Twelve Synths Corrupting

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#12 of Twelve Kinks of Christmas

A holiday job offer turns into a more permenant position for a criminal looking for work.

The kink for this day was robotization

Tana sighed as he looked through the internet job postings, clicking through each of them and just as quickly dumping them in the trash once he had read through them. The cobra had been looking for a job for weeks, though he had a day job it was as a professional criminal the life was starting to get a bit strenuous. He wanted something that was a little more normal, or at least one that didn't have him getting shot at every other mission. Unfortunately the problem with living a life in the shadows is that he didn't have anything to show for it to prove his skills as he couldn't necessarily bring up his former employers for references to his illegal activities.

"And another day's worth of offerings down the tube," Tana said with a sigh as he clicked on the trash icon in the bottom of the window, sending the offer he wasn't qualified for into the virtual garbage with the others. "I realize I'm not going to be invited into a megacorporation or something but would an entry level job with decent pay in the electronics field be so much to ask, especially with how many secrets I've stolen for them?"

After seeing that he wasn't qualified for anything yet again Tana got up from his computer and went over to his couch. Not only was he not finding a job but he also hadn't taken a job on his old employment, and the serpentine creature was starting to feel a bit antsy and anxious. He had built up quite a bit of savings in order to prepare himself for a drought of jobs, and that was what he was using to live on while he attempted to find something normal. Though he could go back to that life at any time it meant more late night calls, bloody visits to street docs, and always looking over one's shoulder.

As Tana finished cooking up his lunch he was just about to sit down in front of his holovid when he saw that his computer screen was still on. While that wouldn't have stopped him he also saw that his job finder site was still up and that there was a new notification of a job that had popped up. Though the cobra wasn't to keen on seeing yet another job that he couldn't apply for he decided to click on it anyway while he waited for his food to cool. He set his bowl aside and sat down in his chair as the computer took a few seconds to load before he was suddenly greeted with flashing letters.

It was the usual spiel that most jobs had, talking about exciting opportunities and looking for motivated individuals and stuff like that. After a few weeks Tana had already learned to scroll through most of that garbage and get right to the qualifications and years of experience. Much to his surprise the cobra found that both were marked with none, which meant that he could just hit the button and send off his resume. A job in the electronics field that required no experience and no other qualifications was exactly what he needed... but at this point after all the rejections he began to wonder if this was some sort of scam.

Tana looked over the job offer a few times and saw that there were a few buzzwords in there, but from what he could see it was a pretty straightforward job in data migration. He decided to give it a shot anyway and just sent off his resume, then went back to eating his food. Before he even got to the bottom of his bowl he heard a ding and looked over to see that he had gotten a response already. Looking over at it he saw that the job placement board had not only accepted his resume but it had already set up a time for him, telling him that he was scheduled for an interview tomorrow at around the same time.

With this being the first lead that he had gotten in quite some time Tana made sure to prepare himself, spending the rest of the night getting himself ready before going to bed early. The next day he got up and got to the building that was on the appointment sheet to find that it was in right inside the tech district. He found that it was one of the bigger office buildings too... which in his mind only seemed to enhanced legitimacy of the job offer. He had been in many of these buildings before, though usually it was at night downloading data while avoiding security guards.

Once he had checked himself for the dozenth time Tana walked into the office building and went up to the secretary that sat in the desk at the center of the lobby. "Hi there," the cobra said, causing the wolfess to look at him. "I'm here for an interview with Haleon?"

"Haleon?" the wolfess replied, going to her computer with a look of slight confusion on her face. "I don't remember any company by that name..." the lupine scratched her head as she stopped typing and looked at the screen. "Well, there you go, must be a new company... and I see your name there too so Mr. Haleon is expecting you."

After the wolfess gave Tana the directions on where to go and it wasn't long before the cobra found himself riding up the elevator towards what was hopefully a new opportunity. He could feel butterflies floating around in his stomach as he waited for the car to get to his destination. When the number finally lit up and he heard the ding he took a deep breath and walked out of the door onto the floor. Surprisingly there wasn't anyone waiting for him when he stepped out... and as he looked around he didn't see anyone working there at all.

