Assimilating the Past

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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When Vene is caught up in the invasion of the sabredrones he finds that his past catches up with him concerning his taste in friends.

Vene is Venerabela on FA

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It was a normal day for most of the citizens of the large city, everyone moving about their business as the sun slowly began to set. As the lights flickered to life and illuminated the streets below an eastern dragon woman was attempting to get back to her apartment before the rain that had been threatening the entire day actually made good on its promise to soak her and her groceries that she had just gotten. Normally she would just take the elevated train but just as she had gotten onto the station it announced that an incident at an earlier station had forced the entire line to be shut down, which meant she had to walk the rest of the way. She was not the only one that was grumbling as she and the others walked off the train station and made their way to their respective destinations on foot.

As Vene continued to talk she began to feel her phone vibrating against her scaled thigh, but with groceries in both hands and not wanting to have to set them down she decided to let it go to voice mail. It was about ten blocks to get to her house from this point and a normal five-minute train ride had turned into a walk that was going to be at least an hour if not two. She also began to feel the first droplets of rain hitting her black hair and dark blue fur. Fortunately there was one place where she could get out of the rain before it got to her, the eastern dragon turning and heading towards a set of glass doors.

The underground mall was a huge complex that was built underneath several blocks and was made not only to be a tourist destination but also utilize the space since the buildings above were not very large. It had become such a popular concept that when the stores above decided to renovate the built down, not up, so that they could take advantage of the foot traffic that the mall saw. At the moment though Vene had no intention of shopping as she felt the heavy bags starting to strain her arms. Though it would make her trip slightly longer she was thankful that she had made the detour when she looked up at the skylight windows that was actually a glass walkway and saw that the rain had started pouring down hard.

Just as she started to make her way past the food court however she realized that her phone was still buzzing and Vene sighed before putting the bags down on a nearby table so she could answer it. Her green eyes widened slightly when she opened her phone and found over a dozen notifications, all of them from various friends who had either attempted to call her or left texts. When she had checked a few of them they all were saying that something was happening in the city and asking if she was alright. One was a voice message that she could hardly decipher what was being said, the person on the other line shouting that it was some sort of invasion before just hearing a lot of screams before the line cut off.

When Vene attempted to try and check the news on her phone she frowned when she was given the notification that there was no internet connection. That was particularly disconcerting given the fact that the mall was a free wi-fi zone and she couldn't even connect to that. As she put away her phone and looked back up she could see others in the mall were doing the same thing with similar levels of confusion and even a bit of fear. The eastern dragon resolved to quickly grab her things and get back to her place as quickly as possible, picking up the bags and moving hurriedly towards the other end of the mall to get back to her apartment.

"Hey, are you looking at this?" an ocelot said to his friend as Vene passed by. "Finally managed to get a connection, looks like they're broadcasting some sort of emergency alert."

"Are you sure?" the lizard man next to him as he looked at his phone as well. "It's just some sort of strange colors and sounds... they are pretty though..."

Vene could feel her own phone vibrating once more but had already resolved to power her way through to the other side. As she continued to pass by others that were looking at her screen she found herself lingering on their faces, seeing their stares turn glassy and their posture slacken while they looked at them. Those without a phone in front of them like her had also seen the difference, some people even shaking the people they were with when they refused to respond and continued to just watch. As panic began to rise in those that were not ensnared by their screens they were suddenly plunged into total darkness.

The eastern dragon froze in her tracks and stood there waiting for her eyes to adjust to the lack of light, though it was only a few seconds before everything kicked back on again. As the bulbs overhead flickered to life Vene was about to start moving again when she noticed something far in front of her. It looked like someone covered head to toe in black and purple rubber, an outfit definitely not normally seen as his head was covered by some sort of mask with green-tinted lenses and a pair of distinct saber teeth that stuck out. He also had on a collar and a pair of cuffs that were similar to her own, the purple shining just like the rest of his naked body as he began to approach

It was a strange sight to be sure and as the rubber creature began to move towards her she noticed that there was another one right behind him, the two almost identical to one another as they began to move towards the ones that were still staring mystified at their screens. Vene found herself staring in shock just like the others as they went up to a cheetah man that had dropped the bag he was carrying while staring at his phone and slipped a purple collar around his neck. As the feline gasped the eastern dragon's eyes widened when he saw the two rubber creatures begin to take off his clothes. As they stripped down the cheetah there was a loud scream and everyone who had been watching looked to see that there were several more of the identical rubber creatures that had started to make their way towards them from the food court that Vene had just left.

As more panic broke out as the rubber-covered creatures were starting to appear in more places and collaring both the enthralled and people standing there Ven decided to turn and run, though when she did she saw something that caused her to gasp. One of them had slipped his purple rubber cock straight up inside the tailhole of the other male, and as the cheetah groaned there was some sort of liquid rubber that was spreading out from the collar and up his face as he was pushed up against the wall. Right before her eyes the fur of the cheetah began to melt and turn the same shiny purple and black as the one behind him, growing in musculature as his head turned towards Vene and she saw a partially formed rubber saber mask on his head. A thick tentacle of rubber had pushed into his maw as both his eyes were glowing with a green light, though one of them was obfuscated by a lens that formed over it before the rubber stretched to the other side.

