Visiting the Botanical Gardens (5/10)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#5 of Visiting the Botanical Gardens

A wolf named Lorkos is touring a botanical gardens when it overlaps with a nexus world run by a specific plant fox. Thus begins a tour of Yavini's realm where he shows the lupine all the things that he has to offer.

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When Lorkos awakened once more he found himself in his plant bed, sunlight streaming in through the window blocked only by the creatures playing in the water outside of it. He wasn't quite sure how long it had been ever since he had not only been a guardian but was also captured by one, the days and nights in this realm not easy to track. When he walked outside he saw that Yavini was waiting for him, his feet dipped into the lagoon with his plant vines spread out across the water. Once the fox saw that the wolf was walking towards the pool he quickly retracted them and stood up while shaking the excess water off of his reformed food paws.

"So I think that you've been properly introduced into the realm and all the beauty that it has to offer," Yavini said. "As such I'm going to release you to your own reconnaissance, feel free to wander and explore to your heart's content."

"Really?" Lorkos asked. "You're just going to set me loose in your realm like that?"

"Unlike my brethren I don't believe in setting strict perimeters such as guided tours," Yavini explained. "I'll still be around if you need me of course but other then that you are free to spread and grow your experiences to your heart's content. Everyone in the realm already knows that you are to be treated as a guest, which means that any of the transformations or integrations you have will be temporary in nature. Much like a regular botanical gardens all you have to do is follow the pathing and I'm sure you'll find something that will interest you."

"Wow, thanks," Lorkos said, Yavini giving him a nod. "So is this the last time that I'm going to see you?"

The vulpine chuckled and shook his head. "I'll still be checking up on you from time to time," he stated. "Just because I'm not leading you along the path doesn't mean I'm not curious in what you choose to do. But other then that go out, explore, have fun!"

Lorkos nodded and they shared a few words on where the lupine might want to start, then Yavini left the grotto with a wave of his hand. It was strange being left to his own devices, he thought to himself as he looked to see that there were still a few minions milling about the area, especially with how surreal the area still felt to him even after being exposed to so much. There were a few spots they had talked about that interested him and he wasn't sure just how much time he was going to be able to spend here. After a quick bite to eat he decided to move to the area that Yavini described as an outdoor art exhibit.

It didn't take long for him to find it, Lorkos finding signs that guided him there as though the realm knew where he wanted to go and guided him to it. It looked like the entire area was surrounded by a high wall of freshly landscaped bushes that rose up at least twice as tall as him with the only break being a wrought-iron gate that was covered in vines. At first they were coiled around the bars to prevent him from opening, but as soon as he put his hand on the gate to open it they slithered back to allow him entrance. Once he got on the other side of the threshold and stepped into the garden exhibition it closed behind him and he looked back just in time to see the vines once more grow into place.

Out of curiosity he went back to the door to attempt to open them again and found the vines once more obliging him, but the second he stepped back they grew back into place quickly. Was there something in here that they needed to keep out? Lorkos wondered what would require such a thing as he turned back to look at the space he had just entered. He appeared to be in the garden equivalent of an antechamber, another smaller row of hedges blocked most of the view of the rest of the space with a garden arch in the middle of it.

The wolf could feel butterflies in his stomach as he walked through the arch to the other side and saw the space modeled like a typical arboretum. It appeared that the main attraction here were statues, almost all of them anthro creatures modeled out of marble or a similar stone and were frozen in various poses. The artwork was quite impeccable, Lorkos admitted to himself as he began to walk down the pathway that separated the various statues, the stone creatures almost looked like they were alive as the lupine couldn't help but notice they all sported erections that were covered with similar stone vines that were also spread over the rest of the artwork. The platforms they stood on also were modeled to be like they were standing in the middle of a flower, its pedals outstretched to perfectly frame the statue that stood on it.

One thing he noticed about the subject matter of the creatures is that they were all more exotic then your typical anthro creature. Where there were no statues of wolves like him or felines or anything like that instead he found things like griffons, pegasui, cerberi, and other sorts of more mythological creatures. They were all also in very epic poses, either heroic ones where they stood stalwart looking on into the horizon or in a scene of pitched battle. It would have all looked pretty normal except for the vines that were lodged in their backsides and mouths, or in some cases pushing out as the vines looked like they had infested the creatures more then simply growing over them.

