A Harrowing Homecoming

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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A man goes back to his hometown and finds that while quite a few things have not changed in it, there was definitely one thing that has. His friend has gotten ripped and it was definitely not something he saw in the city.

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It was always strange to move back to one's hometown after being gone for so long, and after four years of college where he had only visited for the occasional holiday Elias almost felt like a stranger. The town itself hadn't changed, save for a store that might have moved to a different building or had a new owner, but as he walked down the street from the bus station everything seemed to have a veneer of unfamiliarity to it. He recognized more than a few faces but they had grown older in his absence, just like he was sure he had done to them as several passed by without even recognizing him. There were a number of people who did though and he found himself being delayed by several hours as people asked how college was and what he was going to do now that he had graduated.

Though it hadn't been his first choice to leave the city and return home he hadn't managed to find a job right away after he had gotten his degree and needed to save money while he searched. Though it seemed like it was on another planet he was only a few hours drive away and with the miracle of the internet he could continue his search while living from home. Not the most ideal situation in the world but it beat having to scrape by while looking as he finally got to the street that he had called home a few years ago. Just as he was about to head up the stairs of the porch to head in and be greeted by his family he heard a deep, gruff voice from behind say his name.

When he turned around he found that it was his turn to be perplexed by the guy behind him, looking him up and down while his brain scrambled for an identity to put to the burly male behind him. "Don't tell me that you forgot about me already while you were up there getting educated," once more Elias found himself drawing a blank as the grin on the man continued to grow. "You would think that the one you fooled around with at the edge of the lake right before you shipped off would have made more of an impression on you then that, was I really not that good?"

"Mark?!" Elias said loudly, covering his mouth and looking back to make sure that his exclamation was not heard by those inside as he walked down the stairs and looked at his high school friend. "Holy cow man, you've... really changed a lot the last few years."

The man let out a deep laugh and patted Elias on the back, who once more balked at the meaty arm that surrounded him. When he had left town to go to college Mark opted to stay and help out his parents at the family business, and he remembered that the guy he had left behind was actually a little on the skinny side and was almost a little shorter than him. Now he found himself tilting his head up slightly to meet eye to eye, which kept him from staring at the forest of hair on his bare arms and that was poking out of his shirt. He was also wearing shorts that showed off thicker, definitely hairier legs that seemed to darken the further up they went until it disappeared past the fabric.

"Hey, never underestimate a person's capacity to grow," Mark replied, pointing a finger at him sternly before he let out a chuckle. "In this case quite literally. I'm sure you have a ton of questions but why don't we go ahead and catch up later tonight after you have appeased your family, I have a little apartment that overlooks the lake that I'm sure you would enjoy."

Elias could feel himself blushing slightly as his friend once more mentioned the spot where, after more than a bit of liquor they had taken from their parent's liquor cabinet and talking about all the stuff that would happen to him in college, they had briefly taken their relationship to the next level. It never got past the kissing and groping stage and the two sobered up quickly when they realized what they were doing, but neither were particularly ashamed about it and told each other as such. Still... they hadn't wanted to ruin their friendship or start something when he was about to go off to the city, so they left their adventure at the side of the lake that night and never went further than that.

Though Elias still had a number of questions running through his mind on how Mark managed to look the way he did he could hear those in the house starting to wonder where he had gone off to. The other male gave him a wink and let him out of the shoulder hold, giving him the address to his new place before heading back off down the street. As he stood there watching his friend leave he swore he could see him swishing his butt about like a dog on a walk, the mental image of which caused him to chuckle before he turned and walked back towards his house. As expected almost everyone he had ever known was there to welcome him back to the town, even it was only temporary, and though the small party was nice in the back of his mind he wished that he had invited the guy to come inside...

As the hours passed and the night ran long people began to leave until there were only his parents left as well one or two of their friends, which prompted Elias to say he was going to meet up with a friend and would see them later. He hugged his parents and said if he came back early enough he would wish them well on their flight; another reason that Elias didn't mind coming back to his hometown was his parents had been planning a vacation and he would have the house to himself for a few weeks to find a job, which meant that the gathering was also a bit of a going away party. When he offered to help them with their luggage to the car they just waved him off and told him to have a good time. They didn't have to tell him twice and he darted out of the house and walked towards Mark's apartment.

One nice thing about a small town was he could walk everywhere he needed to go, Elias thought to himself as he made his way towards the lake that bordered one side. His parents were leaving him the car so he could drive to the city if he needed to go for an interview but decided to breathe in the fresh air, especially since Spring had just arrived. It was one thing he missed, having nature so close around him that he could smell and touch it instead of dirty city streets with buildings and cars instead of trees. It didn't make up for how dull things were however, the thought causing him to chuckle as he went to one of the few apartment buildings in the town and pressed the button with Mark's name on it.

He only had to wait a few seconds until Mark's voice came over the intercom to tell him to come in, Elias still marveling at how different he had sounded. As he walked in and went up the stairs he still couldn't believe how different his friend's voice was to him. Had he gone through some sort of growth spurt like a second puberty, or had it always been that way and he just never noticed? It was just one of the things he wondered as he got to the top floor and knocked on the door.

