The Bal'Kar Blitz (4/10)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#4 of The Bal'Kar Blitz

When the Bal'Kar hop the pond from the United States and arrives in Britain those involved decide that it's time to take the takeover of humanity to the next level, starting from the ground up.

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For weeks Benji and Bladewolf spent their time down in the depths of the Bal'Kar nest, not only to continue to be in the presence of the ones that made them but also to help with bringing more people into the fold. Many like them had been drawn to the place by their infiltrator in Denver and by the end of the month there were dozens of Bal'Kar in the Rocky Mountains helping to expand the nest. They had also received word that the facility the other Bal'Kar that changed alongside Benji had fallen to them as well, transforming all those within to tentacle creatures while staving off a potential incursion by the military. With the loss of Starpoint and rumor starting to circulate more in Denver however they were finding increased scrutiny in the area, making it hard for them to move around stealthily or gain more members as the military increased its hold in the city and surrounding areas.

As Benji slithered along between the newly created bio-extract pools he suddenly saw Neox and Gola in their broodlord form along with Bladewolf standing at the edge of the latest cavern they had expanded too. "We must speak with you urgently," the broodlord stated. "We have come across an opportunity that we can not pass up, but time is of the essence."

The three of them went over to another part of the cave where they could have a bit of privacy from the others, namely the noises that came from them either building, mating, or laying in the area. When they were sufficiently away Benji noted the presence of another in their hive link that wished to communicate with them, recognizing it as the draconic sabrewolf that had been responsible for the fall of the Starpoint facility. "Serathin," the broodlord stated mentally, all of them shivering in their tentacles from the lust relayed by the huge creature. "Go ahead and explain, what is this about a chance to get these two back home?"

"A few of us had gone to a nearby town in order to check out what happened to it after we took over the facility and transformed the inhabitants," Serathin explained to the others through their link. "What they found was an abandoned military outpost that had been there when we initially took the place, presumably in order to make sure that nothing came out of here before they had a chance to get other surveillance measures in place. Now as I'm sure you know there's currently a large military satellite ready to relay our positions in case we try and leave the safety of the mountains..."

The others nodded despite the hybrid Bal'Kar not being in the same cave as them, knowing all about the Veilfire Project that was keeping an eye on them in case any of their kind presented a target. Though it was mainly focused on the Starpoint Facility they had been informed that there were ancillary sites linked to it that were scanning the entirety of the Rocky Mountains for any movement. "That's exactly right," Serathin confirmed as he sensed their thoughts. "Normally it would be impossible for us to sneak out of here without the entirety of the military finding out, but I've recently found a way to run the full diagnostic cycle on the satellite so that its sensors are completely down for the count."

"That's great!" Bladewolf said. "But how exactly does that translate to us getting back home."

"Because if you can get out of range of the satellite I can make sure that you are put on the first cargo plane back to the UK," Serathin explained. "Now I don't know how long it'll be before the military notices my little backdoor and slams it right in my face, so if we're going to do this it'll have to be now. I've talked to Neox and Gola about it and they agree this is the best chance to start setting up across the ocean, and I'm sure once you two get back you know of a fitting place to start your spread."

Benji and Bladewolf looked at one another as they knew exactly where they were talking about, the image of the abandoned tube station that had kicked off this whole thing in the first place appearing in their mind. That entire section was defunct but still connected to all the main lines... which meant that an infestation hidden there could quickly spread through the entirety of the underground. It was quite the plan, if they could get there in the first place. Though the draconic sabrewolf was confident in his hacking abilities he stressed that they would have to get there quickly in order to make sure that they could still enact the part of the plan to bypass the Veilfire satellite.

With not much time to waste Benji and Bladewolf bid a fond farewell to the one that had transformed them in the first place, wrapping their tentacles around one another as Bladewolf thanked the broodlord for the power they have given him. Though they both wanted to go further with it they knew the timetable they were on and instead made their way through the crystalline caves towards a series of tunnels that were under construction in order to attempt to bridge the hive with the one being made at the Starpoint Facility. Though they weren't quite complete yet since they required some distance it did make it so it was easier for them to travel through the mountains unobserved.