Even though Lorkos knew that everything was probably not what it seemed he kept his disbelief suspended while he walked around, admiring the forms of the frozen males and the various plants that adorned them. From the way the exhibition garden was laid out it appeared that each statue got its own small circular plot and that each parcel of land had different flowers that grew around the base of each statue. They all also appeared full, but as he walked further back he began to see empty spots devoid of any sculpture whatsoever. Most of them were just blank circles of grass with nothing on them, but as the wolf walked around a particularly well-endowed minotaur man with an axe raised to attack he saw one that had just the base of the marble platform.

"What's that?" Lorkos asked himself as he saw some sort of metal plaque on a small stand that was in the middle of the marble slab, the wolf looking around to see if there were any sort of warnings against what he was about to do before shrugging and walking up on the marble to read the inscription. "Pedestal plants: a deceptive species of flora that looks like a normal flat stone, either natural or cut block depending on its surroundings. Also known as the sculptor plant any creature that happens to find themselves standing on one will quickly find themselves enveloped by its vines, which slowly grow up the victim's body while it... petrifies them..."

Suddenly the wolf became aware that his feet felt like they had just gone numb, looking down to see that the marble coloration had spread up to his ankles already as vines that looked like they were made of shiny stone started to slither up his legs. Even though he could no longer wiggle the digits he could still feel everything going on down there as tiny tendrils moved between his toes, pushing on them as he felt the bigger ones pull his legs apart slightly. It looked like they were trying to push him into a certain configuration, shifting his feet to the sides as he watched them begin to expand. Though they appeared to remain lupine in nature as the petrification began to creep up his shins along with the vines coiling around them he could definitely feel them growing bigger until they looked disproportional to the rest of his body.

The vines were going to make sure that didn't last however as Lorkos attempted to get off of the pedestal, only to have his lower body become completely unresponsive from the knees down. The result was him flailing about in the air a bit as the vines that were slithering up his legs seemed to be doing more then just petrifying him, as those tiny vines grew over his calves they seemed to shape and sculpt them until they looked like they belonged to a professional athlete. As the marbling got up towards his waist he heard a cough behind him that caused him to turn, though when he attempted to turn around he would have fallen over had he not been stuck to the ground.

Lorkos found himself wind milling a little bit before a pair of arms grabbed him and held him steady while a chuckle could be heard. "Sorry, couldn't help myself," a deep voice said with a snort. "Looks like I guessed right that this might have been your first time here, haven't seen anyone like you around these parts. My name is Archie."

As Lorkos introduced himself he heard the sound of stone clacking against stone as the one that had helped him stay steady moved to enter into his field of vision. When he did, he gasped slightly as he realized it was the minotaur that he had passed by right before he fell into the trap of the pedestal. Though it was clear the creature was moving the bull man still looked like he was made out of stone, his physique moving effortlessly despite being made out of heavy stone. When he brought up a hand and pressed it underneath Lorkos' chin it also felt exactly like marble, his eyes widening when the minotaur leaned in and slipped a similarly stony tongue in his mouth that clicked against his teeth.

"Hey, how can you do that?" Lorkos asked once their impromptu kiss was finished, panting slightly from the stimulation of the exotic creature's touch. "As I'm sure you can see I'm in a little bit of a bind here."

"It's the initial petrification effect," Archie replied, stepping back as a particularly large vine rose up and curled around the lupine's cock, causing the erect member to almost instantly freeze as the flesh turned shiny and white. "It appears that whatever magic Yavini and Kirdos cooked up in this place has to turn you to stone first, then imbue you with the ability to become a living statue. It's rather quick, I remember when I was first caught I thought the same thing as you and tried to fight against the vines... though shortly after the initial contact and petrification I found myself able to move my limbs once more."

Lorkos suddenly looked around the area a new light, and although he could only see a few other statues covered in the stone vines he knew for a fact now they were definitely more then that. "You could have fooled me," he said. "If you can move then why didn't you when I came in?"

"More fun this way," the bull statue replied with a wink. "Plus we all have a running bet to see which ones will actually step on the stones and which ones won't. So far we've only had two that decided not to do it, and that was only because Yavini had come in and intervened before they had a chance to really look into them. Oh, also, you're about to get to the best part in my opinion."

