Visiting the Botanical Gardens (1/10)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#1 of Visiting the Botanical Gardens

A wolf named Lorkos is touring a botanical gardens when it overlaps with a nexus world run by a specific plant fox. Thus begins a tour of Yavini's realm where he shows the lupine all the things that he has to offer.

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The botanical gardens of the city were one of the jewels of the city, a place where thousands of the citizens visited. In the summer the crowds were packed with families and couples that were there to experience the joys of the master gardeners that were extremely reclusive in nature. Lorkos was one of those in attendance and since he had decided to go just as the sun was setting the number of patrons were mercifully small. It gave the wolf a chance to enjoy some of the more popular flowers and topiaries that had been created, the lupine going up to a particularly large giraffe bush with carnations as the spots.

"How do they do this?" Lorkos asked himself as he moved on to the next one on the pathway. "I'd kill to know how they manage to create all these things. Too bad the ones with the green thumbs hate the spotlight."

As Lorkos continued to move under an archway with colorful flowers that grew in a spiral pattern he noticed that there was a branching path that he had never seen before. When he looked down at the brochure that contained a map, he noticed that it wasn't marked there either. The black-furred lupine looked down the path and didn't see anything that would have indicated that it was still closed or under renovations. He decided to be a little adventurous and go down the unmarked path, which quickly turned into the start of a hedge maze.

Though the wolf knew that the botanical gardens was going to close soon, the light from the sun continuing to fade as it was replaced with darkness and stars, he continued to press on through the twisting turns. He began to realize that he has just become a bit lost and there weren't any lights to help him see where he was going. Thankfully he knew of the surefire way to eventually escape a maze and put his hand against the left side of the hedge wall so that he could find his way. As he pressed his hands against the leaves though something caused him to jump back slightly, glowing blue and purple flowers sprouting and opening where he had touched them.

"That's new..." Lorkos said as he leaned in and examined the strange glowing flowers. "I've never seen this species of flora before."

When he continued to rub his palms against the leaves he found another peculiarity to the emerging flowers; as he brushed back the way he had come from nothing grew, but when he moved forward the silky blue petals opened once more as though they were pointing him in the right direction. It was a remarkable feat of botanical engineering and the further he went down the path the more the walls of the hedge maze reacted to his presence. Soon it didn't matter that it was now nighttime, the blues and purple light that came from the flowers was joined by other colors until the path that they were leading him down was completely illuminated. It reminded him of the botanical gardens in the winter when they put up lights to replace the flowers that wouldn't grow during that time as he continued forward.

Just as Lorkos started to wonder if this maze ever had an end the pathway went straight for a while and appeared to be widening towards a large courtyard. As he continued to walk towards it his pace began to slow, feeling something strange in the air. At first it was a subtle thing but the more he moved towards it the more it reminded him of the atmosphere during a lightning storm. He could start to feel his fur stand on end the further he got in, until finally he went through the threshold of the corridor into the courtyard and his entire reality shifted.

Lorkos had to take a second to stop and let himself get reacclimated to his new surroundings. Though he was still surrounded by the glowing flowers on all sides everything seemed... different, and when he looked up at the stars he saw that they looked strange too. But as he glanced back the way he came he saw that the corridor he had come down was gone, completely sealing himself into this place. As he felt his panic begin to rise he turned back around and saw that there was a new addition to the courtyard, this time a set of chairs that looked like they were made out of glowing vines along with a similarly-constructed table.

With no other indicator of what to do he sat down on one of the chairs and noticed that a lily grew and opened its pedals to reveal a liquid inside. "I'm not sure what your preferred drink of choice is so I took a guess," a voice said that caused the lupine to jump slightly, looking up from the cup he had been investigating to see a fox suddenly sitting in the other chair. "It is quite the pleasure to meet you Lorkos, I've been watching you for a while strolling through my garden."

"Who... what..." Lorkos asked in shock, the fox continuing to smirk as he continued to move his muzzle up and down. "How did you get here?"

"Well that is certainly a lot of questions," the creature replied as Lorkos watched the dark green, almost black furred arm moved to grab another flower cup and vines slithered out from his fingers to coil around it. "Let's start with the first since it's the simplest, my name is Yavini. The other questions that you were able to articulate, along with the others that are likely swirling around your brain, are a little harder to explain. Perhaps if you don't mind I could explain where you are and we can go from there."

"Yeah... that would be nice," Lorkos replied as the initial shock of the sudden encounter began to wear off.

