Sharing the Ultimate Experience (8/10)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#8 of Sharing the Ultimate Experience

In the sequel to An Ultimate Nexus Experience, Jason is given a task by Renzyl to run a new project of his. As the new mental health facility gets underway they find themselves under threat from a force that they weren't expecting to encounter on this planet.

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Meanwhile Gabriel watched on the screen as the one known as Sslynthix and the other rubber creatures they had taken from the facility continued to pace back and forth in the plexiglass cells that they were being held in. Ever since they had been retrieved by Axion and brought to their facility in the nearby mountains the group had been put under constant surveillance; no one but authorized personnel had been allowed to come in and out of the holding cells they were in after they found one of them in the control room almost about to open them to allow their escape. While the other rubber creatures were put under similar controls the one that remained on the highest lockdown was the multi-colored naga, though it was hard to see them with the layers of cloth, leather, and metal they had put over the creature to keep its power under wraps.

As Sslynthix struggled in the straightjacket, an irony that he was fully aware of at that point, he did look up at one point to see an Eastern dragon staring right at him. "So, they finally allowed me to have some sort of visitor," he said as he went up to the wall of the plastic cage. "Tell me, are you here for business or pleasure?"

"Business I'm afraid," the scientist shot back as she wrote something down on the clipboard she was holding. "My name is Venerabela, but you can call me Vene, and I'm just here to take a few readings off of you and ask a few questions. The first one is if you require any sort of sustenance; given the synthetic nature of your bodies we didn't know what, if anything, you needed to consume to survive."

"All we require is feeling the lusts of others," the hypnaga stated, looking at Vene intently even with the mask that kept a pair of dark lenses over his eyes and had a voice modulator to distort his voice. "If you want to come in and do a little more hands-on research, I'm sure that we would both have a great time."

"You know, it's things like that which is why you're in that mask in the first place," the Eastern dragon said as she wrote something down on her clipboard. "Now this is your last chance to get actual food, are you going to tell me what you would like to eat or are we just going to assume that it's bread and water?"

As a sudden flood of orders came in from Sslynthix as well as those around him those watching in the booth wrote down their responses as well as the readings they were getting. "For aliens they really seem to have a profound knowledge of what we have to offer on this planet," Gabriel said as he sat back in one of the chairs, tossing a ball up and down in the air. "They almost seem normal to me."

"As normal as rubber creatures that have the capability of taking over the minds of others can be," Samson said as he grabbed the ball out of the air, causing the snow leopard to nearly fall over when his flow was broken. "We also don't think they're aliens of the traditional sort anymore; from the readings that we've been getting so far it appears that they might actually be trans-dimensional beings, all the chemical analysis readings we've been doing as well as a look at their physiology indicates something that nothing in this world can even start to explain. Yet as you mentioned they not only have a clear grip on language and culture of our kind we've also not found how they managed to get here in the first place."

"Perhaps it has something to do with those two missing researchers," Gabriel stated. "Didn't they just disappear off the map?"

"Actually, it turned out to be a temporarily glitch in our tracking software," one of the technicians explained while he typed into his computer. "We only lost them for a minute and when they came back online, they said they couldn't hear us either. Tracked it back to a bug in the code, once they come back in, we're going to do an equipment diagnostic to see what might have caused it."

Gabriel just nodded and sighed as he looked around for something else to do. "Why don't you go with the others and see about this food that they've requested," Samson said as he tossed the ball back to the snow leopard. "I know that the research part of our job isn't exactly your cup of tea but I'm sure we'll find something else for you to do soon."

Though that wasn't what was on Gabriel's mind at the moment he just nodded and took the invitation to leave the room. In reality his thoughts were more centered on that rubber naga and the encounter that he had gotten before everything had gone down. Even though Axion had scrubbed the hypnotic commands from his mind he still couldn't help but remember how good it felt to be in such a position even while he had been focused on the mission. Normally thoughts like this had to be reported in so that he could get his memories scrubbed the snow leopard wasn't particularly in the mood to have someone fiddling with his brain any more than they already had.

As he turned the corner of the facility he stopped in his tracks when he noticed something that caused him to pause. It was the husky that had been on his team, Chaos he believed his name was, walking with purpose towards one of the labs. Ever since their successful raid none of the team had anything they needed to do and had been pulled back to the city facility in case one or more of the test subjects escaped. With that in mind it put the canine's actions as slightly suspicious as Gabriel found himself following him through the metallic hallways.