Vene decided to drop the groceries and run, especially when she turned back around to see that both the ocelot and the lizard guys that she had passed were receiving the same treatment and turning into similar rubber creatures in front of her very eyes. With both the front and back already swarming with more of the creatures the only thing the eastern dragon could think to do was duck into one of the shops, hoping that it had a back door she could use to escape the sudden onslaught of these strange beings that were assimilating others. As she made her way to the back the sounds of the chaos outside had lessened and by the time she got to the very back of the store the only thing she saw or heard was the bear cashier that looked at her strangely and the music playing in the store itself. Vene tried to ignore her and make her way to the door marked employees only but before she could the large woman quickly stepped to the side and blocked her.

"What do you think you're doing?" the bear asked, stretching her arms to block Vene from moving.

"There's some sort of attack going on outside!" Vene tried to explain, still attempting to push past only to be blocked. "I can't explain it, you just have to trust me and get out of here!"

Despite her best efforts however Vene was pushed back, stumbling several feet. "Listen missy!" the bear said. "I don't know what drug you're on but I'm not letting you go back-"

Whatever else the bear had to say was lost as the door suddenly swung open behind her and a pair of very muscular arms slid up underneath hers and pulled her back. As the door slowly started to close once more Vene realized she had to either risk others being back there or go out front again where it was likely that even more of those rubber creatures were prowling about. Since there was little in the way of cover in the exposed open section of the mall's front Vene decided to risk the back, if anything she could duck out at another store and continue on if it proved too dangerous. After taking a deep breath she slowly opened the door and peeked inside, trying to see if there were others like the one that had taken the cashier.

It appeared that both the bear and the one that had taken her were both gone, the eastern dragon sweeping her gaze both left and right in the hallway before making her way through towards the exit. At this point it didn't matter which door she got out of, all Vene wanted to do was escape from this place and make it somewhere safe. Fortunately it appeared most of the rubber creatures she had encountered were still in the front of the mall converting and collaring the countless creatures there, though as she passed by one door she heard where the bear had been dragged off too. Despite her better judgement she peeked into the door where she heard the noises and had to cover her muzzle at what she saw.

Like the others that she had seen before the bear had been completely stripped of her clothing as she laid on her back against a break room table, a look of pure pleasure on her face as the rubber creature between her legs was thrusting into her. As Vene looked the rubber creature over she realized that it wasn't the same as those that were out front that had been chasing her; he was much more muscular and his features were far different, though he still had those saber teeth poking out of his muzzle. The bear was also changing into something different then those outside as the rubber cascaded over her body, the pads of fat underneath melting away and becoming shapelier with every second. As Vene slowly backed away to avoid detection she saw the one that had caught the bear rub against her breasts and caused her to arch her back to reveal a very thick draconic tail and set of wings growing from the rubber of her back.

Though the situation was terrifying even when Vene had managed to get away she began to wonder about how this all worked. It appeared the ones out front were turning others into creatures like them, but this special one she had just come across didn't look like them and the one he was changing was becoming different as well. None of that really mattered though, she reminded herself as she snuck along the storage areas while following the exit signs. As she was about to cross over past another employee break room the mall provided for its larger stores however she stopped and hid behind a large potted plant as she heard voices in the next room.

"How are we doing drone?" the first voice asked. "Everything proceeding as planned?"

"Yes controller," a second voice replied. "All drones are currently converting those who show a desire to be assimilated willingly while the others have almost completely been collared. We estimate that there will be a forty percent conversion rate when everything is said and done here."

"Forty percent?" the first voice said. "The Overlord will be pleased, he was expecting thirty from this place. I'll tell the other controllers to round up the new sabredrones so we can move on, the assimilators should have some fun with any stragglers that are left here."

Vene was reeling as her mind tried to process all the new information she had just gotten. So these rubber creatures were called Sabredrones... but it sounded like there were different kinds, which would explain the one that captured the bear. It also sounded like they were trying to convert everyone not just in the mall, but everywhere as she carefully moved past the door and to the other side. Though none of that sounded good the part that worried her the most was what these assimilators were as she moved to the exit.

It didn't take long however until she figured out what they were, stopping and moving to the side as the exit door she had been trying to get to this entire time suddenly swung open. A draconic rubber creature with the same saber fangs as the ones she had seen before slowly moved in and she could tell by the way he walked that he was a hunter. His lithe body was perfectly muscled and each movement was perfectly balanced, even when he went to all fours and sniffed the ground. It was like watching a beast attempting to stalk his prey, which turned to be closer than either of them realized as a red panda man suddenly leapt up from his hiding place and tore down the hall screaming... right in Vene's direction!

