Visiting the Botanical Gardens (7/10)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#7 of Visiting the Botanical Gardens

A wolf named Lorkos is touring a botanical gardens when it overlaps with a nexus world run by a specific plant fox. Thus begins a tour of Yavini's realm where he shows the lupine all the things that he has to offer.

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When Lorkos awoke once again he found himself completely engulfed in the bright green leaves of the bed that he slept on, which acted like a blanket that covered him. Once he started to stir they immediately retreated and exposed his body while the vines that made up his mattress helped him to his feet. As he got the last of the sleep out of his eyes he saw that it was early morning with the sunlight streaming in through the water against his window. There were even a few plant creatures that were swimming around in the pond as he got up, waving to him as he passed by them to leave the cave and head out into the lagoon area.

When he got outside he saw that there were also a few plant creatures, mostly vulpines, that were using the area to relax and have fun in. Some of them were in the water while others were sitting near the edge in sun chairs. As the wolf looked around he noted that Yavini was nowhere to be found, which meant that his exploration would once more be continued without a guide. That was just fine for him as he went up to the kitsune bartender that was busy making drinks for several that were sitting there.

"Good morning Lorkos," the bartender said. "What can I get you? Got any juice that you can imagine."

Lorkos glanced past the male towards the menu of the juice bar and his eyes widened when he saw all the different flavors for the first time. The list had continued on and on and he wasn't quite sure what a lot of the fruits even looked at. "I'm going to admit that I'm feeling a little overwhelmed here," Lorkos said, causing the bartender to chuckle. "Why don't you go ahead and surprise me with something that you might think that I'll like?"

"I can certainly do that sir," the kitsune said as he took his tails and grabbed a few of the bottles that were on the shelves while his hands began to slice up fruits. "I am usually a pretty good judge of flavor profiles, and you look like you would benefit from a berry blend with a couple exotics. It'll just take a minute or so in order to make it."

"I don't have anywhere to be," Lorkos replied with a grin on his face as the fox winked at him. "Those tails seem rather useful, can all of you guys use them like that or is it just something for bartenders?"

"A lot of us have a variety of uses for our tails," the bartender explained. "Some of us are able to wrap around and grab things with the greatest of ease, to the point where I could probably juggle these bottles, while others can ensnare others and some even can use them to hypnotize people." As Lorkos nodded he saw a small grin on the bartender's face while finishing the drink, setting it in front of the lupine. "You know... since you're going to be sticking around for a while perhaps you would like to help me out and maybe get a few tails of your own?"

As Lorkos took a sip of the liquid, which turned out to be quite delicious, he thought about the proposal that the bartender made. Much like their master the bartender was quite vague of the details on what was going to happen next and that just made the concept all the more interesting. He knew that it was going to be some sort of vulpine transformation and likely something with plants too, but other then that it could be anything. He decided by the time he finished his fruit smoothie he decided that he would go with the bartender, who properly introduced himself as Aristole, and after the kitsune took the glass with his tail Lorkos was motioned to follow him.

The wolf felt his excitement rising as he was led out of the grotto and into another field, although this one looked more like a grove of fruit trees as they made their way through it. There were also creatures that were walking between the trees, most of them vulpines like the one that was guiding him, except these were not kitsune but rather normal foxes. They were also mostly sporting rather unusual fur colors, most of them rather vibrant in nature as they turned to look at them as they walked by. With all the creatures being naked it was clear what was on their minds as they gave Lorkos a seductive look and licked their lips.

"So, what would you think you would be in the terms of a flavor profile?" Aristole asked suddenly, causing the lupine some surprise as he looked at him.

"I'm sorry, what?" Lorkos asked in response. "What do you mean, like if someone would eat me?'

"I suppose you could look at it like that," Aristole said with a chuckle. "But more so if you wanted to be one type of flavor what would it be? I apologize if I'm not saying this right, this is more Jerkah's territory, but I'm really just trying to see if I can make it so that you find this as appealing as possible."

Though Lorkos still was a little unsure he thought he got it, the kitsune asking him what he wanted to taste like rather then what he actually was. "I... don't know actually," the wolf replied sheepishly. "I never really thought about what sort of flavor I would want to be if I got turned into something like that. I enjoy a variety of fruit flavors."

