Sharing the Ultimate Experience (2/10)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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In the sequel to An Ultimate Nexus Experience, Jason is given a task by Renzyl to run a new project of his.

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Sslynthix, formerly Jason, took a few more days in order to get used to his new identity, though it was helped that it spread quickly among the hypnagas so that they knew what to call him immediately. He had also taken the time to set up his new place just the way he liked it. It already felt more like home then his last place ever did, just like how his new body felt to him as he slithered about in his living room. But after a few days the desire to settle in was replaced with an excitement for what he was about to partake in next.

The entire time Sslynthix had been getting comfortable his trainers had been preparing for his training on how to control his hypnagas powers. From what he had heard from others it appeared that they had accelerating the time tables of learning such things, though he didn't mind that it at all. In fact, he was eager to learn how to do what the others did, watching with a slight amount of envy as they muted their powers to go out into the realm or took one of those that wandered in and enthralled them without much effort. Though he could do the same the new hypnagas knew that his power was rather raw and likely wouldn't get the results he wanted without quite a bit of refinement.

As Sslynthix woke up on the fourth day he was almost immediately greeted with a knock on his outside door. "I've come to collect you," Essen said once he opened the door and revealed the swirling amethyst rubber naga behind it. "Myself and the others are more than eager to start your training and unsurprisingly we've gotten a number of volunteers to help you with the process. If you'll come with me, we have everything already set up for you to begin."

Sslynthix nodded and together the two hypnagas made their way to the training area of the gardens, the heavily psychic shielded area one of the few places that had direct access to the rest of the realm. The reason for that was simple; a lot of times they needed other minions to practice on since their powers rarely worked on another hypnagas. Instead of bringing their volunteers through the main gate, which likely resulted in their becoming enthralled before they even got to the training area, Renzyl had built a specialized set of rooms that would allow those willing to lend a hand to be brought in as pristine as possible. When they got to the training room, they saw through the crystal glass that separated the two areas that Essen wasn't lying when he stated there were quite a few ready to help hone his powers.

Though the other three were there as well it appeared Essen was taking point in his training, the others there to help lend a hand or in case the amethyst hypnagas was lacking anywhere. Once they had given Sslynthix a brief overview of what they wanted him to try they went to the door and told the first volunteer to step through the input tunnel, one of the latex lizardmen immediately jumping up and taking their place at the door. The entire thing was set up like an airlock, the first door opening and allowing the creature inside before it closed behind him, then the one that separated it from the hypnagas slid open once the first had been secured. Though there was a hint of nervousness in his eyes it was quickly being overshadowed by his lust as he practically shivered in desire upon entering the room.

Essen and the others made sure to stay back as Sslynthix slithered up to the lizardman, whose eyes immediately fixated on the creature before they went wide. Though he could already tell the other male was starting to fall under his thrall that wasn't the objective for this round of training. "So, what is your name?" Sslynthix quickly asked, trying to keep his power in check while still maintaining eye contact. "Try to stay focused on me and answer if you could..."

From the movement on his lips it was clear he was trying to say it, but as the seconds passed Sslynthix could see the swirling rubber of his own eyes start to reflect the ones staring at him. When the lizardman's body went limp it was clear he was completely enthralled, something that the hypnagas was hoping wouldn't happen as he sighed and shook his head. Essen quickly slithered up to him and said that it was alright, no one managed to get their name on the first go around as he escorted the enthralled lizardman to the other set of air lock doors. Unlike the first corridor this one was designed to help scrub the hypnotic power they had just been suffused with before sending them out on their way back into the realm proper.

It took Sslynthix several tries and a stronger-willed wyvern before he managed to hold a somewhat normal conversation with someone, which ended up mostly just being their name and what they liked to do before it ended with the two rubber creatures making out. Though the hypnagas enjoyed the lust he had gotten from the other male it wasn't quite what he was looking for, though the others remarked that he was making quite a bit of good progress. It continued on like that for the rest of the day and two more after that before he got the hang of it enough that he managed to hold an entire conversation without the other rubber creature growing hard in his presence. On the next day Essen informed Sslynthix they would be trying something a little different now that he had managed to temper his power enough to not immediately enthrall other creatures.

"So, I've been informed from General Sulvino that you had spent some time as Renzyl before you were officially made into a hypnagas?" Essen asked, Sslynthix nodding in reply which caused the other naga to hiss slightly. "Well aside from being more than a bit jealous that will actually help with the next step of training that we're about to undergo. So we have an ability that's similar to what Renzyl has, but where he can see the innermost desires of the creature he's interacting with all we can really see is surface thoughts and the occasional dream."