The Eastern dragon only had seconds to react and before they got to close she crossed the hall to where a door was that led into a shop, quickly but quietly opening it as little as she could before she slid inside and closed it behind her. She waited for a few seconds as the sound of the shouting passed by the door she was behind, then about a second later heard the soft thud of the rubber creature behind him. There was no need to see what happened to him, she thought as she moved away from the door, but with the assimilator sabredrone right outside she had to go back out to the front. The store she found herself in was an electronics store and as she moved up to where she could see outside she saw that while there were dozens of the regular Sabredrones outside there were also quite a few people that were still normally dressed save for a collar around their necks as they trudged out of the mall.

As Vene began to plan her escape route however a flicker of light she spotted out of the corner of her eye got her attention, and when she turned to see what it was her jaw dropped. The wall of televisions that were there all had on the same swirling coloration displayed on them, the patterns moving around like an oil slick as she found herself standing up and slowly moving towards them. There was some sort of sound coming from the speakers of the television as well but as she moved to the middle of the floor none of that really mattered to her anymore. It felt so good to just stare at the moving colors... the pretty patterns practically dancing around in her own eyes as everything else seemed to dissolve away...

A few minutes later most of the new Sabredrones and their controllers had led the others away, those that hadn't been turned yet being taken to conversion facilities to become drones. The mall was far from empty though as the assimilator that had found a red panda to convert was joined by the rest of his pack, all of them searching through the mall looking for stragglers that could be either captured or assimilated by them. As one of them, a rubber snake-like creature that prowled around by digging his claws into the wall and moving on all fours, was about to pass over one of the stores when he noticed something in the reflection that caused him to pause. As he lowered his serpentine head he saw an eastern dragon woman standing there staring at the television screens that were still broadcasting the message sent to the city via the sabredrone corrupters, a grin spreading over his snout as he mentally informed the others in his pack to take a look at what he had just found.

Soon the rubber sabresnake was joined by a similarly shiny wolfess and tiger, the feline waving his hand in front of Vene's face before chuckling. "Well this one is right zonked," the assimilator tiger said before looking to the other two in his pack. "What do you think we should do with her?"

"Could always use another one in the pack," the snake said as he walked around her, looking her up and down. "Considering she didn't get caught in the initial wave she might have the talent for it, but we would need approval. Otherwise we can just slap a collar on her and call it a day, let the others figure out whether she should be a drone or something else."

As the three discussed it between one another suddenly they all went rigid for a second, then shivered as they shook their head. "Looks like this one's going to be a special delivery," the tiger stated once the words of their Overlord left their mind. "Since it's going to take quite a while for the corrupter effect to wear off I think we might just need to bag and tag, do we have any of those left on us or did we set up our traps already?"

"Thankfully for you two I always keep a spare," the assimilator wolfess said with a grin, reaching into the pack that was secured on her muscular back and pulled out two latex sheets as she eyed up their prey. "Wow... she's already wet, we could have probably converted her with a look at this rate. Shame that the Overlord wants her."

"What, don't want to take us both anymore?" the tiger replied, the wolfess just smirking and sticking out her tongue as she and the rubber snake smoothed the two pieces out on the floor of the electronics store. Once they had gotten everything prepared they undressed the Eastern dragon and gently laid her down, her green eyes still tinted with the swirling colors from the television as they got her on her back. With the entirety of her body on one of the rectangles of black and purple latex they took the second one and laid it on top of her.

Though Vene was still completely enthralled by the hypnotic command that had made her stand there all that time she was still aware that something was going on around her, especially when they had taken off her clothes and she suddenly felt something smooth press against her back. As the three assimilators pressed the edges of the two sheets of rubber together she could feel it stretch slightly as she tried to move, hearing one of them say that they needed to hurry if they didn't want her to get tangled up. Her lust-muddled mind wasn't quite sure what that meant as she continued to shift, only to suddenly feel both sides of the rubber began to press around her...

The three assimilators stood up as they finished with their preparations, the shiny material automatically suctioning around the creature trapped within. Normally they just put up a sheet and anyone that stumbled into it would be rendered helpless, sometimes completely encased but more likely with some sort of limb sticking out, but when they used two not only would it render her easier to transport but keep her still and in the throes of pleasure. That could clearly be seen as the rubber began to suction around the female form of the dragon within, the hands that had been starting to roam locked into place as her body became more defined with ever second. It didn't take long for every crevice of her body to become perfectly outlined, hearing her let out muffled huffs as the shiny material even pushed inside her nostrils, pussy, and tailhole.

With the pleasure in her body once more spiking Vene found herself wiggling futilely against the strange vac-rack, feeling it push inside her not only to supply her with air but also to continue to stimulate her while the hypnotic effect still lingered in her mind. In the back of her mind she wondered if they were going to do anything to her like they had with others that had been captured, her body shuddering in pleasure at the thought, but it appeared that it was all business as one of the three grabbed her and hoisted her over their shoulder. There was nothing the latex-wrapped dragoness could do but continue to wiggle and squirm as she felt herself get moved out of the mall...

