The Bal'Kar Blitz (8/10)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#8 of The Bal'Kar Blitz

When the Bal'Kar hop the pond from the United States and arrives in Britain those involved decide that it's time to take the takeover of humanity to the next level, starting from the ground up.

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Benji whistled to himself as he made his way over towards another section of the abandoned tube station that they had made into their nest, seeing all the other Bal'Kar hard at work molding everything for their eventual siege of London. One thing in particular that the shire wolf had wanted to make sure they had was a means for Neox and the others to come and see their work, especially since it would kick off the campaign to finally take over the entire planet. For that to happen though they needed a more efficient means of transportation rather than attempting to smuggle people uncomfortable over a long flight. Fortunately through the network of lust that connected each of them there was no need for such things once they had gained enough power, especially with so many new Bal'Kar willing to form into the wall of glistening black flesh that wiggled and writhed on the subway tunnel.

"How goes progress?" Benji asked with a chitter, looking at the snow leopard and husky that were standing on the scaffolding in their guise forms as well so they could fit. "Everything going to plan?"

"Everything going swimmingly so far," Newlyn replied as he and Chaos gave him a big grin. "With a few more added to the mix I'm sure we can start getting people through the gate. Why, is there something that you need?"

"Well we have two that have been asking me if they could come and help things out over here," Benji explained. "Since they're both rather capable hunters I figured I could use them to help with our surface infestation. I'll tell them of your progress and let them know that we're almost ready."

"Let me guess... is it Vene and Furian?" Newlyn replied, the shirewolf looking at him in surprise as he nodded. "Yeah, we could feel their vibrations of lust starting the second we began construction of the flesh portal. Now Chaos and I had been planning on giving it a little test ourselves, so... if they want to come now I don't think either of us would mind them having these forms, right Chaos?"

"Of course Master Newlyn!" Chaos replied excitedly. "Both of them are quite venerable and it would be an honor for them to have our bodies, plus there's really nothing we can do with the gate but supervise so we probably would have reached out to you for more work anyway."

Benji nodded, practically smiling from ear to ear as the three made their way back down to the station floor. While transposition from one Bal'Kar body to another was certainly possible it was a slightly more drawn out process and only doable on a one-to-one ratio. With the flesh portal still under construction however it appeared that both were willing to do so in order to get the two insistent Bal'Kar to come over to London, not to mention the experience itself was incredibly pleasurable. Though it was normally done with the receiving Bal'Kar already in their original forms both Newlyn and Chaos decided to have a little fun and have the two come over while they were still disguised as their former selves.

The second that they let the two know about what the plans were both Newlyn and Chaos let out a moan as they felt the lust of an additional presence transferring over to them. For Chaos he began to see his left arm ripple and swell, his fingers melting together as his forearms and biceps inflated like it was balloon. With the additional Bal'Kar inside of him Chaos's guise form was quickly starting to slip as well, though when his face began to turn black he found his eyes starting to grow until they were merged together. He realized he was starting to turn into the controller tentacle for Vene as a pair of eyes opened on his massively swollen hand and where his fingers had merged and stretched teeth began to grow while a small row of spikes pushed out of his palm.

For Newlyn though the snow leopard's cries of pleasure only increased as Furian had elected to take a different route, the already black cock of the feline swelling with so much growth that it brought him to his knees. As the tip stretched out into the mouth of the Bal'Kar possessing him a pair of horns began to grow from the head of his mutating member. He eventually fell backwards after the pleasure was too much for him as his cock lengthened, forming into the neck as he briefly felt two members when Furian's slurper tongue formed.

Certainly have to give him points for creativity, Benji mused as he saw a pair of green glowing eyes form from the massive cock that had been Newlyn's. Furian wasn't done with him yet though and as his feet turned white and merged into the massive spikes of his bashers Newlyn began to feel something pushing out of his mouth. At first he thought it was his slurper but as it turned black and stretched out his lips he realized that it was Furian's actual breeder cock forming from his maw. By that point though Newlyn was losing connection with his form as the other Bal'Kar took over, his consciousness sliding into the hive network as the black rubber flesh sealed his eyes and nose while his face disappeared into a mass of tentacles.

