The Bal'Kar Blitz (7/10)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#7 of The Bal'Kar Blitz

When the Bal'Kar hop the pond from the United States and arrives in Britain those involved decide that it's time to take the takeover of humanity to the next level, starting from the ground up.

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There was a lot of grumbling that could be heard in the tube station that Takum and Solar were standing on, though the crowd was relatively thin with only a few people besides them waiting for the train. Ever since the last two tube stations were shut down on the line this was the only one left before they hit a main branch, which prompted most people to just go to the branch station rather then waiting for the train to make the one stop here. The tube authorities had also cut the number times that there were pick-ups from the platform since they were only servicing one station, another reason that people were opting to just walk to their next destination. For the fennec and grey fox however time was not an issue; they were heading out of the city for a vacation and were enjoying a cup of tea together while watching the few that waited for the train to come in.

"Do you really think it's true?" Solar asked, the red-furred fennec's large ears twitching slightly as a cobra man with a briefcase passed by them with a paper under his arm. "That the tube tunnel branches are all about to get decommissioned because of this problem that shut the other two down?"

"If that's the case we'll probably see other areas getting worked on really soon," Takum replied as he set down his cup. "I can't imagine what's going to happen if they have to shut anything down for the summer months, especially if any of them happen to be the main lines. Makes me glad we're heading out for a few weeks."

The two grinned at one another as their conversation went back to the discussion of what they were going to do once they managed to get out of London, only to stop again when they saw the lights flickering overhead. The six people on the station looked up as well and the murmuring that had been in the background was now growing to full-fledged grumbling as the lights flickered once more before going out completely. An announcement went out over the loudspeaker that told everyone in the station to remain calm and that the problem would be resolved shortly. A few seconds later the entire area went from black to red as the emergency lights kicked in and illuminated the tube station.

"Well, it appears we'll be walking to the branch station after all," Takum stated with a sigh as he finished off his tea and stood up. "If we hurry then perhaps we can reach the next station and catch an earlier train... out of here..." the fox trailed off as both he and everyone else in the platform saw something like glowing orange dust drifting from the side of the tunnel that had the shut down stations. "What on earth is that?"

The conversation between those on the station died down as they all watched the tiny lights float in, almost looking like fireflies as several of the more adventurous walked closer to try and see what the origin of them were. As Solar and Takum stepped forward to join the crowd they saw it wasn't just the tunnel that had the strange particles coming out of them, seeing them pouring out of the air vents as well. Soon the air of the entire station had clouds of this orange dust floating over them as they looked in awe as the swirling display above them. It was almost hypnotic in nature and as several of the larger specs began to float downwards a sudden shout from the cobra caused them all to turn to the commuter.

"There's something leaking from the other tunnel!" the serpent said as he knelt down to look at the tracks, the others also able to see a green glow coming from the darkness. "It looks like some sort of ooze, I'd say it was nuclear waste but that would be crazy." As the others watched the orange dust that was in the air seemed to gravitate down towards him, the cobra absentmindedly trying to brush it off of the scales of his head before he suddenly dropped his briefcase and began to reach down. "I think... I have to touch it..."

"I don't think it would be smart to touch something you described as radioactive waste man," another commuter, this one a horse, stated as he walked forward onto gasp when the orange cloud swirled around him and cause him to breathe in a bunch of it. The same started to happened to the others who were in the increasingly thick cloud as well, only Takum and Solar were out of the range of it at the moment as they remained in the shelter of the small café they had gotten their drinks in. To their surprise the two watched as the horse that had been telling the cobra to get away from the station started to take off his clothes right there on the platform, though their attention was caught even more by the cobra that had started to shout and hiss.

It quickly became apparent that the cobra commuter had not taken the advice of the horse and had somehow managed to get his entire arm covered in the glowing, semi-translucent ooze, and as he held it up into the air the red scales of his arm started to darken as his fingers popped and deformed. At first they thought that his arm was melting, but as they watched the cobra start to lick the goo off of his arm they saw it was actually swelling with growth as the appendage started to look like something else entirely. "I think it's time to go," Takum said as he grabbed Solar by the arm and looked towards the station stairs as the cobra's tongue started to stretch and glow to coil around his increasingly mutated tentacle arm. "Now!"

