Four Neoprene Sharks

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#4 of Twelve Kinks of Christmas

Kirdos gifts a young man with a painting where he shares a winter wonderland scene with another.

The kink for this day was living statue.

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Shikosa looked down the beach, the waves lapping against her bright red feet as she scanned the water. The goo shark had been there all day looking for something in particular, or rather someone as she sighed and sat on shore. Recently she had been going through a tiny bit of an identity crisis, something that probably happens to shapeshifting goo creatures that could take over the bodies of others more often than not, and she wanted to explore the seas with something that was more like her original form. She realized that she hadn't really latched onto a lot of sharks, and that was something that she wished to rectify as the waves splashed against her body.

Unfortunately, much like what happens with real fishing it appeared that she was not going to have a decent catch today. She had been swimming around for hours looking around for a body to take over and make her own, but there had been a cold front that swept through the early morning and persuaded most not to hit the waters with the chill in the air. There were some that decided to come out anyway, but most were either land creatures that were content to stay on the beach with the few aquatic ones that went into the water were either otters and orcas. There were two occasions where she saw sharks on the beach, but one was a woman that was surrounded by people as part of a party and the other one had been on the opposite side of the shore and by the time she had gotten there he had already packed up and left.

But just as she considered possibly giving up for the day as the night set she noticed someone standing on the rocky inlet that jutted out a hundred or so feet from the sands she sat on. With the setting sun behind him she could see that this one was clearly a shark, a male from the looks of his body type as he stood on the edge of the rocks. Her finned tail slowly began to wave as she began to slide into the water while continuing to keep her eyes on her newest prey. It appeared he either didn't notice her or didn't care, and from the look of the equipment the shark had on he was possibly going to be doing a bit of night diving.

That was perfect for her, Shikosa thought to herself as she slowly skimmed along the surface of the water while her gooey body bobbed up and down with the motion of the waves. Not only did he appear to be alone but if she decided to keep this one then she could strip off that neoprene diving suit and make it look like he had disappeared below the sea. She was already getting aroused with the idea of melding with his body, changing him into a form more suiting to her while making him moan in pleasure. The red goo shark could hardly contain herself as she got close to the rocky area of the ocean just as the other shark dove into the water.

Though the other creature was a shark the waters were her domain, and it no time she found herself catching up to the diver while he continued to make his descent. As the dying light of the day disappeared from above them she noted that he was going rather fast downwards. Though the ocean wasn't particularly deep in this area they were soon going to be in dark seas, which meant that she would have to get closer quicker before losing sight of him. When they got below the first hundred meters however that fear was slightly abated when the diver had turned on a flashlight that she could have probably seen from the shoreline.

Despite being incredibly eager Shikosa knew that she couldn't rush her pounce, especially when they were underwater like this. If he struggled too much in panic he might disconnect his air hose or lose his tanks to try and flee to the surface and potentially harm himself. That's why she preferred a more... sensual first contact, one that has worked for her a number of times before. When the shark diver finally started to slow down as they reached the bottom of the sea she decided to make her move and with a powerful kick of her legs and a swish of her tail she got up behind the guy in his blind spot and stretched her limbs to wrap around his.

The second that she had wrapped her body around his something about the entire situation seemed off. Even if he somehow knew that a naked shark girl, whether he knew she was goo or not, was about to hug him from behind there would have been some sort of reaction. Instead the neoprene shark man immediately went still and seemed to float there with her on his back without moving. The second red flag she quickly collected was that when she squeezed her arms and legs around the person it was skin to hugging a giant balloon. It was like someone had taking a diving suit and filled it with air, not finding anything inside of it as she used her unnaturally flexible body in order to attempt to find something that had caused it to move.

Suddenly the back seam of the neoprene suit ripped open and unleashed a torrent of huge air bubbles that caused Shikosa to become disoriented. As she attempted to figure out which way was up once more she felt something latch around her wrist, at first she thought it was the hand of the suit but as she looked through the disturbed water she saw it was actually a tentacle in the suit! Several others joined with them and the red goo shark found that her limbs seemed to solidify when they wrapped around her. Her confusion sublimated into panic as she realized this suit was starting to drag her into it and was dampening her abilities at the same time. Even the parts of her that were still gooey started to feel like they were being suctioned inside the void of the suit left behind by the air as she could feel the material of the neoprene against her breasts.

