Nine Reindeer Playing

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#9 of Twelve Kinks of Christmas

Dieter finds "Santer Claus" with his reindeer having a little rest while delivering toys and other fun things to all the good adults in the world, and turns out they could use one more.

The kink for this day was leather.

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Dieter put up their hoodie as flakes of snow began to drift down from the night sky, signaling the start of another round of flurries that would pile onto the already significant amount of snow they have gotten this week. The lion thought that they would go through the park in order to enjoy the slightly warmer temperatures that they were experiencing after the cold front that had come through. As the snow became more pronounced it made the lights that had been hung up around the park all the more beautiful, twinkling in the midst of the white that was coming down. Soon it would be Christmas and along with all the celebrations that come with it.

Even though it wasn't too late out it appeared that most had decided to opt in to staying in their homes during this time, which was fine for the lion as he was able to enjoy the peace and solitude that came with an empty pathway. As they continued to walk however they began to start to feel the chill from the temperature falling yet again and decided to start heading back home. They had walked long enough and he also had to get ready to spend the holiday with the family. As he began to move back through the forest path to get home however he heard something that caused the lion to pause.

It sounded like sleigh bells jingling as Dieter looked into the woods where the noise appeared to have originated from. There was no path in the area where the sounds were coming from and no lights either, which meant that they would have to venture between the trees in the darkness. He took out the pocket flashlight that he normally had on him and flicked it on to see if they could see the source of the noise from the path. But there was nothing there, which meant they either were hearing things or whatever was causing it was deeper in the woods.

The lion decided to throw caution to the wind and see what was going on, slowly making his way through the woods towards the source of the sound. As the sound of the snow crunched beneath their feet they began to hope that it wasn't something like a squirrel with a bell or something like that. For a few moments the jingling stopped and they hoped they hadn't lost it, but as they stood silently in the middle of the woods they began to hear something else. It was the sound of voices, and as they got closer to the source of them they turned off their flashlight so that they could sneak towards whatever was going on.

Much to Dieter's surprise as they carefully pushed aside the branches of the tree he saw that there were a number of people that were standing around in the middle of the clearing. At first it looked like a traditional Christmas set-up with Santa Claus sitting on a large sleigh with eight reindeer that were pulling it... except that was where the similarities ended. The muscular horse that was on the slay only had the red coat and hat on, both made of leather, as well as a red leather jockstrap that bulged out from his muscular body that seemed to have similar black material to the clothing he wore. The reindeer were also very buff, muscular men who appeared to have leather skin as well, though their coloration was brown with tan stomachs as the continued to grope and rub one another.

"Why is it that you guys can have an orgy for nearly an entire day and you can't even pull this sleigh for a few hours?" the horse said as he leaned back against the leather seat in the sled. "I swear you all are doing this on purpose in order to make me look silly to my brothers. If I don't deliver these gifts to the rest of the realm and I have to hear it every time we have a get-together I'm going to tan your hides!"

The lion looked on in awe at the creatures that were standing there, their mind not able to believe what they were seeing. There was no way this could be real; even if for some reason there was just suddenly a bunch of hot guys out in the middle of the woods trying to pull a prank or something they were basically naked, save for the leather suits... if that's what those were. The way they contoured towards their muscles, especially when they saw one humping into another one which was causing the jingling of the bells on their harness, and how it perfectly moved against them was better than any suit that they had ever seen before. As Dieter attempted to get closer to see the two that were rutting he lost his footing and fell into the nearby evergreen causing all the snow to fall off of the branches.

Almost immediately all the creatures standing in the clearing snapped their heads up towards his direction, their hardened leather hooves stamping on the ground as the head creature told them to hold up and hopped off of his sled.. The lion wasn't sure what to do at this point as the one in the sexy santa outfit immediately began to move over towards them, seemingly knowing where they were now that they had given away their position. When Dieter finally got his brain to kick over again they quickly turned and made a run for the path again, only to stop when they nearly bumped into the muscular black leather horse standing in front of him.

"Well ho ho hello there," the horse replied, kneeling down and looking at the frozen creature with glowing tan eyes. "My name is Santer, not to be confused with Santa Claus naturally since I'm only interested in giving gifts to some of the naughty boys and girls around the nexus. Whom might you be?"

