Change Sometimes Stings

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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Tony leaves a party and ends up in a completely different one, this one had a demon invited to it that has decided that they wanted him to be the host. He manages to make it out, but not without a little parting gift that continues to linger with him. Fortunately there's someone that is more than willing to help him out... or is he?

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Tony wasn't quite sure what he was expecting when he had gone to the party of his friend; they tend to have a bad habit of being broken up by the police eventually for getting too rowdy and this night was no exception. Most of the time he didn't even go but he had been told that there was someone that he should meet there, another man that would be interested in talking with him and perhaps going out with him. While he had tried to get himself prepared for such a thing he ended up chickening out at the last second, telling the one he had been introduced to that he wasn't actually interested in anything. Though he knew that he preferred males it was still hard for him to go out there and attempt to engage in a relationship as a mixture of shyness and fear always seemed to get into way and he ended up spending most of the party hugging the snack table and trying not to make eye contact with people.

As the young man continued to kick himself for his reservations while walking down the street he looked at his phone and saw that his friend had attempted to message him after he left. It was no doubt to see if there was any chance of salvaging what he had tried to set up but Tony didn't feel like indulging in his friend's need to be a matchmaker at the moment. Unfortunately with it being past one in the morning there was little else for him to do except trudge through the streets back towards his own apartment where at least his warm bed was waiting for him. It may be empty but at least it was better then the stinging wind and snow that was being kicked up while he walked down the street.

When he turned the corner that was lined with closed shops he was surprised to see someone else walking a few feet in front of him. Anyone who was out would mostly be on the other side of town where the bars and nightclubs were situated, with this place being light commercial it was rare to see anything other than a passing car that was going to or from that destination. Since it was so cold outside it was hard to see who it was, not that it really mattered to him. Probably just some other lonely soul that was trying to get home...

The person disappeared around the corner and when Tony did the same he was surprised to find the one in front of him was completely gone, the surprise of not seeing the man anymore shocking him slightly. There was nowhere that he could go that wasn't some shop, he mused as he moved forward again, and unless he owned one there wasn't a place in the area that was open to the public. A voice in the back of his mind told him it was none of his business but given the cold temperatures outside anyone caught outside during the night would possibly develop hypothermia. When he looked down he saw that the light snow that was falling around him had provided a clue to their whereabouts in the form of tracks that continued forward a few feet before ducking into an alley.

When Tony got to the spot he saw that it was a narrow space between two of the smaller shops in the street, though what caught his attention more was the jacket that was lying by the side of the dumpster. Having followed the person for a few minutes he knew it was theirs and as he walked over to it he found the owner nowhere to be found. Once more the person was nowhere to be found and as he looked around the alley he found himself befuddled again with the disappearance of the person. The only places here were two doors that led into the back of their respective shops and what appeared to be a steam vent, and while the grating was still on it he decided to look inside just to make sure they hadn't somehow fallen in.

As he got close to the large grate Tony looked down to see if there was anyone missing a coat sprawled out on concrete floor, but it was hard to tell with the red glow from what he assumed to be security lights coming from it. But despite not being able to see anything he could hear something above the hissing of steam. At first it was low but could definitely be identified as a voice, or multiple voices that were directly beneath him. Out of curiosity he carefully laid himself down on the vent and put his ear to one of the openings, getting a clearer tone of what sounded like... chanting?

It was only when he had gotten all the way down to where his face was hovering above the metal bars did he finally make out the pattern on the concrete floor, some sort of design etched into it that was the actual source of the glowing red light. He could also make out some movement on the outside of the circular image, a figure robed in black wearing some sort of golden necklace holding his hands out to the circle itself. It appeared he might have found where that person had gone, and as he caught glimpses of others he realized that they were not alone. Part of him thought about calling the police to report this, but even before he could decide what to do and reach for his phone something began to happen in the middle of the circle.

The glowing intensified for a second and something began to form directly beneath him, a shadow or hologram that was taking some sort of humanoid form as the chanting grew louder. Whatever this thing was seemed to be moving around in agitation and it seemed to try to lash out at those that were around it, though as it reached out to them its form once more became amorphous and hazy. Tony could hardly believe his eyes, had he just stumbled upon some sort of ritual? Even though he didn't believe in magic or anything like that whatever was happening beneath him was an impressive display and without thinking he found himself reaching for his phone to record it.

But sitting on the cold grate had affected him more than he realized and Tony's eyes widened as the phone slipped out of his fingers and landed on the grate with a loud clang, causing the translucent creature to look up with its formless face. He suddenly heard several shouts from below but as he tried to get back to his feet something came at him from the circle with blazing speed, what could only be assumed was the tail of the creature darted up and passed right through the grate to hit him in the chest as he attempted to leave. The force of the blow from the vaporous creature was like a punch in the cut and as he staggered backwards his hands went to his stomach, feeling a burning sensation spread through the area. His coat wasn't damaged however and he could hear the yelling of those below grow more insistent, which prompted Tony to once more pick himself up and run down the alley and back into the empty street as the darkness seemed to quickly envelop him as he moved...

