The Bal'Kar Blitz (10/10)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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When the Bal'Kar hop the pond from the United States and arrives in Britain those involved decide that it's time to take the takeover of humanity to the next level, starting from the ground up.

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It was the typical Saturday traffic down in the tube station, though it was slightly busier than usual given the line that was next to it had been completely shut down. Those that had come from that area grumbled about how much time they had wasted having to walk to the station while others complained about the crowding in general, but for most they were merely focused on getting to their destination as soon as possible. "You would think that without having to go to another station they would at least be on time," one man standing next to the platform said as he looked at his watch before glancing down the darkness of the tube. "C'mon, I have a meeting in like ten minutes..."

Him and the rest of those waiting let out various sighs of relief when they heard the announcement that the rail car was about to enter into the station and warning to keep behind the yellow line. Everyone watched as the car slowly eased itself into the station, but even before it came to a complete stop those that were closed to it could see something was strange about it. The windows looked like they were tinted with something green that made it hard to see in and once it had gotten into the station the doors didn't open. At first the murmurs were that it was some sort of malfunction and when there didn't appear to be any movement inside several people began to back away.

"Screw this!" the man complaining earlier said as he went up to one of the doors and put his fingers in the space between them. "I'm not going to be late because of some sort of door malfunction!" Before anyone could stop him he wrenched them open and nearly fell backwards as a torrent of bright green fluid flowed out of it and got onto the shoes of those that were standing next to him. Aside from a few shocked sounds the crowd became deathly quiet as the one who had opened the doors in the first place looked like he was about to pick himself up before something shiny and black splatted against his head.

Those closest to him could hear muffled cries coming from him as his hands went up to the mass that was on him, and when he turned around to face everyone those closest gasped and screamed in shock when they saw a pair of small, glowing green eyes in the blackness as tentacles wrapped around the head and neck of the man. At this point people began to try and push back against the crowd but as they did more people fell to the ground as more of the creatures came out of seemingly nowhere and latched onto their heads. Shock turned to panic and as the crowd tried to retreat back out through the entrance of the tube station a dozen people already had the tiny tentacle monster's wrapped around their head.

For several who had been watching from the coffee shop they still weren't sure of what was happening until the crowd began to pull backwards; all they could see were people dropping to their knees or on their backs and gripping at something. As more people pushed away from the tracks however they saw the first man that had been quivering and convulsing suddenly stopped, then slowly began to take off his coat and shirt. Those that hadn't attempted to leave already could see that the black flesh of the creature had started to spread down the neck of the man, tendrils of the corruption spiraling down his arms and chest as the seams between the creature and the one it had attacked disappeared. As those in the food court decided to abandon their lattes and join the others in their escape however they heard a loud bang as several people crashed up against the divider and broke the glass while falling inside the restaurant.

As one man went over to try and help them up he was quickly found himself with a black tentacle wrapped around his waist as those that had been coated by the extract that came from the rail car looked up at the good Samaritan with eyes that had started to glow with a green light. More tentacles sprouted from the prone figures that had gone through the glass as those inside suddenly found themselves trapped between the growing monsters and the back wall. Those that attempted to run by soon found themselves being grabbed and either being subdued by strange eye stalks that grew from the backs of the changing people or had tentacles wrapped around and shoved inside of them. The one that had gone up to help let out a loud gurgle as his tongue suddenly swelled to the point of pushing past his lips, the appendage glowing with a bright green after the one that captured him had coated him in essence while their clothing ripped from their expanding forms.

All hell had broken loose at this point as dozens of people were captured by the squishlings, the Bal'Kar babies quickly taking over anyone they could get their tentacles on. After a few minutes the one door of the train car closed and moved on to the next destination, and when that happened several adult tentacle monsters suddenly pushed in and began to capture others as well. Unlike with the babies who slowly merged with the heads of their hosts, some moving over to the wall as the latex flesh spread over it to form into pods, the big ones created more of themselves as extract began to flood the tunnel behind the rail car. Screams and shouts were being overtaken by roars as those that were unfortunate enough to be closest to the rail car when the invasion started found their bodies bulging and warping as they were turned into Bal'Kar themselves or feeder tentacles.

