Sharing the Ultimate Experience (5/10)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#5 of Sharing the Ultimate Experience

In the sequel to An Ultimate Nexus Experience, Jason is given a task by Renzyl to run a new project of his. As the new mental health facility gets underway they find themselves under threat from a force that they weren't expecting to encounter on this planet.

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A few weeks later Sslynthix found himself standing in front of Renzyl and Chrono, the rubber dragon sitting on his favorite obsidian chair while the synthetic saurian took notes. "So, what are your numbers looking like this week?" Renzyl asked the hypnaga. "I could see that you brought in two new servants to the realm so you must be doing something right down there."

"Indeed," Sslynthix replied with a grin at the compliment. "After the initial rush there was a bit of slowness that we already reported to you... but it turns out we just had to wait for the word of mouth of our successful treatments to spread and it appears that we've made a name for ourselves, not to mention several of the locals are now transformed servants that stay at the facility as well as those we bring to you. The town has overall given us a very positive reception and the few we've given to your realm do not appear to be linked to us in any way as far as their disappearances are concerned."

"That's very good to hear," Renzyl stated. "Just be sure you slow down the number of people that you take from the area, since reality is quite fixed in that area, we can't just remove them from the timestream like most times so they'll remain missing. Last thing you need is to have your facility get the reputation of being run by some mad scientist or secret government organization."

"Oh, I don't think we'll have to worry about that," Sslynthix said with a chuckle. "I don't think anyone down there believes in shadow groups or anything like that."

Meanwhile in another country far away from where mental health facility stood there was a meeting of men and woman around a rather large table, all of them looking at a display in the middle of it that showed various pieces of information. The room, all those in it, and the building itself were a part of AxionCorp, which on the surface was an R&D company that branched into several different areas of life including technology and pharmaceuticals. Below the surface however was an organization seeped in various maleficence including human testing, dangerous experimentation, and most disturbingly the subjugation and dissection of supernatural entities they find to further their own gain.

For the past half an hour they were discussing the strange rumors and occurrences that were surrounding the Caduceus Mental Health facility. While the entire thing, including all the paperwork and funding for it, had seemingly sprung up out of nowhere that wasn't the reason that it had landed on Axion's network. It had been nearly two months since the facility opened and there had been a number of odd posts that had come from the city that played host to most of the patients from there. Not only had it gotten a nearly perfect rating on most social media postings but after further investigation it appeared that many who had gone in for treatment came out not only cured but with a few other additional kinks as well, people who swear by the process that was offered to them in once post suddenly announcing that they had discovered a love for fetishes including a desire for rubber.

While that might have not been enough to warrant an investigation there was also the fact that people were starting to disappear. Most had left a note saying that they were moving somewhere or that they had decided to take a job offer in another city, but what was most startling was that only a few had bothered to pack up their house while some left with food still on the table. A deeper dive also found that those people had visited the facility at least once and many were heavy users, though those posts and data were typically scrubbed from the system they had means to find the information they were looking for. It was made more curious still that those who said they were moving to jobs or other places just suddenly disappeared off the grid, no credit card usage or social security numbers anywhere in the world pinged after they left that city.

It was all of that combined that caused two black cars to roll into the parking lot of the busy mental health facility's parking lot. Whether any of this was true or not had to be determined by hard evidence before Axion would move on the information, the two undercover agents staggering their timing in order to not make it look like they had come together. The first in was Gabriel, the snow leopard man looking up at the facility to find the building looking rather normal as he walked up towards it. As he made his way towards the doors however he did see one thing that was definitely confirmed as several walked out with rubber suits that had the Caduceus Mental Health facility logo on it.

Gabriel tried not to stare at those who decided the rubber bodysuits were the only thing they were going to wear on the sunny day as he headed inside and looked around. Once again he was greeted with an ordinary scene of people waiting in chairs, drinks and snacks found in vending machines along with several televisions for entertainment, and a receptionist that was checking people in. As part of his cover Axion had called in so that he could get an interview right away with one of the doctors that most of the clients of the facility gushed over the most on social media.

"Hi, I have an appointment with Dr. Sid?" Gabriel said as he looked at the older man sitting behind the desk, who looked up at him after typing something into his computer. "I'm his two o'clock appointment."

"Of course," the receptionist replied. "Just have a seat and he should be right with you."

