The Legacy of Anubis

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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A thief finds himself on the wrong end of a heist as an ancient deity steals his body.

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It was half past midnight in the gallery, the treasures that had been brought back from the latest Egyptian temple that had been discovered soon to be on display for all to see. For one eager young man however he had decided to check out the artifacts early, though not for any sort of scholarly purpose. The thief had happened upon a stroke of luck when one of his contacts had managed to get hired as a security guard for the building, which allowed both of them the opportunity to break into the place and rob it. They had been waiting for nearly four months for his friend to learn enough to disable the security without leaving a trail that it was an inside job, which meant that all they had to do was wait for a score big enough that would warrant the use of such information.

That score came in the form of all manner of gold and jewelry that came from some tomb of some pharaoh, though they couldn't tell exactly who or what since they hadn't found the mummy. Those that found the site believed that perhaps some tragedy befell the area that prevented the one meant for it to be properly buried there. That was probably why the tomb had not been found for some time since there was no mention of it anywhere either, keeping it safe from looters and the like. Unfortunately for those involved, the thief thought to himself with a smirk, they hadn't taken into account someone like him coming in and taking everything they found after they had done all the hard work digging it out.

From what his friend had told him the thief knew that the exhibit was in the central rotunda of the building, one of the biggest displays that was also the most heavily guarded. Thankfully with a cloned keycard from a different guard and knowledge of the security system he was able to bypass both visible and invisible barriers that would restrict his entry. The only thing that he had to worry about was the guards that would come on their patrols, but they only checked on any specific area every half an hour and if he had planned out everything he should enter the room just as they were leaving. That would give him more than enough time to ransack the place and escape with the most portable of artifacts before they had a chance to come around again and see what their looped footage could not.

When the thief got inside the rotunda he couldn't help but take a second to admire the display that had been so diligently set up. Row upon row of artifacts had been place in a circle around a central stage that had the most prominent of what they found on display, a slightly larger than life-sized statue of the god Anubis. "Never understood why they always made their gods animal people," the thief scoffed as he went towards it, looking over the creature depicted in a regal pose with his arms crossed that he found himself emulating with his human form. "Wish I could nick you too Nubi but I don't think you'll fit in my rucksack..."

As the thief mused he suddenly heard voice in the hallway that he had entered from, cursing to himself as he realized the guards had made their latest patrol later than usual. Though the rotunda was rather large it was also very open, which meant that any hiding spot he had could be easily happened upon. Unfortunately for him there was also no way out since the route he had secured was the ones that the guards were currently walking through. It appeared they hadn't noticed his tampering but with the beams from their flashlight coming towards him it wouldn't be long before they were in the room. As he looked around he did happen to see one spot that would provide decent enough cover, though he wasn't sure what security measures were in place he had to risk it as he hoped up onto the pedestal and hid in the shadow of the Anubis statue.

With the signs that surrounded the display the thief hoped that it was enough to avoid detection, though if they came up to it or shined their light directly at him he would be caught almost instantly. Fortunately for him it appeared that the two guards were more interested in the game of football, which turned out to make them late in the first place, then looking around intently for any intruders that might be hidden under the skirt of the statue. It was another boon for the thief that the stone cloth that surrounded the upper thighs of the god was hollow and allowed him to stick part of his body up to hide himself even more. As he waited for the two to pass so that he could get started with taking the artifacts however he found another intricate detail of the statue that ended up being right in front of his face when he had slowly turned himself around.

At first he hadn't been sure of what was hanging in front of him but as the beam of light passed by he saw that the sculptor had taken the time to make sure the god was anatomically correct in nature despite being covered. It also appeared the sculptor admired the jackal man very much given the thick cock that dangled down, causing the thief to have to cover his mouth to avoid snorting. "Got quite the pecker on you," the thief whispered after he had heard the guards left, grabbing it with one hand to both help himself up and for a laugh as he got back to his feet. "You are a hefty boy, feel bad for the goddesses that had you as a partner."

