Visiting the Botanical Gardens (2/10)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#2 of Visiting the Botanical Gardens

A wolf named Lorkos is touring a botanical gardens when it overlaps with a nexus world run by a specific plant fox. Thus begins a tour of Yavini's realm where he shows the lupine all the things that he has to offer.

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When Lorkos awoke again he found his orifices empty, as well as the vines that had been wrapped around him disappeared as well. It seemed to have returned back to the plant hammock in its natural state, the lupine slowly sitting up as the bottom leaf sagged slightly. He felt strangely refreshed from the whole thing and wondered if it was from the experience before he drifted off or the nectar that he had been fed right afterwards. Either way he stretched and groaned slightly as he got the last of the sleep out of his muscles before getting out of the bed and looking around.

The first thing he noticed was that his clothing was completely gone and after a few minutes of searching in the room he found there wasn't a spare set anywhere. "Looks like I'll be going au natural," he said as he looked down at his naked body for a few seconds. "Makes sense I guess, still going to be a bit strange."

With nothing else he could really do he decided to do the rest of his normal morning routine, looking out the window to see that the upper lagoon was occupied with others that were swimming around. He tried waving to them and getting their attention but appeared that the mirror was one way and that he could see them in full detail while they had no idea someone was watching. Given their muscular forms it was definitely a bit of eye candy, though at the moment Lorkos had other things he wanted to figure out. He walked out past the waterfall and into the light of the day, seeing the one that had brought him there in the first place sitting at the other end of the grotto.

"I trust that you had a good sleep," Yavini said as Lorkos moved over to the table and sat down.

"You could certainly say that," the lupine replied. "A little forewarning would have been nice before I slept in the vine bed."

The vulpine chuckled and took a sip from his cup. "I find that part of the enjoyment is the surprise," Yavini explained. "But now that you've gotten yourself a bit more acquainted with some of the features of the realm I think it's time to give you a proper tour of some of the things that you can consider for you helping us. What do you think?"

"I think that the surprises have only begun," Lorkos stated. "But I'm all in, so let's do this."

Before they went off though the vulpine had another small surprise for him, one of the plant creatures that Lorkos had been previously eyeing up coming over to take their order for breakfast. Once they had eaten, the fox satisfied with sipping on tea while the lupine found himself with a powerful hunger that he had to satiate, Yavini instructed him to follow as they walked out of the grotto and back into the main section of the hanging gardens area. While they walked Lorkos continued to get distracted by the sheer variety of plant creatures that were there; all manner of plant, flower, tree and everything in between were represented as they went into the structure itself and went through several rooms before popping out on the other side. With all the vibrant green Lorkos would have been totally lost if he didn't have Yavini as a guide while they moved into a large open garden space.

What really caught Lorkos' attention however was what was roaming around the space, his eyes looking up to the sky to see the giant topiary creatures that were roaming around the grounds. It was like he had been transported to a zoo of creatures carved out of bushes which looked so expertly crafted that when they stood still they looked like real sculptures. Not only where there big ones but also smaller ones as well, one was even a tiny mouse topiary that scurried about around his feet before skittering off. Of course there were also anthro creatures wandering around as well, though they seemed to be more inclined to remain still and act the part as they passed by them.

"These are some of my best spies and infiltrators in developed areas," Yavini explained as he caressed the chest of a topiary that was in the shape of a kitsune that caused the bush to shudder in pleasure. "Not only do they have the ability to mimic the plant life in just about any area, right now they're doing yours, but they also can stand perfectly still and look like the real thing as you have observed. For this part of the tour I'm going to be having you become one of them so you can see for yourself what it's like."

"Become... a bush?" Lorkos asked in slight shock. "Not that I'm doubting you or anything but that just seems a bit... strange to me, like how weird is it going to feel?"

"Well if you're looking in relation to your current body I would say that it's going to be quite the change of pace," Yavini replied with a slight smirk as he motioned for the kitsune he had caressed to come over, then pushed his hand into the thick layer of leaves and saw it compress in. "But if you're talking about in comparison to any other humanoid form you'll find that while we try to mimic such a look you're not just going to turn into a bunch of sticks and leaves. Your body will be quite solid, which, like everything else here, will make you look like a very healthy, compact set of shrubbery."

"You're the boss," Lorkos stated. "So what do I have to do?"