A few seconds later Sslynthix cleaned himself up after having a bit of fun with a regular that made use of their specialty cells, the hypnaga hearing his phone buzzing. "Looks like no rest for me," he said to himself as he saw the message was an appointment reminder, clicking it off before looking at the rest of the cells. "You all have fun down here!"

There were a lot of muffled pants and groans that came from the cells, which at this point were almost always full to the point where the hypnaga thought that he might need to get an expansion to build even more. They were also getting more and more requests for long-term time in such places and building a dedicated building for such a thing wouldn't be a bad idea. He made a mental note of it and slithered up the stairs before entering the busy waiting room. Even though he had an appointment he couldn't help but stand there and look in amazement at what had gotten built in such a short amount of time, looking forward to when he gave his next update to the nexus creature that made it all possible to show him his faith had been well placed.

But Sslynthix quickly brought himself down to reality and told himself that he needed to make sure he continued to keep up with his real work too. That brought his attention to the one that had an appointment scheduled to see him, which at this point was really the only way to get in contact with him anymore. Being one of the most popular in the facility his patient card had gotten filled more rapidly with every day and those that did make such appointments were those that he found he was able to quickly corrupt into another that would find themselves in the rubber cells. From the look of the aura on the one he was pointed to be Emile it may be this one was going to be one in the same as his smile grew even wider.

As always Sslynthix went up and greeted his new client warmly, always making sure to use the human name he had picked out for himself as he shook the hand of the guy while he stood up. This one was definitely good looking, he thought to himself as he instructed Gabriel to follow him. Long blonde hair that was slightly unkempt, grey fur with white underbelly and spots, and from what he could tell was a decent body... the hypnaga found his forked tongue flicking out in delight on the potential he had caught as they went to his office. Though he tried not to check him out too much he wanted to make sure that he gleaned as much as he could off of this new human before they stepped foot inside of the door.

Unbeknownst to the hypnaga Gabriel was doing the exact same to him, and though he didn't have the same abilities that Sslynthix had still had a trick or two up his sleeve. For one test that was quite literal in nature as he attempted to analyze the handshake that he had given the doctor while they walked. The contacts he wore in his eyes were also not there to help him see as he saw information appearing on the tiny screen, telling him that there was in fact rubber but that the tests were inconclusive on what kind. For all he knew it was just transfer from latex gloves that the man wore, he was going to need to try and find more information than that.

One thing that had caused him to nearly pause however was that one of his sensors was starting to detect some sort of psionic energy that came from the other male, though the frequency wasn't anything that he had seen before the good doctor was definitely emanating something that he shouldn't have been. Once more however Gabriel was running into the problem where he couldn't get a defined source and that could mean that it was anything. Some people had natural psychic abilities they weren't aware of and beyond that almost any supernatural creature that Axion had come across before had similar abilities. It did mean that he had to keep his mental guard up however, especially since he already found himself talking without realizing it as they stepped inside the office.

Sslynthix told Gabriel to have a seat on the rubber couch, which he noticed the human looked at for a few seconds before finally doing so. The hypnaga began to regard this human curiously at finding the strange mannerisms that he was displaying. Considering where they were working it was not to be unexpected, but given how mundane Gabriel had acted up to this point he didn't think there were any underlying problems. He began to wonder if perhaps he might need to bring one of the actual doctors in on this to try and make sure that there wasn't something there that he was missing... but the snow leopard soon laid down on the couch and everything seemed to be fine.

The other thing that the hypnaga noticed was that this one seemed particularly resistant to his powers as they began to talk about what had brought the human into the office in the first place. A strong will was usually a good thing, it meant that the actions taken by the person were more deliberate if they decided to sink into trance or start to indulge in their fetishes, but Sslynthix couldn't help but have a strange gut reaction to this one. Perhaps they were on the track to becoming a hypnaga like him? He wouldn't know much more until he got into a deeper dive and for that he needed to put him under a little more.

As Gabriel sat on the couch and held a conversation with the doctor, he could feel the intensity of the power being exerted on him increasing, attempting to pull him down into a state of vulnerability so that the other male could possibly do things to him. One of the reasons he had been chosen to make the trip however was that he had gotten extensive training to strengthen his subconscious. He allowed himself to sink deeper so that it wouldn't be suspicious and immediately felt his body not only start to relax, but his arousal began to spike as well. Though he knew that there was going to be a sexual component to this mission he hadn't expected it to onset so fast as his pants began to tent as the doctor began to talk about his feelings towards the rubber couch he was on.