Lorkos wasn't quite sure what the bull meant by that, knowing only that he could no longer move his body from the thighs down and he could feel the petrifying plants continue head up towards his waist. His stone cock felt extremely strange hanging from his otherwise fleshy groin, but it was quickly replaced with a new sensation as something began to play around between his cheeks. When he looked back he was surprised to find that instead of the marble vines that had been growing up his body it was a bright green one, Archie explaining that they were part of the imbuement process as it continued to travel up inside of him. It was clear from the way that it was easily able to penetrate him that the marble hadn't just been changing his outsides.

The changing lupine could feel his eye twitch slightly with how deep the vine inside of him was getting, though part of it was from the pleasure that was not only radiating from his stony internal walls being rubbed but the vines that continued to grow over his completely hard, in all senses of the word, cock. Becoming stone wasn't the only thing that was happening to his body either, as it started to become harder to move his chest around he could feel the muscles of his calves and thighs continued to thicken, soon making him look almost disproportional to the rest of his body. Though he seemed to retain most of his lupine features his feet were still growing larger and he could feel his tail getting thicker and longer as it became petrified in a slightly upraised position.

"I don't get it," Lorkos said, realizing even his speech was becoming harder to say as the marbling covered over his stomach and his abs reshaped into an eight-pack similar to the washboard abs of the minotaur standing in front of him. "Is it just turning me into my idealized self or something?"

"Sort of," Archie replied as he rubbed a hand against the groin of the other male and causing Lorkos to gasp and pant. "I think that Master Yavini wanted a theme to this area so he turned us all into more mythological versions of ourselves. From the looks of it you're becoming the dreaded werewolf... though if you don't mind me asking, I was wondering if I could give that muzzle of yours a good stretching while it freezes you? I've been the last man in the garden for some time now and the others told me its an experience that you don't forget, plus I remember doing it to the siren and I have the feeling you won't regret it either."

Though Lorkos was more focused on the thickening vine that was passing through his petrified stomach, or whatever he had now that he was a statue, he realized the minotaur was nice enough to come over and explain things to him. Plus this was Yavini's realm and there was a certain emphasis on... pollination, as he's experienced more then once. It was all rather freeing in a way, and it made sense since plants really didn't care whom was with whom. It almost made him want to stick around long-term... though right at that moment he was more concerned about the thick shaft of the minotaur in front of him.

While the bull was rather tall Lorkos still had to hunch over in order to get at the same level as the member throbbing in front of him. He could feel his stiffening back give him a bit of protest, his lower body was completely solidified and the rest of his body was quickly becoming the same. He did manage to get down low enough however and as he did he realized that it was partially because his frame had expanded, a small growl escaping from his lips as the minotour helped move his growing body into position. Archie was more then willing to help, feeling those hands press against his still untransformed head.

It wasn't long before the bull statue had started to shove his maleness into the maw of the wolf, and as it began to spread open his lips Lorkos was surprised at what he was feeling. While the texture of it was that of smooth stone it was also very yielding, like a candy-coated chocolate with the insides melted already. He could still hear it clicking against his teeth slightly as Archie carefully continued to push inside of him. His head was one of the last things to be transformed as the marble coloration continued to move up and assimilate his fur. While the stone had rendered him with a similar texture on his shoulders and upper arms it had left his chest completely smooth while his pectorals grew bigger and hardened.

From the neck down he looked quite like a werewolf that Archie had been talking about; unknowingly he had put his arms in a fearsome pose with his clawed fingers outstretched just as they became completely immobile. Even with his limbs completely petrified they continued to stretch and grow, the stone vines curled around them slithering and coiling around them to continue to mold them to some unknown specification. Even as the bull began to thrust his hips into his maw Lorkos could feel his neck thickening, feeling it becoming more difficult to match the movements of his new partner from it stiffening.

Just as the situation didn't seem like it could get any stranger Lorkos suddenly felt something bulging out his expanding throat. At first he thought that somehow Archie had managed to grow his cock to go all the way down but as the bull pulled back that sensation of being full remained. It was then he realized that in all the pleasurable confusion of having his body become a statue he had forgotten to keep track of where the vine was that had plunged into him. With his rear becoming stone there he was little that he could do besides let the tentacle penetrate him, and at first he thought that it had been thrusting in and out of him before he realized it was merely slithering in him still. Had he still needed to breathe, which he realized a while ago was not when Archie completely filled his maw with his thick, throbbing shaft, it would have been a struggle as he could now feel it pushing up towards his maw.