Once again Elias only had to wait for a few seconds before it opened, and when it did he had to put his hand to his face to avoid his jaw dropping from the sight. Mark was wearing even less then he had been when they met on the street, the tank top no longer on him and only wearing the shorts as he motioned for him to come in. While he had seen that his friend's arms and legs had gotten hairier it was nothing compared to his back and chest. It looked like he was wearing a fur poncho or something of that nature as he walked back inside and motioned for Elias to do the same before offering a drink.

A few minutes later they were both sitting on his leather cough with cups in hand and the television on to a random movie that Mark had picked. "So I have to ask..." Elias said after taking a drink, motioning to the guy sitting near him. "What is up with all this? Are you taking steroids or some sort of experimental medication that makes you look like that?"

"What do you mean?" Mark replied in feigned ignorance, which quickly turned to a smirk when Elias pointed to his muscular, hairy chest. "Oh, you know how it is, you work out and eat right and get the results you want."

"That's bull and you know it," Elias shot back, poking Mark in the ribs. "A few years ago you wouldn't have known what exercise was if you were running from it, and now you're telling me that you've suddenly shown an interest in being the next Mr. Universe? Plus that doesn't explain that pelt your sporting."

"Hey, I happen to have joined a group that is all about healthy eating and lots of cardio," Mark stated, surprising Elias as he pulled off his shirt and sweatshirt at the same time. When his bare skin was exposed the other male could feel his jaw dropping, not only because of how muscular his chest was and what seemed to be even thicker hair on it then he realized but also saw something poking out of his waistband. "What do you think of that, like what you see?"

"I... uh..." Elias wasn't sure whether or not his friend knew that he was more exposed then he had intended, but as he continued to stare at it he was slightly shocked to find the heavy member still pushing up his abs. "I definitely don't think I remember you packing anything like that. I mean, I only saw it that one time, but uh... yeah..."

It appeared that Mark was either unashamed at his growing cock or had done so intentionally to show off, especially as Elias suddenly found a hand against the back of his head stroking his hair. "Why don't you go ahead and give it a closer look," Mark suggested as Elias found himself drifting closer to the thing he couldn't pull his eyes from. "Perhaps you can see if your steroid theory is true. I would hurry up though, the night is still young and I have things to do."

Elias couldn't believe what he was doing as he actually found his face mere inches away from the other guy, feeling like he had just gotten transported back to that moment before the lake. Strangely it had been Mark that eventually aborted their romantic rendezvous, so to have him initiating like this so assertively was a surprise. What caught him even more off-guard was how much he was leaning into it, his nostrils flaring as he caught the musk of the other male and found it strangely tantalizing. He found his fingers slowly going up to the waist-band of the underwear and pulled them down, hearing Mark let out a soft grunt as his cock was finally allowed to spring free.

Was he really doing this, Elias thought to himself as he took a second to look back up at the nearly naked, very hairy male sitting and waiting for him to make a move. He had already absentmindedly put a hand on the throbbing tool and could feel the warm flesh between his fingers, the other hand finding that Mark definitely wasn't on steroids as he moved through the nest of hair to feel the full balls nestled underneath it. His head hovered tentatively over the head of the cock and finally his arousal overrode any remaining trepidation he had, taking his mouth and engulfing the head of it. He could feel the muscular body of the other male arch and his eyes bulged in shock when nearly half the shaft sank into him.

When he pulled back to breathe Elias heard Mark apologize and that he was used to something a little different, but then a pressure against the back of his head signaled that his reprieve was going to be only temporary. As soon as the taste hit his tongue however he found himself far more eager to slide his mouth back down, eventually getting into it and starting to bob his head up and down while he felt his friend writhing in pure pleasure beneath him. At one point he swore he could hear the other male growl as he continued his ministrations, letting his lusts take over and allowing him to do something that he had only attempted all those years ago. But any thought of bringing him to orgasm that way was dashed as he suddenly was pulled off and turned around before being lifted into the air.

Elias let out a slight yelp as he suddenly found his legs kicking in the air, marveling at his friend's strength as he was carried all the way to the bedroom. The room was dark and when the door slammed shut behind him he was suddenly plunged into total darkness. As one arm continued to remain wrapped around his chest, which in the dark felt even hairier than normal to the point where it was like he had on some sort of fur shirt, he could hear a drawer being hastily opened and rummaged around it. With his sense of hearing behind heightened he could tell that Mark had squirted something out that was likely lube, hearing him mutter something about needing it for the first time in a voice that sounded a little hoarser than normal.

The second he was done Elias felt himself once more get lifted, but instead of being tossed on the bed like he had thought he was brought to the opposite wall and pinned against it. He was shocked by the intensity of the other male, especially as he felt Mark's tongue lick against his ear and huff right into it. Somehow Mark's body felt even more heavily muscled in the dark as the tip of that thick cock began to spread his cheeks open. "Holy shit Mark!" Elias shouted as he pressed his hands against the wall, only to find himself getting pushed against it once more. "You're like a fucking animal!"

