Being a Good Steward

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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A naga finds something in his garden that isn't supposed to be there, but as he continues to investigate he finds himself transformed by the plant and is led down a path that leads to its origin.

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Prestnos let out a sigh of contentment, his serpentine lower body curled around itself as he watched the sun set over his garden. As the guardian of such a large swatch of vibrant land there was often times when the naga found himself slithering here and there all the way until night had long since set. For the moment all appeared to be quiet though and as he ran his hands down his green belly scales he started to make a mental list of what he needed to do for the next day. As he thought about taking a long-deserved nap and rested his head against the black scales patterned with green lines of his own coils however he felt something that caused him to bolt back upright.

A strange disturbance had resonated through the garden he was connected too... and though further probes of the source couldn't tell him anything else it didn't necessarily feel malicious in nature. Whatever it was had enough power to cause him to take notice though and he promptly unfurled himself in order to slither deeper into the garden. As he got closer towards the anomaly he became more cautious; even though he didn't sense any additional destruction or maliciousness it only allowed him to approach more cautiously. When he finally approached the final set of bushes between him and whatever was there the naga cautiously poked his head in and gasped at what he saw.

The plant that had appeared in a small grove was definitely unlike anything he had ever witness before and definitely was not one of his. It looked like a huge venus flytrap or pitcher plant that was closed up, but the entire thing shined in the light of the dying sun like it was made out of rubber. As Prestnos looked around he couldn't see anything or anyone that might have brought it there, not sensing any other alien presence other than the strange plant that sat there in front of him. Due to the nature of it he couldn't attach it to his garden either, something he wasn't keen on doing anyway due to the bizarre nature of how it had come to this place, but instead went over to it in order to try and connect to it and maybe get a sense of its origin.

The second that he was within arm's reach however the plant immediately reacted to his presence, Prestnos gasping slightly and pulling away as several shiny rubber tentacles spilled out from the opening in the plant and began to wrap around him. The naga attempted to pull away from it but by the time he even managed to get himself turned around a number of them had already coiled around his lower body and started to drag him inside. As the rubber pressed against his coils he began to channel magic into his hands to get the synthetic vines off of him, but when he pressed a hand against the black rubber that made up the flower of this plant he once more found himself surprised. Though this thing was completely unnatural there was life that flowed through it, which prompted him to pull back even as he felt his serpentine tail get pulled inside the slick confines of the plant.

Even though he had resolved himself not to hurt the plant it still didn't stop him from trying to struggle out of its grasp, but with his lower body already completely engulfed and the unnatural vines sliding around his arms and shoulders to pull him in there was little he could do. As he sank deeper past the edges of the plant with his arms the only thing keeping his head out the rubber vines began to do more than restrain him. The naga let out a hiss of shock as more tentacles that were gooier then the ones pulling him in began to ooze over his body, particularly around his vent that contained his serpentine cocks. The sudden stimulation caused Prestnos to lose his hold against the outside of the plant and he was quickly sucked inside, the last of his head being pulled in while one of the vines wrapped around his head.

As the naga felt the vines around his arms spread them apart and more of the shiny green goo was deposited on his body Prestnos decided to try and take advantage of the situation. Even as several of the vines started to coil around his shafts and cause more pleasure to course through his body he focused instead on connecting with the plant. It was hard at first but as the rubbery substance began to bond with his scales he could feel his body starting to transform, and as that happened he found himself more capable of forming a connection to this creature. Just as one of the tentacles pushed over his head and slid into his serpentine maw he suddenly got access to the consciousness of the creature, and even with the vine sliding down into his throat and causing his mouth to become assimilated by the rubber he still managed to frown at what he had seen.

At first it was only flashes and glimpses, this plant not having enough sentience to fully form a picture in his mind, Prestnos continued to use his powers in order to try and dig into where this plant had come from and what its purpose was. The transforming naga managed to see what looked like a lab and some sort of orca-snake hybrid or possibly another type of aquatic creature that was working over him. Then the scene flashed to the plant itself and he could understand what its purpose was. This plant was designed to be a one-use trap; it would lure creatures such as himself inside and turn them into rubber drones, then it would die in order to disguise its presence as the newly formed drone would go out and find others to convert as well.

Even as the pleasure of the rubber altering him continued to create a haze in his mind the naga felt a burning anger rise up in his latex-covered chest that was starting to swell with new growth. Whomever had created this was a selfish creature, he reasoned as he continued to remain tapped into the creature that was trying to convert him, and that was something he wasn't going to let stand. Unfortunately there was nothing he could do in his current situation; even with him staving off most of the mental manipulations he could feel the shiny substance continuing to encapsulate him, the naga letting out a muffled groan from the vine suctioned around his head as two tentacles grew out of his own back. The shaman had to just let this part happen, he said to himself as he tried to regulate his breathing, though occasionally he found himself groaning from the stimulation as he started to writhe in his latex cocoon.

Eventually Prestnos lost track of time as the vines stimulated his new synthetic skin, though eventually they retreated back into the pod along with the ones that had been wrapped around his dual cocks and his face. When the vine pulled out of his maw it seemed to take longer than before, though at the moment the only thing that was in the naga's mind was escape. To his surprise the entrance of the pod opened wide to allow him to exit and the second that he felt his snake body slide over the soil he knew there was something different about him. It appeared that he had been in that flower all night as he looked up and saw the sun overhead, its rays glinting off his new shiny body as he finally took a second to look at himself.