"Oh yeah," Archie said as he gently took Lorkos by the head, the coloration leeching out of his cheeks and his ears and muzzle beginning to grow longer with bigger teeth to properly identify him as a werewolf. "This is it... if I do this right then we're going to have quite the experience."

With it becoming hard to even move his eyes the wolf couldn't respond, a slight huff of air coming out of his nostrils was the best he could do as Archie took his hips and pushed them forward as far as he could. Much like his member Lorkos found that his insides were able to yield to what was pushing his jaws open even in his stone-like state. At the same time the vine seemed to sense the cock coming towards it and if he could have widened his eyes he would have when it began to not only grow up his throat and into his maw but had coiled around the bull's member as well. Suddenly he could start to not only feel the pleasure that was cascading through his body throughout the process but Archie's as well, getting the strange twin sensations of sucking his dick while also feeling as though it was his being sucked.

As the green vines began to split off and grow around his teeth and out of his stone nostrils and ears it began to climb up on the minotaur as well, who seemed to be just as frozen as the werewolf beneath him with his cock lodged firmly in the throat of the other male. The two continued to remain there frozen and Lorkos felt... timeless, like he could be there basking in the euphoria of being a statue forever as the vines grew up the hefty muscles of the bull as well to continue to link their sensations together. He could still feel everything and with every tendril of vine that grew around his body the pleasure spiked even higher. If he hadn't been a statue the wolf believed he'd probably be a writhing mass on the ground as he remained locked in the pose of giving a minotaur a blowjob for what seemed like all eternity...

After Lorkos had settled into the haze of his new transformation time became meaningless; the only time that he even remembered that it still passed was the occasional plant creature that would come by to look at the new exhibit. He would even see other living statues pass by once in a while, smirking and caressing his marble body to tease him even more before heading back to his pedestal. He wasn't sure when the vines had started to retreat but they had pulled away from the minotaur first, the bright green tendrils sliding away as he began to move once more.

The first thing he did was let out a long bellow as he orgasmed, Lorkos still able to feel his cock throbbing wildly as the bull continued to do so until he finally knelt forward and braced himself against the statue of the werewolf. "Wow... that really was something..." he said with a snort as he looked down at Lorkos, who had just started to wiggle his fingers as the vines that were wrapped around his head retreated back into his maw. "You should be almost done yourself, in more ways then one."

The unpetrified parts of the werewolf were practically shuddering as the ecstasy that had been built up in his body had brought him to the breaking point. With his body locked in there seemed to be no way for him to fully orgasm, much like the bull, and as he was able to move again he found himself howling as well the second that the cock had slid out of his mouth. It lasted as long as his own climax, which seemed to take minutes, and when he was done he found himself fully able to move once more. As he stood up on his two much bigger feet and tapped a stone toe against the ground.

"I... did not think that I was going to experience this today," Lorkos stated as he continued to look over himself, feeling the tapping resonating through his hard body. "Or ever. It feels... really strange."

"Considering that you were previous a flesh and blood creature I can certainly understand that," Archie replied with a grin. "So as I'm sure you can tell your body is still just as sensitive as ever, much heavier then before because of being made of rock, and if you stop moving you'll find that you can remain that way for as long as you want. You can even have someone come up to start railing you and you won't move a muscle."

"Oh really?" Lorkos stated, feeling the lust that he had drained off during their coupling starting to come back with a vengeance. "Perhaps you'd be willing to show me?"

The bull just smiled and winked, then nodded. "I can actually give you two demos if you would like," he said. "Why don't you go ahead and get into a pose that will provide easy access for me and then freeze, all I need is enough room for me to go between your legs. As for the other part, that's all on me, so go ahead and enjoy yourself."

Lorkos didn't have to be told twice as he did it, feeling the cool stone on his back as he laid down. It was strange feeling the two smooth surfaces sliding against one another, feeling the kind of euphoria that one might get when rubbing two of those stone zen balls together. He knew that he would be able to bask in the sensations later and got ready to take up a pose, his mind pointing towards the more artistic aesthetic then what would be considered comfortable. If was true that he could essentially hold something forever he decided to give it a shot, arching his back up slightly and holding his hands out like he was being taken by some invisible creature as he spread his legs into the air as well. Though he couldn't see it from a third person perspective it was like he could see it forming in his mind what he looked like, a werewolf that had was being held down by his chest as he attempted to get back up.

