Sharing the Ultimate Experience (1/10)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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In the sequel to An Ultimate Nexus Experience, Jason is given a task by Renzyl to run a new project of his.

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Days had passed since Jason had underwent his transformation into a hypnaga, though right now he was in a form of a different sort. As thanks for helping to unlock his latent psychic abilities he asked if he could spend some more time with Syrath, a goo hypnaga with very powerful hypnotic tenancies even among the hypnagas of Renzyl's realm. Not only was he allowed to do so but the rubber dragon himself decided to join in along with Chrono, both of whom had also adopted rubbery hypnaga forms during his conversion. Of course, those forms had long since been shed as Syrath looked eagerly at the three enthralled creatures that shared in the cistern of goo that he was a part of.

"So lovely," Syrath hissed in delight as he swayed back and forth, the three essentially tentacle snake bodies that were once his master and cohorts moving in the exact same rhythm. "I bet you would have never even imagined that you could go this far under, to be this deep into the coils of my mental manipulation. What do you have to say about that?"

"It feels good Master Syrath," the three goo snake hypnagas said, their eyes swirling with color in the exact same pattern as the one that controlled them. They had long since lost their identities of who was who, though they knew one of them was the nexus creature and the other two were his minions at the moment their thoughts all blended together. They were nothing more than extensions of the one that controlled them, mere playthings for his bidding.

But Syrath wasn't quite done with them yet, even with them completely under his command he wanted more, wanted them deeper under his thrall as he went up and coiled around each of them. Despite having completely snake-like goo bodies the lead goo hypnaga continued to mold and sculpt each one, taking control of their form just like he had done so for their minds. Soon they would be his perfect hypnaga's, Syrath thought to himself as he coiled around the snake on the left and kissed him deeply, and they would be all his. The mere thought of such a thing was making him extremely lustful, which translated to the other three as they began to act out the desire that Syrath had for him.

Though their bodies were all merged together at the base in a sort of goo tentacle nest they were more than capable of reforming their members, Syrath creating more tendrils to push their way into the mouths and vents of the other creatures. Though he sometimes allowed them to have their arms the goo hypnaga had merged their limbs back into their body, creating snakes that were powerless to stop the tentacles that slithered around them. None of them really minded the intrusions either, especially since it was just one more way their new master was able to claim their bodies as his own while they began to suck and hump against them.

But where Syrath really got the most pleasure from was the control... with a mere thought one of the snake creatures reached down and sucked the emerging cock from Syrath's body. Even though they all looked the same the goo creature knew that the one with his lips wrapped around his tool was Renzyl, taking great delight in having the mighty rubber dragon nothing more than his plaything. The other two he left getting stimulated by his tentacles as he dominated the mind of the nexus creature, pushing his will once more into him to add more layers of hypnotic suggestion. With his maw occupied Syrath asked mentally whom he served and almost immediately got back a joyful exclamation that he was merely an extension of the goo hypnaga...

Suddenly the door that Syrath thought had been locked opened, the goo hypnaga frowning slightly at who would possibly be disturbing his fun. Just as he was about to hiss at whichever creature was there to go away his eyes widened slightly when he saw not only Felix, his powers already weakening from the presence of the rubber void creature, but another hypnaga as well. "General Sulvino," Syrath said as he looked down at the other hypnaga, the other three doing the same. "I do hope you're not here to spoil my fun."

"You know that I am," the indigo rubber hypnaga replied with a slight smirk on his face. "I've given you a couple days to play with your prey but it's time that we get Renzyl and Chrono back to their duties and I get my new trainee back so that we can teach him the ways of the hypnaga. Why don't we start with Master Renzyl and we'll go from there?"

Though the goo hypnaga was clearly pouting at his fun being cut short he let out a slight huff and looked at one of the three heads that had been twisting and coiling around one another. All three of them stopped, frozen in what looked like shock as their thoughts suddenly began to unwind from one another. One in particular looked like he was separating from all the others at a much faster rate, the colors that swirled around his body darkening as the serpentine snout pushed out into a more draconic muzzle. As that particular goo hypnaga started to head towards the edge of the cistern horns and spikes began to appear on his transforming body as well while the eyes went from swirling multiple hues to a solid, glowing red.