The bartender seemed to contemplate what he was going to do with that information before he snapped his fingers and got an idea. Before Lorkos could ask what it was however the kitsune put his fingers into his mouth and let out a sharp whistle, which caused nearly every fox in the area to turn their head and come over towards them. The wolf just watched as Aristole took the growing crowd and began to ween down the number of foxes that were there, taking the almost surprising number of creatures that answered the call and dismissing some. As he continued to stand there he noticed that the majority of those that were told to move on were those of duplicate colorations, getting rid of them until there were only seven foxes with all different colorations.

It was quickly starting to become clear to Lorkos what Aristole was intending to do, especially as he told them all that they would be having a turn with the lupine in front of them. With the seven in hand Aristole led him and the group of foxes over to a small clearing. In the middle of it was a log with a smooth, polished top to it, which was where the kitsune told Lorkos to lay down on with his stomach. As the foxes continued to look at him with lustful intent he did what the bartender instructed, grunting slightly when he felt vines grow up from where the wood met the ground and locked in position with his rear in the air and his head hanging slightly off the side.

"I'm pretty sure that you've already guessed what is about to happen," Aristole said with a smug grin as more vines grew over the wolf in order to make sure he remained in position. "In truth though this is just the preamble, we need to make sure that you get properly seeded before we bring you to the next stage of your transformation. Fortunately for you there are plenty out here that are willing to donate to the cause, so why don't we start with red and purple and work our way to the middle?"

The red and purple foxes were more than happy to oblige and went on either side of the restrained wolf, Lorkos wiggling slightly as though to test the strength of the bonds keeping him there. Even though he had gone in willingly with both eyes open even if he wanted to break free at that moment he wouldn't have been able too. The two foxes that had come up to his body were quick to start massaging and groping his body, though he was only able to see the red one in his field of vision while the other one remained behind him. It was clear what he was doing back there however as something began to probe its way into his tailhole.

The bright-red furred fox was the first to penetrate him though, his hand massaging the wolf's jaw in order to ease it open before the somewhat girthy member slipped inside. What struck Lorkos wasn't the size however, it was the taste of it. Almost immediately he was reminded of cherries, and if he had to guess the purple member behind him would be grape. Fruit foxes... it made him wonder just how much of that juice that he had drank was from a fruit and how much was from these vulpines. Lorkos just relaxed as best as he could so that he could get spit-roasted by the two creatures.

Aristole watched from a distance along with the other five foxes as the other two began to thrust into the one in the middle. They let out small grunts and groans as spread open the tailhole and maw of the lupine, and all he could do was strain against the vines as he was being taken from both ends. Even though the purple cock was impaling him from behind Lorkos could also taste grape as well, like the flavoring was suffusing through his entire body. It only took a few minutes but soon the foxes were cumming inside of him... but he didn't.

"You don't want to release all those flavors now, do you?" Aristole asked as the cherry and grape foxes pulled out, Lorkos feeling his mouth snapping shut even though he hadn't intended on doing so. "I'm afraid that you're going to be a little pent up there for a while, but I can assure you that it's all going to be worth it in the end. But listen to me going on, we need to get you a few more flavors!"

The very dark blue and orange creatures were next, and this time they decided to switch and have the dark blue creature in front with the orange fox in back. This continued for the remaining five of them, all the vulpines more than eager to use the maw and tailhole of the wolf. Even though all the creatures had a very different and unique flavor, adding blue raspberry, blueberry, orange, lemon, and line to the cherry and grape that were already suffused through his entire body. Strangely as each one continued to push their cocks into his tailhole and maw though he noted through the pleasure that despite each flavor being intermingled in his body they never really seemed to mix with one another.

After each fox climaxed into him, most of them taking their time and making sure they penetrated deep into his throat and insides, Lorkos continued to feel even more pent up. It was like they not only deposited their seed into him, but their very lusts as well. There was nothing that Lorkos could do about it though except for strain against the vines that bound him down against the log while they continued on until everyone had given him their flavored seed. Once the last one, which was the lime one that enjoyed some personal alone time with the lupine, was finished Aristole went over and helped the dazed creature to his feet once the plant bindings had been removed from his wrists and ankles.

