Eight Plants Assimilating

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#8 of Twelve Kinks of Christmas

The naga gives his friend a present in the form of a specialized plant with some very interesting gifts to grant.

The kink for this day was plants.

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Prestnos slithered quickly through his forest, his purple and green scales sliding effortlessly through the path that he had created through it while carrying a burlap bag gently in his clawed hands. The exotic plants that grew underneath the canopy seemed to sway slightly in his direction but he paid them no heed, his mind was on a singular task that focused on the item that he had clutched against his chest. Mere minutes ago he had collected it from another realm, a planet that had been ruled not only by plants but strange creatures that seemed to also have plant-like features. Though he had gone there in peace it appeared that they had instincts that had other ideas in mind for him, and although he had to leave the strange place quickly he did manage to get something for his troubles.

When he got to a small clearing in his forest he took the samples that he had taken from that realm and carefully planted them into the ground, along with a bit of soil from that place so that his forest could replicate the needs of it and help it to grow. This hadn't been the first time he had done something like this, the naga making a point of finding rare and exotic plants to not only collect in his woods but protect it as well. If he could figure out how this plant worked and what sort of defensive capabilities it had it would join the others in making sure that everything here stayed safe from those who wish to do it harm. The only thing that worried the serpentine creature was the initial transplanting of an alien species into his realm, but it appeared that the plant was highly adaptive and took to root very quickly.

Though he had obtained others as well he decided to keep them in stasis for the moment, putting the plants in a germination chamber that was actually one of the bigger trees in the area. It would keep the other plants alive now that he knew that they were hardy enough to survive a new world, and in fact as he looked back at the one he had put into the ground it had already sprouted several vines as well as started to grow a stalk with a fleshy purple bulb at the end. Presnos could already tell this was going to be a rather big flower just from the way it had already started to grow, and with his experience on the alien planet he knew better then to just approach it. In order to figure out how it worked and reshape it so that it would serve him he needed to see it in action, thankfully he knew just the creature he could call on to be a test subject...

A few hours later the woods had a second creature roaming through it, the black-furred wolf looking for the naga that had called him there. This wasn't the first time that he had been called into this realm to help the snake out, and as such he made sure to keep a weary eye out for anything that might indicate this was more then just a simple meeting. The suspicion grew when he got to the clearing that he was told to meet at and didn't find the naga there at all, though what was there definitely caught his attention. Though he had seen the exotic plants of this realm before this one definitely was one of the stranger ones with a bright green, trunk-like stalk supporting a purple balloon-like structure on top while tentacles wiggled around the base of it.

The wolf frowned slightly and wondered if this was what Prestnos had wanted to show him all along, some sort of new flower that he wanted to test or something of that nature. With the serpent suspiciously absent he decided not to get any closer to the thing then where he was at the moment, especially when he started to see the huge plant vines starting to stretch over towards his direction. He thought about bailing on this entirely until he heard a voice calling out to him. Looking over at the tree-line he saw Prestnos coiled mid-way up a tree, the naga waving at him.

"I was wondering if I was going to see you around," Lorkos said as he turned to face him.

"Well I had to make sure that I got the best view," Prestnos replied with a sly, smug grin on his muzzle. "I really must do something about the brush that surrounds this clearing, makes for poor viewing."

The frown on the lupine's face deepened slightly as he crossed his arms over his chest. "I knew that you were up to something," Lorkos stated. "Just because you are the master of my progeny doesn't mean you have license to drag me here to test out your new pet projects whenever you see fit. Or at least you could ask first instead of trying to ambush me like you did, so why don't you come down here and explain what is going on?"

"Oh, I would love too," the naga said as his own grin widened. "But that probably wouldn't be good for either of us since I've estimated that you're well within the range of that plant's root system and if we both get bound up then there will be no one here to observe."

