The Bal'Kar Blitz (9/10)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#9 of The Bal'Kar Blitz

When the Bal'Kar hop the pond from the United States and arrives in Britain those involved decide that it's time to take the takeover of humanity to the next level, starting from the ground up.

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Next to the main line a group of military personnel began their final check before beginning their search and rescue. A different squad had started running anti-terrorism drills and had decided to move over to the tube stations that were down for maintenance, but about an hour into their exercise the officer conducting it could no longer bring them up on the radio. While it might have been something as simple as a radio malfunction the fact they hadn't come back up even after the drill was scheduled to end made it worrisome enough that they decided to send another team down to investigate. Fortunately it was a joint-operation with the American military and they had been conducting similar training inside of the busy tube station when the call came in for them to go in and finding the other team.

"Looks like we're doing search and rescue training a little earlier then anticipated," one of the squad said, a rather large bull man who fiddled with the radio in his ear before looking over at another. "Check check, radio check. Can you hear me Wolfe?"

"Loud and clear," Wolfe replied, giving the bull a nod before they moved on to the next person in their five-man team. Since the radios given to the other team didn't seem to be working they had been issued new ones, and though they kept to the same frequency as before they were supposed to have a stronger signal so that they could keep in contact with the higher-ups. "So do you really think that something happened to them?"

"Hell no," a tiger next to the wolf said in a fake British accent, scoffing as he checked his weapon. "My guess is they decided to pop off and have themselves a pint and lost track of time. We're probably going to find them stumbling around with alcohol on their breath and their pants around their ankles or something, I can only hope that we get to be there when we see their asses get chewed out by their superior officers."

The others laughed, then suddenly stiffened when they heard their superior officer telling them nonchalantly over the radios that if they don't find the others then they would be the ones that were getting their butts chewed by him, prompting them to get serious once more as they looked into the dark tunnel. As soon as they got to the junction where the rail tracks split off into several directions they took the one to the left with the red lights flashing above it that indicated the tube was closed to operators. It was a relief to the squad since they didn't have to worry about trains clipping them as they walked in formation down into the darkness, the five of them turning on the flashlight mounts of their weapons. After walking a few feet in it became the only source of light they had as they left the lights of the main line behind.

"Don't they have security lighting or something here?" an orca in their squad whispered over their comms. "I feel like I'm going to break my neck or something tripping over one of these rails."

"Higher ups say that the reason this part of the underground isn't working is because of cascading electrical failures," the bull explained in an equally soft voice. "It was also one of the reasons that they sent the squad in the first place, in order to see if they could find the source of the power outages while also completing their training. For some reason the military had sent them in secretly so that no one else knew about it, which was another reason why we are being sent in quickly in order to try and extract them."

"Ooooh, cloak and dagger," the newest member of the team, an overly energetic rabbit, stated with an eager grin. "Maybe they're running some sort of secret experiment, a diabolical lab that they want to keep quiet from the general public."

"Shut up Bernard," the bull replied before looking at the others. "Alright, we're doing this by the numbers. Keep your lights on and radios open, since the underground sprawls a bit we're going to have to do divide and conquer tactics in order to cover as much ground as possible."

Wolfe and the others agreed and they began to fan out as they made their way to the next tube station, which was the most recent one to be shut down. While Bernard had likely been joking the thought remained in the wolf's mind that something did seem very odd about this mission. It should have been something straight forward as looking around for a squad that in all likelihood had done exactly their tiger squad mate had implied, but the gray wolf was still couldn't shake the feeling that there was something else going on here. If this was just pulling back a few soldiers that had decided to bend the rules then why all the secrecy?

With no map and no way to see any further than what their flashlight was able to reveal it was impossible to tell how long they had until they reached the station. Then there was the fact that they might not even be at that one, which meant that they would have to be looking down the line until they reached an abandoned section of tube stations they would be required to search as well. For a small squad like them it would take hours, if not the entire day, if the ones they were searching for weren't right at the first one. With the initial excitement of the mission slowly ebbing away into tedious searching of every nook and cranny of the tube tunnel while approaching the station there were grumblings that could be heard over their radio frequency already.

About a half an hour into their search Wolfe stopped when he suddenly heard a gunshot echo through the tunnel, everyone immediately jumping onto the radio to try and figure out who fired the shot and why. The bull quickly took control and told the others to update their status, the wolf going first as usual before the orca and rabbit did the same. When they got nothing from the tiger the bull continued to try and call out, then started to relay to one another what the plan would be in order to try and find where the tiger had gone too. As soon as they were about to reconvene however they heard another voice on their radio, though it wasn't the one that they were expecting.