With Vene going a more straightforward route the arm of the husky continued to thicken as it became the head of the creature, another controller tentacle joining the one that Chaos' head was morphing into as his flesh stretched out into petals. Much like with a normal reversion, tentacles began to push out of his body as his fur melted and turned black while his form exploded with growth. Eventually the husky joined the snow leopard in the network itself as Vene's body continued to manifest, tailhole spreading out into a typical Bal'Kar abdomen while another basher grew out to join the one that his other hand had formed. Soon there were once again two Bal'Kar standing in front of Benji, but as they reverted back to their guise forms they were a thickly muscled werewolf on one side with an eastern dragon on the other.

"Wow, how many eggs did Newlyn fill Chaos with before they let us have these bodies?" Vene said as he saw the notable swell in the thick blue fur of his stomach just over his still black Bal'Kar cock. "Think I could put a few of these back in you so they're not weighing me down?"

"Of course," Furian replied with a chuckle, raising his tail in the air and letting the eastern dragon step up behind him while looking at Benji. "Pleasure to be here Benji, been looking forward to this for a while. We're here to help in any way we can."

"I'm glad to hear that," Benji stated, watching as Vene put his cock into the tailhole of the werewolf as the shaft immediately began to bulge with eggs. "The reason I'm really glad Newlyn and Chaos let you guys do this is because I could really use your help with something. As I'm sure you've heard by now our takeover is going smoothly, but since this a major city we have had a few blips on the radar more than I would have liked."

"So what do you need us to do then?" Vene asked while continuing to thrust forward as his stomach shrank down until it was flat as Furian's did so briefly before he tucked them away. "Take over the security office?"

The shirewolf shook his head. "No, we already dealt with that," Benji explained, shivering as he felt the lust of the two sharing eggs as they almost finished up. "But we believe that before we did the police may have gotten a tip of something going on down here. Now I doubt that they kicked up too much of a fuss over it, but I would rather make sure that if things start going down they don't have someone with a button already on the panic button."

"I see what you're saying," Furian said, letting out a growl as he felt Vene pull out of him as his entire guise form rippled. "Since you wanted us I'm guessing that a little pre-invasion blitz is in order?"

"You read my mind," Benji replied with a smirk of his own. "Take whatever resources you need, but when this thing goes down I want to make sure they're on our side..."

The next dawn the street lights of the police station that sat near the once abandoned tube station flickered off, a new day approaching for the men and woman inside the building as they started to filter in for their shift. For the first hour of the day it was the night and day shift talking to one another about what had happened the previous night and any ongoing reports they needed to keep track of. Though their area wasn't exactly busy they were in London, which meant keeping vigilant of the day's activities of the busy city area. Fortunately with it being so early none of the officers usually had to worry about doing anything ongoing while they had their meetings, but they would occasionally get someone that walked in from the street.

Today the ocelot receptionist looked up to see a very large werewolf and dragon man standing there looking at them. "Hello there," Vene said with a wide smile. "I would like to report a crime."

"Oh, I see," the feline officer said. "Unfortunately everyone is currently in a meeting, but if you wouldn't mind waiting over there in one of those seats I'm sure we can get you someone as soon as they're done."

"Ah... so you're the only one up here I can talk to then?" Vene replied.

"For the moment yes," the ocelot replied with a slightly embarrassed smile. "Bad timing I'm afraid."

"I beg to differ," Vene stated, his eyes flashing green before leaping over and tackling the other man onto the floor. At the same time Furian hopped over as well and looked around to see if there was anyone else there that had seen them. It appeared that the act was unseen and as he looked up at the cameras that looked over the office it was clear the dispatcher was at the meeting as well just like they had saw when they scouted the place.

When Furian came back to the front desk Vene was already back on his feet, the ocelot laying there with a trail of slime down his muzzle and a pronounced tent in his pants. "Shouldn't transform for a little while yet," Vene said as Furian picked up the stunned feline and moved him towards one of the empty offices. "A shame we can't go hog wild here, but I doubt it would be business as normal if we slimed up the place."

"At least up here," Furian said with a grin as he looked at the clock on the counter. "Not much time left, I'll take the day shift and you can have the night watch."

"Sounds good to me," Vene replied. "I'll spore the vents to soften them all up."

The two nodded and took their separate paths when they got to the stairwell, neither of them looking back as the ocelot began to twitch and his increasingly green tongue pushed out past his lips...

Up in the meeting room a dozen officers were sitting and paying attention to the lion man that was up front giving the orders for the day. Furian carefully stalked his way over towards the door and carefully leaned in while crouching down to get an assessment. From the sound of it they were nearly finished... which meant that he would lose the chance to get them all in the same room and prevent any of them from setting off an alarm. Fortunately for him his guise form came with a little something extra as he concentrated and thin, shiny black tentacles began to emerge from his furry back before slithering inside of the room.