In the seconds that it took for Lorkos to process what the snake had just said it was already too late; as though it was waiting for it like a signal he suddenly found his ankles bound by bright red roots that burst out of the dirt. They were surprisingly strong as they quickly coiled up his calves towards his knees the struggling creature noticed that a number of thin, normal looking vines had started to snake towards his direction. With his body firmly rooted to the ground there was little else that he could do but shoot a dirty look up at the smirking naga before he was captured. It didn't take long for the plant to wrap its vines around the upper body of the wolf, taking over in his bindings as they wrapped around him and pinned his arms to his sides.

As soon as his upper body was completely pacified the roots that had bound him there in the first place receded from him, sinking back into the dirt as he started to get dragged back towards the main plant. Though he could still wiggle his body Lorkos found himself unable to do much more than that, especially when he got closer to it and more of them wound their way around his feet and legs to pin those together as well. Soon even his neck, head, and muzzle had more of the vines coiled around him and there was little of his fur poking out of the cocoon of plant that had been enveloped around his body. All he could do was wiggle his encased form as the plant lifted him up into the air and began to turn him upside down.

At first Lorkos thought he might be getting fed into the orb at the top of the plant, but as the vines that were around his head and face disappeared he saw that he was actually hanging over one of the bigger plant tentacles that were around its base. He saw the tip slowly arch up to point at him, then open to reveal the hollow inside before he was lowered down into it. All he could do as brace himself as the vines around the rest of his body fed him into his new appendage, feeling the slick smooth skin of the plant pressing around him as he was fed into it. He could feel more of the vines around his body slipping loose and letting him go as his arms became pinned to his body get again by a different force.

Meanwhile the naga watched with rapt fascination as the shape of the wolf's head could be seen in the outline of the vine that was engulfing him. So this was what happened to the people of that planet, he thought to himself as he watched the furred torso and legs disappearing into it next. Of course that was only one piece of the puzzle, he thought to himself as he hissed in pleasure, Lorkos was going to show everything that this plant has to offer to his realm. As the last of the legs began to slide into the vine of the plant he clicked his claws together when as he waited an anxious anticipation on what is going to happen next...

Lorkos could feel the last of the air of the realm on his legs before it was replaced with the confining, slick vine that he had just been fed to. Though the walls were rather thick some of the light from the outside was filtering through, but at the moment all he could see was a tight tunnel in front of him that it continued to draw him in. His entire body shuddered as the lupine felt his feet getting completely enveloped and he was completely encased in the plant. He attempted to struggle and maybe see if he could wiggle his hands to try and claw his way through, but he found even if he could somehow overcome the undulating pressure that was tightening around him he wouldn't breach the flesh of the plant.

For the next minute all the wolf could do was let the vine continue to pull him in, and despite an alien plant having hold of him the feel of the smooth surface against his fur was becoming more intoxicating by the second. This not having been the first time the naga had trapped him with some sort of plant he guessed that it was probably some sort of spores or aphrodisiac in the sap that was seeping into his fur. He could feel himself getting practically giddy by the time his head started to pop out of the other side of the vine and into the main stem of the plant. When he had a chance to look at himself after he was fully squeezed out he could see that not only had the sap been arousing him but it had also dissolved his clothing.

"I'm going to start making that naga pay for my clothes," the wolf grumbled, though despite his lamenting at the loss of his clothes he saw a vine with a flower at the end of it lowering towards him. "Where do you think you're going..."

The petals of the flower opened wide to once more reveal a smaller tendril inside of it, wiggling for a few seconds before heading towards Lorkos. Though the lupine was able to grab the vine as it darted down towards him there was little he could to do to stop it, feeling the plant slide through his palms while continuing to head towards him. In the back of his mind he wasn't sure why he was even fighting in the first place since he was stuck in the middle of a plant stem and wasn't going to escape in the first place. Eventually though the vine won out anyway and the soft petals pressed against the fur of his cheeks as the flower clamped over his muzzle, the tendril in the middle pushing down past his tongue and already starting to slide down into his throat.

