he had noticed that Chaos had started to get increasingly agitated, spending longer times taking showers, staring out the window, and even once in a while staying up late because of insomnia, so if this helped alleviate these symptoms then he was all for it. Just as Jet was about to go to the car Chaos shook his head and pulled him over towards the back of the house.

Behind their rather modest estate was a large expanse of woods, one that the two were grateful for as it meant not only that they had less neighbors to deal with but it was also perfectly fitting for long walks. Often times Jet would see Chaos going off into the woods alone to reflect and he sometimes did so himself just to relax. That was normally in the spring and summer months though, and especially not when there was nearly a foot of snow on the ground despite the blizzard being mostly blowing. Finally the mystery of the situation provoked Jet to ask what on earth they were doing outside right after a blizzard.

"I told you that I was going to have a surprise for you," Chaos said with a grin as he led the lupine out into the woods that was behind their house. "I think you're going to enjoy it very much."

"Well you must be excited if you're leading us out here in the middle of the woods at night while its snowing on Christmas," Jet replied, trying to keep his footing on the slippery ground as the husky pulled him along. "I don't mind you not telling me, but could we at least slow down a bit? You're going to tear my arm off at this rate."

"Sorry," Chaos replied sheepishly, stopping at the edge of a small cave that was just a few feet in front of them. "It's just been that I have been pent up for quite a bit and I didn't want to do anything until it was Christmas. Now that we've been together for a while I think it's time that I share with you one of my secrets that I've been keeping back here."

Though Jet didn't believe that the canine had ill intentions his brain couldn't help but think about scenes in movies where the spouse or boyfriend suddenly finds out that their significant other was a cannibal or a serial killer. It didn't help that as they got into the cave he was immediately met with a wave of humidity that was unlike the chilly night air. The snow quickly melted off of their fur as they went in deeper and once more the wolf was surprised, this time at how deep this cave was that was in the back of their house. When they got the place he didn't remember an mention of a place like this and it made him wonder if Chaos had somehow did this even though he distinctly didn't remember him driving in a backhoe to clear it out.

Finally by the time the two of them had gotten down to the bottom of the cave Jet was practically sweating, and when looked over at Chaos he saw that he was doing the same... except that his seemed to be tinted green. It wasn't the same teal green as his head fur or other markings, instead this was almost an electric green color that even seemed to be glowing. As Jet looked back out he found that around the corner there was a similar light that was illuminating the rock wall. When he looked at his boyfriend in question the husky just gave him a wink, his bright green eyes glowing a similar color to everything else, and took him by the hand once more to lead them further in.

Everything that Jet had contemplated on what he was possibly going to find there was nothing compared to the reality of the situation. The cave had opened up into a cavern, and in that caver was a bright green glowing pool of thick liquid with shiny black tentacles growing out of it. Those same tentacles continued to spread up the rock walls and had formed a lattice that grew out and make the entire area look alien in appearance. Though it wasn't as bad as body parts hanging from the ceiling the lupine could feel his nervousness increase as he looked back at Chaos.

"Now I know that you might be getting a little anxious at all this," Chaos said as he continued to hold the wolf's hands, drawing him further into the cavern. "But I know that you're going to be fine. Remember when you told me that you were into the idea of tentacles... well I'm about to show you that you just hit the jackpot."

Jet was about to ask what that means when he saw that the white, grey, and teal markings of the husky had started to disappear under patches of black. He also noticed that the other male had started to get bigger, and the longer he watched the more that he had started to crane his head upwards to keep making eye contact. His eyes widened as the grin that was on Chaos' muzzle continued to grow, eventually spreading until it went past his cheeks while his muzzle flattened and black tendrils pushed out of it. Chaos was starting to grow truly monstrous... and that was just the beginning as his glowing green tongue began to slide out past his maw.

Jet had to take a few steps back, which with him getting turned around actually led him deeper into the cave, as more tentacles started to spill out from the body of the husky. There was a loud moan that came from the expanding throat of the male as his shoulders shifted, then bulged up into two more tentacles that formed into flowers at the end except that when the petals opened up and revealed that each one had a set of eyes that looked at him. Some of the bigger tentacles actually had started to push into the pool of glowing green fluid as the cock of the husky, which had been growing steadily bigger and started to glow as well, disappeared behind in the growing abdomen before it stretched out back into view. It started to quickly become apparent why such a large cavern had been constructed as even as his head and neck grew to the point where he was nearly bumping his head against the ceiling.

"Chaos... I..." Jet said as he felt his back get pressed up against the wall. "I... don't know what to say..."