The goo shark continued to struggle underneath the water but the trap had already done its work, Shikosa feeling her limbs being surrounded by the shiny back material as the equipment that had been on it fell away. Even when she tried to use her goo to bulge out the neoprene and burst it all it did was stretch around her frame, causing the most delightful tingles through her body as it continued to envelop her. It would have been highly sensual if she wasn't trying to escape this strange suit, and as her limbs became completely enveloped in black it caused a burst of pleasure like they had just become as sensitive as some of her erogenous zones. Nothing about what was happening to her was making any sense, even with her sight returned all she could see was her bright red form disappearing underneath the neoprene.

Just as she considered attempting to completely liquify herself, a risky maneuver when surrounded by the currents of the ocean floor, she could sense she was no longer alone. "Oh dear..." a voice said, hearing the smooth, powerful sounds even being underwater. "It appears my little net has captured something that it was not supposed to. I do apologize, I was attempting to try and capture one of my brother's little friends and it appears that my trap has mistook you for them instead."

Shikosa wasn't quite sure what to do, but the second she heard the deep voice of the male she felt the suit stopping its confinement of her body. Though it continued to hold her there she was finally given a second to collect herself as the creature whom the voice belonged to swam into her field of vision. Her eyes widened slightly at the figure before her; while the one she had tracked through the ocean was decently muscular this one was absolutely ripped, looking like he would put most bodybuilders to shame. It was clear this creature was all about power, though his body was bulkier then the typical swimmer he looked like he could rush her in a matter of seconds as she noted his body was covered in a similar layer of Neoprene that was completely black. He also exuded an aura of power and dominance unlike anything she had ever experienced before in her life, her predator instincts identifying something similar that actually caused her body to shudder in desire despite herself.

"Not sure how this thing of yours could mistake me for your brother's friend," she said, which caused the other shark to chuckle. "But thanks for catching your error, could you let me go now? This was a waste of my time and now I'm going to have to go back completely empty handed."

There was a brief moment as the male shark looked her up and down, and though she couldn't see his eyes Shikosa felt he was staring straight into her being before he clapped his webbed hands. "I hate to hear that I may have wasted someone's time like this," the creature said as he drifted a little closer to her. "How about this, since I probably also will have to leave empty-handed otherwise why don't you go ahead and take that body you're in for a spin? I know it's not quite the shark form you're looking for but I guarantee you won't regret it."

"Shark form... how did you know that I was looking for another shark to possess?" Shikosa asked, the panic and fear she had been experiencing from being caught in this strange suit flowing away with the current as she continued to talk to him.

"I can tell a lot about a person just by looking at them," the shark man said as he put his hands back behind his back. "For instance I happen to know that you wouldn't mind a change of pace, and with that nature of yours I think you'd be perfect to swim with me and mine through the seas. Of course that can all be sorted out later, for now just think of this as an... early Christmas gift. Although if you're still uninterested go ahead and tell me now, I'll just release you and send you back home..."

Though Shikosa wasn't one to just tell another that she was interested in such a thing, especially a creature as domineering as the one in front of her, she found herself not able to answer at all. Whatever powers this creature had seemed to kick in at that point because she found herself not saying anything, the suit once more moving over her body. The neoprene tentacles that had been bringing her inside now appeared to have a bit of a different agenda in mind as they rubbed against her nipples and against the rest of her body. There was also one playing against her pussy lips, and as her legs were completely enveloped she let out a soft moan of surprise and pleasure as it slid inside her gooey body.

Sexual stimulation wasn't the only thing on this suit's mind, as the tentacle inside her began to thrust into her folds she began to feel her arms and legs starting to shift as well. Before it had just been her gooey body trapped in a layer of neoprene but as the rest of the suit began to make its way up her body she could see her arms thickening noticeably. Once more she began to feel slightly more solidified in her hands and feet as the neoprene seeped into her, transforming her as webbing appeared between her fingers. Soon she couldn't feel any distinction at all between the suit and her body and when she found herself able to move her fingers again she couldn't help but shiver in pleasure as she ran them over the new surface of her body while her forearms continued to bulk up.

