A Kinky Christmas Afterparty

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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This story takes place after The Twelve Kinks of Christmas, where Dieter/Rudolph is taken to a resort with the other leather reindeer.

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It was the dead of winter and over the snow-capped landscapes a group of creatures flew through the air. Anyone that might have looked up at that point would have possibly thought that it might be some sort of low-flying aircraft, with particularly sharp-eyed individuals thinking that it might be Santa. While the latter was more the intention of the one in the sleigh the black leather horse was definitely not delivering presents for kids and his reindeer men looked more like they belonged in a strip club. Their muscular bodies glistened in the night as they ran through the air while Santer continued to drive them onwards.

"Last stop!" Santer shouted over the rush of wind. "Everyone get ready for reentry!"

In the front of the sled Dieter, though the red leather horse went by Rudolph after he had been transformed by the other reindeer after a fateful stop in the woods, felt his stomach do a flip in anticipation. He had been the only one that hadn't been in the realm of the leather horse before and he had grown increasingly anxious to see what it looked like. He had only gotten snippets of description from the others when they stopped for Santer to deliver some of his adult toys, and when they weren't groping or fondling one another they did give him a few bits of info. There was still a lot of mystery surrounding the area however, but as the air shimmered in front of them he knew that he would soon get the entire picture.

Dieter braced himself as he went through the portal along with all the others. He felt the tingle of magic through his entire body and the next second he found himself still in a snow-covered landscape, except that when he looked in the distance he saw a mountain that hadn't been there before along with a rather large wooden building. It reminded him of a ski lodge, and when he called back to Blitzen he found out that was exactly what it was. Since they were all leather creatures they didn't have to worry about things like cold, and their thick hides acted just like a ski suit as they go down the mountain in their skiing and snowboarding abilities.

There was a small group that had gathered in front of the lodge, mostly horses, moose, elk, and other such creatures. They were all waiting for the group to land, and when Santer steered them to the front of the lodge there was a cheer that came up from the crowd. Though most of the adoration seemed to go towards the nexus creature there were quite a few that went over towards the restrained reindeer in order to fawn over them. There were one or two that even went up to the new red and white leather creature as Dieter felt the dildo inside of him pull out once their hooves were firmly on the ground.

"Alright guys," Santer said as several of the reindeer were already starting to get fondled, the leather horse motioned for everyone to calm down and pay attention to him. "These guys had a rather busy night and I think they deserve a little treat, something that I'll be providing for them. Why don't the rest of you head out to the back while I reserve the main lodge area for their after party."

The other minions were more then understanding and all of them dispersed to other areas of the ski lodge, including the one that had started to make out with Dieter. As he watched the muscular cervine walk away his head snapped around when he heard the name Rudolph get called out. "Come on buddy," Blitzen said as he went over and unhitched his harness and got him completely disengaged from the sled. "It's time that you get your reward for all your help tonight."

"You mean this isn't reward enough?" Dieter stated as he ran his hands down his muscular leather form, the bells on his harness jingling.

"That's more like the uniform," Donner said as he walked up towards the Blitzen and put his arm around the other reindeer's waist. "Though I think from the sounds of people talking more then one of us are going to make this more of a permanent thing. But you have a party that you want to get to so lets make sure you enjoy as much of the festivities as possible before Santer comes to collect you and take you back to your realm."

As the two walked away Dieter heard the jingle of the bells on their harnesses he felt himself sinking back into the Rudolph mindset, which the former lion had been drifting out of until he heard them once again. He was clearly still feeling the male leather reindeer mentality though as he adjusted his jock, feeling the thick cock inside twitching as he watched the exposed rears of the other two head up into the building. The entire night had been a wild ride of lust and adventure and Rudolph... Dieter wasn't sure how they could possibly top what he had just gone through.

Nevertheless Dieter was excited as he started to walk up towards the lodge, his hooves crunching in the snow before they started to clomp up the wooden stairs. Even though he had been using them all night he had been in the air for most of that time and he still found it strange to be using them. He had gotten a lot better since the beginning of the night to the point where he didn't even sleep as he opened the door. Immediately he was greeted with a wave of warm air and despite his leather body being resistant to the cold Dieter found that it was a welcome feeling.