"I see," Sslynthix stated. "I'm going to be learning how to read minds?"

"Oh no, that's instinctual to a hypnagas," Essen clarified. "What you're going to do is use your power to create a mental realm inside of that headspace, using our ability to access surface thoughts to bring the subject into a passive enthralled state where you'll interact with them in their own mind. The reason you had to learn how to make sure you didn't just put them under on first glance is because they need to have the presence of mind to draw them into that realm, otherwise you'd get in there and just have a similar experience to just having someone being zonked in the real world."

Sslynthix was given a brief instruction on how to set up a mental space in the mind of another before bringing in another volunteer. When the hypnaga attempted to access the mind of the raptor his mental state collapsed immediately, turning him into a thrall that wanted nothing more than to worship the creature in front of him. Though it was amusing to see another creature just bend completely to his will it wasn't what he wanted and immediately told Essen he wanted to try again. After ushering the enthralled raptor out of the other set of doors they brought in another for him to use his powers on.

It took three more tries before Sslynthix finally brought a strong-willed rubber carnosaur into his own mental headspace, which took the form of the pool area that many of Renzyl's minions enjoyed. It didn't take much for the hypnaga to see that he was normally one of the more dominant creatures in the realm as he saw him lying there in the middle of it on top of a pool toy that was clearly another creature. "Well this is certainly an interesting find," the hypnaga stated as he sat at the edge of the pool watching the other synthetic creature drift by. "Normally we don't have such... assertive creatures signing up for this kind of thing. Do you like being controlled or are you just here for a test of your abilities?"

"A little of both I guess," the muscular creature stated as he put his hands behind his head, flexing his impressive pectorals at the naga. "Gotta say I love the headspace you put me in, last one that tried this on me just ended up putting me in the training room. Question is what are you going to do now that you have me here."

Though Sslynthix had initially just intended on letting the rubber carno go once he had seen that the technique worked there was something about the rather cocky attitude of the other creature that made him want to prove that he was the alpha. "So, you said you enjoy being controlled a little bit," Sslynthix repeated, the carno nodding as he soaked in the sun. "Aside from the mental aspects what else really puts you in that submissive mood."

The rubber carno just chuckled and used his tail to turn away from him, but as he did so Sslynthix saw something that caused him pause. The question had brought up surface thoughts of what the latex dino might enjoy and before he could completely turn himself around, he saw the creature in a few pieces of bondage before it disappeared. If that was what first came to his mind it was clear that this one was really into it, the hypnagas thought to himself, and since he had some control of this head space, he might be able to make it happen. All he would have to do is turn the carno's thoughts to that more and he would show the cocky creature exactly who was the dominant one in this particular realm.

As the carno attempted to drift to the other side of the pool there was a strong gust of wind that blew him back towards the hypnaga. It wasn't the first time he had been in this sort of head space before being a frequent volunteer of the enthralling creatures, not only to help with their training but to fortify his own mental resistances. Even though he could try and get away he decided to play along for the time being, heading back to the side of the pool with the hypnaga sitting next to it. Once he was there he hoped up out of the pool toy he had be floating with and crawled up onto the rubber deck, but as he did he felt something strange behind him that caused him to turn his head.

He let out a slight gasp of surprise as he saw the lizardman he had been using had clung to his back, the air-filled final collapsing as it stretched over his form. As Sslynthix watched with a bemused grin on his serpentine snout the features of the pool toy shifted to that of the carno that was trying to prevent it from enveloping him. "Looks like someone has found himself in a bit of trouble," the hypnaga teased as the hands of the pool toy latched onto the carno's fingers, turning them into useless mitts as the inflated hands released their air and tightened around them. "Who would have thought that you were floating around on the very thing that was going to restrain you in the first place?"

Though the carno knew this wasn't real it certainly felt like it as the rubber of the pool toy enveloping him puffed out to form a pair of cuffs to further his subjugation. This wasn't right, the male tried to think as the hypnagas began to coil around him, he had never been ensnared like this before. Yet the longer he stood there the more the pool toy crept over his body until it looked like he was wearing a semi-translucent bodysuit. As the head of the pool toy pushed its muzzle against the back of the carno Sslynthix decided it would be the best time to push something else in, the carno letting out lustful groan muffled by the encroaching rubber as the naga slid his cock into the twitching tailhole pressed against him.

