The Bal'Kar Blitz (6/10)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#6 of The Bal'Kar Blitz

When the Bal'Kar hop the pond from the United States and arrives in Britain those involved decide that it's time to take the takeover of humanity to the next level, starting from the ground up.

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"Officials say that the cause of a second tube station malfunction is similar in nature to the first one and that there is no word yet of when they will be reopened," the wolfess reading the news said as those in the coffee shop watched with varying levels of interest. "Several have declined to comment on whether there is a systemic problem in the stations themselves or if these are isolated incidents, however there has been no official comment in the matter. While speculation is that an abandoned section of the tube has caused a cascading power failure there are also some that believe some sort of pest infestation has caused the lines to be shut down to prevent the spread."

As the news report continued on about how the main lines have not been affected yet and that people should only see delays in the areas where the stations themselves were closed the hyena-fox hybrid at the front of the line tuned it out as he grabbed the drinks he had ordered with his gloved hands, giving the barista a nod before he walked out of the shop. While the news had downplayed the gridlock that the tube station shutdowns were having the streets were packed with both cars and people that were attempting to get to where they needed to go without the aid of the underground. It caused Tokky to have to practically wiggle his way through the crowd in order to get to where he needed to go. Unlike the rest of the people on the streets and pavement he was heading to the one place they weren't going, right to the entrance of the latest tube station that was closed.

When he got to the stairs he found yellow police tape over it as well as a tiger leaning against the nearby light post with a camcorder in one hand and his phone in the other. "You got the lock busted?" Tokky asked as he handed one of the two cups to his camera man. "They didn't have caramel by the way so I got you butterscotch, I hope that's alright."

"Yeah, no problem," the tiger replied as he popped the cap off and took a drink before motioning to the tube station. "Also I picked the lock a few minutes ago, would still be down there but the power is completely out and the security lights do not do that space justice."

"That's why we bring our own torches Alfred," Tokky replied with a grin as he slapped the handheld that hung from his belt.

"Yeah, that's true..." Alfred replied as he looked down into the darkness of the stairwell they were about to traverse down. "You sure you want to do this? I heard somewhere that the reason they're closing these places is because they're finding black mold or something down there, even the inspectors aren't going down into them."

"Don't be such a scaredy cat," Tokky said with a smirk as he hopped over the police tape, long blue hair flipping about as he landed on the other side. "I've been wanting to explore the abandoned tube network for ages now, with these closures I finally have a chance to get inside without anyone seeing. Now are you coming or do I need to do the filming myself?"

Though it was clear that the tiger was having reservations on following the hyox down eventually he mustered up enough courage to follow him to the door that he had opened earlier while Tokky got them their drinks. After making sure that they hadn't been followed they quickly made their way down, sliding aside the steel barrier so that they could head inside. Once the had gotten the door closed behind them the two breathed a sigh of relief as they found themselves removed from the prying eyes of the general public. The hyox was practically vibrating with excitement as they turned on their torches and walked the rest of the way down the stairs to the small tube station.

Once the two had gotten to the main platform of the station Tokky prompted his friend to start filming, the tiger doing so as they began to make their way to the tubes. While the two had filmed their urban explorations before the hyox had been particularly stoked to get the abandoned tunnels of the London Underground, but unfortunately when they had attempted to go through the station that was at the airport that led to one they found a rather nasty gang that took their camcorder and made them leave with a few bruises. He had begun to think they wouldn't be able to explore the area at all until he heard about the tube station closure that happened to be right next to it, which would allow them to bypass the area and get to the abandoned network. By the time they had made their plans they found out that a second one had closed along the line as well and since it was bigger they had more access points they could utilize as they hopped down on the tracks.

"So according to the blueprints I downloaded we might get lucky and find an old construction tunnel near the back here," Tokky explained as they bypassed the authorized access only sign without much regard. "Normally we try to stay away from active restricted areas but given the criminal nature in our original access point we have no choice. Plus it's not like the trains are running anyway, if anything they should be thanking us for checking out what might be wrong."

"I doubt the council will see it that way if we get caught," Alfred replied as the two walked past a series of pipes to find another locked door in their path. "You want me to get that?"

