Sharing the Ultimate Experience (6/10)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#6 of Sharing the Ultimate Experience

In the sequel to An Ultimate Nexus Experience, Jason is given a task by Renzyl to run a new project of his. As the new mental health facility gets underway they find themselves under threat from a force that they weren't expecting to encounter on this planet.

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AxionCorp had rented out what used to be a roller rink for the purpose of building an operations center that they could work on for the duration of their time in the city; the large, open nature of the space allowed them to have their equipment fit in easily and the location of it near the outskirts of the town allowed them to move their trucks in and out without too many people noticing. They had gotten there a few days before Gabriel and the other agent had done their reconnaissance mission and settled in all their equipment so that by the time the two had gotten the requested information, they were ready to start working. Much to Gabriel's relief it appeared that agent had pulled a fast one on him and while their lenses were able to record what they had done it was in video, not streaming. It had gotten sent towards the AV crew so they could analyze the feed and when he had approached them for the video both of them just gave him a disapproving shake of their heads before they handed him the edited version.

After another week Gabriel, who hadn't gotten any more assignments after their initial one, was told to report back to the roller rink for his next assignment. When he got inside he saw people furiously at work as usual, except that there were now tables in the food court area that were filled with various items and gadgets that hadn't been there before. "Didn't anyone ever tell you to get permission before playing with someone else's toys?" a stern voice said behind Gabriel just as he was about to pick up a set of binoculars, which caused him to quickly pull his hands back and turn towards the voice's owner. "Last time someone messed with something they weren't supposed to they were picking pieces of him off the ceiling."

"It's good thing that I wasn't trying to juggle live grenades then," Gabriel replied with a slight grin on his muzzle. "Reporting for duty Samson, does Axion finally have a plan or are they just going to keep watching these guys do this to an entire town in envy?"

"Trust me, I wouldn't be talking to you right now if I didn't have to," the older human said as he gestured for Gabriel to follow him. "Come on Gabe, just hurry up and follow me into the conference room where the rest of the team is waiting."

Gabriel just chuckled and nodded, then followed him through the roller rink towards the area that was the DJ booth. It was the only space large enough that wasn't cluttered with kitchen equipment where they could set up a private meeting space, though they could see out of the window down into the rink itself they were in an elevated position so that those below couldn't see up. As Samson and Gabriel entered into the room, they were met by three others, the husky and two humans standing up and saluting when they entered. Samson told them to sit back down and then motioned for Gabe to have one as well.

"Gabe, welcome to your new squad," Samson introduced. "The husky is Chaos, then the two humans are Ripper and Sharktooth. Together the four of you are the strike team that is going to go in and take over the hospital."

The snow leopard just nodded to the three of them until he heard what Samson had said last, turning his head towards him in surprise. "I'm sorry, strike team?" Gabriel stated in shock. "You're going to pit the four of us against an entire hospital potentially full of those creatures? Did you not get my report that said they had hypnotic powers and were made of rubber?"

"Yes, needless to say I got ALL the information that pertained to your little adventure at the facility," the human replied, which caused Gabriel to sink down into his seat while the projector behind them put the image of the mental hospital on the wall. "That, combined with all the information being farmed from social media, has concluded to Axion that this group is not only powerful and potentially dangerous but also has the potential to grow and spread. It's possible that these creatures might be attempting to create an army to take over the entire world and that if we don't act now to capture and study them then we could be seeing the next threat to metahumanity."

"I'm sure that's all they want them for," Ripper muttered, causing the other three to snicker before a quick look from the human quieted them back down again.

"Anyway, R&D has been hard at work creating the toys that you're going to need for this mission based off of the reconnaissance mission," Samson continued on as they showed a rough sketch of the rubber naga creature Gabriel had encountered. "Of course, there is quite a bit of this that is based off of conjecture, but without a living sample this is as close as we're going to get. Now I can't stress how much we need these creatures alive so there will be no authorized use of live ammo during this mission."

"No live ammo?" Sharktooth replied in a slight huff. "So what are we supposed to do if these gadgets of yours don't work, tickle them to death?"

"Obviously not," Samson replied. "Your failure will be catalogued and used for the next team so that they know better. I would prefer it if we got this right on the first time so go down and gather up your gear, because you are hitting the target at night."

