Sharing the Ultimate Experience (3/10)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#3 of Sharing the Ultimate Experience

In the sequel to An Ultimate Nexus Experience, Jason is given a task by Renzyl to run a new project of his.

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A few days after Renzyl signed off on his training Sslynthix found himself standing in the hub room of Renzyl's manor, the hum of energy in the air as purple, blue, and red clouds swirled within the obelisks twisted around in a circle. Besides him and Renzyl there was also Chrono manning the controls and a chameleon that the hypnaga hadn't met before. He was introduced as Dr. Emile Jefferson, a former doctor that had been so disgruntled at the lack of ability he had to fully help his patients, as well as a bit of a medical and bondage kink, that it summoned Renzyl to convert him. It was actually the rubber chameleon that had set the parameters of this mission in the first place, with Sslynthix being his second in order to lend a helping hand.

To Sslynthix's surprise both Renzyl and Chrono were both going to be going with them for the initial insertion into this new world, one that was on the fringe of the Nexus realm and hadn't been discovered yet by any of the rubber dragon's brothers. It was one of the reasons why they were going to attempt to establish a base of operations on in the first place, if it remained that way then Renzyl could potentially get in new minions that the others would have no idea where they originated from. Given the distance though and the desire to keep it secret the nexus creature couldn't just open a portal like he normally did. Instead they were going to use the hub to get there as Chrono made sure that he had locked in the proper coordinates.

Once the rubber raptor had double checked everything was going in the right direction Chrono confirmed that it was safe to go on and everyone went to the middle of the platform. Sslynthix could feel the surge of energy beneath him when he slithered onto the obsidian platform, feeling a tingle just like when he was first transposed to this world. Once they were all on Chrono took out a tablet and pressed a button on it, causing arcs of electricity to pass between the stone as the clouds began to swirl around even faster. It didn't take long before it charged up to full power and with a flash of light they had disappeared from the platform as the colored clouds evaporated away.

Several seconds later the four landed in a small, poorly manicured lawn just outside of a building that looked like it had been condemned for years. Renzyl explained they had been here previously to scout out potential locations and found this old small school just outside of town that would be perfect for their needs as they walked up the cracked concrete steps. "I'm sure you got this building for a bargain," Emile stated as he went to open the door, only to have it fall inwards and leave the latex chameleon standing there holding a doorknob. "But I don't think you're going to get anyone up here if this place looks more like a haunted house than a psychiatric hospital."

"I admit that it will need a little tender loving care," Renzyl said as he rubbed a hand against the doorframe. "But what it lacks in curb appeal it more than makes up for in charm and, more importantly, location. Plus this is one of the few big towns we found that didn't have a centralized psychiatric facility and if you're plan is going to work we need to transplant you into a place with little to no competition, and as an added benefit old buildings are more... malleable, so we can do more with it on a supernatural level rather than having to bring in a bunch of nosy contractors or other minions that might look suspicious."

"I think you're just in it for the aesthetics," Emile replied bluntly as he looked up at the building.

"Aesthetics are important," Renzyl stated before walking inside. "Now come with me, I'll give you the nickel tour."

It turned out the inside was not nearly as bad as the outside; whomever had previously occupied this space left it rather clean and other than a few issues that they could easily fix up with their powers or a bit of elbow grease there wasn't anything catastrophically wrong with the building. Aside from several big rooms that could be used as general living spaces and a number of former classrooms that would be the private bedrooms there was also an entire wing of the facility connected by a skybridge that led to twelve smaller rooms that both Sslynthix and Emile had similar ideas for. As they continued to walk around though the rubber dragon was clearly getting more excited and once he got to the other end of the building, which housed a gym, he showed why as he opened another door and gestured to the stairs that led down.

The four had to brush the cobwebs from their faces as they were led to a basement that also had a number of rooms in it. It appeared that it's original use was for a fallout shelter but the school above had just used it for storage, though it was clear from the lack of windows and other details that the rubber dragon had something else in mind for it. Once the tour was over they went back to the cafeteria able and sat down on one of the few pieces of furniture left there. The table and benches practically groaned with the weight of the four rubber creatures as Emile and Sslynthix shared their opinions on the building that they would be working out of.

"I think that we can make this work," Emile stated as they looked around. "It can't be just me and Sslynthix though, no one is going to believe that the two of us run this whole thing by ourselves. Are we going to be converting our own here or are we bringing in from the realm?"

