Five Gooey Clones

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#5 of Twelve Kinks of Christmas

Shikosa always has to be careful about anyone who might follow her, even during the holidays, and her suspicions turn out to be true as a team attempts to capture the goo shark.

The kink for this day was goo.

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Shikosa had a rare day away from the beach, walking down the streets in order to buy supplies to help Karksin with a few rare magical experiments that he had been cooking up. The goo shark had been told by a powerful creature that she had met that there was another entity in the nexus realm that could potentially help her out, but given the nature of summoning such a creature they were going to need several powerful foci while the dragon researched how to tap into this new power. They've already had several little missteps including a few creatures that only responded with hissing and popping while others had a more official, military-like designation to it. Part of her wished that she had taken the offer of the neoprene shark in order to try and understand the nexus realm a little more... but at least they were having a bit of fun in the process.

Of course had she known that she was going to be asked to go out on dry land in order to get things while the dragon worked she might have thought about it, a frown on her bright red muzzle as she clutched the long rain coat she wore to cover her form tight around her. Even though she knew that she was just being paranoid Shikosa swore that people were looking at her, and on the flip side as she passed by others all she could see was potential prey just ripe for the taking. The gooey shark just wanted to get in, get what she needed, and then get out. But as the day wore on and she got through with the rest of her shopping that feeling of paranoia started to materialize in a different fashion.

As an unnatural creature in this world Shikosa knew that she had to be careful for people that might wish to do her harm in the interest of figuring out how she ticked, and though she had been successful for a long time living the way she did it appeared her luck might have finally run out. As people wound their way around trying to finish up their holiday shopping she noticed that there were a few that appeared to have been visiting all the same places that she was. While that wouldn't have been too concerning the last shop she was in she had to wait for nearly an hour for her order to be fulfilled and yet they were still on her tail. It was hard to keep track of them in the crowds but she guessed that there was at least three of them following her as she kept to the busy main roads.

Looking at where she was in the city Shikosa knew that she was too far away from home to go and get the dragon to help her... not that she particularly needed it. They thought that they could hunt her... she knew that there were a few places in the neighborhood that she could go in order to carry out her plan. It would require her to ditch her packages and run since she would be leaving the safety of the crowds, but she couldn't reveal herself in this area with all these eyes about. All she needed was a bit of privacy... and a few extra hands as the frown on her face slowly turned into a grin.

Meanwhile the wolf that had been tailing the goo shark for the last five hours was starting to get frustrated as he slowly walked down the streets in the snow. Ever since he and the rest of his group had been dispatched from Sibergon Labs in order to try and capture a high-priority target, which they had managed to track after receiving a rogue communication, he just wanted it to be over. It was cold, snowing, and almost Christmas; but instead of spending time going out to bars or trying to find other ways to get some cheer they were gathering data on this creature. Even with the interesting nature of the shark they were tracking it wasn't enough to justify staking out the house, freezing while watching her on the beach, and finally waiting for her to go into the city so they could bag her and bring her back to the lab.

Suddenly he was snapped out of his grumbling thoughts when he realized that she was no longer in his view, the wolf asking over the radio hidden on him if anyone else had eyes on the target. A female voice belonging to a snow leopard said that she still had her, informing him that she had had eyes on her and that she had just gone down a nearby alley. It was strange to the wolf that she had just gone down a random alley and called the rest of the team to converge on him to investigate this new direction. As the others began to move from their positions he reached the alley and saw that it was completely empty, a tremble of nervousness running down his spine as the others gathered around him.

"What's going on boss?" the lizardman said before looking down the alley. "Wait... where did she go?"

"Maybe she really is made of goo," the female snow leopard said as she looked as well. "Is there a grate or something that she slid down or something?"

"Nothing in this alley but dumpsters and shop doors," the wolf growled. "She couldn't have gotten far; I want Kernel and Ellie to start checking the dumpsters while Mel goes to the left and Varkas goes to the right. I'm going to try and go straight down the middle to see if I can't catch up with her and keep giving you directions."

The snow leopard and lizardman grumbled about doing trash duty while the female dragon went left and the bull went to the right. As the lupine mercenary went down the alley to try and catch up with their target he immediately put on his scanner, making sure this creature didn't pop out of the shadows in some sort of ambush. At the moment it was giving him the all clear and he continued down the alley until he reached the end of it. There was only one door however and since he doubted that this creature would have climbed a sheer wall to get to the roof several stories up it was likely the path of least resistance led him into the building.

