Visiting the Botanical Gardens (4/10)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#4 of Visiting the Botanical Gardens

A wolf named Lorkos is touring a botanical gardens when it overlaps with a nexus world run by a specific plant fox. Thus begins a tour of Yavini's realm where he shows the lupine all the things that he has to offer.

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When Lorkos woke up once more he found two things that were immediately out of place from the night before; the first was while he was pretty sure that he had passed out in the resort pool area he had woken back up on a pool chair in the grotto that was essentially his room, the second was that not only was he no longer a Cerberus but he also no longer sported the purple and green leaves that made him a topiary wolf. In fact there was nothing on him that would have indicated such an experience ever happened, though as he felt his insides he definitely still felt something funny there as he slowly got up and stretched his body.

When he stood up he braced himself for the hangover to end all hangovers to hit him, but instead he actually felt rather refreshed. While it made sense that a realm such as this that could create plant creatures and multi-headed men would also be able to make a drink that didn't make you hung over he was still amazed at how good he felt. Once he had given himself a quick check over to make sure everything was in the proper place he went over to the bar area and got himself a juice while he waited to see what was going to happen next. When the bartender asked him what kind the wolf made the mistake of asking what kinds they had and for the next ten minutes heard a list of every fruit and vegetable he had ever heard in his existence and more than several that sounded like they were made up.

Just as he had made his decision, he saw the plant fox walk up to him, followed close behind by a bright green kitsune whose tails were working on tablets that were being held up by other tails. "I trust that you had a pleasant night sleep," Yavini said with a smug grin. "Apologies for them tossing you in one of your lagoon side seats but they weren't sure if you wanted to have them carry you into your actual room and I had been away so they decided to deposit you out here. It was a beautiful night to sleep under the stars anyway, if you had been conscious, I'm sure you would have enjoyed it."

"Yeah, got a little carried away there it seems," the wolf replied sheepishly before holding up a finger. "To be fair though my central head was being responsible, it was the other two that had gotten carried away. So... you can blame Ceres and his pack on that one."

The nexus creature chuckled and sat with him a bit to hear what he had experienced while he finished his drink, Lorkos filling him in on everything that had happened including going to the party. "Well it appears your time here has not been unfulfilled," he stated as he stood up. "Of course there is more to see around here than just the topiary creatures and a few of my establishments, if you'll come with me I can take you to a place that is going to really cause you to look up in awe."

Lorkos was more than happy to do so, eagerly following the two vulpines as they walked out of the lagoon area and back into one of the hanging gardens. Their journey went through two of them and past the topiary area to a region that looked more like untamed jungle then any sort of proper garden, and as they got closer to them some of the trees were so big the lupine found himself craning his neck as his jaw dropped slightly. It was like he was stepping into the middle of the rainforest, except even the fauna were technically flora as they began to walk further inside. Just as they started to lose track of where the main area of the realm was the kitsune that had been following them suddenly perked up and whispered something in Yavini's ear.

"My apologies," Yavini stated a few seconds later. "It appears that there's something that I have to take care of concerning something of mine that is off-world. Why don't you go ahead and do a little exploration of your own and I'll come and pick you up later."

"Really?" Lorkos said back, glancing into the darkness of the forest in front of him. "Are you sure you don't want me to just wait for you or something?"

"I wouldn't want to bore you with such a thing," Yavini replied as he waved his hand dismissively, the two turning around to head back down the path the way they came. "It might seem daunting but everything in there is perfectly safe and if you end up transformed I can just turn you back, it is my realm after all. You go have fun and look around while I take of this and then join up with you later."

The lupine found himself nodding even though he still wasn't quite sure this was a good idea, once more turning back to the foreboding jungle. When he turned back to ask what time he thought he would be back Lorkos found both creatures gone, like they never even existed there in the first place. Though he could probably head back to the main area of the nexus with the hanging gardens he didn't want to go back and have a bunch of people confused with why he was there. Instead he decided to move forward, venturing into the heart of the jungle itself and the perils that were contained therein.