Meanwhile the sergeant continued to rattle off the list of daily announcements, glancing up occasionally to see the other officers still listening intently. While not the most fun part of his day it was at least quick, reading off the report sheet he had gotten from the night watch before getting to assignments. Strangely as the briefing was coming to a close he had started to feel a heat in the room that had not been there before, something that had caused him to trip up once or twice as he suddenly became flush with an arousal that had never happened before. It got to the point where he was glad for the podium as he started to go through names and assignments.

As he called out the name of one of the officers in the back he was suddenly greeted with no response, prompting him to stop and look up. Since he had already done roll he knew that everyone was there, and as he looked at the horse man that was sitting there he had a glassy-eyed look to his face and appeared to be breathing heavily though his nostrils. "Hey, you alright over there?" the lion asked, the other two rows of four looking back to see all four of the back row looked like they were in some sort of distress as the horse continued to not open his mouth. "What's going on back there, spill it right now!"

The next second the horse opened his mouth and a flood of translucent green ooze came out of his maw, prompting those on the opposite side of it to try and back away. As soon as they stood up the tentacles that had been lying in wait struck, pushing into their pants just like he had done with the back row and pushed up into their tailholes and pussies. The lion and the front row of officers gasped in shock, but as those in front attempted to get out of their chairs they were surprised to find that they had a surprise waiting for them in the form of a tentacle or two binding their legs to the chair and causing a tigress to fall over just in time to have one shove itself into her maw. Only the sergeant remained untethered at that point as the sound of uniforms ripping could be heard.

"Hope you don't mind," Furian said as he stepped in front of the only door frame the room had, smirking as those that he had pumped full of extract first in the back row started to transform. "I thought I would take over the meeting... and all your officers." With their job done Furian pulled the tentacles from the back row as they began to leak more bio-extract, some of them jerking off their growing cocks while tentacles erupted from their bodies. As the lion stepped behind the podium with an angry look on his face the tigress that was sucking on one of them pulled her uniform top off as her breasts expanded while a bulge began to form in front of her pants just like any other woman while the men's increased in size.

Not wanting to go down without a fight the lion charged the werewolf, but though he was a rather fit and muscular dude himself the combination of the arousal from the spores being pumped into the room and the augmented physiology of the one he was fighting made his struggle short-lived. "I like you," Furian said with an evil grin once he had pinned the lion down, the feline's face contorting in horror as the lupine muzzle staring down at him began to flatten and grow while the eyes of the werewolf turned completely green. "I think I'll keep you for later..."

Those last words deepened in pitch as Furian let his true form fill out, ripping the uniform off of the lion as he did so. As he looked inside the squad room the other officers were actively having sex with one another as their bodies shifted, fur and scales turning black while their eyes became green. The transforming werewolf was grateful they were on the ground floor from the additional weight as more tentacles began to emerge from those inside, the only thing he could hope was that they had additional uniforms once they turned back to their guises to carry on the rouse until the actual invasion. But... as his thick, phallic tongue slithered out and over the naked, heavily aroused lion beneath him he figured that they could function without their sergeant for a few days.

As the lion felt the mutated tongue wrap around his waist and start to lift him up his head was swimming in a fog of lust that made it hard to have any kind of thought. The only thing he could think of was the stimulation of his body, especially as he looked up and saw four eyes looking down at him. As Furian's controllers helped relax the lion even further he began to coil his tongue even more, taking the tip and pushing it down into the lion's throat. The look of pure ecstasy on his face was almost as good as the tidal wave of lust coming from the room that was increasingly filling with even more slimy black appendages, but Furian wasn't going to let that be the lion's fate quite yet.

What managed to lift the sergeant above the haze of pure pleasure was the feeling of something slick against his feet, looking down to see his legs disappearing into the gullet of the huge mutant werewolf beneath him. Furian squirmed as the lion began to squirm, making this all the more enjoyable as he pulled him down inside. As the lion was being swallowed whole the Bal'Kar began to think of what to do with this one... maybe make him a feeder? Or just soak him so long in the power of his controllers that he wouldn't be able to move a single step without needing the embrace of his tentacles.