Meanwhile as several managed to escape from the tube station one of the men turned around and closed the shutters, locking it in place as they began to hear loud bangs from those desperately trying to escape the alien invasion happening. "What the hell are you doing?!" one of the men in front of the one securing the latch said. "You're trapping them down there!"

"Trapping the aliens too!" the first man said as he kept the rest of them from getting to what he had just secured. "Whatever is down there is going to quickly make it's way here, and I for one-"

Suddenly the sound of banging and the rattling of metal ceased, causing everyone to stop their arguing and look at the tube station entrance. As some speculated that they were already dead the initial interjector stated there was no way, they probably just tried to find another way out. When he made a move for the door the first man quickly pushed him out of the way and sent them both tumbling down onto the concrete, prompting several others to join in and try to break up the fight. On the street level several had heard the commotion and looked down to see what was going on, only to fall backwards as the metal shutter exploded outwards to reveal floor to ceiling tentacles that reached out and grabbed those on the concrete before pulling them inside. Other ones started to slither out and they managed to coil around another few people before people began to run from that, those in the subway shouting that monsters had infested the tube station.

As more Bal'Kar tentacles began to pour out from stations further down the lines where the infected rail cars had been sending the squishlings those between the stations were starting to become aware that there was chaos breaking out all over the city. The sounds of sirens could be heard in increasing frequency as rumbles could be felt underneath their feet, and while at first people started to speculate that it was some sort of bizarre earthquake the vibrations only seemed to intensify. It got to the point where cars that were driving down the road began to crash into one another as asphalt and concrete cracked, people panicking as pavement began to sink in holes that took cars, tables, and even people with them. The holes were only there for a second though before something began to push out of them and completely disrupt the weekend London traffic.

Those that were in skyscrapers or otherwise higher up could see spires of black flesh and white bones rise up from a number of different points in the city, some of them veiled by smoke from crashes that took place during their upheaval. Though the areas with tube stations were still experiencing frantic crowds everyone else just stopped what they were doing to watch. From their perches behind the glass of the building they could see something bright orange start to plume out from them, drifting down like an odd snow as the wind carried it through the streets. As they watched people start to get enveloped by the clouds more tentacles began to emerge, not just from the tube stations but the streets themselves.

But as the clouds began to grow thicker those that were watching from the skyscrapers watched in both shock and horror as the people down on the streets didn't seem to react to the fact that the landscape was becoming increasingly alien to them. Some even started to walk towards them, putting their bodies into the hollow ones that sucked them down before the bulge they created in the alien flesh while others undressed and exposed themselves to smaller ones that seemed to entice them. Those that got naked soon found themselves with their mouths, butts, or vaginas stuffed with the shiny black appendages. In one particular office that overlooked a roundabout had to look away as they watched those who had gotten penetrated start to transform immediately, black flesh forming on their bodies where it bulged it out that spread quickly as green goo leaked from them.

"We got to get out of here," one of the men in the office said as everyone else began to back away to avoid the sight of the scene below.

"Where are we going to go?" another worker, this one an older woman, said worriedly. "You saw the people on the street, whatever those things are spewing out is messing with their heads!"

There were other murmurs of disapproval and worry before the door to their office suddenly burst open, all of them turning and either fleeing or grabbing something to fight with until they realized it was one of their coworkers barging in. "Don't go... to the lobby..." he said as he took off his tattered tie and used it to try and get some of the green goo splattered on his face. "These... these tentacle creatures... they're everywhere, and black stuff is growing on the walls like mold..."

"He's in shock," the young man said as went over and braced his co-worker. "I'm going to get him to his office to clean him up, everyone else should barricade the door or something."

Like many others that were trapped in skyscrapers they tried to move up whatever they could against the doors, but already they could hear shouts and screams coming from nearby areas. Whatever was happening in the streets had moved to the buildings, and unless something happened quick they weren't sure what was going to happen next. As the minutes passed however it seemed like things had gotten quiet again and those in the office remained distant from the door they blocked and the windows they tried to figure out what to do next. Many suggested to wait for the military while others tried to think of possible escape routes from the building.

As they continued to talk however they felt the glass rattle and looked over to see several shapes streak by. "Yeah, that's what I'm talking about!" one of the co-workers said as the others started to look relieved while watching the jets fly by and disrupt the haze of orange smoke on the streets. "I'm going to check on the two and see if Doug can walk, military might not win but maybe they can hold em off enough so we can escape."