Though there was no reason to try and obfuscate his action the snow leopard found himself ducking behind corners as he walked behind Chaos, using the reflective surfaces of the walls to keep track of him while he trailed behind. Eventually he got to one corner and saw that the husky wasn't alone, he was speaking to the purple-scaled eastern dragon that he had seen in the specimen containment room. At first, he thought that he had also been picked to help fill the rather obscene lunch order but as he watched the two talking in the reflection, he could tell that it was something far more intense than that. They almost appeared to be arguing about something, or at the very least it was a very heated conversation that he decided to intervene on as he turned the corner.

"Ah, Chaos, Vene," Gabriel stated, catching the two by surprised as he attempted to feign the same. "Fancy meeting you two here, I take it you're both helping with this food order that these creatures wanted?"

Already the snow leopard could tell that there was something else going on as the two looked away from both him and one another, avoiding his gaze as he glanced between the two. "Yeah, it's quite the list I suppose," Vene replied as she brought up the hastily scrawled paper with at least two dozen different meals on it. "Management had said that we could just get them the same thing since we know now that they can eat real food, but all things considered it might be best if we gave them what they wanted."

"All things considered?" Gabriel replied, noting the look of anger on the face of the husky. "I've been in the business long enough to know that's not usually a good thing, what's happening to them? Dissection?"

"Among other things," Vene said as her own façade dropped and showed an exasperated dragon. "I don't like this anymore than anyone else, especially since I was indirectly responsible for their capture-"

"Imagine what it's like to be directly responsible then!" Chaos interrupted. "This isn't some sort of mindless creature or evil abomination; we're talking about sentient creatures that were actually helping people at that asylum!" When Vene continued to just shake her head the husky turned to the snow leopard suddenly. "Gabriel knows what I'm talking about, you were actually there!"

It was something that he had not been expecting, Gabriel taken off his guard by the sudden accusation by the husky as he found both sets of eyes now suddenly on him once more. While he had been thinking about it right up until he had seen Chaos, he wasn't prepared to tell his story, though when the words finally did come out of his mouth, he realized he had more deep insight to it then he thought. As he recounted his time with the naga known as Sslynthix he could see the husky nodding his head and the eyes of the eastern dragon widening until finally he remarked that he didn't think it was right either. Before the husky could respond however the three of them turned their heads to see that a few of the regular guards were coming down and they quickly ducked out of the hallway and into one of the locker rooms to continue their conversation.

During that short time Gabriel began to imagine just how much trouble they could get for even talking about the rights of these rubber creatures, which were now considered assets to Axion, and whether or not they could be helped. The security in this facility was much tighter than anything they had at that roller rink and with proper intrusion countermeasures as well. Whatever they had done to the creatures also seemed to prevent them from using whatever power they might have had to leave this plane of existence normally, which meant they would likely have to get them outside of the area in order for them to escape. While the three of them combined might have enough security clearance to get them out there was also the problem that the second they made a move everyone would know it was them who did it.

Just as they were about to wonder how to cut the power to the entire facility, they heard noises coming from the other side of the rather large locker room. While they had been talking in hushed tones the two that were engaged in conversation were not and as the three froze in place, they realized that it was the teammates of Chaos and Gabriel that had just come in from the shower side of things. While it was hard for them to pick out what they were saying as they got closer, they could hear them talking about how they were hoping that there would be more aliens for them to hunt. The snow leopard looked over at the husky and watched him roll his eyes as they started to move towards the exit door, only to stop once more when it sounded like two others had used it to come inside.

For a few seconds they remained still until Gabriel shifted his body forward to see what was going on, peeking his head around in time to see two guys in hazmat suits walking into the locker room. The snow leopard frowned at the sight; all persons that were in such protective equipment were supposed to deposit their suits into the entryway bin so they could be decontaminated, and any researcher and specimen gatherer knew that enough to make it strange. Weirder still they seemed to head straight towards the changing area where the two humans were toweling off before getting dressed. Though Gabriel lost sight of them for a second past a bank of lockers he could hear the conversation his two teammates were having come to stop before one of them asked what the hell they were doing with their suits on still.

"What are you, stupid?" Sharktooth said as he went up to the bigger male in the suit, not intimidated by the fact that this one stood head and shoulders higher than him. "Get this thing out of the locker room! Last thing we need is to get infected with whatever rubber crap came from-"

The human suddenly stopped dead in his tracks, his eyes going wide and his jaw dropping as the helmet he had ripped off hung in his hands. While he hadn't been sure what to expect was behind it Sharktooth had not been expecting to see a rubbery reptilian creature with bull horns and ears staring back at him. Before he could say or do anything the alien opened his mouth and exposed the glowing, multihued insides that were his mouth and tongue. As the three that were behind the locker watched they were in awe as the human went from panicked to relaxed, Ripper doing the same when he looked over and saw the same sight.