For the first time in weeks the two emerged from the darkness of the hive, using their newly reformed hands to block the light of the sun as they looked around. Though they had put on clothes and hiking gear so that they didn't look suspicious with their naked bodies climbing around the rocks they could feel the wind whipping around the bare flesh they still had exposed. Even in their guise forms they didn't feel the cold or the lack of oxygen from being so high up, but that meant anyone who looked up would think they were either foolishly ill-prepared or very suspicious. With Starpoint giving them even more notoriety then before it would only take someone to check their eyes to see that they were not who they appeared to be.

The two couldn't let that bother them though as they began to hike towards the Starpoint Facility, or more accurately one of the caves that had been created just outside the radius of the satellite that was looming overhead. It was one of the few places that wasn't covered according to the draconic sabrewolf. Unfortunately it opens up in the middle of the mountains surrounded by nothing but sheer rocks, but it would allow them to sneak into the facility unobserved. No doubt the military would get suspicious if they suddenly saw two Bal'Kar going from one hive to the other and Serathin stated if he activated the diagnostic cycle too often it would be caught for sure.

When Bladewolf and Benji got through the mountain cave to the facility they found it in much the same state as the nest that they had left; Bal'Kar that were scientists and workers at Starpoint were now working to dig deep caverns for them to be protected and to lay their eggs. Though they wanted to join the others in their tentacle forms Serathin quickly relayed a string of lust to tell them that they needed to get into the facility proper, which could only be done with their guise forms. As they passed by the others they all gave them the same looks of desire, wanting nothing more than to mingle with them in some fashion, but through the hive link knew they were on an important mission and to leave them be. Eventually the two managed to climb up into the facility proper and made their way all the way up to the surface where they saw Serathin standing there with three others.

"Bladewolf, Benji," Serathin said as he nodded to them, then gestured to the others. "This is Newlyn, Chaos, and Erin, they were the ones that made the initial trip out of the facility when I disabled the satellite and will be accompanying you on your journey."

"So they're bringing us to the airport?" Benji asked, causing the four of them to grin and shake their heads.

"We're going with you as back-up back to the UK," Newlyn said, the snow leopard explaining as the feral wolfsune came up and hugged the two of them with both paws and tentacles. "Serathin has more than enough help here and doesn't want to risk cycling the satellite two times so close to one another just to bring us back. So consider us your back-up, we're ready to help!"

"And spread of course," Chaos chimed in, the husky licking his lips of the droplets of bio-extract that had formed from his excitement. "While it's fun here everyone is already a Bal'Kar, plenty of fresh meat out there though."

"Alright, settle down now," Serathin said as he grabbed a nearby tablet and tapped on the screen a few times. "I've included a few areas of junk code in the satellite's diagnostic relays so that it can give you more time to get down the mountain, but note that it's only an extra thirty seconds at best. Try not to crash this one, it's a long walk to the next city and I don't think that you want to make the trek."

The three grinned sheepishly before they finalized their plans, the three telling Bladewolf and Benji to hop into the nearby car that was in the garage. Though it was modified to take the heavy weight of the armor they had stripped off of it the car still lowered quite a bit with the five Bal'Kar on board, though it seemed to handle it as Newlyn started the engine and gave the nod to Serathin. The hybrid wished them good luck and pressed the button on his tablet, which sent a signal not only to the satellite above them but to the handheld that Chaos carried. The screen in the husky's hand suddenly lit up with the map of the area along with a red flashing circle and countdown timer in the corner.

The snow leopard shouted for them to hang on as he gunned the engine, the tires squealing on the concrete as they made their way out of the motorpool and down the road through the abandoned military barracks. The nature of the vehicle had Benji, Bladewolf, and Erin in the back as they slid around the floor. "So what did Serathin mean when he said not to crash this vehicle?" Benji asked, gripping onto his seat as they took a particularly sharp turn.

"Oh, we crashed the last time that we tried this," Erin replied with a giggle. "To be fair it was our first time navigating through the area and we didn't realize how long it would take to get to the edge of the zone. With the new code that Serathin added we should have plenty of time so that we don't have to take a dive off the mountain this time to avoid being caught by the eyes in the sky."

