Seven Suits Enveloping

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#7 of Twelve Kinks of Christmas

Kirdos gifts a young man with a painting where he shares a winter wonderland scene with another.

The kink for this day was living statue.

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Deep in the vault of Sibergon Labs there was one section in particular that was marked 'defective product', a place where things that didn't quite work were sent in order to be tested on later. All manner of products were there, everything from harnesses that completely mummified their wearer in leather straps to chemical concoctions that grew the user into the size of kaiju or turned them into extra-dimensional beings were stored there in the hopes that they may one day be utilized once again. A more recent addition was one of their living rubber suits, the dark blue dragon laying in a deflated state the usual force field. The information on how it had gotten there in the first-place hadn't been entered yet, the technician that had just put it there going off to take a quick lunch break before coming to finish the job.

Living suits were generally conserved to be harmless, as long as they didn't get close to a host there was really very little that it could do. For this one however when it had known it was about to be retired it quickly hatched a plan, which now that it was alone it started to put into fruition. Slowly it sealed itself up the rest of the way and when it was sure that its skin was airtight he activated the canister it had managed to hide in its folds. Almost immediately the pressurized gas filled his body; it was normally a means to check and make sure that the suit didn't have any leaks, but this dragon was using it to hopefully give himself enough mass to use his rubber fingers.

As the container fizzled out the purple rubber dragon suit was only about three-fourths of the way filled, which meant he would have to collapse himself in order to try and force the air into his arms. Even with his body completely sealed he did haven't long to hatch his plan, eventually folding the lower half of his body on top of itself so that he could puff up the rest of him. When it was as good as it was going to get he took his fingers and slid them in the crack between the metal doors of the cabinet he was in, then curled them around and fiddled on the lock on the other side. With the hiss of air coming out of his body he desperately attempted to open the door.

Just as he thought that his plan might not come to fruition the living dragon suit was able to move the latch down enough in order to get it open. He slumped down and the metal doors flung open, allowing him to escape. With his initial prison breached the living dragon suit redistributed the air as best he could, most of it going down towards his legs, and he started to run down the hallway. His leaving had not gone unnoticed however and as he slipped through the cracks of the containment vault the sound of the alarm could be heard blaring...

Meanwhile Vritrax sat in the nearby café, looking up from his drink as he heard the sound of sirens blaring off in the distance. At first the wolf-dragon hybrid thought that it might have been some sort of tornado siren or something of that nature, but as he looked up at the night sky he realized that while it was overcast and cloudy it wasn't anything like tornado weather. He looked over at the building over on the other side of the river that bordered the café he was at he realized that it was coming from there. After a few minutes the sirens didn't abate and he decided that it wasn't going to stop anytime soon and it was time for him to leave.

"Hope that place doesn't explode or something," the hybrid said gruffly to himself as he put up his jacket in order to stop the chill. "There are some good shops nearby that I would hate to see disappear in a mushroom cloud." As he walked down the path he felt something fall against his golden hair, looking up just in time to see a flake of snow hitting him in the face. "Great... this is going to be fun walking home in, hopefully it's just a flurry and not a blizzard..."

For a while it appeared that the wolf-dragon's luck was going to hold out, though the snow continued to thicken it didn't fall with enough intensity to bother him enough other then shaking his head or his coat occasionally. But even with the weather not slowing his walk something did, looking down and seeing what looked like drag marks in the inch of snow that had fallen already. When he looked around he didn't see anyone that was around, in fact he became acutely aware that he was completely alone. Despite his danger instincts tingling he decided to try and see if he could follow the trail and see if they could find the person or persons that were possibly in trouble.

The drag marks continued up in the woods for a bit away from the river, leading him off the path until Vritrax found himself in the woods. At the edge of the hill he saw something sticking out of the snow, pulling out a silver canister that looked like some sort of strange air compression storage. Looking at the device he found himself scanning the area once again and saw nothing to which this piece would come from. What was going on here, he thought to himself as he tested the canister to see that it was empty, and to what purpose was all this?