"Just... relax..." the other one in the hazmat suit said, pulling off his helmet as well to reveal his lizard snout and equally glowing eyes. "Soon you will know everything... but first we must make sure that you don't decide to tell anyone about this once we are through with you."

Since the two humans had just gotten finished taking a shower and had been about to get dressed, they only had a towel covering their bodies, and soon that fell to the floor as the hybrid creature moved forward to grab the muscular male in front of him. Already the crotch of the hazmat suit bulged and as the transformed male approached the hazmat gear seemed to slide off of his body. It was like his body was made of liquid underneath his rubber skin, Gabriel thought to himself as he watched in rapt fascination, and when the last of it slid down the creature's legs, he saw that the tongue and eyes weren't the only thing that shifted with scintillating colors. As the gaze of the human was brought down towards the multicolored cock his jaw went even more agape, then slackened as the rubber bull told him to get down on the bench.

As the snow leopard and the others continued to watch Vene whispered if they should intervene, but Gabriel quickly motioned for them to stay back and let the process happen. If they interrupted now they may get attacked, or possibly just ensnared in the power that had held the humans in their thrall. He also stated that these two creatures might be exactly what they need in order to help out the others in the containment unit, but first they had to establish a means of communication. As the snow leopard made the comment that he would be mad if someone interrupted him during sex, they heard a loud gurgle that immediately brought their attention back to the scene that was unfolding before them.

The sounds had come from Ripper, who had long since been enthralled just like Sharktooth and was on his knees in front of the naked lizardman that stood before him. Like the hybrid creature his body was also completely glistened with rubber, though he was lither and less built like his counterpart, and had a psychedelic rubber cock. While the one that was with Sharktooth opted for the back entrance and had put the human on the bench the lizardman had Ripper using his mouth, and as they watched they could see that the goo transferring onto his lips had begun to spread. If the human had any idea of what was going on, he didn't show it, the only thing on his face other than the shiny substance covering his entire mouth was a pleasured look.

As Ripper continued to suck off the rubber male, they could see that the lengthy cock of the creature had managed to push all the way down into the throat of the human. The bulge in his neck seemed to wiggle about slightly as more of the goo began to leak out of his nostrils... then his ears as his hair was assimilated as well. At first those watching thought that they were going to transform them right there, and though Ripper's nose and mouth had started to push out into a serpentine snout it had started to... droop slightly. It was as if there was nothing there to support it, and as the rubbery substance began to cascade down his neck, they saw that his chest and stomach, which had also started to gain the same shifting coloration as the cock inside of him, had started to compress.

"Holy cow..." Chaos said as he stared at the shrinking male, watching the lizardman lowering himself down just to keep his cock inside of the mouth of the transforming creature. "Is he... melting?"

"Looks like there's more to these creatures then we thought," Vene stated as her gaze went over to the one on the bench that had just gotten his butt cheeks spread open by the maleness of the one hovering above his prone form. "We already knew that these creatures could convert flesh and bone into rubber, I guess we shouldn't be surprised that the state of the matter doesn't matter as much. It just makes me wonder what kind of creatures they are creating."

Though Gabriel didn't share the same scientific curiosity that the dragon had he still couldn't tear his eyes away from the muscular human on the bench, who had started to moan until the bull-komono dragon creature leaned forward and had his tentacular tongue push into his maw. For a split second the snow leopard could have sworn that the gooey appendage had the head of a snake but if it did it couldn't be seen anymore as Sharktooth's eyes rolled into the back of his head. Already the gooey coloration was starting to spread from where the rubber creature had impaled him and as he began to thrust inside Gabriel could see the coloration already spreading through the legs and chest of the creature.

It didn't take long for the limbs of both humans to start to stretch, the flesh turning to goo before melting into a growing pool beneath them. The hypnotically entranced humans either didn't realize or didn't care that their bodies were becoming rubberized before melting, especially Sharktooth as the tongue of the creature continue to wiggle around in his own mouth. The hybrid rubber creature continued to thrust into both of his orifices as the human's moans of pleasure became garbled from his melting form. Ripper was even further along than his counterpart; the lizardman was on all fours so he could keep his rubber cock in the mouth of the transforming human as only his head and neck were left, which were quickly losing their features until it disappeared completely.

"Did they just..." Chaos whispered as he watched the one humping into Sharktooth finish up as well, all of the goo sliding onto the floor to join with the rest of the pile. "Are they..."