Meanwhile Sslynthix watched as the feline finally began to grow deeper into a trance-like state, keeping him alert while he began to move over towards him. Given the reaction to the stimulus of lust this one definitely was in the right place, especially as he allowed the rubber tendrils to start to wiggle in his clothes and press against his bare skin. The human did have a slight look of surprise and the hypnaga made sure to keep it slow, especially since he still sensed the guarded nature of the one laying before him. When he asked about who he had been with and what did he prefer in terms of partners Sslynthix once more got good news in that he was male exclusive.

"Tell me Gabriel," Sslynthix said as he saw the human's eyes go glassy and dilated. "For what reason did you come here to see me?"

Despite being under trance Gabriel's mind recognized the question and kicked it over to the prepared answers he had waiting just in case he was asked. "I heard that those who come to this place can indulge in their love of rubber," the snow leopard stated. "I've fantasized about it for years and seeing other guys completely encased in it is a huge turn on for me."

Whoops... that part actually was true, Gabriel thought to himself as he quickly steeled his resolve once more. When he had heard that whatever was happening in this facility was causing people to enjoy rubber more openly it was another reason why he had volunteered for the job. Though he knew that it would potentially cause compromising situations he took the calculated gamble that it might also help facilitate his integration into whatever was happening here. What he didn't realize was that it had signaled to the disguised naga that he would be ready for more... complex forms of therapy.

"I can honestly say as a fellow rubber enthusiast you came to the right spot in order to expand your horizons," Sslynthix said with a slight smirk, watching as the rubber of the chair crept over the human's skin. Unlike the last few patients, he had this one didn't seem to have a particular affinity for bondage... yet, so instead the hypnaga decided to indulge him in a different way as the living latex continued to coat his hands and feet. Gabriel's maleness was at full attention now as the cool material slipped in past his waistband, causing him to moan as it touched against the sensitive flesh of his shaft.

At this point the idea that there was something strange going on here was cemented as fact as he could feel the shiny substance coating his skin underneath his clothing. It felt so good... but he knew he had to stay strong and not slip too deeply into whatever this doctor was doing to him. As his fingers gripped against the rubber couch, he found that they moved frictionless over the surface, and as he brought his hands up to his face, he saw that it looked like he was wearing rubber gloves that went all the way up to his elbows. The material wasn't satisfied with just his forearms though and even as he watched the edge continued to cascade over his bicep and head to his shoulders.

"Wh-what's happening to me?" Gabriel stated, continuing to hold his entranced state while properly conveying his emotions through it.

"I told you that I'm giving you a taste of what you wanted to experience," Sslynthix said as he watched the human grab at his maleness over his pants as the rubber thickened around there. "This is a safe place where you can allow your desires to mold into whatever they want, and if you ever get worried, you'll remember that you're just in trance and that none of this is actually real. Feel free to explore yourself, which you could perhaps do a little better if you didn't have those pesky clothes on."

"I..." Gabriel started to say, catching himself before slowly nodding. "Yes... you're right." Sslynthix watched as the other male slowly took off his shirt, revealing that the black rubber had already begun to stretch across his abs and pectorals while completely coating everything lower. Though the human was clearly enjoying himself the hypnaga continued to see that the human remained defensive about what was happening, something that he wanted to get to the bottom of as he utilized a more hands-on approach.

"You seem to be rather conflicted about what's happening to you," Sslynthix stated as his clawed fingers slowly undid the button that he had been fumbling with, opening them up to reveal that his cock had been completely coated with thick black rubber that formed into a featureless bulge. "Since it is your psyche that is directing your changes, I wonder why you are so resistant to something that you want."

"I just... don't understand what's happening to me," Gabriel replied, groaning as he felt a pair of hands that weren't his began to massage his groin and cause him to shiver.

"Would you like me to tell you?" Sslynthix hissed, tasting the lust in the air as more of the snow leopard's skin disappeared under the black rubber until it looked like he was wearing a thick bodysuit up to his neck. When Gabriel nodded, he began to feel it ooze up his neck, heading right for his head as Sslynthix leaned in towards his ear. "It appears that you are quite submissive, a faceless drone that requires someone else to control them, to give them orders, to have another fulfill your need for purpose..."

