Another for the Hive

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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Anthony has lost touch with a few of his friends and decides to go to a small town that is next to their place of work to investigate. He very quickly finds out what has happened when one of his friends gets in touch with him once he arrives in a very peculiar way. These events are set after Friends From Beginning to End.

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Anthony looked lazily out the window as he drove his car along the highway, looking for the off-ramp that would take him to his destination. Though his actual target wasn't on the map he knew where it was, his friend telling him about the town that lay at the base of the mountain where the secretive facility was kept. The tiger found himself biting his lip as he thought about the reason that he was heading up there in the first place, the impromptu plan brought about by the fact he hadn't been able to reach either of his friends that he knew were up there for quite some time. Though it wasn't uncommon for their work to demand radio silence it was the sheer length of time that had prompted him to take his car and drive up to the mountains in order to see what was going on.

One of his friends was another tiger named Dr. August Winters, the man responsible for the cybernetic arm that gripped the wheel as well as his legs that tapped against the floor of the car he was driving. Before he had moved to the Starpoint Facility to work on some secret project he had given him the hook up when he needed it the most, the two becoming fast friends as the doctor oversaw his health while his upgrades were being grafted to his body. It was also when he had met Newlyn, the snow leopard helping Dr. Winters out and also being with him through his journey of modification. While he was friends with the doctor he admittedly had also gained a bit of a crush on the snow leopard, though before he had gotten the courage to tell him the two had announced their move to Starpoint.

Though they had attempted to remain in contact Anthony's work had caused him to lose contact for a while, and when he was able to try and call them again he found that he couldn't reach them or the Starpoint base itself. At first he got an automated message that the base was currently under lockdown and that all communications would have to go through a military base, something the tiger was not fond of doing, and after a year or so even that message ceased entirely and he couldn't even connect to the base. As the years went on he also had started to hear very strange rumors; tales of aliens that had attacked the Starpoint base or strange monsters that had come up from underneath it and destroyed the place. Though he didn't believe such nonsense the fact that most of the rumors had involved the destruction of the base and the death of all those involved made him extremely nervous.

His nerves were not helped by the fact the off-ramp that he was supposed to go off of was completely blocked off, signs saying that the road was closed spanning the length of the road. As he pulled off anyway and took a look at the checkpoint however it appeared that these signs had been there for a while, rust pooling around where the metal met the road as he got out of his car and took a closer look. The area that appeared to be where people could check in to use the off-ramp had also been completely abandoned as well, popping his head inside the small tent that had been set up the only thing he saw was a table and a few chairs. Whatever they were trying to actively block people from must have passed, he thought to himself, or they just no longer cared.

Either way there was a space that allowed Anthony to drive his car through, and with nothing that appeared to record or stop him on the other side of it he decided to drive on to the other side. He knew that Starpoint had a small town a few miles away that he could stop at and ask questions in, especially since it was starting to get dark and the mountain roads can be treacherous at night. As he continued along the off-ramp and onto the road it led to he continued to see signs of a military presence that was no longer there and it made him both curious and anxious. He didn't know what was causing him more panic; the fact that the military had been here in such force or the fact that they no longer were.

Eventually Anthony got to the town that he had been looking for just as the moon had started to peek over the mountains that surrounded it, a thick fog settling over the streets as he drove in. The tiger felt his heart sink into his stomach as he slowly passed by buildings to see that there were no lights on and that much like the outpost on the highway off-ramp the place looked essentially abandoned. Windows were boarded up and everything on the street save for the lamps that illuminated the street were completely dark and not a soul was out or about despite it still being relatively early in the night. When he finally got to a place that looked like a hotel he pulled up to it and looked inside the glass sliding doors to find no one inside.

With the idea of sleeping in his car not very feasible with his cybernetic legs and arm he decided that it would be better to ask for forgiveness than permission and pulled open the doors to allow himself access inside. When he got through to the other side and into the lobby his suspicions were quickly confirmed when he saw a layer of dust throughout and looked at a nearby newspaper to see it was years out of date. Whatever happened here cleared these people out in a hurry, the tiger thought to himself as he looked at the dead flowers in the vase on the receptionist desk. Since it was getting dark there was no point in trying to explore, especially with the fog still settling thickly over the town.

After grabbing one of the room keys from the receptionist desk, which thankfully still used traditional ones instead of magnetic cards he would have had to program, he went back to his car and grabbed his luggage. As he grabbed the heavy bag with his cybernetic arm however he turned and saw something in the distance just on the edge of the illumination from the streetlight. At first he thought it was a trick of the mist but as the glowing green lights continued to hover there it almost looked to him like a set of eyes with two more larger orbs hovering around it. When he called out to it however the light disappeared, which prompted him to drop his luggage and try to see whatever it was that had moved away from the spot.

Even with his enhanced speed however Anthony found himself unable to find what he thought he had saw, coming up to an empty spot that was close to the edge of the nearby woods. If there was someone there they had likely ran into it and with the threat of becoming lost in an area that wasn't being monitored with no means of calling for help he decided to let it go. He turned back around and grabbed his suitcase, wheeling it into the hotel and closing the doors behind him. Even though the town was abandoned there was no reason not to secure his position, the tiger mused to himself a she looked the doors once more, and if there was something out there he wanted to meet it instead of the other way around.