As Lorkos managed to get up from the log he swore he could feel every ounce that had been put inside of him sloshing around, his stomach even looking slightly distended as he was led out of the clearing by the bartender kitsune. Strangely though other then the intense lust that he had only continued to build even after he was let go he didn't feel anything else about him changing. He thought given the pomp and circumstance of the entire thing that he would have started to transform even as he was on the log being spit-roasted, however his fur didn't even shift in hue as they made their way out of the forest completely. When he brought up his concerns to Aristole the kitsune was quick to mention that this was merely the primer phase of the entire operation and that now that he was properly seeded it was time to get him into the proper position to let it all germinate.

Finally after what seemed like ages, the trip not helped by the wolf cock throbbing between his legs, Lorkos found himself standing in front of a different field as Aristole announced their arrival. Unlike the last clearing he was in he looked out and saw dozens of wide, broad plant leaves that had sprouted out of the ground. There were no trunks though, like the plants were only the base of these thick leaf stems as he began to walk out. The kitsune called the plant foxglove and it was one of the primary ways that Yavini converted creatures into his likeness, somethine that filled Lorkos with anticipation as he started to walk towards the field.

When he quickly noticed that he was along Lorkos turned back to see Aristole as he continued to stand there on the edge of the field. "Well as I'm sure you can see, there really is no reason for me to come in there with you," the kitsune said as he stuck his tongue out at the wolf. "Besides, this is a more personal journey as you frolic among the first of Yavini's creations. Don't worry though, I'll be sure to pick you up in plenty of time for the party."

Lorkos just found himself nodding, unable to really think too much other then trying to spur on the transformation that has seemingly been denied to him. While he could try to get himself off the thought didn't even cross his mind as he looked around at all the leaves that surrounded him. He had long since given up wondering how these things were going to change him and went head-first into the field in order to try and trigger whatever is supposed to happen to him. At first it appeared that they were normal looking plants and that perhaps Aristole was pulling one over on him, but as he moved further into the field the leaves started to drift towards him as he walked by.

It wasn't the leaves though that had finally caught him. The lupine's attention was so focused on what the big green plants were going to do that he failed to look down... at least until he sank into the ground all the way up to his elbow. When he did glance downwards to see what was going on he was surprised to find the waxy lips of something akin to a pitcher plant underneath him, the plant clamped around his leg. He tried to pull himself up but as he did it only seemed to increase the suction of it and pull him down even further until he was practically down to his knee.

As he quickly gathered that this was the real body of the plant he saw reddish vines sprouting from where the two halves of the plant had met together to continue to trap him. At first he felt them sliding up through the fur of his thigh and straight towards his groin, but as more of them slithered the way out they also coiled around the ankle of his free leg and quickly maneuvered it so that it could join the one that was already trapped. There wasn't a lot of resistance from Lorkos at this point, the wolf already so lust-stricken from the earlier events that he would have dove in head first to the thing below if it meant that he would finally get off. It appeared that the plant could sense his urgency though and decided to do the exact opposite by slowing down his body getting dragged into the confines of the plant below and teasing his already pleasure-soaked body.

Lorkos grumbled at what a tease the plant was before he nearly fell back into the grass as one of the smaller tendrils finally made its way to his groin and wrapped around it. Even though the gentle pressure and touch of the soft, almost velvety flesh of the vine caused the wolf to shudder in pure bliss it knew exactly how to keep him on the edge. It didn't want him to climax until it was good and ready as it continued to shift him into the plant below. As he disappeared up into his thighs, the plant squeezing them together to help him slide in, he also felt another vine finding its way to another pleasure center underneath his tailhole. It didn't slide in though, instead coiling around the base of his tail like a snake and sliding against the furred gloves of his rear while they disappeared down inside.

Even though it was something he wanted the lupine found himself digging his fingers into the ground when he was flipped all the way over onto his stomach. It looked like he was being eaten, especially as more of the vines wound their way up his sides and chest before looping around his arms. He continued to squirm as he felt his wrists and forearms suddenly get pulled to his body, followed by more of them taking advantage of the new configuration in order to keep them that way. At this point Lorkos knew that even if he wanted to get out of this he would have found it impossible to escape.