"You're right," Mark replied, the body of Elias trembling from the sheer potency of dominance that came from his voice as he felt something cold and wet push against his ear. "We're going to FUCK like animals." As though to punctuate his point Mark pushed forward, causing the Elias to let out a loud moan despite himself. Even the only thing that was running through his mind was the intense pleasure he was grateful that Mark had at least lubed himself up as the penetrated did cause a slight spike of pain before it melted away.

Whatever discomfort he had felt before was quickly overridden by a sharp sting in his shoulder, feeling something sharp sink into his flesh as he let out another cry. Had Mark, his oldest friend, just bit him?! His reaction was more from surprise then pain as those teeth latched onto him, which in turn took his attention away from his rear end and allowed the cock sliding into him to gain another few inches inside of him. The sensations were overwhelming for him and as he started to feel that cock really thrusting into him the entire room began to spin. Eventually Elias lost track of everything as the night melted away into a haze of rutting as the furry back of the other male pressed hard against him until he was completely hilted...


The next day Elias found himself laying naked in Mark's bed, groaning as he tried to get up only to feel like his body had gotten hit by a freight train. When he did manage to lift his head up to look around he realized two things; it was already well past morning and that his impromptu lover wasn't there. As he slowly shifted himself so he could get out of the bed he winced slightly and looked at his shoulder, remembering that right in the middle of the act he had gotten a chunk taken out of him. When he looked at the skin all he saw were a couple of dents that might have been made by teeth, which made him wonder if perhaps he hadn't overimagined the bite that had been taken and mistook a gentle nibbling for something more.

As Elias finally started to get up and move around he found a note on the counter where his clothes had been thrown, seeing a hastily scribbled message that said Mark was going to work and he would talk to him later. It also said that he could stick around if he wanted but he already felt a bit awkward standing naked in the place of his friend after the intense night of sex they had together. Plus he could use a shower and didn't want to impose any more then he already had as he got dressed and checked he had all his belongings. Just as he was about to step outside though he also realized that he was about to leave with no notice and went back over to the note to write that he had left and would call him again later to talk again.

Though he was fully dressed the fact that his underwear had been torn to shreds during the encounter they had last night meant that he had to go commando the entire way home. With the residual lust that he had from last night and the feel of his exposed privates

Though there was nothing he really had to do Elias believed that he had to get home so that he could start looking for a real job. As he stepped out into the light of day from the apartment building it started to feel like the last night hadn't even happened, or that it was some sort of strange dream brought on by too many drinks and nostalgia. His slightly awkward gait and the soreness of his muscles confirmed to him otherwise though and he was having trouble not thinking back to it as he walked around. Was this going to be the start of something, he thought to himself as he made his way back home, and if it was what was he going to do about it when he found a job back in the city?

When he got home he found the house completely empty, noting his parents had cleaned before they had left for their trip. Thankfully they had gotten a ride from a friend to the city and had stayed in a hotel before their flight, otherwise he would have likely gotten a barrage of questions of where he had stayed all night. At the moment his own mind was attempting to catch up on what had just happened as he immediately went to the shower and stripped off his clothing while he waited for the water to heat up. He could still smell Mark's musk on him and even though getting clean had been his first priority he found himself indulging in the scent of his mate once more.

Wait... mate? Where was that thought coming from, he thought to himself as he hopped into the shower and began to wash himself off. While the night had been incredible, they hadn't even begun to discuss where to take it from there, especially since he still had no intention of staying in this town. The ramifications of his actions slowly began to weigh down on him as he used the body products his parents had, though as he began to luffa himself he saw something on his chest that caused him to pause. While he had a few tufts of body hair here and there he found that as he washed off the soap that it had grown fuller and darker since the he last seen it.

It was probably just a trick of the light and water, Elias said to himself as he finished up what he was doing. While he had maintained good hygiene throughout his college days he hadn't been keeping up with his appearances as far as hair cuts and shaving. Most of the time it was because such things weren't really necessary, he grew facial hair rather slowly and though he kept his hair short it seemed to take a while for it to grow out. As he stepped out of the shower and looked at himself in the mirror however he realized that he had been far too neglectful in that case as his hair looked downright shaggy and he was starting to sport a beard that normally was just a five o' clock shadow at best.

With the supplies in his parents room lacking he decided to head down to the drug store and pick up a few things for himself in order to once more get in the proper grooming state. When he put on his clothes however he grunted slightly and found that his pants had gotten a little tight, and though he could get them on it was almost impossible to get them up past his boxers. He frowned slightly and tried a few more times before he decided to just take off the underwear and then put them on instead. Eventually he finally got them on and his hand pressed against the bulge that it created, grinning slightly in pride before he noticed his fingernails had also gotten a bit long and that he would need a set of trimmers too.

With it being mid-afternoon by the time he got down to the drug store there were a few people on the streets making the rounds, and as Elias passed by them he could feel their eyes on him while he passed. It was an odd sensation, especially when he saw that their looks ranged from slight disgust to arousal before they quickly looked away. It was definitely not the reception he had got before and he was suddenly conscious of the fact that even soft his maleness was making a slight outline in his jeans. Could they tell that he was going commando, he wondered to himself as he found himself adjusting the pants that felt increasingly tight on him as he walked.