The others nodded and watched as several more jets flew past, but as one of them flew over the Thames what looked like a green bolt of lightning arced out from the street and hit the flying plane. Almost instantly it exploded and the pieces spread out into the water, causing everyone to gasp at the destruction and more green laser-like bolts went up into the air. "No... no way..." one of the women said as her hand went to her face. "What are these things?"

While people began to back away as the war in the air continued to rage several noticed that the one that had gone to check on their injured co-worker and makeshift medic was just standing in front of the door with his jaw hanging open. When several asked if he was alright the man didn't respond, but his hands did go down to the fly of his pants and unzipped it before starting to stroke his half-hard cock. Those in the office were shocked and disgusted by the sudden lewd behavior and one of them went over to get him to stop. The second he got there however he saw what had enthralled the man in the first place, his own eyes going wide as he saw the shining green eye with petals surrounding it floating in front of them.

It was attached to the one that had been attacked in the lobby, who was completely naked along with the one that had intended to help him and was thrusting his hard cock into the rear end of the other male. The corruption of the Bal'Kar had already caused the legs of the initial infected to have his legs swell, splitting into tentacles as he rammed his growing length into the expanding ass of the man beneath him. "I... I can hear them," the one stroking himself while watching his co-workers turn to monsters, the desk cracking beneath their growing bodies as more tentacles grew from their heads while the one at the door turned to those watching in fear with shiny green eyes. "They're... they're beautiful..."

The attack that had occurred that Saturday morning in London was unprecedented and by the time noon had rolled around the air was thick with spores and Bal'Kar roamed the streets. Many of the citizens that were in the tube stations or nearby had been converted by the squishlings created by the nest of Bladewolf, Benji, and the others. As soon as they matured into proper Bal'Kar they would transfer the souls of their hosts into eggs to be born anew as more squishlings as the tentacles and spires that had emerged from the city began to spread the alien infection everywhere. It wasn't long until even the biggest of the skyscrapers were infested, tendrils growing up the sides of the glass as those inside were converted by everything from the air conditioning units to the water pipes where tendrils had grown to corrupt the water. When the military intervened they were swiftly crushed as well with most giving up as soon as they entered into the spore clouds that infused them with a lust so intense that most Bal'Kar found them pleasuring themselves through their uniforms.

As the Bal'Kar continued to spread out and the landscape of London became more alien by the second there was something different going on beneath the streets. With the invasion of the city complete Benji and Bladewolf had decided to bring over some important guests to see their progress, and since they had millions of Bal'Kar now it was easy to create a means to do so. Several Bal'Kar had more than eagerly volunteered themselves to form the flesh gate that would allow others from outside the area to use the network of lust to essentially teleport themselves, the tentacle creatures that made up wall of writhing tentacles that the two stood in front of completely indistinguishable from one another. With the needed mass and energy finished the two sent out a strand of lust to the two they intended on bringing over, then stood back and watch as the alien latex began to undulate and bulge.

At first it looked like just the normal movements of the tentacles that made up the wall but as the appendages knitted together two sets of distinctive faces could be seen pushing their way out. The first was Neox, the one that had started it all being the first they invited as they saw the handsome face of their leader stretch out as he bared his teeth when he snapped the alien latex keeping his maw shut. The huge creature quickly formed out of the flesh of his breathren as he continued to draw himself out, concrete cracking as he took his newly-created basher tentacles and smashed them into the floor to pull out the rest of the way. As the last of his abdomen was formed and he was completely out of the flesh gate Neox shook the excess bio-extract that had coated him during his reformation.

"Welcome to London," the Bal'Kar shirewolf said with a smile on his face as he and Bladewolf went up and hugged the creature while getting wrapped up in Neox's tentacles. "You must see what we have done with the place."

"Looking forward to it," Neox replied through their lust connection, waggling his tongue at them before pushing it into their maws and depositing an egg inside of each of them. "Tell me, why are you in your guise forms? This should be a time to be free."

"The path we wish to bring you on is rather narrow unfortunately," Bladewolf replied once he had swallowed his egg, hiding it with the others inside him as they were brought back down to their feet. "Once we are outside we'll be able to change back, don't you worry."

