A Shadow of his Former Self

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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A prestigious arcane university attempts to make sure that all malevolent entities don't get in, but sometimes there is one or two that fall through the cracks.

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It was a typical morning on the North Carolina University campus, students moving from dorm to classroom, mess hall to library, and everywhere in between. For Ari it was a usual wait in front of the small coffee shop that was next to the food court. Ever since his first year at the college he had gotten a routine down with a friend of his that the two would start their day getting coffee, a tradition that moved on two more years even after the other man no longer had classes during the morning. The Hispanic male's eyes lit up when he saw his friend walking down the hall towards him while yawning.

"There you are Luke," Ari said, causing the other man to grin sheepishly. "I was wondering if you finally decided this was too early for you to get up."

"It is too early for me to get up," Luke repeated as he stretched. "But nothing wrong with starting the day off right, not to mention you helped me pull those all-nighters even when you had class the next day at this time so I really can't complain. You got time to sit down and chat for a bit or do you have to leave right away?"

"I have a little time," Ari replied, nodding his head over towards the counter. "Shall we?"

Luke nodded and the two went up to the barista behind the counter, the cheetah man grinning at the two humans as he asked them what they wanted. When they both gave their orders and then their names they watched the feline grab their cups and press his palm against the side, his eyes flashing for a second before their names suddenly appeared on them. Ari enjoyed it when the cheetah they had come to know over their years of patronage was there; normally those that could use magic like he did only ever brought it out for their own gains, instead the barista used his power to not only enchant their cups to make sure the order was right but also so that they floated out to them when he was finished with it. Once they were done they went over to an area near the windows that was only occupied by a wolfess and elven woman talking and had a seat.

A few minutes later they watched as the cups hovered over and sat themselves down in front of them, both guys sipping on the steaming liquid inside while watching the other students walking by the large windows. "Hard to believe that we both only have a few weeks left here until the year ends," Luke said once he had wiped the foam off of his lip. "I just had the prep work for my finals come in and now I get to spend the next few weeks in the lab trying to make sure I actually pass. How about you?"

"Me?" Ari replied, being slightly taken by surprise by the question. "Oh... I'll be at the library with my head in research books, I have a few essays that need to be prepared so unfortunately I won't be around as much." Ari bit his lip and hesitated before he asked a question of his own that had been on his mind for a while. "After this you only have a year left until you graduate, don't suppose you have any plans after that?"

To Ari's surprise Luke just laughed and shook his head. "I don't know man, I'm still just trying to survive the next few weeks before I think about all that." Luke admitted. "I guess get a job and find a place to live and all that, why?"

"I... well, I was wondering..." Ari started to say, then looked out the window and took a long drink of his coffee. "I mean, you're right, it's far too far away to be thinking about things now. I should really get to class, you take care Luke and if you're not at the lab I'll see you tonight."

Luke gave him a look of confusion before nodding, Ari quickly taking his half-finished coffee and heading out once he had grabbed his bag. Once he was sufficiently far enough away he let his embarrassment bubble to the surface, feeling his cheeks going red and tingling with heat as he kept his head down. While the two had been friends during their years on campus Ari found himself feeling a little more towards the other man than just that, growing a crush on him once they had gotten to know each other a bit better. But Ari wasn't sure how Luke would take it or even if he was interested in men, the other guy was buried in his work and other than him and a few others friends never bothered to go out on dates or anything like that.

It was something that he knew he shouldn't be dwelling on at the moment, but as Ari walked to class and finished his coffee he knew that he would eventually either have to tell him how he felt or bite his tongue for the rest of their time together. What he had been trying to ask is if they wanted to do off-campus housing together and split the rent, but every time he tried to bring it up he would lose his nerve and chicken out. Did he really want to risk their friendship on something that may cause them to resent each other like moving in together, he thought to himself, or should he perhaps tell him how he felt first? It was too many questions swirling around in his head and as Luke had pointed out they were getting close to the finals of the year.

They were all pushed back as Ari entered the lecture hall, attempting to pay attention as the leonine teacher talked about the subject at hand. It seemed to take forever before the three hours passed, and since it was the only class that he had for the day it meant that the rest of his time was free to do with what he pleased. Unfortunately with it being a Monday most of his friends, including Luke, were still doing their classes or otherwise engaged for the day. It did also mean however that the library would probably be mostly empty since most of the students were either at class or prepping for them and he wasn't lying when he said he needed to get his research essays finished.

The library itself was divided up into about ten different floors with only one elevator that serviced the entire building. Even when it wasn't busy Ari knew it was just quicker to use the stairs, climbing up to the eighth floor that had the subject he needed. As he got past the fourth however he was nearly knocked back by someone that was barreling down it at a high speed. The collision did cause the cloaked figure to fall back however but fortunately they were able to direct themselves towards the landing, and when Ari went over to see if they were okay he recognized the feline as the barista from the coffee shop.

"Whoa, you alright?" Ari asked as he reached down and helped the cheetah man up.

"Sorry!" the barista replied as he looked around worriedly. "I was attempting to research a simple summoning and I think that the spirit I was coaxing into this realm might have gotten loose. If you see anything strange could you find me? Also... please don't tell the librarian, I can't get banned from the arcana section this close to finals."

