Six Drones Wrapping

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#6 of Twelve Kinks of Christmas

The future of gift automation means that everything gets wrapped and shipped quickly, including the customer sometimes!

The kink for this day was drone.

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Axel huffed as he took the arm-load of boxes that he had and brought them into the building, thankful for the automatic door that allowed him to get inside without having to put any of them down. On the eve of Christmas he had still not wrapped anything and just as he was about to think of just grabbing as many decorative bags and tissue paper as possible he saw an advertisement for place that would not only wrap but also mail all the gifts that one might have in a fraction of the time. Since most of his gifts had to either be sent out or brought to a specific destination anyway the feline decided to kill two birds with one stone and just send everything out through this service.

When he got inside and looked around it appeared he was one of the last to utilize the service, though like everything else around it was about to be closed for the Christmas holiday. The cat was just thankful that he had gotten in when he did, grunting and adjusting his grip as he made his way over to the area marked present delivery drop off. When he finally got there and put them down he saw that it was actually a conveyor belt that lead into a large hole in the wall. It reminded Axel of those baggage handling areas as he went over to the computer that was next to the belt. The touch screen was simple enough, the second he pushed the large button with the words begin process on it the conveyor belt started up and he watched the presents disappear behind the wall.

At first Axel was nervous watching the boxes disappear on the other side of the rubber strips that hung down from the opening, but as he watched the last of them go through he was suddenly prompted once more on the screen that the process had begun. "Man, the wonders of modern technology," the cat said to himself with a grin as it identified each package and asked for shipping information on where it was supposed to go. "Where was this last year when I really needed it..."

In a matter of minutes Axel had typed in all the information that he needed, the screen putting up the rather modest charge for the service provided. As he paid for it he noticed something appear on the corner of the screen that was labeled as last minute gift catalog. The feline was rather impressed, not only did they help those that were chronically late in their wrapping obligations but even handled those that hadn't even gotten their gifts yet. Though he was already done with his own shopping he decided to browse it a little, after all he now had more time to do such since his Christmas gift-giving was finished with time to spare.

Most of the gifts appeared to be your standard, run of the mill last minute items that were generic enough to please most people. There were kitchen appliances, movies, a few small electronics, and a number of more gimmick items for those that one might have no idea what they like. He breezed through the catalog rather quickly and was just about to close it out when he noticed one section of the catalog that popped up right at the end. Once more he found himself wondering what might possibly be in there and, after taking a look around to make sure there was no one else around him, hit the button followed by his birthday for age verification.

What he saw on that page caused Axel's bright blue eyes to widen, the black cat seeing all manner of sex toys ranging from the mundane to exotic displayed on the screen. They truly did cater to everyone, he thought to himself as he went through the various categories of the adult catalogue. One section in particular caught his eye and when he clicked on it he was brought to the page marked as byod, or build your own drone. Axel couldn't believe it; you could build your own robot here too?

Axel looked up at the clock and saw that he still had about half an hour before this place was supposed to close, so he decided to just have a little fun with what he could possibly build before he had to go. The customization options were near endless; after scrolling through a number of different bodies he decided to go with the black metal and rubber naga body with glowing aqua blue lines, and when he got to build he decided to go for a lithe, muscular version that was a little more buff then himself. Despite knowing this was the adult section of the catalog he blushed slightly when he got to things like cock size, shape, and coloration as well as a few other adjustments. He also added an aqua blue visor to the front of it and a bunch of bondage gear like cuffs, chest harness, muzzle, and collar all in a similar coloration as the body.

When he was finished fooling around with that Axel saw that he could also tweak the personality settings of the drone as well. He saw that the settings were mostly to the subservient and obedient, which he left alone, and also had options to add a hypnotic effect to it. Since this was a sex robot he naturally had to increase the lust settings as well as a few others as well. When he got to the bottom he saw something that caused him to pause, a simple checkbox asking if he wished to keep personality intact. He wasn't sure what that meant so he just checked yes since it seemed the other option was to have merely a robot that didn't do much.