That was when the fox launched into his explanation of what he called the Nexus Realm, which essentially was the universe that Lorkos lived in... at least this version of Lorkos. When the vulpine began to launch into multiverse theory the wolf began to lose track of what was being said, though after Yavini probably saw that he was getting lost he explained it in different terms. Even when he was able to follow what was being said he still didn't quite believe what he was being told, that the one before him was known as a nexus creature and that he and his nine brothers were some of the most powerful beings in the realm. Of course at this point nothing around him really made much sense so the lupine decided to go along with it for the moment.

Once it appeared that Yavini had finished talking he gave Lorkos a second to absorb all the information, motioning for the lupine to take a drink. He just nodded and for a second his hands darted around the petals before, finding no semblance of a handle, just picked it up with his palms and brought it to his muzzle. The liquid was surprisingly sweet but still quite floral as he took a sip, the combination unlike anything he had ever experienced before. When he looked up from his beverage he saw that the fox had been watching him in earnest while he drank, causing Lorkos to set the flower back down on the table where it immediately affixed itself back on the vine.

"So I'm grateful for the history lesson," Lorkos said as he sat back. "But this doesn't explain why I'm here or how I managed to get into this strange parallel universe."

"Not quite a parallel universe, but good enough for introductions," Yavini said as he put down his own flower cup. "The reason that you're here is that I've seen you a couple of times rummaging around in my gardens and I can sense that there is something special in you that warranted a meet and greet. I'm not just talking about in a general sense either, as a nexus creature I can see the potential seed buried deep within and with a little cultivation from someone with a green thumb we can make it sprout into something beautiful."

As though to emphasize his point the vulpine waved a hand over the table and it immediately sprouted with several exotic, colorful blooms. "Your words are as pretty as the flowers you grow," Lorkos replied as he watched the flowers retreat as quickly as they opened. "I'm still, justifiably in my opinion, a little weary of your offer though. You're still being very vague and all this talk about potential doesn't explain what exactly you want from me."

"I've made it as clear as I feel the need to be," the fox replied simply with a shrug. "If you do not wish to travel down this garden path, I will open the hedges once more and you can stroll on out... or you can take my offer and see exactly how far I can grow your potential. My only caveat is that I expect use of those abilities that I cultivate, while you don't have to stay in my realm permanently you will bear my mark and we will be connected. The choice is now, either stay here and bloom or go back and wither, though know if you choose the latter you will not be given this offer a second time."

The lupine frowned at the potentially Faustian bargain that he was about to make, but something about the fox was... rather appealing. It was like the drink that he had been sipping on, surprisingly sweet with floral tones as he looked down at the hand that was being offered to him across the table. Though he could sense that the nexus creature desired an immediate answer he remained silent and still, looking at Lorkos expectantly on his answer. His mind still bounced back and forth as he looked from the fox to the table, then to the flowers and finally at himself. There would be no answers there for him, either he let the curiosity that had already gotten him here in the first place continue to run its course or he would turn his back on the surprisingly tempting offer.

After about a minute of careful deliberation Lorkos steeled his resolve and reached over to shake the hand of the fox. "I don't know what I'm getting into here," he stated as the fox gave him a small grin. "But I'm willing to take a leap in order to see what you have to offer."

"I knew that you would be most reasonable," Yavini replied as he stood up. "Well I see no reason to stay here in this little pocket dimension, it's time to set up your residence."

"Wait, now?" Lorkos said as he got up as well. "If this is going to take a while I need to call into work, arrange for stuff at my apartment, things like that. I can't just up and leave for however long this is doing to take, people will think I've been kidnapped."

"And who's to say you haven't?" Yavini replied with a dark chuckle, then waved his hand dismissively. "As I mentioned before time has little bearing outside of the proper Nexus realm, once we are done with your visit you'll be returned mere minutes, possibly seconds after you walked into my little hedge maze. Whether or not you remain the same after you come out though is completely up to you."

Though Lorkos had more questions to ask the strange creature Yavini was already on the move, swiftly making his way towards the other end of the courtyard. Though the lack of defining architecture made it hard for the wolf to keep track of where he was or where he was going he was pretty sure that it was the opposite direction of which he had come. At this point though all he could do is follow the fox as they made their way to the middle of one of the rows of hedges and waved his hand in the air. Almost immediately the leaves and branches retracted, creating an opening large enough for the two to easily walk though.

As Lorkos walked through the threshold onto the other side of the hedges he felt that sensation of shifting one more, but this one was far more subtle then his initial entrance. It still caused a tremble to go all the way down his spine as he continued through to the other side. He knew that he was definitely not in the botanical gardens anymore, especially as he looked around the forest that he found himself in. The trees around him grew so far over his head that he couldn't even see the tops of them as he and the vulpine walked along the mossy stone that formed a road. The entire setting was breathtaking as rays of moonlight were able to stream through the canopy and illuminate the surrounding area with a ghostly luminescence.

