Three Muscle Suits

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#3 of Twelve Kinks of Christmas

Dieter gets a special gift for Christmas, only to find out that he is the actual gift.

The kink for this day was spandex.

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Dieter hummed to themselves as he walked up to the front step, looking down to make sure that they had enough snacks and food to bring over to his friends when they visited. For Christmas the fossa had invited them over, saying that he thought it would be nice to invite the lion over so that they would do something together in the spirit of the holidays. It was lightly snowing by the time that they had gotten to the front door, pressing the button marked with the name Silvanus and waiting at the front step. It wasn't long before he hears the voice of the fossa come over the nearby loudspeaker saying that he can come right up followed by the buzz of the door unlocking to let him up.

After getting up to the apartment Dieter found that the door was already open, allowing them to just walk right in and see the male cooking. "I see you finally got here," Silvanus said with a smirk as he continued to stir around the contents of the pot. "I thought that you might have gotten lost."

"There was a long line at the store," the lion replied as they put all the snacks they had been carrying down on the table. "What on the menu for tonight?"

"Thought I would go with something simple yet elegant," Silvanus stated, taking one of the noodles out of the pot and giving it a taste. "Plus you can never go wrong with spaghetti. Why don't you go and get ready in the living room while I finish up, everything is already set up so all you have to do is put it on the game you want to start off with."

Dieter nodded and went into the living room where the fossa's big television and gaming system sat, the screen glowing a blue color before they booted up the first game that they wanted to play. Just as the title screen displayed the lion was handed a plate full of spaghetti and they played games as they ate. This continued on for a few hours, the two friends trading off with one another so that one could play while the other ate. As the night continued on not only had they finished their plates but also the game that they had been playing, but just as Dieter was about to put in the next one they were stopped by Silvanus who had a grin on his face as he got up from the couch and went over to the small artificial tree that had been set up.

"I got something for you," Silvanus stated as he came back to the couch holding a silver wrapped box. "Merry Christmas."

The lion looked down at the package, slightly stunned as he turned the box over in his hands. "You shouldn't have Silvanus," Dieter exclaimed as the male kissed him on the muzzle. "I thought that since your other two boyfriends each insisted on bringing you to their families that we wouldn't celebrate with gifts. I didn't even get you anything."

"Well I'm sure that you'll find something to make it up to me with," the blue-haired fossa replied before pushing the box more into the hands of the feline. "No go on, I want to see how this looks on you."

With the insistence of his boyfriend Dieter took the gift and unwrapped it, revealing a clothing box underneath that he opened to find something shiny and blue underneath. "Oh... oh my..." Dieter said as he pulled out the spandex wrestling singlet. "This is... quite the gift."

"It's from a specialty company that I found on the internet," Silvanus replied, his grin widening when he saw the feline looking it over. "Why don't you go ahead and try it on? Wouldn't mind seeing you in it while we play our next game, or it could even influence what it is we do together."

Dieter could feel themselves blush slightly as the fossa seemed insistent on him wearing it before they did anything else that night. Just as the lion was about to leave however to go and change the other male asked where he thought he was going, and as a gift to him they should put on a show. They were fine with that and stripped down out of their clothes, something they sort of assumed would be the end result of the night anyway. Once he pulled down his underwear he heard Silvanus give a whistle of approval that caused them to cover themselves for a second in embarrassment from the catcall before looking over the singlet still in his hands.

Though they were no strangers to spandex Dieter couldn't help but marvel over the construction of the garment that seemed to slide through his fingers like liquid. It was unlike anything that they had ever felt before, the material was nearly frictionless and had a luster that they hadn't seen in other articles they had worn before. It took them a second to realize they were just standing there naked in their boyfriend's apartment marveling at a singlet, the lion immediately moving to put it on. As they took the garment and put it up over their legs it also didn't seem to have the other problem that most of these form-fitting garments had where it would catch their fur as they pulled it all the way up and over their shoulders.

Once they had gotten completely on Dieter couldn't help but flex his muscles, the lion getting another whistle of approval from the other male. "Look at my big strong lion man," Silvanus stated. "Modino wasn't kidding when he said that it would show off all the contours of your body, you're already looking really good. Why don't you come over here and show me how it fits on you?"

