Ten Commands Hypnotizing

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#10 of Twelve Kinks of Christmas

Chaos finds himself becoming a part of a testing group for a new hypnosis program and ends up being transported to a new world where he gets to meet the embodiment of it.

The kink for this day was hypnosis

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Chaos whistled to himself as he made his way through his home, getting everything ready for the holidays. He never went too overboard; mostly just making sure that there was enough festivity to make it feel like Christmas as he put up a stand of green twinkling lights up around his window. The husky didn't have any plans per se about having friends over, but they liked to keep things pretty loose so he wanted to make sure that he was prepared for any sort of unexpected arrival. Of course when the doorbell rang suddenly it was something that he definitely wasn't ready for, the canine scratching the teal fur of his head as he wondered who could possibly be dropping in at this moment unannounced.

When he opened the door however he found no one standing there, the only thing outside was the night sky and the snow that was falling. It wasn't until he looked down that he saw there was one thing that hadn't been there before. It was a small package that appeared to have been delivered to his front door in the usual fashion of the delivery guy ninjaing away. The real question however was it was, especially since he couldn't recall ordering anything as of late and didn't even think that most places would be running so close to Christmas. The husky just shrugged and picked up the box, seeing that it was indeed his address and name on the box before bringing it in and setting it on the table.

After taking a knife to the tape he opened the box up to find what appeared to be a pair of VR goggles and a small booklet sitting there. "Hypnosis and you," Chaos read as he picked up the booklet, flipping it around a few times before opening it up and continuing on. "Thank you for participating in our free hypnosis experience! Unlock the full power of your mind and body in just a few simple and easy steps, VR set with built-in headphones included."

Once more the husky found himself confused as he picked up the somewhat weighty headset and looked at it. Though he had always been interested in hypnosis he had never thought to go to the next step and experience it himself. The first thought he had in his mind was that some ad that he mis-clicked while looking at stuff had caused him to get this, but then how would they have known his address in order to send the equipment? Or maybe it wasn't that he had done anything at all... he had a few friends that knew of his interests and if this was some sort of free thing then perhaps they signed him up for it as an early Christmas gift?

Either way he decided to at least try it out, if anything he could always go on the internet and send it back as he looked over the instructions that were printed in the book as well. It turned out to be relatively simple to operate, all he had to do was find a place to relax and then put the headset over his eyes with the earphones put into his ears. Then he would just hit the power button on the top of the headset and continue to follow the instructions on the screen once they came up. He took the headset out of the box and went over to his couch, taking the few decorations that were left and putting them aside before laying back on it.

It took a little bit of work before he finally got the VR headset against his eyes, though once it was put properly it seemed to fit against his face like a glove. With his eyes staring into the blackness that was the screen he carefully maneuvered his fingers around to grab the ear buds and put them in. Once again they seemed to fit perfectly and with everything set up he was ready to perform the last step. With a deep breath of uncertainty about what was going to happen he reached up once more and pressed the power button on the headset.

For a few seconds there was nothing, then Chaos saw words on the screen announcing that it was calibrating. It must have some means of figuring out how to focus, the husky thought, thought this was all starting to look very expensive for a free program. He continued to lay there and attempted to relax as the screen once more flashed between a few different loading programs before going dark once again. Finally a few seconds later the screen once more flashed to life, this time with a set of swirling colors while a voice came over the headphones telling him how this was a hypnosis course designed to change his life and all that jazz.

Though the colors attempting to be hypnotic and the tones that he heard in the earphones were pretty standard to hypnosis videos, one thing that perked him up was the voice of the one that was telling him to breathe in and out. Most used either an electronic voice or spoke in a monotone, this one had a deep, rich voice that seemed to seep into his ears rather than be something that he merely listened to. While he had tried other such programs in the past he could feel every muscle in his body begin to relax just like the voice had told him too. In the background there was also a hissing noise that he only noticed once in a while, not static like he had originally thought but something that seemed to draw him down even deeper.

"Now that you're completely relaxed it's time to work on that body of yours even further," the voice said, Chaos feeling like he was floating as the colors he watched shifted into a different set of hues that were mostly purples, blues, and greens. "Imagine, if you will, your form starting to feel like its floating, so relaxed that it's almost effortless as you continue to listen to my voice. Your muscles so relaxed its like they're on a cushion of air..."

