A Naga Wrapped up in Rubber Plants

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#1 of Twelve Kinks of Christmas

On the first day of a kinky Christmas we have a rubber naga helping out a certain avian capture people that were on his naughty list...

The kink for this day was rubber.

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The rubber plant naga quickly slithered through the hallways of the factory, heading towards the office of the enigmatic Raven. He had received the message that the avian needed him for an urgent mission. The others seem to know of his mission and had moved to allow him to pass, keeping his path clear before the latex flower creature got to the door. The secretary that sat outside of the office didn't even stop him and instead got up and opened the door so that Tana didn't even have to break his stride as he got into the office.

"Thank you for coming on such short notice," Raven stated, Tana not bothering to sit as the bird fluttered down from his perch to his desk where a folder laid. "We have an urgent mission that I need to send you on. You are instructed to find the creature in this file and recover the item that he has stolen at all costs."

Tana quickly went over and went through the file, seeing the picture of the target right above the name Newlyn and the words marking him as a high-priority target. The mission briefing was rather straightforward; the snow leopard had infiltrated the research division of the Factory and stolen a canister that contained a highly-transformative and top-secret rubber substance that had been in development for years. Through the Raven's various contacts it appears that Newlyn was attempting to sell the canister to a competitor for a lot of money, and it looked like the avian had managed to track down quite a bit on the feline including the timetable for the sale. Once he had gotten the rest of the details down the flower naga gave the file back to the Raven.

"It sounds like this is something a more experienced Collector should be dealing with," the naga stated. "If I may ask, why send me along when I don't have nearly the same experience as some others under your wing? I could even see you sending a team of them."

"While normally you would be correct there's been a complication," Raven explained as he fluttered back up to his perch. "This thief is no slouch; not only did he steal the item in question but he also took a dossier that contained all the Collectors in my ranks. I've already sent two after him and so far they've both failed, and from their reports it appears that he was able to see them coming since he had read their methods of capture."

"Oh dear..." Tana sated. "But then why wouldn't I be any different?"

"You and Serathin have not been officially put on the books as of yet while you are still working off your latest... upgrades," The Raven replied. "As such your file was overlooked, which gives you the advantage when it comes to capturing him. I would also send the leaf dragon with you but he's currently on a mission of his own that would fail if he was to be recalled, so it's going to be all on you."

The flower naga nodded and crossed his arms. "You got it boss," Tana replied. "One snow leopard, coming right up."

"Oh, and one more thing," Raven stated just as the latex naga was about to leave. "The last Collector that had attempted to capture him said that he may have used some of the substance in that container in order to transform himself, given the potent shapeshifting properties of what was in that canister you will have to be weary that he may have augmented abilities. Since it's been a few hours since our last attempt he may have upgraded himself yet again."

"Well then it's good that you're sending me," Tana replied with a smirk, opening his palm and letting rubbery tendrils grow out of it to wiggle in the air. "I've recently gotten a few upgrades of my own to try out..."


Night had fallen and the docks were empty, devoid of the workers that normally ran around loading and unloading cargo from the ships that came in and out. Though there was one special delivery on the docks it wasn't going to be touched by any of them as a creature skulked through the shadows. Had anyone actually seen the one moving to the old warehouse they would have thought that it might have been a shift in the darkness. The reality was much more devious in nature; the feline creature finally being revealed when it stepped underneath the light in order to unlock the door with a set of picks.

Even with the light overhead directly shining down on Newlyn his body seemed to absorb the light, which was very different from the normal reflective quality of rubber. The latex that covered his body was a special little treat that he had afforded himself from the canister that he had in the satchel strapped to his back. Part of the shapeshifting qualities of the rubber was that it turned the snow leopard into a rubber panther and the blackness was so dark that even when in the metal container he hardly believed it was real. It was essentially vanta-black rubber, and it served him very well in eluding capture since it had given him a few extra abilities aside from being nearly undetectable while in the darkness.