"If you could," Tokky replied, switching the camera between the two of them so that the tiger could pick the lock on the door. As the hyox waited he looked around the pump station, looking for anything of note that he could film while he waited. Unfortunately it appeared to be like most areas that were in use as moderately clean. When he looked over at one of the air vents however he did see something that caused him to point the camera and zoom in, seeing something dripping from the vent shaft that was in the corner. At first he was about to write it off as condensation but as he got in close with the lens it almost looked... green?

Just as he was about to bring his friend's attention to it he heard the lock click open and the tiger grinning from ear to ear as he held up the defeated padlock. When they opened the door they found exactly what they were looking for, a makeshift tunnel left over from the construction of the Underground Network. If his research was correct Tokky knew that it would lead them to the other stations that had been abandoned when they made the more efficient mainlines, and hopefully they could stay clear of the gang infested ones as they continued onward. The hyox once more handed the camera back to the tiger before going in first, pointing his beam of light forward as they carefully made their way through the narrow tunnel.

It took several minutes for them to get all the way through to the next opening, the hyox carefully taking off the grate that separated them from the next platform before heading inside. When they looked into the next room they found that they had only gone one station over to the first one that had been shut down, but just as Alfred was about to move on Tokky saw something that caused him to stop the tiger. It was the same green goo from what he had seen dripping from the vent, but instead of a few droplets there was a puddle that was oozing out from the bottom of the door into the control room they had entered.

"Well that's unappealing," Alfred said as they carefully got a closer look, the tiger noting shiny black tendrils that were pushing through the door frame. "Looks like they might have used some sort of rubber to seal the door? Either way I don't think that we should be opening this, we might want to get out of here in fact."

"I don't know..." the hyox replied as he hopped from his place to one of the control panels, avoiding the puddle of goo as he went towards one of the vent shafts that had a soft, green light coming from it. "Hey, I think we can at least see what's going on through here, maybe we could get some good footage of whatever caused the station to close."

The tiger sighed and nodded, then followed the path the hyox took while making sure that he didn't drop the camera. Though the vent was somewhat high on the wall the two could both see through it, both of them peeking at the same time. They had to be careful not to touch the wall as they saw the same green substance leaking through it and that same rubber on the door was also spreading over the entrance like the mold that the tiger had mentioned. When they were finally able to get a look inside though what they saw caused both of their eyes to widen and their jaws to drop.

The tube station looked nothing like the one that they had come from, in fact it looked like something one would see in a movie about an alien world as the entire terminal was covered in the shiny black substance that also was leaking out of the vent and door, though in the room itself it seemed to pulsate and throb like it was living flesh. They also saw pools of the bright green liquid that they saw leaking into the room, and with the glowing light that came from the substance it appeared that they had something inside of them that looked a lot like eggs. The two were at a loss for words as they continued to stare at the alien scene, watching as arcs of green electricity occasionally spread out from some unseen source that cascaded through the room. Eventually they finally turned back and rubbed their eyes as though they were somehow hallucinating, but when they looked back all they did was see more details like black vines that hung from the ceiling that had green bulbs that extended from it like some sort of bizarre plant.

"Maybe... maybe there is black mold," Alfred finally whispered. "We breathed it in and we've just started seeing things."

"I don't think that's it," Tokky replied. "I can't explain it, but maybe-"

The hyox suddenly went quiet as the two of them both saw movement coming from deeper into the tube station, the two of them once more gasping in shock at the creature that slithered its way into the corrupted station. There were no words to describe it other then some sort of alien tentacle monster; the creature seemed to be tending to the eggs that were in the bio-extract pool as its head, as well as the two tentacles with eyes on them, scanned the area. It was a monstrous creature that the two had no frame of reference for other then alien horror movies, which prompted both of them to start backing away. As they did Alfred accidently slipped on a slanted control panel, but before he could fall over Tokky grabbed him and pulled him back.

The camcorder wasn't nearly as lucky however as it slipped form the fingers of the tiger and fell to the floor. Though the goo softened the crash it still caused a loud enough bang that it prompted the two to make a run for it. They weren't sure if the creature had heard it or not but neither of them wanted to stick around to find out, opting to double back and make their way out of the still normal station. When the two burst out from the other side they didn't see any tentacle monster waiting for them, but they did see something glowing softly from the tunnel that led to the infested station that prompted them to continue their dash all the way up the stairs and back onto the street where people gave them a funny look as they emerged from the place that was supposed to be closed.