What was surprising to Chaos was that as he allowed himself to be taken in by the voice he actually did start to feel like he was floating in the air. Most of the time when it came to things like this he might get a little tingling sensation in his body or briefly feel like what the instructor was telling him, but even as his brain knew he was just lying there on his couch his body was telling him otherwise. He couldn't even sense the pressure of his weight against the cushions, though his thoughts on that were short-lived as the voice once more brought his attention back to the headset. As it reaffirmed that he was floating and his body was relaxed the hues on the screen once more shifted, this time the coloration becoming bright red with shiny black bordering it... like hew as looking into a pair of eyes.

"Very good..." the voice said once more. "Realize the more that you relax the more you surrender yourself to my voice, which allows you to relax even more. Any anxiety, fear, nervousness is washed away by my voice as you know that your form is in good hands... my hands..."

In the back of the husky's mind he realized that the hypnosis session had taken a turn, but as he continued to stare into those glowing red eyes he found himself unable to care. Hypnosis was all about surrender after all, at least that's what his mind told him, and this voice was so intoxicating to listen to that he found himself relaxing even further. "With your mind and body completely relaxed, it's time to take you on the next step of your journey," the voice said. "Do you wish to go even deeper?"

"Yessss..." Chaos found himself saying, his words coming out in a low hiss as a low level tingle of pleasure began to crawl over his body.

"You are close," the voice said. "Still a few tendrils keeping you here though, so as you lay there and continue to listen to my voice you must imagine yourself shedding everything that ties you here, that keeps you from this ultimate blissful state. As you continue to breathe in and out you will find yourself being removed of these ties, and with each article removed you fall deeper into this trance..."

Though Chaos was deeply enthralled part of him still wondered what was meant by the voice, until he began to feel something on his body. Even though his fingers weren't moving an inch he could feel something brushing through his fur and pressing against his shirt. As the voice went out to describe in detail how he was slowly having his shirt removed he could actually feel it, his chest becoming bare from the ghostly appendages as more tremors of pleasure ran through his body. Normally something like this would have been enough to break him out of any other trance, but for some reason this only seemed to deepen it as he felt the strangely textured fingers run down his chest and stomach before doing the same thing to his pants. It didn't take long before he was completely naked, and though he was mostly focused on what the voice was telling him he could also sense that his groin had started to stir from all the stimulation as he fell even deeper into the hypnotic hold.

"There we are..." the voice said as the last vestiges of his clothing felt like they were removed. "Nothing left to hold you here, and with my voice to guide you all you have to do is walk through the door into my realm to continue this blissful interaction." The eyes that he was seeing in the viewscreen slowly morphed into a portal, this one with swirling with reds, blues, and purples while it appeared that he was standing on a set of stairs. "All you have to do to go down deeper is follow my voice as I bring you to the portal, starting with ten..."

Chaos felt himself get slightly lower, both in floating and from his virtual representation going down one of the stairs towards his goal.

"Nine, taking that first step..." the husky shuddered as the word along seemed to give him a trill of pleasure as he took another step.

"Eight, continuing to go down deeper..." as he went down another stair he could start to see something beyond the swirling colors, though it was too hard to see at this point.

"Seven, seeing your goal starting to manifest..." another stair down and he found himself trying to crane his head down even though it was a virtual representation.

"Six, all your focus on that portal..." he was going so deep everything that had been around Chaos fell away, his focus fixated on that portal he was slowly heading towards.

"Five, halfway down and already so deep..." Chaos hadn't even realized he had gotten halfway down the stairs until it was announced, his eyes still fixated on those swirling colors.

"Four, everything else falling away..." he found his hand reaching up as he could no longer feel any sensation of the outside world, not even his own body anymore.

"Three, my power over you intensifying..." the husky was practically trembling as the voice continued to drip into his mind.

"Two, the pleasure growing..." every ounce of his being was basking in the sensations as he could see the sunny field on the other side of the portal now, his destination...

"One, crossing over..." Chaos finally got close enough to touch the portal, and as he did it was like his entire being had gone from floating to flying it felt like he was getting pulled through to the other side. As he heard the voice say zero everything came crashing down around him, including his own body as he fell on his rump and hit what he resumed was the floor. As he regained his faculties about him he looked around at the virtual forest scene and when he thought that his tumble had taken him out of trance he reached up to grab the headset off of his face.