Even in direct sunlight he looked like a mere shadow; if he lied down on the ground people would think he was some sort of hole in the ground or if he was next to a feline they would assume it was their shadow. He could see why it was worth so much money... and in less then an hour he would walk away with the black vanta rubber suit and a couple of extra zeros in his bank account. Some of that would be needed to make a hasty exit out of the area since he had made quite the powerful enemy while he was in the city. He had managed to evade the Collectors of the Raven so far thanks to a lot of foresight, but eventually the tricky bird would throw something his way he couldn't see coming or guard against and he would end up in a rubber sack hanging somewhere.

The second Newlyn opened the door and looked inside one of his precautions was bearing fruit as he noticed that a few of the spotlights in the dry dock that he had just entered into were facing the wrong direction. He had purposefully chose this place to be the meeting spot for the transaction because it would give the buyer a quick way out, the sea, and he could see everything that was happening as they pulled into the dock. For extra security he had added a few spotlights himself to overlap the darkest corners that he would hide in and it was those lights that had been altered. Could it be the buyer... or was it something with a more sinister intention that had somehow tracked him?

Since he was still early the rubber panther eased back into the office, the only place where he had allowed shadows to congregate, and hid in them while he attempted to scan the situation. The dock door was still closed and there was no boat in the seaward facing side of the drydock, so it was likely not the buyers. That wasn't good news for him though; a double-cross he could handle and potentially end up with the money and the canister still, but if this was a Collector then both him and the buyer were in danger. It was too late to shift the meeting to another location and if he attempted to abort then it was more days within the reach of the Raven when they were already apparently able to track him up to this point.

After about a minute Newlyn decided the best place to get to was the outside of the drydock on the seaward side. The boat with the buyer would be pulling up there and if there was a Collector in the building he might get them to leave the area before they could figure out what just happened. Unfortunately the precaution that he had made to keep him safe proved to be a bane as he realized there was little in the way of darkness between the office and the other side of the drydock. As his eyes drifted up he realized there was one place he could go where there was a prolific darkness he could use... if not a bit risky.

Newlyn carefully opened the window on the side of the office and climbed out of it, using his augmented body to silently slip out of it. One of the other perks that came with being completely converted to rubber was that it not only absorbed all light but sound as well. When his feet hit the ground it was without so much as a squeak, and once Newlyn made his way out of the office he started to climb up the pipe that lead to the roof. He made sure to keep the satchel containing the canister in front of him to completely hide it as he made his way up to the rafters.

Meanwhile Tana watched from his perch in the drydock on the balcony, his eyes practically squinting as he tried to track the rubber panther. Raven had been right, his target had definitely altered himself using the rubber that was in that canister. Even with his altered vision it was like trying to watch a particular shadow in a forest of darkness. As he went up to the rafters he scanned the area and saw that in the drydock there were only a few different places that he could go, and with the window quickly closing on capturing this creature and reclaiming the equipment he had to hurry as he slithered up towards the roof as well.

After a few minutes Newlyn carefully crawled up onto the upper balcony of the drydock he caught something out of the corner of his eye. He knew it wasn't an animal or a bird, not only did it duck into the shadows but it was rather large. There was also a glint that he got as it passed underneath the skylight that was in the roof of the building, the unmistakable glint of a creature covered in rubber. A Collector... it had to be, but in all the briefs he had read he didn't know of any of them that would have laid such a trap as the one that he might have stumbled into had he not been more careful.

It's got to be someone new Newlyn thought to himself, trying to find where the creature had gone off too. But could Raven train someone that fast just to try and get him? Either way it wasn't going to matter much soon, though he couldn't see what time it was he knew that the buyers would be there any minute now. He hoped up onto the rafters and stealthily moved forward to head towards one of the skylights that he had unlocked previously just in case something like this even happened. This was one of his last back-up plans however and for the first time since he started this little heist he started to feel nervous.

The rafter creaked slightly under his weight as Newlyn used it like a balance beam, steadily stepping on it in order to get to the other side of the drydock. Once more all the light bouncing back up from the spotlights he had put in was a boon to him as he found himself in the shadows of the thick wood itself, almost feeling himself blending into the darkness as he walked. He could imagine anyone attempting to see him straining their eyes in order to try and find him. But the Collector was in a similar situation it seemed, his trained eyes unable to find the creature even as he kept a wary eye out for the one that was potentially stalking him.