"Hey, this is squad leader two-one-five," the voice said. "Name's James, I believe you're looking for us?"

"Well glad to see you're finally calling in," the bull replied with a tint of anger in his voice as Wolfe listened into the conversation. "What's going on here? Why did we hear a weapon discharge?"

"That's my fault I'm afraid," James replied sheepishly. "Seems your squad mate was a bit on edge so when I saw him going down the tunnel and shouted at him it startled him enough that he pulled the trigger. Thankfully no one was in front of him but the bullet did ricochet and grazed his arm, he's being taken care of by our medic though so nothing to worry about."

"Sounds like him," the bull stated with a sigh. "Anyway you never answered my question, why have you broken radio contact with forward base and stayed here beyond your allotted mission time?"

"I was kind of hoping I wouldn't have to say it..." James replied. "But we got rather lost down here. We stumbled into the old section of tube station that had gotten condemned and our maps didn't have it, so we've been wandering around in circles while trying to get back in time in order to hide our mistake... though it appears that won't happen."

"Hey boss!" another voice chimed in, this one being their rabbit squad mate. "I think I see them actually, they got on night vision or something because all I see are glowing green circles. I'll make contact and make sure our trigger-happy feline was only wounded in his ego."

Wolfe breathed a sigh of relief when it appeared that their mission was not only going to be relatively short but successful as well. The bull told him and the orca to meet up at the coordinates provided to them, which turned out to be the entrance to the first tube station that they would have had to search anyway. From the sound of it the orca was the next closest followed by the bull, then Wolfe who had been instructed to clear out a nearby utility tunnel before they had found their target. Since they were making great time the lupine found no reason to rush, taking his weapon and putting it around his shoulder before walking down the tracks.

As Wolfe began to make his way back however something still caused the fur on the back of his neck to stand on end. The story just didn't seem to make sense; if they were already back in the first tube station when why didn't they just go up and then contact their superior officer when they heard a search team was looking for them? He could understand the concept of getting lost, especially if it was a place that wasn't on their maps, but if that was the case then to maintain radio silence even when they were back in range just made things worse for them. Something wasn't lining up and it was causing the wolf to frown as he continued to make his way towards the group.

"I'm making contact with the others," the orca reported on the radio. "I think I can see Bernard... what the..."

"What's going on?" the bull asked when they heard their squad mate trail off.

"It looks like there's rubber residue or something on the walls that he's rubbing against," the orca finally replied. "No way, you have to see this, he's-" the orca was suddenly cut off and the bull shouted at him to give him a report. "It's on me! They're purshrht insurd... gurlkkk..."

Wolfe stopped dead in his tracks as he heard what sounded like the orca gurgling, followed by a small, muffled moan that caused his stomach to drop to his feet. "Wolfe, you still out there?" the bull asked, Wolfe responding in the affirmative. "Good, keep your weapons up and get to the tube station to cover me. I don't know what's going on here but I don't like it."

The gray wolf immediately broke into a run while readying his rifle, knowing that he was going to have to play catch-up in order to provide back up to the bull that was advancing on his position. Things had just gone from mysterious to downright bizarre and it appeared their own squad was now in the middle of it all. For a while the only thing he heard was the sound of his own feet hitting the pavement, but as he finally got to the final bend before the tube station he heard the sound of gunfire very close to his location. It only lasted for a few seconds however and then went silent, and when Wolfe attempted to get them on the radio the only thing he heard was static.

That was enough for Wolfe and he immediately attempted to contact his superior officer monitoring the situation, only to find nothing more then white noise coming back. Had whatever happened to his team also knocked out their communications? After several more attempts to try and get anyone up on the wire he found himself to be alone in the darkness with only his flashlight to light the way. While he wanted nothing more then to go and try to save his team his analytical mind told him to make his way back to the main line and then call for immediate military back-up to try and take out whatever threat was down there.

"Hey... Wolfe..." the bull said suddenly, causing Wolfe to jump slightly upon hearing someone on their comms after getting nothing when he tried to reach out. "It was a false alarm after all, but the tunnel here is unstable. If you managed to get to the last bend before the tube station you should see a hole in the wall where you can get down to us, I took a spill just like the other squad into the old tube tunnels beneath this place and I need your help to get myself the other squad members out of here."