"Oh... well, your secret's safe with me," Ari stated, causing the cheetah to breathe a sigh of relief. "It's nothing dangerous though, right?"

"N-no!" The cheetah mage quickly retorted, waving his hands in the air. "It was supposed to just be a minor spirit channeling, I don't even know how it managed to slip out of my circle in the first place. Like I said though just let me know if you see anything weird, alright?"

Ari once more nodded and stepped to the side to allow the mage to pass, then continued up to the eighth floor while wondering what he could see in this place that would constitute as weird. Had either male looked down at the ground though they would have already seen it from their shadows on the wall. Even when they were standing still the black silhouette of the feline began to move of its own accord, reaching out and grabbing the silhouette of the human. When they made contact the human's shadow did move slightly as well while the cheetah one mimicked a kiss, breaking only when the two had parted and walked away from one another. As the human walked up the stairs however the shadow trailing behind him began to shift once more, no longer imitating the one throwing it as Ari made his way up to the eighth floor to do his research.

As the hours passed and day swiftly turned to night the books that surrounded the human began to grow more higher around him, the sound of his keys clicking against the keyboard the only thing heard in the private study room he had managed to snag. Being this close to finals it was a privilege to get one and he wasn't about to give it up anytime soon while he could work. While he continued to pour over the books that he needed to use to write his papers he failed to notice that in the singular bulb of the room that his shadow had begun to stretch and warp slightly, growing slightly bigger with every passing minute as it continue to move without the human casting it doing a thing. Slowly the incorporeal began to grow even darker, becoming more distinctive against the same shadows of the chair and table as most of the darkness began to pool around his feet.

Just as Ari was typing a rather long, meticulous paragraph he suddenly felt a sharp pinch of pain that came from his feet. He looked down to see what could have caused it only to see nothing underneath it, but as he continued to watch he felt another cramp of pain. It didn't take much for him to gather that it was coming from the shoes themselves, and though it wasn't allowed he found himself pulling them off in order to stop whatever was causing the sensations. The second he pulled them off he immediately felt better, wiggling his sock-covered toes before going back to his computer.

The second he turned his attention away the shadow reached up once more, forming a pair of phantom feet that definitely did not look like the ones they were supposed to mimic. The paws of darkness were huge and almost completely enveloped Ari's before wiggling against them. For the human all he noticed was a pleasant kneading sensation that he just attributed to freeing them from the confines of his shoes, but as the shadowy appendages continued to rub against them the fabric of the socks he wore began to stretch and bulge. The top of the sock began to pull down towards his ankle as two of his toes merged together while they all swelled under the careful ministrations of the shadow paws on them.

It wasn't until Ari heard a rip from underneath the table that he realized something was wrong, and when he pulled back again this time his eyes widened in shock. The tearing sound came from claws pushing their way through the fabric of his socks, which tore even more as his expanding digits continued to push through the openings. This was definitely something weird, he thought to himself as he got up from his chair, and hopefully the cheetah was still out there as he moved to the door. Before he could get there however it felt like someone had grabbed him by the ankles and he fell to the floor with a loud thud.

"Where do you think you're going?" a sinister voice whispered, Ari looking around in time to see the head of his shadow rising up slightly from the floor. "I'm not even close to done with you yet..."

"Wh-what are you?!" Ari asked with a shout as he watched his own form rising up, though his silhouette looked a bit different then what his human body should have cast. "What are you doin-"

Ari's words were stifled as the arm of the shadow that had just formed raised up and pushed against his mouth, feeling it actually press against his lips as his eyes widened in shock. "Enough of that," Ari's shadow said as its fingers shifted and pushed inside his mouth, stretching out his lips as it effectively gagged him. "Finally after years of waiting on that cursed plane of existence someone was foolish enough to leave an opening to the mortal realm, but that cheetah was far too powerful to make into a proper demon. I will have no such problems with you..."

As Ari attempted to turn to try and get back on his feet he found them to be completely unresponsive and when he looked down he saw they were still connected to the shadow that was almost standing on top of them. The human's back arched as a fresh wave of growth finished forming his feet into a pair of large paws, dark black fur sprouting everywhere on them before cascading up past his ankles. This thing was really turning him into some sort of creature, he realized in shock as he felt the bones of his feet popping into a new configuration while the muscles stretched, and if he didn't act soon whatever had possessed his shadow was going to get what he wanted. In a last ditch effort he tried to swing his leg out to try and kick at the entity, but it just ended up going through him and knocking into the table where several books fell to the floor.

"Feisty one, aren't you?" the shadow creature said. "Don't worry, I have my means of making you more... compliant."

All the human could do was watch as his own shadow took the paw that they both brandished now and slid it upwards, Ari feeling fur growing where it made contact before it reached its destination. His back arched upwards as the paw pressed against his groin, his confined member throbbing as it immediately began to tent his pants. As it continued to grow his breathing quickened, Ari watching as the dexterous paw undid the fly and the toes of the shadow curled around his half-hard human maleness. It wasn't going to stay that way for long though, the dark flesh immediately starting to turn to a brighter pink as his pubes softened and thickened to fur just like on his own trembling paws.