Once he had gotten to the drug store he found it to be fortunately empty, save for the cashier that just gave him a weary look as he grinned sheepishly to her. This was just going to be in and out, he thought to himself as he grabbed a nearby basked and immediately went to the health and beauty section. As he passed by the aisles he remarked mentally that they were smaller then he remembered, amazed at how much four years away could change someone's perceptions about something as he began to put all manner of razors, soaps, and other such things into his basket. Then, just as he was about to finish picking a set of deodorant to use, he smelled something in the air that caused him to pause.

It was an unusual scent, one that he had never quite smelled before but was unusually intoxicating. At first the perfumed soaps and shampoos in the aisle muddied it but as he moved towards it in curiosity it quickly began to grow stronger. When he finally found it he found himself stopping suddenly as he was only a few feet away from another guy that was looking through the coolers full of drinks to find something. Every time he opened the door and the cool air blew out he caught another whiff of it, the smell of a male as he found himself moving forwards once again.

As he approached he looked over him closely, gathering that he was a younger dude that was maybe a year or two below him and possibly had also finished college or was here on a break. He was also somewhat skinny but still had a bit of muscle on him. When the other male turned up and looked at the sudden newcomer Elias realized that he had been huffing in and immediately took a step back before making an excuse that he was just waiting to get in the cooler. The guy nodded and said he could just get it for him, asking him what he wanted as he bent down and raising his rear in the air that caused his dick to throb hard.

"I... uh... want what you're having," Elias replied quickly, giving himself another second to stare since he would just be depositing the unwanted drink back into cooler later. "So, live around here?"

"I'm actually just up visiting some relatives," the guy said. "Used to live here a while ago but I hoofed it to the city as soon as I could to try and make something of myself. Name's Joshua by the way, you are?"

"Oh, I'm Elias," Elias replied, finding himself stepping closer as his clothing suddenly became more uncomfortable. "I just finished college and staying at my parents until I could find a job in the city. You know how it is to be in a small town, not enough room to grow and all that."

"Well you certainly know a thing or two about growing," Joshua said as he stepped forward, surprising Elias when he reached up and wrapped his arms around his biceps. "I'm not sure how you managed to fit into these clothes but you definitely could go up a size or two to try and contain these pythons."

Elias felt his heart racing as he was getting hit with all kinds of sensory data at once, feeling his body tremble from the touch of the other male even with the fingers being on his sleeves... which he noticed were practically straining now. It was enough to snap him out of the reverie he was getting from the other male, who was practically fawning over him at this point. He heard something about how he liked muscular men and if he wasn't doing anything that they could go back to his place and hang out, and though his smaller brain screamed yes something was too weird. Not only the physical changes that were occurring, watching as hair seemed to be sprouting on his arms as he put his hands on his shoulders, but also from how much he wanted to get in there and dominate this lesser male.

Just as Joshua was about to come in for a kiss the last straw came when one of the hands of the smaller male reached up to his chin and ran his hands through the hair of a beard that had seemed to suddenly sprout there. He pushed back the amorous male and was surprised when he nearly banged into the cooler door, then dropped the basket he had been holding and bolted for the door. In his mind he kept thinking that something wasn't right while at the same time cursing himself for not ravishing him on such an open invitation. Just as he got to the back door and pushed it open he heard a loud rip and felt the ever-tightening fabric on his upper body suddenly release as he ran out.

As he got back out into the fresh air of the outdoors he realized that his shirt had completely split down the middle of his back, and as he flexed his arm he heard another tear and saw his bulging bicep push out from it. His clothing had reached the breaking point somehow and there was no way he could get through the streets like this if his pants were about to meet the same fate of his shirt. As his eyes scanned the area in a panic he saw that the drug store was bordered by woods in the back, and with nowhere else to go he made a run for it. Almost immediately the seams of his jeans popped and the soles of his shoes ripped as he abandoned all caution.

It appeared his nearly nude run hadn't been seen by anyone else as he got to the underbrush, which was good since his clothing was in tatters by the point he had gotten there. The most prominent failure was the seams holding the crotch together being split apart by his growing thighs that allowed his cock to spring free. Up until that point his thoughts had bene to try and figure out how to contact a doctor, but looking at his own veiny member rising up from the growing bush between his legs caused those thoughts to evaporate and he found himself licking his lips. Even though he could feel his eye teeth growing longer from the gesture his hands had begun to wrap around the throbbing shaft and he began to stroke.

Just as the lust he had felt towards the other male seemed to have accelerated his changes it seemed doing the same to himself did so even more, Elias grunting and huffing as he could now feel his feet pushing out as claws grew from his toes. Everything was changing, growing, expanding, his muscles rippling underneath his increasingly hairy body as his increasingly thickening arms pumped up and down on his bigger member. He could even feel the hair on his head growing, brushing past his ears as the tops stretched into points. At this point he didn't care, even with his changing body and the fact he was jerking off essentially in public paid no heed to his mind as the last of his clothes fell off his body.