The Bal'Kar in front of them nodded and quickly began to shrink, fur forming over his body as his tentacles compressed themselves to go back into his guise form. It didn't take long until there were a border collie standing there looking at them, the smile still on his face. Just as Neox was about to ask when they would leave a second bulge formed in the rubber tentacle wall as another Bal'Kar head formed from the shiny surface. Even though Neox and the others already knew who this was they could tell from the second the saber teeth formed that it was the other invited guest, Serathin forming his body just like the other Bal'Kar had until he was standing before them.

After another exchange of eggs the draconic sabrewolf also reverted back to his guise form and together the four started to walk up the stairs towards the surface. "The flesh gate to Starpoint is almost complete," Serathin reported while they walked. "Finally we have a connection to the two continents so we don't have to rely on such rudimentary transportation anymore. What about you Neox?"

"Gola and I are standing by currently," Neox replied. "With the downfall of London it's time to convert the rest of the world, starting with our respective cities. You're not going to stay at Starpoint, are you Serathin?"

"Of course not," Serathin replied with a laugh. "I've been meaning to visit Las Vegas for some time now, looks like I'll get that chance now. Between the pretty lights and our extract I can only imagine how pretty the nest will look once we're done with it."

When the four got up from the abandoned tube station to the surface level they were met with a sight that filled the alien creatures with joy. Night had fallen over the city and instead of the usual harsh electric lights that filled the sky there was the pleasant green glow of bio-extract pools that dotted the abandoned city streets. Cars and trucks had been broken down and reverted in order to clean out the streets for tentacles and extract to be on display, some even being drawn up into translucent latex globes in order to create a street-light effect. Only a few vestiges of the skyscrapers could be seen anymore as the towering structures of human's creation were replaced with massive tentacles that curled around one another in a completely organic design.

With the threat of being crushed by one another in the tunnels no longer a thing all four of them allowed their tentacles to stretch out once more, feeling their connection to the infested city deepen as they spread their feelers through the corrupted ground beneath them. Though there were dozens of other Bal'Kar that roamed the streets they didn't have to worry about collapsing the ground beneath them as those that were working to build the nest had already reinforced most of the underground with their own alien flesh. Everywhere they looked there was only the touch of the Bal'Kar as the night sky above them was occasionally obscured by lingering clouds of spores that remained in the area.

"From what we could gather our spore clouds drifted over a significant section of the mainland," Benji reported through lust, the others chittering as their tentacles shuddered from the pleasure. "It affected a far greater area then we had initially expected and there are still those coming in from the surrounding townships to be converted. We've also got a lot of eggs being produced... in a few days we probably will have enough to run through most of Europe."

"I'm sure Dr. Sarcov and the others aren't going to take too kindly to this," Serathin replied, feeling a tremor of anger go through every creature in the area upon the mention of that name. "We took them by surprise here and it's likely we'll do the same in our respective areas, but that means that they know containment is no longer an option."

"Let them attack then," Neox replied as he stretched out his tentacles, wrapping them around the other three. "I've already sent word to Gola and they've begun the infestation, soon another city will fall to us just like London has."

"I'm having all the Bal'Kar at Starpoint move through the tunnels we created to get to Las Vegas," Serathin replied as he pushed his tentacle tongue into the maw of the one next to him. "They will be their shortly without the military knowing that we left the station."

"Then it has truly begun," Neox said simply. "The age of mankind is over, soon this planet and all that inhabit it will be Bal'Kar"

A cacophony of chittering came up that was almost deafening as every Bal'Kar in the city joined in to celebrate. As they did they took note of the electronic television screen that they hadn't destroyed yet, watching as a breaking news bulletin was being shown about the invasion taking place. There was no doubt that humanity would probably attempt to prepare itself to remain the weak, inferior race that it was, but if London was any example it wouldn't be long before every major city on the continent was infested. Already other Bal'Kar that had been preparing besides them were moving in on their respective areas, adding to the already impressive number of alien creatures that now resided in the world.