Renzyl had actually slipped the leash created by the goo naga the second that the two creatures had walked into the door, though he was going slowly in order to cause the goo hypnaga pleasure in having contained such a powerful creature for so long. There was also the fact that despite being able to shrug off the bulk of the mental suggestion there was still a part of him that had to reaffirm that he wasn't just a part of Syrath, the creature's conditioning remaining very powerful as the other two creatures continued to share in their combined enthrallment. But everyone in the room knew that Renzyl could not be contained and soon the familiar feeling of their true master being in the room suffused through all the minions. The reforming dragon's eyes flashed a bright red as he resumed control, a grin forming on the black lips of the creature as a pair of wings sprouted and unfurled themselves from his back.

"General Sulvino," the deepening voice said as a pair of legs formed from the goo as the black rubber of the transforming snake body pulled away from the rest of the tentacle nest, Renzyl emerging as his normal muscular draconic self as the goo tentacle connecting him thinned from his pulling away until it broke and formed into his tail. "I was wondering when you were going to come and collect your charge. Here I thought you might have forgotten about him down here in the care of our dear Master Syrath."

Though the tone was joking in nature it was clear that being called Master even when not connected to him caused Syrath to hiss and shudder slightly in pleasure as Sulvino chuckled. "There's far too much work to do with our dear Jason to have him down in Syrath's clutches any longer," the hypnaga explained as another of the snake's heads began to reform, silver replacing the colorful rubber goo as Chrono's body began to emerge as well. "Plus, one of your brothers wishes to speak with you concerning a venture near another's territories and was wondering if you would like to help him on it, something that I thought should be taken care of by you."

"Very good," Renzyl replied with a nod, turning back to watch the rubber raptor slowly emerge from the goo body of the snake he had been in for the last few days. "Once we get Chrono set to rights again, I'll leave you with our dear Jason, though I feel from what you usually have in mind for training that he won't be such for long. If you require any additional resources let me know, otherwise I will leave your new charge in your very capable hands."

The two chatted for a while longer as Chrono continued to reform himself, though unlike Renzyl it took a little longer for him to get his thoughts back in order. More than once the silver saurian referred to Syrath as master but as time went on and he pulled further away from the goo nest he had been a part of the mirror sheen on his eyes slowly returned. Once he was completely back to normal, he shook his head slightly to get the last errant thoughts out of his head before accompanying Renzyl out of the room, leaving General Sulvino and Felix with Syrath and Jason. When the indigo hypnaga prompted the goo hypnaga to give up his last toy Syrath quickly coiled around his last enthralled snake.

"Are you sure that you wouldn't be able to give me a little more time with him?" Syrath said as he wrapped his arms around Jason, who hissed in pure pleasure at being in his master's embrace. "I've almost made him the perfect hypnaga, think of all that you could do with two of us instead of one. I'm sure that Master Renzyl would be more than fine with me taking this one as my own."

"I've already got my hands full dealing with one Syrath," Sulvino retorted. "I don't even want to think of having to go with two. Now hand him over, he's got a lot of training ahead of him."

Once more the goo hypnaga let out a huff but complied with the order of his superior, though with Felix in the room his power over the other male had already started to wane slightly. The original coloration of Jason's body began to peak through, his arms quickly reforming as he was lowered back down towards the edge of the cistern. Unlike Renzyl and Chrono his thoughts needed to be reshaped back into their original configuration, Syrath unwinding his hypnotic mental coils from around him so that he could think for himself once more. If Jason had still been human when this happened it likely would have taken days of recovery for him to get back to his proper mental state, but ever since he had been turned into a hypnaga by the one waiting for him to completely separate from the goo creature his mental fortitude and ability to snap back from such manipulations had greatly increased.

Finally, after a few minutes, the time for reconstitution lengthened by Syrath in order to draw out as much pleasure as physically possible, the two goo creatures had become one goo creature and one rubber hypnaga. It took Jason a few seconds to remember what his new body looked like as he glanced down at himself, looking at the crystalline coloration that his rubber had taken. His body swirled with shimmering amethyst, aquamarine, and sea foam gemstone, save for the areas where opal runes had appeared on his body. It quickly all came back to him as he remembered the hypnagas giving him their colors, his own being the purple that appeared strongly over his form.