"That's it," the demon whispered as he teased the entirety of the human's shaft while it transformed, causing it to grow in length before sliding underneath his shirt and causing his stomach to ripple and shift. "Just let it happen, soon you'll be better than you ever had before. I can already start to see your thoughts, see how much you're enjoying this... did you always want an anthro to paw you off or has this been a recent awakening?"

Ari gasped when he heard his own shadow say that, but as he felt his legs thickening and changing while the pleasure of the shadow paw stroking against his erection there was little he could do against it. At this point he could only move his arms... but as he looked around he realized there might be something he could do to try and escape. When the demon moved back to tease his sides and cause more fur and muscle to grow there he twisted and grabbed one of the fallen books, then arched back and tossed it straight at his shadow. It went right through the entity but just as it was about to scoff at him for such a pointless effort there was a loud pop as the lights went out in the room.

Suddenly Ari found himself able to speak and move again in the darkness, the demon's form dissipated as the human continued to pant. As he slowly got up he could tell that the changes to his body had not gone away, and when he stood up on his new paws it caused him to shiver slightly in delight. Had the demon really awakened something in him like that, he thought to himself as he attempted to stuff his enlarged cock in his already tight pants, or was this part of some sort of corruptive influence it was having on him? Almost as if in response he could hear a chuckle all around him, and though the demon couldn't manifest itself it was definitely still present.

"Definitely don't regret that fluff course I had to take in magic theory," Ari muttered under his breath as he moved over to the door, slowly opening it while making sure to stay out of the light from the library. "Now how am I going to get to the stairs..."

Ari found that the previous tactic was the best one, using the books at his disposal in order to pop the overhead lights. While it didn't dispel the light completely it did give him enough of a corridor of darkness that he could slip through to the other side. As he did he tried to shout out for help but couldn't raise his voice above a whisper, and when he put his hand to his throat he had found out why. It appeared the demon infesting his shadow was prepared for such a thing as he felt a thick pelt of fur on his throat leading towards his chest.

With this being the research floor for very specific subjects Ari didn't see anyone there anyway, which meant that he would just have to get down to the arcana floor to hopefully find someone that can help him. When he got to the stairwell he found that there was going to be no way he would be able to break that light, but he knew that the light switch was just on the other side of it. Once he got into position he reached in to turn off the lights, only to feel someone grab it. The shock caused him to jump slightly but as he felt his hands starting to puff up and something sliding from his fingertips he knew what it was and quickly finished his task.

A few seconds later the stairwell was plunged into darkness and when Ari pulled his hand back he saw it had grown fur and sprouted claws. It also looked bigger than his other hand, seeing the size difference as his still human hand stroked along the soft black fur that grew on it. The demon in his shadow was growing more powerful by the second, he realized, and he needed to hurry before his tactic of avoiding the light was no longer viable. Once he looked in to make sure the lights were off he made his way down quickly, hopping onto the seventh floor landing before moving to the sixth.


It was hardly audible but it caused Ari to freeze dead in his tracks, but he realized he was too late as the lights above him flickered back to life. The stairwell had motion sensors that would activate if anyone stepped inside, and though he had gotten lucky and not tripped the one on the floor he left he hadn't avoided the second one. Before he could do anything the shadow that formed behind him instantly reached out and grabbed him, pulling him back and pinning him against the wall with a loud thud. When he attempted to move his arms and legs he found them stuck there as the demonic energy started to flow into him once more.

"A valiant effort," his shadow whispered, feeling it press against his ear and causing it to morph into something more rounded while it migrated up to his head. "Normally I just take over my hosts but I think that would be a waste of your talents. I'm more than happy to remain as a shadow... but not the shadow of a human of course, we're still going to have to make quite a few adjustments."

It was clear that his own shadow was not going to take any more chances with him, feeling his body get completely restrained as a tentacle of pure darkness slithered up and pushed into his maw once more. At the same time the ethereal hands of his transforming silhouette slid forward, this time going up his shirt towards his chest. Ari let out a muffled grunt as he could immediately feel his abs and chest growing, thickening underneath the influence of the demon that held him captive. Even though they were exposed on the library stairwell it was clear that the creature knew they would likely not be disturbed as more fur started to sprout on his dark skin.

Ari's entire body trembled as the fingers that had been playing with swelling pectorals had found another sensitive spot on his body, the human moaning as his demonic-possessed shadow teased his nipples. The human tried to tell himself he shouldn't be enjoying this but the creature knew exactly how to squeeze and pull them to draw out the most pleasure possible. It also pushed his already strained pants to the limit and as his thighs and calves were pumped full of demonic energy the seams finally gave out to reveal the black fur with red spots while his cock flopped out into the air. His member quickly stiffened however as something else rose up from the wall, feeling something similar in shape to what dangled between his legs starting to push between his cheeks.

The changing human couldn't believe that his own shadow was rutting him in the stairwell of the library but as he continued to remain pinned to the wall he found the pleasure clouding his thoughts more and more. He was turning into a plaything of a demon, something that was warned against in his magical theory class, but the more his body grew the harder it was to resist such a thing. The power that he was feeling was extraordinary and he felt the furry globes of his cheeks get spread open he knew that the demon in his shadow wasn't close to done with him yet.