Solar and Takum ducked down low to avoid the spore cloud that was still drifting in their direction, trying to avoid what had caused the others to completely strip down as they saw the horse, who sported an erection he was actively stroking, head straight towards the transforming cobra with a look of pure lust in his eyes. By this point the serpentine creature's entire left side of his body looked swollen and black, the arm he had dipped in the goo twice as big as the rest of his form as he turned his attention towards the male approaching him. Though the two continued to make progress towards the station they couldn't help but watch as the cobra took his new tentacle tongue and plunged it into the maw of the horse, whose fell to his knees stroking his cock as the cobra's shifted and grew prehensile in nature to join in the equine's muzzle.

This only spurred the two on quicker to reach the stairs, nearly on the floor by the time they got there to avoid the orange swirls that were being increasingly spread by those in the station that were heading towards the horse and cobra. Thankfully it appeared the air coming in from the tube entrance had kept the cloud at bay for the moment and allowed them to reach a clear area of the station where it had not gotten yet. When they finally felt a bit safe feeling the breeze that came from the stairwell they took a chance to look back and see what was happening, only to wish that they hadn't. Both the cobra and horse had continued their mutations into what looked like alien tentacle monsters, though it was hard to distinguish who was who as they wrapped their new limbs around one another, while the other commuters drifted towards the glowing green goo that was now leaking not only from the tunnel itself but the vents too. They didn't seem fazed by the transformation happening right in front of them, in fact several drifted towards them instead as the others jumped right into the substance in order to become completely immersed in it.

"It's always fun to watch what happens when you show a glimpse of the future that you are offering to people," a voice said from further up in the tube entrance, the fox and fennec spinning around to see a naked snow leopard with glowing green eyes smiling down at them. "It appears that we've run into a few problems with the ventilation system, but this was merely a test anyway. I can't wait to see what happens the first time a train runs through a station this heavily inundated with our spores."

"Spores?" Solar asked as he looked back at the orange cloud that had started to wash up against the bottom of the stairs they were on like waves on a beach. "That orange dust..."

"A rather effective means of spreading in a closed environment such as this," the creature said as he took a step down the stairs, prompting the two to do so as well. Though it was just one guy it was clear he wasn't just a snow leopard as he continued to grin down at them. "But as I mentioned its not entirely fool-proof... yet, this was quite the fruitful experiment though. It's just good that I was here to stand guard in case we couldn't infect the entire station at once so that we didn't miss anyone."

It was clear who the snow leopard meant by that as he took another step towards them, and as the two were about to once more back away they stopped when they saw the spores had gotten close to the stairs they were on. "Hey, we don't have to tell anyone anything about this," Takum said as he continued to hold Solar. "If you just let us go then we will pretend like this never happened and you can keep doing what you're doing."

The snow leopard chuckled at that, both the fennec and grey fox shrinking slightly as they watched his fingers curl around the railings as they lengthened and turned black. "We're not worried about you telling anyone," the creature said. "I doubt that anyone would believe you anyway, and those that would are already on our side. But since you already know of what's going on we really think that you two should stick around and enjoy yourselves... after all, you will get to be the first of this city to join the Bal'Kar in all their glory.

"Bal'Kar..." Solar repeated, suddenly having a moment of realization. "I remember hearing something about the Bal'Kar, it was on the internet. Something about tentacle monsters in North America."

"Yes, we've hopped the pond so to speak," the snow leopard said. "I'm Newlyn by the way, figure may as well know the one that is converting you... unless you would like to join the others that have enjoyed our gifts."

Newlyn motioned with his altered hand back towards the station, and though the two were fairly far up on the stairs they could still see what was happening. With the red lights and thick cloud of orange spores it was like watching some sort of monster movie, their jaws dropping as the commuters they had seen only minutes ago were replaced with slimy tentacle creatures that were writhing and slithering over one another. The transformation was so dramatic that they couldn't tell which was which for any of them, their features replaced with black rubbery skin and glowing green bio-extract that had started to pool around them. Though it was hard to tell what was what it was very clear they were all doing something of a very lewd nature that cause both to feel a tinge of embarrassment that cut through the fear they were experiencing.

"So those are Bal'Kar," Takum stated as they continued to watch.

"They are indeed," Newlyn said, putting his arms around their shoulders and causing them to jump slightly when they realized the snow leopard had closed the distance between the two of them while they were busy watching the others. "Soon you will be too, in fact all you have to do is take that first step and you could join them very easily..."

"That's all it takes to transform?" Solar asked nervously as he looked down at spores that were almost at their feet now, the air of the station so saturated with them it was becoming increasingly hard to see the monsters that dwelled within.