Though Dieter was non-binary it wasn't the first time that Silvanus had called him such, though this time instead of shyly telling him that he felt instead to go forward and do what Silvanus told him too. As he stood there in front of the other male he shivered as immediately his hands went over their body, causing pleasure to radiate through their body as he continued to receive a rather through inspection. "I take it you like how it looks on me," the lion said as he felt Silvanus go from the small of his back down to his rear and gave it a squeeze. "Was this your plan all along?"

"Of a sort," Silvanus explained, the other hand cupping around the growing bulge in the front of the spandex singlet as he grinned evilly up at him. "You see, I've always had a thing for very muscular men in spandex, and though you're plenty big I found a site that promised that I could have all that and more. At first I was rather skeptical, especially with the rather bold claims being made on the site, but eventually it appeared that I had browsed enough that the owner of the site messaged me and told me all sorts of fun things that these spandex singlets could do..."

Dieter found themselves nodding, though as the second ticked by it started to become harder to follow along with what Silvanus was saying. It was like they were trying to listen to their boyfriend while bobbing up and down under water, combined with the sensations of becoming increasingly horny with every second. It didn't help that the fossa was still groping their crotch, though as he... they looked down at it they noticed something that caused their eyes to widen slightly.

At first the lion's cock could be clearly seen in the outline of the spandex that was stretched tight against him, but as it began to thicken the space around it began to get... softer. Not only did it look like their maleness was getting bigger but it was also being lost in the material around it. Soon Silvanus couldn't even get his hand around the shaft of it as his crotched formed into a bulge, though it was still as sensitive as ever while the other male continued to rub and stroke it. Just a she was about to ask what was going on he saw that he wasn't just changing between his legs.

The lion groaned loudly in pleasure as his stomach shifted, the spandex seemingly settling in against their stomach to form the outline of their abs against the spandex. As the material rubbed pleasurably against their body he watched as their abs, which were already fairly well-defined, seemed to shift and mold themselves until their humble six-pack went to eight... and then ten before finally settling down. The fossa seemed more then happy with this new development and Dieter hadn't even realized that the other male had also gotten naked, revealing his slim build before pushing the lion back on the couch.

"It's really working..." Silvanus said with glee as the pectorals grew next, placing his hands against them and Dieter feeling the throbbing cock of the fossa pressing against his transformed abs as he let them swell right underneath his grasp. "Of course Modino said that there might be a bit of a trade-off when it came to increased strength. I don't think that you're going to mind that at all though, are you?"

Mind... what? Dieter was having trouble concentrating on what was being said as his focus was more on the intensely erotic sensation of his chest growing to become something that would rival most professional athletes. "Silvanus, what is this... this suit..." once more the lion felt themselves losing focus as the one on top of him ran his fingers down his sides, causing an electric tingle as though he was rubbing against his own skin. "How is this working? This should be imp... inpo..."

"I believe the word you're looking for is impossible," the fossa said with a giggle as he watched the bewildered look on the lion's face. "It appears that all that intelligence is getting sapped right down to your pectorals, and I would be surprised except that was specifically what I asked for. I wanted you to get you out of that head of yours and be my big, dumb, spandex lion muscle man, and from the way that bulge of yours is throbbing underneath me I think that you don't mind the prospect either."

Man... there were a lot of big words that his boyfriend was throwing around, Dieter thought to himself as he put his hands to his head. As he put his fingers to his mane not only could he feel his fingers starting to thicken as his biceps and forearms grew but his skull shifting as well. It was like everything that Silvanus was saying was just being absorbed into his head, which made sense considering that he was just a big muscle cat. He felt a need to flex the muscles of his arm as they grew bigger, shivering from the touch of Silvanus as his fur was also being systematically changed as well. Though it would be hard for the untrained eye both of them could see that golden tan fur of the lion was becoming... shinier, more synthetic looking as the changes continued to slowly spread throughout his body.

Silvanus continued to coo at how good he was looking and though Dieter knew that somehow this singlet was affecting his mind as well as his body it was quickly shrinking, being eroded by the sensations of lust and strength that were coursing through him. Part of him said that he should be mad at Silvanus for tricking him like that, but as the swelling muscle cascaded down and caused his thighs to become like tree trunks he was really enjoying himself. The fossa was right... his muzzle turning up into a grin as the looked at the male smiling down at him, he liked being called a sexy muscular male as his mane grew even longer.