When the red leather reindeer got into the main lodge area Santer had been talking about his jaw dropped slightly in awe. The entire space was huge with the main area having a vaulted ceiling that was dominated by an open firepit that had a stone chimney over it that drew up all the smoke. There was also a balcony that lined the room that could look down into the main room and some of the reindeer had managed to already get up there to talk with others. The majority however were still down on the primary floor, either lounging on the thick leather furniture around the fire pit or looking out the huge windows on one wall that looked out over the patio and mountain.

True to his word Santer had already provided food and other refreshments, Christmas music playing in the background while various movies and games were on display in several televisions that were around the room. When Dieter looked around he found Dieter and Donner just finishing up at the end of the buffet line where he noticed the latter reindeer had loaded up almost completely on desserts that were being covered in chocolate from one of the fountains. When he went over towards them they motioned for him to grab a plate for himself before joining them near the fire pit.

Up to that time Dieter wasn't even sure if they could be able to eat, but it was clear they could do and despite not having the typical hunger that came with working hard all night he found his stomach rumbling at the sight of all that food. He found himself loading up a plate high with stuff from savory to sweet and got one of the hot chocolates that were being served. Once he had gotten everything he needed, more then he probably ever would have been able to eat as a lion, he went over to the couches where Blitzen and Donner had sat as well. The three reindeer talked a bit while they ate with the sounds of the fire in the pit crackling and popping in the background.

"So Rudolph," Blitzen said as he and Donner leaned into the leather reindeer that sat between them, taking a finger and jingling a bell on his harness. "What did you think of our little reindeer games?"

Dieter huffed slightly as their hands started to rub up and down his body idly while their other hand continued to feed themselves and also occasionally him. "I have to say that I certainly enjoyed the experience," he replied, his mind slipping more and more into calling himself Rudolph as they continued to jingle the bells on his harness. "Seeing all those places, meeting you guys, it was all almost overwhelming."

"Well the last thing we wanted to do is overwhelm you," Donner replied as he leaned in closer. "Especially now that we're having a little private time together. Perhaps we could go off and spend some quality time together while we relax?"

Before Rudolph had a chance to respond he found the other reindeer's lips on his own, tasting the chocolate that he had constantly been stuffing into his maw until that moment. As the tongue of the other male slid into his maw he could feel the other male already behind him, the sound of their harnesses jingling as they pressed against one another filling the air. When he opened his eyes briefly he saw that others had begun to act in a similar fashion with some merely making out while pressed against one another while others were already rutting with one another. When Donner was finished with their intense kiss Rudolph hardly got to take a breath before his head was turned and he started getting kissed from the other side as well.

Rudolph continued to get sandwiched by the two males as he felt his cock twitch in his jock, especially as he felt a few fingers slide within. Before they got too far into it however they motioned for him to follow them, pulling him up by his harness and bringing him over towards the back patio. Much like the main room it appeared that Santer had reserved this spot for them as well, the only ones out there was Dasher with his body pressed up against an even bigger moose as they engaged in intimate conversation. For Rudolph however his destination along with the other two was the hot tub that was in the middle of the deck.

"I find that there's nothing more invigorating after a long day's work then a hot soak," Blitzen stated as he went over towards the hot tub, Donner nodding as he continued to lead the other leather reindeer over. "Of course it would make little sense for us get our bells all rusted up in the water so we're going to have to strip down. I take it that won't be a problem for a stud like you, right Rudolph?"

The words rang in Rudolph's mind more then the jingling of the bells as he found himself nodding. The three leather reindeer quickly took off their harnesses and their jocks, leaving all three of them exposed to the elements as they began to enter into the frothing water of the hot tub. Much like with when he entered into the lodge the warmth of the water was an unnecessary but welcome reprieve from the chill of the air around them as they all found a place to sit down. Though the hot tub was rather large they once more crowded around one another, specifically Blitzen and Donner once more squeezing Rudolph in the middle with their muscular bodies.

"I'm not sure what your idea of private is," Rudolph stated as he looked out at the other leather creatures, along with a few of a different composition, skiing and snowboarding on the mountain that overlooked the lodge as well as others doing other winter activities. "But I think we just got more into public then before."

"Oh, is that what we did?" Blitzen said, giving Rudolph a flirting grin as he leaned in close. "Well considering that we just flew around in the air completely naked and had sex in a forest in front of a bunch of other guys I think that might qualify us as slightly exhibitionistic. What do you think Donner?"