"Not really," Newlyn stated with a grin. "While being coated with them would probably spur on some sort of transformation the main purpose for spores is to make it so anyone infected with them so that all they can do is think about finding and joining the Bal'Kar. Tiny filaments latching onto your brain, finding the means to drive those infested insane with lust until they can't help but find one of us to transform them..."

"Makes sense with what we saw," Takum said before turning back towards the snow leopard. "So what are you going to do? Push us into the spores? Turn us like that cobra did to that horse?"

"Actually..." the snow leopard replied as a devious grin spread on his muzzle, the eyes of the fennec and grey fox widening slightly in shock as the feline stepped aside. "If you want to go then go, I'm not going to stop you. Like I said no one would believe you anyway."

"You're... going to let us go?" Solar asked in shock. "Just like that?"

"Just like that," Newlyn replied with a chuckle. "If that's your choice then I would suggest you hurry however, the others are at the height of their lusts from their transformation and if you're in their vicinity they're going to look at you as their first prey. See you soon."

The two vulpines were hesitant to move past the naked male, who had reverted his tentacles back into fingers as he shifted to the side to let them go. When it was clear he wasn't going to do anything to them both Solar and Takum quickly ran up and out of the tube station, looking back only to see the glowing green eyes of the snow leopard that was still grinning at them while they left. Once the two were back on street level they made a line straight towards the nearby park and sat down on a bench where they could be alone. With them running there they were both out of breath by the time they sat down in the solitude of the small green space.

For a while the two remained silent as they regained their composure, looking around to make sure no one else was there before they both breathed a sigh of relief. "I can't believe that actually just happened..." Takum said, Solar nodding in response. "Do you think that's what went on with the other two stations too?"

"Probably," Solar replied, putting his hand to his head and long blonde and pink streaked hair out of his face. "The Bal'Kar... do you think that Newlyn was right? No one would believe us if we told people?"

"From the looks of it they have those that might care already on their side," Takum stated as he leaned back. "Plus from what I can gather people in America hardly believe that they exist and they've been trying to fight it for months now." The fox's line of thought was interrupted when he heard a giggle and looked to see the fennec grinning at him. "What's so funny?"

"Is there something that you're not telling me about your preferences?" the fennec said as he motioned down to his groin, the grey fox surprised at the tent in his pants that he hadn't realized was there until it was brought to his attention. He bit his lip when he suddenly found his arousal spike, much like the pain that one feels when someone realizes they are wounded but with a much different sensation. When he looked back at Solar to try and explain he was surprised to find his boyfriend looking at him with bedroom eyes and that one of his hands had slid down into his pants.

Before Takum could ask what Solar was doing he found those fingers stroking along his length, and as he did the grey wolf felt his back arch slightly from the pleasure as he became fully erect. But as the fennec continued to massage the sensitive flesh it seemed to keep growing, expanding and stretching the fabric of his pants until he had a bulge that was almost impossibly large. The two of them could hear the tines of the zipper failing as the button that had been straining flew off, and finally the grey fox let out a gasp of both surprise and euphoria as his cock broke free and flopped out into the air... except it wasn't his maleness anymore. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest as normally pink tool had turned a shiny black as it seemed to lengthen, growing even longer as his eyes remained fixated on his new appendage.

"It can't be... I didn't touch that ooze," Takum said as he shook his head, though the lust continued to grow as he turned to see Solar pulling down his pants. "What are you doing?"

"I... I don't know..." Solar replied, panting slightly as he exposed her pussy, the fur of his inner thighs matted down from how wet he was as he found himself straddling the fox. "I'm just so horny, I need you inside of me, I need those tentacles around my body..."

Takum groaned as his thickening member was guided to his boyfriend's sex, and though he had a momentary worry that he was too big for him it quickly became clear that he wasn't the only one that had started to change. Bright green tendrils could be seen pushing their way out of Solar's pussy as his tip pushed into the opening, both vulpines shuddering in pleasure as the tendrils wrapped around the top of his shaft. Even though both knew that what they were doing was wrong on so many levels, from the changes happening to their bodies to the fact they were having sex in public, neither found themselves able to stop as Solar penetrated himself on the thick cock beneath him. The insertion seemed to act like a catalyst as they leaned forward and kissed one another, tongues lengthening as their arms wrapped around each other, both wanting desperately to be coiled in the tentacles of one another as they closed their eyes in the embrace...

