Visiting the Botanical Gardens (8/10)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#8 of Visiting the Botanical Gardens

A wolf named Lorkos is touring a botanical gardens when it overlaps with a nexus world run by a specific plant fox. Thus begins a tour of Yavini's realm where he shows the lupine all the things that he has to offer.

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The party that Yavini was throwing looked to Lorkos like it was going to be rather large; the outdoor amphitheater filled to the brim not only with eager party guests but creatures ready and waiting to serve them. When the two of them got there most of them were still outside of the gates while everyone set up, including them as Aristole went over to a station that appeared to be for him. "Alright, we just need to meet with one more person before you're ready to help me out," the kitsune said as he looked around, then went over to a plant cheetah that was manning a nearby grill. "Hey, do you know where Adal is?"

"Adal?" the cheetah repeated, looking around as well. "I'm not sure I've seen him lately, but with a set-up like this I imagine that he's rather busy helping out the bartenders such as yourself." The gaze of the feline shifted over towards Lorkos, who suddenly felt a bit self-conscious about himself as he was still getting used to his new body. "Looks like you got plenty of help yourself."

"I will once I find Adal," Aristole replied. "He was supposed to be helping me out with this anyway and now that I have our new friend here I think that the two of them would benefit from a meeting. Thanks though, I'll make sure to find him on my own."

The cheetah nodded and went back to his food, leaving Lorkos and Aristole to look for the one that the bartender was attempting to find on their own. "So who is Adal?" Lorkos asked while they went over to the staging area. "Why are you so keen to get a hold of them, and what does he even look like?"

"He's sort of my secret ingredient to this plan that I have," Aristole replied while continuing to look around. "While I certainly can make things work with just you it's going to be a far better experience for everyone if we get you two together. Trust me, you'll know him when you see him."

The two continued to look around for a while until Aristole finally pointed him out, and when Lorkos saw the creature in the distance he realized just how true those words were. The creature looked like he was made out of pure water, the lion watching several others as they continued to set up the stage for what Lorkos guessed was for a fireworks display. Once they get over to them the kitsune got the other male's attention and Adal twisted his head around to see the two kitsune coming over. A smirk crossed the liquid lion's muzzle and he walked over to close the distance between them.

"Hey there Aristole," Adal said as he moved over to the two of them. "Are you already setting up for the festival?"

"Of a sorts," Aristole replied before gesturing towards Lorkos. "I got someone here that I'm hoping that you're going to mix well with, this is Lorkos." The lion just nodded and looked over Lorkos, the kitsune feeling the feline looking him over with an almost predatory look. "What do you think?"

"I think that we certainly can make this work," Adal said as he quickly closed the distance between the two of them, rubbing his hands against the firm chest of the multicolored kitsune. "What do you think Lorkos, want to follow me to some place a little more private? They have a few places that we can go to."

Lorkos found himself nodding and was being taken by the hand and led back through the grass. It wasn't long before he saw what the liquid lion was talking about, seeing a few larger tents set up at the top of the hill. They were set up like a cabana as Adal led the kitsune into one of them and closed the flaps behind him. When he looked around he saw that there was a rather large set of pillows on one side and a few chairs along with a table on the other. It was clear where the lion wanted to go as Adal moved over towards the fluffy green objects and sat down.

"Being rather straightforward," Lorkos said as he moved towards him, seeing that even though the liquid creature was supposed to be amorphous he retained his firm, athletic nature while he sat.

"One of the nice things about being part of a nexus realm is knowing typically what people want," Adal explained with a grin. "But since you came with Aristole I'm going to guess that you've been transformed into a variety of flavors by banging a bunch of foxes in order to be part of his bar?" Lorkos nodded and the lion chuckled. "I thought as much, which means that I know what he wants us to do... and if you give me kiss I think you might figure it out yourself."

Lorkos found himself moving forward and approaching the lion, and as he did so he felt something wrap around his leg. He looked down to see that the feline had managed to wrap his entire translucent tail around it until it had coiled completely around his thigh. Even though the tail looked like it was just water he could feel it still pulling him forward with surprising strength. When he got close enough the lion darted up and pulled him down, rotating their bodies around so that Lorkos was the one on the biggest pillows with the lion on top of him. Adal leaned down and kissed the kitsune deeply, and as that crystal clear muzzle pressed against his lips he could taste something very familiar.