Though he retained his connection to his garden he felt... unnatural, and as his eyes trailed over his rubber covered form he realized he essentially was. The plant had turned him into a latex version of himself as his teal-covered arms ran over the red and black rubber that covered his chest. The rest of him was the same coloration as his arms and as he continued to feel the smooth material rub against itself he couldn't help but feel his arousal start to grow. As he began to breath more heavily he found that it sounded more muffled than before and when his hands went up to his face he didn't not feel his usual serpent snout. He gasped as the rubber that the vine that had suctioned to his face had turned his head into a gas mask; lenses covered his eyes that were integrated with the hood while the front extended into the rebreather that he found was extremely sensitive when he pushed his fingers into the soft folds.

There was a shiver that went down his spine and when he glanced back at his lower body he discovered another part of his new anatomy. The tentacles that had formed on his back were engaged in rubbing his latex members, twineing around both shafts and causing no end of pleasure to his new form as his hands continued to explore his body. It all felt so good, the naga hissing through the mask as he felt his mind began to grow hazy, if only there were others like him that he could rub his synthetic coils around and drone as well. His mind began to drift off as he imagined an entire group of creatures just like him while letting his own rubber tentacles continue to play with his shafts...

A sudden disturbance caused the attention of Prestnos to turn back towards the flower, watching as the entire thing began to wilt and melt back into the soil. Its purpose was done, the latex naga realized as he went back over and put a hand to it, which meant that soon it would die. This was not going to happen, the naga thought to himself with renewed determination as he looked around his garden, he would not only save the plant but bring the one responsible for its self-destructive tendencies for punishment. But the plant wasn't going to last long without something feeding it life, fortunately as a red vine pushed its way out of the vent in front of its mask face he knew just what to do in order to give it a little boost...

A short while later two others were walking through the garden as well, the black-furred wolf in front pushing away the large leaves in their way while the wolf-dragon hybrid behind him stood a few feet back. "Are you sure this is where the note told us to go Vritrax?" the wolf asked after pushing a particularly large stalk so that they could get underneath it. "I'm starting to think that he wanted us to get lost here on purpose."

"The coordinates are coming up very soon Lorkos," Vritrax replied as he looked on his phone. "And given the urgency of the message I would think that he wasn't kidding around."

"Well next time tell Prestnos to just give us the spot instead of having us hike halfway through his garden," Lorkos stated with a sigh as he went up to a nearby tree and rested his back against it. "Did he even tell us what we were supposed to be helping him with?"

"He just texted that he needed our help and that it was going to be a surprise we enjoy," the hybrid explained. "Not quite sure what that means but it's not like this is the first time that he led us here in the dark. I'm just hoping it's not more transplanting, while I was happy to help that was definitely something that wasn't enjoyable."

Lorkos just chuckled and nodded, then told Vritrax if he wanted to go ahead and make contact with the naga he was just going to stay there for a few seconds and catch his breath. The dragon-wolf nodded and moved forward, the whiskers on his muzzle twitching slightly as he began to push through the rest of the way himself. Eventually the path took him into a small grove of trees and once he had managed to push through the brush to the other side he saw something that caused his eyes to widen. It looked like some sort of latex plant that was slowly deflating, and as he continued to stare at it in curiosity and awe he failed to hear the rubber naga slowly slithering up behind him.

The hybrid let out a yelp as he suddenly felt something splash against him, and at first he thought it was water before he looked down and saw his clothes dissolving away like they were made of tissue paper. In a matter of seconds he stood there completely naked as he turned around in order to see who had just ruined a perfectly good outfit, only to freeze when he found himself starting into the lenses of a rubber gas mask that hovered only a few inches away from him. "Hello there," Prestnos said, a chuckle coming from his rubber respirator. "Pleased to drone you."

Though Prestnos had managed to maintain most of his thought processes even with the plant's pleasurable transformation the corruption had managed to seep into some places, the naga enjoying himself immensely as he wrapped his rubber coils around the furred body of the smaller male. The sudden embrace of the serpent's body around him had caused Vritrax's brain to freeze, unable to do anything else then try and lean back as the naga towered over him and held something in front of his face. Though the hybrid could only see the inside of it he could tell it was some sort of rubber gas mask like the one being worn by the naga that captured him, though as it was quickly lowered towards his face he saw a bright green tentacle push out from the pink latex padding and slither towards him.

Vritrax attempted to pull himself away but the slick, smooth body of the naga just caused his furred form to slide against it as the mask was pushed onto his muzzle. The second the rubber made contact with him it began to pull itself over him, the hybrid letting out a muffled gasp of shock as the tendril inside pushed its way into his maw. With his hands still free of the coils that had completely restrained his legs and lower body he attempted to get the mask off of him, but the more he tried to pull against it the more the rubber seemed to stretch before encasing his face even more. As the respirator settled at the front of his mouth the hybrid could not only feel the shiny substance starting to cascade over the rest of his head but his entire face warping and reshaping underneath it.