Once he was done putting in all the specifics to what he would want in a drone he was about to push the cancel button when he saw the purchase button on the bottom left corner of the screen as well as the price. "Only seventy-five dollars?" Axel said in slight amazement. "What's the catch?"

The feline went back over to the processing options to see if he missed something about it only being an action figure or something like that, only to see that it was advertising a full-sized sex drone to be mailed to the purchaser's place of choice. Axel found himself chewing slightly on his lip as he pondered actually getting something like this for himself; he had gotten some extra money for Christmas and if this was some sort of sale or pricing error he may never get a chance to get something like this for that cheap again. After a few more moments of going back and forth in his mind he found himself pulling out his card for a second time, hitting the purchase option. After being congratulated for his purchase he had to fill out the address, which was his own house, and then he saw the screen change to show that it was processing his order.

Just then the screen turned red and stated simply that a proper subject wasn't found, Axel looking over to see a glowing circle in front of the conveyor belt where he had loaded up all his presents in the first place. The feline looked down in confusion as the screen switched from warning him there was no subject to searching for one. Had there been some sort of blank or something he had to choose ahead of time, he thought to himself as he looked around for where something like that might be stored. As he had his head turned behind him he failed to see the screen light up once more saying that subject had been located as well as a bright yellow circle appearing underneath his feet.

What he did notice was when something latched around his arm, Axel snapping his head back to see that a metal arm with a cuff on the end had snapped around his wrist. It started off loose but before he could attempt to pull his hand out of it the inner latex inflated and puffed out around him, forming into a tight seal as a second one came down and attached to his other arm while he was preoccupied with the first one. Once both of his arms had been locked down he let out a cry of surprise as he was suddenly hoisted into the air, the feline kicking out his feet before he was put down onto the conveyor belt. He was quickly bent forward onto all fours before the metal cuffs that had restrained him were pressed against the sides of the belt and seemed to merge into it to keep him there before it started to move.

Axel shouted for help as he was brought closer to the opening, but with it practically closing time and the snow starting to thicken as it fell outside it was unlikely that anyone was going to come in at the last second to save the day. The black cat just closed his eyes as he approached the rubber straps, bracing himself for what was about to come next. For a few seconds he was completely enveloped in darkness around him, but when it brightened once more he slowly found himself opening them once again. What he saw caused him to gasp in pure awe and momentarily cease his struggling at what he saw.

It turned out the automation was not merely machines; the black cat looking up in awe at six synthetic creatures that were behind the line. They looked similar to the robots that he had just designed... and it made him wonder what he has just gotten himself into. As the conveyor belt continued to zip through the abnormally large building he was able to watch as they seemed to be completely in sync with one another; one of them would grab the next box coming down the line and with complete efficiency would take a piece of wrapping paper from down the line and flawlessly cover it in only a few folds before taping it up and tossing it to the next person. The next synth would decorate it, then pass it over until finally it was given to a robotic raven who stamped the box and tossed it into the truck.

After the very brief tour was concluded the feline was whisked into a different room, this one with a far more sinister looking tone as the wording that flashed by him was called drone processing facility. With a sudden stop the cat was brought in front of a screen that scanned him up and down with a bright white light before displaying his exact features. He watched in awe as he saw the computer configuring his body in order to match his own order, watching it provide a plan for exactly how to alter his body. When he saw the final product once more Alex found himself struggling against the bindings of his wrists and ankles before he was moved towards a large spherical room that was right in front of him.

An electronic voice said that his first stage was about to commence as Axel was whisked into the orb, stopping right in the middle of it where the conveyor belt ended suddenly. Once he had been properly situated the metal belt also pulled away from the other side and left him on a singular platform. When he heard the sound of the cuffs unbinding from the railing the feline thought that he might have a chance to escape, but the second that he managed to get to his feet he felt the metal start to float upwards with his arms still attached. This time instead of mechanical arms or moving platforms it appeared he was being bound with some sort of force field or possibly magnetic energy. It wasn't long before his toes left the ground, his feet kicking as he was brought up until he was floating in the middle of the room.