Suddenly Tony gasped as he found himself opening his eyes, practically falling off of his bed as he still thought for a second he was in the street and running away. When he looked around he found himself back in the familiar setting of his apartment, though it took him a few moments to realize that as he continued to breathe heavily. As the familiarity of his surroundings calmed him down his mind went back to the street and what he had seen... or had he? Perhaps he had more to drink at his friend's party than he thought as he slowly got up from his bed only to wince as his abdomen twitched.

When he sat up on his bed Tony slowly pulled up and saw that his stomach was covered in what looked like a large, black bruise. Though it looked very painful when he touched it the only thing that happened was the muscle twitched underneath. He thought back to the steam vents and that strange shadowy creature that was in the middle of the circle, how it had reached up and hit him in the exact same spot. But once more he shook his head and dismissed it, thinking that he had just received some sort of injury during the party in his drunken state and his mind had made up a crazy story to go along with it when he probably just hit a table or something.

As Tony got up to start his day however two things happened immediately that caused the reality of the situation to come crashing down on him; the first was that the pants he thought he believed he had passed out wearing fell to the floor around his ankles, and that he was suddenly thrown off-balance by something behind him. When he tried to turn around to see what had just swayed him to almost fall against the wall he didn't see anything however, and when he continued to turn around there was nothing there that could have caused it. Yet he continued to feel a strange presence behind him and as he grew more aware there was also something pressing against his lower back. Finally he reached around to see what was there and felt his blood turn to ice as he felt his fingers run along the base of his spine only to feel something that was fused to the flesh back there.

For a few seconds Tony found himself unable to move as he continued to feel something very smooth like polished stone or rubber, his fingers tracing for a seam that wasn't there. At first he thought that his roommate had pulled some sort of prank on him in his drunken stupor but there was nothing that indicated what he was feeling was some sort of prosthetic. Eventually his brain finally remembered that he had a mirror in his room and went over to his closet, still stumbling slightly from the heavy thing connected to his back. When he finally got there he whipped open the door where the mirror was and turned to his side, letting out an audible gasp at what he saw there.

On the otherwise bare flesh of his human body there was a three-foot long rubber scorpion tail that was attached right above his butt, the appendage still waving about lazily in the air as Tony had to grab onto the other door of the closet to prevent himself from falling over in sheer shock. As his fingers had indicated to him there was no seam or line that indicated it had been placed there artificially, and the second that he had saw it he suddenly became aware of its presence just like his arms or legs. It was as though seeing it had created the connection to his brain and though it was hard to wrap his head around when he tried to get it to stop moving around he found it stiffen for a few seconds before he lost his concentration and it went back to its normal swaying pattern. It was impossible, he thought to himself as he looked up at the stinger on the end of it that twitched slightly, but as he tried to dismiss there was something in his mind that said this was real and whatever was beneath that steam vent did this too him.

That was it, Tony thought to himself as his eyes remained affixed to the latex appendage attached to him, he had to go back to that steam vent and try to figure out what happened to him there. Though it was daytime now it was still cold and snowy, which meant that he could use his coat to hide the strange mutation on his body... though as he looked at it he realized it may still cause a lump. He knew he couldn't just stay inside his room all day though and once more got dressed as best he could. As he put on his shirt he decided to thread the tail underneath it to help keep it pressed against his back, his body shuddering slightly from the feel of the rubber against his bare skin as he secured his pants as best he could as well before venturing out.

Just as he was leaving his room and closing the door behind him Tony heard a noise that caused him to jump, turning to see his roommate looking at him from the kitchen. "Whoa, did you go to a costume party or something?" he asked, putting down the breakfast he had made for himself on the counter before walking towards him. "That thing looks badass!"

Tony's mind raced to try and figure out how to get his roommate away, not wanting to garner any attention from him about his new alien tail. While he had known Wyatt for years now living together they weren't exactly friends, more like acquaintances. He definitely trust the rather brash, loud man to keep whatever happened to him a secret and the last thing he needed was him telling his friends that his roommate had grown a tail. But while he thought of ways to dissuade the man from investigating his new appendage seemed to have other ideas as Tony suddenly felt his shirt tighten against him before tearing off his body with a loud rip.

As Tony suddenly found himself naked the recently freed tail darted forward and stretched over his shoulder, the stinger plunging into Wyatt's shoulder and causing him to flinch. "What the hell man?!" Wyatt shouted as he put his hand on the wound, though instead of blood coming out it looked like black ink was oozing through his fingers. "What was that... all... about..."

The look on his roommate's face went from anger to confusion as he suddenly fell to one knee, his hand still holding his shoulder even though when he momentarily lifted it all Tony could see was latex-covered flesh. It didn't appear to be pain that had brought the other man down however and both he and Wyatt watched with wide-eyed awe as the arm of the man began to bloat and swell. At first Tony thought that he was having some sort of reaction but as the black latex cascaded down it they could both see the new growth turning into pure muscle when he flexed his bicep. In a matter of seconds it had spread all the way down his arm, forearm thickening and his fingers twitching as they grew so large that his other hand looked small in comparison.

"What..." Wyatt gasped as veins of black began to creep up his neck as his shirt ripped at the transformed shoulder, revealing his pectorals swelling in the same manner as the alien venom spread through his system. "Tony... what did... you do... to me..." All Tony could do was stand there in pure shock as the rubber on top of Wyatt's skin continued to spread over him as well, a texture forming in the shiny substance that looked like scales. "Why... does it feel... so goooorraaahhhh!"