This new material... it was unlike anything Shikosa had experienced before. While she could assimilate others eventually they would turn to goo just like her, but this was something different entirely. It was like she had a whole new body, at least from her hips and shoulders down, as she squeezed the incredibly soft material. What sort of power did this creature wield to be able to augment her body like this, she wondered to herself as her groin, chest, and head were about to be covered. Her awe at the changes happening to her body quickly got pushed back in her mind as the tentacle that was plunging into her pussy was soon joined by another one that slid into her tailhole, providing double the stimulation as a third phallic shaped object wiggled in the blank mask that was the head of the suit.

It was clear what kind of means this creature used in order to pacify those that he was attempting to catch, the gooey shark finding it hard to even think straight as the neoprene dildo at the crotch of the suit began to push up inside of her. By this point the leggings of the suit had already pulled up over her own, and the second that she felt the neoprene touch the bottom of the feet of the diving suit another change began to sweep over the covered digits. It was hard for her to really focus on it as a second phallic neoprene object had pushed up into her tailhole as the shiny material had also enveloped her tail as well. Since both her and the shark suit were similar in nature it appeared that the changes would be nominal besides feeling her goo thicken in her legs... but there was one other aspect that she hadn't counted on changing.

As her lower body continued to solidify Shikosa felt her shapely feminine legs become bigger, the synthetic muscles growing more as they became thick trunks and sculpted calves. It was very masculine in nature, and as her neoprene covered hands went down to them to touch them she could feel every inch of those legs like they were her own. It was becoming very clear that this neoprene wasn't going to leave her with her goo form or female and she was about to become a very different shark. That feeling was punctuated as the neoprene dildo inside of her shifted, not only content with plunging into her increasingly sensitive pussy but also starting to push out towards the front of her groin.

"We have a bit of a policy when it comes to females," Famjin stated as he watched the goo shark writhing, the last vestiges of her bright red goo head disappearing in the diving mask of the neoprene suit while her mouth was stuffed with another neoprene cock that seemed to reciprocate the pleasure of her sucking on it. "Considering your nature I had figured that you wouldn't mind. Now that I'm seeing you while you change I can tell that I was absolutely right."

There was little left of her goo form left as the suit continued to pleasure her, though it was becoming increasingly clear that she wasn't going to be that way for long. The suit's cock had merged with her goo slit, sealing it up as the neoprene spread over and assimilated her body while something similar pushed its way out of the shiny, smooth service of her masculine hips. When she looked down she watched as something began to grow out from where her clit had been, the pouch swelling until she finally arched back and climaxed out of her new neoprene cock. Though nothing came out her body sent ripples through her body as the dildo that had remained in her rear continued to pump into her to milk every drop of orgasmic bliss out of her.

Famjin continued to watch with a smirk as the neoprene shark floated there, Shikosa feeling his arms thickening inside the suit before merging with the material of the suit. Her sizable breasts had been pushing out the chest of the suit but as the shark recovered from his first male orgasm the mass seemed to melt and spread along the rest of his body, sculpting into a pair of pectorals along with the rest of it going into a set of eight-pack abs. His sides also thickened and new strength flowed through the neoprene shark's body as what had been a feminine goo shark became a muscular male neoprene shark. When Shikosa had recovered sufficiently to look at himself he would have grinned, except that as he put his hands to his face he found that the diving mask that completely covered his head was hardened and prevented him from speaking.

"Oh yes," Famjin stated as he went over and pulled the diving mask off, revealing the black neoprene head of the shark in its entirety while the dildo he had still been sucking on was pulled out of his maw. "That suit is specifically designed to make sure that the one inside can't slide out of their own accord, since you entered into this transformation somewhat willingly I don't think such a think will be necessary. Speaking of such things..."

The bigger shark swam around Shikosa and the former goo creature jumped slightly in the water as he felt him grab his new butt, feeling the muscle there tense as the second cock that had been still lodged inside of him also pulled out from his insides. His entire body shuddered in pleasure as he felt it press against his prostrate, which was something that he had known about before since he had taken over male creatures before, and he almost felt his cock starting to stiffen again. But then when it completely pulled out and became a form-fitting part of his suit he was able to calm down yet again.