The hotel room itself was somewhat nice, and with the fact that power and water was still running in the building it gave him a chance to relax and get a good night's sleep after being on the road for nearly the entire day to get here. After breaking into the nearby housekeeping station and getting some fresher amenities he showered and ate the food he had brought with him while charging his phone and his cybernetics. As he laid there on the fresh bedspread he had laid out he stared at the ceiling, his mind still swirling with questions on what had happened to this place. Even when he had rolled up to the hotel itself he saw military encampments, even actual equipment that had been left behind, but still not a single person was there. It reminded him of the ghost town documentary he once saw where a tragedy had forced an entire population to move and those who went back to it years later saw food still on the plates and everything in its place as though the people were still living there.

After giving one last phone call to see if he could contact Dr. Winters or Newlyn he sighed and flipped on the television, only to see that his luck had ran out when only static greeted him on the screen. He turned off the television and tossed the remote aside, then settled in to bed. There was a mystery going on in this town, and in the facility up in the mountains, and tomorrow he was going to solve it. While his main focus was Starpoint it wouldn't hurt to spend the morning looking around and maybe trying to find someone that had stuck around as well, his mind thinking back to the green eyes he had seen in the darkness before he drifted off to sleep.

When Anthony opened his eyes again something immediately felt... different, like his head was swimming as he slowly sat up in the bed and looked around. As he grabbed his phone and looked it he found that it was still nearly three in the morning. Despite the weariness that he had felt when he had gone to sleep he found himself fully awake as he slowly slid off of the bed and looked around for what could have caused him to wake up so suddenly. He flicked on the light next to the bed and found himself in an empty room, but as he stood up and stretched his body a sudden knock on the door caused him to freeze in position. It was the first sign of life since he had rolled into town and it caused him to sprint towards the door, nearly tripping over his suitcase as he jumped over it and quickly pulled it open in order to see who it was.

On the other side of the door was... nothing. There was no person, no note, nothing that indicated that someone had just knocked on his door. As he poked his head out and looked around however he saw something as it turned the corner, a tail that disappeared just as he caught a glimpse of it. Anthony quickly made his way out of the room and sprinted down the hall, his metal feet making loud thuds against the carpeted floor as he turned the corner to try and confront whomever was there. Once again he was greeted with an empty hall however, though he also saw that tail as it turned yet another corner and disappeared out of sight.

Anthony grimaced and wondered how this person was getting so far ahead of him every time as he continued to give chase, and each time turning the corner only to see the elusive creature just as they were making another turn themselves. One thing he did notice as they ran through the hotel was that the tail itself likely belonged to that of a snow leopard, and in the back of his mind he couldn't help but wonder if it was the one he was thinking about. Did Newlyn somehow know that he was coming up to meet him even though he wasn't able to get a message about it? And if that was the case, why was he leading him on a wild goose chase through this building?

Just when the tiger was starting to lose hope that he was ever going to catch this person he finally saw them as they walked through a glass door into another section, the sign next to it indicating that it was the pool of the hotel. When he saw the back of the creature he knew deep down he had just seen Newlyn as he rushed forward. The door was unlocked and when he stepped inside the familiar smell of chlorine hit his nostrils as the moist air washed over him. Anthony found himself blinking several times as he saw that the pool was not only filled with water but also occupied, watching the snow leopard that was in it swimming lazily back and forth.

"It's about time you got here," Newlyn stated with a grin as slowly paddled his way over towards the edge of the pool. "Why don't you come on in? The water is great."

Anthony continued to stand there in awe for a few moments, watching his friend and crush as the snow leopard grabbed onto the side of the pool and laid his arms on top of it while watching him. "I... forgot my swimsuit," the tiger said as he slowly walked down to the patio of the pool. "Plus I don't like to submerge my cybernetics if I can help it, even if they're waterproof."

"Nothing around here says that you have to wear a swimsuit," the snow leopard replied with a smirk as he once more angled his body and pushed off from the wall of the pool to reveal his naked body floating there in the water. "And we can take care of those cybernetics for you if you'd like."

"We?" Anthony asked, looking around at the pool area. There was no one else there besides the two of them, and if there was he would have likely seen them by now unless they were hiding outside the area. When he turned back towards the pool however his curiosity turned to shock when he saw that the water the snow leopard was swimming in had gone from clear to green and appeared thicker as Newlyn continued to swim around in it. "What the..."

"What's wrong?" Newlyn said as he continued to swim. "Or haven't you figured it out yet?"

"Newlyn, what is happening around here?" Anthony finally stated, going to the edge of the pool while looking at the snow leopard. "I've been trying to contact you for years and haven't heard back from you or Dr. Winters, and when I finally come up here to see what happened to my friends you suddenly greet me while naked in a pool of... whatever this stuff is? I think I deserve to have some answers of what's going on!"

"That is true," Newlyn replied, stopping his swim and floating there in the middle of the pool with that grin still on his face. "Tell you what Anthony, you swim on over here to me and I'll give you all the information you want on what's going on. Or you can leave right now, in which case I would recommend getting back into your car and heading back to the city since sticking around here will only cause you more grief."