Though part of him was just telling him that he was being paranoid he couldn't help but wonder if this was a trap, especially when he heard the loudspeaker in the office crackle to life. "I do apologize," the voice on the speaker said. "I've had to take care of a few things and haven't been able to get away quite yet. If you could just go down the hall you'll see that there's a computer set up that has the automated potential employee analysis has been set up, why don't you go ahead and get started and I'll join you before you finish?"

Though it was certainly a bizarre start to the job interview Tana had to admit that he hadn't been a part of one for quite some time. Maybe this was just how they did it now, he thought as he followed the instructions of the mysterious voice. What was more concerning was the fact that the entire area was set up for a business but there wasn't anyone there save for him. But... perhaps if this was a startup they're doing their first round of hiring, the cobra thought to himself as he turned the corner and found a lone computer on in the middle of the room.

Tana looked around the area on habit before sitting down at the computer screen, looking at the words on it as he settled into the somewhat comfortable chair. "Welcome to the potential employee assessment system," Tana read out loud, sighing slightly. "Please answer the questions honestly and blah blah blah. Man I really hope that this isn't an indicator of things to come."

With a few more clicks Tana typed in his personal information before being led to a series of questions that had the usual range of answers that ranged from not like this at all to very much like this. Though most of the initial questions are rather easy there were more then one that caused him to pause slightly. More then once he was asked if he had ever committed a crime, though he naturally picked the answer that said he wasn't like that at all he couldn't help but pause for a second or two. After the third time it had a differently-worded question that asked the same thing it made him wonder if this Haleon character actually knew that he was a criminal and was attempting to hire him for an entirely different kind of job.

The entire time he clicked through the questions as well he coughed slightly, not seeing the silver dust that had blown out of the air duct that was right above the cobra. Tana did find himself coughing slightly as he got to the fifth page of questions. He began to wonder if perhaps he could go out and get a glass of water before finishing up the questionnaire, though at this point he stared to think that maybe this thing wouldn't end at all. In fact he wasn't even sure what questions he was answering anymore, starting to lose focus as started to get glassy-eyed staring at the screen.

The cobra hadn't even realized it but the way he was answering questions was also starting to change, especially as what was being asked started to get darker in nature. While the first few pages were the standard would you work well in a group or do you see yourself as a leader ones, he started to see questions asking things like would you be fine with corrupting another person or would you turn another into a robot if you boss asked you too. Though the questions were mildly disconcerting he had been just putting down not at all interested or not likely, but as time continued on his answers started shifting more towards the positive end of the spectrum. It wasn't until there was only single questions on the screen did Tana even notice just how strange they had gotten.

"Would you knowingly infect an entire computer system with nanites to transform others in order to please your master..." Tana said, his tongue flicking out past his lips which sounded slightly like the clicking of metal on metal as his mind tried to comprehend the question. "I... shouldn't, but if I'm trying to impress my master... but I don't have a master. But if I did have a master I would want to serve them as best as I could."

The next question was equally bizarre in nature. "Do you wish to serve Master Haleon in order with your new synthetic body?" Tana read, not realizing his eyes were no longer blinking as they started to glow. "My... synthetic body... I don't have..."

When Tana looked down at himself he saw that something was poking through his clothing, and as his fingers went up to look at them he saw that his fingers had become coated in blue metal scales with longer claws. The transforming creature looked back over at the screen to see that it was completely black... as though it had never been on in the first place. As he got up from the chair he saw that his tail had also become metallic in nature, though it appeared that the metal plates had rubber underneath along with glowing lines starting to appear. He knocked over the chair in shock as he heard a loud rip, looking to see that whatever had been growing underneath his suit had already started to rip through it.

"Well well," a deep voice said, Tana turning back to see a robot eagle standing in the doorframe. "I was wondering if you were going to break the programming. Here I thought that you might have been completely transformed before you realized that something was going on."

"What have you done to me?" the cobra asked in shock. Since he could see multiple tears in what had been his good suit Tana decided that it was a lost cause and just ripped off the ruined clothing. What he saw underneath caused him to recoil in shock as the bright blue metal feathers that had shredded his clothing pressed back against his chest. Though his chest and abs were still scales, though they were turning to metal plates, his sides and back had been completely covered with the strange feathers. It appeared that the flexible metal had stuck out just to rip up his clothes, now that he was completely bare-chested they completely contoured themselves to his body as he became more muscular.