"No, or at least it would be highly unlikely," Vene quickly interjected. "These creatures seem to prefer transforming others instead of dispatching them, often to pleasurable results. Those that we had interviewed who were in those latex cells stated that they could feel their bodies starting to change and that they were enjoying every second of it, and it while we thought it might have been something that these rubber beings were simulating in their brains it appears there is a far more literal meaning to it as well."

As Gabriel nodded his thoughts went back to when he had first met the rubber naga in the clinic, remembering the couch that had transformed itself and had its way with his body. While it was nothing as dramatic as being turned into a goo creature, his eyes still watching as the shiny puddle on the floor began to swirl and change colors, he could recall the sensation of feeling the rubber against him and how good it felt. It was an intoxicating feeling and even as he watched the two rubberized creatures, he couldn't help but feel a small pang of envy. What would have happened if he had continued on with the naga that he had been with? Would he have ended up like those in the padded cells, or would he have taken a more dramatic turn?

As the two rubber creatures began to get dressed again the three behind the locker could see that the liquified state of the two former humans was only temporary, watching as the puddle of goo began to coalesce and push up into the air. Two serpentine heads formed out of the substance as some of the excess material oozed down to form into their necks. As they continued to rise up, they thought that two snake creatures might have been created... until they saw their necks get joined to a single pair of shoulders. As a huge snake lower body formed at once the humanoid torso of the two-headed goo naga sculpted itself until a completely alien creature sat there while the two rubber creatures finished putting on their hazmat suits.

The creature that Sharktooth and Ripper had become had certainly incorporated the mass of both of them; their long serpentine lower body stretched nearly to the wall once it had finished forming while the physique of their humanoid upper body was comparable to most bodybuilders. Even as the two heads of the new snake creature bowed low it appeared that their transformation wasn't quite finished as the last of the goo that had been their human forms was absorbed into their new rubber bodies. Both of them let out a loud grunt as two sets of appendages began to push out of their new shared body; the first was an extra set of thick, bulging arms that were settled just below the first pair, and the second was a dual set of rubber snake cocks that writhed in the air as they extended out into the air. What surprised the three that were watching even more though was when the two heads started to speak in unison at first, and then slowly they both began to sound like their old human counterparts as they thanked the two for giving them their new latex naga form.

Vene, Chaos, and Gabriel were at a loss for words on what to do next, especially after what they had just seen. The initial instinct for the snow leopard was to make a run for the alarm button that was placed on the wall opposite of them, but after he had watched the two creatures reform themselves another thought came to him. These were clearly creatures that had come from the same realm that Sslynthix and the others called home, or at least he really hoped they were, and if they had risked themselves to come this far in it must have meant that they were planning on a jail break. When he quietly relayed this information to the other two he found that they were all in agreement... but the question became what they were going to do with that knowledge and how were they going to approach the two rubbery creatures without having the same thing happen to them that happened to Sharktooth and Ripper.

Gabriel and Chaos decided to go first, telling Vene to stay back and if they made a move to turn them into goo she could run for help or try to reason with them while they were busy. Both snow leopard and husky both slowly came out and raised their hands in the air, then cleared their throats in order to get their attention without surprising them too much. As soon as Gabriel made an audible enough noise the two rubber beings looked right up at them, and when the snow leopard saw that their eyes were swirling with hues similar to Sslynthix he quickly looked away from them. He quickly waved his arms in the air and said that he just wanted to talk to them about their friends, and then braced himself for the attack that didn't come.

When he finally looked back at the two, he saw that Chaos had not taken the same precaution as him, the husky's tail waving languidly as he began to step towards the rubber reptilian creature. "You said that you wanted to speak," the one that looked like a rubber bull said as he looked the snow leopard over, his eyes no longer glowing. "I'm willing to listen, especially since I can smell the essence of a hypnaga on you. If you lead me to them then perhaps I'll make sure that you can be with him again."

"Uh... well, I certainly appreciate the offer," Gabriel said sheepishly before getting serious once again. "Listen, the one that you currently have enthralled and the scientist behind me want to help you guys get your friends out but you have to realize that this isn't some sort of standard jail. Axion thinks that they are the key to the next stage of technological breakthroughs, especially the one that can do the same trick as you, and they're not going to give them up without a fight."

"A fight is exactly what I have come for," the bull said with a smile, though as it did so Gabriel could see the goo snake tongue it possessed shift slightly past his lips before slipping back in. "Unfortunately, these two didn't know much about the inner workings of the facility and aside from getting us in here don't have the knowledge necessary to stage a proper insurgence. I was hoping these two might have more information but other than a slightly better layout I have been disappointed yet again."