Except that when his fingers went up to his eyes to grab the device Chaos found them going through nothing but air. Suddenly he noticed that the sun shining down on his fur was warm and there was a breeze that ruffled it, everything starting to feel way too real as he scrambled to get to his feet. "I told you..." that same voice from the headset said, only as the husky turned around he saw that it had an owner as his eyes widened at seeing the muscular black rubber dragon standing there. "Shame on you for thinking that my hypnosis skills were rusty."

"My apologies for ever doubting you Master Renzyl," the rubber naga next to the dragon said, the cobra bowing his head low as Chaos realized that the shiny scales had the same coloration as the hues that were in the headset before it had been replaced with glowing red eyes. "Of course now that he is here that means that it is my turn, is it not?"

"Of course Sslynthix," the rubber dragon replied with a wink. "You were the one that tracked him down in the first place, I was merely the facilitator after my skills were called into question." The imposing creature went over to Chaos, followed by the naga slithering forward as the husky was so unsure of what to do that he ended up just standing there. "Hello Chaos, do you understand what's happening to you at the moment?"

"I... um..." Chaos said as he looked around, his brain still putting the connections together as he looked into those red eyes and started to feel himself relax involuntarily. "I'm going to guess that I'm no longer in my house. Somehow you were able to use hypnosis to take me somewhere else?"

"That's better than most I've brought this way," Renzyl stated, motioning for the naga to hold his position before wrapping his arm around the shoulders of the husky. "You are indeed in another realm and I did bring you here via hypnosis as well as a few other little tricks. Now the reason that you are here is because I am constantly looking for new talented individuals to invite into my realm, and as I'm sure you can guess you're standing next to me because you're one of them."

Chaos quickly went from confused to flattered, then started to feel a little shy as he looked away from the dragon. "I think you may have the wrong person," Chaos stated simply. "I don't really think I can help you with whatever it is you need me for, I definitely don't have any powers or anything like you seem to have."

"That's where you're wrong," Renzyl replied with a smile. "Of course don't take my word for it, why don't you go ahead and see for yourself? But there is one small catch to this all; if you decide to take the plunge I can't allow you to go back to your realm given the skillset you're about to adopt, and if that's a deal breaker to you then I will be happy to break the trance you're in and you'll wake up on your couch thinking that this was just a very intense hypnotic program that you had."

Renzyl raised his rubber fingers, ready to snap them in front of Chaos in the typical trance breaking style. The husky felt a tremor of panic as he heard the dragon saying he needed an answer immediately and started counting down from ten, feeling the world around him begin to lose focus. It wasn't much time to think about the offer, but in reality it boiled down to whether he wanted to stay with these strange and admittedly arousing creatures to gain powers or go back home. In the end Renzyl didn't even get down to five before Chaos told him to wait, putting his hands up and clasping them around the fingers of the dragon while telling him that he would do it.

"Certainly have an eager one," the naga chuckled as he slithered forward while Renzyl backed away.

"We certainly do," Renzyl said as he shot a look at the naga, who just gave him a sly grin back as the husky breathed out a sigh of relief. "Very well then, you know what to do Sslynthix."

Chaos felt slightly saddened that the rubber dragon appeared to be leaving, though his attention was quickly dominated by the naga in front of him as he slithered around him. "I think I'm going to have a lot of fun with you," Sslynthix stated as he began to coil his rubber body around the husky, who realized at that moment that he was completely naked. "You certainly have the makings to be a good hypnaga, all I have to do is coax that power out of you..."

"Hypnaga?" Chaos replied nervously as he felt the pressure increase around his body, though it wasn't uncomfortable as the latex scales rubbed against his fur. "What's that?"

"It's what we are," Sslynthix replied simply, getting all the way up to the waist of the other male before turning his upper body and looking the husky right in the eyes. "Just a look at our bodies, a glance from our eyes, and we can turn any creature's mind into clay. Of course you still have to shed that old form of yours... but don't worry, I assure you that we're going to have so much fun while doing it."

Though there were many questions bouncing around in the husky's head he caught a look at the eyes of the naga that was in front of him and he immediately felt that same exquisite floating feeling as before. As he saw the icy purples, blues, and sea-foam greens of the rubber starting to shift Chaos realized that unlike the previous trance that he was in he found a clarity of his surroundings, able to tell that the cobra was still gently and hypnotically squeezing the canine's body in order to keep relaxing his the muscles of the other male. As his form went limp against the serpentine creature, the naga's entire body shifting in hue just like his eyes had done, he could feel Sslynthix hissing into his ear telling him how good of a subject he was.