When the snow leopard continued to float there it appeared these were the only two options that he was going to get. Though it meant jumping into the strange water it didn't appear to be hurting Newlyn at all, and it sounded like a chance to finally get to the bottom of the oddities that he been going on in the town. The idea of going through the door and walking away from this mystery was not an option however and eventually the tiger found himself slowly lowering himself into the water. As he had imagined it was thicker then normal and almost felt like he was submerging himself into some sort of goo or gel, and as he did so he realized for the first time since he had started chasing Newlyn that he was also naked.

At that point however his focus was on finding out what happened to him, his missing boxers immediately pushed to the back of his mind as he began to wade out towards the snow leopard. As he approached Newlyn however the scene around him continued to feel... distorted, like the world around him was twisting and bending slightly the closer he got to him. With only a few feet of the unusual fluid between them however the tiger also noticed something that had caused him to pause. It was Newlyn's eyes... they were practically glowing with a bright green that he knew wasn't what the snow leopard had before, and as he floated there in shock he saw the smile on Newlyn's face growing wider.

"I think you're starting to see the picture," Newlyn stated. "But you've only just begun on your journey, when we meet for real we're going to have a lot to catch up on. For now however why don't you just enjoy yourself."

"Hey, wait a second!" Anthony shouted as Newlyn began to swim away from him. "You were going to tell me what was going on if I got into the water!" As the tiger began to swim forward however he found his feet unable to kick forward, and though it was hard to see with the intense green tint in the water it looked like his cybernetic legs had disappeared. Though it was impossible to fathom it appeared they had fallen off, disappearing into the bottom of the murky water as he attempted to reach out his hands in order to propel his body forward.

As he rose up his arms to swim however he noticed that not only was his cybernetic arm missing as well but his flesh and blood one had started to lose its fur. His heart began to pound in his chest as he looked to see that the flesh was darkening, turning black as his fingers began to lose their structural integrity. Had Newlyn led him into some sort of acid or similar liquid? As he continued to watch his arm deform however it didn't hurt, in fact it felt... rather good as the tips of his fingers began to stretch out into the water.

Anthony let out a gasp as he began to feel something on his other shoulder, letting out a loud moan as something began to push out from there only to gasp when he saw what it was. It looked like a large rubber tentacle, and as it began to spread out before him it was starting to match his other arm that started to wiggle like the bones had disappeared from it. He began to feel a similar sensation in his lower body and as he felt his hips extending, and though it was still hard to see there was no mistaking that several more tentacles had started to sprout from his knees as he felt his thighs turning rubbery and also splitting. As he began to flail in the water with his mutating body he tried to call out to Newlyn, who had since gotten to the other side and was pulling himself out, only to find his words becoming garbled as his tongue began to grow and expand.

"I told you that you would learn everything that you would need to know," Newlyn said as he began to walk around, two similar tentacles to the ones that were sprouting out of the tiger's entire body pushing their way out until they were over his shoulders as the petals opened to reveal an eye in the middle. "But right now it's clear that you're not quite ready. Don't worry though, I have a friend that can help you get the rest of the way to me."

Anthony once more attempted to respond but it wasn't just his tongue that was causing him problems, as he felt something thick leaking out of his maw he also began to feel an intense lust rising through his entire transforming body. It was unlike anything he had ever felt before and as he realized that the way Newlyn was looking at them with those two tentacles just like what he had seen in the lobby he found his cock starting to throb between his changing legs. With his arms still keeping him above the water, though at this point he could feel his skull reshaping as two more tentacles pushed their way out of his snout, he began to feel other tendrils that had sprouted out from him stroking himself. This shouldn't be so pleasurable, he thought to himself, but as he found himself starting to lose the battle against buoyancy and sinking underneath the surface the only thing he could do was continue to stroke himself off as his vision was filled with green before he closed his eyes...

When the tiger opened them again he let out a loud gasp as he bolted upright, the bed that he had been laying on bouncing slightly from his movement as he found his head swiveling around. The pool of green goo that he had been sinking in was replaced with the room that he had taken for himself, everything exactly where he had left it as he attempted to get his breathing under control. It was all a dream, Anthony told himself as he looked over at the door as though waiting to hear it knock again. When nothing happened the tiger picked up his phone and saw that it was close to the time he was going to wake up anyway, sighing and flopping back down against the bed after disabling his alarm. As he put his phone back however he had realized that he had been doing the entire thing with one hand, looking down to see that the other one was wrapped around his completely erect member.

It was an unusual sight to be sure, especially considering the context of the dream he had just had, but as he thought back to all that desire and lust he had felt in the pool he couldn't help but continue to stroke the sensitive flesh. Something about the scene had spurred him to continue on, his hand becoming a blur as he remembered the sensations of growing tentacles and wrapping them around his cock. It didn't take long for him to bring himself to orgasm with that, letting out a cry of pleasure as he came hard. He remained in the bliss of his climax for a while before he realized what he had just jerked himself off to and felt himself blush slightly in embarrassment as his maleness started to soften in the hand still gripped around him.

