Creation of a Sabresnep Drone

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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Newlyn has been caught up in the sabredrone invasion, fortunately his good friend Serathin is there to help him survive.

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Newlyn found himself walking around his apartment, yawning loudly as he went from his kitchen to his living room with a bowl of cereal in his hands. It was going to be the start of a lazy Saturday, turning on the television with bowl in hand and in his boxers on the couch. As he turned on the television though to enjoy his usual programming however he found that many of the stations had been taken over by the breaking news of some sort of riot or something going on in the railway stations of the megacity. As he ate his cereal he watched as news reporters were at the scene where they were showing groups of people in what appeared to be similar rubber suits running around.

"I'm standing here at the Main Street tube station where it appears the bulk of the demonstration is taking place," the doe reported, the cameraman catching footage of all the masked rubber creatures coming out to curious onlookers. "So far no one knows why they are obstructing people heading into the tube but police are saying that similar organizations are happening elsewhere as well. This of course is mere hours after similar individuals had went into one of the local stadiums where the-"

The reporter was suddenly interrupted as she looked back to see something happening as a scream came from the crowd, the cameraman pulling away from her to show that several of the creatures had started to strip down people who were starting to act very lewd towards them. That wasn't what had caused the scream however as one of the male rubber creatures had started to push into the tailhole of a tiger that was leaned against he railing and as he did so black and purple rubber could clearly be seen flowing over his fur. Several others had started to go the same route and as people started to freak out there were suddenly dozens of rubber creatures that came out of the station and started to do the same to those in the streets.

"Oh... oh wow..." a voice could be heard over from those that were in the news station as Newlyn stared at the images being shown in shock, his spoon frozen in the air as the cameraman continued to follow the growing horde of creatures. "Rachael, can you hear me, you need to get out of there!" When the camera turned back to the doe Newlyn gasped as the deer had been captured by one of the rubber creatures, showing a close up of the pleasure-stricken female as her breasts were exposed and being covered with the same shiny substance as the one that was licking her neck. Before too much more could be seen however the camera was knocked down to the ground and everyone could hear shouts on the television before they quickly turned into low moans.

When Newlyn turned off the television he found the sounds of shouting and other noises still could be heard, the snow leopard going over to his window to see that the chaos displayed on the television was not confined to it. Was it aliens? Some sort of virus? Either way Newlyn knew one thing; whatever it was had started to spread through the city and that meant if he didn't leave soon he was going to be stuck here once they locked everything down.

The first thing the feline knew he needed was clothes and ran to his bedroom, only to stop dead in his tracks when he saw one of the rubber creatures crawling up on his balcony. When it quickly got up to its feet the two stared at one another, Newlyn staring into the glowing green eyes of the other creature before it suddenly punched through his window. The glass wasn't going to hold him for long and Newlyn found himself slamming the bedroom door shut before running through the front. The creatures had already started to swarm the building... at this point he might not get out of his apartment much less the city as he grabbed his coat before exiting.

Just as he got out into the common hallway he saw his neighbor, a constrictor snake man named Kalvin that had been living next to him for years, rushing out as well. "They come through your window too?" he asked hurriedly as they both ran down towards the stairwell, Newlyn nodding. "Damn, didn't think the Sabredrones would get to our section of the city so quickly!"

"Sabredrones?" Newlyn asked.

"Yeah, it's what the leader of them said when he had gotten on the television," the snake relayed while they peeked around the corner to make sure they weren't being ambushed. "Called himself the Overlord, said that everyone would be able to experience the bliss of being a Sabredrone right before they started cropping up in various places."

"I did see that," Newlyn confirmed. "They had arranged themselves at the tube station."

"Not just the tube station," Kalvin corrected as they made their way down the stairs. "The stadiums, the vidhouses, anywhere there would be a large gathering of people. They converted everyone within and now they're moving to the population at large, assimilating anyone and everyone they can in order to bring everyone under the flag of the Sabredrone. They're not going to stop until everyone is one, and we can either join them willingly and experience the pleasure of such wonderful forms or be taken and converted into drones without knowing such bliss."

As the snake man continued to talk Newlyn began to slow down, noting that the serpentine male was running down the stairs with no pants on and starting to grow erect. "Hey, Kalvin..." Newlyn said as he watched the snake start to hiss and pant more. "Did something happen to you in your apartment?"