With his arms bound and his hips already past the threshold of the plant's maw the rest of him slid in rather easily, Lorkos panting from pure stimulation as he was pulled inside. As the leaf of the plant came down to cover him there was still enough light that he could see the vines had intricately woven themselves to look something similar to a master ropeworker's bindings as he found his abs disappearing next. Just as he thought he was going to be completely enveloped the process suddenly stopped, which left him still partially exposed as he looked down at the halted progress of his envelopment. As he tried to shift his body around to see what was happening he felt more tendrils start to slide up against his body, but this time it wasn't from the plant beneath him.

Lorkos let out a slight gasp before his entire head and upper body were enveloped by the giant plant leaf that had lowered towards him, an opening appearing in his nostrils as tendrils pushed their way into them and opened to allow him to easily breathe. The rest of the green material wrapped around his exposed form and seemed to meld around him, forming into a skintight bodysuit made completely of the silky material. He imagined at this point he started to look like the stalk of the plant with it tightening around him, the vines that had contoured around his body giving him the look of a true plant creature while something began to happen in the pod that his lower form was suspended in. If he was able to open his mouth he would have gasped as the vine that was around his cock began to shift it until it slid into something that caused him to almost double-over in pleasure had he not been held upright by the leaf.

As the leaf finished up tightening around his form the end of it where it met with the stem of the plant broke off, leaving him completely covered by it as the edges fused together. At first Lorkos thought that he was being turned into some strange flower, but the longer that he remained there the more he could feel alterations happening to his restrained body. As the vine that had been teasing his tailhole began to push into the ring of muscle he felt it pushing up past the lips of the submerged plant, growing up like a stalk as he could feel internal changes happening to it. Though he couldn't see it himself, his eyes completely covered by the leaf, he could almost sense what was happening as he let out a muffled groan.

It took his pleasure-fogged brain to make the connection but he finally did when Lorkos realized that the seeds the flavored plant foxes had put inside him were acting in the literal sense. He could feel his insides gurgle slightly as one of the plants growing inside of him assimilated his tail, turning the black fur into something much lighter while tendrils of the growth spread throughout it. As it continued to lengthen once it was freed from its plant prison it also grew more prehensile in nature, feeling it wrap around his restrained waist like it had a mind of its own. While it continued to sprout his mind knew what had overtaken the appendage and could only imagine the bright red fur of his new tail as it slithered in the air outside of plant encasing him.

Lorkos didn't have to wait long for the others to start following suit and as he felt the plant that had suctioned around his lips finally split to allow him to move his jaws again he began to sense something shifting in his backside. Even with the vine inside of him, which had begun to spread open his insides and not only stimulated him but also the plants transforming his body, he could tell that something else was wiggling around where it had coiled around his modified tail. As a lump began to grow and shift his tailbase slightly the vine inside him pressed against his prostrate. This, combined with everything he had experienced up to this point including the soft suction of the plant against his throbbing member, caused Lorkos to let out a loud howl as he came hard.

The plant that encased him seemed to eagerly suck down his contribution as a second tail sprouted from his lower back right next to the first one, growing and stretching with pleasure until it was the same length as the one that had just recently been converted. It had followed the order that the foxes had seeded him as the bright purple fur glistened in the sunlight, contrasting against the bright green that had coated his upper body like a second skin. He also began to find that the contours of his arms had started to merge into the rest of his body with the mass flowing into him and beginning to bulk up his body until he had an eight-pack and pectorals that a professional athlete would want. As he found himself getting quickly riled up again he wondered if he was going to be some sort of flower creature with no arms or legs at all, but that was quickly disproven as he began to feel the vines that were at his shoulders begin to push out the green plant material... in more then one place.

The transforming lupine groaned loudly as he found himself not just growing one set of arms from his new form, but two as he felt a third lump starting to form near the other two. He also felt the vine inside him start to stimulate him again, and much to Lorkos' surprise his cock instantly began to stiffen again in the confines of the plant milking it. It appeared that this tail growth was linked to his orgasms, and as it continued to sculpt his body into a handsome, if not slightly unusual, muscular four-armed creature he could quickly feel the pleasure building until he came again and an bright orange plant tail grew out of him to join the other two that had already started to sway above the ground.