When they opened them again the two suddenly broke apart as realization hit them of what they were doing, but when they pulled back from the kiss they found that their tongues and maws had turned back to normal. Both let out a gasp as they looked at themselves and each other to find they were still sitting on the bench with their clothes on, and after a quick check, including a sneak peak inside their pants, they found that everything had turned back to normal. But even turned back into reality they couldn't help but feel the pleasure they had gotten from their transforming bodies, from the tentacles that even at that moment they could feel sprouting from their forms even though it wasn't actually happening. The two were still practically panting even though they weren't actually having sex.

"I can't... I can't stop thinking about them," Solar admitted as he bit his lip, both of them looking away from one another as their lusts threatened to overwhelm them. "What we did... or rather, what we thought we did felt so good that I find myself wishing that it was actually happening. In fact I can't help but still think of you with... your new additions when I look at you."

"Yeah..." was all Takum could say in response before he had to take a deep breath to steady himself, though it helped little. "I think... I think we weren't as successful as we thought we were in getting away from those spores."

When he glanced over at Solar he could tell that he was thinking the same thing, and for a second he swore that he could see a tentacle with an eye on the end that was attached to the fennec's back before it disappeared. "I think you're right," Solar replied, the fennec's hand drifting down to his groin before he had to stop himself. "It's only been a few minutes since we left that place and I can't stop myself, for some reason I can't stop seeing you with those tentacles. And, even more, I keep wondering what it would be like to have them myself..."

"But if we go back then we know what fate waits for us," Takum said as he also had to stop himself from pleasuring himself. "We could fight this, hail a taxi and get as far away from the Bal'Kar as possible. Or... we could just agree that we're eventually going to succumb just like Newlyn said, and maybe it would be easier for us to go back now while we can apparently still think clearly."

The two suddenly went silent as the admission that they could just give up and join the Bal'Kar sent shivers of pleasure through their spine. They both knew that if they went down now that would be it and the snow leopard would be right. Newlyn had said that he would see them soon... did he know that they were already infected with the spores, did he somehow see them infesting their minds to drive them crazy with lust until they joined them? Was he just standing there waiting for them, knowing that soon the two vulpines would give in and go down those stairs?

Meanwhile Newlyn leaned against the railing of the stairwell, watching the other Bal'Kar that had moved into the station enjoying themselves while he waited. He no longer cared to keep track of the door; anyone that would enter this area would immediately be met with a face full of spores that would lead them further down into the growing tentacle orgy that was happening below. The Bal'Kar snow leopard was waiting for something special however, and when he sensed the lust of those that he had initially let go coming back he straightened away from the railing he had bent with his immense mass. The grin on his face widened as he saw the grey fox and fennec walk down the stairs towards him.

"It appears you did know," Takum stated as they went down to join the snow leopard.

"I could sense it when I touched you," Newlyn said with a grin. "While I had the idea to give you a little of my own essence to push you along the last thing we need is for you two to transform while topside and make the news. Now that you're back here in my embrace I think it's time for us to have a whole lot of fun."

The two hadn't realized it but when they looked down the two gasped as black tentacles had started to slither around them, Solar's red and white fur sticky with the goo as it slithered inside of his shirt while Takum found his pants being pulled down to reveal the grey and black fur beneath. It was very clear this wasn't just going on in their minds anymore as the tentacles make quick work of their clothing, either pushing it aside or ripping it off them entirely as the snow leopard quickly started to show his true colors. It wasn't long before they were firmly in the grasp of a tentacle monster just like the one below, Newlyn's transformation allowing him to carry them back down into the spore-filled tube station where the others were.

While the other mating Bal'Kar looked on at the three of them it was clear they weren't going to interfere, leaving the assimilation of the two to the one that had captured them as both Takum and Solar continued to have their bodies wrapped around by tentacles. Their spore infested minds were practically humming with sheer ecstasy as they allowed themselves into the embrace of the Bal'Kar, not even needing the controller tentacles that had sprouted from Newlyn's back to hypnotize them further as the smaller chest tentacles of the creature began to probe inside of them.

With both vulpines suspended in the air there was little they could do but bask in the pleasure that was being given to them, moaning loudly as one of the slick appendages were pushed inside their tailholes while Solar got a second that buried itself deep into his pussy. Green bio-extract immediately started to leak out of the tentacle-filled orifices as a larger one engulfed Takum's cock, which had popped out of its sheath as soon as the first tentacles wrapped around him, and his body spasmed as what felt like hundreds of tendrils wrapped around and slid against his member. Both were panting and gasping as this Bal'Kar pumped them full of extract and pleasure alike, their stomachs swelling slightly as the tentacles in their tailholes began to pump in and out of them. The two could feel the muscle and bone of their bodies being assimilated by the Bal'Kar cells being pushed into them, their open maws suddenly stuffed full of tentacle tongue, Newlyn splitting it so he could push down into their transforming necks at the same time as bright green goo leaked from their ears and noses.