It was only by him decided to turn at one of the girders that he narrowly avoided the tentacle that came up from underneath the wooden frame, the rubber panther practically jumping to the next beam in order to get out of its reach. Any thought that this might not have been a Collector quickly went out the window as he continued to keep to the darkness while he lowered himself down to take more advantage of the shadows being cast. The only reason that he probably wasn't coiled up in the tentacles of whatever creature is after him is because it couldn't tell exactly where he was. He moved towards the skylight once more and found himself almost getting wrapped up once more, then slid to the right and used his claws to run on the side of the beam to keep going forward.

As Tana slithered up to another beam on the other side of the drydock he was impressed at how the feline had managed to evade him even while bouncing from beam to beam. At the moment with it being impossibly hard to see his vines were using the vibrations in the wood in order to try and sense where the creature was. The stealth of the creature was almost concerning, but he had a plan as he continued to try and capture the creature in the vines. He slithered across the beams himself in order to try and head the vanta black rubber panther off, knowing that despite being quite sneaking himself the rafters offered little in the way of hiding for him as he moved forward... but at that point his plan didn't require it nearly as much.

For the next few minutes the cat and mouse, or rather cat and snake, game continued, Tana still sliding along silently while Newlyn continued to evade. As Tana got closer he could feel that a few of his tentacles had managed to grab hold of the feline, only for them to not gain purchase on his limbs. Yet another perk of the top secret latex was that it was impossibly smooth, making Newlyn even more slippery then he had thought. It makes the flower naga realize why the others had failed to get this one, at least the second time as he continued to guide his vines around the beams.

Eventually though the naga couldn't find the vibrations anymore and Tana slowed down. With the light of the moon streaming through the skylight he should have seen the feline by now, even with the impossibly black rubber that his body had become. As the serpent looked around, however, he heard a whistle that caused him to look up. What he saw there was the head of the panther looking through the window, seeing Newlyn stick out his tongue.

"You gave me quite the scare there," the panther said with a smirk, holding up his hand to his ear as the sound of a motorboat could be heard. "Ah, I do believe my ride is here. Give Raven my regards, even though he won't get this stuff back he can always buy it when his competitor gets it."

"Very confident," Tana replied, his grin widening which caused the rubber panther to lose a bit of his jubilation. "Considering you don't know me or my abilities I could understand that, and even if you did you probably wouldn't have known the upgrade that I gotten. You see... there's a reason that I guided you up to the rafters, and then again to the skylight that you had cleverly disengaged."

Newlyn felt his stomach sink to his feet as he suddenly became aware that the roof beneath his feet immediately started to move, and when he looked down he saw that tiny, shiny black vines had grown up around them all the way to his ankles. He attempted to jump away but he had become rooted to the spot, which was quickly followed by thicker vines that reached up and coiled around his arms. Tana smirked as the vines that he had infiltrated through the roof towards that spot continued to wrap around the captured creature. As he watched the feline the naga extended a few more vines and used them to pull himself through the sunlight as well.

"So close..." Tana teased, the panther attempting to say something before the vines wrapped around his muzzle and gagged him as the naga looked out at the water where a boat was coming in. "And those must be your buyers... looks like they haven't seen our little exchange yet either."

The vines wrapped completely around the lithe body of the rubber panther and Tana took the specialized rubber sack to put him in. He could feel the trapped creature squirming inside the rubbery confines of the bag, but after a few seconds the rubber suctioned in on itself and made another layer of confinement on top of the vines that were still wrapped around him. Tana took a few bands of rubber and bound them to the roof along with a few of his vines. While he wanted to go back to the Factory with his prizes, taking the satchel he had slipped off the panther before he went into the bag and wrapping it around his own shoulder, he could hear the doors to the drydock opening along with the possibility of the Collector getting a two for one deal...


When Newlyn was able to see once more he found himself in a rubber padded room, though it was more like a pit since he couldn't see any doors leading out. When he looked up he found that it was an open cell, complete with an observation balcony. He immediately attempted to climb up it but as his latex body pressed against the similarly textured walls there was nothing he could get purchase on and slid back down. After a few tries he finally flopped back down on the shiny floor, looking up at the lights that were suspended above him. As he continued to stare up he saw two faces looking down at him from the observation deck.