As his mind began to succumb to the influence corrupting him the tentacle that was keeping him muffled began to withdraw, but as it did so Ari could feel his face stretching as though it was somehow pulling it out with it. It was yet another act of stealing his identity, the hair of the human growing down his already furry neck and forming into a style similar to a mohawk as his teeth sharpened. The first sound he made when he was able to do so again was a snarl as his growing jaws snapped, drool dripping from his black lips as his nose puffed out and turned a similar color. The pleasure and lust were too much for Ari to hold out and as the last vestiges of his humanity were mutated into the creature he was becoming he found himself losing grip that he ever had been human in the first place.

With his prey becoming more compliant by the second the demon shifted his attention to the body of the former human, continuing to thrust what was essentially his own cock into him while he continued to make the creature grow. The sounds of shock and anxiety that he had heard initially were replaced with euphoria and desire as Ari's furred stomach grew from a six-pack to an eight-pack, rivaling the beefiest of anthros as his chest grew to match. That just left the arms and legs which despite being partially transformed had not caught up to the growing head and body of the growling creature. As tendrils of blackness began to form in the whites of Ari's eyes and his irises shifted from brown to yellow he looked down to watch the power given to him flow into his limbs.

With the demon directly in the mind of Ari he kept the transforming male quiet as his biceps and thighs grew once more, stretching out the fur that covered it. The hands of the shadow continued to keep the increasingly demonic creature in a state of constant lust to make him more malleable in mind and body; one of its ethereal hands continuing to tweak and pinch the growing nipple while the other stroked the rock-hard cock as its own continued to thrust into him to keep him in a submissive state, also using its paws to stroke against the ones that were dangling an inch or so off the ground. Soon Ari found himself back on his feet however as his spine popped and his frame grew once more, only this time he could continue to feel the end of it growing out as a furred tail with black spikes poking out of it snaked its way between his legs.

Ari's already lust stricken mind once more felt the presence of the demon in his mind, connecting his possessed shadow to him completely as one final change happened to his skull. The creature caused the new demonic hyena to sprout a pair of horns as his corruption became complete, his hips thrusting in the air as the shadow caused him to orgasm hard. The fanged jaws of the transformed man opened in a silent roar of pure pleasure as the demon completed their bond, the shadow releasing the new creature who immediately grabbed his own member and stroked it with his thickly-clawed hands. The demon quickly dampened his lust now that it no longer needed it to control him and when his mind cleared Ari immediately turned and bowed to his new silhouette that remained on the wall.

"Get up Ari," the shadow commanded, the hyena doing so as it continued to stare forward with its black and yellow eyes. "There is still much to do before the night is out, with your body we can now escape this place. While I could explain everything to you I think it would be much easier if I just took control for now."

Ari wasn't quite sure what was happening but he suddenly saw his shadow snap back to his posture, prompting him to look down at his naked body. The tattered remains of his shirt and pants were scattered on the landing around him and before he realized what was happening he felt his new muscles stretching and gathering up the pieces before heading back up towards the roof. Though he was still feeling the intense pleasure coursing through his body and the demonic energy still corrupting his thoughts he knew that the roles had been reversed; now it was his shadow dictating what he body was doing instead of the other way around. When he wondered where they were going he suddenly got a mental image of the plan to use the demon's newfound power to shadow teleport down to the ground floor and then disguising their body so they could go to... the art department?

Though the demonic hyena was confused on why he suddenly got another mental image, this time taken from the former human's mind. It was Luke... and the memory was one of the many times that they played video games together, but as he continued to focus on it the image began to shift. Soon they had gone from playing games to making out with Ari in the muscular hyena body that he had now, watching as he corrupted his friend to turn him into a loyal servant of the demon. Even though deep down he knew that this was all wrong he felt a genuine smile form on his new muzzle at the idea, even licking his lips as the thought of finally being able to act out on his desires caused him to sink deeper into the clutches of the demon controlling him.

When Ari brought his senses back to reality he found himself standing on the soft grass of the campus quad, his large feet paws pressing against the soft grass as he looked around. It appeared that the demon's ability to mask their true nature, as well as their nakedness, was potent as no one gave them a second look. He also realized that he had his cell phone in his hand as the shadow tossed the rest of their shredded clothing into the nearby garbage. Though Ari could see what it was doing he offered no resistance... in fact as they made their way towards their destination he even began to help as the idea of turning his friend to a thrall grew increasingly sensual in his corrupted mind...

Part 2:

Luke sighed as he rested his head against the lab table, watching the mixtures he had set up slowly denature so he could test the related components and get the results he needed for his project. He had been at it ever since his classes ended in the early evening and knew that it would likely take him long into the night. When he glanced over at the other tables he saw that several were in the same position, most of them playing on their phones or otherwise not paying attention to their concoctions. He would probably be doing the same if he wasn't almost done with this particular batch, wanting to make sure he could test it as soon as it was done before moving onto the next substance.

Just as he thought of his phone however he began to feel it buzz in his pocket, indicating that he had gotten a message. Though he didn't want to take his eyes off the prize for too long he quickly fished out the device and looked at it to see he had gotten a message from Ari. "Hey, hope you aren't too bogged down," Luke read off the screen. "Was wondering if you could meet me in the art department in room four-twelve? I have a surprise for you that I think you're going to want to see."