But as metahumanity panicked it would make no difference for them, not with all the new creatures that had been added to the web of lust that connected all of their minds. With millions of new Bal'Kar being added in sheer presence of so many others was causing multiple creatures to have orgasms. Everywhere in London eggs were being exchanged, breeder cocks were being pushed into abdomens and tentacles were coiling and penetrating everywhere. In certain places the ground couldn't even been seen with so many monsters copulating with one another to the point where the rivers passing through the city began to become tinted with green.

Even though there was still much more to be done for Benji and Bladewolf it felt like the reward for the journey they had been on, the two Bal'Kar wrapping their tentacles around one another. As they felt their alien flesh knit together they found the other two next to them doing the same, both sets merging together so that they could mingle their lusts and share in their experience together. That was what being the Bal'Kar was all about after all, connected with unadulterated lust as the two felt their tongues becoming one and drawing their heads closer together. The others in the area could feel the intense vibrations coming from them and that only served to cause more rampant sex to happen in the city, which all came back to them as cock and abdomen fused together so they could enjoy being in one another's bodies all night long...

When the sun rose once more the streets ran green with extract and it was clear that no metahuman was left in the city, and with so many Bal'Kar in one area their roots had already started to spread over the rest of the island as well as start heading towards the mainland of Europe. More reports had come in about a city in Canada and the United States becoming infested with the strange tentacles creatures as well, but that didn't matter at all to those that were inside the city limits of former London. By this point the alien tentacles and bio-extract had seeped so much into the city itself that the landscape had begun to warp and undulate from the sheer amount of alien material on top of it.

Had many Bal'Kar not converted the skyscrapers that were now completely transformed into alien spires they would have collapsed, and some buildings that were less reinforced had already done so. Those that roamed the area didn't care however, in fact it made it easier for them to terraform the landscape how they wished. Though Neox and Serathin had continued to stay until the sun rose they had to get back to their respective nests, especially since those on the other side of the ocean had created flesh gates for the two of them to warp through. After the draconic sabrewolf had said farewell to a few familiar faces, greeting Newlyn along with a particularly egg-swollen Chaos that couldn't even get back to his husky form, the two left Bladewolf and Benji and went back to their respective nests.

"So, what do we do now?" Benji asked once they had gotten back out onto the city streets, the two of them deciding to remain in their guise forms for the moment even as they watched several Bal'Kar slithering their way down the London city street.

"We have millions of Bal'Kar making millions of eggs," Bladewolf replied with a wry grin. "Until they're ready we need to protect the nest and make sure the military doesn't manage to hit us where it hurts. The underground is already reinforced and we have constant lookouts to shoot anything that might come our way, until then we just get to bask in the lust that we have created."

"Sounds like a plan to me," Benji replied, the Shirewolf smiling back. "It's too bad that we can't do what we did here to the rest of the cities, it was a lot of fun to catch everyone by surprise."

"Very true," the wolf stated with a laugh of his own. "But the we had fun with this Bal'Kar blitz when we could, and it doesn't mean that we can't still have a few tricks up our sleeve. They think that the shoddy barrier they put in the stations between here and France are going to hold us back after all."

The two laughed at that and then turned to watch the sun rise, the normally golden glow coming over the horizon during a brilliant green as it reflected off the bio-extract that saturated the landscape. Just like all the others they knew soon this would be the same scene wherever they went, the oceans turning green with extract as the landscape grew with the same black and green vegetation that was sprouting all over the city. Entire valleys would be filled with bio-extract and in those valleys the eggs of countless Bal'Kar would sit and incubate, ready to be hatched. Though they didn't quite know it taking over the planet was merely the first step of the Bal'Kar... there were far more places that they could reach then just this world after all...

The Bal'Kar Blitz (9/10)

Next to the main line a group of military personnel began their final check before beginning their search and rescue. A different squad had started running anti-terrorism drills and had decided to move over to the tube stations that were down for...

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The Bal'Kar Blitz (8/10)

Benji whistled to himself as he made his way over towards another section of the abandoned tube station that they had made into their nest, seeing all the other Bal'Kar hard at work molding everything for their eventual siege of London. One thing...

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The Bal'Kar Blitz (7/10)

There was a lot of grumbling that could be heard in the tube station that Takum and Solar were standing on, though the crowd was relatively thin with only a few people besides them waiting for the train. Ever since the last two tube stations were...

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