Once he had showered himself off and got on a pair of clean clothes he decided to explore the town, the sun rising and burning away the residual mist that had clung to the streets. He left his car in front of the hotel and went out on foot, going out to try and find some clue one what happened to this place. As soon as he started walking however he couldn't help but think back to the dream he had, though he didn't dwell on it too much considering that every time it caused a ping of arousal to go through his body. But other than the intense eroticism of the entire experience what really caused him to wonder was why he thought about turning into a tentacle monster in the midst of a pool of green goo since he hadn't seen or heard anything to give him such an idea in the ride up to this place.

As he went from the streets to a nearby park he found that green liquid wasn't only in his dreams, looking down to see that the pond was a similar color as well. Though he hadn't intended on taking another dip anytime soon it was almost surreal to see it in real life like that. Perhaps he had caught a glimpse of it when he had driven into town, he thought as he took a stick and poked the surface only to find it ripple like water. With nothing popping out at him he tossed it into the pond and moved on, this time towards a statue that stood prominently in the middle of the park he was walking through. At first he was just going to use it as a marker, but when he saw the words Starpoint Facility on it he found himself dropping his backpack and running forward before dropping to his knees in front of the plaque at the base.

"Here lies a monument to those that were lost during the Bal'Kar attack on Starpoint," Anthony read out loud. "May their spirits live on in our hearts and minds." Though there was more about it below the tiger found himself more focused on the strange word that he had never heard before. Bal'Kar... what the hell was a Bal'Kar, he thought to himself as he looked around the statue and found that it was actually a memorial. It had the names of those that were lost in the attack on the facility, his fingers trembling slightly as he saw that Dr. August Winters was one of the prominent ones on top so there was only one he had to search for...

"No..." Anthony said, his head sinking as his hands slid down the smooth stone from the name Newlyn that he had found. "Newlyn... I'm so sorry... I should have told you how I really felt..." The tiger wasn't sure what to do as he fought back tears; both of the friends that he had come to look for were dead, killed by some creature that he had never heard of before. There was so much he wanted to say to the snow leopard, if he had known that his dream was the last time he was going to see him he would have had so much more to say...

"Right bunch of propaganda that thing," a voice said behind him, Anthony's sadness quickly sublimating to fear as he suddenly felt he presence of someone right behind him. "I've been wanting to tear it down for ages but the others don't want me too, says that it would cause too much of a stir if the military came back and found it destroyed. Doesn't change the fact I have to look at the ugly thing every day."

The tiger spun around to see a bronze-scaled dragon man standing there with his arms crossed, and as Anthony got into a stance to defend himself it only caused the other man to chuckle. "You need to relax there," the dragon stated. "If I was here to hurt you I would have done so when you were preoccupied crying over someone you think is dead. Or I could have hurled you into the pond I suppose, but while that would have been a sight to see I don't think he would have appreciated that."

"Who would have appreciated that?" Anthony asked, keeping his guard up despite the fact that the dragon had still made no moves to attack him. As the dragon looked at him again after shaking his head the tiger relaxed his stance after peering into their eyes. "Those eyes... they were just like Newlyn's in my dream."

"They are the eyes of the Bal'Kar," the dragon said as he reached down, helping the tiger back onto his feet as Anthony hastily wiped the wetness away from his eyes. "Newlyn is actually the one that asked me to come and get you so that I can help lead you up into the facility without the military knowing about it, says that you're a good friend of his and that you're willing to see the truth of the matter. If that's something you want to do then come on and follow me, there's a bit of a climb involved and you have to be kitted out to do so if you want to reach the base in time."

Though Anthony's head was spinning with questions the fact that the friend he recently found out was dead actually wasn't had been pushed to the forefront as he found himself nodding. "You said that we had to avoid the military," the tiger asked as they began to walk back towards the street. "It looks like they pretty much cleared out of this area though, are there more checkpoints up near the facility itself."

"Nah, they got the eye in the sky monitoring the facility now," the dragon replied as he pointed up at the clear blue sky above them. "The one that had taken over the place initially was also a hacker in his previous life and had managed to find a workaround that allows them to slip in and out unseen. I've just notified them of your willingness to come along and they're getting everything set up so that we can utilize the window being created for us, oh, and the name is Danny by the way."

The tiger nodded and introduced himself, though he remembered that somehow Newlyn had told him who he was alright as they went back to what looked like a store on the corner. It appeared that the snow leopard was going to keep the promise made to him in his dream after all, and when he asked the dragon about the Bal'Kar he was informed that Newlyn wanted to be the one to tell him in person. Though everything was becoming more bizarre by the second he was at least going to see his friend... if it was still his friend, remembering the green eyes that he had seen in his dream and on the dragon. Even it was a trap through he need to know for sure, his mind made up to venture forth with Danny to find out what really happened at the Starpoint Facility.

Part 2:

A few hours later Anthony realized why they needed to prepare for the trip as he continued to climb up the mountain with Danny right in front of him, the two scaling up the rock face as the wind whipped around their bodies. The two of them were connected to one another via a lead that someone had already attached to the top of the cliff face, the dragon informing him before hand that they had managed to modify the area so that it was easier for those who were attempting to get into the base to climb it. It still didn't stop the tiger from feeling his body strain as he continued to pull himself up, trying not to catch anything on the bulky coat he wore to keep the cold from freezing him to death. As he looked up at the one leading him it appeared the dragon had no such issues and was still in a pair of shorts and t-shirt while making the climb.