With three of the tails already out Lorkos knew that he wasn't even halfway down, panting heavily with his muzzle wide open. As he tried to regulate his breathing between tail growth he felt his mouth shift slightly, like someone had taken their hands and began to push on it as the plant material pushed its way past his lips and over his teeth. He knew what it was doing, likely coating and transforming his mouth as he attempted to grab at his face only to find that his arms were still in the middle of their growth, but it didn't stop it from feeling very bizarre as his tongue thinned and his muzzle became more angular. While not the most dramatic transformation he had gone through it felt more... personal, like someone was actually sculping his face to make it look more vulpine in nature as other parts of his body underwent a similar shift.

Just as the plant vines that seemed to make up his body had sprouted into fingers he was rocked with another, more powerful orgasm as tail number four slithered out from above his backside and into the air. With more than one of them out his tails seemed to be more then content to rub against each other, and as they did he could feel something happening with the tips that brought his concentration over to them. It was like they were leaking, dripping some sort of fluid onto the ground akin to what was happening with his groin as the plant began to rile him up again. With the vine continuously making sure that his prostate was being stimulated by sliding in and out of him and the blissful sensations of those velvety lips against his sensitive flesh made it hard for him to concentrate on anything but the pleasure he was getting while the plant grew out his body.

Lorkos wasn't sure how long he was bound in that plant, his four arms growing out of his altered chest that now had two sets of pectorals until they had become complete appendages, until he had orgasmed three more times. By the time he was finished the stalk-like structure that had been his form had completely loosened until he could move around like normal and he nearly collapsed into the dirt. The seven tails that he had grown continued to writhe around in the air, making him look like some sort of bizarre plant growing out of the ground as he felt completely drained.

The former wolf took a few seconds to allow himself to recover, and with the fog of lust lifted from his mind and his eyes able to be opened again he was able to take a look at himself for the first-time post-transformation. The shiny leaf that had covered his body was completely integrated with him now, replacing his fur and giving him a glossy texture that was smooth to the touch. As he began to pull himself out of the plant below, which had finally released the suction on his body to allow him to escape, he saw that the bright green turned to the same reddish-purple of the vines that remained on him to give his body an unusual patterning on his otherwise vulpine form.

He found as he got out that his muscles had gotten the same growth treatment that his lower body did, and though Lorkos half-expected to have some sort of merged, naga or taur-like body after what happened with his arms he found that although bigger he still had two sets of legs. What definitely changed however was his tails, twisting his body back easily to see the rainbow of appendages that swirled about behind him. They were almost hypnotic in nature as he stared at them and as he watched he saw that occasionally one of them did drip a liquid similar to the plant color that had enveloped it. On a whim he willed the red tail over to the front of his body and when he tasted what came out of it he could definitely taste that it was cherry.

"Looks like you're already settling in," a voice said behind Lorkos, the transformed plant kitsune turning around to see Aristole right behind him. "Those are some mighty fine tails that you have back there and you're not bad to look at yourself. Wasn't sure what route you were going to take but all that seed inside you seems to have bulked you out quite a bit, which will be very useful in the party coming up."

"Useful how?" Lorkos asked, mentally sighing in relief as the lust that had fogged his mind for so long was beginning to clear and allow him to think straight once again.

"Well I'm going to need someone strong in order to help me with all the drinks that I'm going to be preparing," the bartender kitsune said as he reached out with his hand. "You get to be the brawn, I'll be the brain, and together we're going to make some amazing drinks. Of course there is one last thing that we have to do in order to make you perfect for what I have planned, but for that to happen we're going to need to get to the party first.

Visiting the Botanical Gardens (8/10)

The party that Yavini was throwing looked to Lorkos like it was going to be rather large; the outdoor amphitheater filled to the brim not only with eager party guests but creatures ready and waiting to serve them. When the two of them got there...

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Visiting the Botanical Gardens (6/10)

When Lorkos finally couldn't take it anymore he unfroze his body, allowing yet another orgasm to wash over him as he squirmed in the vines that had grown all around him. It took several minutes before he regained his composure and when he did he...

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Visiting the Botanical Gardens (5/10)

When Lorkos awakened once more he found himself in his plant bed, sunlight streaming in through the window blocked only by the creatures playing in the water outside of it. He wasn't quite sure how long it had been ever since he had not only been...

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