Just as the thief was about to exit he heard a loud crack that caused him to pause, then looked down in a mixture of shock and horror as the phallic carving he was holding was now loose in his hands after being broken completely off the statue. Before he had a chance to realize what he had done however something to push its way out of the opening as well as drip out of the broken piece. He could hardly believe his eye as the thick goo had a metallic sheen that he was used to seeing, though in not quite such a viscous state. It was gold... the statue was filled with gold!

Almost immediately the plans of the thief shifted, drawing up new ones in his mind as he reached for his rucksack. With how thick the substance was he could probably fill up his relatively waterproof bag with it, he mused, and since he hadn't even heard that the statue was gold inside it was likely that no one knew of its secrets yet. That meant he could steal the gold, cover his tracks, and come back to take the rest of it! With his attention focused on getting his means to gather the substance however he failed to notice that the thick tentacle of good started to shift and reform right in front of him.

When the thief looked back however he became acutely aware that the golden goo had formed into a cock similar to the one he had broken off, the head of it tangling right in front of him. "Foolish mortal..." a deep, dark voice whispered from the statue itself that caused panic to rise up in the thief. "Your greed and envy has brought you down a dark road, but fortunately you will not only no longer be a nuisance to your world but have unknowingly provided the means to continue my legacy. You may have come here to steal from me, but it is I that will steal from you instead!"

With the last word the statue suddenly cracked, a golden glow appearing in the shiny black stone as the freed golden goo cock rose up like a snake before it looked straight at the thief. The human remained frozen in fear before it suddenly clicked in his head to run and risk capture rather than whatever fate would befall him here, but by that point the tentacle had darted forward and pushed straight into his partially opened mouth. The thief heard a crack from the leg he had been pushed back into as the gooey appendage pushed into his maw and started to seep past his tongue and towards his throat. At the same time the leg he had broken began to materialize gooey tendrils of its own, all of them going for his pants and sliding inside.

The thief attempted to grab the cock that was pushing inside of him and attempt to pull it out, but the second his hands made contact with it the gold began to grow over them as well. It wasn't just covering him, he realized even as the thick appendage had started to stretch his lips, he could feel the goo pushing into him and causing his fingers to swell. As he felt his pants starting to slip past his hips he felt his eyes start to roll back into his head as the gooey cock began to push out the skin of his throat. Just as he thought it was going to go all the way into his stomach the thick appendage pulled out of him, causing him to gasp as thick ropes of golden goo leaked out of his mouth while the statue continued to crack and fleck around him to reveal the core of ooze within.

Though it had only been inside of him for less than a minute the goo member that continued to wiggle in the air in front of him had done its job, the human's thoughts becoming muddled and hazy as the thief didn't even realize that he was sitting there half-naked. More of the shiny fluid began to ooze out of his mouth, eyes, and even his ears as his face started to swell, the gold covering his teeth stretching as his entire mouth went numb. "For untold millennia I have been waiting for someone to find my forgotten tomb and awaken me," the voice of the statue continued to say as the black stone façade of the creature began to break away in bigger chunks, revealing more of the jackal's true form as the thief found himself unable to do anything but stare in awe. "With a host to sustain me I can now renew my legacy upon this land..."

When the thief realized that the strange creature was referring to him as the host it snapped him out of his daze long enough to realize something was happening to him, looking down at his hands in shock as they had grown twice as big as the arms they were attached too while thick claws grew out from his fingers. "I have already seeded you with my power," the golden goo jackal stated as his arms broke free from the bindings of the statue, his torso and legs following suit as the last of the shiny black stone crumbled around the panicked human that was feeling the bulge forming on his face and his stretching ears. "Soon your body and soul will be mine to do with what I please... and though I have no plans for the latter I do intend on making use of your form that you've used to rob and harm so many others."