"Alpha one, going into white building at end of alleyway," the wolf reported. "Be advised that she may be attempting to escape through another exit, try to get around and cut her off."

After hearing the two scouts announce their copy the wolf kicked in the door and went outside, this time with his weapon drawn. It was clear their target had somehow caught wind of their approach as he decloaked the armored suit that he wore, the polished white metal bearing the insignia of Sibergon Labs. As he moved forward he carefully scanned his surroundings, which turned out to be an office building that was empty from the approaching holidays, and sighed when he realized how many cubicles and other potential hiding places there were. If they could establish the target was still in the building then they could set up a perimeter and search the place floor by floor, but as the scanner continued to come up empty he wondered if she hadn't managed to already get out and was on the run.

Suddenly his scanner indicated that there was a creature nearby, an immediate proximity alarm going off as it detected that it was less then a meter away. The wolf swung around with his weapon to try and fight off the attacker, only to find that there was nothing standing there. It wasn't until he realized where the alarm was pointing him to that he realized where Shikosa had gone, looking down to see a puddle of bright red goo ooze up from the carpet and over his boots. When he attempted to aim down and shoot at it in some vain hope of getting the goo creature off of him a tentacle whipped up and enveloped it, rendering the firearm useless as the shark's body oozed into every inch of the weapon.

With is main mode of fighting back disarmed the lupine went for the next best thing, attempting to get away from the ooze while calling in his squad for help. Shikosa was ready for that too though and ripped off his helmet with another tentacle, exposing his head as more of her body seeped into his armor. As he struggled to try and get the goo off of him it was already too late, most of it had pushed its way into his armor as the tentacle that had pulled away his helmet slithered in front of him and formed into the face of the goo shark. The wolf immediately attempted to punch it but found that the second he moved back to swing that something held the limb stiff so he could move it.

"I don't think that's entirely necessary," Shikosa said. "So care to tell me why you were following me with guns and body armor? It's a bit of a snug fit by the way, no real room for growth."

The wolf let out a grunt as he felt something push against his chest and heard a snapping noise, looking down in surprise to see red ooze leaking down a crack in the ceramic plating before bringing his head up in a growl. "You may think you've won," the wolf said with a snarl. "But even if you kill me there are four others that will capture you, and they'll make sure that your trip will be very unpleasant. Now get out of-"

The lupine's sentence was suddenly cut short with a gurgle as Shikosa opened her gooey maw and shot out her tongue, hitting the wolf right in the open mouth and gagging him almost instantly. The rest of her head followed suit, a smile forming on her muzzle before it stretched open wide and completely enveloped the head of the male. As the goo seeped into his skull and ran down his throat it seemed to suction against his head, leaving his open mouth to look like a layer of latex was stretched over it as his throat bulged. At the same time the rest of his body began to shake and shudder as the goo inside his armor infiltrated every aspect of the wolf while weakening it as well. As more of the ooze leaked out of the bodysuit the former hands of the soldier went up to the cracked chest plate and tore it off, revealing the set of bright red breasts that had formed over the grey fur of his chest.

Though the wolf continued to try and fight Shikosa she knew that he was no match for her once she had gotten her hands on him, assimilating everything about the creature as she transformed him. As the rest of his armor fell away she continued to reform his body, making it more curvaceous like her own. The fluffy lupine tail was quickly oozed over, the goo forming into a thick finned version of his own while his muzzle was molded into something more aquatic in nature. There were a few parts of his body that she left alone, such as the pointed ears at the top of his head and the impressively thick cock that had stretched around her gooey form. The bright pink, sensitive flesh wouldn't remain that way for long though, the rod turning the same red as the rest of her body as she also formed her pussy right behind his sack.

It didn't take long for the psyche of the wolf to fall after his body did, especially with Shikosa stimulating every inch of him while she turned him to goo. From the memories that she was able to glean from the creature this wasn't even the first time something like this had happened to him, and to her surprise she found that one of the reasons he took the lead was for the potential for something like this to happen. "So, thou did protest too much," the goo shark said with a grin as she ran her hands over her new body, rubbing against the sensitive nipples of her breasts and causing the male to shudder at the foreign sensations. "Welcome to my team... and as a token of my appreciation I'll even let you decide who we go after next..."