It was vodka; suddenly Lorkos had an idea of what the lion was thinking of doing when he continued to feel those hands press against his multi-hued fur, making the connection between the alcohol lion and his own fruit-flavored body. There was also a hint of vanilla that he tasted as well as that tongue pushed its way into his mouth and stretched into his maw in order to slather up his tongue and push right into his throat. There was nothing that kept the appendage from pushing in, knowing that his transformation had eliminated his gag reflex as his neck bulged slightly. Just when Lorkos thought that he was going to feel it slide out it continued to push in further... and further...

The colorful kitsune opened his eyes to find that the lion that had been pressing against his body was starting to thin out slightly. Lorkos could feel his legs get spread open as more of the lion continued to push down into his stomach, the mane of the creature thinning out first before his head did the same. His eyes widened when Adal pushed even further and suddenly his entire muzzle stretched out his jaw! The muscular liquid lion filtered into his body and Lorkos squirmed in pleasure as he started to feel something pressing against his tailhole. Though he had an idea of what was going on he knew that he wouldn't have any ability to ask as more of the lion's head pushed its way inside of him.

If it wasn't for the anatomy that Yavini blessed his followers with there was no way that he would be able to fit the lion's head in his mouth, but with the feline being completely liquid and his own body actually being a stretchy plant material all he could experience was pleasure. It was the exact same thing he was feeling when his tailhole got stretched once more, and Adal seemed to know exactly what size to make himself in order to maximize the sensations as his hips pushed inside. By this point his upper body was much thinner and his entire head was completely stretching out his own head, throat, and chest while Lorkos could see his dwindling shoulders approaching.

Lorkos felt intensely full and as his felt the cock of the lion doing the same as his tongue the kitsune's hands went from the supple hips of the liquid creature to his own expanding stomach. At first he thought that was where the lion was going to put all of his mass, especially as his belly continued to swell, but as the abs and stomach of Adal began to thin in the middle he felt the liquid spreading through him. It was like the warmth of actually drinking alcohol but without the buzzed sensation as his already toned pectorals and sides began to swell once more. He knew the physique of the feline was rather ripped and it appeared that it was transferring that same musculature to him as his body sank further into the pillow he had been lying on. Even though the liquid cock was flowing into him and the legs of the lion were starting to disappear it still felt like Adal was pumping into him and stimulating his prostate.

Finally the last of the creature began to disappear into both his maw and tailhole, Lorkos gripping the sides of the pillow as one of the last tendrils of liquid, which was the creature's tail, wrapped around his cock and stroked it. The pleasure was so intense that the kitsune's eyes were rolled back into his head, his muzzle tilted back as the liquid creature continued to slide into his throat. It was like he was swallowing the lion and it was also filling his tailhole up completely at the same time, like one of the plant vines he had encountered before but never ending. Finally the kitsune no longer had his cheeks or throat bulging as the last of the feline slid down into him just in time for him to look down and see the liquid tail of the creature uncoil from his cock and slide inside him.

The last act of the tail stretching open his hole was enough to cause Lorkos to cum, his breath catching in his throat now that he was able to breathe through it again as the last of the lion slid inside of him. When the tail finally disappeared and he felt his tailhole clench once more he felt incredibly full, his stomach and chest sloshing around unnaturally as the feline alcohol continued to diffuse through his body. It was all incredibly erotic as the liquid spread throughout his muscles down into his arms and legs, causing them to bulk up slightly. Even as his body grew he began to feel less... solid, more like a water balloon as the skin of his chest rippled and shifted before his eyes. As his growth seemed to slow the muscular creature looked at himself and saw that the fur covering his body was melting in the areas where his insides had been clearly liquidated, turning shiny like the top of a leaf as the liquid from the tiger continued to slosh around inside of him.