As his mind was fixated on the glowing colors he could feel something happening to him under the coils of the naga. "Now as you fall deeper into this trance you're going to feel something besides my words seeping into your subconscious..." Sslynthix said as Chaos began to feel funny, as though the rubber scales of the naga were no longer rubbing against his fur but instead it was pressed directly against his skin. "Everything of mine is about to become yours... my body, my power, everything that you see is being given to you..."

In his trance-like state Chaos managed to look down, especially since the pattern that had entranced him in the first place had spread all the way through the naga's body. As his gaze got down to the top coil that was around his chest he saw that what Sslynthix continued to whisper into his ears was actually coming true. The rubber that been rubbing luxuriously against his body seemed to have transferred onto his skin. The greys, white, and especially the aqua blue of his fur was being assimilated and where it had already spread onto his form it shined with rubber. Though it should have been something that was concerning all he could feel was... peaceful, even when his chest began to plump out into pectorals similar to the naga pressed against his back while he could feel his waist and legs growing with similar muscle.

"So good and deep..." Sslynthix continued, feeling the husky shudder in pure bliss from the sensations of being not only entranced but transformed as well. "Feel my rubber assimilating your body just like my words are doing to your mind, every word giving your psyche the power that it contains. Your mind soaking up this new energy like a sponge, taking this entrancement and learning how to do it to others."

"Do it... to others..." Chaos said, the words not sounding like his own as he heard them leaving his own muzzle. There was a sibilant hiss to his words, being altered by the fact that as Sslynthix had nuzzled and licked against him the rubber that transferred onto his head began to cause his muzzle to flatten and his tongue to start to thin. "Yesss... hypnotize others..."

"You love to hypnotize others," Sslynthix continued to reaffirm, his claws pressing against the changing male's body as the swirling rubber crawled up towards Chaos' shoulders and down his stomach. "The reason you've been so interested in hypnosis is because you are psychically attuned to the minds of others, just like most of those that are in this realm. It's what attracted you to this realm in the first place... what brought you to me... revealing your true form as a hypnaga..."

That messaged seemed to click in the mind of Chaos, the husky groaning as his mind latched onto the concept. The more the hypnaga continued to massage him the more it all seemed to make sense as he felt the stomach that had covered his stomach to start to tighten until an eight-pack similar to Sslynthix began to form. He realized just how naïve he had been until the rubber had been pulled from his mind, the transforming male not realizing that he was still deeply entranced as his tongue flicked out just as the rubbery appendage split. He hadn't even realized at that point that the corrupter hadn't been hissing for the longest time and the noise had been coming out of his own mouth.

"My new form..." Chaos said out loud, his shiny serpentine lips moving almost automatically as they repeated what was being said into him. "My body... as a hypnaga..."

"Of course," Sslynthix stated, grinning as he watched the blue, white, and blue swirling rubber cascading down the growing limbs of Chaos as a grin also spread across his transforming muzzle. "This is what you always were deep down, which was why you were trying to get into this deep state. Now you're finally reaching that subline position, your hypnaga form being the one pulling you down and leaving your old body behind."

Chaos was finding it hard to even remember what he had been before this, though the subtle feel of his pointed ears twitching reminded him of his former canine heritage until the rubber scales growing over his head melted them to his skull. Sslynthix had taken that intensely deep state and planted the seed of his new form, and as the hypnaga's power was suffusing through their newest convert it was raising him back up and causing that idea to continue to germinate inside of him. It quickly got to the point where the legs that he could still feel kicking in the coils of the other naga felt almost strange and alien to him. It was also making him acutely aware of this own member that was constantly being rubbed against as it was trapped between their two bodies.

Sslynthix decided that it was time to bring everything to a head as he shifted his coils around for the purpose of exposing the husky's still furred legs and to line up his cock against the tailhole of the other male. "Now we're going to begin to bring you back up into your new life," the hypnaga stated as he continued to tease the increasingly rubber body of the other male as he made sure to put the tapered tip of his rubber maleness against the still furred tailhole. "I'm going to count from ten, and by the time you get to one you are going to awaken completely refreshed and fully accepting of your new life as a hypnaga."