Though it appeared everything was under control Benji and Bladewolf gave one another a look, though a few minutes later they were told through their mental link that they had successfully gotten past Veilfire's sight lines with time to spare. There was a collective sigh of relief as they continued to drive down the road, this time more carefully until they got away from the cliff-edged roads and down onto more level terrain. Once they had gotten to the town that the three had visited before they switched vehicles, opting to hide the military cruiser they had come down the mountain on and go in a less conspicuous vehicle. They quickly found that they had to take several in order to make sure they weren't overloading them, finding two minivans in a garage that would do the trick.

Though it was unlikely that anyone would call them in stolen given the fact the entire area had turned into a ghost town after the fall of Starpoint they continued to drive as carefully as they could to avoid suspicion. Though it was hard at first since the street leading to the town was basically abandoned they managed to snake their way through a few backroads until they were dumped into a small interstate that was fed into by several others areas. With other vehicles making their way to the target city they blended in a bit better, though they continued to watch carefully to make sure there were no military following them. It appeared however they successfully evaded their potential captors and drove all the way into the night with the lights of the city appearing before them.

When the five Bal'Kar got to the airport they once more ditched their vehicles, this time in long-term parking so they hopefully weren't discovered until long after they had arrived at their destination. "So where did Serathin say we needed to go next?" Newlyn asked Chaos as he put on a pair of sunglasses, tossing a pair to Benji and Bladewolf as the others donned their own shades. "Do we need to go to a specific terminal or something?"

"Actually... he says that we're taking an alternative means of travel since he wasn't sure if our weight would be noticed," Chaos said, already having asked the draconic sabrewolf through the hive link. "We have to go and meet someone that should be waiting for us at hanger eight, says that they already unlocked the delivery entrance for us."

The others nodded and made their way towards the door that had been opened for them, looking around as they did. Though anyone who looked closely enough would be able to see the glow of their eyes from behind the sunglasses, coupled with the fact they were wearing them in the middle of the night, might reveal their true nature. Since they had rolled into the airport in the middle of the night however they found that there weren't many there, mostly those who were too busy running their shift work in order to pay attention to them. When they got to the door they were directed to go to however they all stopped when they read the authorized personnel only sign, all of them sharing similar sentiments of unease until they were reassured by the draconic sabrewolf that they would be fine.

Newlyn bit the bullet first and slowly opened the door, looking inside to find an empty alleyway between the perimeter security fence and the line of hangers that had the logos for various shipping companies on it. With their augmented sight they could see their target even through the lenses of the glasses, horse man smoking a cigarette while leaned against a door that he was keeping ajar. As they walked inside they heard Serathin in their mind warning them about the cameras as well, their group turning their heads up to see the stationary objects hanging next to the large hanger doors. It appeared they were turned to keep track of their own bays instead of the alley itself, which allowed them to hug the fence to keep from being seen before walking up to the horse.

"Bout time you showed up," the man said as he flicked the butt into the nearby bushes before looking at them. "Five of you huh? That's going to mean three crates, going to have to charge your employer extra for that."

Two... crates..." Newlyn said as he glanced over the horse's shoulder to see inside. "Wait, we're being shipped as livestock?"

"Best way to get you guys out of the country," the horse stated, quickly waving his hands up in the air when several of their group started to respond. "Listen, the less I know about you guys the better; I don't know why you have to get out of here but I get paid to transport, not to ask questions. Now if you don't hurry you five are going to miss your flight, hop in and sit tight."

It was clear the equine had no other questions that he wanted asked of him, instead ushering them past the various feed animals in the lot towards three crates that had been apparently prepared just for them. Unlike the others the inside was lined with cushions that the packer said would not only help keep them comfortable but also help fool any scanners they might go through. Despite being made for livestock they could see why he could only fit two in at a time, both Benji and Bladewolf as well as Newlyn and Chaos practically on top of one another. Since Erin was a four-legged creature herself and the only girl they decided to give her the single crate, causing her to gush at how considerate they were and hugging them all before the horse told them to knock it off and get in.

"Well I certainly didn't think that I would be going back home like this," Benji said through their mental link after the top had been secured, summoning forth one of his controller tentacles for a light source while he attempted to find the least cramped position for himself and Bladewolf. "Imagine if we turned into our true forms at this point."