After an hour passed Lorkos realized that the two had been right when they said that there really wasn't anything too dangerous as he took a break in a stream that had a small waterfall in it. Though it looked like an imposing jungle he found that all the plant life was rather friendly towards him, finding that most of the animals in the area were more minions of Yavini that were able to talk to him. One in particular was a naga creature who had several rings of petals around his colorful body that gave off a range of pleasing scents as they talked for a bit. It appeared that the jungle bit was merely an aesthetic, like most things around here as he washed his fur.

Once he was done washing himself off he continued to walk in until he found another group of creatures that were gathered around a particularly large tree, all of them looking up as a four-armed insectile humanoid climbed up the bark. Assuming that they were just like everything else around here he went up to one near the back and asked what was going on. "We are currently holding a ritual," the creature said after jumping slightly when the wolf appeared next to him. "Those who are new to the tribe see if they are worthy of being chosen as a guardian of the jungle."

Lorkos looked up and saw that the one climbing the tree was attempting to make his way up to one of the leaves that were bigger then twice his body, though as he got close he lost his footing and began to fall. The other members of the bug tribe crossed their arms and shook their heads as the male fell down into the purple sap that had pooled around it, disappearing for a few seconds before crawling out completely covered in the stuff. It was then that he realized that when he had first spotted the guy climbing the tree the chitinous plates that had covered his body were black and yellow, but once he had gotten rinsed off by several buckets the black and turned to purple just like everyone else in the tribe.

They quickly moved on and disappeared back into the jungle, leaving Lorkos to stand there in front of the giant oozing tree alone. All he had to do was climb it and get to one of the leaves in order to become some sort of guardian, he thought to himself as he looked up the nearly hundred feet where the lowest of the leaves hung. It might be something interesting to try out, he thought as he walked over the makeshift bridge they had likely created to get past the purple sap pools. If he fell he would just go back to the waterfall he had found, and if he did somehow get up there then he could see what being this jungle guardian entails before Yavini found him and either changed him back or took whatever power he might get.

When he got right up next to the tree the wolf saw why the bug man had such a problem in the first place as he put a hand against the rather smooth bark. There were some deep grooves were the sap ran though and if he used those to get started he might find some better handholds higher up. Lorkos took a deep breath and made his first push upwards, grabbing onto the next highest groove and begin careful not to have his stomach touch the sap while he climbed. It appeared however that the sap had other ideas as just when he got his foot off the ground he saw tentacles of the goo reaching out towards him.

"Well that doesn't look right..." Lorkos said before he turned to jump, only to be caught mid-air and pulled back into the river of sap! As he attempted to struggle to get out of it the flow suddenly reversed, the river of the sticky substance pulling him upwards instead of slowly drifting downwards towards the pools that formed around it. "Hey! Let go of me!"

The sap didn't seem to like being shouted at as one of the purple tentacles reached around and pushed against his muzzle, not only oozing over it but shoving itself inside past his lips to form a gag. The wolf continued to struggle against as he let out muffled curses against it, but with his body already partially submerged including his arms and legs there didn't appear to be any way for him to escape his predicament. Eventually the lupine threw in the towel and slumped forward to see that he was already almost halfway up the tree and continuing to climb at a steady rate. At least he was going to figure out what the whole guardian thing was going to be about, he thought as he waited to reach his final destination.

Eventually after a few minutes Lorkos found himself near the top of the gigantic tree, the sap moving him past several of the leaves towards the top part. When he looked down at him his eyes widened and he let out a muffled yell though the rubbery gag that had formed over his mouth when he saw that the leaves all had the outlines of bodies in them surrounded by vines or tentacles. The leaves themselves had a rubbery texture to them that allowed the wolf to see every crevice of their form and as he passed by they seemed to sense his presence and shift towards him. It was then he realized that the vines weren't gong into them... they were coming out of them as he reached a leaf that was currently vacant.