There was a low, throaty chuckle that came from the still growing creature, even more tentacles growing from the shiny black rubbery flesh that made up Chaos' form. "I can see that you're a bit surprised," Chaos replied with a chitter. "But the fact that you're not running for the hills is a good sign that you're at least into it. Now... what are you thinking after finding out that your boyfriend is a monster?"

Jet remained silent for a few seconds, then just as Chaos was starting to wonder if that he may have made a mistake in telling him he saw a smile on the wolf's face. "Man, the look on your face was priceless," Jet said as he watched the face of Chaos continue to grow some disintegrator tentacles on his muzzle as it cracked into a relieved smile. "I can't believe that you've been doing all this in secret without telling me, do you know how often we could be having tentacle time with one another if you just told me?"

"I didn't even know you were into tentacles until you told me recently," Chaos replied, his voice deep and with a slight gurgle to it as he leaned down until his muzzle was almost level with Jet's. "The second that I found out about that I was itching to tell you, I just wanted to make sure that it was the right time. Now that I see you're cool with this I think it's time we take this to the next level so that you can... fully indulge in that kink of yours."

Already Jet had a tent in the front of his pants as his eyes continued to look over the shiny black appendages, more of the green goo that Chaos explained was bio-extract leaking out over the stone floor. The wolf grinned sheepishly and asked if there was some place that he could put his clothing, seeing several of the tentacles pointing over to a cubby hole that had been carved out of the stone and where the tendrils hadn't grown into. He quickly disrobed as he eyed up the growing puddle of extract that was starting to spread over the stone, shifting back a few times while he got undressed. Once he was finished, putting his clothing along with the ones discarded from the transformed Bal'Kar, he watched as more of the black tendrils on the wall weaved across the opening so that it formed a barrier between them and the rest of the cavern.

Once they had both confirmed that their clothes and any electronics that may have been on them were completely secure Jet began to saunter back towards the monstrous creature. The Bal'Kar was more then happy to let the smaller male to set the pace even though he could reach over with those tentacles and snatch him up right away, letting the wolf examine some of the tentacles that had spread over the floor over the floor of the cave. A visible shudder had gone through the entire body of the creature from the tip of the tentacle to the main body and then through all the other appendages. He took his palms and pressed them against the shiny flesh, watching as the green fluid started to immediately soak into his fur as it wiggled under his grasp.

"This is so cool," Jet said with a big grin on his face as he looked back up at Chaos. "So do all of these tentacles have names or something, or are they just all called Bal'Kar tentacles? Are any of them used for anything in particular, especially those ones that are on... well, I guess you could say your shoulders even though I don't think that they would necessarily call them that anymore."

Chaos chuckled and gave Jet a bit of a guided tour of his body, using one of his bigger tentacles to wrap around the waist of the wolf and pull him up so that he could see everything that was going on. It was quite the site to see all the anxiety and nervousness that had been on his boyfriend's face melt away as he was told everything that the could about his physiology, going from the disintegrator tentacles on his head to the controller tentacles that gave him a look over all the way down towards the grabber and thruster tentacles all over his form. Eventually the two of them got to the breeder tentacle and when Jet saw the glowing green appendage he found himself blushing slightly and admitting sheepishly that he probably wasn't going to be able to take that in any form.

"Luckily for you we do have the ability to compress our form," Chaos replied with a small chuckle, which only became louder when he saw the look of relief on the wolf's face. "You should see your face, you looked like you had just gotten pulled away from the firing squad."

"Well no offense but I think that if you shoved that into me it would be coming out of my mouth," Jet replied with a smile of his own. "So what do we do now?"

"Now you can just go ahead and relax," Chaos said. "This is my Christmas gift to you after all, so I think I get the pleasure of wrapping it."

Jet nodded and the wolf relaxed his body as Chaos continued to slide his slickened tentacles around his naked body. Even though he would be shrinking himself down soon, making sure to retain his features to enwrap the other male in the maximum amount of tentacles, he wanted to make sure that he got the full experience with the bigger ones as much as possible. He heard the lupine moan and his body practically trembled in the grasp of the tentacle monster as they slipped and coiled all around him, making sure to stimulate every possible inch. Soon Jet couldn't even move as one of the thicker tentacles wrapped him up from next to toe while other smaller ones wrapped around the limbs within.

Chaos could hear Jet moan as he writhed within the confines of his tentacles, knowing that the male was enjoying himself thoroughly. They hadn't even begun to start with anything overly intimate and the lupine was practically climaxing inside of his clutches. He could certainly understand why, even without the wolf already indulging in his kink it was hard to resist the allure of the Bal'Kar and it didn't hurt that the two were already infatuated with one another. Jet practically moaned his name as he withdrew the bigger tentacles from his limbs and replaced them with smaller ones.