Tony found himself taking a step back as blackness had gone up Wyatt's neck and to his face, which started to contort and swell as the liquid rubber started to leak out of his nose and mouth. Before he could do anything Tony suddenly felt his tail move again, once more striking into the already shiny section of the man's back and causing the muscles there to immediately swell once more. Though he tried to mentally tell his tail to retract he couldn't get the stinger to pull out, and as the transformative venom continued to pump into his roommate something began to flow back. The sudden rush had taken Tony by surprise and as the man kneeling there ripped out of his clothes from the sheer muscle growth all he could do was stand there as what he could only describe as power coursed through his body.

With the stinger firmly embedded in the male the mutation of his body has rapidly accelerated, the rubber completely spreading over his thickly muscled form as every breath that came from his growing muzzle grew deeper. Had Wyatt been wearing shoes they would have exploded as his feet rippled with growth before his toes merged and grew into three thick toes while talons emerged from them. The transforming male continued to grunt and moan as his body grew more bestial by the second; Tony could only watch as a thick rubber reptilian tail stretched out from his spine and the latex around his stomach seemed to suction in until it revealed an eight-set pack of abs. When the scorpion tail finally pulled out of the other man it was no longer a man that stood before him, instead was a rubber lizard monster that would have towered over him had he been standing.

Tony found himself panting as well as he looked down and suddenly saw the black latex orbs of the other man staring up at him. What... what had he done, his mind thought as the creature continued to growl softly while holding his gaze. Not only had he grown a tail but it had just turned his roommate into some sort of rubber lizard beast! At least from the look of it Wyatt enjoyed himself as his gaze happened to drift down to see the erect rubber cock throbbing between his heavily muscled thighs, and suddenly he found himself getting aroused as well as he felt a connection to the one that he had just created...

No, he didn't do this, Tony reprimanded himself as he tried to focus on the issue at hand. He wasn't horny from what he had done either, though his body still tingled with whatever he had gotten from Wyatt after they had connected for the second time. As he looked down at the reptilian muzzle and frills that adorned this new lizardman he couldn't help but think of how hot he looked, finding himself insatiably attracted to this... monster that had been created. He found himself breathing heavy as Wyatt seemed to interpret his lustful looks and reached forward, pulling down his pants and exposing his fully erect member before licking against it. It stretched far longer then it should have, though being a rubber monster meant that nothing was what it seemed, Tony suddenly felt the energy that had been absorbed into his body coalescing where the lizardman was pleasuring him.

Never in his life had Tony thought that he would be getting a blow job from anyone while standing in the middle of his apartment, much less his friend that he had somehow transformed with a tail he didn't know how he acquired, but as the lizardman took his entire member into his maw it felt strangely good. He knew in the back of his mind this was wrong and he should be trying to figure out how to change him back, but the sight of this brute, this absolute beast of a creature sucking on him was almost intoxicatingly arousing. As the rubber creature completely engulfed the admittedly small cock he sported the anxiety and guilt that he felt started to melt away, along with his apprehension and reservation of doing such acts. It started to almost feel natural as he pushed his hips forward, the other male eagerly swirling his tongue around the shaft and causing Tony to shiver.

As Tony found himself gripping the sides of the lizardman's head the muzzle of the creature continued to push down, getting his cock deeper into his maw. While he wasn't sure how he was definitely enjoying himself as it felt like he was filling the muzzle of his creation even more, even getting the head of it down into his throat. If this felt that good, shivering as the rubbery saliva of the male leaked out past his lips as he began to thrust forward, he began to wonder what it would be like to take his tight tailhole. But just as the lust and desire of their coupling began to overtake his rational thought Tony noticed that the throat of the lizardman was actually bulging out with each thrust, causing him to stop when he realized it was impossible for him to get that deep... unless...

Tony gasped loudly as he pulled back his cock, having to take several steps back as the shiny black member continued to slide out of the lizardman's muzzle until finally the head came out with a loud pop. What the human held in his hands was not the same maleness he had before, his changed cock nearly nine inches long now and glistening with a shiny black luster. It looked like someone had attached a sheath onto him, except when he tugged on it he was once more given a jolt of pleasure that caused him to stop. While the transformation wasn't nearly as dramatic as Wyatt's, who had started to stroke his own meaty cock with his hands while seemingly waiting for Troy, he also saw that what he thought was a bruise on his stomach was actually growing shiny as well.

It reminded Tony of what he was originally going to do and pulled up his pants, hefting his thicker maleness as best he could and zipping it up to cause a rather large bulge in the front. With his coat however it should hide both that and his tail as he started to go out the door before turning back and remembering the rubber lizardman monster he had created. "Alright Wyatt... you stay here," Tony stated, breathing a slight sigh of relief when the creature nodded in response. "Don't worry man, I'll figure out what happened to us."

Though it was hard to backtrack coming from the other direction, the night after his encounter with whatever was in the steam vents still extremely hazy, eventually he found the alley he was looking for. The entire time he moved there however he found himself surrounded by people and as he passed by certain ones he could feel his tail twitching. It almost seemed anxious, even agitated that it wasn't being let out as Tony felt the rubber sliding against his back. Those feelings seemed to translate into him as well and the longer he walked the more times he wondered what would happen if he just let his tail out...