"Phase one," an electronic voice said as Axel looked around for the source of it. "Begin initial processing, application of bio-polymer with nanometal matrix start."

Axel stopped wiggling and looked up as what he heard took a second before it finally his brain. "Wait a second," the cat said as he began to see several metal hoses start to lower down from the ceiling, his eyes widening slightly. "Hold on! I didn't sign up for this!"

His pleas seemed to fall on deaf ears as the feline continued to try and get out his restraints, only to find that they were unable to bulge once more as the hoses aimed directly at him. When it was clear that he wasn't about to get out of it Axel squeezed his eyes and braced himself for what was about to come next, his muscles tensing as he heard something pushing its way through the metal tubes attached to the nozzles and... felt nothing. Though he could hear something going on there he wasn't being blasted by jets of water or some other liquid like he had been imagining. When he finally opened his eyes to see what was happening he was surprised to find that the nozzles were indeed releasing some sort of liquid, but it was in the form of a fine mist that didn't even seem to be doing anything to his body.

It only took a few seconds of looking at himself to realize how wrong he actually was. At first the blackness of his fur had prevented him from seeing what was happening initially, even as more of the mist began to cling to his body it just gave him an initially wet look. It wasn't until the individual strands began to melt together that he realized something strange was going on even as the misting itself continued to actually be a rather pleasant experience. Soon the rest of his fur also began to turn black as it gained a shiny luster, one that he had seen before on rubber or latex gear as he was being coated from nose to tail.

Once more Axel attempted to try and call out for someone to help him out, but the only thing that happened from that was the nozzle took a close sweep in and completely covered the inside of his mouth. At first the cat attempted to spit it out, only to find that it had somehow instantly dried and coated his mouth and tongue. Of course without realizing it he had been breathing in the aresolized latex ever since the hoses started to spray him down, but at the moment all he could think about was his body becoming increasingly looking like he was wearing some sort of rubber bodysuit and that his tongue felt unnaturally smooth against the rest of his mouth. In the back of his mind he thought that he would have been able to state something, but instead all he could taste was his own saliva as the nozzles finished up with a final coating before going back up into the pod.

With his apparent treatment finished Axel looked down at himself and saw that his entire body looked like it was made of glistening rubber. One thing he hadn't realized while everything was going on was that apparently the sensation of being covered in the shiny substance had done something other then cause him to panic, his eyes glancing back and forth as he saw his glistening cock covered in rubber while jutting out from his groin. Even though he tried to rationalize that this was due to something they undoubtedly put into the latex to make him horny in the back of his mind he knew that he was kidding himself. What quickly pulled him away from his self-assessment however was that it appeared the pod around him was gearing up for something else now.

"Phase two," the electronic voice said. "Begin body restraint and augmentation."

"Well I don't know how good that sounds..." Axel thought to himself, his ears lowering slightly as he saw more mechanical appendages appearing. This time they were coming out of the sides of the metal walls and unlike the easily identifiable spray hoses these things looked so strange he didn't know what they were for. The first one looked like it had a box on the end and started at his dangling feet, the feline unable to help but giggle slightly as he felt a warmth rise up from it. It slowly began to circle around him and as he watched it was hard to see what it was doing, almost looking like nothing was happening. It wasn't until he began to feel his toes get pulled down that he saw the thin layer of latex between his body and the machine glint in the light, the machine wrapping the material around his feet and soon moving up to his calves in order to bind them tightly together.

At the same time others began to move over his head and without even realizing it they had started to push something up against the back of his ears. At first he thought it was more of the same wrapping that was happening to his feet, but as one of the mechanical arms moved towards the front of his vision he saw that it was oozing out a thicker strand of the black substance. It didn't take him long to realize that it was creating actual straps of latex to form into a muzzle around his face, looping once around his feline muzzle to keep it shut before building off of it. It would have been impressive if it wasn't happening to him... except that he was starting to feel a whole new range of emotions as he left out a muffled grunt from the machine reaching his knees and locking them together.