"Oh, easily would break through this thing," the wolf replied as he attempted to shift his body as well, only to end up nearly upside down when the crate was suddenly moved. Even though they spoke to one another through the link they remained quiet as they heard the sound of a machine lifting them up, followed by a gruff voice commenting that the forklift almost couldn't take it. Though the two feared that perhaps Serathin had overestimated their accommodations, but it appeared the steerage forklift was able to handle them after all as they were taken from the hanger to the cargo plane waiting for them.

A few minutes later all three of their crates were put on the plane, once more leaving them in silence after they had taken off. While it was unnecessary for them it was clear why they were in livestock cargo as they flew from the United States to the United Kingdom. Though it was a non-stop flight the five quickly grew bored, especially since they had to remain in their guise forms the entire time. Though it appeared that the horse had packed a goodie bag for them it was mostly food, water, a few magazines, and an emergency air tank in case something happened.

Fortunately none of that happened to them and for the first time in nearly a month Bladewolf and Benji found themselves back in the United Kingdom. They were quickly unpacked and brought to another warehouse, where someone that the group assumed was the other end of the horse's smuggling line released them and provided them with fake paperwork in order to move around without suspicion. Any thanks they gave the man was quickly met with rebuke, especially when Erin attempted to hug him, and was told to get out through the back door as quickly as possible. Their route led them out past the security fencing and on a nearly empty road that led back into London.

"Ah, I always wanted to travel here," Newlyn said with a smirk as the others walked along the road with him. "How far away are we from this abandoned tube station that you guys knew about?"

"Not too far actually," Bladewolf replied. "Probably one of the reasons that Neox and Serathin were so keen on having that be our base of operations..."

"Oh?" Erin asked. "Isn't that why you chose it as well?"

"No way," Bladewolf stated, cracking his knuckles as a grin spread across his muzzle. "I'm going down there for a little revenge..."

A few hours later the wolf found himself standing at the stairs that he had crawled up, beaten and bloody, almost a month ago. He could still see the trail of blood that he had left with no one bothering to clean up a place that no one used anyway. Though he could feel his anger rising he immediately felt the calming presence of the others that stood behind him, particularly the shirewolf that gave him a nod. Bladewolf felt his chest swell with confidence as he went down into the darkness with the others following right behind him.

As it was before the gang that the wolf had tried to take on was still down there, talking loudly while a fire burned in an old oil drum to illuminate the defaced tube station. While most of them were either playing cards or spray painting more graffiti on the already covered walls one of them stood guard at the entrance to the station that wasn't boarded up. "Whoa whoa whoa, what do you think you're-" the voice of the cheetah stopped when he saw Bladewolf enter into the light cast by their bonfire, his look of irritation turning into a smirk. "Hey, I remember you! Did that last beating we give you cause brain damage or something, because I know no one is that stupid naturally to come back here after that!"

"Very funny," Bladewolf said, their conversation catching the attention of the others who turned to look at him. "We want to speak to your boss."

"We?" the cheetah replied, suddenly seeing four more sets of glowing green eyes come from the darkness to stand behind the wolf. "I see... maybe not as dumb as you look if you brought a posse." Bladewolf just continued to stand there with his arms crossed, prompting the feline to tilt his head back. "Hey boss, that guy you ruffed up is back with a few friends of his!"

"Oh really?" the low voice of the one that had delivered the majority of the wounds to Bladewolf previously stated, the huge orca standing up and snapping his suspenders against his bare, muscular chest. "Would have thought that the lecture I gave him last time would be enough to keep him away, but I will give you points for tenacity even if its not got much brains behind it. If you're here about your friend with the gambling debts again I can also tell you that we already squared up with him, so there's no reason for you to be coming back down here for him."

"I'm not here for him," Bladewolf replied as the others fanned out, all of them ready for a fight as the other members of the gang did the same around their orca boss. "I'm here for me."

"So revenge is it?" the Boss stated with a deep chuckle. "I don't see a single fighter amongst your lot, so unless you intend on tiring us out with putting our fists in your face I suggest you shove off before you get your friends hurt. Consider this a gift for our final meeting."

"Oh, I've already gotten my gift," Bladewolf said, slowly pulling off his sunglasses to reveal the glowing green eyes underneath that caused the gang members to look at one another in question. "I suppose in a way I should be thanking you, if you hadn't done what you did then my search for the power to beat you wouldn't have led me to the others. Now thanks to you not only will I be able to defend myself but we can spread this wonderful gift to the rest of the planet."