"I wholeheartedly agree," Donner replied, also leaning in until their three muzzles were almost touching one another. "If this isn't your cup of tea Rudolph then we can move this into someplace more private, but I would rather think that a buff creature such as yourself would enjoy playing a few reindeer games for everyone to see just what a handsome specimen of a male you are. Just look at that red leather, you practically gleam among the rest of us."

If his body had the capacity to blush he would be doing so as the other two males fawned over him, rubbing his chest and stroking down beneath the water. They had not only made him feel so welcome but confident as well, bringing him into the fold and accepting him instantly. Plus they were right, it wasn't like they hadn't been out in the open all this time as they continued to whisper and nibble in his ear. As their hands began to grip and stroke his cock he found himself huffing and finally nodded, which caused the two to get up excitedly and discuss who was going to take which position.

Suddenly Rudolph realized that the way they were talking he was going to be the one in the middle, and when he asked about that they just chuckled and said that of course he was going to be the one between them again. "It takes a real man to get in the middle of two studs," Donner explained, motioning over to Blitzen who leaned back and bumped up against the harness that was laying next to the hot tub to jingle the bells. "Besides, you already proved that you could do it before, and we would be eternally grateful if you let us honor you in this way Rudolph."

Even though the red and white leather reindeer's eyes darted between the two grinning males his eyes were more focused on the glistening members that had stuck out from the surface of the water. With the way that the hot tub was created there was a shallow end where the three could be on their knees and still be above the surface, likely an intentional design as Rudolph once more found himself succumbing to the whims of the other mischievous reindeer and getting in the middle of them. "Actually," Blitzen said as he looked at Rudolph on all fours while Donner tilted his head slightly at him. "I think I may know the thing that would make this scenario so much better."

A few minutes later Rudolph was once more on his knees as the two males approached him from either end, his eyes slightly narrowed at them as he fidgeted against the muzzle that had been put around his head. "I'm starting to think that you might be riding me a bit here," he said as he felt Donner grabbing him around the straps that were around his thighs, which included a silver cock ring they had fitted on him in order to keep him perpetually hard.

"Well we're definitely going to give you a ride Rudolph," Blitzen said with a grin as he grabbed onto the reins, pulling him gently closer to his own groin. "Time to see how this reindeer really flies!"

Rudolph huffed and looked at the cock presented in front of him, licking his lips as he once more found himself growing increasingly lustful. The way the straps accentuated his form did make him look even more masculine, the harness around his chest highlighting his pectorals and abs with the silver ring in the middle similar to the one nestled against his groin. It also made the eyes that had wandered over towards their area make him feel even more desired, which prompted him to put on a show as he licked up the length of the cock in front of him. It caused the Blitzen to shudder to the point where the water the three were in splashed slightly around him.

Though Rudolph thought of possibly slow playing it Donner had other ideas, the horny leather creature not willing to wait for his fellow sleigh puller until he pushed into the supple rear of the male in front of him. Rudolph practically melted right there in that hot tub as he heard the loud groan of approval from the reindeer behind him as he gripped the waist belt even tighter to keep himself steady from the stimulation. Despite this not being the first time tonight he had been penetrated Rudolph's tailhole was more then able to squeeze around the girthy length being slid into him, his muzzle opened as wide as the harness on his head allowed him to be as he was spread open.

This gave Blitzen an opening and slid the head of his cock into Rudolph's open maw, managing to get nearly halfway inside before it even touched his tongue or the sides of his head. Considering that he was just as endowed as the reindeer behind him it was an impressive feat, a sentiment that resonated among those that were up close watching them as they began to rock the male in the middle back and forth. After being pent up from Santer's unique method of having them traveling faster all of them were already on edge, and with the warm maw and tailhole of Rudolph engulfing them the two males quickly started to move their hips even faster. It wasn't long before Blitzen had even slid the head of his cock into the pliable throat of the other reindeer, Rudolph's throat bulging as he took the entire length inside of him.

"Damn," Donner huffed as he continued to thrust forward, getting deeper with each stroke until soon his groin was slapping against the toned rear of the reindeer in front of him. "Are you sure that Master Santer won't let us keep him?"