Not only were his legs being bound together but it was also causing the latex that had seemingly assimilated his fur to rub together and cause spikes of pleasure to go through his entire body. As his arousal grew he couldn't help but wiggle around, though it became awkward as he was essentially made immobile from the waist down. The latex sheeting continued to travel up his thighs as the machines up near his face continued to move about, building on the rubber they had created as though they were making some sort of framework. This step didn't take very long, especially in relation to the first one as the machines finished right above his shoulders and below his groin respectively before they pulled away.

"Phase two complete," the electronic voice said as Axel attempted to pull his legs apart only to find them completely bound together. "Begin cybernetic integration."

Axel didn't need to see the pieces of machinery popping out from the floor to know what this meant, but by this point he had seen any hope of escape as a futile gesture. He was going to continue to remain here completely bound until it had finished turning him into what was ironically going to be a gift for himself. As he looked down once more beyond the straps that had covered his face he saw the largest piece of his new body drifting up towards him, two of the mechanical arms holding a large black metal body that looked like it belonged to the lower half of a huge snake. With his legs completely knitted together it didn't take much for the robot arms to slide it up, the feline unable to help but blush slightly at the large, ridged rubber cock that stuck out from the vent of the serpentine form.

Once it had been slid up to his waist smaller mechanical arms came out and prepared for it to slide on, mostly making sure that his own member slid into the metal sheath of the lower body. It hovered over his hips for a while before there was a loud hissing sound and the shiny black scales of it compressed at once, causing Axel to gasp when he suddenly felt all new sensations flooding his brain. It was like someone had taken his tail and expanded it by twenty times, the metal snake lower body twitching slightly as his mind struggled to keep up with what was being fed to him. To make it even harder not only was his cock being stimulated from the casing that had just completely integrated with it but a phallic, rubbery appendage of the same size had been pushed into his own rear. Though the suddenness of the penetration should have caused him to yowl in pain it appeared the rubberization had done more then just cover him and gotten into his mouth, his rubberized insides not only stretching easily to accommodate it but also integrating so that anything stuck into the anal vent of the snake robot body could be felt by the one wearing it.

As Axel continued to wrap his mind around the snake body that had done the same to his legs the machines were not even close to done with him yet. Two more quickly came up with metal chest and back plates, the thick belly scales of the front matching the underside of the naga tail that had just been attached to the cat while the fine scales of the back melded onto the rubber of the other side. When the two were secured onto his body it gave the feline not only a reptilian look but lithe musculature as well, his body perfectly proportioned as only manufacturing one could give. The same thing happened to his arms as they were covered in metal plates, soon leaving only the feline's head exposed as his body looked like some sort of robotic naga creature from the neck down.

The second that the last article snapped to his shoulders and neck the gaps in the plating started to glow with a bright blue light, giving him the drone look he wanted... for his robot as the metal bands slowly lowered him back down towards the conveyor belt. Though it was hard to maintain any length of attention with every inch of his body being stimulated by the metal scales he had been encased in he couldn't help but realize that he was still retained his feline features, even if they were being obfuscated by a muzzle. Had someone finally realized they were transforming into a drone that hadn't wanted it, he thought as he felt himself get placed down on the cold metal. A shudder ran through his entire augmented form as he felt something beneath his new body for the first time, still feeling somewhat bound as the magnetic restraints were taken off his wrists.

Just as Axel began to breath a sigh of relief he suddenly heard the speakers come to life again. "Additional phases requested," the electronic voice stated. "Beginning bondage application and hypnosis session."

That announcement spurred Axel to attempt to escape, but with only having become accustomed to his new body for a few minutes he found it extremely hard to do anything but twist and move around. Plus every time he moved it seemed to cause feedback that would cascade pleasure throughout his entire system, especially when he attempted to roll over and had pressed his rubbery cock against the floor of the conveyor and almost came right there. Needless to say as the next phase started to commence he found himself on his back panting heavily and watching as something began to hover over his face.