"I hope you don't mind the walk," Yavini stated as he continued to lead the wolf up a hill, the trees thinning out as they moved forward. "I know that you had quite a bit of exercise already out in the botanical gardens but we have the arrival point further back in the realm in order to help new arrivals acclimate to their new surroundings. You will see what I mean once we get to my humble abode."

"That was something that I was meaning to ask you actually," Lorkos said as he moved to keep up to the fox. "How did you know that I was even in the gardens to begin with, and that I would go down the path that you showed me into the hedge maze? Plus how did you know that someone else wouldn't get there before me and you'd be talking to someone else?"

The fox chuckled and stopped right before they crested the hill that they had been traveling up. "The easiest way to explain it is to think of that botanical garden as a little piece of my realm transplanted into another part of the nexus," he explained. "I know everything that goes on there and also can manipulate it just like the area around here. However I think that you'll find that the little leaf you saw in your world pales in comparison to the trunk of everything."

Lorkos quickly saw what Yavini meant as he let out a gasp when he followed the vulpine up to the other side of the hill. The scene reminded him of something out of a book on mythology, the entire stone pyramid covered from top to bottom in plants. It was like the lost hanging gardens... though Lorkos wondered if that wasn't possibly someone stumbling into this realm as he was led down the hills towards the building proper. As he walked there he also began to see other creatures, mostly foxes and kitsunes but with others species mixed in there as well.

While they made their way inside Yavini explained that his realm consisted of foxes and plants, those were the primary driving forces that brought people to him. Gardeners, farmers, conservationists, and other people with such interest typically found themselves crossing path with the nexus creature, and those that did typically found themselves transformed and living out their life as one of his minions. Lorkos also found out that Yavini wasn't the only nexus creature in the realm, there were nine others out there with similar but different abilities that also found those who aligned with their spheres of influence. By the time they reached a room with an ornate wooden table in it the wolf found his head was spinning as he was told to have a seat.

Before the two continued talking Yavini insisted of having something to eat, listing off a few choices before they finally settled on something. Lorkos was surprised at the options, including a number of meat ones where he imagined it would have only been vegetable and fruits, and decided on the one that sounded the best before Yavini got the same. It wasn't long after that a kitsune with six tails came out and took their food order, then went back into the kitchen. It wasn't long before their waiter came back with their dishes, holding and serving them with his tails before dismissing himself.

"So on to the task at hand," Yavini said after they had both taken a few minutes to dig into their food. "There is a reason that I brought you here... my brothers have all been attempting to bring in new creatures in order to try and one up each other on who had gotten the best recruit. Think of it like an unofficial competition of sorts and the one who cultivates the best one wins."

"So... you're recruiting me to win some sort of competition with your brothers?" Lorkos asked. "Is this a permanent thing?"

"Only if you want it to be," Yavini replied. "Otherwise there is always the possibility that we can let you go on a part time basis. One of my brothers just created someone who gets to galivant around the nexus realm with a measure of his powers. What I am offering you is a few days where I show you a couple of my more exotic talents and you can decide what you want to be, otherwise if this doesn't sound like your cup of tea then I thank you for sharing a meal with me and I will lead you back to the gardens you came from."

Lorkos looked down at his meal and thought about what the vulpine was offering. From the sound of it if he refused now this would be it and Yavini would send him packing immediately, but if he accepted then he was going to leave here a changed lupine. While the scenery was breathtaking and the plants were amazing he wasn't quite sure that he wanted to commit himself to someone like that. All the creatures here appear to be devoted to the vulpine, everyone they passed on the way here either gave him a nod or a bow.

Yavini didn't press Lorkos on the decision as they finished their meal and went over to dessert and drinks, the vulpine watching him with those brilliant green eyes until finally he set his fork down next to his mostly-eaten cake. "Alright, what the heck," the wolf said, giving the eager vulpine a small smile. "You have created some very interesting things here and I can think of worse things than being at the mercy of a master gardener."

"I thought that you might agree," Yavini replied with a smirk as he stood up, once more motioning for Lorkos to follow him. "Since most of my minions prefer natural accommodations I've arranged for something where you can have yourself an actual bed. Luckily most of my minions are rather avid builders and were eager to get to the task."

The two made their way out of the gardens and onto a stone path that led into a lagoon area. There was the sound of water rushing all around them as Lorkos found himself in a moonlit grotto, the two walking around to where there was a waterfall. The rushing water formed a bit of a wall as Yavini led him behind it into a hidden cave. As they stepped inside the cave though he could hardly call it that as the rough-hewn stone changed to polish tile under their feet.