The lion grunted as any semblance of him not being truly male was dashed by the still increasing bulge between his legs, and had he not been wearing the strange singlet and had been transformed it probably would be jutting out the spandex by now. As Silvanus got up and straddled the bigger male it was clear just how much bigger his frame had been getting, hearing the couch groaning underneath their weight as the synthetic conversion continued to spread down his knees and past his elbows. His biceps had already become as swollen as watermelons as the growing continued into his forearms. For a few seconds his hands and feet looked almost comically small against his massive body before the magic in the singlet began to seep into it.

"This is so freaking hot..." Silvanus groaned as he was practically grinding his body against the lion. "How are you feeling Dieter? How is my big horny spandex lion?"

Dieter just grunted and realized in the haze of his pleasure that his boyfriend was referring to him. "I... feel good..." The lion said, groaning once more as his hands and feet began to stretch and swell. "So horny... so needy..."

"I bet you are," Silvanus replied, the fossa leaning back and pressing his hands against the still throbbing spandex bulge as he caused the feline to quiver. The lion was in the final throes of his transformation and his frame was expanding even more, his voice growing deeper as Dieter felt like any thought that he was trying to have was like moving through wet concrete that was his lust. "I can see it in your eyes that all you are is muscles and spandex, that brain of yours drowning in masculinity and need."

The fossa continued to tease the other male, all Dieter able to grunt out was words that centered around horny, muscle, man, and need. Though the fossa could release the lion and play around together there was another feature of the singlet that he hadn't even shown... at least not yet. With his own cock throbbing Silvarus slid off the massive male and decided that the time was right to show off the best feature, the one that required the lion to identify as a big, horny, dumb muscular spandex male first. With Dieter's eyes completely glassed over Silvarus told him to turn over onto his stomach, the transformed spandex lion doing so before lying there.

One of the things that Dieter hadn't noticed when he had tried on the spandex singlet was the seam that was most of the way down it. On a normal person it would have just been a normal part of the clothing, but with the lion accepting his role so readily it had a far different purpose to it. Silvarus was grinning ear to ear as he ran his hands along the synthetic spandex fur of the lion's mane before taking his fingers and pushing them into the seal. For a second he thought that Modino might have been lying about this particular aspect of the singlet, which would have been crazy considering it had turned one of his boyfriends into a hulking lion man already, he felt his hands push into the body of the one below him.

For Dieter the feeling of another pushing into his back was a mix of confusion and pleasure, though his brain couldn't comprehend what was going on deep down he knew that something very strange was happening to him. The still rational part of his mind being buried by lust registered that something was being shoved inside of him except it wasn't in the usual hole. In fact it felt like someone was pushing something into his shoulder blades as he looked up and felt his spandex body getting stretched. Though he didn't know how he could see he realized that the bathroom door was open and with it the mirror that was on his door.

What the lion saw was Silvanus starting to disappear down inside of him while feeling those hands shifting around in his body. It appeared for certain that the transformation was not limited just to his fur and skin, even with Dieter's mouth and tongue having been changed into shiny, silky versions of themselves it wasn't until the fossa stretched open the slit to reveal the spandex padding within. "Not just a manly muscle lion..." Silvanus said as he took his muzzle and buried it into the thickening mane of synthetic hair before arching back up. "You are going to make a very lovely muscle suit..."

Muscle suit... though the words continued to reach the ears his mind was almost completely blank, feeling nothing but pure bliss as he felt something pushing its way into his own arms. As Silvanus continued to push his own limbs into the suit the lion began to feel his arms moving again... but it wasn't him that was moving them. Without even realizing it the fossa had started to manipulate his body as his own, though that had only been a test. When Silvanus moved his arms back out he asked Dieter to move his fingers and the spandex lion found that he could once more.

Silvanus chuckle and stated that it was rather interesting, then said it was time for the final phase of his plan. Instead of sticking his arms in first he did it with his legs, Dieter moaning loudly when the sheer euphoria of being filled from the inside had caused his already sensitive, overstimulated body to go into overdrive. It appeared that the other male was also getting a bit of pleasure for himself to as he could hear him grunting and huffing while the spandex sealed around his limbs as soon as he pushed into him all the way. Despite the bizarre nature of Dieter's boyfriend physically stuffing himself into his transformed spandex body all he could seem to focus on was the pleasure that came from it.