"You said that you wanted a job," Haleon said, a smirk forming on his metal beak as he walked in. "Given your skills I knew that I couldn't let you go to waste pining away at some sort of desk job, yet can understand the worry of mortality that your current profession brought you. So in exchange for that amazing synthetic body given to you by the nanites I had pumping into this room you will help serve me doing something that you've always wanted to keep doing anyway."

Though Tana was still trying to wrap around his transformation, which was still ongoing as he began to feel something pushing out from his back as the rubber, metal, and neon lines continued to spread all over and assimilated his body. He could feel his muscles and bones being subsumed into servos and cables, all of it with the purpose of augmenting his form as his eyes started to glow even brighter. When he attempted to move forward he heard another rip and he looked down to see that his pants were going the same direction as his suit coat. It was only happening to the top part of his pants and when he took his claws to rip them off he saw why; the same feathers that had coated his sides, back, and upper arms had done the same to his thighs while his shins and feet went the same route as his upper hands and feet growing bright blue scales.

As he feet became more like the muscular avian creature that was standing there, the robot eagle moving over and putting his hand on the shoulder of the hybrid. "I know that it's not the orientation that you were expecting but I think it's safe to say that you're hired," he said as Tana looked up at him, half his face metallic while the other was still organic. "Of course if you want to leave all of this behind all you have to do is leave. The elevator is back the way you came, down the hall and to the left."

The cobra looked past Haleon and towards the door, picking himself up and starting to head towards it. Though his body, which was now mostly synthetic, was easily able to be moved Tana found it hard to do so. Flashes of words began to flash across his mind's eye, things such as master, corruption, and other things that had started to wear away his willpower. The transformation hadn't just affected him in his body either, as his brain was replaced with alien hardware the programming that he had absorbed through the computer screen that he thought he had been taking a quiz was overriding his other thoughts. This devious programming as well as what Haleon had said had left Tana thinking... but it wasn't about how to get to the elevator as he looked back at the eagle.

"I... will serve you..." Tana said as he found himself lowering to one knee, reinforcing his corrupted loyalty to the avian creature as his own synthetic wings grew from his back and spread out wide. "Master Haleon..."

"Very good," Haleon said, taking his hand and putting it against the still fairly serpentine head of his newest thrall. "Now I know this is a bit sudden but I need you for your first mission." Tana's glowing eyes widened as he felt something push into his neck as the cable that extended from Haleon's arms pushed their way not only into the new USB port on his neck but his ears as well. "Downloading the details now..."

A sim den was a place where people could go and live out their deepest, wildest fantasies in the world of total immersion virtual reality for a few hours. Though they had just emerged in the market these places where people could go anywhere, do anything, and even be with their friends when they did it had become extremely popular. For Harold the initial investment of his own sim pods after graduating with a degree in artificial environment design and virtual hardware interfacing had proven to be the right thing as the bull was making money hand over fist. As he finished securing the latest group of people in the twelve pods he was definitely happy at the success he was having... but in watching the scenario that they had loaded start to play on the monitoring software that smile he had put on them slowly turned to a frown.

Earlier in his life Harold had gotten a rather nasty brain tumor, and though they had caught it early enough to be removed he needed to get a cybernetic implant in his brain in order for it to continue to function properly. While he was thankful that his life had been saved it meant that he couldn't use such technology... meaning that he never got to experience what his guests currently where as he made his way back to the front office. Even as he got to the door he couldn't help but look back and see those in the pods twitching slightly. It was clear from where they were reacting the strongest what they had wanted to experience, the bull turning off the lights to leave them in the throes of their virtual orgy.

With all of his pods full for the next few hours it gave him some time to do a bit of busy work since he didn't have to worry about anyone coming in. As he began to go through his financial program to balance his business books however he was surprised to see that his front door sensor had gone off. "Strange..." he said to himself as he got up from his desk. "I thought I had locked that door after they had come in."