After double checking his solution Luke responded that he was a bit busy at the moment and wondered if he could see whatever he had another time, but then got another message saying it would only take a minute and then he could go back to whatever experiment he was running. As he looked from his phone to the clock he realized that once he was finished with what he was doing he could run over and see, then come back and finish things up before the lab closed. Plus there was always tomorrow and from the way Ari was talking to him it seemed somewhat important to his friend that he be there. He finally responded that he would be over in a few minutes and got a reply that was fine, then went back to experiment that was just about to bubble over...

Fifteen minutes later Luke found himself walking on the pathway between the sciences building and the arts department, the lights overhead illuminating his path as he walked swiftly. While he trusted Ari that this wouldn't take long he hoped that he could still get back in time and run at least two more experiments off the rather long list that his professor had given him to complete. When he got to the front door of the building however it looked like everything was still dark save for the security lighting, but as he got closer he saw the door was propped open and there was a sign taped on directly Luke where to go. As he pulled down the paper and stepped inside he still had no idea what his friend was planning for him inside.

It didn't take long for him to get to the room that was mentioned in the texts, which happened to be the studio for the photography department. Once again he found the door propped open for him and he made his way inside before closing it behind him. "Ari?" Luke called out as he walked towards the only light that was in the entire room being created by a number of spotlights directed towards a small stage. "Where are you, what's going on?"

When Luke got no response he wondered if his friend was trying to pull some sort of prank on him, though he never knew Ari to do something like that. As he got closer to the stage he saw that another piece of paper had been stuck against the front of the stage between the backdrop and the lights. He quickly walked over and picked it up, only to find that the only words hastily scribbled on it was to stand there and look at the backdrop. When he did the only thing he saw was his own shadow standing there... but seconds later it was soon joined by a second one that towered over his.

"I was hoping that you would come here," a deep, sinister voice said as Luke turned to see a creature unlike anything that he had witnessed before. While it looked like a hyena it had features that were much more demonic in nature, and as it stood there before him he also realized that the other male was completely naked. "Don't try to run, it will ruin the experience and I promise not to hurt you."

"What... who are you?" Luke said once he had gotten over his shock. "Wait, where's Ari? It was his number that called me here, have you done something with him?"

"You humans always like to ask all sorts of questions," the demonic hyena said with a smirk, flashing his fangs while slowly moving towards his side. "All is going to be revealed to you shortly, but you're going to have to stand there and watch what I told you to watch. Have some patience, I promise you won't regret it."

Though Luke had a hard time pulling his eyes away from the creature that stood before him a gesture from him brought the human's attention back to the white backdrop that he had been looking at previously. Once more their shadows were still there and nothing else, and though the monstrous male had gotten right next to him his silhouette continued to tower over his. As the seconds passed Luke began to wonder once more if this wasn't some sort of prank when he began to see the arms of the shadow starting to move. It didn't seem like much... until he glanced over at the hyena to find that they were still crossed.

"So you know how to manipulate shadows," Luke replied as he watched the shadow of the hyena turn towards his own. "I still don't see why I was brought here in-" the last of his sentence was cut off as the hands of the shadow reached out and pressed against his head, causing the human's eyes to widen as he was brought down to his knees without the real creature doing a thing. "What the hell?!"

"Not from that area," the demonic hyena said with a chuckle as he watched Luke continue to struggle against the phantom hands, unable to get up from the grips of the magic holding him.

"A demon?!" Luke exclaimed in surprise, Ari nodding his head as the human realized that he was actually looking at his friend Ari before turning his head to shout. "Help! Someone! Demon on campus!"

"There's no one here Luke," Ari replied, his grin growing wider as the demon possessing his shadow began to raise his hands up slightly. "I made sure of it when I chose this place to corrupt you. Although if you keep screaming like that it's going to get rather annoying, fortunately I have just the solution to fix it."

As Luke tried to shake his head out of the grasp of the demon shadow it only seemed to tighten his grip on his, and by extension him. It didn't feel like the hands were on his head anymore but he still couldn't move his neck and inch, and it wasn't until he looked over at the backdrop to see why. An audible gasp left Luke's lips as he saw the hyena shadow holding onto what appeared to be a pair of horns that had extended from his own head, keeping him in place as a new outline appeared in front of his muzzle. As the silhouette of the cock began to approach his lips he found himself swallowing hard, especially as he began to feel the presence of something pressing against his real ones.

Ari watched in rapt fascination as Luke's eyes practically bulged out of his head as the phantom member slid inside him, his mouth opening for something that wasn't really there. At the same time the shadow of the human continued to shift, the rounded face of the human's shadow bulging outwards as into something more bestial in nature. The effect wasn't lost on him either, the demonic hyena's own cock jutting out from his groin as he felt the pleasure of a blowjob that wasn't actually happening. While the demon continued to corrupt the shadow of his friend he got to work preparing the real body for what was going to happen next, watching the throat of the human stretch with every thrust of his shadow self while he took off Luke's clothes.