But with a shake of his head Tony remained resolved to figure out what was happening to him and when he got to the alley he breathed a sigh of relief for getting out of the crowd before investigating. The jacket was gone however and when he looked in the steam grate that had caused this whole thing however there was nothing that he could see down there. No glowing red ritual circle, no one in black robes, nothing. Part of him wondered if he should try to pry open the grate and as he tugged experimentally on it he stopped when he noticed his fingernails had darkened and started to turn to claws.

"Tony?" A voice called out that caused him to look over towards the alley entrance and quickly put his altered hands behind his back, seeing his friend standing there. "There you are, I tried calling you after the party but kept getting your voicemail. I was going to ask you how you did with James?"

"Oh... right," Tony replied, feeling his cheeks grow flushed with slight embarrassment. "Listen, Alexi, we talked for a bit and I don't think it'll work out. Also I'm really busy here with something so-"

"Nonsense!" Alexi said as he charged over and took Tony by the hand, feeling his body shake as the rubber scorpion tail attempted to break through his coat only to be stopped by the thick layer. "He's still at my place, why don't you come back with me and try again now that there aren't any people?"

"Listen, I really, really don't think this is such a good idea!" Tony shouted as he was pulled back into the crowd where his tail's new instincts seemed to temper slightly.

"Look, whatever you have to do today I want you to cancel!" Alexi shouted back while taking him towards his car. "Today you are caterpillar, by tonight we're going to make you into a beautiful butterfly!"

Though Tony wanted to continue to protest more he found himself staying silent as he was practically pushed into the vehicle, his friend closing the door and running over to get into the driver's side. Both of his rubber appendages were practically throbbing with anticipation and it was possibly the reason why he didn't get out of the car and start running down the street. For better or worse it appeared he would be escorted back to his friend's house so he could try and hook him up, and as they drove off Tony couldn't help but look back at the alley that contained the steam bent. He was definitely changing, he thought to himself, but it definitely wasn't a butterfly he was transforming into...

Part 2:

Tony sat in silence as he was driven back towards his friend's place, a house that was situated in the upper-class portion of the city. Though it was close to where he lived it seemed like hours before they finally arrived, the entire time his thoughts were fixated on the tail that was writhing in his coat behind him. More than once it jerked so hard that Alexi noticed the movement, but he was so absorbed in telling him what a great guy James was that he ignored it. Since he had already heard everything before it allowed Tony to try and figure out what he was going to do next.

With the steam grate being a bust he didn't know what to do next in order to try and figure out what had caused him to grow a rubber scorpion tail in the first place, or why it seemed to be able to turn others into rubber beasts like his roommate. His thoughts turned back to the huge latex lizardman that was hopefully still in his apartment, though he could only dwell on the thickly-muscled creature for a few seconds before his arousal grew to the point he had to stop. Maybe this was his time, he joked to himself in his mind, rubber monsters that he created were his preferred male. Almost immediately he chastised himself when he realized how light he was taking the situation, though his thoughts were broken when he heard Alexi announce that they had arrived.

When they got inside Tony saw that the maids had likely already been there, no trace of the party that had raged yesterday could be seen. "If you want to talk to James he said that he was gong to have a swim in my training pool while I went out to drop a few friends off," he said as he motioned towards the stairs that led down to the basement level of the large house. "I'll take your coat so you can go down-"

"I'm fine!" Tony blurted, grabbing onto his jacket and holding it tight to the point he worried that he might see the outline of the tail. "If I go and talk to him will you let me on your computer though? I want to search something and mine is busted... and I would rather not go to the library to use theirs if I can help it."

Alexi smirked and told him that was fine, Tony nodding and heading in the direction that he was told. He had been to his friend's house numerous times before and knew where the small pool he used to sometimes train was, heading down the stairs and into the dedicated weight room. When he got to the pool area he saw that someone was in it, the jets rushing and churning to push back the swimmer so that they could simulate running laps. When he got close enough to it he saw the man in it was exercising rather hard and clad only in a pair of goggles and a speedo. He was definitely hot, Tony found himself thinking as he continued to stand there and watch his lithe body cut through the water.

It wasn't until the jets stopped that Tony realized he had been staring, jumping slightly and pretending to have just gotten there as he watched the man pull himself up from the pool. "Oh... hey there," James said when he saw Tony come up to him, a look of surprise was quickly replaced with a small smile on his face as he looked him up and down. "You're Tony right? The one that Alexi is desperately trying to set me up with?"

"Yeah, he is rather obvious in that regard," Tony replied with a sheepish grin, trying not to look down between the other man's legs or at the rest of his mostly naked form. "Listen, I really have something that I need to look at on his computer and he said that I needed to talk to you first, do you mind telling him we totally hit it off or something?"

"Sure, I think I can manage him for a while," James replied as he toweled himself off. "Man, you must be sweating in that thing, don't you want to take your jacket off or something? Alexi keeps this place at like ninety decrees."