There was a few moments where nothing seemed to be happening, but then suddenly he felt himself get hoisted upwards. At first he thought it wasn't possible but the fossa was able to lift up his incredibly muscular spandex body like it only weighed several pounds instead of several hundred pounds of pure muscle that he had put on during his transformation. He also began to feel his legs moving around on their own accord, though Silvanus quickly informed him that they were his now as he felt himself began to walk around. Not only had the lion not been able to move his own legs but his arms and head as well... as though he had been actually turned into some sort of suit.

As though Silvanus could sense what he was thinking Dieter heard him chuckle as more of the muscular spandex lion up his own body. "I know that even in your simplified mental state you're probably thinking that this isn't right," the fossa explained while he pushed his arm into the musclesuit causing Dieter to groan. "You see, since you haven't given me anything for Christmas I figure you could be it this year, and given your compromised mentality you need someone to help take care of you while you enjoy your experience as my muscular spandex lion I figure it's only fair that you let me enjoy it as well. Don't worry though, I'm going to make sure that I will take very, very good care of you."

Even though Dieter could comprehend what was being told to him the lion couldn't do much more then groan and grunt in response as his boyfriend continued to slide into his body. He was quickly losing more sensations of being able to move his body as the other male's arms slid inside them, his own spandex pressing against Silvanus as he hijacked his body. There was nothing that he could do to stop him either... not that he minded it at this point as his thoughts went from being muddy to completely vapid. He was still completely aware of everything but it boiled down into instincts, especially pleasure as the first thing that Silvanus did after performing a flex was go down to his groin and squeezed it.

At this point the only thing left of Silvanus that was still exposed was his head, the fossa going over to the mirror and holding up Dieter's head in order to talk to him while he looked at him through the reflection. "Just wanted to give one last thank you for the rather wonderful gift that you've given me," he said as he kissed the spandex lion on the lips, Dieter feeling the other male slide his tongue into the maw before he slid back. "I hope you're ready, because here... we... go..."

There was a moment of pause as both Dieter and Silvanus were unsure of what was about to happen, even the fossa looking slightly nervous as he was about to put the head of the lion over his own. Dieter was even more in the dark, would he still even exist after Silvanus pushed into what was essentially his own mind? He knew that while Silvanus could be a bit of a jerk sometimes he would never do anything to hurt him, and so far even with the bizarre transformation the only thing that he experienced was quite a bit of pleasure. Still, even in his dumbed down state the muscular male couldn't help but be nervous as his own hands grabbed onto the sides of his head and began to push his muzzle inside.

Dieter was immediately hit with the surreal sensation of feeling his own feline muzzle stretching out from the inside, his spandex head shifting and pulling down as Silvanus continued to move in. The lion felt his own muzzle starting to open despite himself, like he was yawning despite himself as his empty head suddenly felt full. For a few seconds he could actually feel the fossa's own mouth push out through his own, then settle backwards before his feline maw closed shut. For a few seconds his head continued to get shifted around by the hands on it before he began to blink and his lips and tongue began to move on its own accord.

"Now THIS is definitely something," Dieter said with a laugh as his feline face turned up in a smile... except that it wasn't Dieter that was speaking even though he could hear his own voice. Even though the incredibly muscular lion in the blue singlet started flexing in the mirror he felt like he was looking at someone else in the reflection of the mirror. Nothing about what he was doing was something that he had instructed his body to do... though even if he did still have control the transformation into a hulking spandex beast had left him with little of his own thoughts.

Meanwhile Silvanus continued to check himself out, taking his spandex hands and using them to slide down his new body. With every touch both males could feel it, as though the fossa had truly become the muscle lion even though his fur remained as spandex. Another feature of the suit was also quickly making itself known as well, Dieter feeling his head get turned down as he watched one of the hands slide down the blue spandex covered pectorals and ten-pack abs until it had gotten down to the bulge that had been ignored up until that point. When it got there however the padding around it seemed to melt away, revealing the thick cock underneath that stretched out the blue material.

At first Dieter thought that it was just going to be trapped behind the confines of the spandex, but as he continued to watch and the hand began to clasp around the shaft it pulled away even further. It didn't take long before the blue spandex cock was able to be completely rubbed up and down, and with the fossa's own member already completely erect and pushed inside the spandex one they were actually getting double the feedback from the sensations. The pleasure was so strong that Silvanus had to take the Dieter musclesuit he was wearing and went down on the couch, lounging out with one of his big pawed feet on the floor while he continued to jerk it.