Either way that was for later to decide as the head of the lion disappeared, his body still forming an outline in the Bal'Kar's throat as Furian gulped him down. While he would have to remain in that form until he did do something with him he knew there was at least something to do to pass the time while waiting for Vene. Already several tentacles had pushed out from the cracking doorframe and had pushed into his abdomen as well as coiled around his cock, the newest Bal'Kar eager to welcome him to the fold. Furian was more than happy to oblige as he was dragged in while his body slid on the growing pool of extract forming in the hall...

Meanwhile the night shift had finished filling out their reports and were in the break room waiting to clock out for the night. "Another exciting night in the books," the wolf said sarcastically as he stirred the cup of coffee that was one of many keeping him awake while the other three officers sat there. "You'd think that with what was going on in the tube station there would at least be something exciting going on."

"No longer in our paygrade," the tiger man replied as he sipped from his own cup. "A shame, would have been the first interesting thing to happen to our little slice of the city."

As the others continued to converse the door to the break room opened and they saw the last member of their night shift, a husky man that acted as their dispatcher come in. At first it didn't seem like anything but as the wolf watched him something about him seemed... different. There was a goofy grin on his face and his eyes were glazed like he was doing drugs, though that would be the dumbest thing anyone could do. He also had his shirt untucked and his movements seemed stiff as he made his way to the opposite side of the break room.

"What's going on with you?" the bull officer that was the biggest of the five of them said as he noticed the strange behavior as well. "Did you get laid or something while you were in the bathroom?"

For a moment the canine said nothing, but then his grin grew wider. "Something even better," the husky stated. "Someone gave me a gift."

"Oh?" the tiger spoke up, all of them looking at him now as he stood there. "Secret admirer or something? What did you get?"

"Take a look for yourself," the husky replied, suddenly starting to unbutton his uniform. The others in the room glanced at one another in confusion as he took it off, then his undershirt. As he stood there half-naked no one could understand what was going on, but then the bull pointed out a large lump just above the waistband of his pants. "Yep, you got it."

"Uh... what the hell is that?" the bull said as the wolf stood up while looking at the protrusion.

"An egg," the husky replied as his hands rubbed against the bump. "I can feel it inside me, and its so good." As the wolf came up close to look at it he suddenly found the green eyes of the husky looking at him. "I bet you want one yourself, don't you?"

"I..." The wolf was about to say no, but as he continued to look over it he suddenly found himself nodding despite what he was saying to himself in his brain. "I do..."

"I thought you might," the husky said with a chuckle, the wolf balking when he saw the other man opening up his uniform pants. "You can have one, I have spares already growing inside of me. I'm sure the others won't mind if you go first."

The wolf officer could feel his eye twitching as he saw the husky's pants fall to the ground, his briefs hiding a surprisingly large bulge. Why was he doing this, he thought to himself as he slowly began to lower down to his knees, why did he want an egg so bad? He wasn't even gay but at the moment the only thing he could think about was that cock in his mouth as his fingers curled around the band and allowed the thick, shiny black member to flop out. This wasn't happening, the wolf thought as he found his fingers wrapping around it, why was he doing this, and why hadn't anyone stopped him?

In a moment of clarity the wolf looked back to try and figure out what was going on, only for his eyes to widen at what he saw. Standing behind the remaining three officers was someone he had never seen before, and as the blue-furred eastern dragon took the bull and bent him over the table there were two large tentacles with eyes on them attached to his back that was looking around. The tiger and the other officer were practically masturbating one another as well, their own pants around their ankles as one of the two tentacles was staring straight at them. The other one... the other one was looking over at him as he heard a voice in his mind whisper for him to accept it.

Just as he saw the dragon's cock sink into the bigger bull's tailhole the wolf's head was suddenly turned back around. The egg... he needed the egg, and as that mantra played in his mind he took the entire shaft and pushed it down into his own muzzle. At first he gagged but as he felt something drip into his throat he quickly found himself able to take more and more of it despite it being his first time. He felt the hands of the husky press against his head and as it began to push down into his throat he could see the white fur of the canine's stomach begin to darken. By the time he was hilted, feeling like the head of the still thickening member was in his chest, his nose bumped against black rubber flesh.