With her vision nothing but black rubber, and all other sensations but touch blocked by it as well, there was no way for Vene to know for how long she was carried. Eventually though Vene felt herself set back on the floor, her body shivering from the rubber still pressed against her back as the soft shoulder she had been riding on was replaced with something a bit harder. For a few minutes all the eastern dragon could do was continue to lie there and wait for what might happen next, trying to keep the haze of pleasure back long enough for her to think. Then the rubber that had been suctioned around her entire body suddenly released all at once, causing the top layer of latex to slough away when she waved her arm around.

When Vene sat up she immediately had to take a few deep breaths to steady herself as she let the stimulation ebb away, her mind feeling clearer than it had been ever since she entered that electronics store. Though the only thing that she could distinctly remember was the swirling colors she could also recall hearing what those assimilators had said as they talked around her. It had been something about being picked by the Overlord, which as she remembered was also what the two in the employee break room had been talking about. Apparently she was about to meet the one behind everything that had happened including in the mall... but as she looked down at herself she wished that she wasn't doing it naked.

Once she had gotten her bearings she looked around and took stock of her situation. The assimilators had dropped her off in some sort of hotel or apartment complex, though it was clear the corruption that she had seen being spread by the Sabredrones was already here. Every piece of furniture as well as the walls and floor had an unnatural sheen to them of the latex substance, though as she slowly made her way towards the kitchen and opened the refrigerator door to find food inside. If it wasn't for the fact that everything was rubber it would look like a normal hotel suite or high-scale apartment, Vene scratching her head as she tried to figure out what was going on.

The dragoness suddenly froze when she heard the door open, ducking behind the kitchen counter as she tried to look for something to defend herself with. She had no idea what was going to happen or who this person was as the soft footfalls of the intruder could be heard coming into the living room. Though it was hard to tell since it was night out she could see a vague reflection in the glass of the windows when she peeked up. It was clearly one of the Sabredrones, and though she knew she was at a disadvantage she wasn't going down without a fight as she picked up the first thing she found and hopped over the counter.

Just as Vene was about to bring down the frying pan on the creature's head she stopped, letting out a gasp of shock as she saw who it was for the first time. "No way..." the dragoness said as she saw the cocky smile of the rubberized draconic sabrewolf. "Serathin?!"

Part 2:

There was a moment of pause between the two as they looked at one another, Serathin smirking as he crossed his arms over his muscular chest. "I guess I should have known it was you when I saw all the saber teeth and rubber being sported," Vene said finally once she had gotten over the initial shock. "What are you doing all this though? Why are you creating so many of these Sabredrones?"

"Because I can," Serathin replied simply, his grin widening. "And because I love the look of all those shiny rubber creatures running around doing my bidding. Being the Overlord certainly has its perks, one of which is that I can invite my friends when I find them in order to give them a more... personal touch when it comes to their transformations."

"Well... they did say that you wanted me to be here," Vene replied, biting her lip as she couldn't help but look up and down the augmented body of the corrupted rubber creature. "So, I suppose now that you have you'll be turning me into a Sabredrone yourself, right?"

The dragoness crossed her own arms as Serathin nodded, sighing slightly at such a definitive statement. "Well, I won't be just turning you into a drone," the rubber creature replied as he moved over and put a hand on the shoulder of the eastern dragon, which caused Vene to see that the draconic sabrewolf had grown a couple of inches of height as well as his new muscle. "Since I already know you I think we can skip that initial step and bring you right into one of the more elite ranks. I already have an idea for you so why don't you just go ahead and relax... let me take care of things for you..."

Though Vene was about to say something else he looked into those glowing green eyes and suddenly found the words to take root in her mind, her arms falling to her side as she began to feel the tenseness in her body ebb away. "Wha... what are you doing," Vene managed to say even as her thoughts began to grow murky, reminding her of the electronics store but with a much slower, smoother burn to it. "My head... it feels fuzzy..."

"Is it now?" Serathin replied, turning to the side of the dragoness and getting in front of her while beckoning her forward. "Perhaps it would just be easier to listen to the sound of my voice, let it guide you to where you need to go."

Vene once more found herself nodding as she began to take steps forward of her own accord, her tail swishing lazily behind her as she could feel the rubber against the bottoms of her feet. She could feel her jaw starting to slack as she was led into another room with a very large bed that dominated most of the space. It was clear that Serathin wasn't about to waste any time with her transformation, but as Vene continued to follow the eyes leading her in. Any of the anxiety and fear that she had felt when she first emerged in this room was flowing away from her like water and was replaced with an intense calm.

"You are being a very, very good girl," Serathin said as he stepped forward and put his hand under her chin, seeing the stare of the enthralled in her eyes as their gaze met once more. "My assimilators told me where they had found you and I could only imagine how much of the corrupter's power you managed to soak in before they did. I knew your mind would still be very malleable... and there is nothing more beautiful then someone who has so willingly fallen to my whims."

Fallen... to his whims... though Vene knew how those words were supposed to go all she could focus on was how good it felt to be touched by this creature. Though she knew it was Serathin it was like a whole different creature standing there, a being that oozed power and confidence easily. It was... someone that she could give herself too like that, fall into his whims just like he said. Without even realizing it a smile had formed on her face until she felt another rush of power course through her body and caused her face to go slack once again.