The general friendly demeanor of the creature was extremely disarming, to the point where Dieter found themselves smiling despite slightly as they were helped up by the leather horse. "I'm... Dieter..." the lion replied, still a little weary of the situation as they got to their feet. "I didn't mean to intrude, I just heard the jingling and wasn't sure what it was. I can just leave..."

The leather horse made the motion and shouted at the two that were having sex that they had just given away their position yet again before turning back to the lion. "Well there's nothing wrong with being curious," Santer said with a smile. "No reason to have you leaving so soon, in fact we might just have some use for you if you want to help me out. As you can see the others that I have helping me is having a bit of a problem with the motivation of my other reindeer, and I think if I have just one more leading the pack we might have a little more success with delivering all these presents."

Dieter wasn't sure what to say, especially as they looked back and saw that most of their cocks had been fished out of the tan jockstraps they wore and were either completely erect or being stroked to such as they gave them an eager look. They also saw that the muscular reindeer men not only had chest harnesses but some of them had cuffs on various parts of their bodies, some of them even having cock rings on their black leather shafts. "I... suppose that I could help," Dieter said as he found himself unable to look away from the reindeer men at play. "But... I do have to visit my family, so I really can't help for long."

"Oh you'll help plenty," Santer replied as he began to move the lion over towards the leather reindeer, all of them with eyes practically gleaming as they unhooked themselves from the sled. "Just like the real Santa we're not constrained by the boundaries of time and space, so you can spend all manner of time with us and still be home in time for Christmas. I'll even be sure to drop you off myself once we're done if you so want... of course you're going to have to make sure that the boys want you too."

Dieter found himself swallowing hard as he realized that while the horse was talking he had been leading him right back towards the sled and stopped with them in front of the eight others. The lion just grinned sheepishly and waved to them, prompting them to come towards their form and started to rub against their body. "We certainly have a prime candidate," one of the muscular creatures said as he moved forward, rubbing his glistening leather chest against Dieter. "What do you think Blitzen?"

"I think we need to make a few tweaks here and there," the leather reindeer that had gotten behind him said, the lion feeling the hot breath against their ear as they saw him smirking. "But otherwise I think he'll be a perfect fit. Good think that we brought ourselves a bit of extra gear, why don't you go ahead and strip our newest recruit."

"Wait, strip?" Dieter asked as they suddenly felt several pairs of hands slide up underneath his clothing. "I'm... I don't know if this is such a good idea now... I don't think I'm going to fit in here."

"Don't you worry that pretty little head," the one identified as Blitzen said as he went towards the sled where Santer was handing him a nearly identical red leather harness to the one that they were wearing. "One of the best things about working for someone who can shapeshift others into what they desire the most is that you'll be part of the club rather quickly. Once we're done you'll be hauling this pro just like the rest of us."

Even despite the reassurance Dieter still felt shy around the very amorous males, feeling their shirt getting pulled off at the same time as their pants and his body shivering from the sudden chill against their fur. "I still don't think that I'm going to be good for this!" Dieter stated, blushing as the other reindeer smirked and fawned over him. "I mean, you are all so... manly, and I don't feel that way at all. Wouldn't you want another muscular man that actually sees themselves as one?"

"We can help you with that too," the reindeer with the word Donner embroidered on his harness said with a smirk as he trailed his hands down their furry naked body. "If you didn't want this then you wouldn't have gotten the offer, and as for the manly part I can personally vouch that you will feel like a true stud when this is done. Trust me, I used to be a woman after all."

Dieter's jaw dropped as the muscular, handsome leather creature that was groping against their groin used to be a female of any shape or form. Just the mere idea that Santer had turned someone into this pinnacle of masculinity had caused them to become excited, an arousal that had not gone unnoticed by the others as they rubbed against their naked body. "Alright, calm down Donner," Blitzen said, the others stopping their feeling up of their body as the reindeer came up with the harness. "Rudolph here just needs to get into the right mindset, and I know that we can help bring him up to speed..."

Before the lion could turn to see what Blitzen was doing he felt his body get turned to remain facing away from him, hearing the sound of clasps unlocking and bells jingling. The reindeer that had surrounded them was content on stroking one another and watching as the feline felt the leather straps settle against his chest, hanging loosely against his body as creature behind him snapped everything into place. The other leather reindeer continued to watch as Dieter began to feel something happening to their chest, the fur underneath the straps rubbing strangely against the harness. At first they thought that it was just from Blitzen tightening the piece of gear only to look down and see that the leather reindeer had already started to prep the next piece.