The sticky sap shifted him over through the rivers that had formed in the bark of the trunk until he was right against the area where the leaf stuck out, Lorkos letting out one more muffled cry for help as he felt his feet get slipped inside of the hollow tube that formed the stem. As the sap once more reversed direction, now falling downward, Lorkos saw the outline of his legs in the skin of the plant as he wiggled them around. It wasn't long though before he lost sight of the leaf, the purple goo spreading over his body as more and more of him was drawn into the leaf before only his head remained uncovered. Finally Lorkos closed his eyes just as he was submerged into the sap fully and for the next few seconds he was shifted down through a tube until he feel through the other side and to the bottom of the leaf.

He could feel the entire plant bounce as the sap muzzle on his face had melted away, though he had the feeling that it was about to be replaced by something else as he felt thousands of tiny cilia on the underside of the leaf begin to shift around him. The already small space was also starting to tighten around him and as he tried to push his way out of the top of the leaf he found two larger vines push out from the bottom of the leaf and wrap around his wrists. Once more he found his feet suspended off the ground as his furry body was brought up towards the center of the leaf where the others had been. He could feel that a layer of the same sap that had brought him here was still inside this thing with him and as the top and bottom parts of the leaf began to press down on his body he could feel his fur beginning to liquify.

A second pair of vines slithered up from below and wrapped around his ankles, keeping him in position and preventing him from kicking out as the bright green leaf began to press up against his body. It reminded him of one of those vac-rack things, except instead of two pieces of rubber her was trapped in a leaf as another vine positioned right beneath his backside before to wiggle its way up. He already had an idea where this was going to go and he could feel his muscles tense as it quickly found his tailhole and began to push up inside of him. It was then he realized that his insides were still the same as when Ceres had changed him as it slid in almost effortlessly with only a burst of pleasure from the appendage spreading him open down there.

With his tailhole effectively impaled he found that his muzzle was next, though at this point he was starting to get used to things being stuffed in there as it went all the way back until he was swallowing against it. At the moment though the worst thing for Lorkos was the sensation of all the tiny tendrils wiggling around against his body, stimulating him completely from tail tip to head as his fur had long since been lost. He let out a muffled grunt as something slid across his abs and down towards the cock that had been sandwiched between the increasingly tight plant leaf and his abs, shifting slightly in the plants embrace as it proved to be hollow before completely engulfing his cock and beginning to stroke it.

Was this what being a guardian was all about, Lorkos thought to himself as he felt the overwhelming stimulation from the suction of the leaf against his body with the vines in every orifice quickly bringing him towards his first orgasm. The leaf he was trapped in shook slightly as he began to hump against the tentacle encasing him and the upper half of the vac-leaf, attempting to get him there faster as even in the haze of all the lust being fed to him he began to feel two more tiny tendrils pressing up against his head. He wasn't sure were those were going to go considering everywhere else full until they slid into his ears, causing his altered anatomy to respond with a cascade of pure pleasure as the plant plugged directly into his mind.

Guardian... warrior... protector... alpha... all of these words and more were cascading through his mind as he began to feel something getting pumped into both ends of his body. With his orgasm fast approaching he was already squirming around as much as he could with the plant suctioned to him, though with every second that passed that lupine outline he was creating in it was getting bigger. He realized that unlike most of the things he had seen so far where it was all about submission this thing was attempting to make him the perfect guardian to patrol the realm and prevent others from getting in and messing with Master Yavini's minions... Master Yavini, the words seemed to echo in his mind and every time they did it not only reinforced the commands but gave him another reward of pleasure that caused him to climax right there.

Lorkos' entire body quivered as he began to feel his mouth, cock, and tail starting to get altered, stretching out into vines similar to what he had when he turned into a plant wolf but with far greater range for the purposes of capturing his prey. The manta of the guardian continued to get absorbed into his mind as his entire existence became nothing but the pleasure that was being fed to him while he was in that leaf. Though he was still Lorkos he was now even more, the tree of the Guardian had declared him worthy and he would remain in Master Yavini's service as the realm's protector. It wasn't long before his shifting form wiggled around less and less, until finally it settled in and remained still as the tentacles sprouting from his body began to shift around inside his cocoon...