A collapsed tunnel... could that possibly be what the big mystery around the tube stations of this line were? It would make sense that they would want it to remain secret, the wolf thought to himself as his pounding heart began to settle, don't want others to find out that they build tube stations that are falling apart. But despite the reassurance that he had gotten from the bull, and the others of his squad that came on the comm to collaborate the account, he kept his gun up while using the flashlight mount to look for the hole in the wall they were talking about. It didn't take him long until he did, and when he pulled the light away from it he saw a glowing green coming from the opening that was likely several glow sticks that had been cracked so that they could see the area more easily.

When he got to the hole in the wall Wolfe carefully poked his head in, looking around to see that it looked like something that had been excavated out in order to link the new line to the old one beneath. But as he slowly walked in and carefully made his way down the crumbling passageway he noticed something else on the walls. They were shiny black tendrils that looked like veins spreading along the concrete. It reminded him of what his orca squad mate said, but before he could investigate them though it appeared someone was about to come up to his location as the green light at the bottom of the passageway grew brighter.

Wolfe let out a slight gasp of surprise when the source of the light turned the corner and revealed itself, the gray wolf looking down to see a glowing green eye surrounded by similar petals look up at him. He immediately brought up his weapon to fire, but the longer he looked at it the less he felt the adrenaline and panic that came with the initial sighting. Eventually Wolfe felt his finger pull away from the trigger and the barrel of his gun drift away from the target. Soon the eye was joined by a second one that slithered out from around the corner, both of them bathing the wolf with their light. As he found himself starting to walk forward once more the two eyes were joined by two more, but this time they belonged to a head of a monstrous creature that was startling enough to cause him to pause.

"We've been waiting for you Wolfe," the creature said, though its mouth didn't move as the words reverberated in his mind. "The others have been looking forward to this ever since their own conversions. Soon you will join your squad once more, but it will be for a completely different team."

Though Wolfe could feel himself trying to resist, knowing that he should be running for his life in order to tell the others, he found himself still slowly walking forward as a strange type of euphoria began to radiate through his body. As his gun clattered to the ground the wolf could see images forming in his mind's eye, looking through eyes that were not his own as he saw a scene of the tunnel the had just come from unfolding before his eyes. It was clear that he was seeing this from a different perspective as the viewpoint was from nearly the top of the tunnel looking down, as well as everything being tinted green as the vision was able to penetrate the darkness. The first thing he saw in his mind was the image of his tiger teammate, the feline looking up in shock at whatever Wolfe was watching from and firing a single shot before a tentacle reached out and wrapped around him completely.

That was the first shot that he had heard before and it was clear that it wasn't a misfire as the tentacle wrapped around the feline's body, though suddenly the vision ended and Wolfe found himself in a similar predicament. He hadn't even realized until he was seeing through his own eyes again that the creature had managed to coil all around his limbs, slowly pulling him deeper into the hole that had been created underneath the tunnels. When he tried to struggle after regaining his clarity he found it impossible to escape the grip of the creature. It wasn't long however until the tentacles with the eyes on them refocused his attention on them, and once more his jaw went slack as he was pulled into point of view of the same creature from before.

This time it was a similar scene as before except with no tiger, the tunnel once more completely empty as it saw something shining in the distance. It was a flashlight and as the rabbit turned the corner Wolfe realized this was Bernard seeing them for the first time, and as the head that he occupied turned from side to side he saw that the tiger had not left at all. Instead his body had started to mutate, his shredded clothes all around him as he began to move forward unsteadily as the toes of his feet and fingers on his hands began to stretch into tentacles. After the rabbit had gotten off the radio and started to approach he must have seen the tiger and initially thought it was just him, though when the flashlight beam revealed his compromised state the rabbit gasped and terror and turned to run.

By that point it was too late however, Wolfe watched as the tentacles that grew from the tiger had darted forward and wrapped around his body, quickly sliding up into his fatigues and armors while gagging him to prevent him from revealing his true form. As the one who watched saw the tiger pull the rabbit aside he could feel an intense lust coursing though his body as he clearly saw the blackened cock of the male pushing into the rabbit's tailhole, causing both creatures to writhe as the eyes of the rabbit began to turn green just like the tiger behind him. As more of the smaller male's features disappeared under the thick black tentacles Wolfe could see more of them branching out from where the former feline had sat, his body swelling and warping to become more like the creature the wolf had seen before being shown these images. As the rabbit also began to change, his ears thickening and turning black while his arms and legs began to follow suit, he was once more brought back to his own consciousness to see that he had been brought into a large chamber that extended along the length of the tunnel that was above them.