The bull quickly ran down the stairs and went over to the front desk, seeing a figure in a hoodie and sweatpants with their back turned to him. "Welcome to Sensory Overload," Harold introduced in his customary greeting. "I'm afraid that all my pods are currently in use and there is quite the reservation list for them. If you would like to give me your extranet account I can put you on a mailing list and... get back... to you..."

Harold's usual pitch trailed off as the person turned around and he saw a pair of glowing golden serpentine eyes staring at him from underneath the hood. "I'm very happy to hear that you are quite busy," Tana stated as he pulled down his hoodie, revealing the metallic scales of his face and similar freathers forming into a plumage that ran down his neck. "But I'm not here to buy Harold... in fact you could say that I'm here to sell."

"Sell?" Harold asked, immediately starting to feel a bit of intimidation from this creature as he put down the tablet he had been holding. "I... don't need anything..." This caused the other creature to laugh, though it sounded more like the hissing of speakers, and as Tana continued to move forward the bull had continued to back up. While robots weren't an unheard of thing in the world this one was definitely different; most of the ones were just helper drones that had no personality or real features, this creature definitely had both as it leaned in and seemed to stare right into his soul.

"That's where you're wrong Harold," Tana explained as he watched the bull continue to step away from him. "I can give you the one thing that you've always wanted, something that you've been pining for ever since you heard of it. Now I'm sure that you already know what I'm talking about..."

Harold shook his head, but already in the back of his mind he knew what the strange creature was talking about. Entering into the virtual world... it was something that he was desperately wanted, but just as he felt himself get drawn in he blinked a few times and immediately backed up again. "But... you can't," the bull said. "Even if you have some sort of technology to work with my implant the doctors have said that I would be incompatible and it would mess with my mind."

"The tech I possess is far beyond what you can comprehend..." Tana hissed with a grin, the cobra closing the distance between the two of them once again. "All you have to do is let me in and I can show you things beyond your comprehension. Just let me in..."

Much to the bull's surprise the synth dropped the cloak that he was wearing, revealing his lithe hybrid synth body to him. The black metal gleamed in the light as he saw the fingers of the creature reach out towards him, tiny fiber optics heading out towards the exposed part of his head implant. Things beyond his comprehension... it was so tempting as he watched them head up towards the ports near his skull. Before they could connect though he pulled away, thanked Tana for his time, and then immediately walked back into the main area of the building before closing the door behind him. Once he had locked it he looked back in his receiving area to see if the synth would do anything, only to watch them leave.

That was... rather unusual, he thought to himself as he started to head back to the office. In the back of his mind he still wondered if he had made the right decision, but before he could mull on it too much he heard an alarm going off in the main chamber. He ran towards the pod room and arrived just in time to see all the pod doors opening, something that definitely shouldn't be happening since bringing someone out of a simulated reality early was dangerous. As he was about to go over and try to reinitialize the program he stopped and gasp as the hands that began to appear on the lip of the pods were covered in black metal.

It was impossible... he thought to himself as he began to back away from the synths that were climbing out of his pods. The sound of electronic music suddenly filled the air, which was familiar to him as part of the soundtrack to the rave simulation he had given them. He ran back towards the doors to get to his mainframe room but when he attempted to open them the metal rattled. The bull couldn't believe it, somehow his locking system had activated to trap him with these creatures!

Before the bull had a chance to try and formulate a new plan he suddenly felt something grab him from behind, and when he looked back he was surprised to see that it wasn't any of the synths that had emerged from the pod. "I told you that I could show you things," Tana hissed as he pressed his robotic tongue pressed against the ear of the bull, who could see the other synths gathering around him and starting to stroke and caress his entire body. "This is my way to ease you into it..."

Tana began to drag him back towards one of the pods as the other synths continued to stroke and massage him, Harold gasping and groaning as they continued to pleasure him. The bull's mind still couldn't comprehend what was going on as he looked back to see that one of his pods had been changed, the soft bio-gel that lined it replaced with a mass of metallic tentacles. The synth hybrid gave him a kiss on the cheek and told him to enjoy as he backed away while the others gently lowered him into the pod. There was nothing he could do, before he could do anything the metal tentacles coiled around him and brought him into the pod.