"I think you'll find that all those lovely powers that you gained from me are not going to work while you're here," Raven said, a smirk on the bird's beak as Newlyn looked at him. "Unfortunately there is nothing that we can do about the state of your body, the rubber has bonded with you quite thoroughly. Since I have enough information coming out of the buyers that have been collected as well I really have no other use for you though... so I'm going to be giving over your fate to the one that had successfully captured you."

Both Newlyn and Tana looked at the Raven in surprise, the naga gasping. "Really?" he asked, the raven nodding. "I can have him?"

"Well I was just going to turn him into a mindless guard," Raven explained, the panther's eyes widening. "So consider this an early Christmas bonus, I think you've certainly earned it. Now you two have fun!"

Tana got an evil grin as the raven flew off, leaving the synthetic serpent alone with the panther. The naga slid down over the railing of the cell and used his vines to slide down into the padded cell himself. Though Newlyn wasn't a slouch when it came to a confrontation he knew that he stood no chance, especially since his powers had been taken away but the other male clearly still had his. As the serpent started to approach him the panther found himself backing away until his back hit the opposite wall... and he quickly found himself unable to pull himself away from it.

"I suppose you're wondering just what is going to happen to you," Tana hissed in delight as he watched the feline squirm while going over to the floor and pulling up a second sheet that was the same impossible black of his body. "I think it would be the best if we left that as a surprise, but we're going to be using a similar substance to what you stole. Of course this is more from the source then the sample you taken, so you'll find that this is far more... potent."

Newlyn found himself shuddering as the panel of rubber that he was stuck against was pulled out from the wall, the latex shifting slightly to keep his legs and arms apart as it was raised up slightly. With the other panel coming up on the other side it was clear that this was some sort of a vac-rack, the vanta black rubber starting to surround him as the two sides slowly came together. At first the feline thought that he might be completely encased but he could see that there was a hole that allowed his head to slide through. He gasped slightly as the two sheets pressed against his already rubberized skin and caused him to gasp slightly.

It quickly became clear to Tana that the former snow leopard turned rubber panther hadn't just transformed himself for utilitarian purposes, seeing a bulge growing in front of his groin as the two sides of the vac-rack started to suction together. As the air was removed and the contours of the feline's body was starting to become clear the naga went over to a hidden compartment and opened it with a touch of his hand. Inside was something that he had been working on ever since he had gotten back to the factory with his prize, though he wasn't sure if he was going to use it. Now not only was he going to utilize it but he was going to have direct control over it as he took the serpentine mask back to the squirming panther.

By this point the vac-rack had completely sealed up against Newlyn, the suspended panther practically shuddering from the pleasure being fed to his body through the tightness of the rubber against him. It was greatly exasperated by the feel of the naga's hands against his body. "You are certainly going to make such a good drone," Tana stated, Newlyn only able to gasp before he was muffled by the vanta black snake mask that was pushed over his head. "Mindful, obedient, so much better then the mindless brute of a guard that Raven wanted you to be, all we need it to get you into the proper form, both mind and body..."

All Newlyn could do was make out a groan, huffing through the hoses that were attached to the mask at his mouth and nostrils. If they weren't completely encased his toes would be curling as Tana took the tubes that lined the lips of the serpentine gas mask and brought them back towards his own spore producing bulbs that lined his back. Since this was going to be his drone it would only make sense to use his own methods to get him into right mindset, taking the opposite ends and fusing them to the openings of his spore pods. The rubber feline wiggled even harder as Tana returned to stroking the growing length at Newlyn's groin while he pumped his spores into the mask.

The second that the spores were introduced into his system Newlyn practically came right there, the rubber of the vac-rack pressing even tighter against his body. Even with the pressure continuing to keep him suspended his body started to shift around slightly. The combination of the spores and the vanta black rubber made a powerful concoction that made the feline extremely suspectable to the machinations of the naga that had started to push up against the other male's body. This was when Tana knew that the real fun was going to begin.