"Ten, feeling your legs becoming shiny and rubbery..." Chaos looked down as his mind continued to swirl with new thoughts, watching as the rubber that had seemed to stay around his hips cascaded down towards his thighs.

"Nine, feeling your cock begin to mimic the one being pushed inside you..." Sslynthix tightened the coil around the thickening hips of the half-formed naga, Chaos hissing loudly as he began to feel himself get spread open while his own started to become shiny.

"Eight, the changes spreading further down..." Chaos moaned again as the bright blue and white rubber started to assimilate his cock while he felt another coil wrap around his thighs and press them together.

"Seven, feeling your legs start to knit together to form into your true body..." Both husky and naga could see that the rubber converting the fur of his thighs had started to melt together into one.

"Six, the pleasure of my rod suffusing through you as you continue to change..." Chaos' clawed hands twitch and spasm as the other hypnaga continued to stretch open the hole as the rubberized cheeks of the husky became smoothed over into the rest of his lower body.

"Five, your cock fully hard and full of my power..." Sslynthix reached around and stroked the thick member of the other male as he began to stroke, the feel of the latex palm against similar sensitive flesh causing him to squirm.

"Four, the changes reaching down towards your knees..." the legs of the nearly completely transformed creature wiggled around, pushing the cock of the other male even deeper inside of him, as another coil pressed his knees to merge together.

"Three, your legs becoming no more than a distant memory as your power continues to rise..." the swirled rubber that had almost completely converted the new naga from his serpentine snout down towards his calves began to shift, swirling similarly to the snake behind him as Sslynthix continued to push deeper into his anal vent.

"Two, almost complete..." Both Sslynthix and Chaos hissed in unison as the rubber spread like wildfire over his calves and moved past his feet, both males shuddering in pleasure as they watched his toes becoming covered as the divots between his individual appendages started to smooth over.

"One, waking up as a powerful, handsome hypnaga." The final command sealed the mental changes of the new hypnaga as the last of the husky disappeared while his feet became a tapered tip of a serpentine lower body. Chaos felt himself blink several times as the haze of lust and pleasure that was clouding his thoughts suddenly cleared. As the other male hilted their rubber cock deep into him he felt his entire body flex from the hypnotic power that now flowed through his synthetic serpentine body.

As their bodies continued to entwine their rubbery bodies against one another Chaos still felt amazing, not just because of his transformation and the other naga now pumping his cock into him while their coils squeezed around one another but also from how natural it felt. Even though there was some part of him that did know that he hadn't always been a hypnaga it was like that part of him never even existed. He had always been this buff, muscular creature, looking down at his own swirling coloration and getting a slight buzz from it. Sslynthix seemed to sense that he was being entranced by his own body and as he pressed their rubber-scaled chests against one another he explained that new hypnaga's often would get slightly hypnotized by the power that radiated from their forms.

Chaos just nodded, then gasped once more as Sslynthix smirked and pumped his cock particularly deep into his new anal vent. The rubberization of his insides had caused the walls being stimulated by the similarly synthetic member had caused him to nearly climax himself. At he same time Chaos continued to get his own member stroked, squeaking along with the rest of their bodies as they began to settle into rutting. The rhythm of the other male's thrusts were almost as hypnotic as his voice as the two continued to pleasure one another in the woods.

After what seemed like hours both hypnaga's had their fill of one another, Chaos getting a bit of time one top even though it was hard to keep track of whose body was where. "We should be getting back to the manor," Sslynthix stated as they began to untangle their bodies from one another. "Master Renzyl is going to want to see you before we get back to our little slice of paradise."

"Master Renzyl..." Chaos stated, the words rolling off his forked tongue with ease. "I suppose I should meet with the one that brought me here in the first place, thank the rubber dragon for doing so. Lead the way?"

"I would love to," Sslynthix replied with a grin, stretching out his hand so that the other rubber male could take it as they began to slither through the woods. "The best part about traveling through these woods is that you aren't going to have to count down from ten in order to get through them. Plus it's kind of hard to take steps when you don't have any more feet... and then once we get back to the enclave I'm definitely going to make sure to teach you how use those powers of yours."

Chaos found the smile on his serpentine snout grew even more as he felt a tremor of excitement running down his spine, feeling like he was floating now for a completely different reason as they traveled through the realm...

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