"It's actually happening..." Dieter said in disbelief as he placed a finger underneath the rather loose harness and lifted it up to see that his fur was being replaced with bright red leather. "You're turning me into... a reindeer... a leather reindeer..."

"That's right," another buff male, this one identified as Dasher, said as he went up to Dieter and pressed against him. "Not just any old leather reindeer either, a nice, big muscular male reindeer to help us pull Santer's sleigh." The lion looked at him in slight surprise, especially when he felt a hand press against his bare groin. "You already know that we can shift the gender of others, and Santer wouldn't have brought you to us if you didn't want to get a taste of this masculinity as well."

"Don't worry," Donner added as Dieter looked down to see Blitzen practically between his legs adjusting more straps around his groin and thighs. "We know you're going to enjoy this, just let the feelings wash over you. If you need any help just listen to the jingle of the bells..."

Dieter hadn't realized it but the entire time that they had started to get suited up the bells that were on the other reindeer men weren't making a sound. When he brought up a finger to one of the silver bells that hung on the straps of his harness however he heard it ring loud and clear. As it rang out it seemed to resonate in their skull, their jaw slackening slightly as they began to feel something slide up in between their legs. At first the changing lion was too enthralled to notice what was happening to him, but as the resonance faded away they looked down to see that his transformation and his outfit had progressed.

Blitzen had somehow managed to get the bright red leather jockstrap up around their legs until it was pressed snuggly against their legs. It was still a little loose, but much like their chest that was starting to fill out with new muscles they could tell that wasn't going to be the case for very long. As the fur of their stomach began to have bright white leather creeping up and assimilating it they could already see the jock strap start to fill out. Seeing the garment on their body and hearing another one of their silver bells jingling combined to make them feel very... manly.

"Looks like someone is starting to really get into their new form," Donner said as his hands kneaded the growing bulge, grinning up at Dieter as his black fingernails teased the inside of the pouch. "What do you say Dieter, you still think that you aren't enough to pull Santer's sleigh?"

"I..." Dieter stated, groaning slightly as they were simultaneously being stimulated from the leather reindeer in front of him, behind him, and his thickening pectorals and washboard abs that were being covered in leather. "I guess I'm... filling out nicely..."

"More then that," Blitzen said as he took another red leather strap and secured it against his bicep, causing the silver bells on it to jingle and Dieter snorting in pleasure despite himself from the ringing. "Come on, say it, you are a proud leather reindeer man. Let that beast out..."

There was another jingle and it seemed to reinforce the words being spoken to Dieter, and when the transforming lion looked down to see who had rang the bell only to find their own fingers pressed against the smooth metal. Why had they done that, they wondered as the pleasure continued to suffuse through their system. With one leather muzzle starting to nuzzle against their still growing bulge and another rubbing against the soft, supple leather that was spreading on their back it was starting to get hard to deny it. With all those horny, virile leather creatures around them it was hard not to think of... himself as one of them.

It appeared that the others could start to sense the lion's shyness crumbling away and put their plants even more into action. With the jockstrap now fully bulging and the straps pressed against their butt cheeks to frame his firming rear Donner hooked his fingers around the waistband and pulled it down. Dieter gasped in surprise as a bright red leather cock flopped out of it and pressed against the muzzle against it. It was definitely reaffirming that he was a male, the increasingly leathery feline thought to himself, and then heard once again heard the jingling of bells in his mind as Blitzen took the other bicep cuff and put it on the already thickening upper arm.

"Look at that shine," Dasher said as he helped the other two by rubbing his hands against the growing chest of the other male. "Definitely going to be a good reindeer, wouldn't you say?"

Dieter found himself nodding at the statement, the shyness and anxiety they had at being a part of this group slowly dissolving away as Blitzen attacked a pair of leather wrist cuffs with more bells on them. Donner appeared to be no longer able to wait and began to lick at the leather shaft, and as a spike of pleasure ran through the other male's system they began to feel something pressing against the top of his head. At first they thought that someone was pushing something against his temples, but after he had gotten the leather cuffs secured to his wrists Dieter reached up in time to find two lumps forming on the sides of their forehead.