Finally after an extremely dauntless trek Anthony felt himself get pulled over the lip of the cliff by Anthony, the two of them resting after they had finally made it to the peak of the mountain they had been climbing. According to the dragon they were on the edge of the range of the satellite that had been parked over the Starpoint Facility, which as he pointed out the tiger could actually see the military base that they were now towering over. He was then handed a sled and as he looked at it in confusion the dragon pulled up a rope that was buried in the snow that appeared to lead down the mountain. As Danny told him to sit on the edge of the slope facing down he hooked not only the sled up to the rope but Anthony himself with a carabiner.

"The second that I give you the signal you're going to follow this rope all the way down to the facility itself," Danny explained as they continued to position him so that part of the sled was hanging over the edge. "We've mapped out the best route to take previously so you shouldn't have to turn much. The one thing you have to be certain of though is that you get to the bottom of the hill and into the facility within three minutes, otherwise the satellite is going to catch you and all hell is going to break loose."

Three minutes to sled down a mountain... even though he was going to be led by the rope that was connected to himself and the sled that meant he couldn't deviate from the course at all or, even worse, fall off the sled completely. "I can do this," Anthony attempted to reassure himself as he put on his goggles and held onto the sides of the sled. "What's the signal going to be?"

For a few seconds there was no response, and just as the tiger was about to turn back and ask again he suddenly felt a foot push against his back. Before he knew it he was rocketing down the snow, letting out a shout as he heard the dragon laughing briefly behind him before it was drowned out by the rushing wind against his body. The tiger held on for dear life as the rope that he was attached to continued to get pulled up from the snow as he streaked by, the sled gliding at speeds he knew he couldn't control as he went down the mountainside. The ride lasted for a full minute and when he got to the bottom the carabiners that were connected to the rope suddenly were empty as Anthony found himself going from snowy hillside to the parking lot that surrounded the Starpoint Facility.

With nothing to grip onto to slow him down and the building he was supposed to enter rapidly approaching even with the grinding of the metal against the asphalt Anthony reached out and used his cybernetic arm to dig into the ground beneath him. The tiger wasn't looking to stop himself completely, but slow it down enough to keep him from completely crashing into the wall. As he got close however the asphalt turned to sand and he almost lurched forward from the sudden deceleration, those in the facility planning on everything on his journey as he came to a stop a few inches away from the concrete. Though it took him a few seconds to recover from the wild ride he heard a beep on his watch that reminded him he only had a minute left to get to the door and out of site from the satellite surveilling him from above.

After briefly turning back and waving to the bronze dragon that had remained at the top of the mountain he ran over and got inside the building with more than a few seconds to spare, breathing heavily as he took off his goggles and tossed them to the side. Danny had explained to him that once he was inside he had nothing to worry about, and with his safety assured he felt his body start to relax as he looked around. It appeared that he was in some sort of military motor pool with several large trucks as well as armored personnel carriers parked near him. Like the town that he had left it appeared to be abandoned, though as he began to walk forward he noticed something that was growing on the walls.

Anthony slowly walked towards the black vines that had spread near the entrance to the facility itself and as he did he noticed that they were secreting a bright green, semi-translucent goo that coated the wall beneath it. It reminded him of what he had seen in his dream and as he approached it the black tendrils seemed to pulse and throb like they were veins instead of vines. It caused the tiger to step back slightly, and just as he contemplated going somewhere else the door to the facility itself opened. His jaw dropped when he saw Newlyn slowly emerge, those bright green eyes staring at him along with the two tentacles that were on his back just like he had seen in his dream.

"You look surprised to see me," Newlyn stated as Anthony found himself frozen in shock, unable to do anything but nod slightly as the snow leopard chuckled. "I figured all things considered that I would come out with my controllers out since you've already seen them before. You ready to really dive into the deep end?"

"You know about my dream," Anthony replied he found himself able to speak again, Newlyn nodding in response. "But how? And what happened to you and the others? And what's a Bal'Kar?"

"I know that you have a lot of questions," Newlyn quickly stated as he held up his hands, getting the tiger to stop. "For now though why don't we get you inside and make you more comfortable while we talk. You made quite the journey to get here and I did promise you that I would tell you everything about what has happened to me, but first I'm sure that Dr. Winters would love to meet with you as well."

Anthony found any anxiety he had about the snow leopard and the tentacles he was sporting quickly evaporating as it felt like he was meeting with his old friend once more, though as he walked behind the snow leopard he couldn't help but be taken slight aback as one of the eye tentacles turned back and looked at them. It appeared that Newlyn saw him jump and the tiger watched in awe as the rubbery appendages began to retract into the feline's back before they disappeared completely. It was yet another question that was added to the list forming in his mind as they walked through the tentacle-infested hallway down deeper into the facility. It soon became clear that they were not the only ones that were there as others, all with the same glowing green eyes, grinned and nodded at them as they passed by.

Eventually the two of them got down to a place that used to be the apartments for those who worked at Starpoint, though Newlyn told him that it was rare that anyone used them. As such the area was mildly clear of the corruptive influences of the Bal'Kar and would allow the two of them to talk without worrying about the tiger sprouting tentacles. Anthony felt himself blushing slightly as he once more was reminded of his dream, which apparently the snow leopard knew about. The two found a table to sit down at and soon found themselves joined by Dr. August Winters, the white tiger sitting down as well.