The hybrid continued to climb up the hill a little bit and used the trees to help him get up the slippery slope, though he was starting to lose the trail. Eventually he got to the end of the disturbance in the snow and as the wind picked up he grumbled when he didn't see anything that would have made it. Just as he was about to try and go back down to the trail he saw something that flapping in the wind on a branch from a nearby tree. It looked like something made out of rubber, and even in the darkness of the woods he could tell that there was something odd about it.

The branch that it was caught on wasn't too high up in the air and he climbed the tree to snap it, causing both it and the piece of rubber to fall back down to the ground. The hybrid hopped down to the ground and untangled the piece of rubber from the stick. At first he thought that it was a balloon, but as it continued to unfurl the more he realized that the purple rubber had formed into something more like a suit. Perhaps someone attempted to use it as a balloon, which might explain the air tank, but it had either flown off or deflated before floating out here in the park area.

Vritrax decided that something like this would be best examined back inside his home, sliding down the snowy hillside back down towards the path. The second that he was able to get out of the woods he made his way out just as the weather was starting to pick up. Tucking the suit underneath his coat he took his hand and used it to shield it as the wind blew through his grey fur. He had to fight the weather all the way back towards his place, now carrying a rather bulky piece of rubber with him...

As the hybrid continued to fight against the snow the living suit had begun to warm up against the body of the one that had just rescued it. The purple rubber dragon had escaped across the river using his own buoyancy to get across it and away from the researchers and security people that were looking for him. Unfortunately it had taken most of the air it had remaining in his body to do so and by the time he reached the park on the other side he was almost completely out of air. To make matters worse the wind had started to pick up and with his rapidly deflating body all he was able to do was crawl until finally the wind blew him into the tree where he thought he would be stuck until someone had come and rescued him...

After about twenty minutes Vritrax managed to get home, shaking off all the snow that had accumulated on his body before hanging up his coat. After complaining about the weather and the reporter's inability to accurately report it he brought his attention towards the purple rubber item that he had gotten from the woods. With the cold and wind no longer assaulting him he was able to finally examine what he had found more clearly, putting it on his table before going and making himself some food first. As he put his meal in the microwave he had his back to the suit and didn't see it slowly unfurl itself until it was completely spread on it.

When Vritrax turned back however he was surprised to see that there was a rubber purple dragon suit now lying on his table instead of a heap of latex. His hypothesis that it was more than just a balloon proved to be correct as he saw that it was clearly some sort of suit, the article looking slightly bigger then him in all aspects. He also smirked slightly when he saw that the suit was very anatomically correct, the rubber sheath bulging slightly out of the groin of the suit. When he picked up the suit and looked through the head of it the rubber dragon began to feel the tingle of assimilation begin... but something was wrong.

Even with the limited functionality of the living rubber one of the specialties of their kind was the ability to apply themselves to the host whom they were designed for. The corrupted nature of this dragon suit meant that there was no designated owner and the same semblance of intelligence that had allowed him to escape also knew that he needed a body in order to start moving again. But something was still wrong... even as the hybrid put his head into the hood that represented his head it wasn't right. Little did either creature know that the entire reason that the living rubber dragon suit had been brought down to the defective items vault was because its polarity was completely reversed.

It wasn't until Vritrax turned the suit around and looked to see how the groin functioned the living rubber sprang into action, tendrils forming out of the latex surface and wrapping around the wrists and arms of the hybrid holding it. The dragon-wolf began to shout before the crotch of the purple rubber seemed to pull forward and stretch against his muzzle. As Vritrax attempted to try and reach down to get it off of his face he realized that his hands had somehow slipped inside the legs of the costume itself! The dragon let out a muffled grunt as the suit continued to shift down his arms, the feet flopping around as he bumped into his own table before falling onto his kitchen floor.

The rubber dragon suit finally had the chance to feel the fullness of a host inside of him, but as it began the process of stretching its body over the other creature everything felt loose and baggy. Even when he got his legs all the way down the legs of the creature the appendages didn't seem to fit right, their toes far longer then the toes of the suit while it continued to slide its rubbery body over the still exposed areas of the host's form. That was perfectly fine however, Sibergon Labs made a promise that one size fits all and they always made sure that they fulfilled it.