About five minutes later the snow leopard and lizardman continued to search through bin after bin of garbage, sighing as they made sure to look through every nook and cranny before moving on to the next one. "This sucks," the lizardman said as he closed the lid to the bin he had just been rooting through. "How come Mel and Varkas get to perform the pincer move and we're stuck out here on garbage duty?"

"Maybe if you hadn't talked back to him we would have gotten something better," the snow leopard shot back. The two continued to grumble at one another and pick through the trash until they suddenly heard the wolf's voice over the radio, this time calling Ellie to get into the building and provide back-up while Kernel would cover the alley in case the creature double backed. The feline couldn't help but grin as she went into the building, leaving the grumbling lizardman behind while pulling out her weapon.

The second that Ellie entered the building she decloaked her armor as well, their leader telling her that the building was mostly abandoned. She saw no sign of him as she continued to sweep the building in a hurry, knowing that their team leader had already looked through this area. When she got back on the radio in order to ask where the wolf was he preempted her and said that he was on the next floor up, telling her to hurry because he may have the creature corner. The snow leopard made a greater haste towards the stairwell and made her way up the stairs, and she was in such a rush that she didn't see the splotches of red goo that were trailing up on it.

When Ellie finally arrived on the second floor she saw the office that the wolf had mentioned in the radio transmission, heading towards the open door while attempting to maintain cover. She didn't see the wolf anywhere but she figured that he had already taken up position, the snow leopard deciding to take one of the desks that was partially obscured by one of the large support pillars in the office area. "I'm in position boss," She said as she took her weapon and aimed it right at the doorway. "What's your position?"

"Right behind you," Shikosa replied in the wolf's voice, the gooey hybrid jumping up from her hiding place and grabbing the snow leopard by waist to pull her down. "Surprise!" With the knowledge that she had absorbed from her lupine counterpart, whom had slept with the snow leopard for some time now, she knew exactly what to do in order to help... subdue her latest prey. One of the other pieces of information that she had gleaned as well was the deactivation mechanism on the armor that she wore, which was useful for what the goo shark had planned next using the assimilated wolf's cock.

Ellie let out a gasp as she felt tendrils of bright red goo immediately began to filter into her armor to manipulate it, hearing a loud hiss as the pieces fell away to reveal her bodysuit underneath. As she attempted to wiggle out of the grasp of the creature she could feel something sliding up her legs and around her waist. When she looked down her eyes widened as she saw the thick tentacles already starting to coil around her body, her panicked gaze following them to the creature that had captured her. Even though her mind had clued her into what had happened she still felt her shock grow even more when she managed to crane her head back to see that bright red goo head that was a mix of shark and a very familiar lupine.

"Boss, what are you doing?" Ellie said as she let out another noise, though that one was a moan as the tendrils began to slip underneath the suit and slither through her fur into the sensitive areas that the wolf knew about. "You have to stop this! That thing is trying to control you!"

"Your boss is actually already out," Shikosa informed the snow leopard, taking her tongue and sliding it around her neck and up her cheek. "I was just using his voice in order to lure you here. You should be honored, he was the one that wanted to be converted next so that you could feel the same pleasure that I'm feeding him..."

Ellie couldn't believe what she was hearing... had her boss actually sold her out because they had slept together? It was getting hard to think as Shikosa continued to stimulate her, feline the feline becoming more submissive by the second despite the danger of the situation. She realized this creature knew exactly what she was doing as she felt something sliding into her mouth, in her increasingly lust-filled mind she hardly even noticed the goo tongue slipping past her lips until it started to fill her maw. At the same time her partially goo-encased body bucked forward as Shikosa took the goo cock, which the snow leopard realized it had been modified to be a bit bigger than before, and with the relatively thin fabric of the bodysuit already dissolving away Ellie could start to feel the head of the cock starting to push into her pussy.

"We... we can't..." Ellie tried to reaffirm after the goo tentacle pulled out of her maw, her chest heaving from her increasingly rapid breaths as she could see the bright red staining her bodysuit from the tentacles pushing underneath towards her nipples. "We have... a mission..."