As another set of tendrils pushed their way into his nostrils, his entire face going numb from the potent mix of pollen and sap that was being pumped into his system, the vine actually started to fill with a thick, clear liquid. At first he thought it was more sap, but it was even thicker then what the plant was feeding him as he felt his body start to rise up. The tube that he had been dumped in wasn't that big anyway and it didn't take long before Lorkos was being pushed up towards the top of the stem. The gel-like substance was also causing his body to tingle intensely and he couldn't help but let out a muffled moan as he began to squeeze through an opening at the top.

It didn't take long before Lorkos was being pushed through, his vision turning from green to purple as he was being pushed up into the orb itself. The flower that had latched onto his muzzle helped angle his head up so he would slide through the opening either as the wolf closed his eyes. Once more he felt the smooth texture of the plant pressing against him on all sides as the gel continued to push him through, pushing his head through first before the rest of his body followed suit. With the aid of the slick substance that had completely covered him from head to toe he eventually found himself on the floor of the purple bulb that he had seen from the outside originally.

At first Lorkos wondered if the gel that had gotten him there was going to continue to flood the bulb as well, but as he looked at the hole he was just squeezed through it seemed that it was sealed up. As the lupine attempted to get to his feet he realized the flower on his muzzle was still pressed firmly on him the vine had become detached. As he brought up his fingers to try and pry the petals off of his face he found that it had fused onto his face, creating a sort of muzzle or mask that had somehow managed to get oxygen into his body. While he was attempting to continue to try and pry his lips open he saw his hands, which were still dripping with gel, had completely lost their fur.

Looking down at the rest of his body the wolf found that his entire body looked like that, the gel seemingly having somehow dissolved it. The rest of his skin seemed to remain intact though, albeit slightly spongier, and as he was still looking at himself he failed to see that petals began to peal away from the bulb connected to more vines that were brought down towards his body. The first time he noticed that more of the plant was coming towards him was when one of the larger ones wrapped around his forearm. The second that the material made contact with him Lorkos let out a muffled gasp, the vine attached to it pulling him upwards as it wrapped around him like a gauntlet and he felt a spike of pleasure.

The petal adhered to the gel almost instantly and his mutated arm had started to swell, as though he was having some sort of allergic reaction to it. But underneath the purple petal the wolf could feel what was going on as tendrils began to push down into his skin and it caused the muscles to grow. It was like the plant was somehow causing his body to grow as the flower on his muzzle began to have tiny vines of its own sliding through the gelatinous material sliding through it. As more of them began to push their way into his nostrils to join the one that had grown down into his throat several more started to reach his ears, the plant starting to grow over his face.

A second petal wrapped around his entire upper arm and almost immediately his bicep bulged in response, his feet sliding out from under him and his body falling downward until it was just the vines from the two petals on his arm. His other arm quickly followed suit, the surprisingly strong vines staring to suspend him in the middle of the bulb as vines grew between the two petals to completely cover his elbow. The entire time the plant was still pumping him full of aphrodisiacs as well as the mutagenic sap that was coating him from inside and out. His mind was buzzing as he was suspended by both arms at this point, two smaller petals pressing against his shoulders while two much bigger ones sandwiched his body.

Any illusion that this plant might have just been covering him in some sort of bizarre flower armor were dispelled as he began to feel his fingers wiggling, bending beyond the capability that they normally have. Lorkos could only watch in a pollen-drugged daze as his fingers continued to lengthen and thicken, eventually forming into thick black vines that had started to twist together. The wolf watched as the mutated fingers not only had could pull apart into their separate vines but had also coiled together as it whipped around in the air. It didn't take long for his other hand to follow suit, watching his new vine tentacle arms hang down as more purple tendrils integrated themselves into the new appendages.

With Lorkos focused on his transforming arms he was only passively aware that his chest and back were being molded and contoured to look even more muscular. As the purple petals suctioned tighter to him vines had started to slither between the two sides, forming into a bridge between the two pieces. The mutating wolf couldn't help but squirm as the changes were deliberately stimulating him, causing the lust to continue to cloud his mind. That wasn't the only thing that was starting to infiltrate his brain though as the petals stretched out more to cover his head while the tiny vines pushed into his transforming skull.