"Looks like you're starting to embrace this," Blitzen said as he dangled one last piece of leather in front of his face, Dieter seeing the heavy collar with more of those mesmerizing silver bells jingling and a name emblazoned on it. "Of course I want to make sure you really want it. Have we convinced you to play in our reindeer games tonight?"

"I... yeah..." Dieter found himself saying, his eyes brightening as he felt his leather antlers continue to grow while his muzzle began to become distorted and lengthen. "Yeah, I want to be a big strong reindeer man."

"But that where you're mistaken," Blitzen whispered into Dieter's ear while taking the collar and slowly pressing it up against the thickening neck of the other male. "You don't need to want for that at all, you already are a big, strong reindeer man... Rudolph."

The second that the name was said Donner had taken the leather muzzle that had been teasing the bright red cock in front of him and completely engulfed it in his maw. The result of suddenly getting stimulated from head to root of his member caused his body to tremble in pleasure, Blitzen holding him up as every bell on his body rang at once and seemed to cement that information in his mind. Rudolph... he was Rudolph, a horny red and white leather reindeer man who was ready for fun with his fellow sled pullers!

Blitzen wasted little time in seeing the antlers that had been moving slowly suddenly grow to full length, the former lion feeling the other male begin to push his own cock inside the tailhole of the one in front of him. The leather creature's behind was more then able to take it all in and the new reindeer found himself bending forward in order to allow it easier access to spread open his transformed inner walls. This pushed his thick, muscular thighs against the snout of the male that had started to deep-throat his cock while his hands grabbed the antlers to push even deeper into him. The others snorted and cheered as Rudolph didn't even realize that his calves had grown bigger and his feet had merged into hardened leather hooves that stamped on the ground as Blitzen pounded into his prostate to make him thrust even deeper.

The three had continued to rut, along with the others that quickly started to pair off and enjoy their supple, muscular forms until finally they heard a whistle that caused them all to stop. "Now that we have all had our fun can we please move on here?" Santer said, the others snickering as the black leather horse hopped down and looked at them. "We keep going at this rate and I'm going to have to turn you all into rabbits in order to keep with the theme. Now get yourselves harnessed up and we can get a move on!"

Though the others huffed and snorted they went about hooking themselves, Blitzen and Donner dislodging themselves from the new red leather reindeer and giving him a few more gropes before they went back to their positions. With the lust of their coupling and his transformation behind him Rudolph was able to fully look at himself and inspect his new body. His still semi-hard leather cock had started to soften as it remained hanging over the edge of his jock as he flexed the muscles of his new cervine form, running his fingers over his new skin and amazed at how natural it felt as he pressed into it and found his body slightly yielding to the pressure while remaining supple. Those sensations were further intensified when he felt Santer press against him, running his hands down the synthetic mane that had grown in that had replaced his mane.

"Now how are we feeling?" Santer asked as he took the jock strap and pulled it up, stuffing the member of the other male back into his jockstrap and causing him to shudder slightly. "Enjoying your new form?"

"I certainly am," Rudolph replied, though as the rush of the changes had begun to wear off he remembered being Dieter and his lion form with far more clarity. "But... I think that whatever happened to me is wearing off."

"Oh I wouldn't worry about that," Santer replied, rubbing the reindeer's bright red muzzle and causing him to snort in bliss. "You can choose to indulge as much or as little in the whole Rudolph persona that would you would like, just like every other one here. Of course a deal is a deal, so you at least you need to get hitched up as well."

Dieter nodded in understanding and when he glanced down at his ripped physique he felt a small smile form on his lips and rang all the bells on his harness. As though the noise summoned the persona he once more went back into the confident, almost cocky mindset of Rudolph the red leather reindeer stud as Santer helped move him over towards the sleigh. Since there were already eight men standing side to side hooked up there was only one spot left, which was in the very front. He could see the others smirking and leering at him as Santer went in and started to hook him up.