With the hybrid captured, watching the whiskers of the dragon push out from the mask as well as the horns while it went down to cover his chest Prestnos heard something that caused him to perk up. As much as he wanted to watch this drone get completely converted in his coils it appeared that Lorkos had either recovered enough to come to the clearing himself or had heard the noise that they made and went up to investigate. He quickly and carefully lowered the dragon-wolf down, watching as he continued to squirm as the bright blue rubber covering his chest and leaked down to his legs and began to coat them as well, and slithered back into the woods to wait for his next new drone. He didn't have to wait long, watching as the head of the wolf popped out from the bushes that Vritrax had left minutes before to look around.

"Vritrax?!" Lorkos shouted as he ran over to the dragon wolf, stopping short as he watched him rolling and squirming on the ground. The gas mask that Prestnos had created to drone him was now fully integrated with the rest of the rubber covering the male, who was lying in a puddle of the shiny rubber goo as he attempted to kick his latex covered feet away from one another. Though the male was struggling against the substance it was clear that there was another feeling being experienced, the wolf blushing slightly when eh saw the increasingly large bulge forming underneath the blue rubber. As the pectorals of the encased male became more developed Vritrax moved his latex arm up and pointed, the tinted purple lenses of his new mask head staring straight at the wolf while he did.

When Lorkos realized what his trapped friend was pointing to he attempted to turn around but was stopped short when something wrapped around his legs and locked them into place. The blue-rubber covered male just went back to bucking his hips into the air as the last of his fur was engulfed while Lorkos tried to get away from the similarly synthetic creature that had just wrapped around his lower body. "Don't worry Lorkos," the naga hissed as he slithered around the wolf, wrapping his chest in another coil that trapped the lupine's arms against his chest. "Soon you will be joining Vritrax as a naga drone, then you two will be properly suited to help me with my work."

It took Lorkos a few seconds to recognize the voice, which as he looked down at the rubber body that had captured him things started to click into place. "Prestnos, it's you!" he shouted, the creature chuckling and nodding as he took a rubber hand and placed it against the head of Lorkos. "What are you doing? What happened to you?"

"Let's just say that I need you two in order to keep something alive for me while I go out investigating," Prestnos replied as he held up his other hand in front of the wolf's face, watching his green eyes widen as he formed another gas mask out of the rubber. "As I mentioned in my message I'm sure you two are going to very much enjoy it and you can keep something alive. Once I'm done I'll find the means to turn you two back into your former selves, until then enjoy being my lovely naga drones."

Though it had already been apparent to Lorkos when he saw the legs of his hybrid counterpart being pulled together as more rubber grew out from his feet the fact that Prestnos just told him what they were about to become caused the entire scenario to hit home. Before the wolf could say anything the rubber naga took the mask he had created and shoved it against the lupine muzzle, causing his eyes to widen as it immediately suctioned to his lips. With the rubber firmly adhered to him Prestnos let him go, though as he slithered off the body of the other male he left a trail of teal rubber similar to his own body that immediately began to spread and assimilate the fur it was on. When Lorkos attempted to grab the mask and remove it the rubber stretched like taffy, pulling out briefly before retracting and spreading over his head.

With both males now in the throes of their drone conversion Prestnos slithered off in order to gain more information, knowing that the information he had weaved into their gas masks would point them in the right direction as he began to work towards his goal of finding who was responsible for creating such a plant in the first place. Though he would have loved to watch the two continue to transform there was no time, even if his idea works it was a stopgap in order to make sure that he had the time to get what he needed. As he looked back however he did treat himself to one last sight of Lorkos attempting to get the rubber off of his body, though by this point it had not only spread completely over his chest and arms but had completely enveloped his legs as well. Despite him still being able to stand his rubber naga tail was already forming behind him while the latex knit his legs together to form one serpentine lower body, Prestnos shuddering in delight at what he had created before turning and slithering off.

As Lorkos continued to struggle Vritrax had become completely coated by the substance to the point where it clung to him like a second skin, though as the corruption of the rubber wormed its way through his thought processes he saw that it had done much more than merely give him a new bodysuit. As his hands went up and pressed against his face he could feel the gas mask that Prestnos had put over him, and other than the latex whiskers and horns that were a part of his head he didn't find any other features. The word drone resonated in his skull as the purple lenses over his eyes glowed with a similar hue, continuing to enthrall the male as he flexed his new muscles. As the rubber of his chest turned from blue to purple he found himself slowly slithering over to the wolf, or what was a wolf as the transformation spread over his body like wildfire.

A small grunt escaped from the muzzle of Vritrax as his cock pushed its way out of his new slit, which had turned into a shiny latex hemi-penis that thickened considerably as he watched Lorkos. The wolf's struggles were growing less with every second and despite the ears that were merely covered in the teal latex the rest of his face had turned to a featureless gas mask as well. The blue naga drone easily recognized his own and as he saw the legs of the former lupine disappear under the thickening rubber around his lower body he decided to help him along. Though Lorkos was in the intense throes of bliss he still had enough of his own mind to realize that Vritrax had slithered up to him and was staring at him, those purple lenses looking into the red ones that were growing increasingly opaque as his eyes started to roll back into his head.

