Sharing the Ultimate Experience (7/10)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#7 of Sharing the Ultimate Experience

In the sequel to An Ultimate Nexus Experience, Jason is given a task by Renzyl to run a new project of his. As the new mental health facility gets underway they find themselves under threat from a force that they weren't expecting to encounter on this planet.

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Renzyl sat in the communications hub, tapping his claws against the chair he sat on while he watched Chrono work with the crystals on the pedestal that connected the obelisks to the surrounding areas of the nexus. The silver saurian continued to stop and look back occasionally but his master didn't say anything and would merely sigh occasionally and tilt his head in boredom. "Lord Renzyl, if you wish I can find you when Sslynthix responds to your messages," Chrono offered. "I know it has been a few days but you can't just wait here for him to respond, I'm sure he's going to report in soon like he usually does."

"If he was doing what he usually did then he wouldn't be late in the first place," Renzyl replied, huffing slightly as he slouched back on the chair. For a while Chrono went back to his work, but eventually he heard his master shift once more and finally stand up with a stretch. "I'm bored, let's go stop in and visit to see how things are going."

'You said you weren't going to horn in on this project," Chrono said with a slight frown on his face. "If you get in there, you'll just start tweaking things to your way instead of letting Sslynthix do what he needs to do to make it his own. Stop micromanaging, you can't be everywhere at once."

"That is a good point," Renzyl said, Chrono perking up slightly at the rubber dragon agreeing with him until the dragon grinned at him. "A counterpoint however is that I'm not micromanaging if I'm just checking in to see if they're alright, plus if he is in some sort of trouble then I might just save the day. Punch in the coordinates Chrono, we're going."

Though his eyes were completely mirrored it didn't stop the silver raptor from rolling them as he aligned the crystals so that the hub was aligned with the point in the Nexus that they were attempting to breach into. A few seconds later they found themselves in front of the mental health facility, making sure that their disguises were intact the second that they arrived there. As Chrono and Renzyl looked around however they saw that it was quite unnecessary as there didn't appear to be anyone in the waiting room despite being the middle of the day. As they looked over to the front door, they saw the reason why; the door had not only been completely boarded over from the inside but when they got to the outside to see what was going on, they saw something scrawled in spray paint on it.

"Abandoned..." Chrono said, shifting his gaze over to see Renzyl smirking at him as he rolled his eyes once again. "Alright, fine, you were right. What do we do now?"

"We're going to find out about what happened here," Renzyl replied as he walked over towards one of the only cars in the parking lot, pressing his hand against the hood of the rather large van. "We're not alone... and given that the engine is still warm I'm guessing they're definitely close by. Why don't we go and have a chat with them to see what happened here..."

Meanwhile down in the red-lit hallway the cell doors were completely open, and while those who had been inside were relocated into an Axion facility along with those that had been captured for testing and potential treatment they were not empty. Two men in full hazmat suits were inside with a number of instruments, one of them pouring over a computer while the other continued to attempt to remove a sample of the material. This hadn't been the first time that a group had tried to take out part of the mystical rubber but after the last batch had gotten wrapped up in tentacles, they were attempting to figure out what made it tick. So far nothing they had done had disabled the defensive measures and they knew that if they attempted removal now, they would be in a holding cell as well while covered head to toe in rubber.

"I don't see why we can't just... persuade that naga creature that made this to turn it off?" the one in the larger suit said as he attempted to stick the probe in the rubber padding once more. "I thought he controlled this stuff."

"He does Felix," the smaller male replied while typing. "But considering how... indisposed they are at the moment I doubt that he is going to want to do us a favor. Just keep working on it before they decide to use us for live testing."

"I would actually love to know where that naga you're talking about is," a voice behind them said, causing the one with the probe to drop it on the floor as they both looked up to see a rubber dragon standing in the doorway with his red eyes glowing just like the light behind him. "If you can just point me to where you have taken them, I would be most obliged."

The two members in the hazmat suits looked at one another, then as one of them went up with the radio Renzyl darted forward faster than either of them could see and before they could react the rubber dragon suddenly had ripped off their helmets and crushed hem as well as the radios inside with his hands. The revealed bull man gasped and nearly broke his laptop as he backed away into the corner while the smaller cheetah grabbed the probe again and brandished it like a knife. The nexus creature smirked at the display and snapped his fingers, which caused the rubber that the two were surrounded by sprang to life and began to wrap a multitude of tentacles around them.