Once it was clear that Jason was back in his right mind Sulvino motioned for him to follow, the two waving goodbye to the goo hypnaga as the creature sank down into the cistern until he was a pool of rubber liquid once more. The door closed behind him and Felix went back to the couch in order to watch his shows, leaving the two hypnagas to leave the dungeon area and head back up into Renzyl's manner proper. Once they left the presence of the void creature Jason began to feel his own powers starting to return, his psychic energy flowing through his body once more. He had been connected to Syrath for so long it had been hard to distinguish with the goo naga's overwhelming presence, but now that he was back in his own body, he began to feel his powers manifesting once again.

"I can sense that you're starting to get back into your own," Sulvino stated as they quickly made their way back to the haven of the hypnaga, a specialized area in Renzyl's realm where they could live and hang out without having to mute their powers or be hassled by the other minions they would enthrall with their very presence. "The first thing we're going to do is get you situated and make sure that you're comfortable, then you're going to begin your training. Since you share the coloration of four nagas you'll be fortunate to have all of them as your trainers."

"You won't be training me?" Jason asked as he slithered along the halls.

General Sulvino quickly exclaimed that while he would love to be involved in the training of all hypnagas he had a lot of work to make sure that everything ran smoothly in Renzyl's realm. He had already also done quite a bit of work to make sure that Jason's transition was as smooth as possible, gesturing towards the empty halls that they slithered down. For the first time since they left Syrath's area Jason realized that he hadn't seen another of the rubber dragon's minions occupy the hallway, which was normally a rare sight until he remembered that he was still projecting his power that would possibly cause them to swarm around him since he couldn't control it. The only one that he did see the entire journey was Chrono, the silver raptor giving him a nod before heading off to do the work of Master Renzyl...

Master Renzyl... the thought just came so naturally to him now that it was strange not to think of the nexus creature in that way. Even though he was in the body of a rubber naga creature it still took that thought to solidify the situation that he had gotten himself into. It was less than a week ago he had taken Renzyl's offer to become one of his minions permanently, leaving his old human life behind. While it was still somewhat new to him, he definitely didn't have any regrets about the situation as he took a second to flex his lithe, powerful body while he was led to the large door that separated the hypnagas from the rest of the realm.

Once those doors had opened Jason felt the psychic energy contained within wash over Jason, but now it was a familiar feeling instead of being overwhelmed like when he was human. Like he had just gotten back home after a long vacation as he felt his mind ping with those like him in the area. The second they had gotten on the other side of the threshold and the door closed behind him Sulvino no longer muted his powers, the indigo rubber of his body shifting with new hues and colorations just like his own. The hynaga's garden was filled with other latex creatures just like them as the General prompted Jason to continue to follow him once more.

Though their pace was slowed by the others greeting them telepathically they eventually made it to the living quarters of the space, General Sulvino leading them to one door in particular that didn't have a name on it. "So, I guess this is me..." Jason said as he reached up and brushed his clawed fingers against the empty bronze rubber name plate. "Why isn't my name on the door?"

"Because you have yet to choose it," Sulvino replied, his grin widening as the other hypnaga gave him a look of confusion. "Why don't we step inside and make you comfortable in your new home, then I'll discuss with you what you'll be doing to settle in."

Jason was still curious on what settling in meant but knew he had to be patient as he turned the door handle and went inside. When he looked in, he found that it somewhat resembled an apartment space just like his own, or a more apt description being one that his rich friends would have as they slithered inside. It made him wonder what his friends were doing at the moment as he looked around the rather empty space that was his living room, remembering that the last time he had seen them was when after he had transformed them into horny plant creatures. Those thoughts were interrupted though when Sulvino explained that he would have to pick out whatever furniture he wanted and that the floor plan could be shifted about if he wanted to.

Once Jason was finished exploring and Sulvino had given him a small list of amenities that he could draw upon whenever he wanted, they went back to the living room where they sat on their own rubber coils. "So now it's time that I let you in on your training," Sulvino stated, Jason listening intently. "Being a hypnaga requires some rather intensive training in order to make sure that your powers are not only honed but controlled as well. If we want to serve Master Renzyl properly we can't just go through a portal and enthrall an entire city because they looked at us... well, we can, but that's only for special circumstances. You'll have to embrace all aspects of your new nature, and in order to help that we typically have our newest creatures give themselves a new name to help divorce themselves from their old lives."