The self-pleasure continued for a relatively short-amount of time, the lust and desires being produced by his body pushing him over the edge quickly. He came just as he began to feel his face starting to swell, pushing out briefly in his field of vision as his cock surged with length before dumping its load. His body writhed back and forth as he struggled to keep quiet, trying not to howl in pure pleasure as his spine stretched and his frame lengthened. As the last of his seed spurted out and his body began to calm however the changes slowed, Elias huffing hard through his enlarged nostrils as he finally was able to look at his partially furred body and especially at his huge cock and the clawed hands that had stroked it.

"Well..." he said, his voice a deeper baritone as he looked at the pelt of fur that had grown on the middle of his muscular chest. "Fuck."


As Elias sat in the woods on that rock completely naked he tried to figure out what he was going to do, especially since he had started to turn into some sort of muscular werewolf creature. Though his transformation seemed to have paused midway through it was no less disconcerting, especially when he tried to lean back and nearly jumped in pain which caused him to realize he had grown a tail during his masturbatory session. As he continued to try and figure out what to do however he grunted and felt his body shifting, exhaling hard as the proto-muzzle he had grown was pulled back into his human face and his hands and feet shrank to normal. There was a slight disheartening when his otherwise heavy, thick cock also shrank, but at least he didn't have a foot-long monster dangling between his legs while his body wiggled from his spine shrinking and sucking in his tail again.

Despite reverting back to a more human form however there were some changes that continued to persist in him, most notably the body hair that remained on him and especially on his chest, palms, and feet. He could also tell that he had gained height as well as muscle and though he couldn't measure it he gathered he was at least six and a half feet tall now. As he continued to slide his hands, which still had pointed fingernails that slightly resembled claws, he was awestruck on how... handsome he looked. It was like he had become a completely different person, just like...

...just like Mark.

It was like a big piece had fallen into place as Elias realized that he looked similar to the male that he had hooked up with last night, that he had gotten BITTEN by last night. Was Mark a werewolf, and did he just make him one too? It sounded crazy and far-fetched even in his head, but there was no other explanation for his changes and he had heard a rumor or two that such creatures roamed the area. He had just believed them to be spooky ghost stories to keep kids from messing around in the forest, but as he stood up and felt his new physique react to his movements he could tell the new muscles weren't just for show.

It wasn't just the physical changes that bothered Elias either; when he had started to run naked through the woods he felt free, like he didn't have a care in the world. Part of him wished that he could remain like this forever... though he knew that a naked guy running around outside of town would eventually catch someone's attention. He also thought back to the human that was in the drug store and how predatory he had gotten, not to harm or fight him but to drag him back to whichever place was closer to ravish him... or even possibly just bring him to the woods to do it like his own self-pleasure adventure.

Elias quickly shook his head to bring his attention back to the present, feeling his longer hair brushing against his shoulders as he tried to think of what to do next. The first thing he needed were clothes that fit, then he could go from there and either confront Mark or go to the hospital. Once more his thoughts drifted to that masculine creature that had possibly done this to him, feeling his fangs lengthen as he imagined running his tongue all along that hairy body. He could feel his arousal starting to spike again despite having relieved himself less than an hour ago and had to stop in order to get control of his rampaging libido.

After taking a few seconds to take a few calming breathes he realized that he had ran clear around the outskirts of the town, which meant if he wasn't careful he would be leaving the relative safety of the forest and heading towards the highway. Since he didn't feel like making headlines or going to jail he either needed to double back or head into town, and as he carefully moved forward he remembered that there was an old gym in this area that catered to boxers and other fighters. When he got to the tree line he breathed a sigh of relief to see that it was not only there but the back exit was practically flush with the forest, allowing him to sneak towards it and with another stroke of luck find that the door was actually open.

Not wanting to push his good fortune any further Elias immediately started to look for a locker or laundry room that might have something to hide his enlarged maleness. Though he was mostly mortified that someone might see him wandering the halls completely naked there was a strange thrill with walking around naked. It was like he was enjoying being proudly on display as he went from room to room attempting to find some type of garment. Fortunately it appeared that the gym was closed or at the very least not very popular as his pointed ears picked up little in the way of noise.

Finally after a while of careful searching Elias found a pair of shiny gym shorts that he could put on that were sitting on a nearby bench. Though at first he thought they would be too big for him he found the waistband fitting snugly against his toned thighs and it was a reminder of just how much he had grown from this strange experience. As he looked around for anything else that he could put on he found that the shorts he had slid on were the only things laying around, and though it at least gave him some modicum of modesty he couldn't fathom walking through the streets of the town with just them. Not only would the exposure cause others to talk but the fact that as he looked at himself in the mirror with amber eyes and started to assess his changes he still looked very unusual... not that anyone would possibly link him with the somewhat scrawny boy that had first pulled into town.

As he was examining his pointy ears and thick beard he heard the sound of someone clearing his throat, turning slightly to see a rather large man standing behind him with his arms crossed. "I don't think I've seen you around here before," the muscular male said as he stepped forward, Elias finding him eye-to-eye with him as he swallowed nervously. "Let me guess... you're here for fighter training, aren't you?"