As the other three nodded and left the room when they were dismissed Gabriel stayed behind, waiting for the others to get out of the DJ booth before he approached the human. "Do you really think that this is a good idea?" the snow leopard asked, which caused the human to frown at him. "You know as well as I do that the only reason Axion wants these creatures is so they can exploit them for whatever alien tech and physiology they can use. We should be doing way more surveillance work, if we launch an assault on them and we're wrong about their intentions we could be starting an interstellar incident."

"I don't think that your option really matters at this point Gabe," Samson replied as he turned off the projector. "You should be off this mission, but if had to explain why then you would find yourself in one of those cells just like them. Next time try not to have sex with one of the targets on the mission and then you'll be able to weigh in with your opinion."

The ears of the snow leopard flattened at that, but in the back of Gabriel's mind he knew that the officer was right. The only reason he hadn't been detained was because no one had told the higher-ups of what they had saw, which meant that with a single word Samson could have him thrown off the mission at a minimum. It took a lot of the strength out of his argument and he just gave him a look of disgust before leaving the DJ booth as well. He had hardly got three steps before he saw that he wasn't alone in the hallway, the only other anthro on the team looking at him with slightly wide eyes before he looked away and brushed past the husky.

A few hours later Gabriel found himself exactly where he didn't want to be, sitting in the bushes dressed in tactical strike gear outside of the mental health facility he had visited previously. It was almost midnight and the hospital had been shut down for hours now so that just the doctors and other stuff were presence. They hoped that it would help limit any metahuman interaction since most of the gear they were carrying was to deal with whatever non metahumans were in the building. After about two hours of just sitting there watching they decided to move out, all of them putting on a set of goggles before quietly pushing out of the bushes and towards the facility itself.

After reviewing the security details, along with a few drones they had brought in to scout the place, they had decided the best route to breach without being detected was through the basement. There were a few places they could try and get in and though their primary means of entry, an old storm cellar door, appeared to be completely blocked they found that a nearby window was big enough that they could break it and slip inside. After putting a thick piece of plastic on the window that adhered to the panes of glass, they broke it out as silently as they could. Once they had gotten broken away as they could they took the plastic with the glass stuck to it and pulled it back so they could go inside.

As the four-man team continued to breach their way into the mental facility they worked they way around the maze of steam pipes and storage rooms to find the first stairwell up. At first everything appeared to be normal as the four looked around the rooms, finding rooms with medical equipment stored away. Most of it appeared to be newer and was maybe only sitting there for a few months as a thin layer of dust had covered it. That wasn't the only thing that looked new either as they passed by shiny new boilers and electrical equipment. It must have taken millions to retrofit everything, Gabriel thought to himself as they turned the last hallway towards the stairs.

Before they went any further however a loud noise caused the four to stop, Sharktooth holding up his hand to get the others to hold behind him before he pulled out a scanner. It was one of the new toys that had come from R&D, or rather an augmentation of an existing technology that had been for trying to find cloaked alien technology. This time however it was made to find something else, and when he had activated it the screen lit up like Christmas lights. The other three looked at one another worriedly since it meant they were surrounded by the alien rubber.

The four of them brought up their weapons and were ready to fire as they continued to move forward, waiting for any sign of movement that they could fire at. The red lights of the hallway provided a sinister glow as they slowly made their way through, and though the scanner continued to signal that there was presence of unusual activity it was too narrow for anything to be there without them seeing it. "Hey... I think I see where the signal is coming from," the other human said as they made their way down, motioning to one of the doors that they could see as they got closer. "You think they're in there?"

"Only one way to find out..." Ripper said as he went up to one of the steel doors, finding a small latch that was able to be slid open and doing so before the others could stop him. As his eyes widened, they all pointed their guns right at the door, ready to fire on whatever might be coming out of it. "You guys might want to see this."

When it was clear that nothing was going to jump out at him the others carefully made their way over towards the door as well. The inside of the cell was quite dark but with the red light streaming into it they were able to see that the inside of it was completely covered in black latex. From the glinting they could also tell that there was someone inside of it... or at least that's what it looked like. The rubber clad individual they saw inside was completely covered from head to toe and as they continued to watch they could see there were tentacles that came from the floor and walls that had were coiled around him and were also buried in their various orifices.

"That's... something," Sharktooth whispered as he took the tiny viewing area and closed it once more. "But as I'm sure you've all noticed these are not the creatures that we're looking for. Let's keep going, we don't have all night and extraction is waiting for us."