"I'm glad to see that you're doing well," August stated as he looked over Anthony. "Do you mind if I take a look at your cybernetics? It's been a while since I've seen my handiwork in that field and it brings back memories."

Anthony nodded and as August went over and carefully looked over the arm that was on the table Newlyn leaned back in his chair. "So before we really get started here I just wanted to admit that I was in your dreams last night," the snow leopard stated, the tiger's hand flinching slightly both from August's prodding and the sudden declaration. "Danny had seen you roll in and originally just went to investigate to see who you were, and when he relayed back that it was you I had him using one of his controller tentacles to briefly sync you up with the hive so that I could talk to you."

"That was some talk," Anthony responded, looking over at August. "Were you also a part of this?"

"I actually didn't know until Danny and Newlyn had gotten in contact with Serathin in order to glitch the satellite for your arrival," August replied as he finished his examination, smiling wide while standing back up. "You've taken great care of your cybernetics, they would have probably lasted you a good while longer. But anyway I'm going to leave you and Newlyn to talk, we will likely catch up later."

As August gave them both a final farewell before leaving Newlyn turned back to Anthony to see the tiger staring at him in question. "What did he mean that they probably would have lasted me a while longer?" the tiger asked, the snow leopard grinning sheepishly at him. "What's going on here?"

"Well... there's another reason that you had the dream that you did," Newlyn stated as the smile on his face suddenly turned more lustful. "I wanted to see how receptive you would be when I would ask you if you wanted to join the me and the Bal'Kar, and when I saw you sprouting those tentacles and the look of pure lust on your face I knew that it would be worth it to have Danny send you careening down the hill just so that I could make it happen. The reason that you won't need your cybernetic limbs anymore is because I want to give you brand new ones that I think you're really going to enjoy."

Anthony found himself at a loss for words as he began to see the tongue of the snow leopard push its way out his maw, turning an almost neon green as a liquid similar to what he had seen dripping down the walls. It was perfectly clear that Newlyn was no longer the feline that he knew, at least not physically, and the tiger continued to sit there the more his friend mutated in front of him. "My guise... it's slipping..." Newlyn said, his words slightly garbled and deeper as new teeth began to push out of his elongating muzzle. "Danny heard what you had said... if you truly want me now is the time, otherwise... I would suggest running..."

The tiger wasn't sure what to do, though strangely the thing that his mind was fixated on the most was the fact that he had accidently let the cat out of the bag when he thought Newlyn was dead at that memorial. At this point though it was literally now or never for Anthony; either he would finally profess his feelings for the one that he had been crushing on even if he was a monster or he would turn his back on him now and run away on what would likely be his last chance. "Newlyn... I..." Anthony started to say, his voice shaking as he watched the fingers of the snow leopard turn black and start to elongate. "When I thought that I had lost you at that monument... everything that I wanted to say to you ever since we became friends flashed through my mind. I don't even care that you're a monster or whatever it is, as long as you're still you I want to tell you that I had the biggest crush on you and that when you left it was devastating for me."

"Well why didn't you just tell me that?" Newlyn replied as he moved forward, wrapping his still mostly humanoid arms around the tiger. "If I had know that you felt that way about me then I would have asked you to come along with me, or that we could have tried to foster something long-distance."

"I'm not sure that would have worked given your current state," Anthony replied, feeling a weight lifted off his chest as the snow leopard reciprocated his feelings at least partially. "So what do we do now?"

"Now I'm going to wrap my tentacles around you," Newlyn said, though the entire time that they were talking his mouth had continued to grow and distort his words. "Then I'm going to bring you into the hive, and together we can bask in the lust of the Bal'Kar as you transform."

Anthony realized that even if he wanted to escape at this point there was no real way out for him at this point, Newlyn's arms growing thicker by the second as the green liquid his transformed flesh was leaking began to drip onto him. As the tiger found himself trying to wipe it off of him he could feel something slithering underneath the jacket he wore, realizing that they weren't just content with covering him. At the same time the controller tentacles sprouted from the snow leopard's back and began to look at him once more, and as the light that radiated from their eyes shined down on him it seemed to have a calming effect on his body. Without realizing it the tiger's entire form went limp in the tentacles that were surrounding him as the fabric of his jacket and pants bulged out until they were practically ripped off of his body.

The tiger let out a moan despite himself as he found his body becoming as bare as the snow leopard, though already Newlyn's form was losing much of its definition as several sprouted from the white fur of his chest to wrap around him. They slid around the purple parts of his stripes and Anthony remembered that Newlyn had commented on how much he liked them, which made the tiger even more at ease despite having the shiny black tentacles wrapping around his limbs. Even though he was a monster in the most literal sense, the increasingly large tentacle creature practically towering over him as his feline maw had disappeared and was replaced with a toothy, bio-extract leaking, tentacle tongue wagging version, Anthony could feel that it was still the Newlyn he knew. As he thought that he suddenly felt a reassurance from the creature against him, as though the snow leopard knew what he was thinking.