As Vene thought she heard something come from the rubber creature she suddenly found herself thinking of the creatures that she had encountered from in the mall while she climbed up on the bed. There were the drones themselves, but this time as she thought about them she didn't get the same fear response... in fact she sort of thought that they could easily be told what to do by someone else. That brought her over to the controllers, the one that she had only heard when she was walking by the breakroom and though that one had more authority to him it still didn't seem right. She heard Serathin chuckle and then the vision moved on to the one that had captured that cashier, which she didn't know until that moment was known as a guardian sabredrone.

"Still nothing really pinging?" Serathin said, Vene looking up and seeing that he had maneuvered himself so that he was also on the bed sitting with his shiny back against the latex baseboard. "Don't fret, I figured that those wouldn't be your style. Something told me that an assimilator would be more of your speed."

Vene gasped slightly as she suddenly recalled the three that had captured her without the hypnotic haze that had been affecting her. As she remembered what the three rubbery creatures looked like she couldn't help but shudder, feeling a strange tingling sensation go down the back of her spine as she found herself oddly enticed by their strong, lithe bodies... the bodies of a predator like the one that she had seen before. "I... I want to be an assimilator..." she said, moving up and pressing her hands against his thick inner thighs. "A sabredrone assimilator..."

"I don't think I can get enough of this look on you," Serathin said as he swayed his finger back and forth, watching her follow it with the same blissed-out, enthralled expression on her face. "But you are certainly strong and capable of hunting, it's going to be a shame for me to lose such a thing to give you that dominant streak. Unless... heheh... I have an idea that I certainly think you're going to love, but first I'm going to give you what you didn't know you truly desired until this moment..."

Vene let out a moan as she felt one rubber hand rub down her throat while the other began to slide along her inner thigh. She hadn't realized in her hypnotized state that she had been completely turned around until she was once more staring at the face of the one that had put her in such a trance. Her blank face turned to one of pleasure as she felt herself get lifted up and felt her legs get put to the sides of the draconic sabrewolf's waist. The feel of the smooth rubber against her fur was causing her to shiver and when she looked down between the two of them she saw the thick black rubber cock of the corrupted creature between them.

Her gaze was brought back up once more and she saw the muzzle of the male move towards her until their lips pressed together, and the second that they connected she began to feel something push into her mouth. Even in her dazed state she could feel that something was strange with the appendage aside from the fact that it was stretching far longer as it slithered into her mouth. At the same time though she began to feel herself get lifted up into the air slightly, feeling the hands of the one transforming her sliding between her legs as he guided his cock down towards her pussy. Since it was rather girthy the dragoness found herself shivering slightly as it pushed up against her slit, but as the head was slowly eased into her the rubber combined with her wetness made it so that it wasn't long before the head popped in.

There was a moment between the two of them as the rush of pleasure caused her thoughts to rise above the haze of the hypnotic command and she realized that she was having sex with her friend that was also the Overlord of a bunch of rubber Sabredrones, but it actually felt... rather good. The power that practically radiated from the rubber creatures was slowly flowing into her and she could already feel the tingle of change, especially in her head and at her pussy while both were getting stuffed. As she found herself leaning back to try and allow more of it inside of her she let out a muffled gasp of surprise as the tongue she slid back from didn't leave her maw. In fact it seemed to be pushing in deeper as the corruption of the sabredrone was being fed to her body as Serathin once more enthralled her.

As the blissful, blank look returned Serathin got to work preparing his newest assimilator... as well as the extra idea that he had for her. As his cock continued to push inside of her the bright blue fur around her pussy began to shift, turning shiny and becoming a similar hue of purple. The changes weren't just happening to her fur on the outside either, already the synthetic seed pumping inside of her was altering her insides to turn her into a creature of rubber as her stomach swelled slightly from the sudden influx. As every second passed she gained more of her sabredrone form between her legs she also found herself sliding down deeper onto the thick rubber shaft being pushed up into her, Vene's hands moving down to the thighs of the sabrewolf as she continued to maintain eye contact with Serathin.

Though it was completely unnecessary at this point Serathin continued to whisper into her mind, adding layer upon layer of obedience and blissful enthrallment while droplets of purple rubber began to leak out of her mouth. His tongue had already slid deep into her throat to continue the corruption of her head, and he knew that if he wanted what he believed he could do he needed to act before she began to get her assimilator instincts. Vene had slid halfway down the Overlord's cock as she felt the lips and tongue leave her maw, the only thing circulating through her mind being pleasure and how much she wished to serve the Overlord as something began to push out past her lips. Her grunts and groans of bliss became more vocal as her face shifted to something more canine in nature, her whiskers retracting into her body as the ears of her head shifted slightly while purple rubber leaked out of them.

Suddenly Vene felt her mind snap like a rubber band and suddenly everything that she had felt before was gone, replaced with a sudden poise and confidence that hadn't been there before. When she looked at the face of the rubber sabrewolf she found her lips starting to curl up in a grin as she wrapped her arms around him, shifting her hips so that she slid down the rest of the way on her new vulcanized pussy. Both creatures smirked at one another as Serathin saw new instincts brewing in the mind of his newest drone, the predatory hunting instincts of an assimilator. By this point the rubber had spread up her stomach and towards her breast, both of which maintaining their tone and form as Serathin returned the favor and grabbed one of them to stimulate the sabredrone.