Though the others were curious on what was happening inside that cell they knew that their leader was right; the goggles they wore identified the creature within as a metahuman that wasn't actually one of those that they were trying to dispatch. It was just someone who happened to be caught in the grips of whatever was going on in this place and they would probably let them go later after they downed their primary target. Gabriel couldn't help but wonder if he wasn't attached to Axion if he might have found himself in one of those rooms, something that he tried to not think about as they continued to move forward.

Eventually the team of four managed to make their way up to the main floor of the facility, the dark corridors much more normal then the red-lit area that they had just come from. They continued to make their way down towards the area that they thought would be the doctor's dorms. One of the things that their surveillance teams had noticed was that all those that were actively a part of the staff didn't leave the campus, which meant that they were all probably a part of whatever was going on. The team finally reached their goal when they found the area marked as authorized staff only and quietly broke the lock to get inside.

Once again, they found a rather normal setting for a living quarters, however one thing that Gabriel in particular noticed as that a lot more of the furniture in the room was made of rubber. It was possibly a sign of increased corruption as they moved further in and eventually find the sounds of several inhabitants. When they carefully made their way around the corner they found two people on the couch of a small gaming room, and though it was hard to see with the couch one of them was clearly on top of the other in a very sexual position. The other thing is that anyone who would have come in would have thought they were ordinary metahumans, but the goggles that the four wore that were especially designed for this mission told them otherwise.

Though Gabriel had already seen one in action the other three members of the team were shocked to see two rubber lizardmen having sex with one another, both of them completely absorbed in their own interactions as one humped up into the tailhole of the other male. When the snow leopard looked over at the two humans, he saw them smirking at one another and making mocking hand gestures while Chaos just looked at the two going at it with his jaw hanging down slightly. Since they still had the drop on the two, the attention of the synthetic creatures obviously on one another, they decided to try out one of their new toys as Sharktooth took out a silver orb from his pocket. Ripper did the same and after counting down from three they each took aim and tossed their orb at one of the two rubber lizardmen.

The two didn't even see the metal spheres until they had banged up against them, the one on top being hit in the back while another managed to land on their chest. This stopped the two horny males and though and though one had a sphere on their back their eyes both drifted towards the one that was on the chest of the rubber creature that was lying down. Their confusion turned to shock as the object split open and anchored itself to his chest while dozens of metal bands wrapped around him. The same thing happened to the other orb and it wasn't long before the two had been completely restrained by dozens of flexible metal ribbons that had not only pinned their arms to their waist but also wrapped around their muzzles to keep them from speaking as well as actually wrapping around one another to keep them bound in the position they had been enjoying before it happened.

"Well this is going to be a fun one for recovery to pick up," Sharktooth said with a smirk as they watched the two creatures continue to squirm against one another, still hearing grunts and moans as their actions kept the cock that was buried deep in the backside of the other from being freed. "At least they'll have something to do while they're waiting."

"This is amazing..." Chaos said as he went up to them, staying crouched down and out of sight even though two of the thicker bands had wrapped around their eyes to prevent them from seeing what was happening. "It looks like they're completely made out of rubber just like Gabriel said, which means that if that's true then the rest of our gear should work against the rest of them."

"That's probably a good thing," Ripper said as he glanced out and saw that windows that were once dark were now quickly becoming lit en masse. "It appears silencing them was not enough to keep them from sounding the alarm."

"I told you that they probably had some form of psychic communication!" Gabriel hissed as he grabbed a black box off the back of the bigger human and set it down on the floor, turning knobs on it until the red light on top turned green. "We should have set this up before we even got here."

"The battery on that thing is half an hour," Sharktooth shot back as he grabbed it from the snow leopard and put it back on his belt. "We didn't even know when we were going to engage the enemy, excuse me for forgetting to put down what seemed like an unnecessary precaution when we already captured two of them."

Before the two of them could continue to argue further the window that Sharktooth had been looking out of suddenly burst inwards as one of the scaly creatures came in to attack them, all four of them surprised as the shiny wyvern anthro came in and tried to grab the nearby soldier with his wings. Though he had managed to get the rubbery membranes around him Gabriel, who was the first to recover since he had been on the opposite side of the room, quickly brought up his gun and fired. There was little sound since their guns were using compressed air, but as he unloaded several rounds against the wings of the creature the special bullets that had been created for them had already started to take effect. The wyvern had turned to glare at the snow leopard that shot him but that look of anger quickly became surprise when he saw the black rubber of his body began to lose its glossy shiny and his movements started to stiffen.