The more Lorkos started to look like the rubber naga drone he was supposed to be the increasingly aroused the blue drone got, watching as red stripes appeared on the lower body of the other male. He took his own lower body and coiled around the one that was still stretching, the blue and green latex smoothly sliding over one another with a delightful squeak. As Lorkos felt the drone programming seeping into his own mind the blue drone continued to help him remain upright until his thickening chest was able to prop himself up just like the rest of his body. At the same time the blue drone began to take the two shafts of his rubber cock and push it up into the anal vent where the wolf's tailhole used to be, the already lubed entrance able to take them both somewhat easily as the wolf-eared rubber naga's body arched from the sudden influx of pleasure.

Soon the only sounds that came from the two were low hisses as the blue drone began to pump up into the green one, letting their coils constrict in order to provide the movement. As the drone formerly known as Lorkos moved forward again something began to push out of his gas mask, a red rubber tentacle sliding out from the respirator in front of his muzzle. It wasn't long before the drone that was Vritrax had his own tentacle tongue slide out, the two wrapping around one another in a lewd embrace similar to their lower bodies as the blue drone grabbed one of green drone's cocks and slid it up and down. With their corruption complete the two enthralled males no longer knew or cared who they were, the only thing that mattered to them was their own pleasure as they continued to rub and grope another while exchanging the intense kiss.

Just as the blue naga was about to climax inside his green counterpart when a new thought suddenly emerged in their mind. Their attentions suddenly turned to the dying rubber plant that had created the one that made the two of them, and suddenly the drones felt an intense need to go to it as their tentacles retracted into their maws. The two untangled themselves from one another and made their way towards it as the commands of Prestnos echoed in their minds even though he wasn't there. The rubber naga that created them had implanted one more thing in the minds besides the usual corruption of the enthralled minds of the males, forcing his new drones to push their way into the rubber sack that had transformed the first naga.

Since the plant had already performed its task and these creatures were already rubber it didn't react, but when Prestnos had slithered back and found the two large bulges that were the drones he created he placed a hand against the plant and channeled his own power into it. Almost immediately the two males began to shift and writhe as vines were pushed up inside of them, the gooey tendrils connecting to them and wrapping around the serpentine lower form while others latched onto their still throbbing latex shafts. Though it was hard to tell who was who once in a while the head of one of the nagas would push up and he would see either horns or ears, causing the naga to smile as he continued to stimulate them. As the life force of the two drones connected with the plant he could see it starting to perk up and become rejuvenated while the two nagas inside became even more active with the increased stimulation.

It wasn't long before the rubber plant looked much like the way Prestnos had first found it before it had captured and transformed him, though this time there was an added bonus to it as the edges of the plant separated. The blue and green naga drone pushed their way out into the air, stretching out much further then they could as they coiled around one another. The rubber tentacles could still be seen pumping into their holes and completely enveloping their cocks, but as they continued to slither up into the air he could see that their lower bodies were completely merged with the plant itself. It was confirmed by the rubber naga as he sensed their energies mixing together, and not just since they were actively groping one another.

The sexual energy that the two were producing from their tentacles pushing into one another would help feed the plant for some time now that they were fused to it, but Prestnos knew that would only last for maybe a day before it would wither away and detach from the naga drones. Fortunately he had managed to get more information on the lab he had seen and had managed to create a portal to is using the plant as an origin signal. He left the two gas masked naga drones to enjoy the rubbery bodies of one another and went off in search of the one that had made this all necessary in the first place...

When Prestnos finally arrived at the location of the lab that he gained from the plant's memories he knew he had to be careful; already this person had shown the callous nature in which they regard their creations and he didn't know if they would have any control over him since he had been transformed by his creation. His body had also started to mutate further after he had left, and though he wasn't sure if it was because of the creation of two drones or because he was close to where the plant had created he saw the tips of his fingers had turned red like his belly and started to wiggle unnaturally. He also felt something growing around his tentacles and with his incredibly flexible form he looked back and saw that flower petals had formed around the vines attached to his back. Whether or not he was going to continue to transform he didn't know, the only thing he could guarantee was that he was going to go after this scientist until he couldn't as his body stretched forward and he slithered down the dark hallway.

Meanwhile in the main laboratory the cobra-orca hummed to herself as she went from table to table, the lights overhead causing her rubber body to shine as she looked at the liquids she was distilling. She had just gotten a new batch of reagents from her benefactor and was looking to see what she could turn them into. Ever since the scientist had turned herself into latex she had always been looking for new and innovative ways to do the same to others, and though her projects didn't always work they did provide new information for her to go on when she got another batch of samples or product. Just the idea of creating a creature like herself or those that she had seen created by her benefactor got her excited, her forked tongue wrapping around her fangs as she concentrated on the bubbling green liquid.

Though the building she worked out of was large the only lights that were on were in one corner where she had set up shop, the darkness allowing for the latex naga to slither around behind her while she worked. He made sure to stay out of her line of sight and continued to watch her looking for something that would indicate what she was capable of, though at the moment she seemed like a relatively normal creature... well, as normal as one could be made out of rubber as her free hand rubbed against her round stomach. It appeared other than her black and gold latex skin there didn't seem to be anything else and Prestnos decided to slither forwards. Just as he began to reach the boundary of light and dark the hybrid picked up one of the beakers and looked at it, the naga pausing for a few seconds while she examined it before setting it back down on the table.