The effect of that smooth rubber member sliding into him was immediate, his defiant stance melting away as the latex of the pool toy formed a hood that began to shift into something more like a bondage masked. While the hypnagas couldn't be too sure he was fairly certain that he had coiled around the other male in real life as well, pumping his eager maleness into both states of the enthralled male. Though he would have liked to see the look of pure bliss on the face of the carno he loved watching the rubber he had taken control of creeping over his body, restraining it like a bodysuit while his thrusts became harder and faster. It didn't take long for the thrill and stimulation to push the hypnagas over the edge and he found himself climaxing hard as his coils squeezed every inch of the carno in his coils.

As he took a second to recover Sslynthix suddenly felt himself get pulled back into the real world, and when he blinked his eyes and found himself back in the training room, he was surprised at the looks he was getting. Many were that of shock or surprise while others stared at him with pure lust in their eyes. Even those in the training room were practically pressed against the glass as they watched the show, something that the hypnaga wasn't expecting to come back to. When Essen told him to let the carno go and he unfurled his coils he quickly found out what was grabbing everyone's attention.

Instead of the normal latex carno that had come into the training room a gimp-suited dino laid on the ground in a pleasured daze, the outline of his cock throbbing against the rubber that trapped it against his abs. It was almost exactly like what Sslynthix had seen in his head space... except that stuff that happened there didn't typically translate to the real world. Occasionally if you got a goo creature they would manipulate their own bodies in order to match but the carno was just a normal rubber creature of Renzyl, and since he didn't have any gear on him initially that meant that it had to come from either the hypnaga or the dino. Essen dismissed the carno and practically shoved the dazed creature back into the output area before going to Sslynthix and telling him to take the rest of the day off.

Less than an hour later Essen found himself in front of Renzyl and Sulvino, the three of them in a meeting room outside of the hypnaga garden. "I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it with my own eyes," the amethyst hypnaga recalled. "You could see the rubber on the carno's body being manipulated in order to create the gimp suit that he ended up wearing. We had a couple of others check on the carno once he was out of the training room and eventually they got him to revert back... most of the trouble coming from the fact he didn't want to."

"Well that certainly explains the runes," Sulvino said while he sipped his tea. "Most hypnagas who get something like that are often blessed with an additional ability beyond the typical range, and it appears this one has gotten theirs from Master Renzyl himself. Perhaps it was all that time you spent in Syrath's goo together..."

"In any case it appears that we have to rethink our current syllabus when it comes to dear Sslynthix," Renzyl mused. "The plan remains the same however, in fact this is going to be a boon for it. Of course, since Essen and the others aren't adept at this sort of thing, we're going to have to bring in a different expert to teach our newest hypnagas the way of the rubbermancer..."


For the next few weeks after that incident with the carno it appeared that for Sslynthix his training had shifted gears, focusing instead on being able to mute his powers to the point where they would no longer be active. He quickly found this to be the toughest training that he had to go through, containing his powers in his body like trying to hold shut a rapidly filling balloon. More than once he had collapsed from the sheer exhaustion of the effort without even getting the roiling, shifting hues of his body to even slow down. It took almost a month before he finally got to the point where the coloration of his rubber scales solidified, which signaled that his power was successfully contained and wouldn't influence anyone. Despite that it was another week of reinforcement training before they revealed the reason why he needed to learn how to do it right away.

Essen took Sslynthix, once they had both cloaked their power, out of the garden and into realm proper. Though the hypnaga still got their share of looks it wasn't with the glassy-eyed stare of someone that was getting enthralled as they slithered over to a different section of the manner. They eventually had to scale up a large set of stares to the top of one of the towers that was in the rubber dragon's realm, going so far up that Sslynthix was pretty sure he would be out of breath if he still required to breathe. When they finally got to the top floor the door opened to reveal the entire floor of the tower was one large open space.

"So sometimes Renzyl converts someone with extraordinary magical abilities," Essen explained as they slithered over to the rubber Eastern dragon that was hunched over a desk. "Magic is often tied to the realm that they occupy, so when they come here, they might lose the powers that they once had but are replaced with similar ones that instead are drawn from the nexus realm itself. One type we like to call rubbermancers, and this one in particular is going to be taking over that part of your training."