"No... well, they did manage to pounce on me..." Kalvin replied as he rested his body against the corner of a stairwell, his eyes closing as he appeared to be in deep contemplation as his hands rubbed up underneath his shirt. "Thought they could convert me, but all they did was try to give me a good time before I escaped... at least, I think I escaped..." Newlyn's eyes widened as the snake man began to stroke himself, now fully erect as the muscles under his scales began to shift and swell while something shiny and black began to drip from his nostrils. "They may... may have gotten inside me, but all it did... all it was... gah, I'm so horny!"

His last word was drawn out before his muzzle started to crack, his fangs elongating as the rubber leaking out of his mouth had started to cling to his face and spread outwards. When Kalvin opened his eyes again they were starting to grow with a green light as the rubber not only covered his face but also started appearing on the rest of his body, especially his cock as he started to stroke even more. As the snake's serpentine snout became more canine in nature a loud grunt from the male snapped the snow leopard out of his shock and Newlyn quickly hopped to the next stairwell to continue his journey downwards. He didn't know how long he had until the newly created Sabredrone would be after him but it wasn't something he wanted to find out.

The rest of his trip down the stairwell was joined by several others that were attempting to escape the chaos and confusion that was going on as well, though Newlyn made sure to watch them carefully after what happened to his neighbor. They did get down to the street however, but as they did they found that the scene wasn't much better. What had appeared to be dozens of Sabredrones on the streets in the news broadcasts had quickly turned into hundreds, all of them swarming anything that even looked like people that were trying to leave. Any thoughts of trying to leave the area to get to the city limits looked like a pipe dream, though as they evacuated the building down the alley they were suddenly met up with another group of survivors that said they had heard there was a military convoy that was heading this way in order to try and pick up uncorrupted groups to escort out before the force field dropped, and all they had to do was find somewhere to hide until it came by.

As they started to look for a place to fortify and hunker down for an hour or so Newlyn saw something out of the corner of his eye, and though he thought at first that it might have been one of those creatures when he looked over he was relieved to see a familiar face as well. With the others still searching he broke away from the group to get their attention. "Serathin!" he said once he was close enough, following the draconic sabrewolf into a nearby corner store that had already been attacked where he turned around. "Didn't think I would see you here."

"Yeah, small megacity," Serathin replied with a sheepish grin. "You trying to avoid the Sabredrones as well?"

"As best I can," Newlyn stated. "Hey, there's a group nearby that is waiting for military evacuation, do you want to come with?"

"Sure," Serathin said with a nod. "Want to help me get a few snacks for the road?"

Though the snow leopard wasn't sure with how much time they had to try and find food he ended up nodding, taking snacks and putting them on the counter. Eventually he had a few bags sprawled out on the counter top that they looked through before bagging everything up and heading back into the alley. When they looked around they were surprised to find that there was no one there, and for a split second Newlyn thought that they had wandered off without him as he carefully made his way down the alley to try and find them. Eventually however he saw a Clydesdale horse that he had befriended wave him over to an old electronics store, the two of them walking swiftly towards it.

"Where on Earth did you go?!" The equine practically shouted, stifling himself and looking around when he realized how loud he was. "We thought that you had gotten taken... you didn't, did you?"

"No, nothing like that," Newlyn said as he held up the bags he had, Serathin doing the same. "Had ran into a friend and got some snacks while I did."

"It was really my fault," Serathin quickly interjected sheepishly, the horse man still looking at Newlyn.

"Well not sure how important snacks are in the middle of an apocalypse," the equine stated, waving him in. "Hurry up and get inside, now that you're here I'm going to pull the shudders. Thankfully we haven't had a lot of those rubber bastards roaming around so I was able to keep it open. Now let's go, the others are waiting."

The snow leopard just followed, though as he did so he felt... strange, like something was off about the entire situation. Though he heard Serathin say that it was natural for things to feel weird when there was some sort of end of the world situation going on it still seemed to gnaw on his mind a little while they went further into the store. He could see the others were scattered about, seeing only a few in any given spot while they waited for rescue to arrive, and though that probably wasn't the smartest idea he didn't seem to feel the need to stick his neck out. What he was finding himself doing was watching the horse next to him as he watched, feeling his arousal building as he noticed how his tail and what was connected to it swayed back and forth.

Just as he was about to shake his head and break off to explore the area he found Serathin stopping him, a grin on his face as Newlyn looked at him. "I saw the way that you were looking at him," Serathin said as his grin grew wider on his muzzle. "Nothing wrong with finding something to pass the time."