By the time Chrono had caught up with Renzyl he looked inside the cell to see that the two inside were struggling against the rubber that had already pulled them up against the padded walls. While they might have been able to escape from it with Sslynthix no longer around, there was nothing that they could do against the nexus creature from which such a substance originated. In little time their exposed heads were completely covered in the shiny material and it looked like it had suctioned against them. The rest of the hazmat suit they thought would protect them was quickly dissolved away as well until there were just two naked guys in what might have been thought of as rubber sleep sacks.

"Rather quick of you to do," Chrono stated as he watched the two captured technicians continue to squirm. "Are we going to be using these cells to see what they know?"

"Too risky," Renzyl replied as he picked up the cheetah and disconnected the latex that had completely contoured around his body from the wall before handing him to Chrono. "While I might have severed their communications there's no telling what sort of dead-man triggers or something like that they have, and I would rather not be rushed when it comes to finding out what happened to this place. Oh no, I think I have a far better location for these two to go."

As Chrono just nodded and hoisted the restrained feline over his shoulder Renzyl took the bigger bull and did the same, his smirk growing wider as he reopened the portal they had taken to get here and came back to the realm. The second they broke through the fabric of reality and disappeared from the fabric of reality of the area there were multiple alarms that went off in the monitoring area of the roller ring some meters away. They had already become aware there was a situation happening in the mental facility but this time their sensors went completely off the map, something that should have been impossible.

"Uh, Samson sir!" one of the communications officers said, the nearby official turning away from the person he was talking to in order to walk over to them. "We have a problem..."

"What's wrong?" Samson asked. "Do we need to have retrieval go back and cut another round of researchers out of the walls? I swear at this point I would rather just-"

"Sir, it's not that!" the officer said as he pointed to the screen. "All the trackers that were on the research team have been completely lost."

"Are we sure it's not just a connection error?" Samson said as he looked at the screen himself and saw a host of errors that came from it.

"Even if the signal was jammed there would still be a trace of the beacon itself," the communication officer explained as he gestured towards the screen. "If the tracker was destroyed, we would have seen evidence of that as well, but instead it was just completely vanished. It was like someone had instantly removed it from the tracker range."

"What's the range of the trackers?" Samson asked.

"A few thousand miles."

"Well, that is certainly disconcerting..."

Back in Renzyl's realm the rubber dragon and raptor had taken the two they had captured and brought them down the obsidian stairs in the manor towards the underbelly. Since they didn't take the time to properly induct them both could still feel the researchers struggling in their latex confines. When they reached the bottom of the stairs, they stood in front of another stone door, Renzyl rubbing his hand on the smooth, polished surface in order to activate the runes that started to glow on it. A few seconds later the light faded and the door opened to allowed the two to enter into the room.

As Renzyl walked inside he could hear Chrono say that it's been a while since they had to use this place for anything, the rubber dragon agreeing as they walked into the dungeon of the manor. While a number of minions used this place for fun and roleplaying there was also a serious tone that it took as well. Those that meant some sort of harm to the realm would end up finding themselves there after being captured, and though it wasn't a traditional dungeon in what happened down there he always had his means to make people talk. Since this appeared to be some sort of organization he was after Renzyl decided to go straight to the hard questions and took his bull over to a large table with restraints on it.

For the cheetah Chrono put him in a standing x-restraint, the rubber melting off of his fur as the same happened to the bull while Renzyl put him in the restraints. Once both of them were properly secured Renzyl told Chrono to go back to the teleporter room and start trying to track down either Sslynthix or those that had captured him as well as the rest of the staff. The raptor just nodded and as the two researchers had their heads uncovered by the black latex, he just gave the two a wink before leaving. The horrified looks on their faces caused Renzyl to chuckle as the rest of their bodies were uncovered, leaving the two naked as the bull grunted and attempted to get free of the restrains on his wrists and ankles.

"I'm sure by now you're probably wondering how you managed to get yourselves in this situation," Renzyl said as he leaned into the bull, rubbing a hand down his lanky chest with rubber fingers. "I just want to say Fredrick, your name is Fredrick right? I have a few friends of mine that you have taken as well as raided one of my pet projects, and since I have no quarrel with you two I'm more than happy to release you once you have given me everything that I want to know."