Just when Lorkos was about to get back up and tell the bartender what happened with him and Adal the kitsune felt a pressure against his sides just underneath his arms. His actual ones gripped the pillow and his back arched in the air as a surge of pleasure rippled through his entire body, the kitsune huffing as he saw the shiny rainbow plant skin of his sides stretching outwards. At first it looked like maybe he was going to sprout vines there, but as the lumps in his flesh continued to expand he saw that the ends were forming into familiar digits. His cock throbbed and his eyes squeezed shut in pleasure as a second pair of arms grew out just underneath the first set, and as he attempted to manipulate them he realized that he wasn't in control.

The first thing the fingers did was dart down towards his groin, intensifying the sensation of pleasure in his new body as Lorkos could feel the liquid lion inside him wasn't finished. Up until that point almost all the fur on his body had been replaced with plant flesh with the only spot left being on his left shoulder. As those hands began to stroke his twitching length there was more growth in his body, feeling his neck stretch slightly and his shoulders broadening as something began to push out of that growing body part. The multihued fur pushed up as the bulge continued to swell until a leonine muzzle broke through it and was covered in the same plant-like material as the rest of his body. Even with his cock being stroked Lorkos couldn't help but stare fixated as Adal's head reformed right next to his with his jaw stretching wide while the liquid that comprised their body pushed it out.

"Yeah!" Adal practically roared as the kitsune gasped, mainly from the thick fingers that were squeezed around his shaft while the lion looked down at himself. "It's been a while since I've been solid... well, semi-solid at least."

One of the arms that had been jerking off their shared cock went up to their abdomen and pressed down on the washboard abs, feeling their insides squish and their colorful plant skin rippled. As Lorkos continued to try and process their new chimera body he felt a few more alterations being made, namely the feet on the end of their thick legs morphing from the liquid inside until they resembled thick lion paws. His entire lower body also continued to remain covered in fur as Lorkos felt his body getting teased first by the second pair of legs and was then followed by the first pair. Though the kitsune thought that they might be going all the way the lion part of his newly merged body he found his new limbs stopping and pushing their combined body up.

"So what do you think?" Adal stated as Lorkos felt himself able to control his entire newly transformed body once more.

"I... don't really know what to say honestly," Lorkos replied as he looked over himself, exploring his body with both sets of arms now that he was able to use all four. "I can honestly say that I wasn't expecting to be sharing a body with a vodka lion, though it's starting to dawn on me why our friendly bartender wanted us to meet and why I was given so many different flavor tails. He's got seven different types of vodka essentially with the two of us together."

"Technically fourteen if you count the fact that I can mix in a bit of vanilla flavoring myself," Adal replied, winking over at his other head as Lorkos flexed their shared muscles. "This isn't the first time Aristole has had me do this either; one time when we were doing this summer thing I merged with a few other plant creatures in order to make all manner of Hawaiian ices, having me inside another creature makes it way easier for him to mix drinks instead of having us work in tandem. Speaking of such we should probably get back over to the crafty kitsune since he'll be expecting us to work the line."

A few minutes later Lorkos and Adal made their way back over to the refreshment stand where more bartenders and food vendors were setting up for this concert. The lion had continued to give complete control over to him so that it would make things easier for movement, and even with two heads and seven tails the vulpine found it a simple task to keep his balance. He guessed he could attribute his increased reflexes and agility to the liquid lion that was joined with him as they walked through the drinks section and saw more than a few pairs of envious eyes looking back at them. That just caused both heads to smirk as they finally made their way back to Aristole, who was busy setting up the last of his station when he stopped to watch them approach.

"Looks like my hunch was right," the kitsune said as he looked over the chimeric creature. "You two do make a good pairing. I trust that Adal was more then accommodating when he teamed up with you?"

"Very much so," Lorkos stated with a nod. "Though he keeps preventing me from... finishing us off."

"Don't want to waste good product," Aristole replied with a wink. "Anyway Adal is a more then accomplished bartender so why don't you go ahead and let him take the driver's seat when everything pops off, trust me when I say that you're going to definitely see some tricks tonight considering the diversity of the crowd."

Lorkos could feel a tremor of excitement come from the other male as he looked over at Adal and saw a big smile appear on his muzzle. "No way," the feline head said excitedly. "We're breaching?"