Soon his vision was filled with the glowing LED eyes of the creatures that had been transformed, his own growing wide as he felt his tailhole and maw get filled with orifice-stretching dildos that were definitely not part of his initial design. Tana grinned and waved and Harold let out a muffled grunt as so many tentacles slithered over his body that his body quickly disappeared underneath the metal. The last thing that he saw before he was left to the machinations of the tentacles pleasuring him was the light of Tana's eyes flashing...

Meanwhile in the real world the bull stood there completely naked, drooling slightly as he absentmindedly stroked his own cock while nanites continued to spread over his body. Tana grinned and watched him pleasure himself as he injected Haleon's programming into the mainframe, watching as it infected and corrupted the twelve people in those pods. He had managed to infiltrate the bull's security system and had ambushed the male in his office, then corrupted the male to lead him down into the mainframe room and disable the failsafes that would have shut down everything upon his intrusion. This one was no dummy but it also worked to Tana's benefit as he inputted the parameters into the system... using the design of the synths that the bull had generated when he converted him to overlay onto the others, transforming them into the very thing that Harold had thought had captured him.


It had been a few days since Haleon's latest drone had completely corrupted the sim den, seeing the others that had been taken over by his programming enjoying their new forms to the fullest. Though it would still be some time before this place could be fully functional as a conversion facility it held great promise, and it was all thanks to the one that he had recruited. When he got into the mainframe room of the sim den he saw the cobra-avian hybrid right where he had left him, locked in restraints that he had made specially for him as wires were connected from the corrupted mainframe to him in order to perform diagnostics. Even with the creature running in stand-by mode it was clear that the pleasure being fed to him through those in the club that he had taken over was almost overwhelming as his metallic cock twitched.

"You have gone above and beyond all the expectations that I had from you, my sweet serpent drone," Haleon said, taking his hand and rubbing it along the muscular chest of his thrall and watching his entire body shuddering in his bindings. "I've been reviewing the data and I can tell that you have so much potential, there's only one thing left to do before that can be unlocked. Don't worry, I know that you are going to enjoy this so much..."

Though Tana was unable to respond the hybrid was still acutely aware of everything happening as he watched Haleon's hand drift towards his head once more. With the combination of the programming and restraints he didn't move a muscle as his pleasure sensors went off and a visible tremor of arousal went through his entire body. His back did arch slightly and his muscles tensed slightly in the cuffs that kept him to the wall as he felt those fingers continue to reach back until they got to the bottom of his neck. At first it felt like they were just teasing the metal there but as the synth continued to bask in the pleasure of his master he began to feel something funny happening to the back of his neck.

At first it was merely a pressure, but as Tanakeah continued to focus in on what was happening to him he suddenly realized that they were actually pushing into his body like a slot had opened back there. What had Master Haleon intended to do to him, he wondered as he began to feel the programming of the eagle weaving through his own consciousness. As it did he began to feel... strange, as though all of his thoughts and feelings were starting to become even more focused on that spot where he was being caressed. It was like his very essence of will and being were being pulled there, coalescing in a swirling mass of consciousness that contained everything that the cobra had been before...

Then, suddenly, it was gone.

The smaller synth male's eyes flashed and there was a brief moment where the serpentine snout of the face briefly froze in a gasp of surprise before it immediately reset into a passive pose. "I can't have my best corrupter have their processes burdened by all these pesky memories and personalities," Haleon stated as he pulled out a thick piece of metal from Tana's neck and waved it in front of his eyes that had begun to pulse with a steady light. "Don't worry though, with all that space freed up you're going to be trained in so much more, my programming flowing through your empty memory banks to fill them with my will. Doesn't that sound like fun?"

"Yes Master Haleon," the robot replied dutifully in his electronic voice. "Drone is ready to obey and corrupt."

"Such a good drone," Haleon replied, seeing the eyes of the cobra-avian light up in its registration of pleasure. "Now if you don't mind, I have a dozen ravers that you have given me that I need to get ready for their next task and they're going to be very busy. It is the holiday season after all..."

Eleven Tentacles Coils

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Ten Commands Hypnotizing

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Nine Reindeer Playing

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