Just as the hybrid was about to move over to the next table she felt something wrap around her chest, crying out and nearly kicking over the table as the strong rubber arms of the rubber naga slid up just underneath her gravid breasts and hoisted her into the air. "What do you think you're doing!?" She shouted as she tried to slap her captor with her tail, only to feel a tentacle wrap around the fin that caused her to gasp. "Did he send you? I swear I already paid up for this batch of samples, I swear!"

"I guarantee you that whomever this he is did not send me," Prestnos replied as he swiftly turned the woman around so that they were staring eye to eye, watching the fear in her face turn to confusion as she looked him over. "You discarded something from this place into my garden, a plant that you not only threw away like garbage but also created to die just so that you could get a creature like me. Well here I am, I hope that it was everything that you hoped it was."

"No... no way..." the scientist said, her serpentine muzzle turning up into a grin that surprised the naga. "My drone trap actually worked? I had given up on that project after I only managed to get those that it trapped to come out with masks... but here you are, in the synthetic flesh!"

The fact that the hybrid was getting excited over the results of what had happened to him only caused Prestnos to grow more agitated by the second. "I can tell that the way you're acting I have who you are pegged," the naga said as the tentacle in his mask began to push out, the red rubber slithering in the air in front of the orca-cobra's face. "You're going to tell me how to save this plant right now, or you are going to be feeding it your life force until I find a way to do it myself."

"Look... I can tell that you're a bit upset by what happened to you," the orca-cobra said nervously as Prestnos leaned in close enough for her to see her own reflection in the lenses. "Let me introduce myself, I'm Silverus and have been researching organic rubberization technology for a while now. I'm sure if you give me a little time I can get you and anyone you turned back to normal in exchange for a few samples so I can see what I did right."

"I do not care about myself right now Silverus," Prestnos replied, hissing angrily through his mask. "I want to save the plant that you sentenced to die, the one that gave its life just so you could make a drone. If you give me that information then perhaps I will go easy on you..."

Once more the other latex creature surprised the naga by scoffing at him. "There's no way I'm going to just let you have my research," she said indignantly. "If you want what I know then you're either going to have to pay me for my information or you'll-"

Prestnos had enough and decided that the hybrid wasn't going to be useful, cutting Silverus off by taking his vines and shifting her around so that she was pressed up against her back. The rubber creature let out a cry of distress and being so suddenly moved, but the anger quickly turned to shock as the green skin of the naga began to envelop her feet. The naga shifted forward and began to breathe heavily as he felt the rubber of his entire upper back beginning to shift, forming into more tentacles as the woman he had captured squirmed against his grasp. As more of her legs began to sink down into his body she could feel the latex creeping up over her shoulders as well, completely enveloping her biceps while the distorted form of the snake man engulfed the entirety of her legs.

"You can't do this to me!" Silverus said as one of the thicker back tentacles of Prestnos slithered its way into the latex that was encapsulating the lower body of the hybrid. "I am a loyal employee of Raven!" As the green rubber slid around her pussy and her legs stretched open slightly she looked down to see the tentacle had pushed into the rubber and had started to wiggle towards her vagina. "Okay, maybe I'm just a contractor, but he'll still be mad when you take meeeeeeee!"

The loud-pitched voice that came out of the hybrid as the tentacle of Prestnos pushed up into her pussy, causing her red eyes to nearly roll back into her head. As her back arched several of the newly formed tentacles wrapped around her neck and shoulders, keeping her completely restrained while Prestnos felt her continue to wiggle and squirm. He had no intention of making this one a drone, from the sound of it she would want something like that to happen to her and he wasn't going to give her the satisfaction. Of course he was giving her an entirely different sort of pleasure, but with his instincts kicking into overdrive and the feel of her rubber body against his it was all he could do from creating another drone naga.

The tail of the rubber woman had long since disappeared into the mass of the naga containing her and as he continued to wiggle his tentacle into the folds of the hybrid he split it off to push into her tailhole as well. The scientist was no longer capable of talking, even with the fear of what this creature she had created was going to do to her in the foreground he knew that she was enjoying the rubbery sex they were having. Though he was reluctant to make this any more pleasurable for her then it already was the tentacles he had plowing into her holes was incredibly erotic and causing him to shudder from his head to the tip of his tail. He could always plan her retribution later, his corrupted mind thought as he took his other main vine and slid it between her latex breasts, there's no harm in having a little fun with the scientist now... he was her creation after all.

Silverus continued to gasp loudly as she felt the tentacle inside of her, filling her with the corruptive rubber that she had unleashed unknowingly into the naga's garden when she dumped the sample. Her already rotund stomach bulged even more with the mass pushing into her from her pussy and tailhole, feeling it stretch open so deliciously that it almost made her forget that she was captured by a drone she had created. Part of her wondered if she would be undergoing the same fate but as the tentacle that was sliding between her rubber breasts coiled began to tease around her serpentine snout she gathered that wouldn't be the case. The tip of it didn't form into a gas mask, instead it just pushed its way past her fangs and into her maw as more of the green rubber enveloped her hood.

As her arms became completely encased smaller tendrils wrapped around the smaller two pairs of her breasts that were already completely enveloped while others coiled around her bouncing boobs. With her entire body enveloped there was little the scientist could do but ride the waves of pleasure, her hips shifting with every push of the tentacle inside her depths while her rubber nipples were being teased and played with. As the last of her black and gold skin disappeared underneath the latex of the naga the tentacles inside of her pushed in deep, the one in her maw stretching out her synthetic maw and throat while the others slid in to keep the rubber hybrid stimulated so that she wouldn't bother him for the next phase of his plan.