"Well this is certainly something new," Shikosa said as he put his hands against his washboard abs. "I can still feel the connection to my realm though... what sort of magic is this? I have a draconic friend that performs such things and it's nothing like this."

"We know better then to mess with the connection of one's realm even if we claim them or transform them," Famjin replied with a wink. "But we can always talk shop about the nexus realm once we get to my neck of the woods. Unless, of course, you are no longer interested in exploring this new sharky side of you and want to go back to your home for the night."

There wasn't a moment of hesitation for Shikosa, or perhaps he should call himself Shikoso at the moment with a chuckle, before he told Famjin to lead the way. The bigger neoprene shark gave him a nod and swam off further down into the darkness of the ocean. The darkness of the water was all-encompassing and at this point he didn't even know where the shore was anymore. While he could have easily just swam upwards and saw where he was he was much more interested in following Famjin to whatever destination they were leading him.

For a few minutes the two continued to swim, Shikosa enjoying the feel of the water currents against her neoprene skin, which suddenly he felt not only the current but also the temperature change. He also noticed that he could see the bottom of the ocean floor despite the depth they were at, and when he looked up he was also astonished to see the moon as well. Even though he couldn't believe it the neoprene shark realized that the water was completely crystal clear. With all that evidence it didn't take much for the former goo shark to gather that he was in a completely different dimension.

The two eventually reached an island that was alone in the otherwise vast ocean, Famjin and Shikosa swimming up to the shore to find other aquatic neoprene creatures had started a beach party. "While not every dimension celebrates the concept of Christmas I have enough to warrant setting aside a party every so often. Of course given the relative complications of timestreams and alternate dimensions it can get a little strange, but we always manage to make it work. I was actually hoping that maybe I could catch a goo creature of Athear in order to have a little fun with but this works as well."

"I suppose that I was caught at the right time then," Shikosa stated, his eyes looking over at the other male sharks that were sitting around the fire. "So since this we're outside the relative span of time I was wondering just how long I have time to spend with my fellow sharks?"

"It won't be infinite," Famjin stated as he went over to a beach chair and sat down, snapping his fingers and almost immediately getting a drink put into his hands. "But depending on when you want to get back to your own realm you'll have at least a few hours up to several days if you don't mind going back to your place at dawn. Of course we can also talk about more... permanent options."

Shikosa grinned at that but said that perhaps they would discuss such a thing later, giving him a wink before moving over towards the others. While he had always been a shark creature it was the first time that he wasn't a gooey female version looking to assimilate another, his male neoprene body still feeling a bit strange as he walked over. "Well aloha there," the orange and black neoprene tiger shark said, the lithe creature lying naked near the fire as he took a roasted fish that was over the fire and started to eat it. "Didn't think that we were going to be getting any late arrivals to this luau, what's your name?"

"It's... Shikoso," Shikosa replied, grinning a little as he decided to go all in with this new male form. "You could say that I was a supposed to be a late Christmas gift that didn't quite go as planned. How about you?"

"Name's Maui," the tiger shark said, motioning over to the solid white neoprene shark that was modeled after an actual great white. "This one is Beck." He then pointed to the next one that was a bright blue shark that he couldn't quite figure out the species of. "And the one over there is Malcolm."

"We have a few others as well," Beck said as he took a fish as well. "But they're out frolicking in the waves, not sure if you've seen them. We were doing the same ourselves but then got hungry and decided to take a quick break for food. If you want to join us feel free, we'll be going back out in a few minutes after we're done."

Shikosa nodded and sat down with them, watching as a few dolphin men ran by with a ball while they talked and ate. It was a strange sensation to just be hanging out with other sharks, feeling that need that he had to gain a greater understanding of his kind being satiated. Even though it wasn't quite what he had expected this certainly worked, especially as Malcolm started to get closer towards him. It was clear that the others were thinking of indulging in something other then just the roasted fish as the biggest of the three continued to close the distance.

The lithe tiger shark and much more muscular great white were also starting to get close until soon all four males were on the same side of the fire. As Shikosa talked to them about a dragon that he had met he began to feel a hand against his black neoprene chest. The touch of the material against similar caused an electric tingle to go through his body. Though it wasn't the first time that the shark had male genitals, but what was really interesting for him was how the neoprene felt as their bodies began to press against one another. Being a solid synthetic creature definitely had its perks, the shark thought to himself as he shifted his body to kiss the blue one on his left, their slick tongues sliding around one another as more hands groped onto his body.