It was a mask; made of metal and rubber and molded in a serpentine visage just like what he had picked out in the catalogue. At the same time he felt another set of mechanical arms grip his own and pull them behind his back, feeling something wrap around his wrists. It was the specialized cuffs that he had ordered and as he played back his interactions with the computer in his mind he realized that he had gotten them out of the bondage set of the catalogue. Clearly that's what the computer thought he was into as he felt a set of binders wrap around his forearms and another set of cuffs wrap up his biceps, but what his focus was mainly on was the mask that was about to get pulled over his face.

Even before it had gotten over his head he could feel something pushing up against his lips, the straps that had been pressing his muzzle shut opening up to allow the cock-gag inside the mask to push in. The feel of rubber against rubber made Axel gurgle as the serpentine mask was pushed over his face to continue the pattern of restraint on him. At this point there wasn't a single part of him that had been left untouched as even the seam of the mask being situated around his neck was soon covered by a thick collar that pressed snugly against him. The heavily bound cat was completely left in the dark and felt something push into his ears that had been flatted down by the mask to give his masked head the proper serpentine visage.

As his arms were finished being secured behind his back he suddenly saw the lenses of his eyes open up, able to see the pod that had transformed him as he tried to maneuver his tongue around the cock in his maw and found it also sent a pleasurable feedback directly into his mind. "Welcome new drone," a voice said in his ear as a metal eagle suddenly appeared in his vision, the image stuttering slightly as though it was a hologram or something of that nature. "Thank you for choosing Haleon wrapping and delivery as your source of becoming as sex drone! We see that you have included to have your personality remain intact, so it will be partitioned away for your owner to recall using the handy guide being provided with your shipping. All you have to do now is allow the programming to wash through you as we finish your preparations in order to be a proper sex drone set to your owner's every modification."

Stupid bird, I am the owner, Axel thought to himself as he found his resistance renewed. As he attempted to get up however he was suddenly flung forward as the conveyor belt moved again, whisking him out of the pod and into a different part of the facility. As he attempted to look around his vision started to swirl with colors as white static began to enter his ears, his eyes going wide as he realized that this thing was attempting to brainwash him. With his lust-soaked mind it was hard to try and keep his focus away from it as it started to tell him what a good drone he was, and how to obey his new master.

How he always wanted to be a naga drone...

How he wanted to be a good drone for his master...

How his master needed him...

How he needed to be a good anga drone fro his master...

How he was always a naga drone...

The continuing assault on his psyche continued as he was brought up to another conveyor belt and put onto a line with other presents, including other drones that just sat there and stared ahead dumbly. Even though Axel had attempted to try and keep the voices telling him how good it was to be a loyal, obedient drone his shiny new body began to cease twitching, eventually pulling himself up and going into a neutral position. The drone programming continued to reinforce what he was being told as he finally got to the front of the line, the first metallic creature sizing him up before quickly taking out some heavy-duty fabric straps and coiled up his body onto itself.

Even if Axel had still retained his ability to think freely, which was lost under the thickly applied programming and perpetual lust that came with it, he wouldn't have been able to move anymore as he continued to get bound up on himself. The drones on the line that were wrapping him did make sure that he remained comfortable, though for a naga drone that was in almost any position as his LED eyes shifted and began to move about in a swirling pattern. As the six wrapping drones saw this happen a few gave a smirk to one another, knowing that a new convert had entered into the fold.

Given the odd nature of the package the one that got the completely entranced male decided to go with a simple wrapping solution, taking the naga drone and putting him into a vac-cube. Combined with the straps Axel could no longer move an inch as the rubber suctioned in on him. Soon every inch of his metal scales could be seen in the shiny material as they removed the last of the air, only Axel's head exposed as it continued to look on with a dazed stare. Since they couldn't just ship the metal naga out like that however they took a regular wooden box and boarded it up around the restrained male.

Once they had finished with that, they slapped Axel's address on the outside of it and another drone put it on the truck along with the others, ready to be delivered right before Christmas. For the former feline it was certainly going to be an interesting one, especially since with the admin controls going up to whomever opens the box and finds him first...

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