There Wolfe found the tiger and rabbit that had been in his vision, both of them back in their old bodies save for the pair of controller tentacles that looked at him as well. He also saw the bull and orca there too with similar glowing green eyes and tentacles, all of them approaching the wolf who was deposited gently onto the floor in front of him. "Wait, guys..." the wolf said as he started to crawl away from them, though when he did he realized he was as naked as they were as the four of them began to stroke their deforming cocks. "What about... what about the mission?"

"Mission has been accomplished," the bull replied, motioning to the cavern where several other tentacle creatures stood chittering at the scene. "We have a new mission now, once that concerns the fate of London, and it would be best if we had our whole team to do it."

"New mission?" Wolfe asked, though in reality he was trying to find some way to stall while thinking of a means to escape. "Did the higher ups approve this?"

The four of them chuckled as they nodded at him, causing him to stare back in confusion. "Oh, it's not the higher ups that you were thinking of," the bull clarified as he started to circle around the wolf while the orca continued to step forward. "We are in charge now, all of us together will bring about the end of humanity and evolve them to Bal'Kar. Why don't you think about it while you see the rest of the story."

Wolfe was unsure of what to do but when all four of them turned their controller tentacles on him he felt such a wave of pleasure wash through him that it floored him. He thought he would cum right there as the Bal'Kar fed him a glimpse of what it would be like to be connected to them, as well as seeing how the orca and bull were converted as well. For the orca he had gotten too close to the transforming rabbit, the gurgles and moans he and the bull had heard was from one of the tentacles darting forward and pushing straight into his maw. The muscular male had fallen backwards from the sudden ambush and as it pushed down deeper into his throat it immediately started to flood him with bio-extract.

By the time the bull had gotten to his position the orca's stomach was rounded with eggs that had been deposited in him while the black of his already smooth skin turned unnaturally shiny and spread over the white parts. With the orca in the throes of his transformation there was nothing he could do but stroke his erect cock while another tentacle pushed into his tailhole as their squad coordinator came upon the scene with a gasp. When he brought his gun up to shoot the tentacles that were wiggling inside of his squad mate the partially transformed rabbit leapt down from his hiding place on the wall and wrapped around his head, causing him to fire blindly as the breeder tool of the bunny slid down into his throat. By the time he had emptied his clip the bull's erection could be plainly seen as the new Bal'Kar slid his first egg into his prey while the bull's horns softened and wiggled around...

Wolfe let out a gasp as the pleasure they had felt during their changes flowed through him as though he were connected to them, and as he saw the orca and bull approaching him from either side he could hear their voices saying in their mind that he already was. The controller tentacles had given him a taste of what it was like in the minds of those that had been transformed and had inundated the wolf with so much lust that his cock was practically dripping by this point from the hypnotic influence of the controller tentacles still baring down on him. It was so intense he found himself unable to move, unable to think, unable to focus on anything but the large breeders that had been presented to him.

"They were nice enough to allow us to take you in ourselves," the bull said as his face began to swell, muzzle turning slightly black as he stroked his cock that leaked green bio-extract next to the prone wolf. "Now open wide and be reborn."

There was little that Wolfe could do at that point but open his maw, his body trembling from the pleasure that was keeping him from doing anything but watching that thick cock wiggle in the air before pressing against his muzzle. As the slimy flesh began to slide past his lips he managed to think that there was no way this was going to fit, especially when he felt a similar sensation happening to his backside. Both were quite thick, thicker than the tentacle the orca had shoved into him when he was initially transformed, but as the tips of them continued to push inside he felt the flesh of his muzzle and tailhole that had come in contact with them begin to shift. Almost immediately the grey fur on both sides melted and became black rubbery flesh like the tentacle monster that had brought him in there, which allowed more of the breeders to push inside of him as his body contorted. He could feel tentacles slithering around him and when he tilted his head back he saw the bull's feet had started to split and branch out, though his new positioning allowed the bovine to push even deeper into him to the point where Wolfe felt his throat bulging out before it began to undergo a similar change as well.