"Breaching?" Lorkos asked as Aristole nodded his head.

"Going into another part of the realm," Aristole explained. "Sometimes Master Yavini finds a thin spot in the nexus where his realm can be connected with another on a large scale. In this case it's going to be a concert that will suddenly appear in some random field near some random city on some random planet."

"It's a mass conversion method," Adal chimed in excitedly. "The world in question is either particularly receptive to Yavini's brand of conversion or are generally open about such types of things. Either way we're going to have ourselves a fun time for sure!"

Though Lorkos would have loved to ask more questions about what this nexus breach was he was suddenly given a number of tasks that still needed to be done before the concert started, the chimera making good use of his four arms as they stacked up bottles that would be used along with their own body. He was definitely starting to get used to having multiple limbs, but as time ticked closer to the opening of the concert Adal asked to step in and help finish the tasks. When he nodded and allowed the lion to take over the kitsune got a strange sense of disconnection to his own body as it started to move of its own accord. Other than his own head he couldn't move a single thing, but he could still feel and sense everything that was happening as he watched his body speed up and finish the preparations with lightning speed.

It was definitely clear Adal had done this before, Lorkos thought to himself as he found his lower arms putting garnishes on the bar while the upper pair cut them into fanciful shapes, and with the lion in control it allowed him to focus on other things. His main interest was the stage being set up and the plant creatures that were starting to put on the finishing touches to the venue. How was the general population they were about to infiltrate react to having strange creatures transforming them while they listened to music? Would they all be disguised in order to trick those that weren't familiar with Master Yavini's realm?

It caused Lorkos a bit of pause when he realized that he had just referred to Yavini as Master like it was something natural for him. He wondered if it was because he had spent so much time in the realm or if it was because he was sharing his form with one of his minions as his gaze drifted over to the lion head on his shoulders. There was nothing wrong with such a thing, more of a curiosity to the kitsune as Adal finished up his preparations, and he wondered just how much mental imprinting they were having on one another. It also seemed like he could access the thoughts that were running through the vodka lion's head as he reached out and could almost hear him thinking about what they were going to need next to satisfy the thirsty concert goers.

As darkness fell over the venue Lorkos suddenly saw all the lights on the stage light up and all the workers start to move quickly into various positions. It appeared that they were getting ready to receive guests, and as he thought that he started to see another set of lights appear from the forest. It was the first of many cars that were driving into the parking lot, the plant creatures that were there started to direct them to where they could park and strangely seemed to be taking money from them. When he floated the thought over to Adal the lion replied that it made the experience feel more legit if they were paying for it, even if it was just parking as more people began to flood into the field.

When they got out of their cars Lorkos saw that they were in fact normal people, anthros of all sorts coming out and walking towards the gate in order to get in. It appeared that there were also a few humans and one or two other types of creatures that were humanoid but with a mix of other features that didn't make them quite anthro either. He knew of course that soon they wouldn't be that way for long, especially as several immediately came over and started to order food. The second that people started to arrive at the vendor area Aristole and Adal sprang into action to start serving them.

As time passed and the bands started to play on the stage Lorkos definitely got a glimpse of the two in their element as they made drinks for the masses in quick order. No one appeared to question when the muscular, multihued chimera filled their cups from one of their tails when they asked for a special that contained a flavored vodka. He also quickly understood why Adal didn't want him to get off either; as the night continued on he not only started to feel drained with all the drinks they were making but also each cup they filled came with a euphoria that spread through their shared body. The guests also seemed to be very pleased with their concoctions, several coming back multiple times to get more of the tasty drinks.

It started to become easier to figure out who was drinking what as the concert went on as those that came for refills sported fur of a similar coloration to the flavor they were drinking while also gaining vulpine features. Their spot wasn't the only place were transformations were happening either, as Lorkos looked over the crowd everyone was starting to sprout plant vines and other similar plant features the more they stuck around. It was also quickly getting increasingly lewd as those that were changing started to no longer feel the need for clothes and had started to take them off. As the concert was reaching its final acts he watched as a number of people visited their booth completely nude.