The hybrid let out a muffled gasp as he began to feel the rubber pressed against his fingers begin to tingle, but with the purple rubber pressed against his eyes he was unable to see what was happening as he flopped around on the floor. With his arms completely distended in the living suit he could still sense what was happening, his fingers feeling like they were clenching as the rubber coated them completely. Then the digits began to mutate; soon Vritrax was unable to move them much more then a wiggle as several of them merged together while they thickened. As the rubber suit spread over his torso and midsection flopping, empty toes of it began to fill out by the transforming dragon's fingers until they touched the ends of it.

As the orientation of his elbows began to change and the muscles of his arms shifted Vritrax's focus suddenly became far more concerned on what was happening to his head. Up until this point he merely had his muzzle shoved against the groin of the suit, but as the rubber dragon continued to transform him he felt the tip of his muzzle starting to thin out. The whiskers of his nose quickly merged with him as the rubber suffused into his system, turning him into a similar substance so that he could be properly molded into the shape that he needed to. He began to realize in shock that he was changing to fit the contours of the suit... but that it was happening while he was upside down in it!

This revelation seemed to renew the struggle in the hybrid against the purple rubber, but already with his upper body completely covered there was little he could do but kick out his feet against it. The suit had already latched onto his hips however and as the shiny material slid along his rear and backside it did cause a pleasurable sensation to spread through his body. One thing Sibergon Labs made sure to do was make every experience with their products a good one, even if something was turning out to be horribly wrong. For Vritrax he still couldn't fathom how wrong this had gotten until the head of the suit began to flop around between his legs before covering his genitals.

Already Vritrax's cock had become semi-hard from the stimulation and as the latex rubbed against the sensitive flesh it only made matters worse. As his own head was starting to become smaller and thinner the exact opposite was happening to his member. The living suit had caused his groin to expand and if there wasn't rubber completely coating his mouth at the moment he would have let out a loud moan as they began to reform. As the arms of the suit started to crawl up his legs the shaft and head of his cock continued to grow bigger, turning to rubber just like the rest of his body and filling out in order to meet the requirements of the suit.

At the same time the suit itself was starting to finally assert itself once more, and with the thoughts of the wearer not present in its current form its own personality began to come to the surface. All living suits that came from Sibergon Labs were programmed with back up personality AI's to get the wearer to safety in the case of total loss of consciousness, which is what it was detecting at the moment as it struggled to get to its feet. Vritrax grunted as he felt his transformed hands start to move of their own accord, his wrists bending unnaturally as soon as weight was put on them while his forearms thickened into a pair of powerful calves with his biceps soon following suit. With his real legs still partially free and kicking around in the air the sight of the mostly rubber dragon moving around with his cock poking out of the head of the suit and his head stretching out his groin was a bizarre sight to behold.

But it didn't take long before the specialized rubber of the suit took to Vritrax's unnatural length, which was his head as he felt a powerful surge of pleasure radiate through his skull. Though he tried anything he could think of to stop the process, from attempting to pull his head away from the sheath of the suit to mentally willing it to stop, he could feel his lips starting to seal together and the rubber that had assimilated his skull molding and reshaping him. Soon he could start to feel his nose pushing into the sheath itself, the suit increasing the sensitivity of his face to match that of a proper maleness as the last of his maw turned into a slit while his eyes became stuck shut. As this happened he could start to feel his senses developing elsewhere... but they were not under his control as he continued to also get fed more of the blissful sensations from his expanding cock.

The rubber dragon head of the suit had continued to expand the tiny head of the creature that it was assimilating when it realized that there were two structures that it was dealing with. They were both the same and yet separate at the same time, and both of them fed into the central shaft that it had been originally expanding as part of the head. After a few calculations the dragon suit could only come to one conclusion, the rubber shifting once more as his shoulders broadened. Vritrax's entire body shuddered as his groin was split into two, one half going into the head that was currently filling out while the other was pushed into a synthetic lump that was forming on the expanding shoulders. The dragon let out a sound of pleasure as a second head began to form alongside the first, its neck stretching out as the eyes of the first one began to move around of their own accord.