Once more the freshly minted Rudolph practically shook his head in euphoria as Santer stroked up and down his body while he looped in the reins, keeping the pleasure that cascaded through his body at a peak. Even though his transformation had completed he could feel his leather antlers grow a little more as he continued to sink into the role. The leads that hooked from the front two reindeer men, which were Donner and Blitzen who were able to grope him as well, were also covered in bells and they all jingled down the entire line. Not only did it cause the horny males to squeeze their own swelling leather jocks but begin to move in unison, as though the noise was helping them keep in sync.

Santer make sure to give one more kiss to each of his hunks, starting with Rudolph as the newest convert got a maw full of tongue for about a minute before the stallion moved on to the others. As Rudolph looked back he couldn't help but bite his lip and squeeze his restrained member as he looked back at Blitzen and Donner as they received their own make-out sessions. "I'm starting to see why you guys have to stop so frequently," Rudolph said as all three of them looked at one another lustfully. "How do you focus on what you're doing?"

"Santer knows how to keep us motivated," Blitzen replied, giving him a wink before bending forward slightly. "You'll see soon enough. Also you might want to lean forward, the first time that you get motivated can be a bit jarring."

Though Rudolph didn't want to stop staring as the bulging muscles of the leather reindeer behind him he did what they said, still getting used to his bigger frame as Santer hopped up onto the sleigh once more. He began to go through all their names and telling them to get ready just like in the popular song, and though he knew that it was recommended that he continued to lean forward he happened to glance back to see what was happening. The immediate first thing he noticed was that the those who were closest to the sled had a pleasured, blissed-out look on their faces, and as Santer called out another two names the next row of men suddenly had their looks shift from determination to that same look of euphoria.

As Rudolph caught the eye of Blitzen the other leather reindeer just smirked and motioned with his finger to turn himself around right before his name was called out and his eyes bulged out slightly. Rudolph quickly turned his own head around and braced himself, starting to guess what might be happening as he dug his hooves into the ground. He quickly found out that his hunch was correct as he heard Santer shout out his name, and the second that happened he felt his leather cheeks get spread open by some sort of phallic object that had quickly spread him open. His new nub of a tail flipped in the air as it quickly began to push inside of him, causing him to breath out heavily as he was pushed into.

In the next second the leather dildo that had lodged deep inside him slide back a little bit and shoved right up into his prostate. Not only did his cock jump in his jockstrap but his entire body did as well, which happened to be at the same time as the other reindeer. With a little additional help from Santer himself they were able to rise up in the air, the black leather stallion leaning against the cushions while holding onto the leads. With another quick flick of his wrists he caused the bells to jingle again and the dildos that were inside all of the reindeer pushed in and moved them forward.

"Is this... going... to be... like this... the whole time?" Rudolph asked, his sentence halting with each thrust inside of his tailhole to keep him going further.

"You get used to it after a while," Blitzen replied as they sailed through the air, which shimmered around them like an aurora borealis as a tingle seemed to suffuse through their leather forms. "Also it helps with the after party, which I assume that you're going to be a part of even if you aren't a part of our team permanently."

"Permanently?" Rudolph repeated, looking down at his muscular form as his body moved perfectly as though to show off every inch of his red and white leather form. "You mean that... I could be like this... forever?"

"You sure can!" Donner replied this time. "And let me be the first to say that we would be more than welcoming of you into our little clan. We won't always be Christmas reindeer either, that's just something we adopted for the season and to help Santer out with his little task, but we're always horny reindeer studs that you could be one too."

Rudolph pondered the idea while they soared through the air, looking down at the landscape as it seemed to shift and change into something else while the coloration continued to swirl around them. Be a reindeer man forever? It would be a far cry from the lion that he used to be, and he wasn't quite sure that he was ready to leave that life so easily. It was clear that the others didn't have that same problem, all of them stating that they were also part of his clan and would be more then happy to welcome him into the fold.

"I'm still not sure!" Rudolph finally said back, the others nodding as he began to get used to the rhythmic pleasure of the cock inside him. "Do you think that... I could think about it?"

"Of course!" Blitzen replied before looking back at Santer. "Hey Santer Claus, what do you think about Rudolph taking a little time to think about joining our herd for good?"

"I think that it would be more then fine for him to do that," Santer stated, standing up and putting a hoof on the front bar of the sled while the wind whipped around his coat and exposed his muscular form. "And if you don't have feel like joining on full-time I'm sure these guys would appreciate having you around for a little extra seasonal help for the holidays!"

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