Yavini went on to explain that while there were several options that he could have in order to get properly seeded, though if he wanted to go via the preferred route most took he would have to choose someone similar in size to himself. Once he had been transformed he could take on more challenging conquests, and as the fox talked about things like that it made the wolf anticipate what he was about to do. Even though the concept did cause him to pause, it wasn't every day that someone turned him into a plant creature, everything around him seemed so serene that it felt strangely like his transformation was going to be almost relaxing. After the nexus creature had briefed him on everything that he needed to do he set Lorkos loose to find someone he would want to model after, Yavini suggesting his first time be someone of the lupine variety in order to ease the transition.

While Lorkos anxiously awaited his transformation he still took the time to enjoy himself too, finding that the topiary creatures were not only able to talk but quite friendly in their conversations. Though the larger ones had to crane down their necks in order to talk to him they all seemed more then willing to engage, sharing in the same care-free attitude that he was feeling at the moment. One thing that surprised him was that he expected a lot of the creatures to be gardeners of some sort, but instead he found many people from all walks of life just like him. The thing that was binding them all together though was basically the same; they were all from high-stress situations that longed to just live life outside enjoying the sunshine and most had a desire to be admired.

While the wolf never really considered himself an exhibitionist he could see where they were coming from. He remembered seeing the various plant designs in the botanical gardens that had led him here and how he admired the work and craftsmanship that went into such a thing. It turned out these creatures longed for that look, and the more attention that he seemed to give them the more they started to gravitate towards his presence. One or two even asked if they would like to be integrated into their bodies or transformed by them, an offer that he politely refused on while looking for the perfect group to transform into.

Finally he was greeted by a pack of three shrub wolves, which at first ran up to him on all fours before they pushed themselves up and got on their hind legs which shifted to support their weight as they got close to him. Watching three creatures transition from feral to humanoid in a matter of seconds caused Lorkos to look at them in slight awe, which was not lost on the three as grins formed on their muzzles. "You must be the new guy," the biggest of the topiary wolves said as he went up to shake his hand while the other two kept his flank. "My name is Ceres."

"Lorkos," Lorkos introduced back as he shook the hand, which did feel like shaking the real thing except slightly spongier and covered in leaves. "I was wondering when I was going to see other wolves around here, thought that I might be the first."

"Nah, Master Yavini has a whole zoo of creatures in his realm," Ceres replied with a wave of his hand. "Of course he prefers the vulpine form as you can probably tell and canines in general to a lesser extent, though then he has to share with Tarien, but being the lord of plants means that anyone who loves nature tends to fall under his sway."

"Wait, whose Tarien?" Lorkos asked. "What do you mean that he would have to share with him?"

To his surprise the other wolves chuckled and Ceres waved his hand in dismissal. "Trust me, if we went into the details of the nexus realm that we knew about, which isn't a lot, you'd spend the entirety of your time here just listening to us talk. And while we would certainly enjoy it I think you would miss out on some... other opportunities."

It didn't take much to figure out what Ceres meant by that as Lorkos looked down and saw that his bright green maleness was already half-hard at the thought. "I see what's on your mind," Lorkos said, getting another chuckle out of the group. "Is it going to hurt turning into a creature like you?"

"Don't worry, this whole thing is completely painless," Ceres replied. "Of course depending on where you want to take this you might have some initial discomfort from the insertion, but we'll make sure that its as enjoyable as possible and then once you start your transformation everything will go much more smoothly. So what will it be, would you rather have my sap in your mouth or get seeded in your tailhole, or maybe you'd like to jump right in the deep end and take it from both ends?"

It was strange to hear Ceres and the others talk so casually about sex as the other two fought over who would take the other side. Not only that but it seemed like they were going to do it right out in the open; though he had already seen examples of lewd behavior while initially touring the realm it had been mostly subdued. Aside from the fact that everyone was some sort of plant creature he had gotten a vibe that was similar to walking through the streets of any somewhat large city, though that tone was rapidly shifting as Ceres told the two to settle down. When Lorkos admitted he wasn't sure what he wanted and that he didn't want to leave one of them out in the cold an idea seemed to come to the mind of the lead topiary wolf and he asked the other lupine if he didn't mind just having him first and then getting an extended demonstration later.