The words that the wolf spoke were clearly not what the orca was expecting, the big man unnerved enough to find himself taking a step back before regaining his composure. "Freaky eyes or not," he said as he flexed his muscles, the rest of the gang grabbing nearby weapons. "Lesson time is over! Get em boys!"

As soon as the others in the gang charged forward Benji and the others did the same, tossing their shades aside in the same manner. The five lackeys of the boss quickly found how just how deceptively powerful the others were as they found themselves on the losing end of their fight, Benji knocking out one with crackling green energy that he channeled from the disintegrator tentacles sprouting from his face while knocking a second one backwards. Newlyn and Chaos quickly took care of two of their own, the gang members crying out in shock as shiny black tentacles sprouted from their bodies to coil around the ones they quickly captured. The cheetah also found himself quickly taken down as the wolfsune he thought was an easy fight wrapped her tails around him, causing them to tighten as she went over to the restrained feline and gave him a big hug while they continued to restrain him while leaking bio-extract.

That just left Bladewolf and the Boss, whom the wolf specifically told the others to leave for him. With his gang either pinned or incapacitated he was the only one left to stand against him as he began to visibly falter in his confidence. "Wha-what the hell?!" he shouted as he saw the bodies of the snow leopard, husky, shirewolf, and wolfsune growing and mutating while engulfing those they had captured, then turning to see the wolf doing the same. "What are you freaks?!"

"The next phase in evolution," Bladewolf said as he slowly moved forward, his hands morphing into basher tentacles that leapt forward as the clothes he wore rapidly disintegrated against his expanding frame. "Don't worry, you'll find your place in it, we'll make sure of that. For now though I know exactly where to put you!"

Even if Bladewolf wanted to say more he suddenly felt his jaw thicken, his tongue stretching before the rest of his muzzle followed suit as he transformed back into his true form. The sheer sight of it caused the Boss orca to run, but before he could even make it a few feet back down the platform he found himself blocked by the bashers that slammed into the concrete before him. The orca fell to the ground after tripping on the metal rails twisted from the impact, and before he could regain his footing the monster that Bladewolf had become was down on top of him. He watched the former gang leader's eyes widen as his neck thickened, turning a deep black while his enlarging head rose up several feet from the growth of his body before crashing down on top of him.

There was a loud scream as the orca thought that he was about to get smashed into the ground, but instead of an impact he felt a copious amount of the translucent green goo coat his body as the long, flexible slurper of the Bal'Kar wrapped around his waist and pulled him into the air. "No! Not like this!" The Boss shouted as he grabbed onto the fangs of the creature as his feet kicked against the throat muscles pulling him down deeper into the maw he was trying to crawl out of. "YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO M-"

With the slime on his fingers and the smooth nature of Bladewolf's new fangs the orca lost his grip, disappearing down into his gullet as he swallowed him whole. The Bal'Kar let out a chitter of satisfaction as the bulge of the large male slide around inside of him for a while before he stored him in one of his sacks, enjoying his thrashing about as he would decide what to do with him later. A similar fate was happening to the other members of the gang as they were either being transformed into Bal'Kar, turned into feeder tentacles, or likewise consumed for later transmutation. One thing was for certain, Bladewolf said as he looked around the dilapidated station, he was going to use the energy of this odious creature inside him for some good as he began to push his spreaders against the concrete he had destroyed.

"Already moving ahead after our victory already?" Benji commented through their link, Bladewolf looking over as well as his two controller tentacles to see the other Bal'Kar slithering towards him. "After what he did to you I would have imagined you would savor it a little more."

"All this was in the past when we found Neox and the others," Bladewolf replied simply, the two of them watching as the rubbery flesh of their tentacles began to spread over everything in order to create a new hive. "While I did enjoy so easily defeating him and feeling him squirm powerless inside of me I know that our power is for a greater good, to spread the Bal'Kar to the rest of the city and eventually the world. I will savor our victory when spore spires rise over London and our tentacles line the streets."

"Couldn't have said it better myself," Benji replied, chittering happily as his spreaders came down to join his, causing the growth of the rubber tendrils to spread like wildfire. "I said before I'm willing to help, that hasn't changed. Of course that doesn't mean we can't have a little fun in the process..."