Before Sslynthix could say anything, the rubber dragon turned around and immediately eyed him up while twirling his fingers around his latex whisker. "So, this is the one that inherited a bit more from Renzyl then just a shiny body," he stated, Essen nodding in reply as the dragon got even closer. "He's not going to have full powers, not by a long shot, but I suppose I can teach him a trick or two to the extent of his abilities. My name is Nul'Verin, but you can just call me Verin."

"Pleasure to-" Sslynthix started to reply before the Eastern dragon immediately turned back and grabbed something off the table.

"No time for that," Verin stated as he went over to the center of the room, runes that had been hidden in the floor started to glow. "Thanks for bringing him in Essen, I got it from here. Alright Sslynthix, come on in and join me here in the middle of the circle, I got lots to teach and not a lot of time to teach it."

Though the hypnaga was slightly surprised at the bluntness of the other creature he just nodded and slithered up to him while the other naga left, leaving the two alone as the latex dragon put a sheet in the middle of the air. "So, what you're going to learn today is the basics of rubbermancy," he instructed as he let go of the shiny material, only to have it continue to hover in the air. "I'm sure you've already seen Master Renzyl do it many times and from what I was told have already done it yourself, but there's a difference between being able to do it on command and just having it go off whenever you're feeling a little happy in your pants. Now the glowing circle around us helps provide a direct conduit into the energy of the Nexus realm itself, tempered naturally since we're not designed to handle it the way that Master Renzyl is."

"I... think I understand," Sslynthix stated, his mind attempting to keep up with the fast-talking mage. "So, what's the first thing I need to do?"

"First thing you need to do is snap that snout of yours and listen up," the dragon replied, taking one of his hands and wiping it around the muzzle of the serpentine creature. To the hypnaga's surprise when he tried to open his mouth to speak again, he found his lips merged together. He let out a few muffled grunts before the dragon smirked at him, then focused on the floating sheet of latex in front of him.

The surprise of no longer being able to speak was quickly surpassed by the awe of watching the rubbermancer do his work, the mage stretching and twisting it with a mere flick of his fingers. It gradually increased in complexity until Sslynthix was watching a tiny animated rubber creature running in the air before its body compressed and shifted into a mask of a similar species design. Finally, with a snap of his fingers the rubber retracted once again back into his previous state of a single sheet of rubber. Once he was finished, he took his hand and once more pressed it against Sslynthix's maw, releasing his lips and allowing him to speak once more.

"Impressive..." Sslynthix said as he pressed his fingers against his snout to check and make sure that it was completely back to normal. "So, you can reform rubber just like Master Renzyl, can you turn people into creatures like he can?"

"Of course," the mage replied with a chuckle. "Most creatures actually can to some extent, save for your kind being unable to produce more hypnagas, but the real trick is the infusion of your power into the rubber itself. Most of Renzyl's minions have to be touching or otherwise directly influencing the one they're converting in order to make it happen, with rubbermancy you can infuse something with your power and then someone who puts on said item will be converted even if you aren't there. It happens to be a particularly favorite trick of Master Renzyl as well as his brethren."

The mage quickly turned the hypnaga's attention to the piece of rubber, telling him to manipulate it however he pleased using the energy that came from the nexus. Almost immediately Sslynthix found the dragon's words to be true; since he wasn't in a state of lust it was difficult to do anything to the shiny material even with the font of magical energy right beneath his coils. It took several hours before he even got the sheet of latex to shift around, stretching it slightly before it left the hypnaga panting. When it was clear he reached the limit of his energy Verin told Sslynthix to call it a day and come over to his table to rest.

Sslynthix's limbs felt more like rubber than usual as he slithered over to the table and took the cup of tea that was offered to him, shaking slightly as he brought it up to his limbs. "I think this is harder than having to mask my power," he stated once he had a second to recover.

"Oh, you can stop doing that while you're up here by the way," the mage replied as he tapped a claw to his eyes. "Got crystalline corneas, similar to the ones that you have down in that training area of yours. I was the one who actually helped install it so that you could see into the other room without them licking the glass."

The hypnaga frowned slightly as he released the bindings on his power, the rubber scales shifting in hue once more. "Why didn't you say so in the beginning?" Sslynthix asked. "I probably could have done far more if I didn't have to keep that power active."

"Needed to see what your level was at," the mage replied simply as he leaned back with his cup. "If you're learning how to harness this power of yours that means Master Renzyl is going to want you to have use of it, and likely you're going to have to hold up your restraints while doing it at the same time. I wanted to make sure it was even possible that you could before putting in all the effort of training an ability proper."