"Wh... where am I?" the rubber dragon suit said, though the words were hard to pronounce not only because the suit's head was only half-filled but it was using the shaft of Vritrax's cock as his tongue. "Not detecting any host... but clearly I have one. Ugh... why is my head so sensitive?"

The purple dragon seemed to answer his own question as he looked down and saw the shrinking head of the hybrid still pushing against his groin, its eyes widening as he saw the other male's face frozen in a look of pure pleasure as it popped free of the sheath and jutted out from his shiny body. That didn't seem right at all... especially as he looked at his arms and saw that there were feet where his fingers should have been. With his AI coming fully online the suit started to realize what it was doing, pressing his feet hands against the forming purple dragon cock to see if he could do anything about it.

The result was a surge of pleasure that caused him to nearly fall on his back, which was where his reforming wings and tail were still shifting around into their new orientation while his chest was doing the same. With nearly all of the dragon-wolf's body being assimilated into rubber the suit had no trouble in shifting around things, deflating the pectorals on one side of his body and reestablishing them where the neck of his host used to be. Though the suit had initially been pushing his shifting hands, which had been very awkward until they popped into a new configuration where knees and ankles became elbows and wrists, against the dragon's head to help it seemed to only hasten the transformation... and cause enough pleasure to radiate through their shared body to cause both creatures to nearly lose it.

The purple rubber dragon suit watched as the features of Vritrax's head, his mind gaining the knowledge of their host when they finally started to connect, began to smooth out into the contours of his new cock. He could feel that the hybrid was almost completely lost in the sensation of pleasure, his world becoming that which was between the dragon's legs as the bulge continued to shrink down. It appeared that despite the fact that they had transformed upside down the wolf-dragon could still sense everything as though it was his own, gaining information on what the living suit was seeing and experiencing while his main focus was the fact that he had become a rubber cock. The first thought that ran through the mind of the living suit was to try and get in contact with his creators in order to fix the situation with his host, but as he started to move about on his own two feet and the toes that were bulging out his hands thinned and became his fingers a thought came across both his heads.

With Vritrax's own mind so far away from the central processing unit of the suit it meant that the AI would basically be in control until they found a way to reverse it... and it presented the suit with an opportunity that he would have never thought possible before. Why shouldn't he be in control, the purple rubber dragon suit thought to himself. Most of the time he would just be sitting there as a back-up never being used, this way not only could he retain control and do what he wanted to do but the host still retained all the sensations and gained the bonus of mind-melting euphoria getting the pleasurable sensations of a cock being fed straight into his mind. Plus as he looked at himself he always could just pull up Vritrax's mind into the second head... once he figured out how to retain control.

Meanwhile Vritrax could sense everything that the rogue AI was thinking, the rubber creature trying to keep his thoughts about the haze of lust in order to figure out what was going on. His body had not only been completely turned to rubber but also hijacked by the AI embedded in it! He wasn't going to stand for this, at least he wouldn't if his arms hadn't been turned to legs and were being used by the living rubber dragon suit. Just as he tried to express his outrage however he felt one of his former feet stroke along his head, and with just that the pleasure was almost too much for him. His body throbbed and he could feel himself starting to grow, realizing with both arousal and annoyance that he was becoming erect from the feel of rubber pressing against rubber.

"It appears that everything is functioning along quite well," the rubber dragon said, both heads talking in unison as a smirk appeared on their muzzle. "But I think we're going to need more testing just to make sure everything is working properly. Now let's see, where is the bedroom..."

With the mention of it the memory came up in their sentient cock and the dragon quickly moved his new body towards the room. For Vritrax the sensations of his body had not shifted like it had with the dragon suit so he got the bizarre sensation of walking on his hands as they moved their way towards the bed and flopped down on top of it. It was clear that the rubber creature wanted to explore their new body more fully, and as they took their muzzles and nuzzled against their groin they found that the transformed cock of the creature had transferred some of its sensitivity to their new heads. The rubber dragon found that doubled when it had stretched out both tongues and rubbed them against the glistening shaft, finding that both appendages were almost as pleasurable to stimulate as it was the shaft they were wrapped around.