"I'll be posting through my realm to have those who are experienced in such things to interview in, and if they're what you need then they'll come here on a permanent basis," Renzyl stated. "This campus is more than big enough to house everyone as well as a number of patients, especially with that adjoining wing. If not, you can always expand the building, though I wouldn't recommend it until you get some roots down in this community. I'm sure I don't have to tell you what the criteria is for a good worker."

"That you don't," Emile replied. "Hopefully they have everyone that I need... big risk is that there aren't enough to make a full team, if you know what I mean."

"I don't think you'll have too much trouble," Renzyl said. "Plus, Chrono and I are going to stay here initially to help get you set up, while Sslynthix can add additional functionality to your furniture there is admittedly a lot of work to get done here. Speaking of such we're not going to get anything done here, why don't you go ahead and look for those people while the rest of us get started on ordering what we need to make this place start buzzing."

It took about a week for their crew to find everything they were looking for, including the proper permits and paperwork that needed to be filled out. Though Renzyl managed to fast track everything with his usual charm and Emile was more than versed in the ways of cutting through red tape even though this wasn't his planet they still found themselves waiting longer than it took to fix up the place to get their permits ready. One of the good things though was that it allowed them to set everything up just the way they wanted it, everything from the general ward for those that they might get from the city or officers to their more... specialized services. Though the main reason they were setting this place up was to get Renzyl more minions the doctor wanted to make sure that they could help people even if they weren't a good fit for conversion, something the rubber dragon and hypnaga were more than fine with prepping for.

For Sslynthix the week was mostly about putting all newfound rubbermancy powers to use in order to make sure that the building was up to code first, knowing that the furnishing and such would come at a later date and be achieved through more mundane means. With Renzyl's help they managed to take any structural weaknesses and completely overhauled all the systems to make sure they could not only use it for their needs but also pass inspections in case someone came around looking. The rubber dragon stressed that the more they could pass this off as a reality the easier it was to obfuscate the more supernatural elements that they were going to employ. Fortunately the means to get to that normalcy didn't have to be as they used their powers to restore wiring and plumbing that would have taken contractors weeks or even months to do so.

Finally, the time had come for them to put on the finishing touches, Renzyl using what little power he had contact with form his realm to overhaul the entire building façade to make it look somewhat new again. It wasn't much but with all the boards and graffiti gone and the windows replaced it actually looked like a somewhat respectable establishment. "I think you two are going to do a lot of good here," Renzyl said as they all looked up at the restored building. "Normally I would say this is where we part ways but I think it would be irresponsible of us not to give this place a dry run or two just to make sure everything is completely ready."

"I wholeheartedly agree," Emile stated, the chameleon opening the doors to go back inside. "How would you like to go about testing our new facility Master Renzyl?"

"Let's bring in two cases," Renzyl replied, clasping his hand on the shoulder of the silver raptor and the hypnaga. "Someone who is coming in for some standard treatment and another one who has been lured here by their own lewd desires. Let's make Chrono the normal case and Sslynthix the fun one, what do you two think?"

Both nodded their heads eagerly, the hypnaga doubly so, before heading back into the main lobby. Since Sslynthix was going to be one of the patients Renzyl opted in to be the assistant to Emile, which was going to be what the hypnaga's job was in real life. Once they had set up their positions Chrono decided to go first, going up to the front counter where Emile was and ringing the bell.

"Welcome to Caduceus Mental Health and Psychiatric Center," Emile asked in a courteous and professional tone. "How may I help you today?"

"Oh, I don't know," Chrono stated, putting his hand against his head. "Sometimes I feel... depressed, other times I feel... manic. I think I have that manic depression."

"Well if you're feeling that way then I'm glad that you've come to see us," Emile replied, handing Chrono a blank clipboard. "If you could just fill this out, I'll see if the doctor is in to see you. Please be open and honest about everything on it."

The silver raptor mimed writing stuff down on the clipboard for a few seconds before handing it back to the rubber chameleon, who then stood up and ushered him towards the diagnostic wing of the hospital. Though they only had one psychiatrist the building was set up with multiple offices, all of them rather nicely furnished under the specifications of the doctor as he led him into one of them. Both Tana and Renzyl watched as they played out a typical session, Chrono making up answers to a few questions that a real psychiatrist would ask.

"So, when these attacks come on do you ever feel that it's from any inadequacies you might be harboring?" the rubber chameleon asked.