With Dieter unable to do anything but watch and be awash in the pleasure that Silvanus was giving him, feeling his toes curl from the sensations of his powerful spandex body flexing and undulating with each stroke. It was intensely intimate, feeling the one inside him causing both of them to writhe on the couch as the big hulk of a lion was being stroked by his own hand. The spandex creature had already been pent up before from his transformation and bulking up, so it didn't take much for him and the equally stimulated fossa to climax.

It was unsure whether it was Dieter or Silvanus that let out a roar as they orgasmed, or perhaps they did so at the same time as thick jets of cum came out and stained his singlet. As it pooled on his chest both males were physically and mentally exhausted, laying there on the couch basking in the warm afterglow as Silvanus patted the thick spandex cock once it had finished up. "Oh yeah..." Silvanus said, Dieter definitely knowing that it was the fossa inside of him as had once more retreated back to the shadows of his own mind. "This was definitely worth it."

Dieter could feel the fossa continue to stretch and relax his new body before he took his muscular form and got up. By this point the cum that they had gotten on themselves had somehow been reabsorbed into his singlet and spandex fur. Silvanus began to whistle to himself, something that he hadn't been able to do before but found otherwise when he used the lion's lips, as he went to the shower in order to clean himself up. While the lion thought idly that he was going to get taken off the fossa had other plans, soaping and shampooing himself while remarking whether or not to dye his mane a teal color similar to his own.

As the hour passed Dieter continued to get moved around, Silvanus cleaning up the place including doing the dishes that they had just messed up. The lion hadn't thought that his boyfriend was such a clean freak, especially when he took a rag to get any errant splatter that came from their strange copulation to get it out of the already somewhat dirty couch. It wasn't until the lion heard a doorbell that caused his ear to twitch did he realize there was something more to all of this. He could feel his muzzle curl up in a smile as Silvanus went up to the intercom and buzzed it, allowing whoever was down there to come up as he went to the door and propped it open.

A few minutes later there was a knock at the door just as Silvanus was reheating the leftover pasta in the pan. "Hey there honey," the voice said as Dieter felt his head get turned around to see the wolf man milling about putting stuff on the table in the entryway. "I brought the drinks just like you had oh holy cow..."

It didn't take much for Dieter to realize that this was another one of Silvanus' boyfriends, taking the lion's body and moving forward to kiss the lupine. "What do you think?" he asked the shocked wolf. "You like?"

"Silvanus... is that really you?" the wolf asked, Silvanus nodding Dieter's head. "Wow... how is that possible? It looks so realistic, even the spandex fur looks like it was grown on."

"I got it custom made," Silvanus replied with a wink. "I know how much you like muscular guys and this way for Christmas you can have exactly what you wanted. There's also something else that I want to give you, just wait right there and get yourself some food while I go and get it."

Silvanus took Dieter's body and strutted out through the door, making sure that the other male's eyes were on his firm butt encased in the singlet before he went out of sight. Once he was in the living room he made his way over to his bedroom and into his closet, Dieter watching through his own eyes as he opened the doors and revealed two more identical packages to the one that the lion had opened previously. He could feel his own feline muzzle curling up in an evil grin as he grabbed one of them and patted the other box before heading back into the living room.

By the time he had gotten back the wolf had already sat down on the couch and put a few bowls of the leftover pasta on the table, looking expectantly as the other male and the box that he was holding in his hands. As Dieter felt himself get sat down and press against the rather skinny body of the lupine the box was put into their lap, causing the wolf's eyes to light up. He immediately opened it and tossed the wrapping paper aside, taking the dress box and pulling it open to reveal the shiny red material inside.

"Oh wow!" the wolf said as he pulled out the wrestling singlet, looking at the shiny fabric in the light. "It's amazing Silvanus, thank you. But I thought that because you'd be going to celebrating Christmas with your other boyfriends that we were going to be doing something more subdued, so I didn't even get you anything."

"Well go ahead and try it on," Silvanus replied, both lion and fossa chuckling slightly. "And as for a gift for me I'm sure that we're going to find something that you can do later..."

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