Though he tried to stop himself Elias couldn't help but exhale in relief before putting on his best grin. "You got it," he replied, not able to think of a better reason why a half-naked man in gym shorts would be standing there. "The back door was open so I thought I would get changed, but it seems like you might be closed or something and was just about to leave anyway."

"Nonsense," the man said as a small grin appeared on his own face, holding out a hand to prompt Elias to shake it. "Name's Apollo, and unlike the name might suggest I'm an MMA fighter, not a boxer. I would hate for you to come all this way and not get an assessment in, so why don't you follow me and we can do some one-on-one training?"

Though Elias was going to decline his nostrils instinctively flared again and his mind clicked back into that same state he had at the drug store. It wasn't just a desire to be with this man, it was a need, and without even thinking about it he found himself nodding and following him through the empty halls of the gym. With all his willpower going down to his groin to make sure he didn't tent out the fabric of his shorts he could feel his eyes dilating, going into predator mode once more. Unlike the one that he had encountered before it was clear this muscular being could probably handle himself... and for some reason that made Elias want to dominate him all the more as his cock throbbed despite himself.

Elias hadn't even realized that Apollo was talking about something until he turned back and looked at him, then around the room to realize he had already walked inside of the ring. "I know that thousand-yard stare," Apollo said as he took off his shirt, revealing his athletic body as he clapped his hands together. "Think that you already know all the rules of the game? Let's go then, first one to pin the other to the ground loses."

"Oh, I..." Elias stammered slightly, realizing he had gotten into the ring with a potentially professional fighter with no idea what he was doing and with his lusts already bubbling up. "I don't think... that's such a good idea..." He continued to watch as the other man stretched his muscular physique, almost like he was trying to tempt him with it. "It's not going to end well... for you."

Though Elias wasn't sure what he had intended to say the words he had chosen made the declaration sound much more domineering then he had meant, though to his surprise it only caused the other male to smile more. "Looks like we got ourselves an alpha dog," Apollo said, the pointed ears of Elias perking up when he heard that word as a tremor went through his entire body. "Don't worry about little old me, I think I can handle taking-"

Apollo didn't get a chance to finish his sentence as he suddenly had a couple hundred pounds of muscle barreling straight for him, Elias unable to contain himself as his desire to show this other human whose boss combined with their musk filling the ring causing him to finally embrace the instincts he had been holding back. As he attempted to pin the creature beneath him Apollo proved to be no slouch and managed to flip him onto his back and hit the mat with a loud thud. The two continued on like this for a few minutes and as the time went on Elias was finding that his augmented strength and endurance, which was growing more as he felt his body starting to grow again, had proved the edge he needed to get the other male down on his back. Apollo attempted to get up but found the weight of the transforming male too heavy, and finally he conceded by tapping the mat as the two panted heavily.

With their wrestling match over both looked down to see that somehow in the process their gym shorts had been torn off their bodies, Elias taking a guess on his lengthening claws as he saw the tattered remains strewn about. That wasn't what concerned the changing creature though, all his eyes were fixated on was the fact that he was between the other guy's legs and his growing cock was between them. Any rationale that he might have had to stop what he was about to do had evaporated the second their sweaty, hairy bodies had pressed and slid against one another. Apollo appeared to not mind at all either about the situation as he was able to reach up enough to press against the washboard abs of the one on top of him.

"God damn you are one sexy beast," Apollo said as he spread his legs wider. "Go on alpha, use that throbbing cock of yours to claim your prize, there's nothing I could want more then to be claimed by a muscle hunk like you. Let me see you flex..."

The prompting of the other male had pushed the already horny Elias over the edge, taking the tapering tip of his cock and pushing it inside. It slid in easier than expected and he found himself growling as those inner walls began to press against the sensitive, throbbing flesh. His hands pushed away from Apollo's shoulders and practically slammed down into the mat beside him, snarling loudly as he felt his teeth pushing out his face. The transformation was progressing far faster than last time, to the point where fur had already completely grown over his hands and feet as they became thick, black claws.

All Elias could think about though was getting in deeper, pushing his cock into the submissive male beneath him so that he could claim him as his. He was running on pure instinct, and the more that he succumbed to it the more his mind became corrupted and his body mutated. The small tail that he had grown previously came back with a vengeance, sprouting fur as it wiggled behind him while he began to thrust. Yes, breed him, Elias thought to himself as his face continued to push outwards and formed into a proper lupine muzzle as his ears migrated to his head, make him realize that he was the alpha...

Just as Elias was about to completely sink into the pure blissful state of pleasure he heard Apollo say something that sounded like the word werewolf, and that crashed him back into reality hard. Suddenly he became aware of the fur that had grown on his face, the fact that he looked like a bodybuilder and was increasingly being covered in fur, and that his feet were practically tearing into the mat while his tail wagged about behind him. Even the blissful sensations of stretching the hole of the male beneath him weren't enough to quell the panic inside of him and he pulled out, which caused Apollo to nearly jump from the sudden emptiness. When Elias tried to speak all that came out of his mouth were growls and grunts, and so he did the only thing that came to his mind.

He ran.