"You... know the rules..." Blitzen said back, his eyes bulging slightly as Rudolph's tongue slid around his shaft while he pushed in. "If they... request to go back... they go back..." his words were cut short as Rudolph swallowed around his cock, causing the throat muscles to contract around him and giving him enough stimulation to climax. This caused him to jam himself forward and for Rudolph to lose his balance and fall backwards onto Donner's lap, who also let out a loud cry as he was suddenly hilted and reached his own orgasm.

As the three struggled to recover from their intense experience all three of them glanced over when they heard clapping, the others that had gathered giving them a round of applause with one of them holding up a piece of paper where they had hastily scrawled the number ten on it. Blitzen and Donner both grabbed some snow that was somewhat near them, which was somewhat difficult since their cocks were still embedded deep in Rudolph's holes, and tossed it at them to get them to disperse. The others just chuckled and scattered, leaving the three of them sitting there until they were finally able to move enough that they could pull out from one another.

With their fun concluded for the moment they actually decided to sit in the hot tub for a while, Rudolph opting to keep on the gear they had put onto his body while they did so. "You mentioned something where I wouldn't have to leave," Rudolph said, his initial words becoming slightly muffled before he adjusted the strap on his muzzle. "How would... one go about doing such a thing?"

"It's pretty simple actually," Blitzen replied. "All you have to do is what you're doing now, except that you tell Master Santer that you wish to stay here and you become his minion." The naked leather creature stood up and asked if any of the other two wished to get a drink, Rudolph shaking his head and Donner telling him to get a spiked hot chocolate. Once he was gone Donner glanced back over at Rudolph who had been staring at Blitzen all the way until he had gone back into the lodge.

"Don't think that you have to stay on our account or anything," Donner said earnestly. "I know we're kind of having fun messing with your mind at the moment but I want to make sure that you're not thinking you have to, that's not how we do things around here."

Rudolph... Dieter shook his head and took off the harness completely. "I realize that I don't have to stay here," the red leather reindeer stated quickly. "But after being with you guys, playing around with the stuff that we're doing... I mean, I have to admit that it's tempting. I still have to think about my life that I might be leaving behind but if it's for this, not to mention you guys, I would be crazy not to consider it."

Though Dieter didn't want to admit it to Blitzen he had actually been thinking about making his form as well as his stay in Santer's realm a permanent thing ever since they had gotten to the lodge. It wasn't just about the sex either or the fact that they gave him the body that was currently enjoying either, there was actually a real sense of comraderie here that he found himself thoroughly enjoying. Not to mention that there was the intense sex that they shared between one another, Dieter thought as a grin passed his muzzle. As the two continued to talk about what joining Santer's realm would entail Blitzen eventually came back with three mugs filled to the brim, telling Dieter that he got him one just in case he wanted it as he slid into the hot tub.

"So did you convince him to join us?" Blitzen asked after he got himself settled.

"He's definitely thinking about it," Donner said with a grin. "Perhaps he might need a little more persuasion to join us, and not the bell-ringing kind."

"Aww, did you tell him that we were messing with him with the bells?" Blitzen asked, his face falling slightly when Donner laughed and nodded. "Well that's no fun now, it's so cute when they start thinking differently without even realizing it."

"Well you can tell Master Santer that and see how well it goes for you," Donner replied as he took a drink from his mug, Blitzen grinning sheepishly and shaking his head. "Yeah, I thought not. Also you can tell him the other surprise that we have planned for him."

Dieter just looked at the two of them in question as Blitzen's grin grew even wider on his muzzle. "So for being such a good sport about all this we decided that since we've had our fun with you it was only natural to return the favor," Blitzen explained. "So whatever you want to do we'll follow your lead this time; you want to go hardcore on the slope of that mountain then let's do it, conversely if you want to retire to one of the rooms and cuddle that's fine. Our way of thanking you for allowing us to indulge in our fun and frivolity."

The offer that came from the other two reindeer caught Dieter by surprise slightly, and as he thought about it a plan began to form in his mind on how best to use such a favor. The red and white leather reindeer told them to stay there for a moment as he got out of the hot tub himself, his own cock still stiff and throbbing from the ring that was secured around the base as he ran off into the lodge once more. The two reindeer watched him leave, then just shrugged and continued to enjoy their cocoa while they talked about the exploits of the night. A few minutes later they had finished their mug and talked about getting another one when suddenly Blitzen let out a yep of surprise as he felt something get secured around his neck.