"You say that like this isn't the first mission your group has failed before," Shikosa said with a chuckle. "I told you that I've seen the memories that your boss has, and I have to say that your little group has gotten into a number of very... interesting situations. Don't worry though, I will make sure that you get back to Sibergon Labs in one piece... though I'm going to imprint a message on your minds that none of you are ever going to forget."

Before the snow leopard could respond the goo tongue once more darted forward and pushed into his maw, but this time the bright red substance started to ooze out over her muzzle in order to effectively gag her. At the same time Shikosa slightly loosened her grip with her thicker, more muscular goo arms to let the captured female to slide down on her cock, both creatures shuddering in pure pleasure. If Ellie's legs hadn't been covered in goo and tentacles they would have stretched out into the air, but the goo shark kept her entire body under control as she allowed her to slide into him. Much like the wolf the feline's mind began to succumb quickly and her will eroded away the more the wolf-shark oozed over her body.

Even though her mouth had been effectively gagged Shikosa could already start to feel the thoughts of the snow leopard filtering into her subconscious. Ellie had also been transformed and corrupted by others and made her body more mutable, feeling the ropy tail of the snow leopard already starting to fill out to match the one that she had swinging behind her. With her new cock spreading open her insides and tiny tendrils teasing her clit and folds it didn't take long for her to stoke the feline to new heights of pleasure. These creatures were so easy to manipulate, the goo shark thought to herself as she took her hands and massaged the growing breasts of the other female as Ellie's assimilated clit began to expand into a gooey cock of her own. As the goo shark continued to convert the increasingly red and translucent snow leopard however her thrusting stopped as they heard the radio crackle to life...

Meanwhile the lizardman was starting to go up on the first floor, attempting to get both Ellie and his boss over the radio and getting nothing but static. After checking in with Mel and Varkas to see if they found anything, both of which responding that they hadn't heard or seen anything since they got into position to try and escape, the worry of the reptilian creature began to rise. When he got all the way through the first floor he reported back to the two that were waiting in the wings that they still hadn't found the others and he could hear them say that perhaps it might be time to call in to home base. Kernel said that would be a little hasty; just because they were radio silent didn't mean that they were in trouble and to wait until he had made confirmation on either the target or their fellow teammates.

The second that he had finished with that message and clicked off the radio he suddenly felt his helmet get pulled off of his head, causing the lizardman to gasp and bring up his weapon only to have that ripped out of his hands as well. Before he had a chance to activate his emergency beacon he felt something ooze over it, looking down to find that there was something bright and red staining his armor. "Couldn't have the others rushing in too quickly," Shikosa said, using Ellie's voice in order to calm him down even as a bright red gooey wolf-shark herm stand in front of him. "Now if you stay quiet and let us have control I can assure you that we're going to have ourselves some fun..."

Unlike the wolf it turned out that the snow leopard had slept with nearly everyone in the base, including the lizardman whom she was disabling the armor of as well as engaging in threesomes with the two outside that turned out to be a couple. Kernel was the most shy and timid of the group and allowed the snow leopard to dominate him frequently, which was why the goo shark had decided to go the direct route with the body of her two converts. Though the reptilian soldier couldn't see it the assimilated female had become the perfect mix of feline and shark, even allowing the black rosettes of her fur to stand out as she took the one major addition of the erect goo cock between their legs and pressed it against the backside of the male once the armor had been removed.

Even though Kernel had attempted to say something about the creature corrupting them it was as weak as his will, which the goo creature could already feel breaking even before she had begun to assimilate his body. This one was definitely a follower and subservient to anyone that showed some sort of dominance, which for the moment was her as she took the goo wolf-shark body and had him move in front while she took her new snow leopard-shark body and used the slick substance to ease open his tailhole. Once more the previous encounters with Ellie had made the male no stranger to things being in his backside, Shikosa taking the goo cock of the feline hybrid of her body and began to stretch him open with it.

The second that Kernel let out a groan it was immediately silenced with the equally impressive goo cock of the lizardman, his hands going up to the thighs of his boss as it was pushed deeply into his maw. With the ability to sense both bodies that she had assimilated Shikosa shivered in delight from the pleasure coming from both bodies that she was inhabiting. It wouldn't be two for too long though as already the bright red translucency spread over to the olive scales of the other creature. With the creature having little mind of his own it was easy for Shikosa to push aside his psyche, replacing it with his own as the red goo immediately began leak out of his nostrils, ear holes, and his cock.