As a wave of lust ran through Anthony's body he began to get the sense that Newlyn did know his thoughts, feeling a connection to him that was more then just feelings as he began to feel something pushing up between his legs. While he had guessed that there was some sort of mental connection between the Danny and Newlyn, not once having seen the dragon phone the snow leopard, he didn't expect that he would be introduced to the same thing so quickly. He could feel the emotions of the one holding him as though they were being shown directly to him. At this point however the only thing that both felines were experiencing was lust, and for Anthony it was such a deep, powerful current that it threatened to sweep him away even as the shiny black cock began to push inside of him.

Suddenly there was a loud clang of metal hitting the floor that had caused the tiger to jump even more then when the tip of Newlyn's thickening cock had pressed against him, and when Anthony looked down he saw that one of his cybernetic legs had detached from his knee. It was just like in the dream that he had with the pool, but this time he could actually watch it happening as one of Newlyn's recently sprouted tentacles held up his leg as though so he could watch. With the way that Dr. Winters had installed the cybernetic limb it would have been normally impossible for it to detach from the base like that, but as he saw his knee wiggling and turning black he saw he had lost the base as well. It was true then, Anthony thought to himself even as the pleasure permeated his mind, he wasn't going to need his cybernetics after all.

A loud chitter brought the tiger back to attention and Anthony saw that Newlyn had managed to lean down his thicker neck and wrap the long green tongue he had grown around the base of his own cock, completely enveloping it in slime. At the same time the growing snow leopard pushed into the tiger and caused him to arch his back, and though he could feel himself getting almost instantly spread to the limit the only thing that he felt from it was pure pleasure. He had known that he was going to get transformed from what Newlyn had told him, but he had not expected it to be as intense as it was as his exposed leg lengthened considerably before splitting into several tentacles just like the snow leopard's limbs had done. One thing was for sure was that he was already in the throes of his own mutations as he saw a large bulge forming in his stomach from where the cock of the creature had pushed into him.

Anthony knew that this creature should have ripped him in half practically with what was just inserted inside of him, but as more tentacles wrapped around his arms to keep him upright all he could do was watch as his stomach continued to fill out. The fur on his belly began to disappear and was replaced with shiny black flesh as Newlyn's tongue tickled the tip of his cock, then pushed down and completely engulfed it. The tiger squirmed in the confines of the tentacles wrapping around him as he could not only feel his cock starting to grow but see it as well, the outline of it appearing in the seether tentacle that was still wrapped around the base to milk him of pleasure. His member wasn't the only thing rapidly changing though, as he heard his other leg fall to the floor from the growth of tentacles on the limb he saw the tailhole stretched around Newlyn's still growing cock begin to puff out while turning black.

"Welcome to the Bal'Kar," Anthony heard inside of his head as his body was rocked back and forth, feeling extremely squishy on the inside as the bio-extract that was flooding him was transforming bone and organ into tiny tendrils that would make up his new physiology. His lower body was already starting to erupt into more tentacles as his chest became swollen and bloated, the combination of the cock that was still stretching him out like a sleeve and the extract that it was filling him making him slosh about slightly. But as he felt himself pushing away from the one thrusting into him he realized he wasn't being pulled back, but pushed rather as his tailhole became an abdomen similar to the one that had appeared behind the snow leopard.

"It... is..." Anthony tried to say, though he found himself unable to create words as the extract began to gush out of his mouth while his tongue stretched past his lips. The Bal'Kar still using his tongue to pleasure the growing cock of the tiger shook his head slightly and brought his head closer, both males feeling the tingle of electricity coming from the tentacles that had grown out of the head of the snow leopard. When their foreheads touched Anthony could hear Newlyn say to use the lust that is being given to him to communicate, there was no need for words to be spoken anymore as the tiger felt his jaws beginning to stretch and expand.

"Newlyn, I... I feel amazing!" Anthony said mentally, using the extremely lust coursing through his transforming body to communicate not only with him but also with the others that he began to feel around him as well. "I am Bal'Kar!"

There was a chorus of mental chitters that came in the form of lust from the others in the nest as the last metal limb of the tiger fell off him, the vestiges of fur that were attached to it melting into the otherwise black fur while Newlyn pulled his tongue off of Anthony's cock and stuffed it into his mutated maw. The tiger's increasingly green tinted eyes widened when he saw his new member, seeing it throb and pulsate while other tendrils between the two wrapped around it while he felt something else coming from the one that was buried inside of him. As his new abdomen expanded he could feel something sliding inside, the first of many eggs that the snow leopard promised he would be stuffing him with as more tentacles pushed their way out of the tiger's rapidly deforming head.

Suddenly there was a loud pop and the groan of metal beneath the two as Anthony was fully reaching his new size, both Bal'Kar looking down as the floor they were standing on had started to cave in. Newlyn motioned that this place wasn't really made for such activities and though both former felines lamented the fact they knew they had to stop their fun before they caused the facility to collapse in on itself and cause an inconvenience. Though Anthony had just become a tentacle monster himself he found it surprisingly easy to slide back into what Newlyn called his guise form, though there was one thing that remained once he had gotten back to his normal size. Both let out a chuckle as they saw the spherical object that still pushed out the tiger's stomach, their hands going over to rub it until Anthony learned how to hide it within himself before moving forward.