"Well, I do have this boss that is constantly riding my ass," Chrono replied with a small smirk. "He's this rubber dragon with a huge ego and intense desire for everyone to like him while also attempting to take over this place called-"

"Welp, I heard enough," Renzyl said as he came in, the rubber raptor letting out a yelp as the dragon stuffed him rather quickly into a strait jacket. "This one is clearly crazy, talking about rubber dragons and alternate universes. Time to put him in a cell where he can't hurt anyone!"

"Hey!" Chrono said as Renzyl started dragging him down the hall, trying to get out of the bindings only to find that the rubber dragon had done quite the job tying them together in such a short time. "You can't put me away for that, it's all true! You know it as well as I do!"

"Clearly this one also has delusions and tried to bite me," Renzyl said as he went over and grabbed a muzzle on the wall that he stretched around Chrono's maw, causing the raptor to be reduced to muffled grunts as he was taken once more towards one the cells. "Don't worry Mr. Chrono, we'll make sure that bad evil rubber dragon can't get to you anymore. Enjoy your stay!"

Renzyl opened one of the nearby doors and unceremoniously tossed the raptor into a room that was designated to be one of their padded cells, then closed the door behind him and locked it. The three gathered around it as they heard the creature inside attempting to escape, not only from his straitjacket and muzzle but from the room itself as well. "I think that was a rather successful test," Renzyl stated with a smirk. "Don't you think Doctor?"

"Well aside from the misdiagnosis and the false imprisonment I would say so," Emile replied before looking at Sslynthix. "Are you ready for your run through?"

"Of course," the hypnaga said with a grin before nodding over to the cell that still had the silver raptor hopping around in it. "You want to let Chrono go before we do?"

"Nah," Renzyl replied as he motioned for them all to head back to the lobby. "It sounds like he's having all sorts of fun in there, I'll be sure to pick him up before we leave. Now, shall we begin?"

Both Renzyl and Emile went back to their positions behind the front desk as Sslynthix pretended he was slithering up from the front door, ringing the bell and getting the chameleons attention. Just like with Chrono they went through the same initial stuff, except the hypnaga stated that he was having strange urges, desires to be in rubber and latex even though he had never thought about such things before. That was the cue for Emile to offer their alternative form of therapy, an exercise in indulgence to see whether this is a flight of fancy or something they wanted to explore more in depth. As the hypnaga laid there on the couch he couldn't help but feel... safe, like he could tell the doctor anything, sort of similar to when he spoke to Renzyl and when the offer for the alternative treatment came up he found himself saying yes before he even processed the statement.

Normally at this point there would be other sessions, either Emile or Sslynthix working to soften up the resolve of the human they were treating, but since this was just a simulation they decided to go with what the chameleon called the deep-end scenario. It was rather fitting, the hypnaga thought to himself as Renzyl, pretending to be him, secured him with a special rubber straightjacket of their own design, had such a treatment been offered to him when he was human he probably would have taken it. Once his arms had been secured behind his back he was fitted with something that Chrono hadn't been, a specialized sensory deprivation mask that drowned out sight as well as sound.

Even though he knew where they were going Sslynthix could feel his heart pounding in his chest as they made their way down towards the basement level of the hospital. That was where the special cells were, the ones that the hypnaga had designed himself with only a little help from Renzyl for some of the more complicated actions that he wanted it to do. If he was being honest with himself he was probably going to try them out anyway once Renzyl had left and before they were officially opened, but now not only was he able to be a part of the experiment but he was doing it to make sure everything worked properly. With no sights or sounds to guide him the only thing the rubber hypnaga could rely on was the touch of his lower body to tell him where he was, though it was had to gauge exactly where he was until he felt the touch of latex against his scales.

He was led another foot or two inside before those that had been guiding him were no longer touching him, instead he found himself completely alone. A few seconds later he felt the mask fall off of his face, though as far as sight was concerned it didn't help at all. The room was pitch dark with no lights and the walls made completely out of black latex, all designed to completely envelop someone so they had no idea what was what. Even with someone that could sense rubber it was a little disorienting as he tried to move towards the door only to run into the heavily padded wall face first.

Normally the cell would wait a few hours before it started with the next phase of the treatment, but since this was a simulation Sslynthix guessed that the impatient rubber dragon started it up early for the purposes of the test as he felt something brush against his lower body. The hypnaga could only imagine what it would be like for one of the humans to be in here, their arms restrained as tendrils of rubber began to crawl up their body. For him it was like the embrace of an old friend as they crawled over his serpentine form and began to press it down into the padding, restraining him even more as several others began to dangle down on him from the ceiling. This would be where the whispers would start in the darkness, and though they would have no effect on him he could hear them starting up as they reinforced a desire for the touch of rubber and latex against his skin.