Tony just found himself nodding and found himself beginning to take off his jacket as he continued to stare at the man while he walked back over to turn off the pool. With no worry of being caught he found himself licking his lips as the guy bent over, showing off the round globes of his toned butt almost as if in invitation. He could feel his heart racing in his chest as he let his coat slip to the floor, slowly walking over towards the man despite himself. There was something about him that was so intoxicating, so alluring that made him forget why he was even wearing a coat in the first place.

When James turned back around he was surprised to see Tony right in front of him, but as he was about to ask what was going on he was suddenly shocked when he felt something push into his stomach. Both Tony and James looked down to see the rubber stringer buried in his abdomen, and though Tony realized what he had just done he found himself not pulling it back as the veins around the injection site turned black and his abs began to pop. Just like with his roommate the shock and horror of what had just happened ebbed away form his face as the bulge in his speedo began to grow, quickly stretching out the fabric as rubber quickly flowed over his body. With no clothes other then the speedo on Tony was able to watch as the venom of his scorpion tale quickly took effect.

As his swollen cock pushed its way out of his speedo and flopped out into the air his torso grew thick with muscle, the transformation radiating outwards with even more speed then before as he grunted and groaned. His body quivered from the changes as the veins spread over him like wildfire, corrupting every muscle in his body and spurring on its growth as he leaned against the infinity pool. Tony found himself continuing to step forward as the changing male leaned back, watching the athletic human grow with every second that his tail was pushed into him as he found himself releasing his own cock. Just as his entire frame began to expand James fell back into the pool, his speedo tearing off of his body as he sank briefly under the surface of the water.

Though it was hard to tell what was happening beneath the surface the hands and feet could still be seen, Tony's tail twitching as he watched both the fingers and toes lengthen as the rubber grew over them like webbing. It was clear this wasn't going to be a lizard monster this time as patterns began to form in the muscular thighs of the creature, his hands and feet quivering as he they grew bigger and stronger. Eventually James was able to push himself out of the pool and when he did it was right as his face was expanding, the hair on his head being coated by the latex as his voice grew raspy and deep while becoming more angular. When his ears melted into his head as well and something began to push out of his back Tony realized what this new monster he had created was, watching the rubber shark creature practically bucking his hips into the air from the sheer bliss that his corrupted mind was being fed from the venom.

Once more Tony felt the rush of power as he transformed his latest victim as well, pulling off his pants as the began to feel his own muscles starting to stretch and swell. As his tail pulled out of the heavily muscled shark beast he could feel the latex spreading more, coating his cheeks with the shiny material as it also spread up his torso. He knew that it should be alarming, especially since he had not attempted to stop himself once when he had transformed this second man, but it felt so good his enjoyment of the act outweighed any panic he might have felt. Turning others into monsters was turning him into one... but as the rubber crept down his thighs and white stripes began to appear in his shiny black skin he found a small smile creeping across his face.

His attention was turned from his own body to the one in the pool as James had managed to pull himself completely out, though he had to do it feet first with his stomach against the side of the pool because of his new rubbery nature making it very slippery. As his tailhole glistened in the light Tony found himself staring at it, the rear end he had been admiring before made even more beautiful by the rubber covering it as a finned tail grew out to finish off his transformation. Unlike Wyatt there was nothing distracting Tony from taking what was his, his creation needed to know that he was his after all...

Somewhere in the back of his mind he noticed his corrupted thinking, but he was far too horny to care as he took his thick rubber cock and gave it a few strokes before pushing it between those exposed cheeks. His new beast let out a stream of bubbles as his head was still below the water, the shark bucking slightly with the sudden insertion of his mutated hole. This wasn't him, Tony managed to think as he began to push inside, but as he began to slide himself inside the other male he began to wonder if that was really a bad thing. The old version of himself wouldn't have ever taken such an invitation, instead eventually heading back to his bed with his hand and box of tissues, but this new version was more than ready to take what was presented to him as he began to thrust forward.

The sounds of their rubbery bodies filled the air as Tony succumbed to his lusts, feeling the strength still being fed to him by the soul he had corrupted so completely. He could feel his creation writhing in pure bliss as his master took him, a smile forming on his lips as the thought that this was his pet came to mind. This creature was a bastion of strength, a creature of power and he was the one dominating it. As he began to thrust harder and revel on the synthetic walls squeezing around his cock he saw in the reflection of the still water that his eyes had begun to glow and that his lips and ears looked puffy. The image made him pause, feeling his rubber shark beast clamp down from the sudden lack of stimulation, and started to break free of his own lusts as he realized what he was doing...

"What the hell is going on down here!?" A voice suddenly said, Tony blinking several times as he looked back to see Alexi standing there a few feet behind him and approaching quickly. "When I was hoping you two would hit it off I didn't think it was going to be in my pool! And what on earth are you two-"

Tony felt his lips turn up into a sneer at the interruption and once his friend had gotten close enough his tail struck, hitting Alexi in the side and causing him to yelp. While he had not been thinking about who was going to be next it seemed his prey had walked right in for him, he thought as he immediately felt a second surge of that intoxicating power flow through him. The rubber on his body spread further and his muscles grew more pronounced on his chest and shoulders as he watched Alexi drop to the ground, writhing and moaning as his body quickly filled with muscle as rubber cascaded over his body. Each time he was getting quicker, the corrupted male thought to himself as he watched the short hair on the human's head grow thicker and longer while framing his mutating ears that became rounded.