With the cobra-orca no longer a threat to him he took the restrained creature and slowly slid her down into his lower body, the outline of the female still showing the tentacles wiggling inside her snout and pussy as she was brought to the top part of his snake half. Once she was secure he gave one last squeeze of her rubber-covered boobs, smirking inwardly as she wiggled in her deep state of euphoria before he turned to her lab. Though he knew that the scientist wouldn't have helped him even if he asked nicely it would have been nice for her to at least point him in the right direction, he thought to himself as he slithered over to one of the tables. He could still feel Silverus wiggling inside of him as he went over to turn off the flames, not wanting to cause anything to explode before he searched the area more thoroughly.

Fortunately for the rubber naga it appeared that despite the look of the lab the rubber cobra-orca kept her notes in meticulous order... the problem was the copious amounts of them. Prestnos also had no idea what the project was called, which meant he would have to read through them until he figured out which was which. At this point the drone creature wished that he had either brought Lorkos and Vritrax with him or had just droned the scientist, but the former would have likely resulted in the death of the plant he was doing all this for in the first place and there was no guarantee he could have controlled her in the latter scenario. With feeling time running out he tried to rack his brain on anything that Silverus said to him that might indicate where to look.

At first Prestnos thought to narrow it down by any project that had to deal with rubber, but then he found that most of her projects dealt with that material. When he tried to find ones with plants it narrowed it down a little but she didn't file it by that nature so he would still have to look through them all one by one. As he looked at one particular project however he noticed something on the front cover that caused him to pause and examine it again. It was the picture of a raven's head in a circle that was on the bottom of the corner... and as he continued to look at it he remembered her saying something about a Raven being her benefactor.

With that information in mind the rubber naga found all the files that had the logo on it, and though there were a few he managed to lower the pile down by quite a bit. It was hard for Prestnos to concentrate with the latex creature that was trapped in his own rubber, mostly from the pleasure of feeling her sliding up against the tentacles that were holding her, but he kept himself focused on the task at hand. After the first two were busts he finally found it, a file for a plant that turned other creatures into drones and then dissolved as part of a means for infiltration. It appeared to be exactly what Silverus had said; while she was able to get the plant to work it was never able to do more then create the gas mask that the rubber naga currently sported.

Prestnos read the notes that the hybrid that meticulously created on the subject and found that while she wouldn't have been able to stabilize the plant herself the shaman found a means where he could not only allow the plant to survive but also reproduce without harming the rest of his garden. It didn't even appear to be that complex, especially since he had this rubber body he could just channel his power through it and with the specifications he found in the notes create a number of interconnected root systems for it to grow and thrive. When he thought about his rubber body however he looked down at himself, especially as his fingers as they coiled around one another like latex vines, and realized that he was going to need to find a way to reverse this as well. Another thirty minutes passed and when the naga got to the end of the file he came to the conclusion on how to revert himself and his friends back into their normal forms...

...there was no way how.

The rubber naga let out an angry hiss as he realized he may have just turned Lorkos and Vritrax into his rubber naga drones forever, or at least until he could find a way to reverse the process himself. He felt a pang of guilt at what he had done, letting his need to save the plant he had found in the garden cloud his judgement on what to do next. He also had to admit that he had given in somewhat to the corruptive programming that came with the transformation, his body shuddering at he remembered the intense feeling of pleasure he got when he watched the drone masks he had created spread over the two. He had to shake his head in order to stop himself from thinking about how enjoyable it was to watch their former forms get lost under the rubber, their faces becoming nothing more than blank gas masks since drones didn't need such things as identity...

There was a shudder that went from his head to his tail tip as Prestnos got a hold of his thoughts, realizing just how close he had gotten to losing himself in the desires given to him by the plant he was trying to save along with the scientist trapped inside of him. If he didn't act soon he would be a rubber plant naga drone spreading to others, his body still shifting and changing slightly while becoming even bigger. It reminded him of some of the pictures he had seen in the notes of the orca-cobra, which reminded him that not all the creations inside were from her. In fact most of the pictures were references that he had gotten from this Raven, which meant that he had another place to go to quickly as he slithered off with the scientist still encased in his tail...

A few hours later Prestnos found himself in a small room waiting impatiently, though it hadn't been that way in the beginning once he had arrived at a building that was simply called The Factory. He had started at what looked like a receptionist area and as he slithered up to the vulpine woman covered head to toe in latex she took one look at him and asked if he had an appointment with Raven. The rubber naga shook his head and said he needed to talk to the avian about one of his employees, pointing back towards the outline of the female cobra-naga that he had continued to keep in a state of pleasure while transporting her. The receptionist stood up from her seat and took a look, then nodded and told him to head to one of the rooms to wait.

The first time he entered the room he only had to wait a few minutes until a portly guard in a rubber suit had come in with a raven perched on his shoulder. The gas-masked individual remained silent as the bird introduced himself as Raven, the owner of The Factory, and asked what brought the rubber naga to his establishment. Prestnos had kept the file on him when he traveled and handed it to the guard that the Raven was using as a perch while explaining everything that had happened which brought him up to this point. After a few questions from Raven about his current form, including the mental corruption he was experiencing and his continued growth, the bird told him to wait right there and proceeded to leave.