"And what makes you think that we're going to tell you anything?" the bull said as he sneered at the rubber dragon. "You don't think that they trained us in the case of torture? I don't care what you are, you're not getting anything out of me, you freak."

"Well aren't you the delightful one?" Renzyl said with a smirk as he looked between the two of them. "I know that you've probably received some sort of training on what to do if captured by an alien or demon or whatever it is you think I am, but I assure you this is going to be far more devious then you can ever imagine. You see, we're going to play a little game... one that the two of your are my participants in, with the winner getting a rather fabulous prize."

"I... are you going to let us go?" The cheetah asked, to which the bull practically banged his head against the back of the table he was strapped to as he looked up at the feline.

"Don't you dare give him anything Toby!" the bull replied. "If you do you better hope that I can't ever get back and report your cowardice!"

"So dramatic..." Renzyl said as he held out his palms and formed two black rubber balls in his hands. "The grand prize isn't being let go however, but before I tell you what it is, I'm going to tell you what the competition is going to be. Now are you going to be good boys and let me explain or will I have to gag you first?"

Though the bull continued to glare at the cheetah the two technicians slowly shook their heads. "Fantastic," Renzyl continued on. "So, I will be applying these little orbs to you and they will slowly feed you more and more pleasure as well as begin to assimilate your bodies into something a little more fun. The process is going to be quite slow however and you may find yourselves wanting to accelerate it, which to do so all you have to do it start telling me what I want to know... and for the one who gives me the most useful information they will be able to finish their transformation."

The two looked at one another in shock, and as they did so they were distracted enough that Renzyl was able to take the small orbs and place them on each male. The two were so busy being shocked at one another they didn't even notice until they saw the rubber dragon standing there with his arms crossed against his chest and a smirk on his face. When they did look back down on themselves, they saw exactly where the latex sphere had been placed, both of them seeing that their groins had been completely encased in the substance including their sacks and started to shift between their legs.

As the rubber slowly began to encase their groins both the cheetah and the bull were able to watch what was happening to the other better than themselves. As Tony felt the pleasure increasing in his own groin, he was able to see the effect it was having on the bull, watching the rubber that was around his cock practically stretch the latex as it began to grow aroused. It wasn't enough to break through however and as soon as it had finished throbbing it was brought back towards his body, thickening even more and forming into a bulge that almost completely hid it.

Despite being completely encased their stimulation wasn't at an end, especially as they began to feel the tiny latex tendrils inside their new anatomy begin to rub against the sensitive flesh within. The pleasure the two felt was unique and as it continued to stimulate them they began to strain against their restraints. As the rubber flowed over their hips and continued to massage between their legs they both realized that it was heading to another spot on their body, the two wiggling their hips as they felt the substance ooze over their cheeks towards their tailholes. With the cheetah being slightly skinnier then his bovine counterpart it reached him first, causing him to gasp in pure pleasure as something began to push past the ring of muscle and slide his way inside.

"You're... a monster..." the bull said through gritted teeth before he let out a bellow of his own, his hips thrusting upwards when he was penetrated as well. "Unnng fuck! What are you doing to us?"

"Providing you with the motivation to talk to me," Renzyl said as he watched the cheetah hump forward despite himself, biting his lip as the rubber tentacle continued to wiggle its way up him while assimilating his prostate. "Right now, I'm just showing you the benefits of winning, soon we're going to get to the part where you find out what happens when you don't."

Almost immediately after the words left his mouth the two both began to feel the movement, both against the inner walls of their tailhole from the tentacle and the tendrils around their cocks, begin to dramatically slow down. Though they were still being provided some stimulation it was far less then what they were getting a few moments ago as the rubber spreading against their furry stomachs and lower backs slowed as well. Though neither male thought it would be a big deal they began to feel their desire continue to increase, fed by the fact that they had no way to release or even control the pleasure being fed to them. There was nothing they could do as the rubber continued to slowly grow over their bodies, building them up even more as they both squirmed.