Relax and obey... the words were less said and more imprinted onto Lorkos' mind as more petals approached him. Even though the wolf knew that this thing was trying to brainwash him it was hard to fight against it when the pleasure that was being pushed through the entirety of the upper half of his body was so intense, and it still hadn't even touched his member. Though the influence of the plant's transformation had started to seep downwards, his cock throbbing and his already erect length starting to extend further while the flesh turned purple, it still hadn't manipulated that area at all. Had the growing flower on his face hadn't continued to seal his mouth he would have been panting... and as the pleasure continued to build he began to feel something push out the front of his muzzle.

Lorkos groaned into the flower muzzle as what he thought was the vine from it began to push out of the middle, only to realize that during this time it had merged with his tongue. It was like he was sticking it out into the air except that it continued to push out far beyond what he would have ever been able to extend it out. It grew so long that he could see the purple appendage waving around in the air like a snake, his half-lidded eyes starting to turn the same shade as it as his head continued to change. The more alien his plant like body was becoming the harder it was for him to remember his lupine form, feeling the programming still seeping into his vine-infested brain.

Just then as the largest of the petals wrapped around his thighs in tandem, his legs shaking as his thighs quickly expanded underneath the flower while the vines stretched out his legs. Surprisingly it appeared the bulb had completely avoided his groin, and the pleasure-stricken male found himself wanting it to happen. His need had been growing ever since the sap had entered into his system, and the more that his body was covered the more intense the pleasure got. As his vine tongue continued to writhe in the air and the petals of his head began to grow out to the back of his head it was his cock, which had started to wiggle of his own accord, and the desperate need to pleasure it.

Just like with his fingers the sap that was coursing through his body had caused his toes to thicken, dangling down as his shins were quickly covered with another set of flower petals. Unlike the thick vines that had twisted together to form into tentacle arms these were more spread out, acting more like roots as the black tentacles began to wiggle and writhe. With his head hanging down Lorkos could hardly recognize himself anymore, looking more like something that had been pulled out of the ground as the black vines reached all the way down to the bottom of the bulb. As the transformed wolf continued to feel the cascade of pleasure through his body the vines suddenly detached from the flower, his root feet spreading out to soften the landing as the hulking creature looked out at himself.

The corrupted mind of Lorkos didn't know what was going on, how had this bulb not gotten him off? He looked down at his groin, past his augmented, muscular physique covered in hardening flower arm, he saw that his cock had also turned into a vine. His tailhole was so needy and his instincts were to seed and be seeded, to pollinate others and spread, but there was nothing here in the bulb and it wasn't allowing him to leave. As his tongue vine slid back into his maw he knew that he needed to somehow slake the lust that was still building in his augmented body before an idea came across his mind.

Lorkos took his expanded frame and pressed his tentacles out, the bigger ones unraveling until they were spread out. As they latched onto the sides of the purple walls of the bulb he took his new vine cock and used the prehensile member to slide back between his own legs. His new thick, trunk-like legs were once more spread open, but now it was him doing it as he allowed his own pollinator to get towards his rear. In the back of his mind the transformed lupine realized that he was about to do a bit of self-pollination as the tip of his own cock began to press between his cheeks.

The plant that had completely infested and mutated him immediately rewarded the corrupted Lorkos with a surge of pleasure as his prehensile vine cock began to slide inside of his tailhole, the thick tail that he had gotten flared out as they were formed of the same tendrils bound together as his arms. As the thick purple appendage pushed deeper into him from his sudden receiving of the pleasure he felt the sudden urge to yawn. At this point the flower on his muzzle had completely covered his head, save fore his ears which had become two more curved leaves that were a basic replica, and it had anchored to the back of his skull while the petals split on his lips. Lorkos's entire body had every augmented muscle tense up as the flower took his jaw with him as his entire maw split into six just like the flower had done when it had first latched onto him.