How... how did it know of his crimes, the thief thought to himself as the jackal readjusted himself so that he was now facing the dumbstruck human. As he put his hands to his head he gasped when it felt like his skull had softened, though as the goo integrated itself into his hair he found it was actually growing longer. This thing, this alien creature had somehow gotten into his mind, and as the thief attempted to try and run for help he found himself unable to tear his gaze away from the body of the creature standing before him. It was just... so... beautiful... his jaw started to hang even as it extended out, growing along with his upper jaw as his nose flared out while being covered by the gooey substance that was starting to coat the rest of his naked body as well.

"You should be grateful, there have been many that have fought tooth and nail for the honor of being my vessel," Anubis said as he leaned in, the slowly transforming male whimpering slightly as his enlarged golden ears flattened against his head slightly. "Although one thing that I have to correct for your assumptions is that most goddesses did not have to be worried around me stretching them out as you said, it was other gods that had the pleasure of feeling my mighty rod doing so."

The thief found himself swallowing more of the thick saliva that his mouth seemed to be producing, the gold goo still leaking out of his mouth where the cock of the creature had already penetrated. Though his body trembled the changing human was having a hard time feeling any fear or anxiety from the creature before him, something about the way the glow from the security lights glinted off his body was positively mesmerizing as several tentacles that had sprouted from the god's legs and arms moved him so he was sprawled out on his back. As he laid there other images came in his mind, ones of other humans dressed in ancient Egyptian garb as well as other animal people like him. In the back of his goo-assimilated mind he realized that these images were likely coming from the creature that had come on top of him, the goo Anubis feeding him his past conquests in order to show him what was in store as two tentacles from his thighs spread the human's legs apart.

As the human was distracted by Anubis having sex with a hawk man the real goo creature began to push inside the thief, the cock spreading open the hole of the human as the firm but still gelaneous rod slid between his cheeks. Already his divine golden goo, the one that had ensnared the thief in the first place, was causing the human's head to transform. The link he had formed with him would allow for a much easier transition, but the jackal wasn't going to be satisfied with his first host being changed in that manner. As the other male squirmed beneath him Anubis continued to push in deeper, sending the human to the absolute heights of pleasure as inch after inch of the golden goo cock disappeared inside of him.

The sudden surge of pleasure cleared the thief of the mental images in his head, only to look down and once more be enthralled by the perfect form of the god taking him. Once more his eyes practically rolled into the back of his head as his body was claimed, just like those he had seen being remade in the image of his new creator. It wasn't long before there was so much inside of him that his stomach started to swell; first with the shape of the cock itself but soon his entire abdomen began to swell as his skin started to turn shiny. He realized with a gasp of his partially canine muzzle that the goo creature wasn't just going impossibly deep inside of him, but that his cock continued to thrust forward the rest of the body of Anubis was quickly following suit!

The thief brought his hands up to his swollen belly where the goo of Anubis was forming, his rear end being stretched by the increase of the ooze flowing inside of him, and saw that not only had his hands completely transformed but his arms were starting to beef up as well. As the golden sheen went up past his elbows, he noticed that his fingers were actually starting to darken again, turning the same shiny black color as the statue he had broken. As this new coloration began to creep up his hands the goo that was inside his stomach that made him look almost pregnant began to ripple out to the rest of his body. The first place it seemed to surge for was the human's erect cock, the thief letting out a gurgled gasp as it swelled with new length, quickly reaching the foot-long mark as golden goo spurted out of it.

As more of his body inflated from the substance being pumped into the thief looked between his legs in a moment of clarity and saw that even though Anubis was gone it still felt like he was pumping into him. He watched as his thickened thighs jiggled with the goo suffusing into them, filling them before hardening into golden muscle while his calves swelled with new growth. As his body continued to become racked with pleasure the thief thrashed about with his transforming form, the still exposed human flesh turning gold while the black rubbery texture continued to spread up his arms and over his shoulders.