By the time he had gotten the human naked Ari could see that the shadow of the human had mutated significantly, watching the white bare butt wag in time with the tail that had extended on his shadow self. Not only was the demon corrupting the human mentally with the pleasure he was getting but the arcane energy was starting to seep into his physical form. As Luke mimicked giving a blowjob real horns began to push out of his head, the black contrasting with his brown hair before the hue began to shift. Though the demon was going to transform him it didn't mean his real self couldn't have a bit of fun, moving around to the other side of the male that was on all fours while still stroking his member.

For Luke the corruption and pleasure mingled into one, melting away his thoughts as he felt the powerful demonic energy seep into the very core of his being. Even though he didn't have a real tail left it still felt like it was attached to his spine, as well as the wings that were slowly emerging from the shadow of his back. It was clear to him that the entity was in his head, Luke managed to think despite the haze of lust, otherwise it was just random luck that it happened to be transforming him into the one creature that he was always fascinated with. Had his parents not essentially forbade him from studying dracology it's what he would be doing instead of his current field, even if was just so he could get close enough to them to lust after...

"Yes..." a voice hissed into Luke's ear, seeing the shadow of the hyena leaning down towards his own. "Your friend here merely desired the epitome of manliness, a form that oozed power and muscle. You seem to have more refined tastes, which I'm not above obliging."

Even with his lips spread open he felt a grimace form on his face as he realized that this was what demons did, and in a moment of clarity he knew that if he didn't do something soon he would be in the same situation as Ari. But as he found himself trying to at least get out of the position that the shadow creature had put on him it was next to impossible to move; not only did it still have a firm grip on the horns that had grown out of his shadow's head but when he saw the silhouettes of his hands as he attempted to lift them up they were much larger than before. Though they were still hands they were the hands of a man much larger than him, and as if deliberately he could see that the shadow demon had not transformed his arms to match. The biggest change the human could see however was the shadows of his feet as they turned into large draconic versions, complete with talons that he could feel dig into the wood even though it wasn't doing anything like that in reality.

Meanwhile Ari took advantage of his friend's distracted state to push his own throbbing tool inside of him, a smirk forming on his muzzle as he heard a muffled grunt from the human despite not actually having anything in his mouth. As he pushed his hard cock into the cheeks of the male beneath him he could see bright red scales beginning to form, the corruption in his body connecting to what was happening to his shadow. Though he wasn't sure if the demon would appreciate the expediting of the process he saw that his silhouette seemed to have no objections as he continued to thrust into the shadow maw of the male. With Luke essentially being spit-roasted from both sides there was nothing he could do but bask in the pure lust that was coming from both creatures, his own cock throbbing hard as ridges began to form on the sensitive flesh.

Though the two demonic creatures were having their fun with the male between them the possessed shadow decided it was time for Luke to obtain his true form, pulling out of the maw of the shadow and rejoining with the hyena. The human gasped loudly as he was finally released from his ethereal bindings, but even with the distraction of having his backside spread open and a tail forming just above it he could feel his body shivering. At first he thought it was the combination of the cool air and the fact that his friend turned demon was spreading open his insides, but when he looked over at the backdrop he realized that his own shadow was gone. His eyes looked around and traced the light before finally seeing the head of it rising up.

In reality the demon hadn't merely been channeling his power into changing the essence of the human; just like he had done with Ari he had completely possessed it so the human would fall under his control just like the hyena was. Though his power was in both of them the demon had decided to turn his sights on the one that he was still breaking in, pooling the darkness around them with the aid of the lights shining down. Though the demonic hyena gave a snarl he accepted the command that had been given to him and slowly got up, Luke letting out a grunt as the thick cock of the creature pulled out from his scaled rear-end. Surprisingly it had left him with a feeling of emptiness, a need for his friend to be filling him as his actual tail continued to lengthen and swish about in the air.

"Poor little Luke," his own shadow mocked in his voice, though it was much deeper as the human began to feel his fingers tremble as they began to pop and grow. "So busy with your studies that you failed to notice your friend's little crush on you. Perhaps you would have taken him if he was a dragon? It's okay though, I'm sure he'll take you as one himself... in fact you can count on the fact that you'll be raising your tail for him as long as you two remain under my thrall."

As Ari adjusted the lights so that the dragon shadow could be more directly positioned underneath the changing human the demon's revelations shocked him. Despite the powerful, primal urges that continued to course through his corrupted mind he was still him, and that part of him was shocked that Luke would even consider such a thing. But with the connection growing between the three he could see the other male falling into a pleasured trance, nodding absentmindedly as his shadow continued to travel up his body and cause new muscle to grow on his limbs. Though he had already started the transformation on his backside it appeared the possessed shadow wanted to mold his mind more, the shadow dragon reaching up and opening its maw before clamping down on the human's head.

The second the rush of power entered Luke's mind it was like he was hit with a freight train of emotions; not only his own as his hair thickened into a bright red mane that cascaded down his lengthening neck to his back but also Ari's as well. The demon was right, he realized even as his skin stretched and several more horns grew from his skull, his friend had been so obvious that he was interested in him but he hadn't even given him the time of day. His pants grew into growls as the demon gave him the clarity of mind to realize that he liked Ari too, and that he was ready to serve with the massive hyena in order to please the one that gave them this chance. The amount of power pouring through the mind of the transforming dragon was so potent that black ichor began to drip from his growing muzzle as both could hear audible pops from his growing shoulders.