"Fuck... Serathin," Vene said as she could feel a growl growing in her chest as she found herself hilting the cock of the rubber male, her pussy stretched around it like a glove as her increasingly rubberized body continued to rub against his. "If you had told me that this was waiting for me... I think I would have just come here."

"I did send you a message," Serathin replied with a smirk, continuing to hold her bright purple rubber boob with one hand while the other went to her rear and slid her forward so she got even deeper inside. "But I don't mind the fact that you didn't get it. I can also see that your new body is coming along quite nicely..."

Before Vene could say anything she felt her back arch, gasping as she felt more changes continuing to happen to her head as well as the rest of her body. Though already being an Eastern dragon had helped with the transition she could still feel her skull reshaping slightly as it was rubberized, the bright blue horns on her head turning black as well as growing a second pair connected by a purple membrane. The biggest change to happen though were her new wings, and when those pushed out of her body she pressed against the thick chest of the male while they pleasurably stretched and formed from the rubber of her back. As the last of her body was assimilated by the sabredrone rubber she suddenly found herself getting pushed back and felt those new wings practically curl around her as Serathin shifted between her legs for a better angle.

"I knew you would make a great assimilator," Serathin said as he began to thrust deep into Vene, sliding mostly out of her pussy before pushing all the way in with almost tortorus slowness as the muscles on her arms and legs thickened slightly to give her the body of a hunter. "I can already see it in your eyes, wanting nothing more than to hunt down others and give them the same gift you have gotten from me."

"Yes... yes!" Vene gasped, feeling the power and need rushing through her body as she grabbed and pushed against her own breasts while the corrupted hybrid thrusted into her. "I'm your assimilator!"

The last word ended with a shout and a growl as Vene got her first orgasm as a sabredrone, her rubbery body practically quivering from the waves of pleasure as her Overlord continued to claim her as his. The night was clearly not over though and the two continued for several hours until eventually even the stamina of the two rubber creatures ran out. Vene collapsed on top of Serathin, their latex bodies squeaking as they pressed against one another before she slid next to him. The two remained like that for a while before the rubber sabrewolf eventually got up, causing the assimilator sabredrone to shudder as the cock that had been inside her for most of the time slid out of her new pussy.

"Well that was certainly intense," Serathin said with a smirk as he stood up from the bed, then reached down to help Vene up to her feet. "Why don't you have a glance at your new look?"

Vene strode confidently up to the mirror that she had been led to and looked at herself, a big grin on her sabertooth muzzle as she brushed the short black synthetic hair away from her eyes. Though she kept a somewhat similar collar scheme the bright purple of her stomach was matched with a darker one on the outside, and as she looked over herself she could see that several glowing green stripes were on her body. With the knowledge she had assimilated from the draconic sabrewolf she knew that those were normally given to those that transformed others, and when she asked Serathin about it he told her that she had put in quite the work and should enjoy it. She just chuckled at that and turned back around to her front, palming her latex breasts and enjoying the feel of the sensitive flesh before something at her groin caused her to pause.

"Serathin... what's this?" Vene said as she pointed to the glowing green lock right above her groin, her shock turning to full surprise as she slid her fingers between her legs and found nothing but smooth rubber. "Did you-"

"Oh don't pretend you're not going to enjoy that," Serathin replied with a deep chuckle, watching the assimilator wave her tail in slight frustration as she could still feel the pleasure building despite not having any way of handling it. "How are you feeling otherwise?"

"I feel... strong," she said as she licked her lips. "Ready to hunt and find others to convert for you, Overlord. It's like my entire body is a bundle of wound-up springs just waiting to be released!"

Serathin laughed once more as Vene flexed her fingers, feeling the raw primal energy running through her just like it did the other assimilators. She could also start to feel the voices of those that were connected to the network that linked all the drones together... including a few familiar ones. "Why don't you go ahead and give that new body of yours for a test drive," Serathin stated as he patted her on the head and ran a hand all the way down her rubber back. "Once you've satiated those instincts come on back here, I have one more little surprise for you that I think you're going to enjoy."

Vene just nodded and ran off through the door, letting it slam behind her. Once the corrupted hybrid could sense that she was out the building, using her new wings to try and catch up with another group, he looked down at the collar he had taken off of her. Though he had every intention of giving it back to his newest sabredrone he just needed to make a few... modifications to it, grinning as his rubber began to flow over the symbols...

A few hours later the assimilator sabredrone was flying back to the building where she had been turned, looking down to see all the drones that were moving about and spreading to anyone they could find. Most of the city had been turned at this point and those that weren't would soon be captured, just the like the few that she had found herself. Admittedly the thrill of the chase had aroused her greatly, but with the null effect in place all she could do was rub against herself. Vene hoped that when she got back to the place where the Overlord had told her to meet that perhaps he had some sort of plan for what to do with her, a thought that gave her entire body a tremor of pleasure as she landed in front of the building and took the elevator up.