As Ripper and Chaos got in on the action as well and popped the wyvern a few more times the creature continued to grow sluggish in his movements until finally he stopped completely, its rubber scales hardening from the effects of the specialized rounds as its face became frozen in horror. "Looks like these do work after all," Gabriel said with a sigh of relief, then grinned a little when he saw the face of their squad-mate's face stretched out against the now-frozen rubber. "I suppose we should get him out of there before we continue?"

The other two nodded and managed to free their companion from the wings of the paralyzed creature, which they used one of the metal restraining balls on just in case the effects wore off before the recovery team could get there. "Whoa..." Ripper said once they had gotten the membrane off the soldier, Sharktooth looking at him in question as his gaze turned to Gabriel. "They didn't mention anything about that in the briefing."

Gabriel was at a loss for words himself as he saw the face of Sharktooth, which had started to look shiny and black around his lips and jaw that were puffed a few inches away from his face. When the soldier brought his own fingers up to his face his eyes widened in shock but just as the snow leopard was about to calm him down, he could see the changes start to recede. "It appears these aliens have the ability to turn humans into creatures like them or at least manipulate them into more rubbery forms," Chaos stated. "We're going to have to be extra careful now."

Though the other soldiers didn't know that particular fact Gabriel knew that ability all too well, remembering his time in the doctor's office. He didn't have long to reminisce about that though as they could hear shouting and roaring from beyond the broken window, two of them heading to the door while the other two looked out the window to see others coming their way. From the count that had been taken there were about two dozen of these creatures that had made their home on this campus, and they were going to have to restrain them all before they could call the mission a success. Since they had hopefully jammed whatever psychic network the creatures used they hoped their tracks would be covered as they left the room and began to head down the hall for a more adventitious position they could fight from.

It was only about a minute after they had left the room before they got their first target, two rather muscular saurian creatures that had begun to charge towards them. With the combination of their special bullets, metal orb restraints, and their tracking goggles they were able to take them out before they had a chance to leap on them. The process continued as they moved through the building; they would find a target and use the bullets to harden their synthetic flesh, then bind them before quickly moving on. Within the matter of a few hours their cat and mouse game had resulted in all the targets that had come after them being completely restrained.

"Well, that wasn't so tough," Sharktooth stated as they continued to sweep the building. "Guess that's what happens when these stupid aliens underestimate us."

"Don't make the same mistake Sharktooth," Gabriel said. "All it takes is one of them to turn the tide of the battle, and one of us into them, just keep moving forward and look for the naga. I think he's the leader in all of this."

"That the one that courted you?" Ripper asked, causing both the humans to snicker as the feline felt himself grow hot with embarrassment. "Are we finding him to capture or do you just want another round?"

"Will you two shut it for a second?" Chaos chimed in, the three looking back at the husky in surprise as he motioned with his gun down a different hallway. "I think they're in there."

The area that the canine was pointing too had a light on and the door ajar, prompting the four to move towards it. Gabriel once more warned the others that this creature in particular seemed to radiate some sort of hypnotic wavelengths and even with their gear distorting the signal it could still affect them. The others just nodded as their mood grew instantly more serious as they slowly crept towards the open door. Since Chaos had noticed it he was the one that went first, the others having their guns trained on it as the husky slowly reached forward and grabbed the handle before quickly pulling it open.

As the four barged into the rather large office they all saw the singular male standing behind the large desk looking out the window, its back turned to them as they shouted at him not to move. Though the others didn't know what they were looking at Gabriel was more than aware of who this was, seeing the naga that he had visited less than a week ago slowly turn his head to look at them. "I was wondering if I was going to have the pleasure of meeting those who were making such a fuss," the hypnaga said. "My name is Sslynthix."

"Doesn't matter what your name is, you alien freak!" Sharktooth shouted as he pulled the trigger. The spray of bullets went wide however and shattered the nearby window as another rubber creature suddenly came out of nowhere and grabbed the gun from him. It took the snow leopard a few seconds to realize what happened until he recognized the other male as a chameleon which was likely hiding up until that point.

"Man, it is really not Sharktooth's day," Ripper said as he struggled with the rubber reptile before the three of them fired at both of them. Though they heard Sharktooth shouting not to shoot him the effects of the rounds on him were little more than getting shot at close range with a paintball gun, but for the naga that they were shooting at they could see the rubber skin that had camouflaged his presence begin to harden and turn into a solid black coloration.