"It's amazing..." Lorkos stated in awe as he looked around the completely furnished room. On the wall opposite of the waterfall door the stone had been replaced with glass that saw out into the pool that fed the waterfall. Everywhere else was polished black and white granite with vines growing over it, giving the otherwise modern room a very natural feel to it. "If I hadn't just left a magical hedge maze and saw all the flower creatures I would have considered this to be the craziest thing I saw today."

"Well make yourself comfortable," Yavini replied as the fox gave him a wink. "You're going to be here for a while. Also you're going to want to get out of those clothes as soon as possible, you'll be given something more realm ready in the morning after you've had a good night sleep, and if you need anything don't hesitate to ask."

Lorkos once more thanked the fox and watched the vulpine leave, leaving the wolf alone for the first time since he got to the strange realm. As he looked around his surroundings he wondered what had gotten into him to agree to such a thing in the first place. Had he really just offered himself up as some sort of soldier or helper in the plant fox's war with his brothers? And if the creatures that he had passed by were any indicator, what exactly was he about to be changed into?

All that would have to be answered later though, the lupine thought to himself as he let out a loud yawn. Whether it was having to assimilate all the information that he had just been given or from the interdimensional travel he experienced his entire body felt drained of energy. Taking the advice he had just been given to heart he stripped out of his clothing and launched himself into the bed naked. As his body hit the sheets however he found that it wasn't a traditional bed, which swayed a bit like a hammock as he sank into the soft spongy material on the inside.

"Not so bad..." he said to himself as he turned over to get more comfortable, only to feel something brush against his ankle as he did so. "What the?" The wolf looked down just in time to see a plant vine come out from the layer of material that he was resting on and coil around him. As he let out a shout of surprise and tried to get out the plant seemed to sense its prey was escaping and burst into action.

The hammock-like bed began to sway as the wolf inside it suddenly found his arms and legs trapped by the strange plant. It had looped around his appendages so many times he could hardly see his fur underneath the tight coils before it anchored itself back to the plant itself. As he tried to crane his neck to see what was happening to him more vines sprouted underneath his head and they wrapped around his neck and forehead, bringing him flat against the spongy bed as something began to wiggle underneath where his rear was situation. Though the one around his neck continued to keep him down the pressure was not uncomfortable, like he was wearing a snug collar as smaller tendrils curled up and formed a muzzle around his mouth.

As the wolf's body continued to grow more wrapped around by the second he began to wonder how he was ever going to get to sleep like this until he saw a giant leaf he had thought was a decoration lowering down towards him. Unlike the one he was laying on this only had two adornments to it; a long tentacle that began to push its way into the front of his mouth that the tendrils left open while the other was an opening that also had a number of tiny vines wiggling around it. For a few seconds Lorkos had to breathe through his nose as the plant vine slithered into his maw and even pushed its way down into his throat while tiny sprouts entwined with the makeshift muzzle around his snout.

Lorkos tried to relax as much as possible and let his bizarre plant bed do whatever it was planning to do but tensed again when he felt two sensations happening at his groin. The first was the leaf that was covering him had drawn his semi-erect cock up into it and there were what felt like hundreds of tiny vines swirling around and massaging the sensitive flesh while the second was the tickling sensation between his butt cheeks had turned to full on penetration. In the midst of the double pleasure he had braced himself for the pain of it but like the one buried in his throat this one was covered in some sort of special lube or salve that stretched him open while numbing him. It was clear that sleep was not the intention of this thing as the tip of the intruding vine went straight for his prostate and began to slide in and out of him to hit it.

The effect was nearly instantaneous as Lorkos felt his eyes rolling back into his head while his body wiggled in his bindings. The vines had so thoroughly covered him that the only thing he was able to do was sway back and forth as every ounce of pleasure was milked from his body. With the plant so thoroughly encasing him all the wolf could do was let it continue to have its way with his body and enjoy the ride it was giving him. It didn't take long, with all the stimulation given to him not only by his groin but other erogenous zones he quickly climaxed and shot his load into the plant leaf above him.

As soon as the lupine had done that the plant in his throat released something that he gulped down, almost like it was a reward for his orgasm. Though the vine had bypassed his tongue Lorkos could taste that whatever the liquid was had a sweet property to it. It didn't take long after to feel his eyes begin to droop, a warm tingling sensation flooding his body and lulling him into a sleepy state. The nectar that he had been fed had a powerful sedative effect and even as he drifted off into unconsciousness he could still feel his bed holding onto him and massaging him, even his semi-hard cock and tailhole as everything faded to black...

Visiting the Botanical Gardens (2/10)

When Lorkos awoke again he found his orifices empty, as well as the vines that had been wrapped around him disappeared as well. It seemed to have returned back to the plant hammock in its natural state, the lupine slowly sitting up as the bottom...

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