"I think... I'm done... exploring for a while..." Alfred said as he caught his breath, looking over at the hyena. "You?"

"I don't know... what to think..." Tokky replied, eventually straightening up and regaining his composure as he scanned the area. "We should probably get out of here, didn't exactly leave subtly and I don't want to have to explain what we just saw."

The tiger nodded and the two quickly parted ways, going about their business and agreeing to meet up later. For the rest of the day the hyox attempted to get the thoughts of what he had seen out of his mind. Part of him wanted to go and tell someone what they had just witnessed but there was no way that anyone would believe them and he would have to admit that he was somewhere he wasn't supposed to be. But as day turned to night he eventually found himself lying in bed just staring at the ceiling.

With nothing around to distract him anymore his thoughts only seemed to be on one thing; the tentacle creature that he saw in that station. The very sight of such a creature should have terrified him to the core and only been seen in his nightmares, yet as he continued to dwell on the creature he just found his curiosity growing instead. This was clearly something that had never been seen before, though he vaguely remembered that the news said something about tentacle monsters in the United States or something like that. He, like many others, had just thought it was some sort of joke or cover-up, but what he and his friend had seen down there was definitely real.

A tentacle monster... Tokky found himself dwelling on the creature once more as he imagined what it would be like to be caught up in those tentacles that it used to get around. It seemed to drip the same green ooze that was all over the floor and he just imagined if he had been caught that it would have covered him from head to toe, matting down his fur as those shiny, smooth looking appendages slithered all over him. Even though it seemed to have plenty of teeth and a rather nasty looking set of front tentacles with giant spikes on them the way that it gingerly dipped into those pools and took care of those eggs made him believe that it could give him such a gentle touch as well...

The hyox felt his body curl slightly in pleasure that he was not expecting, letting out a soft groan as the thought sent shivers down his spine. Could such a creature feel pleasure, those tentacles used to wrap around his naked body as they stroked all along his most sensitive regions. He could only imagine what it would be like to be completely enveloped, everywhere getting teased at the same time. As he imagined one of the smaller ones stroking his cock the hybrid swore he could feel it actually happening to him... until he looked down and realized that without his knowledge he had fished out his hard member and had been jerking himself off!

Though he stopped from the sudden realization he realized if he left himself as is he would be trying to get to sleep with a boner, biting his lip as he slowly started up again. More than once his mind drifted back to those tentacles and it caused his arousal to surge. It was that thought of the creature that finally finished him off, the hyox stifling his cry of pleasure as he came hard. It was one of the most intense orgasms of his life, and after he had cleaned himself off he found sleep to come much easier to him.

The next day he awoke to find that the creature was still on his mind, feeling his cock twitch slightly even though he actively suppressed the need for the morning. Though he knew it was probably a bad idea he had to go and see it again, not even to film it for proof but just so that he could watch it some more. It appeared the last time that he had went there the door was sealed with the same substance as the walls, so it was very likely the creatures had already completely covered it. If that was the case it was the perfect place to spy on them as he debated calling Alfred, only to shake his head and decide to go on his own this time.

Fortunately no one had bothered to relock the door as Tokky went to the same place as before, finding the chain completely off this time and lying on the ground next to him. They probably knocked it off when they came running out, he thought to himself as he slowly walked inside and turned on his flashlight to navigate the dark stairs. When he got to the station itself he could still see the soft glow of green light from the other station and he realized that he could just watch from the tunnel itself. But that was a very exposed part of the station and even with the feelings he had been having he actually found himself shying away from an encounter with the creature as he went back towards the pump room to go through the tunnel.

When he got to the other side and to the control room he found the camcorder that Alfred had dropped was still there, which proved that either the tentacle monster hadn't found it or didn't care. That was enough for Tokky as he carefully crawled up onto the control panel and looked out through the vent. It was the same scene as before, the alien architecture growing from the tube station as alien structures seemed to rise up from the rubber. Part of him wanted to take out his phone and record it, but he found himself transfixed to the sight before him as he watched and waited. He didn't have to stand there too long however as the saw the creature once more in all its tentacled glory, though this time it wasn't alone as a second one trailed right behind it.