With the goo shark oozing over the new body like wildfire they could hear the sound of someone banging on the doors, likely the last two members of the team that hadn't heard word from their third squad mate for a while. It was far too late, even if somehow they had managed to rip them away from the male in the middle Shikosa had already possessed the creature almost completely mentally. The body wasn't too far behind, the lizardman's stomach distending slightly from the goo being pumped into him from the snow leopard-shark herm that was pounding hard into his tailhole. The same thing was happening to his front, the possessed wolf completely reverberating with pleasure as the increasingly red throat began to bulge with the cock being shoved into it.

Eventually the two broke in and started to storm the office area, the female dragon breaking in through the front door while the bull did the same from the side delivery door. Shikosa wondered silently which one would find them first, she thought with a grin as she continued to pound into the goo lizardman-shark hybrid whose chest scales had lost their texture as they began to expand out into a pair of breasts. It didn't take long for her to get her answer, the goo shark seeing the female dragon was the one that managed to get to them first. All three of their muzzles turned up into a grin as Mel turned the corner and she let out a gasp, her jaw practically hitting the floor as she could see the three hybrid goo creatures in an extremely lewd position as their semi-translucent bodies allowed her to see their cocks pushed into the throat and tailhole of the herm in the middle whose tail and tongue had penetrated the pussies of the other two.

Had Mel not been so distracted by such a sight she would have seen that the tails of the two that were on either side of the recently transformed male had merged into the carpet, the goo tentacles branching out along the carpet and the wall in order to ambush the dragon. Before she could do anything the dragon had become wrapped up in several of the gooey appendages, the panicked soldier quickly finding herself both weaponless and with her armor falling to the ground. As one of the bigger tentacles came up from the floor Mel's eyes widened as the tip formed into the head of the goo shark that had assimilated the other three. Just as she was about to cry the draconic creature suddenly found her muzzle engulfed by the maw of the goo shark, which quickly spread up the head of the female as another goo tentacle formed into a phallic shape and plunged into her pussy and tailhole...

Meanwhile Varkas had heard some sort of commotion further into the building he cursed himself that he had taken the back route, sensing that Mel was in trouble. Though the two had only been dating for a few months the bull had fallen head over heels for the female dragon, although they both agreed that they wouldn't let it interfere with their work. Even though he tired to remain objective about it however the bull was cursing that he hadn't went over to breach with Mel in order to make sure that she was safe. As he sped through the hallways towards the source of the sound he suddenly came to a stop, his hooves skidding along the tile floor after turning a corner and seeing what was on the other side.

The formerly blue dragoness stood there in the middle of the hallway completely naked, red tendrils of goo spread over her otherwise blue scales. "Varkas..." the dragoness said, her voice slightly garbled by the long, bright red goo tongue that wiggled past her lips. "Come to me..."

"Mel?!" the bull said. "What happened to you?!"

"The same thing that happened to the others," Mel replied, though her voice started to shift as the draconic features of her head became even gooier and angular. "Don't worry Varkas, I'm not going to keep your precious girlfriend here or the rest of your squad. I just want to make sure that you and your group tells the lab that you're a part of that I'm not to be disturbed and if they send another group like you after me I won't be so nice."

Despite putting on a brave and stoic demeanor he couldn't help but swallow hard, feeling his muscles tense as the dragon's head became increasingly shark-like complete with fin that was growing down her back. "So you're going to let us go?" Varkas asked, Shikosa nodding the head of the creature that she was possessing. "Fine, the second you let us all go we'll all make sure that your message is brought to our superiors."

"That's good to hear," Shikosa replied, sauntering up to the bull as she attempted to keep her focus despite the three she had taken over previously continuing to have sex with one another. "Of course I wouldn't want to leave your employers empty handed, so I figured that instead of having one goo shark creature that they can examine..." her eyes glimmered as she put her hands against his face, taking her increasingly gooey body and pressing it against him. "I'll give them five..."

Four Neoprene Sharks

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Two Moonstone Wolves

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