The sound of clothes ripping could be heard as Alexi's body bloated with muscle before streamlining out to the rest of his body, the transforming man going from gasping to grunting and finally letting out a roar as his face sprouted a feline muzzle and his feet turned to heavy paws to accomadate his new frame. As Tony's own face began to expand, feeling his teeth growing sharper, he thrashed back and forth himself as he received pleasure not only from his renewed thrusts into the huge male beneath him but also from the lion beast that he had just created. As his tail withdrew Tony told the other male exactly where he wanted him, the rubber lion beast standing up and quickly walking over to the still partially human man and massaging against his chest and sides while his thickly muscular form rubbed up against him.

Just as Tony was getting into the pure lust and pleasure he was getting from the two beasts he had created he suddenly heard someone clearing his throat, this time letting out a full snarl as he pulled his cock completely out of the rubber shark and turned to face who dared to spoil his fun this time. As his tail twitched however he stopped when he saw a hooded figure standing there, his body unable to move as he stood there looking at the latest person to join them down in the basement. "I see that you are enjoying yourself," the cloaked figure said, holding up a medallion that caused Tony to recoil slightly and hiss. "It seems I was correct in coming here, though the corruption hasn't fully taken hold of you yet I surmise that you wouldn't be able to attack me if you tried."

When it became clear that this person was protected by him the instincts that had been driving Tony since he had first encountered James seemed to recede, replaced by a clarity of thought as he looked over to see that the rubber lion he had created had taken his place behind the rubber shark. "I... I..." Tony found himself at a loss for words as he looked down at his own half naked body, seeing that his toes had started to turn to huge paws that looked as monstrous as those that his tail had created. "What's happening to me?"

"Perhaps it's best to have this discussion away from your thralls," the cloaked figure stated as he slowly pulled back the hood to reveal a young man, his blue eyes staring straight at Tony as he brushed back his long brown hair. "There is a lot to go over and I would hate to have to repeat myself."

Tony found himself nodding and the two went back up to the first floor, leaving the sounds of rubber bodies squeaking against one another as they made their way to the dining room. With his lust no longer clouding his mind it gave him a chance to see just how far he had fallen, looking over himself to find that there was very little left of him that was human. The rubber that had covered the scorpion's tail was over most of his body, the shiny black broken up by white stripes. As the self-proclaimed cultist went and got them something to drink he continued to look at himself in the reflection of the window to see that his face had taken on a more feline tone.

"I wouldn't keep looking at yourself if you can help it," the man said as he put down a mug in front of him before moving over to the opposite side of the table. "The demonic essence inside you tends to trend towards dominance and narcissism, and if you're going to want to hold off on your transformation you'll stay away from it."

"So, what I saw down in that steam grate was some sort of demon summoning..." Tony said before gasping slightly. "Am I possessed by a demon?!"

"Not quite," the man replied. "What you saw down there without us realizing was a demon summoning ritual, one that my fellow summoners thought that they had under control. As per usual they got sloppy and didn't realize how bad it would be to have it being cast underneath an open portal like that... they're called binding circles, not binding spheres for a reason. While the demon couldn't escape it sensed you above him and decided to give a little parting gift to our realm in the form of that tail of yours, which seems to be just as potent as the demon himself."

"Then that's how I got this tail..." Tony stated, looking at the twitching appendage briefly before turning back to the cultist. "Where you trying to get this for yourself?"

"Again, you're close but not quite there," the man replied. "The reason they were summoning a manticore demon was because they did want its corruptive power, however they were going to distill it and turn it into a serum that was mostly for its mind controlling and corruptive properties. What you have here is a completely different beast, so to speak, and from the look of it your corruption turns guys into horny rubber monster men."

Tony felt himself blush at that but also a strange sense of pride before he shook his head. "I guess the question is can you reverse it?" Tony asked. "Not just for me, but for the others I've changed as well... I mean, I'm sure Alexi wouldn't mind his new form but I'm sure the others would probably want a say in it. Also, how did you manage to find me here anyway?"

"You dropped this," the man replied as he tossed a phone in front of Tony. "I've been tailing your friend hoping he would lead me to you before the others. Truth is that we have a way to turn you back and I wanted to be the one that found you first because they would have just probably killed you and the others to take your corrupted body parts."

"That's... gruesome..." Tony replied with a disgusted look. "How do I avoid that?"

"I happen to be the one that figured out the protection spell against your corruption," the cultist replied as he gestured to the medallion around his neck. "Therefore I also know how to dispel it, and when I do the only thing that's going to keep you from corrupting the lot of them is the leash I'll put on you now to control those instincts of yours. If they betray us then I release the leash and you do your thing, if not then you return to normal and we get this whole messy affair sorted."

"Sounds like I don't get a choice in the matter," Tony replied with a sigh as he rubbed his head, feeling latex against latex that reminded him of how dire his predicament was. "Let's go... uh, what's your name?"

"Eh, call me Stag," the cultist said as he got up, showing off a second necklace of a carved deer head. "That's my spirit animal. Now we don't have a second to lose, the longer that tail remains a part of you the more corrupted you'll get until you become a manticore demon yourself, and we wouldn't want that would we?"