"So now you know what happened up here at Starpoint facility," Newlyn stated as they began to walk down towards the actual nest that was built under the facility, a place where they could find a bio-extract pool and fill one another with eggs along with the help of a few of their friends. "I hope that it was worth the trip."

"You could certainly say that," Anthony replied, flexing his new arms together before looking back at the goo covered ones that they were leaving behind. "It does seem like a shame that we're going to be leaving those behind though, the workmanship was quite exquisite... not that I'm complaining though. I had almost forgotten what it was like to have two fully functional legs and arm, even though I actually know that it's a whole bunch of tentacles packed together."

After continuing to look back at the limbs they decided they had a better use for them then just leaving them there, the two of them gathering them up before heading to a different part of the facility. Though the Bal'Kar had no real use for technology for themselves it was vital that they continued to keep up to date on it in order to try and subvert the military that was attempting to eradicate them, as well as find the one known as Dr. Sarkov that was enemy number one for the tentacle creatures. For Starpoint Facility that task fell on the one that had initially infested the base in the first place, the draconic sabrewolf idly tapping on a keyboard and staring at the screen in front of him until a loud bang caused him to jump up from his seat. When he looked over at the source of the noise he saw a pair of cybernetic legs and arm, as well as two grinning Bal'Kar that looked down him.

"What's this?" Serathin asked as he looked over them briefly before he realized what they were. "Oh, these are the limbs that were on your tiger friend, which I'm assuming is you." As soon as their green eyes locked on to one another Anthony could feel the presence of the sabrewolf in the hive more strongly than before as their conversation switched to being mental in nature between the three of them. "As soon as you appeared on Newlyn's radar he wanted to bring you up here, it appears that you've embraced the life of a Bal'Kar quite well."

"Indeed I have," Anthony replied, morphing one of his arms into a tentacle to wrap around Newlyn's waist. "I wasn't sure when I had come up here what I was going to find, and though the thought of tentacle monsters had not occurred to me in the slightest I'm glad that's what was waiting for me along with this snow leopard. But in any case since I know I'm not going to need these anymore I figured that you and Dr. Winters would enjoy them, him for the nostalgia of what he used to work on while you could take them apart and see if they may help with thwarting the military."

"I'm sure the two of us will make great use of them," Serathin replied as he looked them over before turning back to the two of them. "Meanwhile you should really get this one down into the hive Newlyn, I know the others are practically salivating at the thought of having a new addition since we're rather stuck up here at the moment and have been looking forward to fresh tentacles. And for you Anthony, I hope you don't mind not being able to move for a few weeks because I have the feeling your new anatomy is going to be filled out quite nicely."

The two nodded as they could hear the chitters of the others down in the hive through their link, as well as the lust that was still cascading back and forth between them from the transformation that had just happened. "We have unfinished business ourselves down there anyway," Newlyn stated with a wink. "You have fun now."

As Anthony left with Newlyn towards the observation deck that led down into the massive network of tunnels built by the Bal'Kar he suddenly got a mental image of what the draconic sabrewolf Bal'Kar was talking about, his body shuddering as he saw his new form expanding while multiple tentacles fed eggs into his form. "So that's what you get up to down there," the tiger Bal'Kar stated as the snow leopard Bal'Kar gave him a wink. "And that's going to be my fate as well?"

"Well, after I'm done with you of course," Newlyn replied, the two of them holding hands. "There is also a few others that I don't think you're going to mind meeting as well, including my pet Chaos and also Erin. You remember them, right?"

"Oh yeah, the husky and the kitsune that likes to hug everyone," Anthony stated after a moment of thought, grinning to himself. "I can only imagine what they're like now, I take it that the hugging has changed quite dramatically, huh?"

"You'd be surprised," Newlyn replied as he opened the door to the observation deck. "But for now you and I are going to spend a lot of time submerged in a pool of bio-extract together, by the time we're done we're not going to know whose tentacles belong to who."

Anthony just smiled at that and suddenly found him pushed up against one of the consoles that used to monitor those inside the cavern below, their tongues transforming as they engaged in a passionate kiss with one another. Though they both knew that they were going to have to go down to the caverns below in order to continue in their true forms it was clear their lusts burning brighter with each second, the tiger letting out a muffled groan as he could feel his new controller tentacles pushing their way out to mingle with Newlyn's. His own glowing green eyes happened to glance down into the cavern as well and saw that their show was not going unnoticed; about a dozen Bal'Kar in their true form looked up at them, creating a sea of glowing eyes that lit up the dark cavern as the two began to go towards the elevator. They were all waiting for them, waiting for another of their hive to come down and join them...

Friends From Beginning to End (3/3)

\*some months ago\* "Did you guys manage to see?" Erin said excitedly but with a hushed voice as the three of them sat at their usual table in the mess hall. "Well did you? Huh?" "If you're talking about whatever it was that they...

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Friends From Beginning to End (2/3)

\*present day\* "You know," Newlyn said as he looked through the binder he had found, flipping through the pages of the rules that had been laid down for the Starpoint Facility before it had been taken over by the Bal'Kar as they waited for the...

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Friends From Beginning to End (1/3)

\*some years ago\* The small park was busy on a Saturday; people from all over the city would come to the beautiful lakeside area in order to entertain their children or go and enjoy the company of one another. The reason that this park was so...

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