Once more Elias thought he heard Apollo say something but by this point he was in full flight mode, practically smashing the back door open as he ran out into the woods. Night had started to settle in and that was a blessing as his body had little in the way of his former humanity. With his cock still fully erect and his libido practically through the roof even after he had splashed his way through an icy riber he didn't get far before he had to stop, feeling his bones and muscles still stretching with growth as he panted. His eyes became glued to his glistening member as the matted, wet fur around it made it even look bigger than before, so big in fact that he might... just...

Elias could feel his abs compress and his new spine flex as he pulled himself forward, his tongue practically flopping out past his lips as he brought his head towards his own groin. Never before would he have thought that he would have been able to do something like this, but all he could think about was sex and if he didn't take care of it then perhaps he would be reenacting those old werewolf movies after all. While he could have used his hands to do it he knew that just jerking himself off wasn't enough, he needed to have the maw of a male on him in order to get off this time even if it was his own. It didn't take much before the tip of his huge transformed cock was pressed against his muzzle before he opened it and took it into his muzzle.

The first sensation of pleasure was so exquisite he had to grab onto his thighs with his hands to keep it inside as his body quivered. Even though he had been transformed into a monstrous beast he was quickly finding new perks to it as his fingers played with his tailhole while he pushed his own maleness deeper into him. While he was aware to be careful with his claws and teeth it appeared that there was an increased resilience to that too and he soon found himself bobbing up and down in reckless abandon. In the back of his mind he could only imagine someone coming up to this spot and watching a huge werewolf creature sucking himself off as his tongue slathered around the sensitive flesh to provide even more stimulation.

With the arousal that was still present from his encounter with the gym manager and the increased lust coming from his body it didn't take long before he felt his cock throb, eyes widening as he let go of his legs just in time to have it pop out and spray his seed into the air. Elias clawed at the ground as the intense orgasm overwhelmed him to the point he had almost blacked out, relishing in the feelings of his new body. His new body... it had a nice ring to it as his corrupted desires manifested once more and he squeezed his cock after the last few jets had squirted out. He wasn't a monster, his mind rationalized as he saw his beefy form covered with a thick layer of black fur, he was a muscle beast, an apex predator, a werewolf...

Elias tipped his head back and let out a loud howl as he sank once more back into the state of the beast, the resistance he had been putting up this entire time washed away with the last cascading wave of pleasure as he stood up and flexed his arms. Just as he finished his declaration his head perked up when he heard another howl in the distance, one that was definitely not a normal dog or wolf either. It was the call of the werewolf, and no sooner had he heard it then he darted through the woods. Despite being pitch blackness Elias found himself bounding between the trees with ease, using his claws on the trunks to turn and propel himself through the darkness.

When he finally arrived at his destination he landed on the ground with a loud thud, his new lupine nostrils huffing the air for the musky trail that he had caught when he got closer to where the noise had been made. The trail led down to the lake, and as he slowly walked towards the shore he found that he wasn't alone. Even with his instincts running the show he knew where he was, and as he had expected when he figured it out he saw that there was another sitting in the spot where he and Mark had sat years ago. Though the other creature that was there was Mark, his scent said as much, the thin high-schooler had been replaced with a naked hunk that even as he watched was starting to change.

Even though Elias had attempted to sneak up on Mark the transforming male just turned around, the grin on his face slightly distorted as his mouth began to push out. "I was wondering when you would show up," Mark said, his voice deepening as his already impressive physique began to bulk up even more. "I'm sure you have a lot of questions bouncing around in the fog of lust your feeling, but since you can't talk anyway I suggest you just let that new awakening nature of yours take total control. I did bite you after all, it's only fair that you dooorrr raaa shaaamrrrrr..."

Mark's last words become completely unintelligible and were reduced to roars as he bent over, wagging his growing tail behind him and exposing the hole beneath it. It was a complete reversal from what had happened last night in his apartment and Elias wasn't going to complain, though at the moment the only things on his mind were taking his thick, throbbing tool that had already grown erect once more and plunging it into his best friend and fellow werewolf. There would be no hesitation or running away this time, Elias was ready to rut and as Mark had said last night they were going to fuck like animals.

It didn't take long for Elias to close the distance between them and the two nearly toppled forward in the sand as he pounced. Mark had almost fully changed by this point, his muzzle stretching the rest of the way as his neck thickened and his furry pelt spread across his entire body. Even with still a little room to grow it appeared that Elias was actually going to be the bigger werewolf, something that had caused his lust-tainted mind a strange sense of pride. His corrupted thoughts told him that was to be expected, it was only natural for a werewolf such as himself to be bigger then those that were quite literally beneath him.

All that fell to the wayside though as he got into position, the two getting into the semi-ironic doggystyle position before Elias began to push his cock into the puckered hole beneath him. He heard a growl beneath him and a slight bit of thrashing as the werewolf beneath him was impaled, but he quickly quelled such a thing by delivering a bite to the back of his neck. It wasn't strong enough to break the flesh like Mark's had when they first did this, but it definitely got the point across that he wasn't going to deny the alpha his pleasure as he sank deeper into the depths of his packmate. It didn't long before the resistance was quelled and Elias even found the other male pushing back in order to get the rod of wolf flesh deeper inside.