The abdomen of the two monstrous tentacle creatures waggled in the air as the breeder tentacle of Benji snaked towards the grappler of the other, Bladewolf able to feel the seether tendrils that lined it wiggling in anticipation as he could sense what the former shirewolf had in store for him. He could already sense what had been done with the gang members that he had dealt with, feeling their essence in the eggs that were starting to push down into the breeder that was already sliding into his hole, his abdomen practically quivering in anticipation to receive them while he focused on mutating the surrounding area for their own needs. With the information that he assimilated from the orca inside him he could tell that while the city had abandoned this place a long time ago transients and others had done the same when he moved in and started to set up shop there.

Bladewolf chittered excitedly as the first of the eggs popped into him, causing him to roar slightly that grabbed the attention of the others. While Newlyn and Erin took to task of moving some of the bigger items out of the way for more room to build bio-extract pools in Chaos had decided to add to the lust that the two were already pumping out, coming up to Bladewolf and adding his spreaders to the mix while the three of them engaged in a lewd kiss that stretched their jaws and coiled their slurpers around one another. At first Bladewolf thought that he would be pushing his breeder into the grappler of the former husky in order to feed him a few of the eggs he was getting, but Chaos had another idea as something other then the abdomen of the other creature began to push into him.

All three creatures let out a loud hiss as the hole being pumped into by Benji suddenly clamped around his cock tentacle as Chaos pushed his into Bladewolf's, the former wolf's breeding tentacle bulging from the tip as it stretched to accommodate the length of the one sliding into it. Just like with Benji he could sense that Chaos was very interested in the production of eggs and was wanting to share with the one that led them here, bio-extract dripping from Bladewolf's maw as he watched the breeder sounding his own bulged at the base. Though he didn't think it was possible the spreaders that were now covering the walls surged with lustful growth once again as the egg passed through both their breeders at almost the same time, the egg sliding into Bladewolf while he could only pant and chitter in the lust being fed to him with both ends. He was going to be absolutely swollen with eggs, he thought, and that seemed to prompt Newlyn to come over with his own contribution. The other two Bal'Kar pulled their heads away to allow the former snow leopard to get in with a breeder of his own, his tentacles wrapping around Bladewolf's head to pull him down so that he could push the cock tentacle in his maw and stretch his already occupied gullet with even more.

The pool of bio-extract was growing around the four as their spreaders continued to grow outwards, giving everything a rubbery sheen and alien-like appearance. As the Bal'Kar flesh stretched over the wood to completely seal one end of the tube station they decided to so something more interesting with the one they came in, spreading the rubber to create covering that operated like one of their grapplers, the ring of muscle opening and closing along with sprouting tentacles along the inside to grab any weary interlopers. With the darkness of the tunnel beyond one would have to get up close and personal to see what was going on... and by that it would be far too late as more of the rubbery flesh pushed out a few feet from the makeshift door to ensnare anyone that might come investigate.

By the time their new nest was finished the other Bal'Kar pulled away from the swollen Bladewolf, every inch of his body bloated from the sheer number of eggs they had inserted into him in order to thank him for bringing them there. One even managed to pop out when Erin came in with her own contribution, using her tentacles to hug the stuffed Bal'Kar tight. Once they were done with that they began to go to work to figure out what to do next; with the top side of the city littered with security cameras the only way that they could operate efficiently is to take over the tube network as they had planned before, and with the abandoned station taken over they had a base of operations they could spread from. They were just going to have to work fast in order to make sure they had the city in their tentacles before anyone could do anything about it...

The Bal'Kar Blitz (5/10)

Czakrun was walking down the street as day turned to night, the dragon breathing a slight sigh of relief as the crowd had begun to thin out slightly. While normally congestion in the streets wasn't too bad one of the tube stations had been shut...

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The Bal'Kar Blitz (3/10)

Benji cursed under his breath as he looked around yet another tunnel trying to find where Bladewolf had run off too, using the chalk he had gotten from his pack in order to identify where the cavern exit was. The second he had gotten back and saw...

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The Bal'Kar Blitz (2/10)

The next day the two of them made their way bright and early through the London International Airport, meeting first at the café where they had breakfast. Bladewolf commented that it was a nice when he wasn't bleeding out all over it, the two...

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