"Still a bit of a dirty trick," Sslynthix said with a sigh as he drank the rest of his tea. "At least now it'll be easier I suppose."

To his surprise the Eastern dragon just chuckled and put the cup back down on the table. "Oh, you haven't even scratched the surface of it yet," Velin stated, brushing the thick orange synthetic mane from his eyes as he smiled at him. "It only gets harder from here."

For months the hypnaga trained in tower of the rubbermancer, often leaving the garden before the sun rose and coming back long after it had set. Eventually Sslynthix just started sleeping there, the two practicing the craft on one another. Though he was quickly learning how to harness the power that had rubbed off on him from Renzyl it was nothing compared to Velin's ability, more often than not finding his arms fused together and his mask completely blank as the Eastern Dragon rubbed against him. Though they tried not to have lust enter into the equation more than once they had to cut a practice session short because the hypnaga had gotten riled up along with the mage.

Eventually the two were joined by Renzyl and Sulvino, the two watching as Sslynthix concentrated on the floating rubber ball while coiled up in the middle of the circle. Though Velin was close by he remained outside the runes as they watched the sphere slowly begin to flatten, then stretch out to form into a gas mask. Though the hypnaga could feel his body trembling slightly he remained focused as hair hoses pushed their way out and straps appeared to wrap around the victim and keep it secured. The finishing touch was a bit of the hypnaga's influence in the lenses, Renzyl clapping his hands together as he watched the coloration ebb and swirl before the finished mask hit the ground.

"Outstanding work," Renzyl stated, smiling and patting both Sulvino and Velin on the shoulder before walking up to Sslynthix. "In fact, I'm so impressed with how quickly you've picked up on your training that I think it appears you're ready for your first mission, and this one is going to be quite the doozy."

"First mission?" Sslynthix repeated in slight surprise. "I thought hypnagas generally didn't go on missions."

"That's not quite the truth," Sulvino explained. "Normally hypnaga's are used as shock troops in order to help turn the tide if two brothers happen to be clashing on a planet or something in that nature. However, we're completing preparations for a stealth mission with the aid of another that we're hoping is going to bring in a steady stream of new converts, and someone with your talents can be of more benefit to them then having to send three or four with abilities similar to yours."

"I see..." Sslynthix stated as he bowed his head down. "I am honored to be chosen for this Master Renzyl."

"Glad to hear it," Renzyl replied with a smile. "Go ahead and take some time off, you've been training rather hard. We'll let you know when it's time to move out on our little endeavor."

Sslynthix nodded and thanked Renzyl and Sulvino once more before they left the tower area. "Looks like you got the gold seal of approval," Velin said as he walked into the circle and gave the naga a hug. "You've been quite the apprentice, I must say, almost a shame that you're going to be going off. But enough of that, perhaps we can do something that will warrant a celebration."

"Actually..." the hypnaga replied, the grin on his snout growing with every second. "I thought perhaps you could double-check my work and see how well I did."

Before the rubbermancer could ask what that meant Sslynthix flicked his wrist up and the mask he had created flew up and affixed itself to the latex face of the Eastern dragon. Though normally the mage could have neutralized it the hypnaga had taken him quite by surprise, by the time his fingers had gone up to the seams it had already merged with his face as his entire body began to grow limp. The lenses that had been protecting him this entire time had been skillfully neutralized as well as Sslynthix began to coil around his form. So many times, it was him that was on the other side of this... it felt good to finally get the upper hand as he heard a muffled groan come from the masked dragon.

"I'll take that as an agreement that I did good with this one," Sslynthix hissed as the Eastern dragon began to succumb, the air hoses twitching as the rubber continued to merge with his face and completely coat his head. "While I know that you will eventually get yourself out of it, I think it'll be long enough to have quite the celebration indeed..."

Sharing the Ultimate Experience (3/10)

A few days after Renzyl signed off on his training Sslynthix found himself standing in the hub room of Renzyl's manor, the hum of energy in the air as purple, blue, and red clouds swirled within the obelisks twisted around in a circle. Besides...

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Sharing the Ultimate Experience (1/10)

Days had passed since Jason had underwent his transformation into a hypnaga, though right now he was in a form of a different sort. As thanks for helping to unlock his latent psychic abilities he asked if he could spend some more time with...

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Creation of a Sabresnep Drone

Newlyn found himself walking around his apartment, yawning loudly as he went from his kitchen to his living room with a bowl of cereal in his hands. It was going to be the start of a lazy Saturday, turning on the television with bowl in hand and...

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