"So let's say that the treatment is going quite swimmingly and you can sense that the patient definitely is getting into the fact that they're sharing a room with a bunch of rubber tentacles," Renzyl stated as a tiny hole in the door opened up, Sslynthix able to see those glowing red eyes staring down at him as he talked. "What would be your next step for them? Transform them right away into a rubbery reptilian creature and gain a new member?"

Sslynthix thought about it, though it was tough with the rubber tentacles playing with his half-erect member while he mused the scenario presented to him. "I think... I would actually try and make him more into rubber and latex without the transformation," the hypnaga replied. "Sure, I could probably do that, but then there would be a missing person report and if they told anyone they were coming up here then it would bring undue scrutiny to the process. I suppose that I would just make them into a rubber gimp and have them simulate the feel of being a latex lizardman or something akin to that so he'll continue to come back?"

"Very good," Renzyl stated. "When it comes to places like this the more under the radar you can be the better, as I've mentioned before. Now later you can transform people into other creatures once their desires have deepened enough and you've shaken their concept of reality and no one will be the wiser outside of this place, but that's a lesson for when you've advanced your studies... for now why don't you go ahead and test out that next phase of yours for yourself and make sure everything works properly."

The tiny slot closed immediately and once more left Sslynthix in darkness with the tentacles, which quickly became more active as they initiated what would be the next part of the plan. For any normal human that would mean getting covered head to toe in rubber and then getting a collar or perhaps a set of cuffs as well as a straight-jacket, but whether it had detected that the hypnaga was a special case or Renzyl had intentionally upped the intensity this was not going to be normal for him. He let out a muffled grunt as the mask that he had worn before was slipped over his face, this time with a rubber tentacle that slithered down his throat and bulged out his neck as the hardened rubber pressed against his serpentine snout.

The rest of the rubbery appendages made quick work of wrapping around his body, with his arms already secured with the straight jacket it had decided to merely envelop him completely into the floor that he had been restrained to. With the combined effects of the mask on his head and the complete lack of light in the room the only thing he could do was feel as the synthetic substance crept over his thick lower body while his upper body was slowly getting pulled down by the same ones that had put the mask on his head. One of them wrapped around his neck and though he couldn't see it he knew that once it had circled around him the tip merged with the rest of it to form into a type of collar. With one synthetic tentacle already in his throat the feel of another one pressing outside of his neck sent him into spasms of pleasure as he was brought to the floor.

With no need to convert Sslynthix the rubber of the cell resorted to pleasuring him in every way conceivable as the tentacles cocooned around him. It plunged the hypnaga into a sense of floating bliss and as it continued to stroke his cock and slide into his vent to provide more stimulation he knew he couldn't get out of it even if he wanted to. What spurred him on even more was the idea that soon there would be humans enjoying this just as much as he was, wiggling about in their bindings as their desires were influenced, corrupted, and magnified. He might even change a few this way, Sslynthix thought to himself before another burst of pleasure caused him to give a restrained wiggle.

After a few orgasms the rubber subsided as quickly as it had covered him, including the mask that he wore as the tentacle slid out of his throat. As he was able to find himself moving more the door opened and Renzyl stepped in to help remove the strait jacket as well. With the light pouring in from the hallway the hypnaga expected to see the tendrils still wiggling about but to their credit they became hidden the second that the door had opened. It was all part of the façade that they were putting up in case the patient had a change of heart or had not gotten what they wanted out of the experience, Renzyl explained as he helped steady Sslynthix.

Once Sslynthix had been let out again he slithered his way back up towards the main reception area and found that Renzyl and Chrono was standing there along with Emile. The entire area looked like it had been freshly painted and since there were no cans or the smell of fresh paint lingering in the air he ventured a guess on how it was done. "It appears that you have everything in order here," Renzyl stated as he crossed his arms over his muscular chest. "I'm going to send you another that can help out with the more shrouded aspects of how to keep something like this from being discovered, but until you get to the point where you're starting to turn people that will be released back into the wild you won't need him right away."

"Thank you so much Master Renzyl," the hypnaga replied while bowing his head, the rubber chameleon doing the same. "I don't think my words can express how much you trusting me with this operation means to me, I won't let you down."