"Are you kidding me?" Newlyn whispered, though with him and Serathin stopping near the display outlet with game consoles on them the snow leopard found his eyes on a different package as the horse went to talk to someone else. "There's already a bunch of sex-crazed rubber-covered maniacs running around, and you want me to go in there and try to sleep with him because he has a good body?"

"I can't think of a better time," Serathin replied simply, crossing his arms on his chest. "I don't know about you, but with everything I've seen going on it seems arousal is your enemy, if anything you're doing him a favor."

Though Newlyn frowned at that he was feeling a bit... needy at the moment and more than once he had to stop from touching himself. His mind thought back to his snake neighbor, watching him as he jerked himself off because the pleasure had been too intense as he transformed and when it had briefly shown people changing while the news camera was rolling on those people being assimilated. Did they change because they had been horny and the Sabredrone somehow acted on it? Maybe his friend was right, the snow leopard thought to himself, and before he even realized it he found himself moving over towards the horse.

"Uh, hey there," Newlyn said, looking back at Serathin who gave him a thumbs-up before turning back to the equine. "I wanted to thank you for waiting for me, if you hadn't left the shutters up then I would have been stuck out there."

"Don't worry about it," the horse replied. "Gotta stick together in all this."

Newlyn nodded, then took a deep breath before slowly sliding in and taking his hand. "Perhaps I could go and properly thank you for your actions," the snow leopard said, feeling himself moving forward despite his anxiety spiking. "Perhaps in private?"

Though there was a few moments where he thought that the horse might reject his offer a smile slowly formed on the equine's muzzle and eventually he told him to lead the way. Newlyn felt his own face breaking out into a smile as he turned and led him towards an area marked for employees only, and when he looked for Serathin to show that he had done it the draconic sabrewolf was nowhere to be found. It was likely he was off on a conquest of his own, Newlyn thought as he moved towards the door. As he was about to pass the counter to get in however he stopped, pausing and looking at the smooth surface as the strange image surfaced in his mind.

It was him and Serathin on top of the counter in the corner store, both of them making out as the hybrid rammed his cock deep and hard inside of him. The experience was so intense it had caused his entire body to shudder, but in the next second the memory went back to the fact they had used it to check out their snack haul. He shook his head and just rationalized that it was because of the act he was about to partake of, taking the hand of the horse and giving it a squeeze before continuing on. Though the Clydesdale had been confused by the pause the promise of what was to come next quickly drove the thought out of his mind as they went into the employee break room.

There was a small couch there and though it would be a tight fit both Newlyn and the horse were far too in the mood at that point to care. The horse surprised the snow leopard by going at his clothes as soon as the door was closed, showing a level of horniness that Newlyn had not expected. Even without the sudden need to strip it was clear the equine was looking forward to the encounter as his cock practically flopped out of his shorts even before Newlyn had a chance to pull down his shorts completely. In short order the two were naked and passionately kissing one another as they both fell on the couch with Newlyn on top.

"Hey, who says you get to go first," the equine huffed as Newlyn was already taking his own member and rubbing it against the pucker of the male beneath him.

"My position," Newlyn shot back, seeing what was likely the more domineering male blushing slightly and turning aside. "Don't worry, I'm sure that we'll have enough time that both of us will get a turn."

Newlyn wasn't quite where this newfound sexual confidence was coming from, especially with the other male being bigger than him, but he was too horny to care at this point. With his body between the spread legs of the equine he immediately started to push himself in, both males letting out a loud groan as he spread open the ring of muscle and internal walls of the horse beneath him. The pleasure was better then anything Newlyn had ever felt before, practically quivering with need even when he was only half-way inside of the equine.

"Look who the stud is now," Serathin's voice called out, nearly causing the snow leopard to look up and see his hybrid standing there grinning. "Only a few minutes in and you got between the legs of a fine thoroughbred."

"Do you... mind..." Newlyn huffed, feeling the equine's tunnel clamp around his sensitive flesh slightly when he spoke. "I'm a little busy here... as you can see."

"What do you mean," the equine said, holding back a moan as the snow leopard sank even deeper inside of him. "I'm just laying here."

"Not you," Newlyn quickly replied, shaking his head as he panted while starting to pull out in order to keep as much stimulation as possible. "My friend is here right now being distracting."