The two of them looked up to see the red leather reindeer moving around them, his arm with several straps hanging over it as he went to Donner and secured a similar collar around his neck. When the two reindeer looked down they found that it was a simple black leather design, save for the one additional accessory on the front of it. "What's this?" Blitzen asked as he jingled the silver bell on it. "Something for us?"

"No," Rudolph said as he licked his lips as the reindeer rang the bell around his neck, grinning at the both of them. "It's for me... you just happened to be wearing it. Now I believe you were saying something about me while we had our last session, you can continue on while you put these on."

As he dropped the other piece of equipment in front of them they saw that it was a special jockstrap that acted as a sort of chastity cage, essentially the opposite of what they had given to Rudolph as they noticed that he had removed his. It didn't take much prompting to realize what the other reindeer had planned; as long as Rudolph continued to hear the bell the conditioning that both they and Master Santer had given him would remain in effect, and since they had given him permission for him to do what they wanted with him as long as they remained near him he would hear the bells that were attached to their necks. Almost immediately Rudolph also told them that they weren't allowed to touch those collars, as well as both of them leave his side at the same time.

Once he had established the ground rules, including no giving Rudolph any prompts of their own aside from their fawning and adoration, he moved them over towards the other end of the patio. On that side of the deck were a number of gas firepits whose flame danced over various stones and colored glass as several huddled around it. Those that had been watching the entire thing unfold quickly followed the three as they moved to one spot in particular, both Blitzen and Donner's eyes widening when they saw that one of the overstuffed chairs had been moved from the inside lodge out onto the deck. Without another word Rudolph went over and sat down, then motioned for the other two to join him.

"I figured since you two enjoyed showing off for the others that we would move this part outside," Rudolph said as he spread his legs. "Now I know how much you've been appreciating my masculine physique, it's only fair that I do the same for you. Plus since the two of you left me so pent up that you could take care of me while I watch."

"We've created a monster," Blitzen mumbled as he moved over to the front of the chair with Donner right behind him.

"I have to say... I'm digging the confidence," Donner admitted, sticking his tongue out at Blitzen. "Oh shush, you know that you like it too, otherwise you would have never agreed to giving him this type of control."

Though Blitzen just huffed he failed to offer up any sort of rebuke, though their conversation as Rudolph snapped his fingers and leaned back while pointing at his groin. The jingle of the bells on their collars was music to Rudolph's ears as the leaned forward and began to lick, the two leather reindeer feeling his hand pressed against the back of their head and rubbing behind their ears as they nuzzled not only against his throbbing shaft but his inner thighs as well. This was something that he definitely wouldn't get tired of seeing, Rudolph thought to himself with a smirk as he let out a snort of pleasure from their ministrations. As they continued to put their bodies on display while several others watched he suddenly realized that there was another that was standing next to him, Rudolph looking up to see the black leather horse himself.

"I was about to check in and see if you were ready to go back to your realm," Santer said as he smirked down at the two reindeer, who looked up at him until he pointed back down at Rudolph's crotch. "I don't believe he told you to stop." The leather horse gave Rudolph a wink before he crossed his arms. "So I heard rumblings that you might be wanting to join our merry little team, it seems that you are certainly learning the ropes of how things operate here."

For a few moments Dieter shined through once more, whether it's because they were having a serious discussion or some power that Santer had he suddenly found himself completely free of the influence of his Rudolph personality. "I was considering it..." Dieter said. "And I really love this place a lot. Is it bad if I say that I'm still not quite sure?"

Though he wasn't sure what to expect Santer just smiled and nodded his head. "This is not a decision to be taken lightly," the black leather horse replied. "How about this, why don't you go ahead and go to this Christmas party that you are supposed to attend with your family, and then once you're are done with that you can make a decision? Our realms will be in alignment for quite some time so I can make a return trip... although if you want to make it on time you'll have to leave here now."

"Thank you so much!" Dieter exclaimed, then as he noted what Santer said his eyes glanced down at the two continuing to lick him and he took a finger to jingle the bell on their collar. "You know... I don't think they would mind if much if I was a LITTLE late to the party..."

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