Eventually the seemingly never-ending cycle of pleasure and the commands it was reinforcing stopped. Though it was hard for the creature inside to tell how long they had been in there it didn't really matter, the fact that he no longer was being stimulated meant that something was about to happen. The leaf that he had been trapped in all this time detached from the tree, the object floating to the ground as the creature inside started to become more active. By the time it had hit the ground the rubber being inside was in full guardian mode, Lorkos squirming in the organic bindings until he finally ripped through the shiny material holding him.

The second he was released the transformed wolf looked around with glowing green eyes, the vines coiled around his limbs shifting through the air as though helping him pinpoint the disturbance that had activated him in the first place. It didn't take long for him to lock onto the scent, his featureless lupine plant head shifting towards the north before sprinting off in that direction. His new muscles shifted and bulged effortlessly underneath his skin, the fur replaced with leaves that covered him like plates of armor, as he went from a bipedal stance to going down on all fours in order to increase his speed. It didn't take long before the creature that he had been tasked to hunt down appeared in his vision, a glowing blob of orange and yellows among the otherwise purple and blue landscape.

The cheetah that had been looking around the woods didn't have long to see the predator bounding towards him, the feline looking up at the giant trees he was surrounded by before he head the soft but prominent sounds of plant paws hitting the ground. By the time he turned around he only had time for his eyes to widen before Lorkos leapt towards him with vines outstretched. Despite having the element of surprise the other male was quicker then the plant wolf had anticipated and found himself grabbing at air. Even thought the cheetah had managed to spin away from him the first time he had still managed to close the distance between them and as the cheetah began to run his vines darted out to make sure he couldn't.

There was no chase, before the cheetah even had a chance to bolt through the woods one of Lorkos' vines had managed to wrap around his ankles and bind his legs together. Soon more followed as the cheetah continued to try and crawl away even though he was slowly being cocooned from the legs up. With the immediate threat of escape gone the plant wolf guardian took his time walking over, watching with satisfaction as his vines began to secrete a sticky sap that would keep the feline completely bound. One of his vines slipped into the mouth of the cheetah in order to help solidify his encasement quicker and prepare him for transport back to Master Yavini... until Lorkos heard a snap of fingers and suddenly found the instincts that had been driving him all this time evaporate like a mist.

"Very well done," the smooth voice of Yavini said as Lorkos felt his body begin to shift, the leaves that were covering his body falling off of him like a tree in fall as he saw the vulpine move into his range of vision. "I have to say that was impressive, not every guardian is able to catch Sintral. You would have had quite the chase if he managed to get out of the range of your vines."

Sintral... guardian... everything was flowing back to Lorkos as the wolf shook his head and caused all the leaves that had covered his face to fall off while the tentacles that had been on his body slithered completely off of him. "This was... some sort of test?" he asked once his mouth was able to move again. "Like guardian training or something?"

"Exactly that," Yavini replied as he motioned for the wolf to follow him, the two leaving the squirming, wrapped-up cheetah in the pod of vines and sap that he was completely enveloped in that had continued to twitch. "Every once in a while, we like to activate our guardians to make sure that they're in tip top condition, all we have to do is take a willing volunteer like Sintral and mark him as a potential threat to the realm and the Guardian Tree goes to work. Most of the time they're caught almost immediately, much like the case with you, but every so often a marked threat manages to get away from the gaze of the hunter."

"What happens then?" Lorkos asked.

"They'll usually be either retasked to something else," Yavini explained as the vulpine led him to a clearing that appeared to be set up for an impromptu lunch. "Normally if their performance is slipping it means they've grown bored with the concept and as such I'll let them become a normal minion again. Once in a while it's because they wish to undergo a little more evolution, something which I am more than happy to oblige to them."

The wolf nodded and the two continued to eat as Lorkos reminisced on his experience. By the time he had gotten to the clearing his transformation, which appeared to be mostly superficial, had been completely shed and he was back to his old self. While he appreciated being in his old body and the experience he had there was a thought he was having that caused him to bite his lip slightly. Though he wasn't sure what the protocol was when asking his host if there was something he could do when he looked up at the vulpine he saw the plant creature smirking at him.