Though Lorkos wasn't sure what that meant it seemed to make the other two rather excited and he was always up for a bit of adventure, nodding his head. This excited the other two and they seemed more then fine with waiting on the sidelines as Ceres went up to Lorkos until their chests touched. Though the wolf had always considered himself to be fit the plant creature in front of him was sculpted to be the perfect balance of athleticism, his toned musculature highlighted by the leaves that covered his body as he leaned down and gave the wolf a kiss. Instantly a sweet flavor could be tasted on his tongue as their lips pressed together, not fruity but instead like he was sucking on a sugar cube as he felt something began to probe inside his maw. He found his muzzle opening and their kiss became deeper as the wolf grabbed his butt and pressed him forward while his vine tongue explored inside him for what felt like ages before he broke it.

"That wasn't part of the process," Ceres said with a wink as he continued to hold him. "You just had such kissable lips that I couldn't help myself but get a taste, and give you one too." Lorkos felt himself growing flush with arousal as he grinned sheepishly at the other male. "Alright now, why don't you turn around and get on all fours like a good wolf and we'll get you properly inducted into the plant realm."

Lorkos was more than happy to comply, feeling his own member starting to grow erect as he got down on his hands and knees in the soft grass. While he hadn't been sure of what to expect when he was first introduced to this realm, especially with the vine bed that that he had been given, he hadn't thought that they would be so... tender about it. Even though the other two wolves weren't going to be getting involved on the act itself they both knelt down and began to stroke along the fur of his shoulders and back to help relax him even further as Ceres came up behind him. Though he wanted to turn and see what was going on back there he felt his head get turned back around and the wolf at his shoulders began to stroke his head while he felt something happening near his tailhole.

For his first time the plant wolves were eager to prepare him for his first transformation, the ones merely massaging his body saying that they need to prepare him since he's still a completely flesh and blood creature. After that they won't need nearly as much time, and when he asked what that meant the two just continued to grin at one another and said that he would see. It was at that time that he felt something begin to push into his tight ring of muscle, shuddering in the grasp of the other two as Ceres used his sap-slickened finger to help ease him open. Already Lorkos had started to feel a tingling in his backside as the thick liquid was applied, the first digit quickly joined by a second as they stimulated the flesh back there.

Ceres didn't spend long using his fingers and pulled them out, and though he was told to relax Lorkos braced himself slightly as he felt something else nuzzle up between his cheeks. When the tapered tip of something spread him open once more he initially thought it was the vine cock that he saw the plant wolf sporting... until a warm, moist breath between his cheeks made him realize that it was a different appendage entirely. Lorkos found his own tongue sticking out as he began to pant in pleasure from the stimulation, feeling the plant wolf get deeper inside of him then anything he had ever felt before. It also served to get a copious amount of the saliva inside him, which seemed to relax his muscles back there even more as the rimming continued.

Lorkos was practically panting by the time Ceres had finished sliding his vine tongue in and out of him, his insides contracting to try and keep the pleasurable sensation of the object inside of him. It easily slipped out though and his furry body shuddered one more time in pleasure as he flicked the hole with his tongue tip before getting up on his knees. "I think we're ready for the main event," Ceres stated, Lorkos still recovering from the last wave of pleasure while the other two nodded. "Not sure what you're used to back there but this will probably be a bit thicker then you're used to, so as I said before we'll take it slow and make sure you're relaxed until the changes start to kick in."

All the lupine could do was nod in reply as he felt his hips get grabbed onto, fingers sliding against his fur as the plant wolf slid further up until their thighs were practically touching. This time a much bigger tip was pressed against his hole and even with the sap leaking from it and the other two wolves distracting him with strokes and licks from their own tongues he let out a slight gasp of discomfort as he was penetrated by the cock of the male behind him. He wasn't lying about being big, Lorkos thought to himself as he felt his breath catch in his throat. While all the preparation had definitely eased the insertion he still found himself squirming slightly as another inch of the bright green cock slowly disappeared inside of him.

Then suddenly, as though someone had flipped a slight switch, everything ceased to be uncomfortable and it was replaced with a burst of pleasure that caused Lorkos to moan out despite himself. "Looks like it already started," the wolf at his head said with a chuckle. "This one was definitely eager for the change."