Though he couldn't see it he could hear the loud bang as the two officers that had been left out were starting to go at it, the tiger plunging his cock into the pussy of the woman that he straddled on the table while the dragon continued to pound into the bull in the same fashion. With Vene already inside the officer his transformation was starting to progress rapidly, already seeing the shirt still on his body bulging out as new growth thickened his form and tentacles sprouted while a bright green tongue started to emerge from his muzzle. For the wolf though his focus was completely on the egg even as the rear end and tail of the husky began to bloat out and turn black while his own muzzle started to do the same. It didn't take long for the lupine officer to suddenly feel his jaws stretch out even more as an object slid down the Bal'Kar member inside him as his throat and chest bulged before it finally settled in his stomach.

The most intense relief hit the wolf and he orgasmed right there, lying back while holding his stomach as the egg settled inside of him. As his mind began to grow clearer he knew they weren't the only recipients either, not only was the bull getting several pushed into his growing stomach but they could sense the corruption of the others in the meeting room. Soon they could fill this entire break room with eggs, the wolf thought excitedly as his eyes began to shift to the same green color as the husky and the bull. But as the controller tentacle and the dragon it belonged to motioned over to the two remaining officers they knew that there were still two remaining in this room that didn't have anything inside them... yet.

Vene watched with a broad grin on his face as the husky and wolf went over to the other two officers and had them stand up, all four so inundated with the lust of the Bal'Kar that they practically leapt to their feet and allowed the other two to push into their exposed rear ends. Though the dragon wanted nothing more than to join them in their increasingly intense orgy he knew there was more work to be done, namely to meet back up with Furian and search the place now that they had taken it over. He allowed his controller tentacles to linger for a bit and soak up the pleasure that came from the officers as the spore spire began to push out of the bull's heavily bloated body, Vene giving him a pat on the butt that was growing into an abdomen as his weight caused the table to crash to the floor.

When Vene walked back down to the first floor he already saw Furian in the main office looking through files, a half-naked ocelot Bal'Kar getting dressed again after ripping the last one from being infected. "We should have come to help here sooner," the werewolf said with a smirk before motioning with one of his back tentacles towards the nearby computer. "Why don't you take a look at their computer files while I continue searching here."

Vene nodded and stood there as he moved the mouse to find that someone had already logged into it. Though he could have just searched the minds of the recently assimilated he was glad he didn't have to in order to speed things along as he read through case reports and e-mails. About an hour passed and as they sat there they could see that there were others that started to walk into the station, but fortunately by this point the entire squad had managed to reset their guises and get dressed once more. While the two had a funny feeling that they might claim a few more Bal'Kar before the blitz happens they seemed to be in control of themselves as they continued the search.

"Found it," Vene said, Furian putting down the report he had been reading and moved over to look at the screen. "Several instances of unusual activity in the tube station and a few missing persons reports. Considering the scope of what's happening here I'm actually pretty impressed, Benji and Bladewolf managed to cover their tracks pretty well."

"Figuratively and literally," Furian replied with a smirk, Vene rolling his eyes as they continued to scroll down the file. "Wait, what's that?"

The werewolf pointed to a code that was put in the resolution box of the file, and after sending out a few strands of lust in inquiry to the other officers they quickly got their answer. "Well so much for keeping calm and carrying on," Vene said with a sigh as they send a message through the network to Benji. "Let's see if we can find any more information on this, they're going to need everything they can get."

Meanwhile back down in the abandoned subway station Benji frowned as he got the news sent to him by the other Bal'Kar, looking over to Bladewolf to see the same look of concern. As it radiated out through the nest the message was extremely clear; there was a military presence that was being sent to investigate what was happening down in these tunnels and that there would be a scout team coming at any moment in order to figure it out. It was not the attention that he wanted at the moment but all those involved knew it couldn't be helped, and the fact that they were at least ahead enough not to be caught by surprise was a small consolation. Benji and the others immediately began to advance their infestation of the tunnels they had claimed, getting ready to spot when they would get here as early as possible...

The Bal'Kar Blitz (9/10)

Next to the main line a group of military personnel began their final check before beginning their search and rescue. A different squad had started running anti-terrorism drills and had decided to move over to the tube stations that were down for...

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The Bal'Kar Blitz (7/10)

There was a lot of grumbling that could be heard in the tube station that Takum and Solar were standing on, though the crowd was relatively thin with only a few people besides them waiting for the train. Ever since the last two tube stations were...

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The Bal'Kar Blitz (6/10)

"Officials say that the cause of a second tube station malfunction is similar in nature to the first one and that there is no word yet of when they will be reopened," the wolfess reading the news said as those in the coffee shop watched with varying...

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