Two of them... if that was the case, then how many more are there? He continued to wonder that as he watched the two chitter at one another, watching their tentacles wrap around one another as they slid into one of the deeper pools of the green liquid. It appeared the creatures enjoyed it very much as their slimy bodies slid over one another, and though it was hard to see it was clear from the looks on their monstrous faces that they were doing more than appreciating the company of one another. The hyox found himself licking his lips as his nose went closer to the vent to watch what was happening, this time his fingers consciously going down to his camo pants to release the erection that was starting to tent them.

A voice in his mind wondered what on earth he was doing as he began to squeeze and play with his semi-soft member, feeling it harden in his hands as he watched the glowing green tongues of the creatures push into the maws of one another. These were some sort of aliens that had transformed this station into some sort of breeding den and all he could do was stand there and jerk off to it. Why was he standing there peeping at them, watching from the shadows as he began to see bulges push through the tongues that had plunged into the throat of the other and inside the other creature. He could... he could go and join them, maybe they would give him something like that...

Tokky found himself panting as his arousal and lust built inside him a hundred times stronger than before in his bed, his hand a blur against his cock as he could see one of them pushing a thicker cock that he assumed was their version of a penis into the abdomen of the other. It was like they were putting on a show just for him, his corrupted mind thought as he continued to watch them. Maybe he could make a little noise, let them know that he was there, and if they did they might just let him join in. But even as turned on as he was he couldn't bring himself to reveal he was there, not because he was afraid but because he was afraid that he would be rejected and then he wouldn't be able to watch them anymore.

The hyox quickly found his fapping to come to fruition as he came once again, putting a hand on his muzzle to keep himself quiet as he came hard. After splattering his seed against the wall he quickly found himself becoming embarrassed that he had allowed himself to become overwhelmed with lust, quickly pushing his still half-hard member back into his pants before leaving once more. Had he continued to stare through the vent however he would have noticed that the controller tentacles of the two had been staring straight at the area while the two Bal'Kar made out, their lustful grins growing wider on their faces as they continued to share eggs enticingly with one another.

Despite what happened the day before Tokky found himself even more enamored with the idea of watching the two to the point where he couldn't sleep without thinking of them. Even when he tried to relieve himself of the pleasure he couldn't find himself able to do it, watching the real thing spoiled his ability to fantasize about it. As he looked at the clock he saw that that it was almost midnight and other then a few minutes of sleep, which he woke up in a sweat after having a very sexual dream about the tentacle monsters, he decided that he needed to go back for just one more look so that he could sleep. Before he did he attempted to call Alfred to see if perhaps he might want to go with him, his increasingly pervy mind thinking of things they could do while watching, only to find that the tiger was unable to be contacted as he gave up and went outside.

Though it was getting late the streets were still busy enough it didn't look strange for the hyox to be out and about until he got to the station where he immediately went to his hiding spot once more. When he climbed up on the control panel once more his heart practically skipped a beat. Not only were several of the tentacle monsters already out and about in the corrupted tube station, and much to his surprise there were some people there as well. When he looked at them however he saw that like the monsters themselves they all had glowing green eyes and some of them had various tentacles sticking out of their bodies, particularly between their legs as they seemed to be talking about something with one another. While they were interesting Tokky wasn't there for them, his eyes glued to the bigger creatures as he prepared himself once more.

Just as his pants were dropped to his ankles however Tokky jumped when he suddenly heard the door to the station open, a wolf grinning at him from the doorway. "Looks like I caught you with your pants down," Bladewolf said as he gestured for the hyox to come down from the control panel. "We've known that you've been there all along, I think it's time we upgraded your experience. Don't worry, we don't bite... oh, and leave the clothes, you don't need them anyway."

Tokky was just about to pull up his pants when the wolf said that, immediately dropping them again and pulling off the rest of his clothes as well. At this point the hybrid was so horny that any thought of modesty went right out the window, especially when he took his first step outside with the others that were the same way as well. Almost immediate he found himself running towards one of the big tentacle creatures before he found a smaller tentacle wrap around his naked waist and pull him back. When he looked back he thought that the wolf had snagged him, only to see a snow leopard smiling at him as he slid him towards one of the extract pools.