Though the suction of the encased feline was incredibly strong the spores made Newlyn malleable, Tana using his vines to sculpt the creature that was in front of him. While powerful hypnotic suggestions were being pumped into the mind of the male the naga used the additional rubber being added to the body in order to shape him. He could feel the transforming male shuddering in the pure euphoria of the moment as he took his hands and his vines to mold him, sculpt him into the drone that he saw in his mind. The first thing he did was to take his legs and pushed them together, the limbs easily knitting together and forming into one long lower body as he smoothed everything over.

As Tana finished taking the feline's toes and rubbing them together until they formed into a singular tail tip using extra mass from his tail to do so. He smiled as he ran up his hand along the crevice between the legs and smoothed it out, ending at the bulge. Though he still had a bit of work left to go he decided to put a little focus on a different aspect of the male's anatomy, taking a finger and pushing it into the area where his cock had stretched out the impossibly black rubber. Almost immediately it separated, jutting out before Tana took his own fanged muzzle to slide it down the shiny rubber shaft.

Newlyn was so lost in the pleasure that he didn't realize that he was losing his sense of self, his memories draining away to be replaced with a completely different mindset. As the naga reshaped his member with his skilled maw the blissful sensations being fed into his mind were being coupled with the desire to serve. The more his passions were enflamed the deeper that want became until it was a need, something that a drone needed to do in order to make sure that his masters were satisfied. After a particularly deep thrust of the naga's maw onto his groin it caused the transforming male to inhale deeply, cementing the feedback loop of service and pleasure...

To be a drone...

To be a slave...

To serve his masters...

When Tana drew off the tapered tip of the cock he could already tell that his new drone was almost completely molded to his desires, the last vestiges of his feline nature being replaced with serpentine ones as the visor embedded into the mask began to enforce his new life. It appeared that Newlyn was enjoying his new lot in life and knowing that he was a slave, his awareness still to the point where he could try and fight the programming. The new naga drone wasn't resisting at all, and as Tana began to mold a second set of arms into the slave in order to make him... extra useful. He also made sure to make the new rubber creature as non-descript as possible, wanting his slave to make sure that he was able to know his role every time he looked into the mirror.

"Serathin is going to be so jealous," Tana said as he took the lust-drunk snake and started to release the suction that was curing his new body, helping the four-armed vanta-black naga get pulled out of the vac-rack that had created him. As Newlyn was pulled out the other naga couldn't help but be impressed at how the new creature looked, continuing to sculpt the muscular creature to keep making him even more perfect in his eyes. "Our perfect little shadow to help us out in the garden whenever we need it..."

"Certainly better then just some random guard," a voice behind Tana said, the two naga's turning around to see that Raven had come back and was on the observation deck railing. "I take it that your spores have done the trick?"

"Why don't you see for yourself?" Tana replied, taking the hoses that were still attached to his own spore pods and attached them to smaller ones that had formed on the new naga's body which allowed the slave to still be inundated with the mind-melting spores. "Go ahead drone, what do you think?"

"Drone thanks Master for transforming him into such a wonderful creature!" Newlyn replied, the vanta black naga drone still able to be heard clearly despite his lips not moving since his feline muzzle had been morphed into the mask to be serpentine as well. "I can't wait to start performing his duties as a slave to the Factory. My gratitude is also for Tana for capturing me, if he hadn't then I would have never been able to experience such pleasures as what have been shown to me in such a short time."

"It appears that you have found yourself a keeper," Raven replied, a smirk on his beak. "I have to say that I certainly approve of what you've done with him, I must say that I think you've made yourself quite the Christmas gift for yourself and with four arms as well."

"I thought that was a nice touch," Tana stated as he ran a clawed finger against one of his arms, causing the drone to shudder. "Definitely going to be a welcome addition to the garden, as well as anywhere else that you think that he might be needed. I know that he's been using a lot of the new rubber that you've been experimenting with so I wouldn't wan to set you back just for my own fun and games."

The Raven just gave Tana a nod and turned his back to the two. "I told you that it's a Christmas bonus for you and the rest of the denizens in my garden," he said. "Not to mention that I have all of the lovely data that was recorded in the room when you did your transformation of our resident thief into our newest slave of the Factory. Of course I'm sure you're going to figure out a few fun upgrades off of him, and when that happens I'll be getting a little Christmas cheer of my own..."

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Friends From Beginning to End (2/3)

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