When Lorkos looked up at them in question they explained to him about the effects of desire while Ceres slowly stuffed him full of his vine cock. It appeared that while he was infatuated with plant-life it didn't necessarily mean he would take to the other aspects of the realm as easily, which meant that he might not have changed as much or as quickly if he wasn't enjoying the concept of becoming a plant creature. There were some that rejected the concept all together and Yavini had to send them back to their own realm without any memory of their time here. They reassured him however this would definitely not be the case with him, especially when he began to feel something slithering its way through his fur.

This time the other wolf allowed Lorkos to look back and when he did he saw not only the plant wolf kneeling behind him with his maleness almost halfway inside of him but that a ring of leaves had formed around the base of his tail. As Ceres shifted back and forth a little to provide some extra stimulation the transforming wolf also found that his rear was growing similar foliage, the tiny vines shifting over his body growing them in a pattern similar to the ones around him. The biggest changes however were not ones he could see, but he definitely felt them as his insides gurgled and shifted slightly. He guessed that these creatures didn't have no need a complex series of organs and as the cock inside him seemed to shift more easily into his body his assimilated insides were being turned to whatever a plant creature might have instead.

True to their word though the transition was entirely painless, in fact it was quite the opposite as the tingling that spread through his abdomen and chest was almost arousing in nature. As the leaves continued to cover his body, he noticed that the green foliage was starting to turn a different hue. The other two not spreading open his hole told him that since he wasn't going to be going out and fooling anyone into thinking he was a plant they decided to make his form a little more colorful then the rest. Lorkos was excited to see what that could possibly be, though it was hard to concentrate with nearly a foot of plant cock now completely stuffed inside of him.

"You see..." Ceres said with a huff once he had hilted the other wolf, taking the hand that had been gripping his hip and began to rub Lorkos' inner thigh with it to keep the stimulation up as he rested and allowed the changing lupine body to continue to adapt. "Your body is already coming along quite nicely and we've just gotten started. Once you've been fully transformed for the first time you can do things that you've only dreamed of, like this..."

Lorkos let out a slight yelp as he felt both hands reach up towards his chest and pull him backwards, his own hands lifting off the ground as away from the other two wolves. He suddenly found himself sitting upright, his legs spread open by the ones beneath him and with the tentacle inside him pushed deeper in by the force of gravity as Ceres kept an arm around his chest to brace him. The sudden shift in perspective allowed him to see what was happening to him, his own already green cock starting to shift and wiggle of its own accord against his leafy groin. The purple-hued leaves had already spread over his black-furred abdomen, which strangely gave him the appearance of washboard abs as he saw the tentacles continuing to spread up his pectorals both on his skin and pushing underneath it.

There was a loud grunt behind him and Lorkos felt the arms that had been holding his chest suddenly shift up and go underneath his armpits, stretching his back and pushing his chest forward to give him better access. At the same time the shaft that had already been completely buried inside him seemed to get deeper, as though it was lengthening inside of him. As he continued to watch his body he saw something shift on his leafy abdomen, and though he thought it might have been a result from the transformation reaching up to his chest he was quickly corrected as the cock inside him shifted again and he felt his stomach bulge in response to this. Even though he was turning into a plant creature before his very eyes he still found it hard to believe that the increasingly thick tube pushing upwards was the cock of the male beneath him as the euphoria of it caused his entire body shiver in pure bliss.

"That's impossible..." Lorkos stated despite himself, hearing the others chuckle as the other two plant wolves went up to it and stroked the bulge with one hand while teasing his fully erect and mostly transformed cock with the other. "I mean, I know I shouldn't be surprised, but it's all a bit overwhelming. And it feels... incredible..."

"There's a reason why Yavini usually starts people out in places like this," Ceres explained as he began to pump his hips up and down, Lorkos grunting and huffing as the plant wolf behind him wiggled the cock vine inside his new body. "Our transformation is normally more on the tame side, but I could sense that with you I could push your first time a little further. And we could always go a little more, if you're feeling particularly adventurous on seeing how your new body works..."

Lorkos was practically panting in lust from the stimulation being provided by the three wolves to do anything but nod, eager to see just how far his new body would go. Ceres seemed particularly delighted by that and as the deep purple leaves grew up past his pecs, which had thickened considerably as well until they were similar in physique to the one behind him, he saw and felt the vine cock inside him began to lengthen once more. With his entire lower body almost completely transformed, feeling the tiny vines wrapping around his toe claws and squeezing them before tiny leaves assimilated the fur, the wolf rutting him no longer had to worry about harming his new plant lupine as he began to buck up in a steady rhythm. As the vines of transformation reached Lorkos' skull he could hear Ceres whisper what a good wolf he was into his ear before feeling his tongue lick against it, causing him to shiver in delight as the bulge in his stomach grew even bigger.