As the hours ticked by the rubber naga's body continued to swell and contort, the small latex petals that had been on his back growing into his shoulders as the vines grew in length as well. His overall upper body was also growing in musculature, his arms and chest becoming increasingly athletic underneath his rubbery skin. Strangely however his mental faculties were actually clearer than before, any thoughts he had about going out and converting others were quelled the second he had stepped into the room. Since Silverus had gotten the samples that she used to create the plant from here it made sense to him that they would be able to counteract it as he shifted his coils to prevent himself from hitting the ceiling.

Finally the door slid open once more and Raven returned perched on the guard once more, except now the man had a metal briefcase in one of his hands as the avian gave him a grin. "After taking great care and consideration into what you said we have arrived at the following offer," Raven said, his wing gesturing to the rubber creature still trapped inside of him. "In exchange for Silverus to be brought in so that we can have a stern talk about the ethics and morality of her current projects we will give you three vials of a serum that will reverse the drone transformation that you and your friends have experienced at her hands. You don't have to take them now, since you said that you need this body in order to do something with the plant she had created, but there is also one other thing that I will require of you."

"Of course," Prestnos replied, feeling his excitement build now that he could see the cure to his problem in the hands of the guard. "Whatever you need, I will provide it to you Mr. Raven."

"Just Raven is fine," Raven replied with a chuckle. "You said at some point in your story that you had turned your two friends using drone masks that you created. I believe that it would be more than fair for you to produce a few more of these for us so that we may be able to test them for ourselves, and then once we're done with that we will send you right back on your merry way with my card in case there is anything else you need to contact me about."

The rubber naga felt his stomach dropping into his lower body as he heard the Raven's proposal. While he hadn't even thought that such a thing would be on the table but as the avian looked at him he could tell that this wasn't up for negotiation. "Just... how many masks do you want me to make for you?" Prestnos asks, remembering seeing his friends wearing them as the rubber overtook and claimed their bodies to become drones. "I'm not even sure how many I can produce."

"Oh, I'm sure a dozen will suffice," Raven replied. "If you can't produce that many I won't hold it against you, but considering the considerable cost that these reversal kits are I would like to show something for it. Now I can tell that you are a bit anxious but I will guarantee that unlike the one you have currently trapped in your coils we will use them with the utmost respect... there are quite a few that wouldn't mind becoming a naga drone like what you describe, and perhaps we may even cut you in on a future deal if such a product becomes popular."

Though Prestnos wasn't sure if the Raven's intentions were as honorable as he said he knew that he wouldn't be able to create such a serum on his own before he succumbed to the corruption that was likely still infesting his mind. The first thing the rubber naga did after agreeing to the deal and signing the surprising amount of paperwork that was given to him was release Silverus, the naked rubber hybrid still writhing from the vine in her pussy until he finally released her completely. Once she was completely free from the bright green latex the confused scientist looked around for a few seconds before realizing where she was. As she looked like she was about to run Raven just shook his head at her when she glanced over at him, and the naga watched in surprise as she just nodded and allowed another guard that came in to collar her before leading her out of the room.

Once she had been completely led off Raven turned back towards Prestnos, the rubber naga nodding with his gas mask head before reaching out with his hands and forming the first drone mask in his hands. As soon as he was finished the avian gave another nod, this time a different creature coming in with a glass box that carefully took the mask without touching it and placing it inside before walking out. The same thing happened another eleven times and by the time they got to the last one the rubber naga found himself considerably smaller than before. Raven just gave him a grin and thanked him for his business, then the guard stuck out his hands with the case that he eagerly took.

With the transaction complete Prestnos teleported back to his garden, aided by the resources of the Factory, and as soon as he got to the grove he hoped that he wasn't too late. The second that he got there he found that though the plant once more looked a little more deflated and less shiny than before that it was still alive, the two naga drones fused with it currently inside. While he could only imagine what they were doing inside he decided to leave them be, letting them continue to slither around one another as he got ready to hook the plant up to the rest of the garden. Since he had left though the urges that came with the body returned tenfold, but with his focus in mind he dug his own latex vines in deep to the ground and began to root the plant into place.

Though the process was simple it turned out to be exhausting, Prestnos using most of his strength to make sure that the unnatural plant would get help from the organic material around it in order to keep it alive. By the time he was finished the sun had set completely and the rubber naga found himself on his back staring up into the sky while his vines were still buried in the ground to finish the last of the connections. As he continued to lay there he suddenly saw two faces appear in his line of vision, the gas masks of the green and blue naga drones staring down at him. When he looked over he saw that they had already disconnected themselves from the plant.

"It appears your mission is a success," the blue drone said, the purple lenses glinting in the light as they looked down at him. "What would you like your drones to do now?"

"Nothing," Prestnos stated as he slowly pulled himself up and opened the silver briefcase that was next to him where three autoinjectors were carefully and precisely placed in the case. "You two did really good, no need to serve me anymore. Time to get you back into your normal forms..."