"You want to see what it's like to be on the other side of the situation, don't you?" Yavini asked, Lorkos feeling his jaw drop slightly in surprise before asking how he knew what he was thinking. "I don't have to be a mind reader to know what that thousand-yard stare meant, not to mention that I can see what your desires are... especially what happens to be at the forefront. If it's something you truly want to experience for yourself I can certainly arrange it, all you have to do is ask."

Despite the permission Lorkos felt a little anxious in asking, but he quickly mustered up his composure and gave the plant fox a stern nod. "I want to see what it's like being the hunted of one of your guardians," Lorkos asked with confidence. "Now that I know that Sintral was a volunteer I would like to be the same."

"Wonderful," Yavini stated as he clapped his hands together. "Why don't you go ahead and finish your lunch before we make the preparations, something tells me that you're going to need your strength for this next one."

Once Lorkos had eaten his fill Yavini lead him out from the clearing and into the woods once more, the same one where he had caught the cheetah in only an hour or so ago. This area reminded him much more of a regular forest and though the trees were tall they were nothing compared to the area that had the Guardian tree that he had come from. The plant fox explained that this was somewhat of a pocket dimension to his normal area, a place where everything could be closely monitored in case something went wrong. He then went on to stress that this was for the performance of the guardian and that he had nothing to worry about as they continued to walk until they reached a spot near the river.

Yavini instructed Lorkos that his job was to attempt to evade capture from the Guardian that was being sent after him for an hour; if he could do that then not only did that prove he was more than capable prey but also that the guardian might need some more fine-tuning. In an effort to show off however, Yavini explained with a grin, they were sending one of their best after him. Other then that there was little use for the nexus creature to explain and told the wolf to have fun. After that the fox disappeared, which signaled the five-minute countdown until the guardian would drop down to chase him.

Lorkos took a second to get an assessment of the area before he started walking down the bank of the river, trying to act the part of a trespasser in Yavini's realm. Before the plant fox had left the vulpine had put a hand on his shoulder, and since that point he felt a strange tingle that had suffused through his entire body. He guessed it was part of the process, remembering how the cheetah looked when he was on the other side of things, and that was how he would be identified as an intruder. In his mind's eye he could only imagine some sort of hulking creature drifting down towards his location right now... or perhaps it was already barreling towards him since he had little concept of time in this enchanted place.

All he could do at the moment was continue to move quickly through the forest floor, rays of sunshine streaming down on the dirt floor as he decided to no longer follow the river and instead go through the more open dirt area underneath the trees. The trunks were spaced far enough apart and there was little in the way of underbrush that allowed him to continue unimpeded, though as the spots of sunlight on the ground flickered unnaturally for a few seconds he realized that he wouldn't be the only one. He found himself coming to a dead stop as he looked around for which direction the guardian was going to come at him, only to find himself alone. Quickly he snapped his head up expecting the creature to be hanging above him only to find the space empty as well, but as the canopy rustled he realized in shock that he couldn't see the guardian because he wasn't looking high enough...

There was a loud crash through the canopy as the large plant dragon came rushing down towards him, Lorkos just able to scramble out of the way in order to avoid being pounced on. As the wolf quickly got to his feet he continued to stare straight at the massive creature which likely stood head and shoulders above him and was packed with muscles that were completely covered in vines. Though the lupine could be quite dodgy when he wanted to be the dragon guardian quickly hemmed him in by spreading those plants onto multiple trunks creating a fence that circled around the wolf while still attempting to wrap around him. It didn't take long for Lorkos to realize that the creature had completely penned him in, and as he was discovering that the dragon took the opportunity of his distracted state and sent a number of vines straight at his limbs.