"I know you won't," Renzyl said with a grin. "I'll leave the rest of the logistics of this place to you, feel free to furnish it however you want." The rubber dragon opened a portal and started to walk into it before he stopped, turned to the two, and produced a shiny black metal card that he set down on the table. "Oh, this civilization uses credit so I called in a small favor from Haleon and you should find that this will cover anything and everything you need."

The two thanked him once more as the rubber dragon and raptor entered through the portal and proceeded to disappear. "Well, looks like it's all up to us now," Emile said as he picked up the credit card and examined it. "You know, I always wanted an expense account of my own, never thought that I would get one with unlimited resources on it. Still, probably best not to go crazy with it, even though we need to furnish an entire building."

"Not to mention the equipment that goes with it," Sslynthix replied as he was handed the card to examine himself. "Then we have to interview and onboard those that Renzyl sends our way so that we can make sure that we have rubbery creatures helping us out before the first patient even walks through that door. It's a lot of work to get done and we're just getting started, plus even being here a week I'm still not sure what exactly this world believes in or what they're all about aside from the fact that it's a human civilization."

"You are getting far too ahead of yourself, silly hypnaga," the chameleon said before he darted out his latex tongue and took the card back. "Here's what we're going to do right now, we're going to order ourselves a bunch of pizzas and then get on to buying whatever we need to furnish this place. We're going to need fancy stuff for the offices and a lot more padding that you can enchant with your powers, once we get that done then we can worry about what we're going to do with doctors and other staff. Just go with the floor Sslynthix, that's what Renzyl does and it works out for him just fine it seems."

Though the hypnaga was still a bit flustered with all the responsibility he realized he had shouldered the thought of pizza sounded great as Emile went to the computer, the only piece of equipment they had up to that point so that Emile could do all the business registering while Sslynthix and Renzyl worked, and ordered a bunch of food before hitting up any and every site they could to find furniture and other supplies. True to Renzyl's word the card was accepted with each of their purchases and it wasn't long before they had racked up hundreds of thousands in equipment that they found from actual psychiatry supply sites, and though they knew that their funds wouldn't run out Emile went on the phone and haggled with them to make sure that he could get a lower price to make it look more like a legitimate business.

As the hypnaga watched him work there was suddenly a knock at the door that caused them both to look up, the two looking at each other for a brief moment before they remembered that it was just the pizza guy. Sslynthix said that he would get it and slithered over towards the door to open it, seeing the guy holding a small stack of boxes. "Man, you guys are really out of the way," the driver complained as he looked down at the receipt he was holding. "Alright, just sign on the line and you'll... be all... uh..."

Sslynthix tilted his head in confusion as the eyes of the human went wide, his jaw hanging agape as he locked eyes onto the hypnaga before him. As his arms went limp the serpent had to dart forward and grab the pizzas before they fell to the ground, setting them aside before once more focusing on the dazed man in front of him. When the hypnaga looked at himself he realized that his powers were still active to a limited extent, Renzyl saying that he should keep them on around Emile so that he would gain a tolerance, but with the perception disguise on him the human should see him as something similar. Did the power of his kind somehow pierce through his shroud and still effect the human?

The hypnaga tested this theory by telling the now empty-handed delivery driver to hop on one foot, which the enthralled human promptly did so to his surprise and bemusement. It was definitely an interesting development and possibly something useful in the future as he grabbed the slip and signed it before shoving it back into his hand. Just as he was about to shut the door and allow the dazed delivery driver to come back to his senses he leaned in and whispered a few commands in his ear, something that he hoped the human would spread the word of once he got back to town. Once he had finished, he thanked the driver for the pizzas and slammed the door, causing the human blink a few times and look around before heading back to his car in confusion.

Sharing the Ultimate Experience (4/10)

A few more weeks passed by and after scores of delivery trucks and numerous interviews Sslynthix and Emile were getting ready to open the brand-new Caduceus Mental Health and Psychiatric Center. The furniture that they had bought was put into the...

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Sharing the Ultimate Experience (2/10)

Sslynthix, formerly Jason, took a few more days in order to get used to his new identity, though it was helped that it spread quickly among the hypnagas so that they knew what to call him immediately. He had also taken the time to set up his new...

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Sharing the Ultimate Experience (1/10)

Days had passed since Jason had underwent his transformation into a hypnaga, though right now he was in a form of a different sort. As thanks for helping to unlock his latent psychic abilities he asked if he could spend some more time with...

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