As the slick, rubber-like flesh rubbed along his fur Jet felt his body being brought to new heights of pleasure. Never before had he thought that he would be able to experience something like this, but somehow he had managed to fall for something that was more than capable to indulge in such a thing. As he was moved around in the air by the larger creature something else came into his vision, which he quickly recognized as one of the controller tentacles. When he looked into the eye that was staring at him he could feel his lusts growing even more, spiking his arousal even more then the tendril that had wrapped around his teal cock. It was quickly joined by a second one and it had an almost hypnotic effect on him, his entire body relaxing from it as the glowing green orbs drifted in front of him.

Jet wasn't sure how long he remained staring into those controller tentacles before they backed away, revealing the head of the Bal'Kar staring at him. They locked eyes with one another and for a second the two just grinned at one another, though the wolf's eyes soon widened when he saw the maw of the giant creature stretching open. At first he thought that Chaos was about to experience a completely different fetish he saw that the bright green tongue of the creature whipped around in the air. The Bal'Kar had already started to shrink himself quite a bit in order to make this next part work as he took the slurper and coiled it around the exposed neck and head of the wolf.

It was quickly becoming clear where it was about to go as the tip of it pressed up against his muzzle, the newest tentacle starting to wiggle around and push its way past his lips. Jet decided to play a bit coy and shifted his head around, which caused Chaos to huff slightly in frustration which would have knocked the wolf back had he not been wrapped up in tentacles. They continued that way for about a minute before the monstrous creature finally decided that he had enough of the tease and wrapped his slurper completely around the head of the creature before circling back to his maw. The lupine's maw quickly found itself filled with the glowing tongue, which caused his entire body to tremble with pleasure from the sudden insertion.

At first it was a tight fit but Chaos seemed to sense that he wasn't able to fit it all and compressed himself further, allowing some movement in the maw of other male so they could properly make out. After showing off the impressive stretch of his own muzzle he closed it so that their lips could touch as well, rubbery muzzle bumping up against the furry one as they quickly became more passionate. It didn't take long before the lupine began to grow as lustful as the Bal'Kar generating it as several of the smaller tentacles began to push up against his backside. Chaos couldn't hold back much more and from the way that he felt Jet squirming in his grasp and the muffled moaning from his stuffed maw he was ready as well.

As the Bal'Kar began to push its way into the tailhole of the male Jet's entire body tensed as the slightly squishy appendage began to push inside of him. With the addition of the bio-extract that constantly oozed from the tentacle creature's body, which had completely soaked the wolf to the point where the tentacles had to keep a slightly tighter grip to make sure that he didn't slip out, the rather small tentacle began to slide into the male. At the same time Chaos took the legs of the lupine male and stretched them out and exposed more of the male while he began to get thrusted into both ends. For Jet he thought the experience was so intense that he almost came right there, but just as he was about to orgasm the Bal'Kar seemed to sense it and stopped.

"You didn't think that I was going to let you off that easily?" Chaos said after he pulled his slurper out of his mouth, looking at him with a smirk as he watched the wolf panting as he remained suspended in the air. "I'm going to be putting my breeder into you, so let's just calm things down a bit first and then we can get you... properly prepared for it. Trust me, you're going to love all of this."

"You're evil," Jet said between gasps of breath, which grew more intense when the tentacles inside of him pushed deeper inside of him after he had calmed down enough so that he wouldn't climax. "I'm so going to get back at you for this."

Chaos just continued to grin and lowered the wolf back down as he shifted the tentacles on him, keeping him right on the edge as he continued to push the widening base to stretch him more. With the aid of the bio-extract that had slathered inside the tailhole he was able to get quite far, the Bal'Kar making sure that the lupine could take it. Though Jet couldn't see behind him it felt like the monstrous male was starting to stretch out his belly as another tentacle replaced the slurper in his maw. Though Chaos did get quite a bit of pleasure from the tongue sliding around his rubbery flesh it was mostly for the wolf to get pumped into by a tentacle from both ends while also effectively muzzling him.

After a few minutes of Jet being pumped into from both ends the Bal'Kar decided that it was time to take this to the next level. The wolf let out a muffled grunt as the tentacles that had made their home in his insides were withdrawn, leaving his internal walls with a deep tingling from the bio-extract that was coated with it. The one in his muzzle remained and the lupine could feel more tendrils sprouting off of it and wrapping around it to form an even more secure cover around his maw. Jet squirmed slightly as the tentacle was secured tightly into him, feeling the bio-exact tingling against his throat while the thick appendage continued to push down into his throat.