Both the AI and Vritrax no longer seemed to keep track of who was who, lost in the sensations that they were feeding to one another as the purple rubber dragon took one head and began to slide it down while the other continued to lick against his inner thighs and taint. The sensation for the hybrid was surreal, feeling what was essentially his own rubber head being engulfed in the warm maw that he could also feel as he throbbed inside of it. The living suit clearly knew what it was doing as it coiled their new tongue around his shaft, feeling the flexible cock-like appendage stimulating another cock. What made everything seem to be even more arousing was that Vritrax had no control, the dragon suit moved their shared body around and even lifted up one of their legs in order to gain access to their tailhole that the other head shoved its tongue into.

Soon the air was filled with the sounds of squeaks and slaps as the rubber dragon pleasured itself, both creatures becoming one for the sheer purpose of building up their own lusts as the two dragon heads continued to suck and penetrate itself. Their living cock practically jumped when the living suit leaned even further forward and completely engulfed it into his throat, the purple rubber muzzle pressing against his groin while a similar sensation was happening behind him. Being made of latex allowed them to get into all sorts of positions and they could feel the inner walls of their tailhole clamping around the cock tongue that they had used to penetrate themselves.

Hours passed and the two continued to indulge in all sorts of rutting with themselves, Vritrax experiencing the mind-shattering first climax of becoming a living rubber cock while the living suit did the same with his new body. Eventually the creature untangled himself and laid back on the bed, panting heavily as he could feel his cock settling into the afterglow of their mutual orgasm. The rubber dragon gave his member a squeeze just to tease the other male before getting up and stretching. With only having taken over this body a few hours ago it was already starting to feel natural, the living suit relishing in the fact that he was able to move it instead of the other way around.

"I think that this is going to be quite the wonderful partnership," the rubber dragon said, rubbing his latex hand against his stomach to cause a tremor of arousal to go through their body. "Going to have to figure a few things out, but I think we'll have plenty of time to do that during your holiday break. Imagine all the fun things that we're going to do."

Just as he was about to tease himself once more the living suit heard something that caused him to pause, standing up and going over to the window to look outside. He had heard a loud noise and when he looked he saw that it was a truck from Sibergon Labs, no doubt looking for him before he was able to do exactly what he did. The frown on both of his muzzles deepened as he realized that he wasn't exactly out of the woods yet, even though Vritrax had done exactly that when he had gotten him out of that tree. If he wanted to keep this body, and his host to keep the source of pleasure that had nearly rendered him unconscious, they were going to have to do something about preventing their capture.

He was also going to have to give himself a name, the living suit thinking it rude to just take Vritrax's he wanted to come up with one himself. The thought of something relating to the number six had come to mind, but as he focused his thoughts on that he wondered why such a number was significant to him. Six... six... it bothered the rubber dragon to no end as he closed the blinds and quickly turned out the lights to make sure that he didn't gain the attention of the search teams looking for him. Just as he went into the main room and began to turn off the lights did he realize where it came from.

The living rubber suit had not been manufactured alone, he realized as he stood there in the living room of the apartment. He had been the last in the line of six that had all been shelved because of the same defect, the images of seeing those he had been created alongside with being shelved before it was his turn. It was that last spark of consciousness that had prompted him to grab the canister off the table before he had been completely deflated and hid it inside of him, and suddenly his priorities began to change. There were six other suits that he could potentially rescue, six other rubber creatures like him with hosts that would become their living cocks while they were able to roam free or share control if they felt like it. He began to imagine what it would be like with their rubber bodies rubbing together, the seven of them feeling the intensity of passion coming from their hosts as they would rub and suck on the latex cocks that would stimulate their hosts to no end.

Yes... the rubber dragon thought as he began to stroke his member, causing Vritrax to start to harden once more as he teased the rubber shaft. His mind knew exactly how he got in and even remembered some of the codes that they had used in order to get him into the vault in the first place. It was risky, but if he could go in and rescue the others then he could find hosts for them as well. The two heads of the rubber dragon as he realized that for a few people out there it was going to be a very, very merry Christmas...

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