With the god no longer pounding into him the thief made a last ditch effort to escape, rolling onto his mutated hands and lifting himself up as more of the gold oozed out of his head. The goo inside his chest and stomach continued to spread and as he got on all fours he let out a gurgled grunt as something pushed out from his tailbone, forming into a long tail as his chest grew a set of pectorals while turning the flesh into the same shiny hue. As he tried to get up on his feet however a sudden surge caused him to look back with his thickened neck, looking beneath him at his dangling golden cock to watch them grow. He found himself panting as his feet became huge, ending in massive rubbery paws with golden pads that he could see as they lifted from the ground and demonstrated a flexibility similar to his new member that waved about in the air.

Just when the lust-drunk thief thought it was over however a pressure began to build at the base of his neck. The god had still not taken complete control of the muscular Adonis of a body it had created, but that was changing as a torrent of goo began to leak out of the mouth of the human. His panting quickened as he felt his throat stretch, though he was unable to see the canine shape that was pushing its way through towards his head he definitely felt it as it pushed into his already transformed skull. The thief closed his eyes as the gooey muzzle of Anubis briefly could be seen in the partially formed maw of the one that he possessed, only to have the rest of the human's face disappear as gold turned to black while the rest of the jackal's features became apparent while the loud gurgling of the human turned into a low growl. When it was all over and the shifting of the skull and face of the new creature settled down and its breathing returned to normal the eyes opened to reveal solid gold orbs underneath.

With the turmoil of the transformation completed the goo that had gotten splattered around the display slowly returned to the creature that was rising up in the air. The last of the jackal's body had turned a solid black just like his arms and legs, the rubbery texture glinting in the light as cracks in it revealed the golden goo of the god. As Anubis shifted and flexed his new body he looked down in approval, the joy of having a solid form after so many years causing him to shudder and wave the long mane of silky black hair behind him. As the last of his body solidified to the blackened state, the skin that contained his actual gooey nature, he began to walk forward towards some of the display cases that were in the rotunda.

His golden teeth glinted in the light as he looked down at the items that had been buried with him, preparations for his next life after the fall of Egypt forced him and most of his companions into hiding, before he smashed into the glass with his fists. Since the thief that previously occupied his body had been kind enough to disable the alarms there was no need for him to worry, and as he felt the soul of the creature inside of him shift about he decided to take care of that next. He went over to a reliquary that looked like a golden bottle in the shape of a jackal head, opening it up before exhaling deeply. Trails of white smoke began to leave his mouth and nostrils before a glowing light was sucked out of his maw and into the bottle that he quickly stoppered once again and hung on the belt he had put on.

"I'll deal with you later," Anubis said as he patted the jar that contained the soul of a thief. "For now I have other preparations to make..."

Later in the night another human paced around the small studio apartment he had rented with his friend, pacing frantically as he waited for the thief to return while fiddling with the security guard outfit he wore. Though he trusted his friend with the job that they were pulling he knew he should have called in by this point, but as he heard sirens began to blare in the distance his confidence was starting to wane. While he knew that his partner wouldn't rat him out the fact that he might have gotten caught caused him to fill with anxiety. As he began to think about what he needed to do to sterilize the apartment however he heard a familiar knock at the door that caused him to breath a sigh of relief.

"Thank god for that," the man said as he went for the door. "You scared me half to death, why didn't you-"

The guard's words were cut short when he opened the door only to find a jackal man standing head and shoulders above him, his mouth dropping in shock as the half-naked rubbery animal man dressed in Egyptian attire pushed him into the apartment and closed the door. "So you are the accomplice that allowed him access," Anubis said, the smirk on his face growing as a droplet of gold goo dripped from his lips. "I want to thank you properly for introducing us, so stare longingly into my eyes and feel my power..."

With the man already stunned by the sudden appearance of an Ancient Egyptian deity he found himself doing exactly what was told of him, and when he saw the golden eyes of the creature staring down at him he found his entire body quickly going slack as Anubis pushed a bit of his power into him. The goo creature smiled as he realized some things never changed... humans were just as malleable as ever as he grabbed the one in front of him and brought him down to his knees. While he had enjoyed taking the body of his friend there was no need for that here, Anubis thought to himself as he undid his garb and let it fall to the floor. One thing that he needed in this new world was servants, and as he looked down at the one that was in front of him he knew that this would be a decent enough start.