A few hours later Stag and Tony had taken Alexi's car and drove back down into the city, parking in front of the store that shared the alley where the ritual had taken place. Though they had taken care to bundle up the transforming male as much as possible it was impossible for them to find shoes for his oversized feet, especially with the claws grown in as they stepped out. Those that were in the city streets didn't care to notice his rubbery feet or the tracks he left behind in the snow as they walked up to the shop. When they got there an older man was at the front of the flower shop, looking up to see the two walk inside. Just as he was about to greet them Stag pulled down his hood and gave the man a grin and wave of his head.

"Stag, what do you thin you're doing?" the older gentleman said as he came forward towards them. "I thought I made it clear that we aren't to meet until the situation with the-"

The man suddenly stopped dead in his tracks as Stag held up a leash covered in runes that led to the other male, Tony poking his rubberized muzzle out from the scarf that covered it and gave him a fangy grin. "I present to you the situation," Stag said as he gestured towards Tony, holding up the leash as the man attempted to get closer once more and causing him to stop. "Ah ah ah, none of you are getting close to him until we resolve a few things. Call the others and tell them to head down to the summoning chamber, I'll be down there with our new friend."

Tony felt himself swallow hard, which made him acutely aware of the color he was wearing around his neck. The ritual that had been performed on him had done the trick to suppress the desires that he was feeling before, though being led around on a leash did seem to provoke his newfound dominance a bit. He kept thinking back to the others, having previously stashed the lizard beast he had created in Alexi's house with the shark and lion. He could only hazard a guess at what the three men were doing in their absence, though he tried not to think about it since Stag warned him that it was possible to overwhelm the fragile magic that kept him in control. The older man gave them a wide birth as Stag led him to the back of the flower shop and down a set of stairs to a room that looked like a simple storage area.

Eventually they made their way to the back of that area to a metal door that was marked as refrigeration, though when Stag opened it Tony saw it was anything but. It looked like something that belonged in a typical movie about a demon summoning, light and flecks of snow streaming in from the steam grate above that had kicked all this off while totems and tapestries of various creatures lined the wall. On in particular was very familiar as he walked up to it, reading the name Manticore underneath it as he saw the visage of a fearsome feline with a scorpion tail just like his own. When Tony looked down at his own body covered in the coats and clothing they had used to obscure his body he decided to take them off, stripping down to his bare body in order to compare himself to it.

He had certainly come a long way from waking up with a rubber scorpion tail, he thought to himself as he ran his clawed hands down his muscular, latex body. While fur had formed on him there was no way anyone would think that he was anything but unnatural as he traced over his pectorals and washboard abs, feeling his feline muzzle split into a grin and expose his sharpen teeth. Even though he knew he wasn't supposed to be thinking of himself like that he knew that he looked powerful, dominant, and capable of taking anything he wanted as he ran his hands over his head and triangular ears. Then there was his cock and balls, one hand slowly stroking his thick, foot long shaft while the other cupped the heavy orbs that hung beneath it while his tail practically started dripping the corruptive rubber venom from its tail.

A single tug on the leash and a glance from Stag reminded him of his place, Tony still finding himself grinning sheepishly before letting go of his maleness and letting it soften. The two continued to wait for a half an hour before the metal door opened again, this time with eight others in robes wearing the same medallions filing in before closing it behind them. "You can toss the jewelry aside," Stag replied with a smirk as he opened his arms to show only his deer head charm around his neck. "The only thing between you and a demon's stinger is the wards I have placed."

"You play with powers you can't possibly comprehend," the old man from the front of the flower shop said as he and the others stepped forward. "Let us have the creature so that we may excise it of its corruption."

"I don't think so," Stag quickly retorted as he slung the leash over his shoulder, keeping himself between the others and Tony. "I know what you were planning on doing with my magic, and I have to say that I don't approve. Why do you have to think so small and brainwash a couple of people in power to further your own gains when you literally have the power of demons at your fingertips? I've personally seen what this one is capable of alone and he far surpasses all the expectations that I had for him."

The room suddenly went even colder then usual and the look of shock and horror on the other cultists indicated to Tony that something had just gone very, very wrong. "I should have known..." the apparent leader of the group said with a sneer. "We had not prepared for a manticore demon, had it not been for your talismans it might have broken free into the world! Your magic-"

That's right, MY magic, MY ritual!" Stag shouted as Tony felt himself get tugged forward slightly as the cultist pointed to the others defiantly. "It's my talents that you've been sponging off of for all these years, and finally I had enough! You all think you're so smart keeping me out of the loop... maybe if you had stopped stroking your own egos for five seconds you would have seen the alterations in the ritual, or maybe that someone had been led to this very spot!"

Tony felt himself taken aback slightly, his mind transported back to that night in the alley. The one he had followed who had led him to that very spot... he realized that the coat of the one who had done it was the same that Stag had worn before he had changed into his ceremonial robe. As the young man laughed he put all the pieces together in his mind; Stag had led him there to be purposefully tainted by the ritual, knowing that there was no protections on the top of the summoning circle. He probably was tracking him all along, though the phone likely helped, and despite being the one that was transformed into a demonic creature the trap hadn't been for him at all... was for the other cultists.