Even before his changes had started Wolfe had begun to feel more connected to the hive that they had been talking about, the same one that allowed him to see what happened to his teammates through the eyes of the controllers that were fixated on the transforming wolf. It was like a chorus of lustful voices that were joining with his own, feeling himself call out to them even as the two cocks inside of him continued to thrust and push inside. He could see that the orca's cock inside of him had actually pushed out his stomach, though the potent extract seeping inside of him had made such an insertion extremely pleasurable as he could see every throb of the appendage inside of him. As the fur that was around it began to follow the same pattern as his head and tailhole Wolfe's back suddenly arched as something stretched out his mutated lips and butt, a spherical object that was likely similar to the ones that had been pumped into the orca.

There was a loud series of chitters from the Bal'Kar basking in the lust of the changing male as the first eggs were deposited into him, clearly seeing their outlines as they passed through his chest and stomach to rest in his belly. The introduction of eggs into his body seemed to expedite his growth and the moan that came from the wolf deepened dramatically as shiny black tentacles erupted from his corrupted stomach and chest, slithering through the air as his hands merged to become bashers that dug into the concrete. His new appendages began to wrap around those that were forming from the orca and the bull that were still pumping into him, their own bodies growing much faster to the point their tentacles engulfed the wolf's changing body. The two of them remained that way, stroking their newest member of the hive all over his expanding frame as they had to start separating in order to allow for the growing abdomen of the new Bal'Kar to grow.

Finally Wolfe's head broke through the mass of tentacles that were around him, his own curling around as he let out a loud roar that echoed through the chamber that had been created. His bright green slurper tongue stretched from his maw as his teeth finished sharpening, growing into a Bal'Kar muzzle just like the four that were now around him. The remaining members of the squad were no longer content to allow the other two to have all the fun, shedding their guise forms to join in on the tentacular fun as breeders and grapplers came together in order to transfer the bountiful eggs they were filled with between one another.

Meanwhile back at the original Bal'Kar nest Bladewolf, Benji, Erin, and Newlyn were all watching as bubbles began to form in the bio-extract pools that they had created. "It appears that Chaos has taken care of our interlopers," Newlyn stated as they watched something begin to emerge from the pools. "Still... the loss of two squads of military personnel will probably prompt a greater response from them sooner rather than later."

"I'm suppose it's as good as a time as any," Newlyn replied with a smirk. "I'm glad that you guys brought me along for this, while I enjoyed my time in the Rocky Mountains being here when we take over a major city is going to blow the experience of infesting Starpoint right out of the water. Do you think we should wait for more to hatch at least or are we moving out now?"

"I think we have more than enough in order to take over the first main line station," Bladewolf stated as he looked from the growing mass of youngling Bal'Kar to the roofs overhead that were teeming with tentacles. "Let's get all our first strikers into position so that when we spread through the underground we're ready to break through to the surface as well. I doubt we're going to get everyone on the first go so in the chaos of people leaving the station we can use the train lines to guide our infestation."

"It certainly sounds like a plan to me," Benji replied, their glowing green eyes looking down at the others that were in their true forms waiting to coordinate. Between the mass of Bal'Kar below the streets of London and the ones in disguise above, several neighborhoods strategically infested not only to guard their exit points but also to make sure that they could spread even more efficiently, they were not going to get much more ready then that. With a surge of lust that came from them the others immediately began to move, the smaller Bal'Kar flooding the tunnel and gliding through the bio-extact that had pooled there as adult ones moved through the tubes as well. As they moved into position they nodded to the broodlord that winked with two of their eyes before they pulled themselves out of the massive nest that was created, looking up at the ceiling.

It was all coming together, soon the skies of the city would turn orange as the streets ran green with bio-extact...

The Bal'Kar Blitz (10/10)

It was the typical Saturday traffic down in the tube station, though it was slightly busier than usual given the line that was next to it had been completely shut down. Those that had come from that area grumbled about how much time they had...

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The Bal'Kar Blitz (8/10)

Benji whistled to himself as he made his way over towards another section of the abandoned tube station that they had made into their nest, seeing all the other Bal'Kar hard at work molding everything for their eventual siege of London. One thing...

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The Bal'Kar Blitz (7/10)

There was a lot of grumbling that could be heard in the tube station that Takum and Solar were standing on, though the crowd was relatively thin with only a few people besides them waiting for the train. Ever since the last two tube stations were...

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