Outside of the bulb Prestnos watched the shadow of the creature inside of the purple bulb, knowing that something was happening to his test subject. He wondered with baited breath as he waited for his experiment to come to fruition, a small smirk forming on his muzzle from the little joke. Just as he began to wonder how much longer it was going to be the vines on the inside began to push harder on the flower bulb. The naga could feel his body tighten slightly against the tree as the orb peeled apart to reveal the creature within.

The black wolf had been sucked inside the tube was definitely not the same as before, Lorkos thrusting his vine covered hips as his he was thrusting into himself with his own cock. The flower had given him several feet of height and a few hundred pounds of muscle on his body, or at least that's what it looked like as his serpentine eyes looked over the muscular body covered in petals with vines slithering between them. The vines that made up the arms and legs began to slither back and reform into the thick appendages that they had formed before as Lorkos' flower maw continued to open and close from the pleasure being fed to himself. Prestnos didn't dare reveal himself, seeing the look in the glowing green eyes of the wolf creature as he finished himself off, and instead continued to observe from his perch as it appeared that the plant male finished himself off.

The vines that was the tongue of Lorkos curled around the open plant maw let out a screech, pollen and sap visible on it as he seemed to gain another few inches on his thighs and biceps from the flower petal armor bulging. Once he had finished his body had recoalesced itself so that he regained some semblance of his humanoid form once again, though his hands were still the tentacles that were formed from the amalgamated vines of his arms. Once the orb had completely dropped away from him his flower maw sealed back up except for his vine tongue that seemed to be tasting the air.

For Lorkos his corrupted mind could only think of two things; protect the conversion plant and find others to bring to it. Even though he was completely disconnected from the vines he could still feel its needs in his mind, ready to go back and protect it whenever he needed to as well as come back to be fed in both sap and pleasure. It was the reward that the plant would give him in exchange for those services, and the mutated plant wolf was focused only on that as he began to stalk off through the woods. There was another out there already that he could find, his vine arms whipping about as the roots on his feet sped him across the ground with surprising speed.

As the plant creature disappeared into the forest Prestnos began to slither back down towards the forest floor, getting into range of the flower that had just produced the fascinating predator creature. Seeing the wolf completely enveloped by the plant, controlled by it, and even becoming a part of it was unlike anything that he could have imagined before he had planted it into the ground. Once thing that he had noticed when he had originally harvested the plants was that it did have a cooldown time after transforming someone into its thrall, though he could still sense the roots moving beneath him as he went into the clearing. When he got up close to the gel-filled stalk he could see that the orb was already starting to reconstitute itself so that it can convert another one as soon as possible.

"I must certainly thing about going to Yavini's realm once more..." Prestnos said to himself as he put a hand against the stalk, feeling not only the alien mind of the plant but also Lorkos. "How interesting indeed..."

Since the naga was the owner of this realm, which was one of the reasons why Lorkos probably didn't go immediately after him once he had finished his conversion, he could use that connection to feel what the transformed lupine was experiencing at the moment. What he got was surprising; not only did he immediately become flush with the pleasure that the plant predator was experiencing while fulfilling his tasks for the conversion plant but also he could almost feel his hands and his lower body as they were vines as well. It caused him to suddenly pull his scaly hand away from the stalk and slither away, realizing that this plant was going to be a little trickier to bring to heel then he had thought initially.

As he made sure to slither back out of the range of the vines of the plant, not wanting to be there just in case this Yavini was more clever and powerful then he had given the fox credit for, his mind went back to the other seven seeds that he was currently keeping as storage. He was only going to need one, in fact he wasn't even sure he was going to be able to keep this one despite being sure that he would be able to transform Lorkos back to his old form. But it would be a shame to just destroy them, especially after all the trouble that he had gone through in order to procure such interesting specimens in the first place. In the naga's mind he could already think of a few people whom it might be nice for him to give the seeds too, whether It's for them to study themselves or for just a little fun.

Yes, the naga thought to himself as the smile once more curled up on his face as he looked back at the flower, he was going to make sure that others were going to have a very merry Christmas indeed...

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