There was suddenly a forceful tug on the leash and Tony gasped as both it and the collar around his neck turned to dust, causing all the feelings that he had been repressing to come swiftly rushing back to the surface as Stag pulled off his robe to reveal his naked body. The rubber manticore's eyes started to glow as he saw a willing convert, someone ready to take in his corruption completely as hungrily looked over what was being presented to him. The demonic taint in his mind took root once more and Tony made a mental note to thank the cultist for the gift that he had given him... not only of this body and power but of a new batch of beasts to make as his tail twitched in the air.

Stag continued to stare at the frightened group as one of them attempted to open the door, only to realize that it had been locked in a measure that was originally to keep demons in... a device of his own creation. That look of pure victory and adulation turned to slight shock as he felt something press into his lower back. While he had always envisioned what a manticore's sting would feel like it was better than he could have hoped, once more sneering as his stomach and chest grew heavy with new muscle while rubber covered his body. It had never been his intention to be a manticore, the cultist thought as his neck thicken and his shoulders bulged while the potent corruption spread through his body, he had something else in mind that he hoped the one creating him would indulge him with.

As his cock grew thick and turned to rubber it appeared that his hints had worked, though for a second Stag thought that it hadn't as fangs grew past his lips while the rubber cascaded up his head. As thoughts of power and service to his new lord filled his mind however something else bounced around in his skull besides his newfound feelings of servitude, letting out a triumphant cry as bumps formed on the top of his head that quickly grew out into a pair of huge antlers. They were heavy enough that had the rest of his body not thickened and his frame hadn't expanded it might have tipped him over, but as his fingers stroked his cock he found his footing just as sure as ever while his toes merged into rubbery hooves. When his transformation finished the heavily muscled deer flexed his muscles as he felt the tail pull out of him, latex saliva dripping from his maw as the manticore tiger stepped forward while his own muscular expanded.

"Let's see here..." Tony growled, his tail whipping in the air as he looked between the cowering men. "For my next trick I will choose... all of you."

Though some attempted to escape none of them could escape the tail of the manticore, and it wasn't long before all nine of them were on the floor clutching the place where they had been stung. With the power of Stag that he had absorbed he no longer needed to keep them stung in order to have their transformation finish, though it would not be nearly as quick as when he did. That was just fine for him, and from the look of the monster rubber stag standing there stroking himself with an look of intense eagerness as the robes of the men started to twitch and bulge. The groans of the cultists grew deeper and more intense as the fabric began to tear, revealing black scales as some pushed their hoods back to reveal reptilian muzzles while others pulled them up show rubber cocks and tails bursting out from the clothing underneath.

"You made them into kobolds," Stag rumbled, his voice deep and smooth unlike the gravely tones that the newest beast men were adopting as he watched one rip open the front of his robe to reveal sculpted, mountainous pectorals and washboard abs. "Very ripped kobolds, but servants nonetheless."

"Was it worth it?" the rubber manticore asked, taking his own cock and pressing it against the full orbs of the deer's latex backside just under his tail. "All this just to be a rubber deer in service to a corrupted manticore you created?"

"What do you think?" Stag replied, taking his hooved feet and spreading them apart to allow his new master easier access while still stroking up and down his shaft. "For too long I've been under their thumb, exploiting me for my talents... it was when I was creating the protections for this latest ritual that I heard the whisper of the manticore tell me what I could do to get the life I wanted. I wish I could have met him, but I will certainly settle for you."

Tony just smirked and grabbed onto one of Stag's antlers, pulling him back and pushing his cock into him at the same time as they watched the cultists turn into horny rubber kobolds and begin to pounce one another. Their muscular rubber forms weren't nearly as impressive as theirs, especially not the deer as he continued to swell slightly as his tailhole was spread open, but they would do as more of his loyal beast creatures and servants to the others. He licked his lips as he thought of those rutting rubber beasts at his new home as well, his demonic connection to them giving him a mental image of his lizard roommate holding up the lion against the wall with his cock buried deep inside of the male while the shark remained standing behind him thrusting in between the lizard's cheeks to help get even deeper inside of the feline.

When his attention returned to the summoning chamber the rubber kobold beasts had completely transformed, their athletic forms still taller than any human as they began to push their cocks and even their tails into whatever holes they could find. It was a decent start, Tony thought to himself as he let loose and really started to pound into Stag while holding onto his antlers with both hands, but it would be shame to have such a wonderful gift go to waste with just these. As his lusts were starting to slake however the corrupted male knew that it wouldn't be long before he would make his place in this city with an army of rubber beasts at his sides. There would be those that oppose him, but as he felt his tail flicker in the air he would relish watching as his venom would turn them into rubber monsters too.

As Tony hilted his stag beast deep and caused him to moan he looked up through the vent where it all began, grinning wildly as he knew the city had no idea what was waiting for them just beneath the surface...

An Artifact for Duplication

Drayniel stopped just as he was about to enter the front door of his artificer's shop, looking down to see an octagonal box with a number of runes burned into the wood panels. While it wasn't unusual for people to drop things off for him to sell...

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Being a Good Steward

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Sharing the Ultimate Experience (10/10)

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