Solar wiggled in the air as his suspended form began to immediately mutate, the fur on his increasingly swollen body melting in patches as his white-furred rump began to push out around the tentacle still slithering inside of it. It wrapped around the one that was inside his pussy and as the two merged together he found his feet kicking as his holes did the same, the fennec letting out a loud gurgle as his hips began to buck forward. Not only were his pussy and tailhole forming into one singular opening on his growing abdomen but he was getting a new piece of equipment as well, Solar's green-tinted eyes practically bulging as his new Bal'Kar breeder cock pushed out and began to dangle freely in the air before Newlyn angled the transforming fennec so it could be immediately shoved inside his own grappler. It seemed to be the catalyst for the rest of the fennec's changes as more tentacles pushed out of his black, rubbery body, losing his vulpine features with every new one as he suddenly began to feel a connection to the hive.

One of the voices that he heard was Takum, who was also in the throes of transformative bliss as the tentacle around his cock pulled back to reveal that he had a fully-formed breeder between his still unchanged legs. It looked almost comically big on him before it also disappeared inside of Newlyn's abdomen, feeling the same sensation of seethers swirling around it as his back suddenly became tense. The wolf let out a muffled groan around the tongue stretching his throat as the two controller tentacles that had started to sprout from him grew longer, looking at the ones that were also forming on the fennec as he became more surrounded by lust then ever. As his tail swelled and merged with his tailhole he knew that it was the ones that surrounded him, feeling them resonate with his lust as the tentacles wrapped around him made room from the ones forming out of his chest while his legs split into even more.

Soon Newlyn had to put both of them down as they grew exponentially, their bodies covered with bio-extract just like him as their tentacles wrapped and slid around one another like a nest of snakes. The last bits of fur and hair on their heads merged into their new Bal'Kar faces as they looked up at Newlyn with glowing green eyes, feeling the gratitude they radiated towards the snow leopard as well as the rest of the Bal'Kar. They felt similar strands of lust coming from the passengers that had been changed as well, all of them reveling in their conversion as more Bal'Kar came from the other tunnel to join in.

Though they weren't a part of the welcoming committee both Benji and Bladewolf watched from their nest in the original station, soaking in the sensation of lust as their newest members were brought into the fold. "We're making excellent progress," Bladewolf stated through the mental link, the two of them enjoying themselves in one of the larger pools as their tentacles slid around the eggs at the bottom of it. "Soon these will hatch and we will make our final push into the main line, taking the rest of London with it."

"And not a moment too soon," Benji replied, his eyes looking up where thousands of new converts walked waiting for them to transform them. "Our movements are making others aware of our presence, even if indirectly. Unlike Starpoint and the other Bal'Kar nests in America we're underneath a major metropolitan area... we were not going to stay secret for very long. But now is not the time for that, the last thing we need to do is hastily make ourselves known and give them a chance to muster defenses."

Bladewolf nodded and Benji withdrew from the pool, morphing back into his shirewolf form as he did so. "Where are you off too?" Bladewolf asked as he watched the Bal'Kar change back. "Got a hot date or something?"

"There's someone that I'm supposed to be meeting actually," Benji replied with a slight smirk. "Another fine addition to the hive I'm sure, and also will give me a chance to check on things with the surface. Keep planning with the others, this shouldn't take too long."

The Bal'Kar Blitz (8/10)

Benji whistled to himself as he made his way over towards another section of the abandoned tube station that they had made into their nest, seeing all the other Bal'Kar hard at work molding everything for their eventual siege of London. One thing...

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The Bal'Kar Blitz (6/10)

"Officials say that the cause of a second tube station malfunction is similar in nature to the first one and that there is no word yet of when they will be reopened," the wolfess reading the news said as those in the coffee shop watched with varying...

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The Bal'Kar Blitz (5/10)

Czakrun was walking down the street as day turned to night, the dragon breathing a slight sigh of relief as the crowd had begun to thin out slightly. While normally congestion in the streets wasn't too bad one of the tube stations had been shut...

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