Gabriel felt something flick against his ear and when he turned back towards the doctor he was suddenly glad that the rubber had crawled over his lips and sealed them shut, which kept him from letting out a shout when he saw the visage of a rubber snake staring at him. The lenses in his eyes immediately flooded with attempts to scan the creature and other potential diagnosis to make sure it wasn't a hologram or some other illusion. Of course as the human felt the rubber scales of the creature press up against him he could have told the computer that what was in front of him was very much real as he looked down to see several feet of snake body attached to the humanoid rubber torso that was starting to press against him. He also saw this creature was very much male as coils began to wrap around his rubbery feet.

When the undercover agent tried to temper his response to not give away that he had broken trance he soon found himself no longer needing to as he noticed the hues of the creature shifted and danced along their rubbery form. It was very hypnotic, especially those eyes that stared into his own, and with the reflective nature of the serpent's head he could actually see that pattern of shifting colors appearing in his own eyes. Had he messed up, he thought to himself as he sank deeper into trance while the rubber covering his head began to spread over his eyes, and gotten caught? At this point he found himself losing almost complete control as his face became blank and featureless rubber save for the lenses that formed over his covered eyes to allow him to see still.

Though his mouth was completely sealed shut Gabriel found himself still able to breathe through his nostrils, the rubber pushing into them at the same time it began to bulge out. Though it was hard to see the black latex had started to form into a proto-muzzle, giving him the same serpentine appearance as the one who held him in his squeaky embrace. He also found the suit that clung to his skin was extending from his lower back as well, giving him a rubbery tail that was pressed against his legs while more coils were wrapped around him. Though he couldn't see it himself he imagined that he looked like some sort of gimp in snake hood and tail, his body trembling from the stimulation of rubber sliding against rubber as he got into position.

"Look at you," Sslynthix hissed in delight as he stroked down the neck and chin of the rubber-covered creature, feeling his desire and lust growing with every second. "This is what your desires have molded you into, a blank rubber snake. How good does this feel?"

So good..." Gabriel said, finding himself able to talk despite the sealed mask as he began to feel something push up against his still exposed hole covered by the tail of the suit. "I can feel... everything..."

"I'm glad you enjoy," Sslynthix replied as he tightened his coils slightly, just enough to give some pressure to the limbs he had captured so that perhaps he could help foster a bondage fetish as well. "Completely encased, completely enthralled, what would you give to be like this all the time?"

The naga stopped just before he was about to push the head of his lubed, rubber snake cock inside the human when he was greeted with nothing but silence at the question. Normally those that he had completely ensnared like this would say they would give anything, or at the very least they admitted that they didn't know. This one felt like he had just hit a wall and when he asked the question again, this time increasing the stimulation by squeezing and massaging the rubber bulge that contained the feline's cock, he once more got nothing except for a low moan. Had he completely misread the situation, Sslynthix thought to himself as he tried asking Gabriel if he needed to stop.

"No, please..." Gabriel quickly replied, one of his hands pressed against his own pectoral while the other had joined the pair of hands against his groin. "I need you inside me, don't stop..." At that moment the snow leopard was completely lost to his lusts... but his training still proved to be intact as anything that would make him promise loyalty or fealty to another was promptly rejected. It was mostly used to keep demons at bay but with his conscious mind compromised everything of relative importance to his role in the Axion organization was locked down.

Though Sslynthix was still slightly unnerved the prompt response to his question was enough to keep him going, making a mental note that there might be trust issues with this one that they will have to work through at another time. For the moment however it appeared that there was one thing that he was still interested in and the hypnaga was too horny not to oblige. He could feel every muscle in the human's rubber covered body tense as his cock slipped inside of him, the tapered tip making for easier entrance as his insides were quickly spread open. With the thick rubber coils around his body there was little that the human could do except arch his hips slightly as the creature impaled him, his breath coming in short pants as this naga creature clearly knew what they were doing to maximize the pleasure he was getting.

It was typically a rule that agents didn't have sex with the marks they were investigating... but it actually happened all the time as Gabriel's rubber body was thrusted into. This was definitely the most lust-oriented job he had thus far however and it made him wonder if perhaps he had been a little too eager with his volunteering. It didn't matter much at the moment though as the rubber creature that had ensnared him continued to stimulate the rest of his body, squeezing and undulating his coils in rhythm to the thrusts pushing up into his hole while those hands continued to rub not only the bulge where his cock was contained but the rest of his body was as well. If he wasn't on a mission in the moment he would have likely succumbed to this pure euphoria and sank willingly into the hypnotic coils of the creature.