"Your friend?" the horse asked.

"Yeah," Newlyn replied. "Saw him with me at the gate."

There was a moment of pause and the look of confusion on the face of the horse was so profound that it even caused Newlyn to stop mid-thrust. "What are you talking about?" the horse said between pants. "You were alone at the gate."

Newlyn found himself breathing more heavily from the revelation then the sex that was interrupted, his cock still hilt deep in the horse as his mind tried to process what was happening. "No... that can't be..." the snow leopard, pointing to Serathing who continued to stand there. "He's standing right over there watching us like a perv right now."

The horse looked back at where Newlyn was pointing before going back to him and reporting that he didn't see anything. Serathin wasn't there... and likely had never been there in the first place, Newlyn mused as he looked back and saw that the hybrid had disappeared once more. But if that was true, then that meant...

Suddenly Newlyn found himself back in the alley where he had thought he saw Serathin in the first place, only this time it was one of those Sabredrones that he caught a glimpse of. He felt himself being compelled to follow, his mind being ensnared by the power of the creature that he saw when he turned the corner and saw the larger rubber creature. The Sabredrone's eyes glowed with a bright green light as he beckoned him forward, this time the snow leopard realizing he was actually entranced as he was led to the nearby corner store. When he got inside he was told to remove his boxers and lean over the counter that had originally been thought to contain the snacks he and his friend had kicked out.

"I do apologize for the deception," a voice that sounded similar to Serathin's said as Newlyn remained in the vision, feeling the Sabredrone that had ensnared his mind take his own rubbery member and push it inside of his tailhole. "But if I had shown you the truth you might not have went along with my plans, and I so wanted to give you this gift."

As Newlyn felt the weight of the other male on his back he saw Serathin move in his field of vision, except that it clearly wasn't how he remembered the hybrid. He was very muscular with shiny rubber skin, the black and purple broken up by glowing green stripes on his body. "You... already changed..." Newlyn said, realizing that despite this being a memory he could talk to the creature that stood before him. "You're... already a Sabredrone."

"A little more than that," the corrupted Serathin replied as Newlyn felt his tailhole get spread open, groaning loudly as the thick rubber cock of the creature behind him began to slide inside. "I am the Overlord of the Sabredrones, and as such since we're such good friends I decided to give you a gift." Newlyn could feel his eyes practically rolling back into his head as the head of that maleness inside of him felt like it was stretching his stomach. "A few stripes for you to start out with on your journey as a Sabredrone yourself, in fact you should be getting your first one very soon..."

Suddenly Newlyn was snapped back into the present as he looked down at himself, realizing that he had started to thrust inside the other male even while he was locked in his memory. "I... I feel strange..." the horse said as his hands went to his stomach, which had started to gurgle and ripple all the way up to his chest. "It's... so good... too good! I'm so fucking horny, what's happening to meeeee...!"

The end of the horse's proclamation was punctuated by his tongue pushing out, which was shiny and black as two of his teeth began to turn into fangs that pushed past his lips and continued to grow. A similar sensation was happening with Newlyn as he felt an intense euphoria washing over him, instinctively knowing this was the joy that came with assimilating another. In an instant the transforming snow leopard knew that the creature in the corner store hadn't been Serathin he had used one of his corrupter Sabredrones to change him, but allowed him to wait until he was in a position to convert others. It was a gift, Newlyn thought as he could feel his rounded ears stretching out, forming into canine points as something else was pushing out of his skull behind them, a gift from his friend, his Overlord...

As Newlyn continued to keep his cock inside the male below the horse was changing far more quickly then he was, the liquid rubber coming out of his mouth and nostrils moving in a similar fashion as when Kalvin was transformed to seal them up. Though the horse was still freaking out about his transformation the combination of the pleasure he was getting from it, along with the snow leopard still sliding in and out of him, as well as the tendrils of psychic power filtering in from the hivemind of others that were changed quickly had him calming down. Since Serathin had already corrupted Newlyn's mind he was more free to enjoy his changes as they were happening, looking down to see the sensitive flesh of his member turning a shiny black as the rubber he was pumping into the equine was also spreading over his groin.