Two creatures born in lust and given purpose with one another... the demon had both given them what each wanted and created two powerful thralls in the process as the thin chest and flat stomach of the pale human swelled with cords of new growth that made him look like a professional athlete just like his furry companion while more jagged red scales grew down it. Ari watched with a fanged smile on his face as Luke succumbed just like him, feeling his mind grow dark with corruption in service to the demon changing him. As he continued to stand there however he was taken slightly aback when Luke's head slowly turned back up towards him and stared with golden draconic eyes.

"Well?" Luke growled, putting his thickening haunches up in the air. "Are you going to fuck me or what?"

It was an invitation that Ari didn't need to have given to him twice, the hyena once more going over to the tailhole he had been penetrating in order to do so again. Though Luke was going to remain humanoid just like him his legs had to shift and crack in order to get into their new configuration, watching as they turned to heavily-scaled feet. Since the shadow had already done most of its job already, even creating the crimson wings which would allow Luke to glide, Ari decided to flip the other male onto his back. The shadow of the dragon subsided and allowed the hyena to see the other male in all his glory, the bright red scales of his stomach contrasting the crimson ones as he got between the powerful legs and once more pushed inside the new demonic creature's tailhole.

The effect of their heavily-muscled physiques pressing against one another made the sensations ten times better, both demons seemingly growing even more as Ari thrusted down into Luke's new tailhole. Both creatures growled as they got right back to where they had been before their possessed shadows had interrupted them, Luke spurring Ari on as he flexed his thick arms. In their corrupted eyes they were both beautiful to one another, handsome creatures created for one another by the demon that had given them such a gift. Their shadows weren't done with them yet however as the two looked up to see their shadows standing over the other male.

"You didn't think that I would just let my playthings have their fun without my involvement?" the demon said, the shadow dragon slowly pulling up behind the real hyena while the shadow hyena did the same at the head of the real dragon. "Let's have some real fun, it's been ages since I've corrupted two studs such as yourselves into my thralls."

The two rutting males could only grunt as their minds were filled only with the need for satisfaction and the desire to pleasure the other's ripped physique. As the shadow dragon came up behind Ari the demonic hyena let out a sharp hiss as he felt two things at almost the same time; the cock of the shadow sliding up underneath his own tailhole and the feel of those clawed hands against his furred chest. With the anal walls of his friend already clamping down on his thick cock the extra stimulation almost pushed him over the edge right now, but the demon wasn't going to allow that to happen as he used his corruptive powers to hold off the orgasm. As the demon played with Ari's nipples it practically caused him to start foaming at the mouth, his body practically shaking from the overstimulation given to him by the other two demonic creatures.

For Luke the hyena settled in on top of him, once more feeling his new muzzle stretch open as the thick shadow cock pushed its way all the way into his throat on the first one. As he slid his head up and down in order to stimulate the ethereal creature however he began to feel something else that nearly caused his eyes to roll back into his head. The paws of the shadow hyena had managed to wrap around the thick draconic dick that was bobbing between his abs and that of the demonic creature stretching his tailhole, stroking it up and down with such deft dexterity that it was better than anything he had ever felt before. Just like the demonic hyena it was causing him to writhe on the ground, especially when the shadows began to feed back the pleasure of their actions into the thralls that had been created.

It wasn't too long however that finally the demon had to let go and allow them to orgasm, their new muscles tightening as Ari came into the Luke while Luke's demonic seed splattered on their scales and fur. The two continued to buck and rock together, The hyena leaning forward as the clamping of the dragon's insides against him was almost too much to bear. When the two were finished and finally came down off of their orgasmic highs a certain sense of clarity came with it. Despite what had become of them however their corrupted minds cared little, in fact the two shared a smile and a passionate kiss as they allowed their hulking bodies to rub and grope against one another.

But as the minutes passed eventually the bodies of the two stiffened, then relaxed before they slowly pulled apart from one another. Though the demon would have enjoyed the revelry of his two new pets while in the shadows he knew that they had to leave soon. The output of power that was on display here would have likely warned someone even if they weren't looking for him, and by now it was probable that the mage had told someone about his slip-up. It wouldn't take long for the higher-up mages to put two and two together, and he wasn't going to leave now that he had two new toys as the shadows of the creatures guided Luke and Ari back into the woods...

A few days later the campus was buzzing with activity that a demon had slipped out of the spirit world and possessed the shadows of two students, turning them into monsters and causing them to run off into the night. Parents were furious and the academic community was in an uproar; an incident of this nature hadn't occurred in decades and in one afternoon they managed to have two occurrences of demonic possession in one night. An immediate lockdown was put into effect and the local area was scoured for the two, but no one had seen hair nor hide of the two students that were missing. Eventually the days turned to weeks and the speculation on what happened became nothing more than rumor and conjecture as the students turned their attention back to finals.