Renzyl let his rubber do the work as he could see that their internals were already quickly shifting, watching with glee as the tentacle inside of them pushed in so deeply that they could see it pumping slowly in and out of the cheetah's tailhole to provide more stimulation. While he guessed that the feline would crack first, he saw that bull was starting to see one of the fringe benefits of his transformation starting to manifest. While they had somewhat expected the erotic elements, it had been clear to the rubber dragon that they had no idea what they were dealing with. It was also quite fortunate that Felix had a particular fetish that could be drawn out, Renzyl watching his eyes widen with both shock and lust as his flat stomach began to mold into something else.

Though it was hard for the bull to see Tony could tell that his crewmate was starting to develop a set of abs that would make professional athletes envious, all the while with the rubber slowly covering over it. It made him wonder what was going to happen to him, though those thoughts were having a hard time passing through the haze of lust that was filtering through his mind. It was slightly harder for him to see but his chest and hips were expanding slightly while the rest of his stomach remained lithe, giving him a slightly more feminine appearance as the rubber filled him. Even though he wasn't sure what was happening to him Renzyl had seen enough such changes and knew of the submissive nature of the cheetah buried within that made for the perfect rubber twink.

Despite the intense pleasure that both of them were going through neither had cracked under the want for what they were seeing or from the need to orgasm, which impressed Renzyl a bit. As he began to think about upping the bondage in order to help continue their progress, he finally heard a voice speak up. "Alright!" Felix said. "I'll tell you where Axion is!"

"And you're calling me the traitor!?" Tony shouted as he watched the bull moan loudly, his thighs and sides immediately growing with more muscle as the rubber covered them while his thicker cock began to push free of its rubber prison. "I have information too!"

"Well I did say the person that was the most useful would get to finish," Renzyl said as he looked between the two of them, the breaking of the bull allowing the cheetah to follow close behind as they panted with pure lust. "Since Felix spoke up first it's only natural that he will get to share his information before you, so tell me everything that is going on with your little organization and my facility."

"They... the group that I work for is Axion," Felix started to say, his breathing growing quicker as the rubber began to spread faster over his growing body. "They were the ones that assaulted your facility and took the others, they currently are working out of an old roller rink and... hnnngg..." the bull had to pause as his cock was fully released from the confines of its rubber prison, the latex member throbbing as it grew along with the muscles in the bull's body. "The... the research team that I was a part of is finishing up its results with the building itself before it moves on to those that they had captured."

When it appeared that Felix was finished with his description Renzyl nodded and patted him on the head, which already had liquid rubber oozing from his mouth and nostrils that had started to assimilate it as his already converted insides grew with mass. "Wait, I have better information then that!" the cheetah called out, the rubber dragon turning towards Tony as the rubber had already formed over his waist and became a thong that contained his rubber cock. "What Felix doesn't know is that they had already taken those that they had captured back to a secret Axion facility further up in the mountains! By the time you get back there they will have packed up and left, which means you would be assaulting an empty building!"

"Mmmm, that is better information..." Renzyl said, watching the feline groan loudly as the rubber also began to leak out of his mouth, dripping down his chest fur as well as clinging to his muzzle where it began to spread. "Anything else you want to tell me?"

"They've... already got started on disabling whatever it is the trippy naga can do," Tony stated, his voice becoming more of a monotone as the rubber on his face began to shift and transform his head into something more reptilian in nature as well as more like a gas mask. "They can already... detect it... and soon they'll attempt to replicate it..."

Renzyl just nodded and when it appeared that neither male had anything more to offer, he informed them that they both were very helpful and that their little competition ended in a tie. The two males thrashed and moaned as the restrictions that the rubber dragon had put on the rubber infiltrating their bodies was released, transforming them the rest of the way into a horny bull-komono dragon muscleslut and a lizardman twink. Even though they were completely restrained they found that there was one thing they could do to help themselves along as their newly changed tails arched up in the air before they plunged themselves into their newly vulcanized tailholes.

With nothing left to gain from them Renzyl also pulled back the restriction that he had placed on their rubbery bodies to have an orgasm, and combined with the two penetrating themselves with their tails it meant that they almost immediately climaxed from the build up of pleasure in their bodies. Renzyl decided they both had enough at that point and allowed the two to rest, petting over both their heads while they remained in their restraints. It appeared that they were already getting used to their new forms as the rubber dragon left them in the dungeon. He would collect them later, for the moment however he already had a plan forming in his head that required not only Chrono but another General as well. He told them both to meet them in another underground section of the manor before heading there himself.