The wolf let out a yelp as he suddenly found his body picked off the ground, his legs kicking out in the air as the vines coiled around his calves and thighs. There was nothing he could do at this point; even if he somehow managed to get out of the increasing number of vines that were covering his body he would still have to somehow get out of the wall of plant matter between him and freedom. Despite that he decided he would continue to give it a shot as he wiggled his arms and legs to try and slide out of the grip of the plant tentacles. That only served to have them shift his body, putting his arms behind his back and pull his legs together before thicker ones wrapped around his waist and thighs to bind them all together.

Much like he had done to the cheetah Lorkos could feel more vines starting to wrap around him, cocooning him up to keep him from escaping, but as one slithered up his neck and curl around his muzzle he suddenly found the tip pressing against his lips. Unlike the capture he had done to the cheetah it appears that this guardian might have more in mind for a trespasser to the realm, the wolf snorting slightly through his nostrils as the vine began to push inside of his maw. There was nothing that he could do with his arms and legs bound as it slid inside and a sweet sap began to fill the space.

As the vine slipped further into him the sap around his teeth and lips became thicker and formed a type of gag that kept his mouth from moving. The bright green plant had no such trouble with movements and as he felt it start to slide in and out of his maw a similar sensation was happening to his backside. With his legs squeezed together it made him all the more aware of something attempting to spread open his tailhole, something that was decidedly thicker then one of the vines wrapped around him. As the wings of the creature closed around his body Lorkos felt his hips starting to get thrusted forward, the dragon insistently pushing past the ring of muscle that was both loosened and lubed by more sap dripping from it.

There was a loud huff from the dragon behind him as he fully took advantage of his prey, the vine going deeper into his maw while the similarly flexible cock slid inside him. As the pressure began to quickly build, especially with the simulation from the vines coiling and wiggling around in his fur. In the back of his mind amidst the pleasure he wondered if this was how this one took all of those he caught as trespassers or if he had made a special exception for him... either way as the dragon continued to thrust into the captured wolf he wasn't complaining anytime soon. Lorkos loss track of all semblance of time before he heard a familiar voice say something, unable to see or hear who it was until the vines had pulled away and the sap that had sealed them shut immediately dissolved.

"Looks like our top guardian is still in prime shape," Yavini said with a small giggle as the wings that had been holding the wolf even closer to the other male pulled back completely and the vines began to slither away. "What did you think?"

Lorkos had to wait until the vine that he had been sucking on with his mouth and throat slid out, the sap once more disappearing to allow him to speak. "I think that no one who would enter this realm stands a chance against them," the wolf said, pausing as the cock that had been stretching him open pulled out with a loud pop and caused him to yelp slightly before he was put down onto his feet. "Does this one treat all those he captures like that?"

"Only the ones who would enjoy it," Yavini replied, winking at him. "Now if you'll come back along with me, we're going to make sure that everyone around once more recognizes you as a welcome guest before you get some rest. After the extra-curricular activities you've had I'm sure you could use a break from all the fun and excitement."

It wasn't until the plant fox had even mentioned it that Lorkos felt fatigued, like he had been running around all day. In essence he had only been out and about for a few hours but combined with the guardian training he had experienced and his latest romp in the woods he was very tired and more than a little sore. He followed Yavini back to the grotto and flopped down on his bed, the dusk turning to night outside of his aquarium window. It appeared that he wasn't the only one going to sleep as he looked back before drifting off to see that the waters were empty.

Visiting the Botanical Gardens (5/10)

When Lorkos awakened once more he found himself in his plant bed, sunlight streaming in through the window blocked only by the creatures playing in the water outside of it. He wasn't quite sure how long it had been ever since he had not only been...

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Visiting the Botanical Gardens (3/10)

After the intense escapade that Lorkos had with Ceres and the rest of the wolves he did find it refreshing to have a little down time where he could explore what his new body was capable of in a non-sexual way. He found that being out in the sun...

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Visiting the Botanical Gardens (2/10)

When Lorkos awoke again he found his orifices empty, as well as the vines that had been wrapped around him disappeared as well. It seemed to have returned back to the plant hammock in its natural state, the lupine slowly sitting up as the bottom...

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