As the conversation progressed it was becoming clearer to Gabriel that the rubber bull was not the one speaking, especially when both he and his lizardman companion talked at the same time with the exact same tone. As the snow leopard leaned forward and pulled Chaos back from approaching the lizardman any further, clearly seeing his arousal showing as he did, Vene popped up from behind the lockers and approached cautiously until she stood next to Gabriel. "While I'm not security personnel I can get you through a few of the roadblocks that you would find in your way, of course then you would have to find someone with the proper access in order to get you the rest of the way."

"I think I might have that covered..." Gabriel said, tapping his finger against his muzzle in contemplation before feeling a tug and realizing that Chaos was still attempting to walk towards the rubber lizardman. "But before we go anywhere do you think that perhaps you could unzonk our husky friend here? I don't think it's going to look great if we have one of our soldiers trailing behind you like a love-struck puppy dog."

There was a huff that came from both the bull and the lizardman as this time the latter of the two spoke up. "It is not our fault that he wants to be like us," the creature said as he looked once more at the enthralled husky. "Isn't that right? Why is it that you're still mesmerized despite me having hidden my abilities from you?"

Both Chaos and Vene looked over at the battle-hardened soldier as they saw his tail wagging, an almost drunk smile on his face as he licked his lips. "I want... I like being controlled..." Chaos stated, which caused the dragon and snow leopard to look at one another in slight shock. "I want to be like you, having someone inside my head, making me into a rubber puppet..."

It took a few seconds before Gabriel realized it wasn't the goo creature that the husky wanted to be, it was the ones that it was currently controlling that he lusted after. Gabriel chalked it up to learning something new every day and went over to the canine, whispering in his ear that he wouldn't be able to have his dream for long if Axion had its way. That seemed to be enough to have him snap out of his trance, the husky shaking his head as he came back to reality. When he came to his senses, he asked Vene and Gabriel what happened, to which both of them replied that it was nothing important and they had to get moving before their actions here in the base were discovered.

Meanwhile in a small valley that was just on the perimeter of the defenses of the Axion facility Renzyl and Sulvino watched the building intently for any sign that Syrath was in trouble. With the goo hypnaga hitching a ride on the freshly converted researchers it seemed like they had managed to smuggle him in with no problem, but that didn't mean that it might not be some sort of trap. As the base remained quiet with no alarm bells however Renzyl relegated watch duties to the hypnaga General and walked a little further along the river until he saw Chrono standing there near a cave. Behind the silver raptor the normal darkness of such a place was replaced with scintillating hues and vibrant colors that made it look like someone had started a rave inside.

"How are the troops?" Renzyl asked, Chrono looking up at him from the water he had been staring at.

"Itching to go," Chrono replied as he looked back inside the cave. "They've been building their powers up to make sure that as soon as they reach the enemy, they won't know what hit them. How about Syrath, how is he holding up inside of the base on his top-secret espionage mission?"

"Seems like he's doing alright so far," Renzyl explained. "Given the nature of the facility actively attempting to jam our means of mental communication it's been hard to keep track of him, though it appears that he has taken over two more bodies in order to help boost his power. He also seems to have made some new friends that are not happy with what their bosses are doing, so they are going to help get him and his hosts into the next section of the facility."

"Seems like everything is going well," Chrono said as Renzyl stepped past him and moved towards the cave. "Do you think we should start getting everyone ready?"

Renzyl looked up at the sky and saw the sun starting to set, then down at the dozens of hypnagas that were waiting patiently for their call to assemble. "Let's do this," Renzyl replied as he motioned for them all to come out of the cave. "We attack at dusk whether or not Syrath is in position, use the setting sun to mask our approach. Before the moon rises over those mountains that facility is going to be ours."

Sharing the Ultimate Experience (9/10)

As the day turned to night the change went unnoticed for the four that were inside of the Axion base, Gabriel leading the group to make sure that they wouldn't be intercepted as they all made their way to the labs. Besides himself there was Vene...

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Sharing the Ultimate Experience (7/10)

Renzyl sat in the communications hub, tapping his claws against the chair he sat on while he watched Chrono work with the crystals on the pedestal that connected the obelisks to the surrounding areas of the nexus. The silver saurian continued to...

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Sharing the Ultimate Experience (6/10)

AxionCorp had rented out what used to be a roller rink for the purpose of building an operations center that they could work on for the duration of their time in the city; the large, open nature of the space allowed them to have their equipment fit in...

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