"I think it's time we do something a little special," Aristole said, causing the growing crowd around their bar area to cheer. "Why don't we go ahead and do a rainbow shot? If I could get seven... make that eight volunteers who are looking for a free drink step forward we can make this happen."

Almost immediately people started pushing forward to get in front, most of them already sporting colors that corresponded to the drinks they wanted. Aristole quickly took charge before a fight broke out and picked seven people to line up in a line, then asked Adal and Lorkos if they would like to pick the eighth that would receive a very special drink. The two looked over the crowd for a bit before they picked out a slim wolf that had stripped down to his briefs, his bulge growing when they pointed at him to come forward. Once everyone was picked Aristole ushered the wolf to come forward as Adal took their body and hoped over the bar to sit on the other side.

"Alright boys," Adal said as he looked at the eight eager males in front of him, particularly the wolf that they had chosen. "Aristole wasn't quite honest when he said this was going to be a free shot, you are all going to have to do a little work for it in order to get what you want... but given how eager you all seem I don't think that's going to be much of a problem. Now open wide boys, because here it comes!"

The seven that were lined up to take the rainbow shot immediately opened their various maws and Lorkos could feel their tails extending around their own body. There were a few hoots and catcalls from the crowd as they watched the shiny appendages slither around them like snakes, the chimera's tails becoming thinner as the shiny skin stretched out to press against their lips. The second that they touched their tongues with their tails Lorkos felt a jolt of pleasure run through their entire body, like they had just started to get their cock sucked as Adal guided each tip further into the maw of the respective male. The kitsune was glad that the lion was still mostly in control of their body since the sudden cascade of sensation that ran through the tails might have knocked him back over to the other side of the bar.

"As for you," Adal continued as he took a hand and ran it down the chin of the wolf in front of them, prompting him to close his mouth as a smirk formed on the lion's face. "You're going to get yours in a completely different manner. Why don't you go ahead and turn around for me?"

It only took a second before the lupine caught on to what was being said, immediately putting his back to the chimera and raising his tail. Whether it was the transformative effects of the concert or just the way this world worked the others in the crowd cheered once more as they hopped down from the bar and hooked their fingers into the briefs of the male in front of them before pulling them down. The wolf was already completely erect in anticipation and when their lower arms wrapped around his tool and began to stroke he almost orgasmed right there. Lorkos was feeling almost the exact same way as the pleasure being fed to him through the seven sucking on his tails was being compounded by their actual cock rubbing against the wolf's lower back.

After teasing the wolf for a while Adal grabbed him with his lower set of arms and hoisted him into the air, guiding the tailhole of the creature to their shared member while the upper set kept the lupine steady. As Adal began to press the tip of their tapered cock against that tight ring of muscle Lorkos could feel that there was something going on here besides the satiation of their lusts, a stray thought that the lion seemed to be actively keeping hidden from him. When the kitsune's head looked over at his feline counterpart Adal just winked at him and motioned to watch. At first he thought he was supposed to look at the wolf that had just started to moan loudly as he began to get impaled by their girthy rod, but when his gaze shifted to the ones that were receiving the rainbow shot his eyes widened in surprise.

Up until this point Lorkos had not been paying attention to the seven that had been chosen to get the shot, thinking that they were simply going to be giving their tails a blowjob since the plant flesh they were composed of had become as sensitive as their own cock. As he looked over at them he saw that their appendages had not just settled at thrusting in and out of their mouths, as the tails continued to wiggle in the air the tips had managed to slither all the way down the throats of the seven creatures who stood there with a glassy-eyed expression of pure lust. Those that had been wearing clothing had quickly shed it and were stroking their own cocks... but that was starting to get harder for them as their arms had begun to merge into their sides. Lorkos could see a bulge forming in their chests from the tips of the vine tails in them as the coloration from their respective insertions seeped out onto their fur and scale.

"You didn't think that I would just stop with you," Adal whispered into Lorkos' ear as he watched the legs of the seven begin to melt together as well the deeper their vine tails pushed into their body, feeling the desire and need radiating from their bodies. "Why have just one when you can experience the pleasure seven fold? Or I suppose it would be eight actually..."