With the guard on his knees it only took Anubis a few squeezes of his rubbery black sheath to get the cock contained within to slide out, the golden member glinting in the light before he pushed it into the mouth of the human. The enthralled male easily took the head of it past his lips, his glassy eyes fluttering slightly as it oozed into his maw and began to stretch him out. At the same time Anubis put his hands against the forehead of the male, rubbing against it before pulling back and revealing a jackal head on it. One he had properly marked his new servant he pushed his cock in deeper, watching reveling in pleasure of gaining an acolyte as his face immediately began to push out with every pull of the goo member inside of it.

There were no plans for Anubis to leave the body that he had grown accustomed too, instead starting to thrust himself into the male sucking him off while one of his foot paws curled around the human's waistband and tore it away. Already his influence was starting to be seen as the guard's own member started to grow erect, which Anubis rubbed against with his paw to stimulate the male as well as start his transformation down there. Soon his feet would be wrapped around a gooey golden cock similar to the one that was already buried deep in his throat, watching as the shiny substance began to pour out of the nose and ears of the male in front of him. As his hands went to massage the growing ears of the changing human Anubis looked around the apartment that he shared with his vessel.

It appeared to the god that these two were not very good thieves; the general stage of disrepair in their small domicile was not the fitting place for him. While he yearned for the thrones and chambers of old where he would be worshiped constantly and those like the male kneeling before him would be commonplace he knew that he had to make do with what he had. Fortunately for him it appeared that his influence was as well-received as ever and from the information he was absorbing from both males he had ensnared it was clear that there were others that would be interested in what he had to offer. In fact there was a meeting place where others came to discuss such things, a sprawling network of communication that was known as the internet that he could utilize.

Anubis pulled his cock out of the transforming male, who already had gold covering most of his head that started to form into the familiar shape of a jackal as the goo coming from his eyes, ears, and now muzzle cascaded down his body to transform him further. It hadn't taken long for him to get the human to worship him, and when he went over to investigate what he had seen in their minds it took a mere snap of his fingers to get the partially transformed male to sit on top of him while he laid there. The deity looked over the rectangle that was identified as a computer before his clawed fingers were finally able to open it, which caused it to start up as his servant began to sink the goo cock of the jackal inside of him.

It appeared the one that had started to impale himself on his shaft had opened it to a place where people could chat with one another, and when he did it seemed to connect to a random stranger. The jackal tilted his head when it seemed like they could see them, the squares with other humans pointing and telling him what a cool mask he had before disconnecting while others were just masturbating. Eventually he got to one though who actually stopped and seemed to be genuinely interested in his looks, asking him if he was the real Anubis. When Anubis said yes and asked if he would like to taste his power he found something very interesting... as he told the human to look into his eyes he could feel the human starting to repeat his words and even spotted a golden tear run down his cheek.

Before he went any further though Anubis quickly closed the laptop and put it aside. His desire for expansion into other kingdoms was what had caused him and his companions to be exiled in the first place, and it was not a mistake he intended on doing again. He was going to take things slow and methodical... much like the transforming human as he watched his own cock form a bump in the human's increasingly golden skin while his jackal head remained open in a pleasured gasp. When he told his acolyte that was enough the former guard looked down at him with golden eyes and immediately nodded before pulling his new tailhole off the cock that had been inside of him and sitting down on the floor.

"This world definitely has some potential," Anubis said after he had instructed the former human to lie down, using his thick foot pads to play with the cock of the still changing male while black rubber began to form on the gooey golden skin of his thrall while he pleasured him. "A vessel and an acolyte, a world that has the ability to be more influenced then ever... yes, I think this is the perfect time for the legacy of Anubis to begin once more..."

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