"That sounds... pretty intense," Jason commented. "I mean I knew what I was getting into when Renzyl had shown me all of these wonderful areas of his realm and that I definitely wouldn't be going back to my old life, but I guess I wasn't prepared for shedding all of my humanity. Not that I mind, just takes a bit to wrap my head around it."

"Well you certainly have the serpentine terminology down," Sulvino joked, causing Jason to grin sheepishly when he realized what he had done. "But as one of Master Renzyl's most powerful creatures we have to make sure that you realize the scope of what your new body gives you. Plus, one of the first things we do is teach you how to mask your power so that you can go out and about in the realm proper and not have to worry about being swarmed by dozens of enthralled minions."

"I suppose that would get rather annoying after a while," Jason said with a chuckle. "So, when do I start my training?"

"As soon as possible," Sulvino stated simply. "Of course, I'm not just going to throw you into it right now after the experience you've had, so take some time to get acclimated to your surroundings and acquaint yourself not only to the others but your new body as well. Since you went right to Syrath after your ceremony you probably haven't had a lot of time to explore your form so make sure you get comfortable in your new skin."

Jason nodded and the General gave him another bit of instruction before leaving, the hypnaga alone for the first time since he had been completely and permanently transformed. With no one dominating his thoughts and without the presence of the black rubber dragon he thought that he might start feeling lonely, but all he had to do was reach out with his thoughts and he could not only immediately sense his fellow hypnagas but also connect to the rest of the realm as well. Though he could pull back and be alone if he wanted it was clear that there was no way he would ever feel isolated in a place like this unless he wanted to be. It was actually a rather comforting feeling as he took a few minutes to try to get his place in order before stepping back out into courtyard itself.

Though the creatures had no need to eat or drink Jason found a number of areas that allowed him to do so, which was explained to him that many had a creature comfort in performing the act plus they still had the sensation of taste. As he got himself an ice cream and slithered over to a group that was huddled around a table one of the nagas looked up and his eyes widened in surprise before slithering over to him. "No need to look over there," he said, a nervous grin on his face as the rest of the hypnaga's quickly formed a wall to block what they were working on. "Did you need any help with furniture or something? I know that as a naga it can be a bit hard to think about what is best for your new body..."

"I think I managed to get everything figured out," Jason replied as he tried to extend his body to look over the shoulder of the vibrant dark green hypnaga, only to have him and all the others do the same. "So... what are you guys working on?"

Before the one blocking him could respond the two were suddenly joined by another, this one Jason recognized as the amethyst naga that had been one of the four who transformed him. "I think I can take this one from here," he stated, the two nodding to one another before the purple rubber creature grabbed Jason's attention. "I think before we go into anything else, I should probably introduce myself since I'll be one of the ones training you, my name is Essen."

"A pleasure Essen," Jason replied, still attempting to look around the other naga's body. "So why can't I see what they're working on?"

"Because you would spoil it then," Essen stated with a growing grin on his serpentine muzzle. "As I'm sure you've been informed by General Sulvino when a new hypnaga is brought into the fold it is generally custom to choose a new name. As such some of us like to engage in what we like to call a name pool, the creatures behind us betting on what you're going to take as your new moniker."

"Oh... I see," Jason said. "But why can't I look at it then?"

"Because you might get ideas for a name based on what you see there," Essen explained. "Not only do they not want to influence you into something you may not want but they think if you see a particularly popular category you might go against it just for fun. I have to say that it's a rather popular past time."

Jason nodded in understanding and gave the others some space while he and Essen went over to a different table so he could eat his frozen treat. "So, is there another ritual or something for choosing a name?" he asked as he ate. "Or do I just go back to my place and mull over various names until I find one that suits me?"

"That is certainly one option," Essen answered. "Or if you would like a little hypnotic help, we could get the others that are going to be involved in your training and have you enter a trance-like state. Not only will it free your mind to think of something that you'll truly identify with but we can also get a bit of a jump on your training with more exposure to our power."