Soon the entirety of the horse's head was covered with the black and purple rubber of the Sabredrone, Newlyn watching as his thick horse muzzle thinned down before his eyes as it became more like the creature he had seen in his memories. On the opposite side of the coin he could feel his own stretching out, feeling like an invisible hand was pulling on his feline nose as his teeth began to grow. It was the hallmark of the Sabredrone, his hands going up to them and rubbing the new saber teeth as the rubber cascaded down his neck and around his shoulders. By this point he was more concerned on the changes happening to him then on the sex he was having with the equine, whose lower body was almost completely covered with rubber as his hooves split and formed draconic toes.

With the act of conversion already done Newlyn decided to pull out of the other male, watching the forming Sabredrone wiggle and squirm as his head was filled with new thoughts and information, the same that had been pumped into his own head when he had been a snow leopard. Serathin had been inside his head without him realizing it, working behind the scenes to ease him into this new life. As the fur on his chest was covered with the rubber coming from his head and his pectorals firmed up a bit he realized how good his friend and new overlord had been to him in doing such a thing. Not only did he get his first stripe, the bright orange mark appearing on his shoulder as the liquid latex cascaded down it, but he got to truly enjoy embracing his new side of him.

"I'm glad that you are enjoying yourself," Newlyn heard as he looked up with his partially glowing eyes to see the Overlord standing there, grabbing onto his hands that had started to grow claws as the purple and black rubber covered them. "My lovely new Sabredrone, already getting that first stripe of yours."

As Newlyn went to touch the stripe he saw something happening on his wrist, watching as the rubber coalesced into a purple cuff that integrated seamlessly with his wrist. He felt similar cuffs appearing on his other wrist and ankles, and finally as the larger hands of the other male rubbed against his neck he could feel the weight of a collar settle around his neck. "I am honored that you have taken the time to claim me yourself," the Sabredrone Newlyn said, his body shivering slightly as his loyalty and obedience was rewarded with pleasure. "Where are you now?"

"I am elsewhere making sure that the transition of this city goes as smoothly as possible," Serathin replied, cradling his hands against the reformed face of the new Sabredrone. "You have a few more stripes to earn here and then I want you to go out and join the others. You have all the tools you need here, I will check in on your progress later."

With that Serathin disappeared from Newlyn's vision once more, though he could still feel his presence, along with the presence of every other Sabredrone, in the network as his body was in the last stages of his transformation. He grunted in pleasure as he felt his horns grow out to their final length while a pair of wings grew from his back, the latex of his new body stretching out as they formed. The rest of his head had shifted already as he went up and ran his fingers through the synthetic mane of purple that framed his face now, feeling his ropy tail thickening like it was being inflated with water while similar strands ran all the way down to the tail. When he was finally finished he took a step forward on his draconic feet and went over to the nearby mirror to examine his new rubbery body.

Any trace of the snow leopard that he used to be was completely gone, and though the memory of such a body was somewhere in his mind the new drone found no need to access it. Newlyn found himself flexing his new muscles as he watched the shiny skin stretch and mold perfectly to the contours of his body to the point anyone watching him would know it wasn't a suit. That didn't matter though, with him and his new Sabredrone companion that he had changed they would be able to easily assimilate the others in the store. Once that was finished then the entire group of them could go out looking for more, finding as many as possible to bring into the Network...

Newlyn's thoughts were interrupted as he saw a nearly identical rubber creature come up behind him and wrap his arms around his waist, the former horse using his new muzzle to rub against the neck of the one that had changed him lovingly. Since he was also a drone the former equine also had nothing left of his former species to identify him, in fact if it weren't for the stripe on his shoulder the two would have a hard time telling one another apart as their synthetic groins began to stir once more. Though they had no mouths, save for a small opening that formed whenever they wanted to use their tentacle-like tongues, they could understand one another just fine...

Half an hour later a fox man idly wandered around the roof of the store, looking out to see the destruction that was happening outside. He had been put on lookout duty to see if he could find the convoy that was supposed to be coming to rescue them, and though he hadn't seen anything yet he didn't want to go back down in case he missed it. His hopes were quickly sinking however as he watched the strange creatures running around trying to capture people... at least until something coming down the street caused them to scattered. The fox narrowed his eyes to try and see what it was, and when he saw the armored military vehicles rumbling down the street he let out an excited gasp and slid down the ladder into the electronics store.

"Guys, you're never going to believe... what... I... saw..." the fox trailed off as he found himself right in the middle of a group of Sabredrones, the one standing right in front of him with half a dozen yellow stripes on his arms while they all looked at him with glowing green eyes. "Nevermind..."

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