"I hope you're ready for this," Chaos said, continuing to shrink down until he was a little bigger than the size of a horse, albeit one with a lot of tentacles. Jet turned back as best he could and nodded, the bio-exact seeping into his body combined with the pleasure that he had been getting fed this entire time making it hard for the lupine to even think. "You don't know how long I've been waiting... you're in for the ride of your life."

All Jet could do in response was grunt as he felt his body get shifted once more, realizing at that moment that the Bal'Kar was in complete control of his body with the tentacles that were wrapped around his limbs. The position he was put in was not his own, though he was so inundated with euphoria at this point that he didn't think he would be able to move any of his own muscles if he wanted too. Eventually Chaos laid him on top of something thick and pulsating, which at first the wolf thought was another tentacle before he looked down and realized it was the abdomen of the creature that was holding him. Right at the end of it that was nestled up against his throbbing member was a bright green, glowing hole that was surrounded by small green tendrils that he thought might have been cute if he wasn't practically ready to explode with pure bliss.

Once more the wolf didn't even need to move, and neither did the appendages that had been slithering around his body as it was the ones that lined the orifice that drew him in. Jet let out a muffled groan as he quickly sank into the bigger creature, completely engulfing the sensitive flesh in one smooth thrust as those same tendrils began to tease every inch of the shaft. At the same time the Bal'Kar showed off his impressive flexibility and Chaos pulled himself forward, wrapping even more black shiny tentacles around the wolf as the cock that glowed with a similar hue to the hole that Jet was in started to tease those furry globes. Jet felt his tail get lifted up and away to expose his hole as the large, squishy head began to stretch him open where tentacles had been doing the same only minutes ago.

Even with all the preparation Chaos had to take it slow; there was s till a sizable difference between the two males and the Bal'Kar definitely didn't want to hurt the lupine at all and break him out of his lustful state. There were several grunts and huffs that came from the gagged mouth of the restrained male as he felt his insides getting spread open once more, though this was far thicker then the tentacles he had been experiencing as his own hips were pushed forward. Thankfully the abdomen of the alien creature was more then willing to brace his body during the insertion, mainly by spreading more of those glowing green tendrils over his thighs and between his legs. The only thing that Jet could think of through the increasingly thick cloud of pure desire that was fogging over his mind was how lucky he was to be able to experience something that he believed would always just be a fantasy.

The next few hours became a haze of lust as the Bal'Kar showed him just how skilled he was with those tentacles, making sure to stimulate every inch of his entire body. The two lost all track of time, Jet in the sweet embrace of the tentacles that surrounded him while Chaos made sure to make his first experience in his embrace one of the most memorable ones in his life. With the aid of the Bal'Kar the two experienced multiple orgasms throughout the night, the wolf able to keep going even after he should have been dry. Eventually the two weren't even having sex anymore, the two finally finishing in a mess of fur and tentacles.

Once they were done Jet and Chaos shifted over towards the bio-extract pool, the Bal'Kar expanding back to his original form on the request of the wolf. Jet had been curious on what the liquid was going to be like, though he had been entirely coated in the substance he had not been submerged in the substance by any extent. With the tentacles wrapped around him the much bigger creature had entered into the pool first, then once he was settled in he lowered the other male down into it. At first Jet thought that it was like jello but after it warmed to his body temperature it was less gel-like then he had imagined. It still was somewhat thick as it oozed over his fur and through the tentacles that bound him.

"Well this was certainly quite the Christmas gift," Jet said as he relaxed into the rubbery flesh of his boyfriend. "Hopefully this isn't going to just come around once a year?"

"Now that I know that you're into it we can visit down here as much as you want," Chaos replied, a deep rumble reverberating through the wolf's body and rippling the bio-extract around their snuggling forms. "It'll be nice to have some company down here when I have to revert... I feel like even though you know now you're not going to want me to turn into this while we're in the house. Even without bursting through the city I'm going to absolutely ruin the carpet like this."

"I suppose it would cause the neighbors to talk," Jet stated with a chuckle, leaning his head back as one of the smaller tendrils rose up and curled against the underside of the chin. "If I had my way you'd be able to wander around the house like that all the time, just have to put a few extra sheets of plastic down to stop the basement from flooding."

The two laughed at that and they continued to snuggle one another, making plans on how they could spend more of their holiday down in his bio-extract pool...

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