There was a loud thud and with the rubber chameleon quickly growing stiffer by the second the three turned their attention to the hypnaga that had turned over the desk. Though they had stopped Sharktooth from being taken by the male that had restrained him the grip on the human remained, and though the soldier was very strong he found him struggling in futility while the other three kept their guns trained on where the creature was. There was no clear shot for them to take and they quickly maneuvered themselves with Gabriel going on the left, Chaos on the right, and Ripper right down the middle. The human shouted for the creature to give up quietly and they would go easy on him as the feline and canine kept their eyes locked on the target.

Unfortunately for Chaos he was so focused that he didn't notice the shiny plant that sat in the corner of the room suddenly come alive, the husky letting out a yelp and dropping his weapon as the broad leaves of the rubber fern pressed against his body and quickly began to spread. When Gabriel and Ripper saw this they tried to turn to see if there was any likely danger, only for the snow leopard to be yanked back against the wall where there had been a mirror while the human was yanked to the floor by several rubber tentacles that had come up from the floor itself. Gabriel cursed his lack of awareness as he remembered this creature was able to control the material from their last meeting, one that the hypnaga seemed to remember as it looked at him and smiled.

"Well, well, what do we have here..." Sslynthix said after seeing the four restrained males and focusing his attention on the snow leopard that he remembered, watching as the reflective rubber began to crawl over his body to encase him like a vac-rack. "If you wanted to meet me again you could have just made an appointment, I would have been more than happy to see you to indulge in your fantasies once more."

Even as the others continued to struggle in their bindings, they stopped momentarily to look at the snow leopard. "What?" he growled at them. "Can't a guy have a little fun with his work sometgrrk!"

The feline's words were cut short as the rubber that had been spreading over his body had started to cover his face, completely coating his muzzle and starting to flow into his mouth as similar scenarios began to play out with the others. For Chaos one of the leaves had clamped right against his groin and from the growing outline he was clearly enjoying the sensations, even dropping the knife he had managed to fish out of his vest in order to try and cut himself free. For Ripper the human found his clothes and armor bulging as the rubber tentacles that had started to slither and coil up his arms. They could also all start to feel themselves beginning to succumb to the mental manipulations of the creature that picked his desk back up and set it down, their struggles lessening by the second as they found themselves unable to tear their gaze away from the creature the longer they stared at him.

"Only question is which one to start with first," Sslynthix stated as he looked between the four of them. "Getting some good vibes from our husky over here, but the snow leopard looks fairly adorable covered in that reflective rubber. Then again, he would make a nice wall ornament, something that I'm sure he doesn't mind being for a bit, and the two humans over there are being quite rebellious..."

As the hypnaga began to slither over towards the two that were restrained by the frozen chameleon and the rubber tentacles everything stopped when they heard the sound of glass breaking. Even the hypnaga was surprised when he looked back to see a hole in the glass, then looked around his back to see his scintillating hues beginning to grow dark and muddled. Before the hypnaga could react, there were several more shots that shattered the window as a bright spotlight lit up the room. They could hear the sounds of the helicopter outside as the hypnaga hissed angrily and tried to slither out of the room.

But as the rubber that had been surrounding the three of them began to slough off of their bodies, they saw the movements of the hypnaga quickly slow down until he could no longer move. By the time they had freed themselves and Sharktooth from the grasp of the other creature Sslynthix was as petrified as the rest of them, his hands reaching out towards the door in a futile effort to reverse the effects of their specialty rounds. "Our back-up is fashionably late as per usual," Sharktooth said angrily once he had managed to get free. "I don't know about you guys but I could use a drink, let's let the cleanup crew collect everyone and bring them back to the base while we see if there's anything of value around here."

While Ripper enthusiastically nodded and followed behind both Chaos and Gabriel lagged behind, both of them waiting until the other wasn't looking to adjust the bulge that had formed in their pants...

Sharing the Ultimate Experience (7/10)

Renzyl sat in the communications hub, tapping his claws against the chair he sat on while he watched Chrono work with the crystals on the pedestal that connected the obelisks to the surrounding areas of the nexus. The silver saurian continued to...

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Sharing the Ultimate Experience (5/10)

A few weeks later Sslynthix found himself standing in front of Renzyl and Chrono, the rubber dragon sitting on his favorite obsidian chair while the synthetic saurian took notes. "So, what are your numbers looking like this week?" Renzyl...

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Sharing the Ultimate Experience (4/10)

A few more weeks passed by and after scores of delivery trucks and numerous interviews Sslynthix and Emile were getting ready to open the brand-new Caduceus Mental Health and Psychiatric Center. The furniture that they had bought was put into the...

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