With this part of the beach being rather remote and blocked off from view with a large rocky outcropping it allowed the two werewolves to really let loose, especially Elias as everything he had been holding back was let loose. The air was filled with snarls, growls, and hisses as he pounded the tailhole of the other male, his mind flashing back to when Mark had done this to him. Though he hadn't remembered it until now Mark had transformed into his werewolf state while having sex with him, the beast of a man lustfully filling him just like he was doing to him now. This is what it had been about all along, getting Elias to this beach and having him become a werewolf so that they could finish what they had started here years ago.

By the time Elias had finished his thrusting into the male beneath him the moon had gotten high overhead, but their libido and stamina proved to be inexhaustible as Elias wasn't done with his new packmate just yet. The sand of the beach was kicked up several times into clouds as they maneuvered into all sorts of positions, Elias even riding Mark's hefty cock while he laid back on the sand. Eventually the two werewolves finally did exhaust one another enough that they laid there panting in the sand, the lust that Elias had been feeling this entire time finally satiated. Though he could have easily claimed the big spoon he allowed Mark to cuddle up against his back, the two still growling in pure pleasure as their furred bodies laid there next to the lapping waters of the lake...

When Elias awoke again he found himself laying naked on the sand, the sun peeking up over the trees as he felt the body heat and touch of another spooning him. When he turned around he saw Mark laying there in an equally naked state, the last of his lupine features disappearing from his body as his eyes opened and looked up at him. "Well good morning Alpha," Mark said with a chuckle as he shook like a dog to get as much sand off of him as possible including his beard. "I take it you slept well."

"Like a log..." Elias replied as he did much of the same, feeling the grit clinging to his body hair as he went over to the edge of the lake and looked at his shaggy reflection. "I was half-expecting to wake up in my own bed and that this was all a dream."

"I know how you feel," Mark replied as he went over to the rocky outcropping that hid this spot from the rest of the area and pulled out a duffle bag. "The first time going through the change is always the rockiest but I knew you would pull through like a champ. Now before you do much of anything else I have a set of clothes for you; they're just some sweatpants and a shirt but even with this spot being as remote as it is we don't want to make the headlines that two naked muscle bears were caught on the beach."

"You mean muscle wolves," Elias found himself joking, trying not to catch his sharp fingernails on his hair as he raised up to see his ears were still pointed. "I don't get it, if we both changed back then why do I still look so different?" His hands suddenly shot up to his face when a realization came to him and he quickly turned towards Mark. "There's this gym guy, Apollo, who saw me changing!"

To the surprise of Elias the other male just chuckled as he tossed a pair of sweat pants to him. "Yeah, he's one of us actually," Mark revealed as he started to get dressed. "Joshua too, though he hasn't undergone the change yet. As for the reason that you are still showing a little of your wolfy nature is because you're an Alpha werewolf, something that human side of you can't quite contain."

Elias quickly realized that it made sense that Apollo was a werewolf too, not only was he muscular and hairy as well but he didn't freak out at the sight of him or even ask any questions. It also explained why he was so attracted to the two of them and why the gym was built to be right up against the woods, which left the only question bouncing around in his mind being why they had made him the alpha werewolf when he had just been brought into the pack yesterday. Mark quickly reminded him that when it came to the two of them he had always been the leader type, the go-getter who wasn't afraid to take risks like coming out to his best friend. He also reasoned there might be a biological component to it too and admitted that he wasn't exactly sure on how everything worked... though he was more than willing to learn as he smirked and cupped the heavy balls that belonged to the other male.

"So this is going to be an every night thing?" Elias asked after grunting and pulling away from the amorous other werewolf and pulled on his pants.

"Pretty much," Mark stated. "Of course you'll get better control of yourself so you aren't spending the entire day running around naked and trying to rut anything that moves, though I wouldn't mind that, and of course if your heart is still set on moving to the city I'm sure you'll have your werewolf side reined in by that point as long as you don't take any night jobs."

Suddenly Elias realized that Mark was talking about his plans to get a job and move in the city, though as he watched the hairy rear of the other male disappear under the grey fabric he found his mind shifting once more. "You know... I really don't HAVE to go back to the city," Elias stated as he got close to Mark and wrapped his arms around him. "Sounds like I have things to take care of around here at the very least, although I don't suppose you know of a place that allows alpha werewolves to live at?"

"Well my apartment does allow dogs, so I think we can make something happen," Mark shot back, the two kissing before making their way back to the town where the others were waiting to meet their new alpha.

The Bal'Kar Blitz (10/10)

It was the typical Saturday traffic down in the tube station, though it was slightly busier than usual given the line that was next to it had been completely shut down. Those that had come from that area grumbled about how much time they had...

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The Bal'Kar Blitz (9/10)

Next to the main line a group of military personnel began their final check before beginning their search and rescue. A different squad had started running anti-terrorism drills and had decided to move over to the tube stations that were down for...

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The Bal'Kar Blitz (8/10)

Benji whistled to himself as he made his way over towards another section of the abandoned tube station that they had made into their nest, seeing all the other Bal'Kar hard at work molding everything for their eventual siege of London. One thing...

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