Though he could see the two drones shiver slightly they remained still as Prestnos gave them one dose each, then used the last one on himself. For the naga his body remained mostly the same, save for the vines and flowers that had grown from his back falling off as the rest of the synthetic material sloughed off of his body, but for the other two they nearly fell forwards as their serpentine lower body became two legs. Though the transformation had only been for a few hours both Vritrax and Lorkos shook slightly as they regained their footing, though both quickly recovered as Prestnos looked behind him and sighed with relief when he saw his normal black scales and green patterning on them.

"Well that was certainly a trip," Lorkos said as he shook the last of the latex off of him, his black fur reappearing underneath the green latex as he pulled the disintegrating gas mask off his face and tossed it to the ground. I got to say that when you called us up here to help I was not expecting that."

"Likewise," Vritrax said, shaking his head to get the last of the drone thoughts out of his mind while shaking his tail. "Were you planning this for us all along or were you swept up in all this like we were?"

"I can tell you that this was certainly unexpected," Prestnos replied as he went over to the plant and patted the rubbery outer layer of it. "I wouldn't be a good steward though if I didn't do anything and everything I could to save a plant that was given to me, even one as unusual as this one. With a little love and care who knows what it might grow into... I can say that for all the science that Silverus spouted she didn't have a clue for the potential of her creations if she had devoted a little extra love and care into them instead of discarding them the first chance that she got."

"Wait, who's Silverus?" Lorkos asked, Prestnos just shaking his head and saying that he'll tell him later. "So what are you going to do with this plant now that you can grow versions of it here? Not thinking of starting your own drone naga army, or maybe getting a few extra hands in order to help you out around here, are you?"

"If I was going to do that then I would have just left you in the states that you're in," Prestnos replied with a slight chuckle before his face turned serious. "However... with a little tweaking perhaps I could get out the need to create more drones that the one who created this had programmed into it and figure out the serum that turned us back, and if that was the case then maybe I would make you two into naga drones again. If that was what you cared for of course."

Both Vritrax and Lorkos grinned sheepishly at that, then announced that they had to get back to their own adventures. Since the plant was in no danger of dying anytime soon Prestnos waved them off, thanking them for their work in keeping it alive. After the two had wandered off through the garden again the naga went over to the plant and ran a hand down the smooth surface of its latex sides. Since it had already performed the task of converting someone into a rubber drone it continued to lay there passively, waiting for its new purpose.

It was something that Prestnos did have to think about as he grabbed the metal case in order to dispose of it, wondering what he would do with it now that it was in his garden. It wouldn't be hard to revitalize it and turn it into a trap for anyone that might try and do harm to this place, or he could just leave it as it is and have it live out its life in peace and tranquility. As he continued to think about it he was just about to close the case when something fluttered out of it, the naga looking at the piece of paper in question before picking it up and examining it. It was Raven's card for The Factory, and when he flipped it to the back he saw a number of services with a few that caused his eyes to widen slightly...

A few minutes later Prestnos once more found himself in the same lobby that he had been in when he was a plant creature, though this time he got to slither in as his normal naga self as he went up to the same rubbery receptionist from before. "Hello, and welcome to Raven's Factory," the receptionist stated as she looked up at him. "Oh, you are the one from before that was having the difficulty with the rubber plants, is there another urgent matter for which you need tending too?"

"Oh, no, everything is fine," Prestnos quickly dismissed, waving his hands in the air before holding up the card that he had received. "I have recently come into the possession of a rubbery plant that was developed using technology from this Factory, is there any way that I could perhaps get more information on this synthetic horticulturist equipment that he has advertised on here? I don't need to speak to the Raven himself, just would like a crash course if you will."

"Certainly!" the receptionist said as she stood up. "If you'll follow me, I can lead you to the garden section of the factory. From there one of our plant specialists will be more than happy to show you the ropes on how to properly care for and maintain your new rubber plant."

The naga nodded and followed the receptionist back through the factory, following her past the rooms that he had previously been in and further into the building itself. The place was expansive and all manner of rubbery creatures roamed the place that caused the naga to be in awe. Eventually they got to what looked like a vault door, the receptionist explaining that due to the popularity of his synthetic plant division Raven keeps his secrets closely guarded and that the only reason she was letting him in was that he was a vendor for him. Before Prestnos could say anything about that the vault door swung open and revealed a sprawling room that looked like he was about to slither into a synthetic forest.

"Is there anything else that you might need?" the receptionist asked as the naga continued to look around in awe.

"No... no," Prestnos said as he pressed a hand against one of the leaves, a grin spreading on his muzzle as he felt the life humming through it. "I think I'll be just fine for now..."

Sharing the Ultimate Experience (10/10)

Those in the city that had hosted the Cadecus mental health facility had wondered what happened to it as those that had appointments came up to find the words abandoned scrawled all over it. It was the talk of the town for quite a while and then...

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Sharing the Ultimate Experience (9/10)

As the day turned to night the change went unnoticed for the four that were inside of the Axion base, Gabriel leading the group to make sure that they wouldn't be intercepted as they all made their way to the labs. Besides himself there was Vene...

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Sharing the Ultimate Experience (8/10)

Meanwhile Gabriel watched on the screen as the one known as Sslynthix and the other rubber creatures they had taken from the facility continued to pace back and forth in the plexiglass cells that they were being held in. Ever since they had been...

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