The other three amorous males seemed to want to make sure that the newest convert to Famjin's fold was very comfortable. Shikosa found himself getting laid down on the sand of the beach, the fine texture of it pressing against the neoprene of his back had a silky feel to it as the one that was kissing him continued to make out. Being no stranger to having a flexible body before he wasn't surprised to find that the other shark's tongue had started to push down into his throat and caused more then a tremor of pleasure through his body. Another maw had also pressed against his body as well and though he was pinned down by the muscular chest of the one making out with him Shikosa could definitely tell that it was guiding towards his groin.

"Hey, will you guys knock it off?" Maui said, finally causing the two to stop and look up along with Shikosa. "You want to have to get your entire system flushed out after getting sand everywhere? Let's go and do this in the water!"

The other two smiled and nodded, then got up onto their own feet before pulling Shikosa onto his. The black neoprene shark found himself quickly getting pulled into the water with the others, the four males splashing into the clear waters of the ocean of Famjin's realm. The second that they had gotten into the waters the other three began to swim forward while wiggling their tails at him. He felt his predatory instincts start to flare up, the grin on his face growing more as he finally got to engage in some aquatic chasing. With others in his previous realm they would always be running from the goo shark thinking that it was going to assimilate them... and to be honest normally he was, but every once in a while he got the itch to play just like they were doing right now.

With his augmented strength Shikousa managed to get closer to the neoprene tiger shark, the lithe creature looking back and letting out a stream of bubbles as he saw him approach. Though the smaller male was definitely more agile he used his new powerful muscles to swim forward and dart straight at him. It wasn't long before he had grabbed the neoprene creature and wrapped his arms around him, relishing in the feel of the squirming male in his grasp. Normally this would be the point when he would start to spread his gooey body over him, but since they were both made of the same material he had another idea instead.

Another stream of bubbles escaped from Maui as Shikosa began to shove his cock into him, both males shuddering and sinking slightly as he pushed the erect neoprene member into the tailhole in front of him. The black shark was practically panting as he continued to impale the other male, his muscular arms continuing to restrain Maui's own appendages to his sides so that he remained in control. Just as he thought that he had won however Shikosa saw the tiger shark turn back and give him an evil grin. It caused him to turn his head in question, at least until he felt the presence of something much bigger behind him.

"Something you gotta know," Beck said in his deep voice, Shikosa's eyes widening slightly as he felt something slip underneath his tail in a similar fashion to what he had just done to the male in front of him. "There's always a bigger fish."

Though Shikosa couldn't help but mentally berate himself for letting himself get caught in such a manner it was quickly overwhelmed by the feeling of intense pleasure from being spread open by the thick neoprene cock of the other male. He had quickly gone from being the dominant male on top to the lucky shark in the middle as the white neoprene shark behind him thrusted forward and caused him to push even deeper into the tiger shark. Though they continued to slowly sink down towards the bottom of the ocean all three of them still used their tails and feet to keep them afloat as their fun was attracting other neoprene creatures. Just as Shikosa couldn't think that he was going to get any more pleasure he saw Malcolm come swimming in and looked at the current situation with a smirk.

"Looks like there's not a lot of room left," the blue neoprene male said as he stroked his cock, watching as they all were gasping and moaning. "Now I could just pleasure one of my two mates here but since we have someone new in the mix I would like to make sure that we all give him a warm holiday welcome. Luckily I think I see one last place where I can go..."

It didn't take long for Shikosa to realize what he meant by that as he swam forward, taking his thick neoprene cock and pushing it forward into his maw. With the three neoprene bodies now completely surrounding him and the blue cock being pushing to him the sensations of their forms rubbing together alone was almost too much, especially with being so deeply impaled by the one behind him and sliding against him. Just as he didn't think that he could get any more males pressed up against him Shikosa cold start to feel others swimming by, some of them sneaking in a grope while others seemed to have attached to one of the three that were thrusting into his tailhole and muzzle... had become a holiday feeding frenzy, and Shikosa realized he was about to become far more inundated with shark culture then he had previously intended...

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