"Since you enjoyed watching me and Benji made in the extract pool we'd figure that you would enjoy being transformed in one yourself," Bladewolf said as he was brought to the edge of it, Tokky surprised as just how deep it was as he saw eggs at the bottom. "All you have to do is jump in and you will become one of us."

"That's it?" Tokky asked, suddenly feeling nervous as he looked down at the glowing green liquid that was the size of a large outdoor swimming pool. "I... I don't know... I assume you know what I was doing back there. I wasn't even thinking about turning into a creature, just being with them."

"Well if you decided to do so you would find yourself becoming one of them anyways," Bladewolf said with a smile. "This way not only can you be embraced in our tentacles but have ones of your own, not to mention be able to fit us inside of you. Plus I can sense that you might enjoy an egg or two inside of you, and all that can be yours if you just take the plunge."

The sound of chittering filled the air as the others eagerly awaited for Tokky on what he was going to do. The hyox looked around at the others both regular and monstrous and realized this was what he wanted, his lusts pushing him into this direction so that he could join in their embrace. No longer would he have to skulk down here just to sit on the sidelines hoping they wouldn't notice as he fapped to them, now he could get the full experience. He felt his wavering confidence get bolstered by the thought and with one deep breath he leapt forward into the bio-extract.

The effect of being completely submerged by the bio-extract that had bene prepared for him was both immediate and intense, the hyox thrashing in the water as waves of pure lust and pleasure overwhelmed every inch of his body. His hybrid form quickly lost all of its definition as tentacles sprouted from everyone on him as his mass increased so fast it almost gave him a sense of vertigo. By the time he had come back up to the surface his muzzle had already flatted and swelled like a balloon, energy crackling around it as he could feel disintegrators sprouting from his skull. His body felt like a sack of meat as the cells of the Bal'Kar quickly assimilated him from the massive exposure, his moans turning to chitters as his growing tentacles pushed their way out of the pool and slid about while the waves of pure ecstasy cascaded through the hive mind he became a part of as two tentacles pushed out of his shoulder blades and became his controller tentacles.

Once more Tokky sank underneath the surface of the bio-extract, but this time it was as a Bal-'Kar as he felt his lower body swell into his abdomen while the spore spire forming on his back extended from the lack of space until the rest of his body grew to suit. Power, lust, corruption, it was all spreading through his psyche like wildfire as he basked in the throes of his transformation. Never before had he thought that he would experience something so primal and blissful as what he was going through now, but as he heard the voices of the others clearly in his mind through the lust they shared he knew that he had made the right choice in coming back. He almost wished that Alfred had come with him, the new Bal'Kar thought to himself as he used his new slurper tongue to clean off the excess liquid that dripped from his new muzzle after being prompted to surface once more.

"Considering how open you were to the concept of the Bal'Kar we had decided that you would be the prime candidate to embrace the change first," a shirewolf said as he knelt down on the edge of the pool, a grin on his face as Benji motioned with one hand for someone to come over. "Now that you see just what you've been missing by merely standing on the sidelines and watching we figured it would be best for you to relay your experience to someone else that we had found returning to your little hiding spot.

When Tokky looked over he saw a dragon and a husky holding someone between them, the former hyox instantly recognizing his friend as the tiger was brought up to the pool. It was clear that he had gotten the same impulses to come back as he had, his new muzzle breaking into a grin as he saw the clear erection between his legs. Though he was going to wait for him to dive in himself he couldn't wait to wrap his tentacles around the tiger and feel him change in his embrace.

The Bal'Kar Blitz (7/10)

There was a lot of grumbling that could be heard in the tube station that Takum and Solar were standing on, though the crowd was relatively thin with only a few people besides them waiting for the train. Ever since the last two tube stations were...

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The Bal'Kar Blitz (5/10)

Czakrun was walking down the street as day turned to night, the dragon breathing a slight sigh of relief as the crowd had begun to thin out slightly. While normally congestion in the streets wasn't too bad one of the tube stations had been shut...

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The Bal'Kar Blitz (4/10)

For weeks Benji and Bladewolf spent their time down in the depths of the Bal'Kar nest, not only to continue to be in the presence of the ones that made them but also to help with bringing more people into the fold. Many like them had been drawn...

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