The second that she got into the room Vene looked around for the Overlord, though she didn't have to search long as she found the rubbery creature sitting on the couch with a drink in his hand. "You've certainly been having a fun time," Serathin stated as he stood up and looked at the assimilator sabredrone, seeing a few new accessories on her body. "Picked up something for yourself as well."

"Yeah, I thought that these fit my new style a little more," Vene replied with a smirk, wiggling her fingers and the bright pink gloves that covered them. She also had a pair of similar cuffs around her ankles and wrists, and a black rubber band around her chest. "The one that I converted with a few other assimilators were wearing them and I figured she wouldn't mind, and it was a little trophy for me."

"Among other things," Serathin said as he went over and pressed a finger underneath her glowing purple eye, tracing along the stripe that was there. "You have given yourself quite the fierce look, but I think you need something to complete it. Fortunately I found something here that I think you're going to want to put on."

Vene looked at him in question before she saw him twirling a familiar collar on his finger, her hands going up to her neck to realize it was bare. "Oh, that was very sneaky of you," the assimilator dragon said as she snatched it from him and slid it over her head. "I see that you made some changes, I wonder what- oh..."

The sensation that the assimilator Sabredrone got was not what she was expecting; feeling more dominant and assertive then before as pride swelled up in her chest. She felt like she could take on anything and anyone and a confidence smile crossed her muzzle as she felt the power cascading through her body. "I can see you've found the little bonus that side of the collar brings," Serathin stated, Vene laughing and flexing her body as she felt ready to command and conquer. "Of course the real trick is all the essence that is locked into the other side that comes out when I do... this."

As Vene felt the fingers of the Overlord slide up underneath the collar she was about to ask what was about to happen before she felt the rubber flip over to the other side. The switch almost brought the assimilator dragon to her knees as all that dominance that she felt quickly flipped to subservience, her mind growing blank and fuzzy as her body was flooded with the desire to submit. It was almost like... it felt... like... her mind struggled to put the thoughts together as her face slacked, a familiar look for her in Serathin's eyes as she chuckled. It wasn't long before Vene found herself on her knees with a completely blank look as her entire body relaxed while still in that position.

"When I had created your new form I took that enthralled state and pulled it from you when your assimilator instincts kicked in," Serathin explained. "But it was too good to just go to waste so I imbued the underside of your new collar with all those sensations when it's exposed. A bold, confident, dominant hunter on one side... and a submissive, needy pet on the other."

A pet... the words practically rang in Vene's ears as all the sensations from her previous times hypnotized rooted in her mind once more. Yes... she was the pet of the Overlord, she was there to serve him completely. As she looked up she could feel those thoughts cementing into you mind when their gazes met. She was falling so deeply into her enthrallment she almost didn't notice that something had begun to slide into her maw until she realized that it was her master's cock.

Even as she began to bob her head up and down she continued to keep her gaze on the Overlord, on her master as they shifted their positions. Serathin sat down on the bed and continued to keep Vene's maw on him, sliding his shaft all the way down until he could feel her throat muscles clenching against it as her synthetic body stretched around it. The entire time she couldn't help but keep looking up, wanting to feel the warm embrace on her mind that had collared her so completely. His pet, his loyal Sabredrone pet... the words kept spinning in her mind as her nose bumped up against the groin while deep-throating the rubber cock.

"It appears that this was a rousing success," Serathin said as he slipped Vene back off of him, her enthralled face tinted with pleasure from serving her master. "Tell me my pet, who is your owner?"

"You are Overlord," Vene said, her voice slurring slightly as her thoughts were able to pierce the fog of lust to answer the question. "My mind and body are yours."

"That is good to hear," Serathin said as he stood the enthralled sabredrone up and turned her so she was facing the opposite direction. "Let's put that too the test with something I know you're going to enjoy, another benefit of knowing you so well and these bodies."

At first Vene wasn't quite sure what was going to happen, not that she cared as she continued to feel the relaxed, calming embrace of her master, but as she suddenly felt her back tingling it caused her to look down. As the tingling intensified a strange pressure joined it, followed by a wave of pleasure as something began to push out just underneath her breasts. At first she thought that her null bulge had been unlocked and that the Overlord was pushing into her with his maleness, but as she continued to see her stomach stretching it became clear she was only half-right. The fingers that were pushing out her latex flesh wiggled and caused her to squirm in pure euphoria before the moved up and began to stretch her shoulders.

The Overlord was taking her body in a quite literal sense, Vene realized as she let out a loud gasp when a second hand joined the first and both of them began to travel down her own arms. This was his rubber body, her own thoughts reminded her, and the delight in being not only a good pet but a vessel for him as well caused her to shudder. As the larger male pushed into her form she groaned in pleasure as her arms expanded, though not nearly as thick as the Overlord himself. It appeared that some adjustments were being made to keep her figure, though it was still becoming more muscular as she felt something push into the back of her thighs.