For one such cheetah however that wasn't going to be the case, the feline sighing as he brought his last box of stuff down the stairs and down into the parking lot. After finding out that he had been the one that let the demon loose that took over two people and hadn't told anyone about the possible spirit release the dean had him expelled, though they allowed him to run out the lease on his apartment before they evicted him as well. This was the last night that he could stay and he had procrastinated his move until the last second even though he caught the glares of students while he continued to live on campus. A worse fate was waiting for him when he got home however as had to finally tell his parents that he got expelled for NCU for accidently releasing a demon.

When he got down to his car he put the box of stuff down and went to fish his keys out of his pocket... only for find they weren't there. "Oh come on..." he muttered to himself as he checked his other pockets, only to find nothing was there. "As if this night can't get any worse."

After looking around however his anger turned to confusion when he saw his keys a few feet away from him on the asphalt of the parking lot, which caused him to scratch his head. He just shook his head and went over to grab them only to suddenly found himself staring at the large draconic feet of someone standing over him, blocking out the light of the nearby street lamps. He felt his ears fall to the sides of his head as he slowly looked up, his jaw dropping when he saw a terrifying visage looming over him. The demonic dragon gave him a smile as he stood there with his arms crossed, watching the cheetah stumble and fall away before attempting to get to his feet to run.

Just as it looked like he might get away the cheetah felt an intense pressure against his sides holding him even though the dragon hadn't moved a muscle. When he looked down however he saw a different story, watching his own silhouette squirming against the heavy arms of the dragon's shadow. "We heard that you got expelled," a voice said, the cheetah looking to see another thickly-muscled naked creature stood up and walked over towards him. "Since it was because of us we thought that we would come and offer an alternative solution."

"No... you're them..." the cheetah said after he stopped, his feet dangling in the air as he appeared to float there while the two walked up towards him. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do it! If I had known that a demon got through I would have told the proper professors immediately!"

"Shush now," the hyena replied, the cheetah's maw suddenly getting clamped shut as the shadow of the hyena reached over and did the same thing to the feline's shadow while the real demonic creature smiled at him. "I don't know why you think that we would be angry at you, we love our new forms and our demon master. Now he couldn't take over you since you are able to practice magic, but with the two of us as conduits for his power he can corrupt you just like he corrupted us."

The cheetah tried to say something but the shadow version of the hyena continued to hold the maw of his shadow shut, and as he continued to squirm there he began to feel something that caused his eyes to widen. Both the demonic hyena and dragon shuddered in delight as the shadow demon's cock began to penetrate the shadow of the cheetah, watching as the bulge in the feline's pants immediately sprang to life. The lithe male went completely limp as he felt the powerful tool sliding up inside of him, his muscles twitching from the pleasure being fed into his body while his real body was being undressed by Ari and Luke to allow his erection to spring free.

From the mage's standpoint it was clear that the demon had been fostering his corruption in these two for quite some time, especially with how heavily mutated their bodies were as they licked their jagged teeth. He had never seen or heard anything like it, though at this point he was experiencing it first hand as his furry cheeks were spread open. The sensation was surreal as it felt extremely real to him yet he knew there was nothing actually behind him, though that perception began to bend more towards reality as the shadow dragon thrusted into the shadow cheetah and they saw the feline's actual stomach bulge upwards. If the mage had anything else to say it was lost in the sea of pure corrupted lust that was being poured into his psyche as they could see the changes already starting to happen, his body twitching and writhing once more but in bliss this time as his feet began to stretch and grow.

Another thrall to add to the fold, the two thought as they took their latest prey and brought him back towards the tree line where they had come from. Both Luke and Ari aided in transferring the transforming cheetah to their new destination, feeling his muscles already starting to bulge while his teeth grew sharper and a pair of horns sprouted from his head. Though initially he had more resistance being a mage now that the demon was inside of him the power spread like wildfire, turning his yellow fur black and his white fur red along with his spots. By the time they had gotten them out of the view of the public he was already almost as tall as them too as his pectorals swelled out and his abs morphed into a six-pack.

Ari and Luke set the cheetah down on his new paws as the corrupted feline looked around, a smile forming on his face as black spread through the whites of his eyes while the irises turned golden. "This body isn't too bad either," the demon said through the cheetah's mouth as he flexed an arm, watching the bicep bulge with new growth before doing down and stroking the hard cock between his tree-trunk legs. "Not as big as you two, but I don't need him for that anyway."

"Of course," Ari said, the demonic hyena and dragon bowing their heads. "What are you going to use him for then?"

"Well he did so well when it came to forming that portal that allowed me to escape," the demon mused as he licked his fangs, looking over at the university that they had just snatched their latest thrall from. "I have a few friends that would be more than willing to possess the shadows of those that are around here, all we need to do is find them a loving home once they got here..."

A Harrowing Homecoming

It was always strange to move back to one's hometown after being gone for so long, and after four years of college where he had only visited for the occasional holiday Elias almost felt like a stranger. The town itself hadn't changed, save for a...

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The Bal'Kar Blitz (10/10)

It was the typical Saturday traffic down in the tube station, though it was slightly busier than usual given the line that was next to it had been completely shut down. Those that had come from that area grumbled about how much time they had...

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The Bal'Kar Blitz (9/10)

Next to the main line a group of military personnel began their final check before beginning their search and rescue. A different squad had started running anti-terrorism drills and had decided to move over to the tube stations that were down for...

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