That idea sounded particularly good to Jason, his body shivering slightly in the idea of experiencing enthrallment once again as Essen told him to go to the meditation area so that they would have some privacy while he got the others. Jason nodded and quickly slithered over to the other area, the hypnagas working on the pool once more keeping a wall of rubber scales between him and their machinations while he passed by. Strangely seeing the group of creatures obsess over something like that lent a tone of normalcy to this whole place, reminding him that they weren't just a bunch of rubber snakes under the control of a latex dragon who wanted to dominate the nexus realm. It caused a smile to form on his muzzle as he went to the meditation area and found a private room for them.

When he got inside, he felt his entire body buzzing as he passed by several crystals on his way through the meditation chamber, which he found out were attunement crystals from a hypnaga passing by. They helped focus the psychic energies of their kind and filtered out the background noise that was typical of Renzyl's realm. Jason could only imagine what would happen if a non-hypnaga gained access to this chamber, mostly likely they would leave it as a drooling blank-minded creature completely enslaved to the first one that found it. Even those that hung around the garden who weren't hypnagas, those with an intensely strong hypnosis fetish usually, were not allowed inside this area because of the intensity of the power within.

For Jason though it gave him a clarity of mind as he coiled up on himself, stroking his own rubber coils as he waited for the others to arrive. It was still hard for him to identify this as his body... no longer was he the human wanting desperately to be part of some sort of rubber scene, instead he was a rubber naga that was part of the ultimate rubber experience. He found himself smiling widely as he coiled around himself, feeling the delicious sensation of his latex scales rubbing against themselves while he hissed in pleasure. He had become so engrossed in his own self stimulation he didn't realize he was being watched until he heard a throat being cleared that stopped him dead in his tracks.

"I see that someone is getting used to their new form quite quickly," Essen's voice said as Jason untangled himself to see him and three other hypnaga's there in the room. "Now that I have your attention, I think it's time for another round of names. The aquamarine one here is Xavien, our aquamarine tourmaline hypnaga is Flachette, and then the opal naga here that gave you those runes is Het."

"I was wondering when we were going to meet up with you again," Het said with a grin that matched the others. "Looking forward to starting training with you, though first it appears that you need to get your name."

As they filtered into the room Jason noticed that their colorations were different than when they had first met; instead of one color they had multiple swirls of similar hues that shifted around their bodies. When he asked about it Essen explained that per the ritual they displayed only their dominant color, helps with the variety of hypnaga that they have so everyone isn't just the same thing. While there was the possibility that he would have inherited just one color from another hypnaga it was rare, just like being a runic. But they quickly brought Jason back on track and told him that it was time for him to focus.

With the five hypnagas in the same area the level of psychic energy in the room was practically buzzing... and all of it was focused on Jason as they told him to close his eyes and to concentrate on his body. Much like in traditional hypnosis they began to guide him down a path in his mind, Jason feeling himself flowing with their words as they brought him into a light trance. Though he was completely aware of his surroundings he began to feel like he was floating, drifting in the void of his own subconscious as he heard them continue to speak. Soon their words trailed off, finishing up with a hissing noise as Jason began to feel the presence of his own self.

In his mind's eye he could see his own hypnaga form standing in front of him, as well as his former human body. He was surprised at how... foreign it looked to him, especially since it had been his for all his life up to that point. The same could be said with his name, watching golden letters spell out Jason before drifting over to that side of his mind. That was the identity of his old body, his own internal voice hissed as his human and hypnaga form began to drift further apart. Soon it was hard to see the human visage, fading into darkness along with the name as more letters began to drift into his vision...

For a while the five rubber creatures sat there in complete silence, all of them with their eyes closed as they focused their energy on the one in the middle of their makeshift circle. The first to open them was the naga in the middle, the hues of his eyes swirling intensely as another aspect of his new life settled into his mind. It wasn't long before the others followed suit, all of them giving a nod before accompanying one another out of the meditation area and back into the courtyard. None of them had to ask what their newest brethren's name was, all of them had seen it form as they went over to the group of hypnagas and informed them what it was which caused several to cheer while others to groan...

And in the back of the group Sslynthix just smirked and crossed his arms, his forked latex tongue flicking in and out of his mouth as he let the others deliver the news of his new name...

Sharing the Ultimate Experience (2/10)

Sslynthix, formerly Jason, took a few more days in order to get used to his new identity, though it was helped that it spread quickly among the hypnagas so that they knew what to call him immediately. He had also taken the time to set up his new...

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