When he believed that he had everything positioned correctly Lorkos suddenly felt his entire body freeze up, the tension in his muscles to hold the pose draining away while he still remained like that. With his head being held up the way it was and all his weight on his lower back he knew that this would be impossible to hold for a long time, yet as the bull had said it seemed almost effortless to him. "Not bad for your first time..." Archie said as he slid in between his legs, Lorkos able to feel the muscular arm wrap around his marble thigh and not have it move an inch. "You might be a natural at this, if you decide to stick around I might be tempted to try and bring you in as one of us."

Lorkos once more found himself unable to speak, not because he couldn't but because in the back of his mind he knew if he broke the illusion by talking his pose would falter. Instead he remained still as stone as he felt something tickle against his sides. Though it was hard to see since his gaze was primarily upwards he found himself able to shift his vision even without his eyes actually moving. The bright green vines from before were back, this time content with just growing over him as Archie tapped his stone cock against his tailhole. At first he wondered how it was going to be with his petrified rear but as the bull began to push inside him the stone around his tailhole immediately softened up and yielded to the rock-hard shaft being put into him.

As Lorkos felt his tailhole start to get stretched open by the girthy male between his legs he began to feel his body tingle again, this time with a similar sensation as his initial transformation except starting at his groin and radiating outwards. With his body already made of marble he wondered what this could possibly be, though he remembered that Archie had mentioned something about another trick in the book that he was going to show him. It quickly became apparent what that trick was as he began to see his own member, which despite his frozen body had managed to get erect before once more becoming petrified, start to grow even longer. If he had the ability too Lorkos would have moaned as a surge of pleasure came down the shaft as it went from a tapered tip to a flared head, a marble median ring forming on the lengthening member as it quickly began to resemble what was currently spreading him open.

It didn't take much longer after that to see other changes happening to him. His could feel his tail thin and retract while his big paws condensed on themselves. Internally he groaned from the euphoria of feeling the digits merge together, becoming a pair of hooves that continued to hang in the air while Archie plowed into him more vigorously. Even as the rutting grew more intense Lorkos found it easy to remain in one spot, and the longer he did so the more pleasure he seemed to get out of the act. Combined with the vines tickling his marble skin and his muscles filling out even more to be similar to the minotaur the transforming living statue felt like he was in heaven.

Archie decided to show just how much Lorkos could remain in that pose by sliding further up, not only embedding his throbbing member deeper inside the transforming male but putting his hands on his increasingly muscular marble chest. As the minotour really began to pump into he found himself still not moving, not even when his angular lupine muzzle started to flatten and his stone ears shifted to the sides. The feeling was so exquisite that he wondered if he would ever want to stop, not only feeling the intense ecstasy from the cock slamming into but also the rubbing of the other marble bull on top of him and the vines that had wrapped around his cock. The last straw was when he could feel to points of pressure on his skull, reverberating in pleasure as they grew out to a pair of bovine horns.

Just when it appeared Archie was going to be at his peak, bringing Lorkos along with him, he stopped suddenly. Like the other minotaur below him he had frozen himself right there, leaving them locked in the moment before orgasm. Unlike with the vines that just continued to stoke the fires of their bodies until the petrification wore off this was something different, like edging but without the need to constantly stimulate yourself to keep you there. As the two minotaurs remained there, looking like two bulls fighting one another where the bigger male had thrusted inside the one that he had knocked down, Lorkos wondered just how long they could actually hold this feeling...

Visiting the Botanical Gardens (6/10)

When Lorkos finally couldn't take it anymore he unfroze his body, allowing yet another orgasm to wash over him as he squirmed in the vines that had grown all around him. It took several minutes before he regained his composure and when he did he...

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Visiting the Botanical Gardens (4/10)

When Lorkos woke up once more he found two things that were immediately out of place from the night before; the first was while he was pretty sure that he had passed out in the resort pool area he had woken back up on a pool chair in the grotto that...

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Visiting the Botanical Gardens (3/10)

After the intense escapade that Lorkos had with Ceres and the rest of the wolves he did find it refreshing to have a little down time where he could explore what his new body was capable of in a non-sexual way. He found that being out in the sun...

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