Sslynthix continued to plow into the feline for almost twenty minutes before he finally climaxed, allowing Gabriel to do the same after freeing his maleness from the confines of its latex prison and giving it a few strokes. With both of them sharing an orgasm the two creatures remained in an embrace until they had calmed down enough that they could dislodge themselves from one another without their bodies quaking. Even when he had gotten back on his feet Gabriel found his knees shaking and was directed to lay back down on the couch. Once he had lied down the hypnaga instructed him to put on his clothes and the snow leopard could feel the rubber pulling away form his fur effortlessly and sinking back into the couch.

"When you leave here from this office you will remember nothing of what had just happened except for in your dreams," Sslynthix instructed. "When you do think back here you will remember me and this place with fondness and want to make another appointment with me, and while you are out of here you will continue to explore your rubber fetish. Do you understand what I'm telling you Gabriel?"

Gabriel nodded in agreement and soon found the influence of the hypnotic creature lifting off of him, and as soon as his senses returned and he was able to leave without causing suspicion he quickly vacated the office. Though he continued to try and act normal he knew that his pace was a little faster than normal, but he couldn't help himself as he had to put distance away from the disguised doctor. Once he believed he had gotten far enough away, which was practically back to his car, he finally allowed himself to exhale the breath he had been subconsciously holding and put his head against the car. It took more than a few minutes for him to get his head back on straight, reminding himself that he was going to have to report all of this back to his superiors and somehow explain everything he had discovered while downplaying what he had done to get such information.

"Hey buddy, you alright?" a voice said next to him, Gabriel's head shooting up and seeing the other undercover agent that had been sent in. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

Gabriel once more took a second to compose himself before turning completely around and nodding to the other agent while smoothing his hair back. "I've seen something alright," he said as he walked over to his car door. "How did your appointment go?"

"Didn't find out too much," the other guy said as he lit a cigarette. "Apparently, I have some long-stemming issues with my parents that have caused me to have a distrust in authority figures that take a personal interest in my work, which makes me glad that I'm employed by some mysterious shadow organization. Other than that, and a liberal use of rubber on their furniture I didn't see much."

"That's... interesting," Gabriel replied in question. "Do you... happen to have an interest in rubber and latex as, you know, a sexual thing?"

"Nah, never saw what made something like that interesting," the agent replied, taking a puff before looking at Gabriel with a slight grin. "Why, is that something that revs your motor?"

"Oh, no!" Gabriel denied, though he feared his flustered face might give away more than he had let on. "But they are definitely using such a thing in order to corrupt the minds of those who are, and I'm starting to wonder if they target people who've already had an affinity to it. But we're not going to solve this in parking lot, let's head back to the operations center and tell the higher-ups what we found.

"Sounds good to me," the agent said, taking one last drag of his cigarette before flicking it against the asphalt. "We can review the footage too."

Gabriel nodded and was about to step into his own car before he stopped and put his head back up in the air. "Wait, what do you mean footage?" he asked as the other agent walked towards his vehicle. "Our eyepieces were filming?"

"Nah man!" the agent replied with a grin. "Livestreaming everything, the higher-ups wanted to have everything analyzed as soon as possible!"

As soon as his brain processed the information Gabriel felt his insides tie up in knots as he got into his own vehicle, knowing that there was going to be a whole lot of explaining that he would need to do once he got back...

Sharing the Ultimate Experience (6/10)

AxionCorp had rented out what used to be a roller rink for the purpose of building an operations center that they could work on for the duration of their time in the city; the large, open nature of the space allowed them to have their equipment fit in...

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Sharing the Ultimate Experience (4/10)

A few more weeks passed by and after scores of delivery trucks and numerous interviews Sslynthix and Emile were getting ready to open the brand-new Caduceus Mental Health and Psychiatric Center. The furniture that they had bought was put into the...

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Sharing the Ultimate Experience (3/10)

A few days after Renzyl signed off on his training Sslynthix found himself standing in the hub room of Renzyl's manor, the hum of energy in the air as purple, blue, and red clouds swirled within the obelisks twisted around in a circle. Besides...

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