With Serathin sitting on the bed it was easy for him to slide his own limbs into the assimilator standing before him, watching her squirm and groan in the ecstasy of being taken by her overlord. Both of them watched as his thick draconic feet quickly slid down inside of her until they reached her own, causing them to bulge out and morph slightly before settling back down. As more of the draconic sabrewolf disappeared inside of her it felt like she was turning into a suit, a pet suit for her master as the rubber chest of the male pressed against her back. There was a moment of pause as Serathin got situated once more and the sabredrone pet began to feel her arms move of their own accord as they went down between her legs.

Both rubber creatures let out a loud gasp as the lock symbol on the groin of the female sabredrone stretched outwards, the cock sliding into her looking like it was about to become part of her own anatomy. With the lock still in place however she watched as the latex around it began to slither and contort, turning her female null groin into a very male null bulge. As the hands around it gave it a squeeze Vene could feel the intense pleasure that came from it, grasping her focus even more than when she felt her breasts get pushed out from the other male's pectorals underneath. Soon there was only the head of the Overlord left looking over her shoulder, the sabredrone pet practically panting as she felt her master almost completely inside of her.

There was one last kiss shared between the two before Serathin arched his head down, then Vene could feel the muzzle of the other male pushing its way up and stretching her neck. Even in her enthralled state the sensation was very strange and oddly sensual as her hands went up and she could feel the outline of Serathin's muzzle pushing up into her skull. Not only was he physically sliding inside but she could feel her muddled thoughts being pushed aside, pooling in the corner as this dominant male asserted control over her body. As their wings and tail also melded together Vene fell back against the bed as her body was overwhelmed with stimulation, one hand sliding against the rubber bulge between her legs while the other grasped one of her boobs while the muzzle of the draconic sabrewolf pushed out her own.

For a few seconds there was the bizarre sensation of having another mouth inside her own, even seeing the black rubber tongue that wasn't hers sliding out past her lips and the lips of Serathin until her rubber covered it. As it did she felt her blank expression she had been wearing ever since the Overlord had turned her into his pet shift into an evil smile, and just like that Vene was a passenger in her own body. When she felt herself get pulled up from the bed and moved over towards the mirror she found herself looking at her own reflection, save for the fact that her body was a bit more masculine and she had a sizable bulge with the green lock on it.

"Still haven't gotten compression completely down to a science," Vene heard her own voice say as the smirking assimilator dragon grinned at herself while stroking over her own breasts. "But I think with a little practice no one would even know I was in here. Just the Overlord waltzing around in the suit of his pet, feeling your master take such total control... in fact..."

As the two looked out of the same pair of eyes Serathin once more began to knead the bulge of rubber that was his cock, and as he did Vene began to feel something that caused her gasp mentally. He had started to press down enough that it looked like the bulge was shrinking, and as the sabredrone assimilator began to wonder if he was altering their shared physique to be completely feminine she suddenly felt something that was completely unexpected. A loud groan escaped their shared lips as the head of the rubber cock began to push inside her trapped pussy, the rubber of the suit throbbing as the shaft bent effortlessly so slide up inside of her. Even with the Overlord in control she found their pleasure was too much and they fell back onto the bed as she was once more stretched open by the one that was currently inside of her!

"Mmmm, going to have to remember this one," Vene heard herself say once more as Serathin continued to push every inch of himself inside of her until it looked like they had a female null bulge again, though there was a slight swell that would say otherwise. "And if I'm feeling frisky we can always switch things up."

Vene suddenly felt the fingers that had been teasing and aiding in her own penetration go up to her neck and flip the collar back around again, causing her to gasp when she suddenly found herself in control of her... well, their body. Not only did she get the familiar rush of being more dominant but it seemed to be augmented by the one inside of her, even above the pleasure coming from her rubber sex being filled. She found herself able to unlock herself as well, though for the moment she decided to leave the draconic sabrewolf's machinations as they were. With all the power of the overlord inside of her it felt like she could do anything, especially as she looked down at the city being converted below.

Just as suddenly as it started though the creature inside of her pulled back, her form quickly reverting back to normal as Serathin left her body. She had to grab onto the nearby railing as the cock that had been between her legs was suddenly pulled out and she was left with her null sex once more, hearing the corrupted sabrewolf chuckle in his own voice. "Definitely worth the effort," Serathin said as he completely unmerged from the sabredrone, Vene turning just in time to see him standing there. "So what did you think of my little surprise my pet?"

"Not your pet anymore," Vene said with a smirk as she pushed Serathin backwards, causing the Overlord to bounce on the bed as she crawled on top of him. "But if you unlock me I can show you exactly what I think of you assimilating me like this."

"I think that can be arranged," Serathin replied, watching the icon of the lock disappear as he willed it. "Now you've spoiled me, I'm going to have to see who else from my past I can assimilate..."

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It had nearly a year since the hit game Nexus Wars had come out, and though for Dieter the idea of PvP combat wasn't something that interested them it was all their friends had been playing ever since they had gotten it. Even though they had...

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Expert Soldier Program

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Change Sometimes Stings

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