Lorkos had been so distracted by watching the faces of the creatures smoothing over and blending in with the flesh of their tails that he had completely forgotten about the wolf, other then the radiating pleasure form their groin. When he looked down he saw that a similar transformation had already started with the lupine as his legs were being pulled into the mass of their own body and causing their legs to thicken. He could feel their cock buried deep inside, impossibly so if it weren't for the fact that they were in the realm of a nexus creature as the upper pair of arms that had been stroking the chest and member of the shrinking lupine moved to pin his arms to his side. Almost immediately they sank into the increasingly spongy body of the wolf as his moans and grunts turned to gurgles, the cock inside him continuing to push upwards with each thrust as a thick, multicolored liquid began to leak out of his nose and nostrils.

As the merging continued to happen with the eight beings tied to the chimera kitsune the crowd didn't seem fazed by this at all, in fact they started to cheer when those that had been partaking in the rainbow drop tails were lifted into the air as their toes and tails merged into their bodies that were growing increasingly shiny and less defined with every second. Lorkos could no longer tell where their tails began and the bodies of those they had penetrated ended, especially since their heads and throats were now merely bumps on the thicker vine tails that they had been imbibing from. What was most intense to the kitsune however was how much more of their euphoric bliss he could feel, an experience similar to the thoughts he could read from his lion half except it was pure sensation. It became especially potent when their cocks merged with the vines they had become and their toes pushed together to become the new tips of their tails.

"They're going to have quite the story to tell in the morning," Adal said with a chuckle, causing the lust-drunk Lorkos to look over at him. "Oh yes, they can still sense everything that's happening to them and are completely aware of their surroundings, though possibly a little drunker since they've had flavored vodka infused through their entire system. When we finally let them go they'll probably become foxes similar to the ones that helped you out, though they may change into something else like the one in front of us."

As Lorkos nodded he could hear others in the group start to clamber for the greatly lengthened tails, shouting that they wanted to be cherry or blue raspberry or one of the other flavors. The kitsune couldn't believe that they were fighting to become merged with them, though as Adal took their lower arms and rubbed it against the body of the wolf his attention was soon turned towards that instead. Much like with their tails the wolf's body had greatly reduced and the heavy bulge of their increasingly large cock had begun to barrel out his chest and abs. The lupine's eyes were practically rolled back into his head until they sealed completely and disappeared while the rest of his head tapered down. As their tails began to push into new creatures to begin the process over the chimera's focus became thrusting into the one they were holding until the tapered head of their member was pushing up into his throat.

Then just like with the tails themselves Lorkos could suddenly no longer feel the distinction between their cock and the body of the transforming male between their legs, a gush of their cum coming out of the mouth of the wolf as his lips merged with their tip. Both heads of the chimera had their eyes squeezed shut from the intense pleasure coming from their newest acquisition as they orgasmed hard. For Lorkos it felt like it lasted for ages, and when it was finally done he panted heavily as he looked down at his groin. The wolf had become completely integrated into them, their hefty shaft now several inches longer as the only thing left of him was the pair of briefs on the ground beneath them and the psyche of the male still basking in his own orgasmic high and being entirely transformed into the sensitive flesh of their cock.

"So..." Adal said as he looked out at the crowd once he and Lorkos had recovered, both of them licking their lips as they hopped back on the bar and spread their legs while their tails wrapped around their own body several times. "Would anyone else a drink?"

Visiting the Botanical Gardens (9/10)

After several hours the chimera had gained so much length to his tails that he could practically cocoon themselves with them, which they did for a bit before Aristole sounded out the last call. That meant that Adal was to release those that they...

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Visiting the Botanical Gardens (7/10)

When Lorkos awoke once again he found himself completely engulfed in the bright green leaves of the bed that he slept on, which acted like a blanket that covered him. Once he started to stir they immediately retreated and exposed his body while...

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Visiting the Botanical Gardens (6/10)

When Lorkos finally couldn't take it anymore he unfroze his body, allowing yet another orgasm to wash over him as he squirmed in the vines that had grown all around him. It took several minutes before he regained his composure and when he did he...

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