A few minutes later Chrono and Renzyl were inside another secure part of the manor that was underground, this time joined by Sulvino as the hypnaga had his hands on his hips. The rubber dragon had already filled them in on the plan he had concocted with the information given to him by the two former prisoners, Chrono scowling slightly while Sulvino had his hands on his hips. "While I generally appreciate the figurative ability for me and my kind to stretch our legs in another realm I don't know if this is just a good idea," Sulvino stated. "For once I may be in agreement with Chrono that I'm not sure we should be letting this particular cat out of the bag."

"This is why you and the others are going to be coming along in the first place,' Renzyl replied as he disabled the runes on this door as well, this one opening to a much posher interior complete with huge couch and television that hung above it. "From the information that I have gotten from my two new friends they know about the hypnotic abilities of the hypnaga to some extent already, which means we could send all the others into that facility only to have their powers negated. I don't believe that handing the enemy an army of creatures that they're trying to control already is such a good idea, which means we need to take control of any defensive countermeasures before making our main assault... and you can't deny that this one fits the requirements we need."

The other two just remained silent as Renzyl went towards one of the steel security doors and opened it as well, walking into a room that he was quite familiar with. The goo hypnaga had already formed itself and was looking down at the rubber dragon with an evil grin. "So, you have returned," he said with a slight hiss. "Has the longing of our separation finally got-"

"I'm sure you have a whole speech planned but I'm afraid that circumstances are going to make me fast forward this to the end," Renzyl quickly interrupted, causing the hypnaga to frown slightly. "The long and short of it is that we need your help to infiltrate a base that has captured several of our own and is probably going to use them for experimentation. You and General Sulvino are going to spearhead the effort to bring everyone back."

The goo hypnaga looked between the two of them and then up at the ceiling as he let out a little sigh. "I am rather busy at the moment," Syrath stated as he dropped his usual façade. "I just qualified for a rather big tournament and depending on how long this takes I might miss my shot at being the champion. General Sulvino has plenty of hypnagas at his disposal, I'm sure they will do just fine without me."

Renzyl stole a glance over at Sulvino and when he saw that the other hypnaga was about to shout the rubber dragon quickly raised a hand to stop him before continuing on. "That is fine, I just thought that it would be good to ask so that you had a chance to get out of this place and use those powers of yours on others," the nexus creature shrugged his shoulders and began to turn towards the door. "It's a pity really, had you proven yourself with this I might have considered letting you convert others into goo hypnagas as well and have that little kingdom that you always wanted. It's fine though, I'm sure that we can find someone else to save Sslynthix and the others."

Though the goo naga had drifted towards Renzyl as he spoke of being able to have his own army what took Syrath aback was when the familiar name was mentioned. "It's Sslynthix that's in trouble?" he asked, Renzyl stopping his walk out the door to nod, turning his head slightly to see the goo hypnaga turn away and look down at his own multihued pool of rubber. "I mean, I can't just let him get fed to the dogs, not if I can help it..."

"Are you sure?" Renzyl asked as he turned around once again, giving a slight nod to Sulvino when Syrath wasn't looking. "Might be dangerous, especially since they're probably going to try and see how a hypnaga works in order to create their own."

"I'm in!" Syrath stated, his anger at the thought of someone harming his friend that had been literally a part of him causing the liquid rubber part of his body to boil. "If those guys want an army of hypnagas I'll give them one, but they're definitely not going to like my terms. When do we leave?"

Sharing the Ultimate Experience (8/10)

Meanwhile Gabriel watched on the screen as the one known as Sslynthix and the other rubber creatures they had taken from the facility continued to pace back and forth in the plexiglass cells that they were being held in. Ever since they had been...

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Sharing the Ultimate Experience (6/10)

AxionCorp had rented out what used to be a roller rink for the purpose of building an operations center that they could work on for the duration of their time in the city; the large, open nature of the space allowed them to have their equipment fit in...

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Sharing the Ultimate Experience (5/10)

A few weeks later Sslynthix found himself standing in front of Renzyl and Chrono, the rubber dragon sitting on his favorite obsidian chair while the synthetic saurian took notes. "So, what are your numbers looking like this week?" Renzyl...

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