At first Lorkos thought that he might just be seeing how far they could expand his belly but as leaves began to sprout on his lower jaw and the back of his head the vine cock suddenly began to slither up towards his chest. Both Lorkos and Ceres had started to thrust and shift their hips as the impossibly deep penetration became even more so, the purple leaf wolf drooling with thickened saliva in pure bliss as it grew past the middle of his pectorals and began to go up towards his shoulders. Just how long was this thing going to grow, Lorkos thought to himself in rapt fascination as the pleasure coming from the entire length penetrating him was almost overwhelming. In the back of his lust-soaked mind he already had an idea of just how far this was going to go as the vine cock could be seen slithering around in his body as he felt the tip tapping against the walls of his throat.

The two wolves continued to stimulate the vine cock inside the changing wolf's body as Lorkos felt not only the tiny tendrils growing over the top of his head to complete his transformation but his throat bulging out at well. Both creatures had been consumed by pure lust at this point and it was only sheer curiosity that kept Lorkos from just riding the wave of euphoria that was coursing through his body. He could sense the other male was getting close to his climax but was holding back, wanting to complete the journey as he felt something stretching out the sides of his throat. He had long since lost the need to breathe, though he continued to suck in air through his nostrils as he felt his head tip back from the appendage pushing its way into his throat towards his mouth...

The other two practically let out a cheer as Lorkos stretched open his jaw to allow the thick tip of the vine cock to push its way out, flattening his tongue against the side of his maw as his eyes widened in both intense pleasure and pure disbelief. Somehow this creature had completely penetrated him from tailhole to maw and it continued to grow another few inches until the thickness had kept his mouth completely open. It was like a bizarre reverse blowjob he was giving as the tip slid towards his lips before pushing back out, the plant wolf behind him still writhing and bucking into the cock sleeve Lorkos had become. That, combined with the two wolves rubbing and then licking on the exposed member, caused Ceres to orgasm hard as Lorkos could feel the entirety of his length throb hard.

Lorkos watched as the cock wiggling out of his mouth spurted several jets of clear cum onto the ground, which immediately began to start to grow plants from the puddle as he also came. His entire body seemed to clamp around the vine inside of him and served to stimulate it further as Ceres unhooked his arms and the wolf found himself still completely upright just by the thing inside him. As the intensity of their shared orgasm began to ebb the other two wolves helped Lorkos as he slumped forward, keeping him upright as he felt the vine cock slither back down into his throat and down his body until it was finally pulled out of his tailhole with a loud slurp.

"Well I think that was more than a proper demonstration," Ceres said as he helped the other two get the new plant wolf on the ground, his eyes looking along the markings that had been on the wolf's back now spread in green through the entirety of his form. "How did that feel Lorkos?"

"It was... intense!" Lorkos said once he found himself able to talk again, moving his jaw around a bit now that it wasn't stuffed full of cock along with his throat. "I can honestly say that was greater than anything I had ever experienced in my entire life. If that's the intro course I can't imagine what's waiting for me next."

"We have plenty of time for you to see that," Ceres replied with a smug grin as he helped Lorkos to his feet once they had spent a little time resting. "And I think I can safely say that you may have skipped a grade or two with that last little endeavor. As such we're probably going to have you rest for a while and get used to your new form, which we'll be there to help you out with, and then don't forget that we still have a deal to extend your time with us since I got to hog you all to myself that first time..."

Visiting the Botanical Gardens (3/10)

After the intense escapade that Lorkos had with Ceres and the rest of the wolves he did find it refreshing to have a little down time where he could explore what his new body was capable of in a non-sexual way. He found that being out in the sun...

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Visiting the Botanical Gardens (1/10)

The botanical gardens of the city were one of the jewels of the city, a place where thousands of the citizens visited. In the summer the crowds were packed with families and couples that were there to experience the joys of the master gardeners...

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A Dog and Pony Show

Virion whistled to himself as he went up the stairs towards his apartment, his hands filled with the groceries that he had bought on his way home from work. The elf had finally been able to get off at a decent time after being slammed with...

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